HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-24SPECIALOn motion, the meeting adjourned~ August 24, 1956 Pursuamt to the following waiver,-memberS of the Board of Comity S~Pervisors of Albemarle Coumty, Virginia, met in specialsession .on this date in the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, .at 7~00 P.M, with the following members~present: Messrsj H. Ashby Harris, Edgar N. Gar~ett, E~ward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland~ Jr., Robert Thraves and John W. WilliamS. Abesent: None. We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors ef'Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby waive a~tice, and special service thereof, for a meeting to be held at ?:00 P.M. on the twenty-fourth day of August, 1956, in the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of discussing the following~ 1. CrOzet SamitaryDis%rict. 2. Legislation re: construction of farm pondsj 3.. Report of Committee re: ac~s~s.~oad at Ivy. 4o Petition to operate priVate~ystem. And we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business'and the taking of such action at said meeti~gupon the matters hereinabeve mentioned as may be law- ful, incident and necessary thereto. ~H;~Ash~ris ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/~d~ar~N? ~arnet~t ~ , k Edward~. Smith M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. Robert Thraves John W. Williams .... Officers present: County Executive a~ Commonwealth's Attorney. The commit~eeappointed at the last regular meeting consisting e~ Messrs. Smith and Thraves, reported that they had-conferred with representatives of the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company with regard tc operatioaal policies and also with respect tothe improvement of the road leading to t~eir pro- pose~ siteat Ivy, Virginia. They stated they had met with Mr. Querry and Mr, Erb of the~abo~e Company amd .wereof'the opinion thateffort shduld be made to obtain Suffioiemt money frem the Industrial Access Road Fund,in order te improve the questiomed road. It was the sense of the meeting that'the thou~t ef the committee im this instance be pursued to the end suggested and they were so instructed by tHeOhair. The following communication from the Sydnor P~mp and Well~Companywith re,Peet te eperatiag a water system in Albemarle County, was presented~ ' ~ TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ~ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA a~ THE STA~E BOARD OF HEALTH OF VIRGINIA Richmond, Virginia Gent Iemen: "August 21, 1956 Pursuant to Chapter 455 of the Acts of Assembly of 1954, Sydnor Pump and Well Company, Incorporated, hereby gives notice that it proposes to establish, and hereby makes application for approval to ew~ablish, in the County of Albemarl®, Virginia, in and about: that 90 acre trace directly north of 6arth Road 1.4 miles west of its intersection with Route 29 and known as "Montvue", a water supply system consisting of a well, or wells, and the.necessary pipes, con- duits, mains, pumping stations, and other facilities in connection therewith, capable of serving at least three er more connections; and, in connection therewish gives the following information: WATER SUPPLY: Sydnor antiCipates developing, from ar- tesian well er wells to be drilled on sites located within the confines of or within the vicinity of the subdivision, a supply of water adequate to meet the reasonable needs of the proPOsed number of connections. The well or wells will have a minimum inside diameter~ of 6 inches and will be eon- structed and drilled in eo~formity with the specifications of the Department of Health of the State of Virginia' for public water supply and in conformity with the accepted standards for high quality well construction. PIPES, PU~PING STATIONS AND 0TH~ FACILITIF~: Water will be pumped from the anticipated well er wells with suit, able pumping equipment of recou~ized design and quality. The pumping -equipment will~autom~ically maintain the ~required' ' water pressure in hydropneuma~ic tank or tanks located, te the extent needed, at the Well"site er sites; and, if needed,' bulk surface storage of water will b~ provided. The produc- tiVe equipment will be housed,~ The distribution ef water te the connections or properties to be served from the water supply Will ~be through 2" cast-iron water mains fed ~y 3", 4" or larger lines as Sydnor may find proper so as to allow the full use of the water 'XUpply. 'Wells, w~ere more than one, will be scattered so as to obtain the' advantage of feeding water 'into the distribution lines from diverse points. Meters will be installed. Control valVes will be installed on all ~a~ch mains. 0PE~ATION.' The water supply:will be 'operated in accordance with the specifications of ~he Virginia ~tate Health Department. RATE~: Water service will ~be rendered to the connectors of this system for a minimum c .barge of $4.50 per month per connec- tion, allowing the use of 6~000 gallons, additional usuage to be eharge~ at .the rate of' 755 per 1,000 gallons in any one month. Sy~ner reserves the right to increase these 'rates in proportion to the increase in cost of living over and above its level of July l~ PROPOSED NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS AND NATURE THEREOF: It is anticipated that the proposed water supply system will be capable of serving the desired connections which for all er the most part will be ~esidential or domestic.' We ask that each ef you issue a certificate approving the establishment of the water system and the making thereto of 50 connections. Respectfully s ~bmitted, SYdnOr Pump and Well Co., Inc. (Signe~) Robert :E. Ryan Robert' E.' Ryan" After discussion of the. matter,~ it was moved by' Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sutherland., and unamimously carried, that permission be gra~ted the above aPPlicant to operate a water system' in actor- dance with conditions ~s set forth in their, application. The matter with regard to legislatioa in con~ecti~n with-cons%ruction .f farm ponds was not discussed. Certain matters with respect to the water situation in the Crozet SamitaryDistrict were pre- sented. Members of the Crezet Water Committee, as well as a number of interested persons, were present and participated im the discussion. Among those speaking were Mr. Wright-Harrison, Mr. AlamRosenkrans, and Mr. Ed Daughtrey. All of these persons spoke in favor of the Crozet Sanitary District and requested ~bat some means be nndertaken by the Board of Supervisors to assure that area cf a suf~fieient supply ef water, the main POint of the discussion being the necessity of supplying two industries within the Sani- taryDistrict 'with water. Considerable discusSion was given to this matter and all me~bers of the B&ard present assured the meeting that it was their individual thoughts that some legal means should be sought to alleviate the water condition within the Sanitary District. A motion byMr. Williams, seconded by.Mr. Thraves, that the Chairms~ appoint a committee con- sist~g of the Commonwealth's Attorney, the County. Executive and two Boardmembers to study the Crozet water problem and to pursue the enactment of special legislation if possible, was unanimously adopted. The Chair, in addition to the Commonwealth's Attorney and the County Executive, appointe~ Mr. Sutherland a~l Mr. Garnett aS members ef this On motion, the meet~g adjourned. September 1, 1956 Pursuant to the following wa%vet, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the County Office Building, 'Charlottesville, Virginia, at 9:00 A.M. with the following members present: Messrs. H.~Ashby Harris, Edward t. Smith, Edgar N. Garnett and John W. Williams. Absent: Messrs. M. Y. Suthertand, ~. and Robert Thraves. We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of AlbemarIe County, Virginia, ~by waive notice, and special service thercof, of. a meeting te be held at 9:00 A.M. en the first day-of September, 1956', ~ ~e County Office Building, CharlottesvilIe, ~Virginia, for the purpose of discuSsing legislation with regard to segregation-, and. we dO ~hereby consent te the transaction of any and all business and the t~ing of such action at said meeting upon the matter hereinabove mentioned as may be lawf~t, incident and necessary thereto.. - ~. H..Ashb~arris ~ Edward L. Smith M,~ Y. SUtherla~d," Jr. Robert Thraves -John W. Williams Officers present: ·County .Executive. ' The McCue-Richberg Bill with regard to Public Free ~chools was discussed ~md Senator E. O. McCue, Jr. appeared and ~explained the bill to the Board.· After considerable discUSsion, the following resolution was offere~ by Mr. Willi ~ams, seconded by Mrs. Gernett, and~ mnanimousty adopte~: BE. IT RESOLVED by the Board of County. Supervisors of Albemarle Connty., . Virginia, that this Board doom hereby endorse the. M¢Cue-Richberg Bill with regard to Public Free Schools and that-= representatives~ of-Albemarle County in the General Assembly be and are hreby urge~ to support said Bill and te work toward its adoption. . BE IT. FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of ~this. resolution be ferwarde~ te the Clerk of the Senate,~ the Clerk of the House. of Delegates, Senator E. Ol. McCua, ~r;, Delegate E. C. Compton and Delegate Henry B. Gordon. On motion, the meeting adjourned.