HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-30Howardsville Hillsboro Ivy Keswick Lindsay Milton Monticelle North Garden Owensville Porters Proffit Scottsville Stony Point White Hall Wingfield C. V. Giannini Mrs. W. B. Wiley Daniel D. Wood L. L. Chiles HI M. Sadler S. H. Hughes Roberta L. Page J. D. Maloney Charles Carr Arthur Lane, Jr. Stephen McCauley Miss Louise Beal C. E. Bell C. Hess Jones John Walker, Jr. Mr. Robert Thraves, Chairman of the Rabies Inoculation Committee, offered motion, seconded by Mr. ~therland, changing the policy in the Department of Finance with the regard to the issuance of dog tags to the extent of suspending the requirement of presenting rabies inoculation certificate as a prerequisite to obtainingdog tags. The motion was unanimously carried. Letters of appreciation to the Board for its aid toward the improvements to Cismont School were received from the Cismont PTA and from the Plumbing and Heating Committee of the Cismont School. Plat of Montview Subdivision was received bearing approval of the City and County Planning Commissions~ On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded byMr. Williams, the foregoing plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of the Board. The matter of dumping areas was discussed and it was the expressed feeling of the Board that the County Executive should proceed with negotiations for obtaining suitable dump sites in order th~ operation of dumps could be started when the new law becomes effective. Claims against the County amounting to $121,733o51 were presented, e~amined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Fund Central Fire District Fund Woolen Mills Sanitary District Commonwealth of Virginia CUrrent Credit Account Commonwe~lth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit AccoSnt Total $ 30,946~ 71 84,085.93 459°75 92.84 591 .O5 4,978.15 6.53 3.OO 540.82 $121,733.51 On motion, the meeting adjourned, until Noon, October 30, 1956. October, 30, 1956 The adjourned meeting of October 17, 1956 was held at 12:00 Noon, EST, this date with the following members present: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris, Mr. Edgar N. Garnett, Mr. Edward L. Smith, M~ Y. Sutherland, Jr., Robert Thraves and John W. Willaims. Absent: None. The County Executive advised that in accordance with advertisement published in the Daily Progress, this was the time and place for opening of bids for alterations and additions to the kitchen at the County Jail. Upon asking whether any more bids were to be received, he proceeded with the open- lng of the bids at hand. The following bids were received: Edward VanLaer and Company, Inc. W. E. and J. F. Bishop $9,843.00 9,850.00 After due consideration, it was moved by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mro Suthertand~ and unani- mously carried, that the Board accept the bid of Edward VanLaer and ComOany, Inc., in the sum of $9.8~3.00 and that the Chairman be authorized to e~ecute contract. Mr. W. ~. Shields, Resident Engineer, appeared before the Board and presented a sketch of Appletree Road which lies on the north side of Route 29South. He stated that this road was d&dicated in 1936 from Route 29 South to Stadium Road. However, only a portion of Apple Tree Road had been grade its entirety be accepted into the Secondary System ~m Route 29 to Stadium Road. After due considerati.$n and on motion by Nr. ~illiams, seconded by Nr. Thraves, it was resolved that this Board go on record as not recommending Apple Tree Road be accepted into the Secondary System in its entirely and that the request be denied. The County Executive.. presented to the Board~ b~.dgets_, for the~ calendar y.ear 1957 as p. repared by the Department~heads for the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office and the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office, anQ as approved by the Salary Committee. After due consideration of these Budgets, the follow- lng resolutions were unanimously adopted on motion duly made and seconded: (1) BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisorz of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the budget of the Albemarle COunty Department of Finance for the calendar year 1957 be and is hereby approved as follows: Salary, Director of Finance ..................... $ 8,600.00 Salary, Deputies, Assistants, etc. ............... . 38,320.00 Office Expenses .......................... 10,475.00 Office Furniture and Equipment ................. _2~ Total .... ~ $57,919.08 BE IT FDRTHER RESOLVED that the State Compenmation Board be and is here- by respectfully reojmested to participate in its proportionate share of the above budget. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the budget of the Albemarle County Sheriff's Office for the calen- dar year 1957 be and is hereby approved as follows: Salary, Sheriff ....................... ... . $ 5,880.00 Salary, Deputies, AsSistants, etc ................. 34,940.00 Office Expenses 8 020~00 ................... ..... . . . . 48,840.00 BE IT F~URTH~ RESOLVED that the State Compensation Board be and is hereby respectfully requested to participate in its proportionate share of the above budget. (3) BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle CoUUty~ Virginia, that the budget for the Albemarle County Commonwealth's Attorney for the calendar year 1957 be and is hereby approved as follows: Salary, Commonwealth's Attorney .................. $ 5,600~O0 Salary, Stenographer ....................... 1,200.00 Postage ..................... ~o~a~ ...... ~0~00 ...... $ 6,820.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~h~t the State Compensation Board be and is hereby respectfully requested to participate in its proportionate share of the above budget. On motion, the meeting adjourned.