HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-01-07SPECIAL N~r. Garnett suggested that the Board give thought to the fire protection policy before the budget for 1956-57 is adopted and also suggested that a committee from each Fire Company meet regarding this matter. Nr. ~illiams called ~r. Garnett's attention to a motion made by him on July 18, 1956, which carried unanimously, ordering that the fire prevention policy in the County be left az it now is, ie; a $1~200o00 annual appropriation to the Charlottesville, Scottsville, and Crozet Fire Companies. Claims against the County amounting to ~44!,997.61 were presented, exsmnined, and aliowed~ and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following f~ds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Fund Central Fire District Fund Woolen Mills Sanitary District Comm. of Virginia Current Credit Account 31;i38~56 84,770.62 537.32 2i7.33 ~,929.0! 28.78 3.00 ~,997.61 On motion, the meeting adjourned. January 7~ 1957 Purs~ to the ~llowing waiver, members of the Board of COt~nty S~ervisors of Albemarle Co~ty, Virginia~ met in special session on ~is date in the Cotu~ty Office Building, C~rlottesville, Vir~nia, at 7:30 P. N. with the follo~ng members present: Nessrs. H. Ashby Harris, Edgar N. G~nett, Edward L. Smith, N. Y~ Sutherland, Jr., Robert T~aves and Jo~ Wo ~lli~s. Absent: None. We, the ~dersi~ed, members of the Board of Co~n~ Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, here~waive notice and special ser~ce thereof, of a meeting to be ~d at ~:30 P~N. on the seventh day of January, 1957, in the County Office Building, C~rldttesville, Virginia, for the purpose of considering matters pertaining to the Crozet Sanitary District and a matter relati~ to Escrow A~eements, and we do hereby consent tothe transaction of any and all business and the t~ing of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinab~ve mentioned as may be la~, incident and necessary thereto. Robert Thraves :~/ Job~ ,~. ~!!iams Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The Chairman advised that the purpose of the meeting was. to consider in the main a recommen- dation of a special commit%ce of the Board of Supervisors which was presented at the meeting of December 19, 1956. He stated that at a previous meeting a special committee had been appointed to study means with respect to the creation of a co~ssion to operate and administer the affairs of the Crozet Sani- tary District. This committee, ha advised, had reported at the December meeting that a joint meeting with the Crozet $1a%er Committee be held in this regardl Considerable discussion was given to this ma%%- and it appeared to be the sense of the ~ater Commit%ce'members present that no benefit could .be derived by the appointment of a group of Sanitary District citizens to administer and operate the water affairs of that District. The Comnty Executive advised that a number of things were needed in the Sanitary District, including the following: (i) That only one water line feeds 2kezet and that in the ~ven% of any'break in the line, all the wa%er users Would be without water. In addition~ there is a lack of equipment to repair such a break should one occur. (2) Certain circuits in the distribution system are needed in order to maintain constant pressure.. A number of improvements are necessary in the filter plant site, such as: (a) Painting. (b) Clearing, (c) Fencing, etc. No effort has been made to repay for line installed on Hilltop Avenue several years ago. (5) New extensions are needed in order to serve the residents of the District. Considerable discussion was also given the means whereby additional revenue could be raised. It appeared to be the thought of the Croze~?ater Committee in this instance that neither the tax rate nor ~he water rate should be increasedj Of the two methods,mentioned, it appeared that should an in- crease be mandatory, that such increase should be placed on the water consumers. Further discussion was given to a number of phases of the Sanitary District, and on motion by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the matters discussed were referred to the Committee of the Boar~ for report at the next regular meeting. Ghe County Executive advised that at the request of the Board, he had contacted Nr. Ray W. Warrick relative to a permanent temporary connection to his well on White Hall Road. ~r. ~Warrick was present and presented the~ollowing comm~mica6ion: To the Board of County Supervisors and the Crozet Wkter Co~mittee: ~ent!emen: "January 7, 1957 Let me state in the beginning that I WO~od prefer to make no connection from my well to the CrozSt Water System. I would greatly prefer not to furnish water in the future for the Town of Crozet, as i have plans for developing my property by building houses on some of the land ahd I will nesd water to supply these houses when these plans materialize. However, I realize the position in which you gentlemen find yourselves and your need of water until plans for a permanent adequate water supply can be worked out. I, therefore, submit, as a basis for discussion between us, the following: 1. That a five (5) year contract be entered into, carrying the provision for automatic renewal from year to year upon the same terms and conditions, unless either party gives notice to the Other of his intention not to renew at least si~ty (60) days prior to the expiration of the original term or any yearly renewal. That said contract will contain, among other provisions, the following: The County will install' at its ovm expense and maintain: (a) A galvanized steel pipe-line of not less than 3" in diameter from my well to my packing house, this line to be buried to a depth of not less than 2 feet ~mderground. (b) A booster pump in the packing house for forcing the water to the Crozet water lines near the Thurston dwelling; (c) A permanent galvanized steel pipe line of proper~ize from the packing house to the Crozet water lines at the Thurston property; (d) At least a !" galvanized steel pipe line from the booster pump back to the present 500-gallon pressure tank in my yard~ properly equipped with check valves, pressure reducing valves, gauges, air compressor such other devices as may be necessary to maintain my present pressure system in satisfactory operating conditions (e) A proper meter to meter the water as it enters your lines from'the booster pump at my packing house and all water used by you will be metered; (f) A pump in my well with at least an 80-gallon per minute capacity~ (I am re- liably advised that this can be handled with a 7½ hourse power electric motor). The County would pay the electric bill on the pump during the period it is using water from my well. 3. I will grant, under the contract, a license to the Cotmty to install'the pipes, pumps and other equipment referred to above in, over and under my lands for the term of the contract or any automatic renewal thereof. However, upon termina- tion of the contract or any such automatic renewal, the pipe lines referred to ~der (2) (a) and (d) shall revert to me and become my property. Reserved to me under the contract will be the following. (a) The right to use from my well, free of charge, the same amount of water as I now use for spraying, yard, dwellings and other purposes. (b) The right to run water lines from your line to any houses I might .build, the water rate charge for use of such water to be the same charge as then made to other users of water in the Crozet Sanitary District. 5. During the period of time when my well is not supplying water to the Sanitary District, I would expect the County to pay that part of the electric bill over and above the amount I ~m now paying for my present 3 horse power electric pump. The present p~p is thoroughly adequate for all purposes for my use. A larger motor would cons~e more electricity to pump the same gallonage I am now requiring. 6. The consideration for the contract would be the payment to me of a "Standby" charge of ~lO0.00 per month, during the term of the contract and any automatic renewal thereof, plus l0 cents per 1000 gallons of water consumed as shown by the .meter. These charges would, of course, be in addition to that re- ferredto in (5) above. This is only a rough draft of what I have in mind and, of course, there will be many other details which will have to be worked out before any final com- mitment is made. Very truly yours, Ray W. ~arrick.'~ &fret discussion of the matter, it was moved by Nr. Suthert~nd, seconded by Williams, that this co~municati0n be referred to the Crozet Water Committee for recommendation. The County Executive advised that it was necessary to increase collateral to cover deposits in the Citizens Bank and Trust Company. On motion of ~r. Sutherland, Seconde~d by Nr. Smith, the follow- ing resolution was unanimously adopted: ~EREAS, it is necessary that the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Charlottesville, Virginia, Depository, increase securities as collateral with the Peoples National Bank, Escrow Bank, in accordance with Escrow Agreement b~ and between the E~tizans Bank and Trust Company, the Peoples National Bank, N.~ h.~ Pence, Director of Finance of Albemarle County, and the Board of Super- visors of Albemarle County. NOW, TH~EFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following securities be pledged by the Citizens Bank_ and Trust Company with the Peoples National Bank. $50,000.00 U.S. Treasury 2~% Bonds due 12/15/58. Aha, that these securities be held in accordance with terms of the above men- tioned Escrow Agreement. On motion, the meeting adjourned.