HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-02-01SPECIALto be ironed out. After 6onsiderable discussion~ the ~ollo~mng committee was appointed to study this matter: ~essrs. Edward L. Smith, ~. Y. Sutherland, Jrt, Robert Thraves, ~. ~. Pence and Downing L. Smith. Claims against the County amounting to $222,979.55 were presented, examined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund' Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Fund Woolen Mills Sanitary District Fund Commonwealth of Virginia: Current Credit Account 1957 State Income Account Dog Tax Credit Account $ 36,004.66 129,049.50 415.80 190.33 2,965.27 4,867.51 3.oo 44,780.61 4,699.04 ~222,979.55 On motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman F~r~ryl, 19~ P~sumt to Re ~llo~ng waiver, members of ~e ~ard ef Co~Supervisors of Albema~e Count, Vir~nia, met in s~cial session on ~is ~te, jointly with. members of the City Council, in t~ Ci~H~I, C~rlottesville, ~r~nia, at 10:30 A.M. ~th the ~llo~ng members present: Messrs. Jo~ W. ~lliams, Ed~r N. G~nett, H. Ashby Harris, Ed~ L. Smith, M. Y. ~utherla~, Jr., and Robert Thraves. 'Absent: None. ~, ~e ~dersi~ed, members of the Board of Co~ty SuperVisors of Albemarle County, Virgi~a, hero, waive notice and special servic~ thereof, of a meeting to be h~d at 10:30 A.M. on the ~rst day of February, 195~, in the Ci~Hall, C~rlottesville, Vir~a, for Re purpose of considering the Ro~e 250 By-Pass, and we do hereby consent ~ Re transaction of any a~ all business md the t~ing of such action ~ said meeting upon the matter ~rei~bove mentioned as ~y be lawful, incident and necessa~ thereto. / --Ed~ N. Garnett ~-~ H. A~hby H~ris '" 0 ~. Y. Su~la~, 'Jr. officers present: Cowry Executive. Mr. Rando!~ Per~ presented copy of statement to the State Highly Co~ission f~m Re Hi~- way Committee of ~e Cha~ottesvi~e a~ Albem~le Chamber of Commerce, which statement was read and o~er~ fil~. Mr. Per, also co~ented on the statement a~ ad,sod ~at this meeting was called at ~e r~uest of the Highway Co~ittee for the purpose of recei~ng support ~ the two ~verning ~dies ~th re~ to con~nuation of the Route 2~ By-Pass. A~er some discussion, the ~llo~ng resol~ion was unmimously adopt~ by this Boa~ md by the City Council: WHEREAS, the first section of the Route 250 By-pass was completed in 1953 and since that time t~affic conditions on the section of Route 29 South f~om where the By- pass-intersects to Route 250 West have become very bad, and WHEREAS, both business and residential growth in this area is rapidly in- creasing so as to make travel on this section of Route 29 very hazardous and very slow for both the local citizens and the travelling public, ~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle CoUnty and %he Council of the City of Charlottesville that the Highway Commission of the State of Virginia be and they are hereby urged to complete this. By-Pass as was originally planned, first to Route 250 West and then to Route 29 South, so as to relieve this very bad traffic condition which affects not only the County and City but also the travelling public and the University of Virginia, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive and the City Manager be re- quested~ to present a copy of this resolution to General James A. Anderson, Highway Cern- missioner, with the request that he recommend to the Commission that the second section of this road be Constructed to Route 250 West during the next fiscal year and'~the re- maining section of the By-Pass to Route 29 South as soon thereafter as possible. On motio~ the meeting adjourned. C airman