HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-05-06SPECIAL ~o~ 2 presented, exmmined, and allowed, I Claims against the County amounting to ;,~t-~4 4.46 were and i certified %o the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following ftmds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Ftund Crozet Sanitary ~istrict Fund Joint Health F~zad McIntire Trust F~smd Central Fire District Fund Woolen Mills Sanitary District Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Comr~. of Ira. Dog Tax Credit Aceotm% Total 85,111.64 gO0.30 fo03 379.17 4,900.23 785.60 8.00 3.00 ~397,~4.A6 On motion, the meeting adjottrned. Chairman May 6, 1957 Pursuant to the following waivem, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in' the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, at 10:O0 A.M. with the following members present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, Edward Lo Smith, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Abeent: Mr. H. Ashby Harris. We~ the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby waive-notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at lO:O0 A.M. on the sixth day of May, 1957, in the County Office Building, Char, lottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of receiving bids for constructing and opera- ting Disposal Area No. l~ and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matter hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, Robert Thraves Officers present~ Coomty Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Prior to the calling for the bids~ the Chairman advised those bidders present of a supplement to specifications for constructing znd operating Disposal Area No. 1. The bidders were told that the supplement would be considered in adendum to specifications set forth in the bid form. The adendum is as follows: SUPPLE~NT TO S~ECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTING & OPERATING DISPOSAL AREA NO. 1. 1. Work to begin within l0 (ten] days after signing of contract. 2. Grading and stabalizing of main road~ excavation of land fill #1, filling and leveling of area for t citizens dumping of refuse including leveling of temporary entrance road and clearing of that area on County property within 100' of land fill #1, must be completed by August l, 1957. 13. The contract will be completed and will terminate upon the satisfactory completion of the following: A. All clearing from Sta. O ~ 75 to Sta. l0 ~ 00. ¸98 4. Date of completion of contract will be governed by the length of time that sufficient refuse is brought in by citizens to complete Land Fill #lo All above work to be satisfactory completed, leaving the sealing of Land Fill #1 and the completing of excavation in pit of Land Fill #2 to be the final work. - T~ EXPLANAT_ON ON ITEN 6 & 7 ON BIDDING BLANK Item No. 6 - There will be fou~la~ of refuse three fe~t thick each. Each layer having 1778 sq. yds. and unit price^bid will be for each 3' compacted layer. Item No. 7 - Excavation is f~om Field No. 2 and compacted in Field No. !. the above, the Chairman called for bids and the County Executive received and pro- Following ceded to open the same. The bids were as follows: GARTH AND EARHART No__a Items ~antities Uni_ t Price Per Unit Doilars~Cents I Clearing 0/75 to 10/00 7.43 Acre $150.00 ~!,1!~50 2 Sta. to Sta. Grading 0 to 12 12.0 !00 feet 38.30 460.00 3 Cru~her~RunStone - Stabilization 15" C. ~. Pipe 6 Regular Excavation - Field No. 1 Placing, Spreading and Compacting in 3' depth layers of all garbage de~ livered adjacent to and on the active Field Area Excavation from Field Area and Compacting in l' layers on Active Field Caterpillar - 6 7 Items Clearing 0/75 to Sta.to Sta. Grading 0 to 12 Crusher Run Stone - Stabilization 350 15" C, M. Pipe Regular Excavation Field No. I (Dirt) 3000 Placing, Spreading and Compacting in 3~ depth layers of all garbage de- livered adjacent to and on the active Field Area 1778 Excavation from Field Area and Compacting in l' layers on Active Field 4741 International - TD-t8 350 Tons 2.73 950. O0 48 Fe st 3 · 2 5 t 56. O0 3000 Cu. Ydso .~0 !~200.00 39t.i6 1778 31 thick sq.yds. .22 1,173.48 4741 cu. yds. .60 Alternate Bid TOTAD Si z~e. ~ Rat~ L. C. CHISHOLM AND SONS ~[B_antities 12~0 ~ 8,289.74 $i0.00 ~Di~ Price Per Unit Dollars-Cents Acre $150.00 $1,1!~.50 100 feet 150.00 1,800.00 Tons 2.50 8~5.00 Feet 3.00 144.00 Cu. Ydso .40 1,200.00 3' thick sq.yds, 533.40 .30 i~6O0o20 (Dirt) Cu. Yds. .45 22,133.45 Alternate Bid TOTAL $ 9,400.55 Sizes WeiEht Rat~ 9 TD 18 iA tons $12.00 (Bids continued on next page) ~HA~ES BROS. No_~a. Items 1 Clearing 0t75 to lOtO0 ~uantitie~ 7.A3 Unit Price Per Unit Dollars-Cent Acres $125.00 $ 928.75 2 Station to Station Grading 0 to 12 12.0 lO0.feet 40.00 480.00 3 ~rusher Run Stone 3 50 Tons 2.2 5 787.50 4 15~ C. 4. Pipe 48 Feet 3.00 !44.00 5 E~cavation Field No. 1 3000 Cu. Yds. ~2~ 750.00 6 Placing, Spreading, and Compacting in 3' depth layers of all garbage delivered adjacent to and on the active Field Area 1778 3' thick 889.00 Sq. Yds. .50 2,667.00 7 Excavation from Field Area and Compacting in l' layers on Active Field 4741 Cu. Yds. .30 1,422.30 TOTAL $ 8,068,55 Alternate Bid T ~.eof E ui ment Siz_e. ~ Rat~ e T. D. 14 252700 lbs. $10.00 per hour A~ter tabulating and considering all bids, it was determined that the bid of Nahanes Cismont,~Virginia, in the sum~of $8,068.55 was the lowest bid submitted. Included in such ~id was the price of $!0.00 per hour ~mder alternate bid for rental of a TD-14 Crawler Tractor for maintenance of Sanitary Field No. 1. On motion by Nr. ~hraves, seconded by Nr. Sutherland, it was unanimously adopted that the bid of Nahanes Bros. be accepted and that the Comnty ~Executive be authorized to sign contract for the same. On motion, the meeting adjourned.