HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-06-19 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 19th day of June, 1957.
Present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, M. Y.
Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Dord's Prayer led by Mr. Pence.
Minutes of the meetings of Nay 15 and May 29, 1957 were read and approved.
Mr. John Crafax appeared on behalf of Dr. Ruday and himself and requested that the Board recom-
mend acceptance into the Secondary Road System Galloway Drive when said road is in shape for ordinary
maintenance and acceptable by the Highway Department. Mr. Crafax was advised that there had existed a
legal entanglement between Dr. Ruday and Mrs. Carter with regard to this road since it served the Holly
Field and Carterton Subdivisions jointly, and further that the Board was unwilling to adopt a resolution~~
recommending the acceptance of Galloway Drive until assurance is given that the matter between Dr. Ruday
and Mrs. Carter had been straightened out.
Nr. Allan Spitzer, Attorney, appeared and presented Petition signed by Mr. and Mrs. Beverley N.
Wilkerson requesting the Board to appoint Five viewers, who shall be resident freeholders of the County,
an~ three of whom may act, to examine Rougemont Avenue as it is dedicated on the Belmont plat from Green
Street to Rialto Street, and report upon the expedienc~ and/or necessity of establishing and/or altering
the width of such dedicated street from a 60 foot street or right of way to a 40 foot street or right of
'way, pursuant to Section 33-142 of the 1950 Code of Virginia. Mr. Spitzer advised that this dedicated
street was not used as such and was impractical to open for use as a street. He suggested that the re-
d~ction in width be accomplished by taking l0 feet off of the north side of Rougemont Avenue and l0 feet
off the south side. Mr-. W. W. Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, advised that the grade of the street
in question was prohibitive to opening the street. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. §utherland,
and unanimously carried, Messrs. Campbell Holt, Steve McCauley, William MoClung, C. C. Wade and J. G.
White III were appointed viewers, any three of whom may act, to view the above mentioned street and make
report to this Board at its next meeting.
Mrs. Martin and several other persons appeared with regard to Route 731 in Royal Acres. Mrs.
Martin advised that Route 731 was used by the Highway Department as a' tAst road of salt which had rusted
cars of the residents during the winter months. Mr. Shields advised that he was taking this matter up
with Richmond and would advise Mrs. Martin regarding this matter.
Mr. Shields reported regarding Route 679 to the West Virginia Sulp and Paper Company. He ad-
vised that right of way costs were estimated at $920.81. He stated further that the West Virginia Pulp
and Paper Company had agreed to contribut~ $1,500.00 toward the improvement of this road and that there
were f~nds available in the current budget in the sum of $4,000.00. Mr. Shi~ds further advised that
he believed this project could be completed for approximately $6,000.00 as originally estimated. On
motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, and unanimously carried, it was ordered that this project
be completed in accordance wit~Mr. Shield's proposal.
Mr. P~well of the Highway Right of Way Department appeared and requested the Board to adopt a
re~olution authorizing acquisition of rights of way on Route 601 and 654 and the bridge and approaches at
Ivy Creek, this bring one of the projects requSsted by this Board to be included in the Federal Aid Pro-
gram several years ago. Mr. Inabinet, Asst. Resident Engineer, advised that the bridge at Ivy Creek woul~
have to be replaced in another year and Mr. Shields advised that the traffic cou~t on this road was very
heavy. On motion of Mr. Suther!and, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the following resolution was unanimously
WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia, through the Department of Highways,
has prepared and submitted plans to the Board for the construction er improvement of
a section of Routes 601 and 654 of the State Secondary System, Project ~30~-t2,
in Albemarle County. Bri~ ~ A~.~o o~ T,~ ~ ........ ~ ~-_ . .
WHEREAS, it is the desire of this Board that said road be improved in
cordance with said plans.
NOW, THEEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That this Board hereby approved the plans
and requests the Department of Highways to proceed with construction in accordance
therewith, and this Board hereby agrees to assist:and cooperate in the acquisition of
the right of way shown on plans as being required, it being understood that costs for
such right of way are to be paid from Secondary funds allocated or to be allocated to
A~bemarle County.
It is further understood and agreed that in the event one or more property
owners refuse to execute a deed covering land required from their properties for
right of way purposed that the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways,
will institute and conclude condemnation proceedings and that all costs are to be
paid from Secondary funds allocated or to be allocated to Albemarle County.
The Board-was advised that it had been found necessary to move the right of way on Route 708
at Mt. Olivet Church since the right of way as laid out would touch the corner of the Church. On motion
of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
This Board, being familiar with the planned construction work on Route
708, Project No. 1302-19, Albemarle County, hereby requests that the State Highway
Department, rather than make payment into Court on the Lt. Olivet Methodist Church
property at Station 156~00, shift their center line approximately ten feet to the
North at this point if it be practical to do so. We feel that to take additional
land from the Church property at the N.E. corner of the Church building where the
old right of way is within ten feet of the building shouted be avoided if possible.
Communication wa~ received from Mr. Amos R. Sweet advising that eertain streets in Sections
Iti, IV and V ~n Rutledge Subdivision had been completed in accordance with specifications of the Vir-
ginia Department of Highways and had been inspected by said Department, and requested acceptance of said
streets into the Secondary System. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the following reso-
lution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS the following streets in Rutledge Subdivision, Albemarle County,
have been completed in accordance with standards and specifications of the Virginia
Department of Highways, and said streets have been inspected by said Department,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County SuperviEors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby
requested to accept into the Secondary System, effective July 1, 1957, the following
described streets in Rutledge Subdivision:
S~otion III?'_
KingMountain Road - From Brandywine Drive to the eastern terminus (Turn, around)
1,525 Lin. Ft. or 0.289 miles.
Meadowbrook Road - From South line of Rutledge, excluding the twenty foot strip,
at the beginning of the fifty foot right of way and continu-
ing northeast to the interseCtion of Essex Road.
590 Lin. Ft. or 0.112 miles.
Brandywine Drive - From King Mountain Road to Essex Road.
$00 Lin. Ft. or 0.076miles.
Essex Road - From Meadowbrook Road to Brandywine Drive.
1,050Lin. Ft. or 0,199 miles.
Brandywine Drive - Same section as called for in Section III.
Section V:
Meadowbrook Road - From Essex Road, east to Yorktown Drive.
9~0 Lin. Ft. or 0.178 miles.
Meadowbrook Court - From Meadowbrook Road through Turn-around.
350 Lin. Ft. or 0.0666 miles.
Yorktown Drive - From Meadowbrook Road intersection to accepted terminus in Section I.
1,350Lin. Ft. or Oo2~6miles.
Bunkerhill Drive - From Yorktown Drive to temporary ~urn-around.
420 lin. ft. or 0.080 miles~ *(BE IT FURTHE~ RESOLVED that the Virgi
(mentof Highways be and is hereby gna~
TOTAL - §~625 Lineal Feet or 1.256 mil2§s ...... (fOot right of way on the above mentio~
Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising that in accor-
dance with resolution of this board, the following additions had been accepted into the Secondary S~stem,
effective Nay 13, 1957:.
(1) Beginning at Route 29 in Covesville and running in an easterly direction for
~ia Depart-)
~anteed a 50)
~ed streets.)
The County ExeCutive advised that the appropriation for the .Charlottesville-Albemarle Library
a~ adopted in the County's budget was in the amonflt of $12,910.00, said figure having also been approved
by Fluvanna County. However, he had been advised by a member of the Library Board that the City Council
had cut the Library's budget, which would require an appropriation from the County of only
He stated that the City Con~cil had earmarked State-Aid for books rather than for the purchase of a
bookmobile as provided in the Library Budget. After considerable discussion of this matter, the follow-
ing committee was appointed to meet with the committee from the Library Board which had been appointed
regarding purchase of a bookmobile and a representative of Fluvanna County, to discuss this matter and
make report to this Board at its next regular meeting: Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Smith, the Commonwealth's
Attorney and the County Executive.
In f~rther connection with the LibRary Board, this Board was advised that Mrs. Hannah Catlin's
term on the Library Board would expire on June 30, 1957. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr.
Thraves, and-nnanimously carried, Mrs. Catlin was reappointed to the Library Board for a term of three
years, expiring June 30, 1960.
The County ~ Executive advised that he had contacted the Virginia ~elephone and Telegraph Com-
pany with regard to serEiee in the Burnley area and had been advised that survey of such service was
nearing completion and report would be made to the Board at the regular July meeting.
Communication was received from Mr. W. O. Holland-, Jr., AssiStant County Agent, advising that
he had received call to serve in the Army for a six month period and requesting a leave of absence for
that period of time. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, and ~nanimously carried, leave
of absence of Mr. Holland was approved for six months for military service, Mr. Holland to return to
his duties as Asst. County Agent immediately following his discharge.
Communication was received from Mrs. Phyllis R. Montague in which she tendered her resignatior~
as Assto Home Demonstration Agent, effective July 31, 1957, due the the fact that she is moving from the
County. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, and nnanimously carried, Mrs. Montague's
resignation was accepted with regret.
8ommunication was received from Mrs. Lucy Blake, District Home Demonstration Agent, recommend-
ing the employment of Mrs. Margaret E. Doboy to replace Mrs. Montague as Asst. County Home Demonstration
Agent. The County Executive requested this Board to ratify the appointment of Mrs. Doboy. On motion
of Mr. G~rnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, and unanimously carried, the employment of Mrs. Margaret E.
Doboy as Asst. Home Demonstration Agent was approved.
An offer in the amount of $175.00 was received from Mr. David J. Wood, Jr. for approximately
six acres of land belonging to the County and situated in the Ivy~ Magisterial District. On motion dally
~ade and seconded, Mr. Edward Smith and Mr. Fletcher Simms were requested to view this tract of land
and to report upon same at the next regular meeting.
The County Executive advised that in accordance with previous action of the Board,he had con-
tacted Mr. Fred Forbore with regard to mileage allowance of the real estate appraisers who had r~c~mm~nd~
that said assessors be paid on actual miles traveled. However, it was the expressed feeling of this
Board that it would prefer to pay a regular mileage allowance s~nd on motion ef Mr. Harris, seconded by
Mr. Smith, and unanimously carried, it was ordered that mileage allowance of real estate appraisers be
increased from $70.00 to $80.00, effective July l, 1957.
Communication was received from Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, in reply to a
letter from the County Executive, advising that the local Highway Department had received authorization
t~ enter into an agreement with Albemarle County to pay a rate of 705 per load for the privilege of
using the County D~mps, and fttt~h~r stating that he felt that the agreement should be entered into when
the dumps are completed and in operation. The County Executive stated that he also felt that s~id agree~
merit should not be made'until the dumps are in operation.
Statement was received from Mr. O. Robbins Randolph in the amount of $763.. 59 for survey of the
Samuel Miller and Charlottesville District Dump sites, said amount bein~ $16So59 over and above the
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of. Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
that $163.59 be and is hereby appropriated for s~rvey of County Dump sites.
Communication was received from the State Compensation Board advising that said Board had ap-
proved the recommendation of this Board for an allowance of ~$3,912.30 to cover cost of a Burrough's Tax
Billing Machine and $150.00 for the control bars for same, and an allowance of $2,365.20 to cover cost
of a Burrough's Sensimatie "200".
Resolution was received from the Board of Supervisors of Nelson County regarding simplified
method of enforcing lien for delinquent real estate taxes and was ordered filed.
Numerous resolutions and communications were received with regard to assessment of public
service corporations and were ordered filed.
On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Garnett, rules with regard to second readings were
suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: "":
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Coun~ty Supervisors of Albemarle._ Co~y,,, ,.
Virginia, that $~3~'~399.75 be and the same is hereby appropriated for o~e~a~o~?~ ~?~'?'"
of schools for the month of July, 1957.
C~aimlagainst the Dog Tax Fund.was received from Purvis and Johnson for one ewe killed by dogs
On motion of Mr. Harris, Seconded-by Mr. Garnett, this claim Was allowed in the amount of $15.00.
The 'County~ Executive .~ advised, that due .to the. ag.e and condition of one of the adding machines
in his office.,'~i.~'~s,. ne, cessary ~that 'same,~be~eplace~-..and, t:ha~t he had 'received a mpr!ce of $650.75 for
a Model 99 Re~hgton Rand Calculater to. replace said machine,. On motio~ of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by
Mr. Harris, rules with ~regard to second readings were suspended and the following resolution unanimously
BE IT~.RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $650.75 .be 'and. the same is.hereby appr°p~iated for the purchase of
a Model 99 Remington Rand Calculator, .and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Compensa~tion Board be and is hereby
requested to ,participate in its ~proportionate share of the cost of said 'machine.
Communication was received from the Peoples National' B.ank requestin~g the release of $200,000.0(
U. S. Treasury 2~% Bonds, said securities not being necessary to secure the County's accounts at thiE
On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Harris, the following resolution was unani-
time of the year.
mously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Peoples National Bank ofI Charlottesville.., Depository, has re-
quested the release of certain sec~mrities held B~ ~e Treasurer of Virginia, E~crow
Agent, in accordance with Escrow Agreement by and between the Peoples National Bank,
the Treasurer of Virginia, M. N~. Pence, Director of Finance of Albemarle County, and
the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE ~IT RESOLVED .by the Bpard of~ County. Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that the Treasurer of Virginia be and is hereby authorized
to release to the ~eoples National Bank, the following securities:
$200.,000.00 U.S. Treasury Bonds, 2~$~ due 8/15/63- #18522/23
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that cqpies of this resolution be forwarded tothe
Peoples National Bank and to ~he Treasurer of Virginia.
A declaration on its public school crisis was received from Middlesex County, was read and
ordered filed.
The Director of Finance submitted sta~tement of expenses of the Department of Finance for the
month of May, 1957, of which one-half is to be borne by the State. On motion, duly made and. seconded,
this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
The Director of Finance submitted statement of expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month
of May, 1957,'of which two-thirds is to be borne by the State. On motion, duly made and seconded, this
Statement was examined, verified and approved.
The Director of Finance submitted statment of expenses of the office of the Commonwealth's
Attorney for the month of May, 1957, of which one-half is to be borne by the ~State. On motion, duly made
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of Jail for the month of Nay, 1957, was pre-
sented along with S~mmmLry Statement of Prisoner Days. On motion~ duly made and ~econded, these state-
ments were examined, verified and approved.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of May, 1957, were presented in ac-
cordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia°
Report ef the County Executive for the month of May, 1957, was presented, approved and ordered
Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, presented to the Board the Annual Appropriation Ordi-
nance for the year 1957-58. On motion, made by Mr. Sutherland and seconded by Mr. Earris~ rules with
regard to second readings were suspended and the Appropriation Ordinance as follows was adopted by the
following recorded vote: Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Smith, Sutherland and Thraves.
For The Fiscal Year Eh_ding June 30, I958
Noes--' None,
Offioe ~he County
of the. Ci~uit ~cmrt
Pa~raph Three
of She function
Paragraph Five
For the current expenses of the function of ADmiNISTRATION OF JUSTICE the
sum of eleven thousand one hundred thirty dollars and no cents ($11,130'00) is
appropriated from the General Fund to be apportioned asfollows:
1. Circui~ Court $ 4,145~0
2. Trial Justice Court 465?00
3. Commonwealth's AttOrney'-~ 0ffic~ 6,520.00
Paragraph Six
For the current expenses of the function of CRI~ PREVENTION & 'DETECTION
the sum of sixty-two thousand six hundred sixty dollars and no costs ($62,660.00)
is appropriated from the General Fund to be apportioned as follows:
1. Policing and Investigation $49,575.00
2. Conf~ent and Care of Prisoners 13,08'5.00
Paragraph Seven
For the current expenses of the function of FIRE PREVENTION & EXTINCTION
the sum of ten thousand forty-one dollars and no cents ($10,04~.00) is apPro-
priated from the Genex~sl Fund to be apportioned as follows:
1. App~p. ~ Central Fire District Fund $ 3,956.00 ~
2~ Approp. to Crozet fire District Fund 1,200~00
3. Approp, to Scottsville Fire Company 1,200.00
4. Other Fire Prevention Activities 3,685.00
Paragraph Eight
For the current expenses .of the function of PUBLIC ~ELFARE the sum of two
hundred nfnteen thousand nine hundred seventy-five dollars and no cents
($219,975,00) is appropriated from the General Fund~ to be apportioned as follows:
I. Administration $33,405.00
2. Public Assistance - Federal, State, Local 165,670.00
3. Institutional Care 20,300.00
4. Other Welfare Aid 200.00
5. Lunacy Commission 400.00
Paragraph Nine
For the current expenses of the function of PUBLIC HEALTH the sum of twenty-
two thousand eight hundred fifty dollars and ne cents ($22,850.00) is appro-
priated from the General Fund to be apportioned as follows:
1. Joint Health Department $19,750.00
2. Other Public Health Activities 3,100.00
Paragraph Ten
For the current expenses of the function of ADVANCemeNT OF AGRICULTURE AND
HOE ECONOMICS the ~mum of twelve thousand eight hundred eighty-~ne dollars and
no cents ($12,881.00) is appropriated from the General Fund.
Paragraph Eleven
For the current expenses of the function of ELECTIONS the sum of four
thousand three hunclred ninty dollars and no cents ($4,390.00) is app~priated
from the General Fund.
Paragraph Twelve
Fer the current expenses of the function of MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND
GROUNDS the ~um of sixteen thousand eighty dollags and no cents ($16,080.00)
is appropriated from the General Fund~.
Paragraph Thirteen
For the current expenses of MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS the sum of
seventeen thousand three hundred twenty-five dollars and no cents ($17,325.00)
is appropriated from the General Fund to be app. erti~med as follows:
1. Contribution to Charlottesville-Albemarle Library $12,710.O0
2. Civilian Defense 750.00
3. Social Security Tax 2,500.00
4~ Oth~ Miscellaneous Items 1,365.00
Total GENERAL FUND apprepriatiens for the Fiscal
year .ending June 30, 1958
To be provided for as follows:
Revenue from Local ~ources
Revenue. from the Commonwealth
Nonrevenue Receipts
Total GEh~RAL FUN~ resources available
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1958
That the following sums of money be and the same~are hereby appropriated
for purposes specified herein for the fiscal year end~g June 30, 1958:
Paragraph One
For the current expenses of the function of PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK AND
FO~LS the sum of ten thousand two hundred dollars and no cents ($10,200.00)
appropriated from the Dog Tax Fund.
Total DOG TAX FUND appropriation for the
Fiscal Year' Ending June 30, 1958
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1957
Sale of Dog Tags (net)
Receipts from Innoculation
Total DOG TAX FUND resources for the
FiScal Year Ending June 30, 1958
20q. po
$ 10,200.O0
That the fello~in~ s~ms of money be ~ the same is hereby appropria%~
for p~peses spe~ie~ here~ for %he fise~ year end~g J~e 30~ 19~8:
Paragraph One
For the current expenses of the function of the' CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT
the sum of tweaty-eight thousand seven hu~re~ dollars an~ ne cents ($28,700.00)
is appropriate~ from the. CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUND to be apportioned as
1. A~inistration $ 875.50
2. Maintenance and Operation 9,462.0~
3. Capital Outlay, Distribution System 3,900.00
~.~ Debt ~ee 14,462.50
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1958
$ 28,700.00
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1957
Revenue from Local SoUrces
for the Fiaeal Year Ending June 30, 1958
That the fo!lowing sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
for %he purposes specified herein for the fiseal year ~nding June 30, 19~8:
Paragraph One
For the eurrent exp eases of the function of the CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT
the sum of seven th~and-nine hundred fifty-six dollars and no eents
($?,9~00) is hereby ~.appropri~ted from the CE~PPRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND~
To be.
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1958
provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1957
Appropriation from. General Fund
T~X Levy
(~atside' Use of Fire Truck
available for Fiscal Year Ending June
30, 195~
$ -0-
Ths~ the following sums of money be an~ the same are hereby appropriated
for JOI~ HEALTH DEP&RT~ENT purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1958:
Paragraph One
For the current expenses of the JOINT HEALTH DEPART~fT the sum of sixty-
three thousand one hundred seventy-nine dollars and no cents '($63,179.00) is
hereby appropriated from the JOINT HEALTH. DEPART~T FUND.
Total JOINT HEALTH DEP~TME~ NT appropriation
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1958
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1957
Revenue from Local Sources:
University of Virginia
County of Albemarle
City of Charlottesville
Revenue from the Commonwealth
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1958
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby approp-
riated for ~0HOOL purposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30,
Paragraph One
For the current expenses of the COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM the sum of three hun-
dred forty-three thousand, five hundred seventy-four dollars and seventY-five
cents ($343,574.75) is appropriated.
Paragraph Two
For capital outlay of the COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM the sum of twenty-two
thousand four hundred fifty dollars and no cents ($22,450.00) is appropriated
from the School Fund to be apportioned as follows:
1. Equipment for ~ldings $ 8,700.00
2. New School Buses 12~750.00
3. Improvement to Sites 1,000.00
Paragraph Three
For the payment of interest on and retirement of debt of the County School
System for the sum of sixty-seven thousand three hundred seventy-five dollars
and no cents ($67,375.00) is appropriated from the School Fund 'to be apportioned
as follows:
2. Interest en Literary Fund Aoans 12,500.00
Bonds 25,000.00
Interest on Bonds 4,8?5.00
Total School Fund appropriations for the
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1958
That the following sums of moneybeand the same are hereby appropriated
for the purposes specified herein for the fiscal year ending June 30~ 1958:
Paragraph One
For the function of SPECIAL SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY the sum of one hundred
seventeen thousand dollars and no conts ($117,000.00) is hereby appropriated
from the Special School Capital Outlay Fund.
To be
Special School Capital Outlay Fund
Appropriation for the Fiscal Year Ending
June 30, 19 58
provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1957 $ -O-
Revenue from Local Sources 117,000.00
Revenue from the Commonwealth -O-
Revenue from the Federal Government -O-
Non.revenue -O-
Appropriation from General Fund
Total Special School Capital Outlay Fund
Resources for Fiscal Yr. Ending 6/30/58
$I17,000. OO
That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated
for the purposes specified herein for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1958:
Paragraph One
For the function of the ~I~fIRE TRUST FUND the sum of two thousand seven
hundred seventy-five dollars and no cents ($2,775.00) is hereby appropriated'
from the NcIntireTrust Fund~
Total McIntire Trust Fund Appropriation for
the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1958
To be provided for as follows:
Anticipated balance at July 1, 1957
$ -0-
Peoples National Bank - Charlottesville, Va.
Literary Fund of Virginia
Total McIntire Trust Fund resources for
the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1958
Total Appropriations Mentioned in Sections I through VIII in This
Ordinance For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1958:
Section I
Section II
Section III
Section IV
Section V
Section VI
Section VII
Section VIII
$ 474,610.00
28, 700.00
434, 399°75
117, 000.00
.... 2,775~00
All of the monies appropriated as shown by the contained items in Sections
I through VIII are appropriated upon the provisos, terms, conditions and pre-
visions herein before set forth in connection with said items and those set
forth in this section.
Paragraph One
Subject to the qualification in this ordinance contained, all appropriations
made out of the General Fund, the Dog Tax Fund, the Crozet Sanitary District
Fund, the Central Fire District Fund, the Joint Health Department Fund, the
School Fund, the Special School Capital Outaly Fund, and the ~IcIntire Trust
Fund are declared to be maximum, conditional and proportionate appropriations--
the purpose being to make the appropriations payable in full in the amount
named herein if necessary and then. only in the event the aggregate revenues
collected and available during the fiscal year for which the ap~priations are
made are sufficient to pay all the appropriations in full. Otherwise, the said
appropriations shall he d~emed to be payable in such proportions as the total
sum of all realized revenue of the General Fund, the Dog Tax Fund, the Crozet
Sanitary District Fund, the Central Fire District Fund, the Joint Health Depart-
ment Fund, the School Fund, the Special Capital Outlay Fund, the McIntire Trust
Fund is to the total amount of revenue estimated to be available in the said
fiscal year by the Board of Supervisors, the School Board, and the Board of
Public Welfare.
Paragraph Two
Ail revenue received by any agency under the control of the Board- of Super-
visors' or by the School Board or by the Board of Public Welfare not include~ in
~ se
Soard of Supervisors m~y not be e~pendsd by the said a~oncy nnder the centrel ef
the Board cf Supe~wisors or by the Seh~l Board or by the Board of Public ~el-
fare ~ith~t the consent of the Board cf Supervisors being first obtained. Nor
may any of these agencies or boards make expenditures which will exceed a spe-
cific ~tem of an appropriation or make transfers between specific items of ap-
propriation without the consent of the Beard of Supervisors being first obtained.
Paragraph Three
All balances of appropriations payable out of the General Fttnd of the county
treasury at the close of business on the thirtieth (30th) day of June, 1957,
except as otherwise provided for, are hereby declared to be lapsed into the
county treasury and shall be used for the ~ayment of the app~.~riations which
may be made in the appropriation ordinance for the next fiscal year, beginning
July 1, 1957. However, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to be ap-
plicable to the School Fund (or any other especially restricted fund).
Paragraph Four
No obligations for goods, materials, supplies, equipment or contractural
services for any purpose may be incurred by any department, bures, u, agency or
individual under the direct control of the Board of Supervisors ~xcept by requi-
sition to ~he director of financo~ provided, however, no requisition for con-
tractural services--such as communications, travel, freight, express--and member~
ship fees and Subscriptions shall be required; and provided further that no
requisition for contractural services involving the issuance of a contract on a
competitive bid bases shall be required, but Such contract shall be approved by
the head of the contracting department, bureau, agency or individual and the
director of finance, who shall be resp~nsible for securing such competitive
bids on the basis of specifications furnished by the contracting department,
bureau, agency or individual.
In :the event of the failure for any reason of approval herein required for
such ~ontracts, said contracts sh~ll be awarded through appropriate action of
the Board of Supervisors.
Any ?pl. igations incurred contrary to these requirements shall not be con-
sidered oblzgations of the county and the director of finance shall not issue
any warrants in payment for such obligations.
Paragraph Five
Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing any reduction to
be made in the amounts appropriated in this ordinance for the payment of interest
or principal on indebtedness of the 0ounty of Albemarle. (22-124, Code of Va.)
Paragraph Six
Allowances out of any of the appropriations made in this ordinance by any
er all county departments, bureaus, or agencies under the control of the Board
of Supervisors to any of their officers and employees for expensem on account
of the use by such officers and employees of their personal automobiles in the
discharge of their official duties shall not exceed seven cents (75) a mile of
actual travet$
All ~ravel expense 'a~counts shall be submitted on forms and according to
prescribed or approved by the director of £~uanceo Each account
. show the dates expenses ~ere ~ncu~red or paid, points between which ira-
expenses such as telegrams, telephone calls, etc. must be specified in each
instance, and a concise statement of the purpose of or reason for such travel
.expenses. The director of finance is specifically directed to ~ithhold the issu-
ance of warrant-checks in pa2ment of expense accounts submitted for "lump sum"
Paragraph Eight
The compensation of each employee ~ho enters the service of the County of
Albemarle during the period which begins July 1, !9~? and ends June 30,
shall be fixed for the said fiscal year at such rate as shall be determined'by
the county executive in ~riting and as approved by the Board of Supervisors, and
no increase shall be made in the compensation of any employee of the County of
Albemarle during the said fiscal year except with the approval of the' Board of
Supervisors being first obtained; provided, however, that this restriction shall
not apply to officers or employees of the School Board and the Board of Public
~fare. ~here any employee is appointed or employed to fill a vacancy in a
position the ooun~ executive may fix the salary of ~ch employee who enters
the se~wice of any agency (under the control of the Board of Supervisors) or is
promoted to such position during the period which begins July 1, 1957 and .ends
June 30, 1958, at a lower rate or amount tha~ was approved for the position at
the time it became vacant. It is provided, however, that such employment shall
be subject to the approval of the Board of ~uperviso~s.
Paragraph Nine
Nothing herein con~.'ined, however, shall be construed to vest with the
county execUtive the employment or promotion of personnel for the School Board
o~ the Board of Public Welfare.
Paragraph Ten
The fund budgets in Sections I through VIII are hereby adopted and made the
official Budge% document of the County of Albemarle but it is ~ssly provided
that the restrictions with respect to the expenditure of funds appropriated shall
apply only to the lump sum amounts fc~ the respective items of appropriations
which have been included in this ordinance.
Paragraph Eleven
Ail ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions
cf this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed.
On motion of Nr. Harris, seconded bY Mr. Thraves, the following resolution was unanimously
RE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County. Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, does hereby express its grief at the passing of Philip M. Elliott on the
13th day, of June, 1957, who so ably served as Jailor for Albemarle County since
Nay, 1934, and whose life aud work were distinguished by his kindness, his sincerity
and his consideration for his associates, and whose loss will be k~snly felt by the
Co~muty, and
BE IT FURTP~ERRESOLVED that the..sincere and'deepest sympathy of each
member of this Board be extended to the wife of Mr. Elliott for the loss she has
sustained, and that copies of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this
meeting, a~d be de~ive~ed~ ~tQ the wife of Mr. Elliott.
Dr. Ruday m~d Nfs. Carter appeared regarding Cr~lloway Drive and Holly Road serving Ca~erton
d Ho~ie!d Su~ivisions. They stated that all leal matters had been iron out between them and re-~:'~: ~.
quested resolution of intent of this Board to reco~end acceptance of G~loway Drive and Holly Road in
the Secondary System upon commotion of said roads. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Nr~ Smith,
the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that this Board will recommend for acceptance into the. State Secondary
Road System Galloway Drive and Holly Road if andwhen said roads have been completed
in accordance with standards and specifications of the Virginia Department of High-
ways, and subject to recommendation of the State Resident Engineer.
The matter of a street light requested by the residents of Bellair for the entrance to Bellair
on Route 250 West was again brought before the Board. On motion of Nfo Thraves, seconded by Mr. Smith,
the County Executive was instructed to contact the Virginia Electric & Power Company and request a sur-
vey in conne, ction with the installation of a street light at the entrance to Bellair at Route 250 West.
Claims against the County amounting to $149,854.11 were presented, examined, and allowed, and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment ~nd charged against the ~ollowing funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Fund
NcIntire Trust Fund
Central Fire District Fund
Woolen Mills Sanitary District Fm~d
CommOnwealth of ~Virginia CUrrent Credit Account
Dommonwealth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Account
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
$ 37,024.97
5,461 · 85