HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-07-17 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 19th day of July, 1957. Present: Nessrs. Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, Edv~rd L. Smith, ~. Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Absent: Mr. John W. ~illiams. Office~s:present: County Executive and JackKegley, Asst. Commonwealth's Attorney. ~The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nr. ~. M. Pence. ~inut~s of the meeting of Juue 19, 1957, were read and approved. The following Viewers' Report was received and read: Pursuant to the order of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, issued by it on Jtuue 19, 1957, the undersigned viewers proceeded to make a view of Rougemont Avenue and e×amine the portion of Rougemont Avenue running west fro~ the western margin of Green Street to the eastern margin of Rial%o Street, said street being sho~wn on a plat of the Belmont property as being 60 feet wide and extending for a distance of 310 feet, more or less, do make the following report as requested in said order: (1) That the eastern terminus of Rougemont Avenue, extending for a distance of .1 of a mile from the eastern margin of Green Street, is the only portion of said street that is now being used as a street and is hard surfaced. By an action taken by the said Board on August ~, 1954, the said Board and the Virginia Detartment of Highways has accepted a ~0 foot right of way for this paved portion of Rougemont Avenue, which Width is satisfactorily serving the houses located on said street. (2) That Rougemont Avenue, from the western margin of Green Street to the eastern margin of Rialto Street is open and simply exists as a dedicated street as shown on the above mentioned plat of the Belmont property. The entire length of this street has been used by the adjoining land. owners and has been fenced and used for private purposes for many years. There is no evidence to show that this ha~ever been used as a street or ever accepted by the County or State Highway Department. The grade of the street, at the intersection with Green Street, for a distance of more than half the length of the said street, is so steepthat it renders the construction of a 60 foot street or a 40 foot street impractical. There are no buildings which front on this portion of said street and the pro- perty is large!yunimproved. (3) The viewers are of the opinion that the convenience of the public will be served by the altering of the width of this street from a 60 foot width to a 50 foot width and that there is no necessity or expediency for a.60 foot wide ~ight of way for this portion of Rougemont Avenue. The viewers recommend that the reduction of the width of this street be accomplished by taking 5 feet off the north side of Rouge$ont Avenue and 5 feet off the south side of Rouge- mont Avenue as it runs from Green Street to Rialto Street, a distance of approxi- mately 310 feet. (4) The following persons are owners of the land which fronts on this portion of Rougemont A~enue: Beverley N. Wilkerson and Bella ~. Wilkerson, who are the petitioners, Thomas Goodman Burgess and Ease Burnell Burgess, and Joseph ~. Templeton, Jr. and Bruce G. Templeton, F~xecutors of the Estate of J. N. Templeton. None of the land owners require compensation as the reduction of the width of said right of way will Lucrease the property owned by them on the said street. There will be no cost of altering the width of the said right of way to 50 feet. Signed this llth day of July, 1957. (Signed) Campbell Holt S. O. NcCauley William A. NcClung All property owners involved having been summoned to appear before this Board to show cause, if any, against said reduction of the width of said street, ~. Bernard Chamberlain, Attorney, appeared in behalf of the Executors of the Templeton Estate and requested that the right of way be reduced to onl 50 feet rather than40 feet as requested by the petitioners. Mr. Wilkerson, and his attorney, Er. Allan Spitzer, being present, agreed to the change requested by Mr. Chamberlain, and on motion of Er. Sutherla~ seconded by ~r. Garnett, the viewers' report was changed to read a .5~0 foot right of way instead of a 40 foot right of wa~ywith 5 feet being taken from each side rather than l0 feet, the above spread report reflecting the approved resolution was unanimousl ~anges. On motion of Nr. Garnett, seconded by Nr. Sutherland, the following adopted: WHERE , Beverely N. Wilkerson and Bella ~. Wilkerson, property owners at the intersec'~ion of Green Street and Rougemont Avenue, have duly filed their petition that a ~ortion of Rougemont Avenue extending from the western margin of Green Street to the eastern margin of Rialto Street be reduced from a 60 foot right of way as shown on a plat of the Charlottesville Land ~ompany's property to a 50 foot right of way; and, EEREAS, all of the property owners fronting on said portion of Rougemont Avenue were duly summoned to appear at the meeting of this Board on July 17, 1957; and, WHEREAS, on June 19, 1957, this Board did appoint five viewers to make a view of the said road, three of Whom have so acted, and report to the said Board; and, ~HEREAS, the report of the viewers recommended that this action be taken and from the testimony presented before-the Board at. its me&ting on June 19, 1957, themB0ard is of the opinion that there is no .public necessity for a 60 fOot right of way for that portion of Rougemont AvenUe and that a 50~fOot right0f way Would serve the convenience of the-public and that none of the said prOperty owners would be damaged by s~ch action an~ that no inconvenience would result to the said property owners and the public at large. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the portion of R0ugemont Avenue~lying between the eastern margin of Green Street and the western margin of Rialto Street be altered and re- duCed from a 60 foot right of way to a 50 foot right of way and that this shall be accomplished bYtaking 5 feet Off the north Side of Routem0nt Avenue as it' runs from the said eastern margin of Green Street to the western margin of Rialto Street. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the State Highway Commission. Mrs. Curtis Haden, along with several other members of the 6rozet Women's Club, appeared re- ~garding markings on Route 250 West where it enters Crozet. Mrs. Haden stated that this was a very dangerous intersection and that she felt proper marking would lessen the danger at this point. Mr. Inabinet, Asst. Resident Engineer, advised that any change in marking would have to be recommended by the Traffic and. Planning Engineers from the State Office and.that he wo~d make a request to that de- partment for a study of this matter. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Traffic and Planning Engineers of the ~irginia Depart~ent of Highways be and are hereby requested to make a study of the markings on Route 250 West at the intersection of Miller School Road. Request was received from Mr. Joel M. Cochran, secretary of Orchard Acres Corporation, that this Board recommend to the State Highway Department that they take over a sufficient length of road in Orchard Acres Subdivision, Crozet, Virginia, to enable said Corporation to hard s~urface said road within twelve months~ according to State specifications, for the' purpose of servicing the houses now buit~ in Orchard Acres Subdivision and to service approximately twelve additional lots immediately adjacent to these houses. Nith regard to subdivision development and street improvements, letter from Mr. S. D. Crute, Secondary Roads Engineer, was read with regard to a meeting of June 24th attended by several realtors, representatives from the Department of HighWays and from the Federal Housing Administration, and a committee from this Board. Also read to the Board, were recommendations of the Couuty E~ecutive with regard to changes necessary in the Board's policy regarding subdivision streets. This matter was discussed at length, and on motion action on same was deferred ~_til an~ adjourned meeting to be held on J~y 23,!957, due to the fact that the Commonwealth's Attorney was on vacation and the Board~felt his advice should be obtained before acting. ~rs. Curtis Haden also appeared and requested a traffic light at the Cg~O underpass located at the intersection of Route 240 and. ~i~e Hall Road in Crozet, Virginia. Mr. Inabinet advised that this matter would also have to be studied the Traffic and Planting Engineers of the Virginia Department of Highways. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded.by Mr. Thraves, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Traffic and Planning Engineers of the Virginia Department of Highways be and are hereby requested to make a study of the need for a traffic light at the C & 0 underpass located at the intersection of Route 240 and White Hall Road in Crozet, Virginia. P~tition was received from Alberene Stone Corporation requesting acceptance into the Secondary System road leading off to right .8 of a mile south of intersection of Route 800 and Route 602, generally Communication wa~ received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising that the following additions to the SeCondary System had been approved, effective July l, 1957: (1) Rutledge Subdivision - Meadowbrook Court - Begin~ng at Neadowbrook Road and extend- ing southeast for 350 ft. to cul-de-sac. - length 0.07 mile. (2) Rutledge Subdivision - Bunker Hill Drive - Begirming at Yorktown Drive and extending southeast for 420 feet to cul-de-sac - length 0.08 mile. (3) Rut!edge Subdivision - Yorktown Drive - Beginning at present end'of Route 835 and extending northeast for 1,350 ft. to M~adoWbrook Road - length 0.26 mile. Rutledge Subdivision - Meadowbrook Road - Beginning at end of' 20~' R/¥~ on Meadowbrook Road, 200' northeast oF intersection Routes 771 and 825 and extending northeast for 1,530 ft. to ~orktown Drive. - length 0.29 mile. (5) Rutledge Subdivision - Brandywine Drive - Beginning at King Nountain Road and extend- ing northeast for 400 ft. to Essex Road - length 0.08 mile. (6) Rutledge Subdivision - King Mountain Road - Begim~_ug at Brandy~ine Drive and extend- ing southeast for 1,525 ft. to cul-de-sac. - Length - 0.29 mile. (9) Rutledge Subdivision - Essex Road - Beginning at Brandywine Drive and extending southeast for 1,050 ft. to MeadowbrookRoad - Length 0.20 mile. Nr~ Harris advised that he had been approached regarding the hard surfacing of an additional mile of Route 6~0. Mr. H. W. Rurdcle, Resident Engineer, advised Mr. Harris that he would go over this road with him regarding this request. The committee appointed by this Board regarding telephone service ~? the Burnley area reported that they had held several meetings with ~hpresentatives of the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company with regard to this matter, and as a result said company had made a s~rvey of the economic feasibility of taking over this general service area of the Farmers Mutual Telephone Company. Report on such snrvey was presented along with letter of transmittal from Nr. D. H. Reid, State Nananger of the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company, to the effect that due to the expenditures as related to the number of proposed customers in a five-year period, the revenue would no~ be sufficient to construct a line. However, if prospective customers would f~urnish certain services, it appeared as if the estimated capital investment could be reduced substantially and means could be worked out in order to provide service for this area. After considerable discussion along with ~. J. J. Edwards and Nr. B. B. Noon, residents of the Burnley area, it appeared to be the sense of all concerned that a committee should and would be formed by the prospective subscribers in the Burney area Who would confer with telephone officials regarding their problem. It was ordered that the commuuication along with the attached report be filed with the minutes of this meeting. Representatives of the Crozet ~Vomen's Club appeared and advised that they were extremely inter- ested in a dump to serve the Crozet area and were willing to cooperate in any way possible to aid in this matter. Claim against the Dog Tax F~nd was received from ~s. ~lly N. Hamlin for sixteen chickens, averaging 2~ lbs. each~ killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Nr. Thraves, Nfs. Hamli was allowed $0.24 per pottud for these chickens. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. A. H. Burnett for 36 turkeys, averaging lbs. each, killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded byNr. Sutherland, Er. Burnett was allowe~ $0,25 per pound for these turkeys. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. James B. Murray for one buck and one ewe lamb killed by dogs. 0n motion of Nr. Sutherland, seconded by Nr. Harris, Er. Murray was allowed $30.00 for the buck and $0.22 per pound for the ewe which weighed 80 lbs. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. ~. J. Pace for four ewes and 9 lambs kille~ by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Nr. Sutherland, Nr. Pace was allowed $17.50 each for the ewes and $0.22 per pound for the lambs which weighed 80 lbs. each. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. James D. Smith for 9 chickens claimed to lha~e been killed by dogs. On motion of Nr. Sutherland, seconded by Nr. Garnett, this claim was denied ~due to the fact that the Game Warden did not view these chickens. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from ~r. H. F. Leake for two pullets, one rooster and one bantom rooster weighing a total of 9 lbs.~ killed by dogs. On ~motion of Nr. Harris, seconded by Nr. Sutherland, Nr. Leake was allowed $0.24 per pound for these chickens. The Director of Finance submitted statement of expenses of the Department of Finance for the The Directo~ of Finance submitted statement of expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of June, 1957, of which two-thirds is to be borne by the State. On motion, du~ymade and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. The Director of Finance submitted statement of expenses of the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of J~ne, 1957, of which one-half is to be borne by the State. On motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the Jail for the month of June, 1957, was presented along with Summary Statement of Prisoner Days. On motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of June, 1957, were presented in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia. Communication was received fro~ ~rs. Virginia S. Narks, Supt. of Public Nelfare, advising that the Welfare Board at its meeting of June 26, 1957, voted to request the Board of Supervisors to appoint an attorney to represent the Welfare Board in a matter relating to the estate of C. P. ~oore, deceased. Nfs. Narks further stated that the Commonwealth!s Attorney had advised that an attorney should be appointed to bring suit to set aside or establish conveyance of property~to C. P. Noore and to enforce lien held by the Welfare Board. On motion of Nr. Garnett, seconded by~r. Harris, and~ uuanimously carried, Nr. Jack N. Kegley was appointed to represent the Welfare Board in ±~is matter. Communication was received from Nrs. Anne B. NcCormick tendering her resignation as Nelfare Case Norker and on motion, duly made and seconded, was accepted with regret. Report of the Gounty Executive for the month of June, 1957, was presented and on motion, duly made and seconded, was approved and ordered filed. The Committee appointed at the last regular meeting of the Board to view a t~act of land con- raining 6.75 acres and designated on the County's Tax Nap as ~arcel 14, Section ~2, in the Ivy Nagister~ District, on which an offer of $195.00 was received from Nr. David J. Wood, Jr., reported that they had' view said tract of land and felt the offer to be fair and recommended acceptance of same. On motion of Nr. Sutherland, seconded by Nr. Harris, and unanimously carried, it was ordered that the~offer of ~r. Wood in this instance be accepted, s~ject to approval of the Co~rt. The County Executive advised that the Library Budget had been revised in order to permit the purchase of a bookmobile. However, the County's original appropriation as approved in the 1957-55 budget wo~d not be changed. On motion of ~r. Harris, seconded by Nr. Thraves and unanimously carried, it was ordered that the revised budget of the Library Board in the total sum of ~3,108.00 as presented at this meeting, be approved. Bill in the amount of $167.&~ was received from ~r. O. Robbins Randolph for additional contour information on the Charlottesville District Dump. On motion of Nfo Garnett, seconded by Nr. Sutherland, rules with regard to second readings were suspended, and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, VirgLuia, that $167.~3 be and is hereby appropriated to cover the cost of addit- ional contour information on the Charlottesville District Dump. The County Executive presented bid received from the Ivy Construction Corporation on fencing around the Charlottesville D~p, the construction of a shed and the construction of a Pit privy. On motion of Nr. Thraves, seconded by Nr. Sutherland, and unanimously carried~ the County Executive was requested to secure additional bids on this project. The County Executive requested authority to advertise for bids on the Nech~s River Dump and on motion of Nr. Sutherland, seconded by Nr. Harris and unanimously carried, ~r. Pence was authorized to advertise for bids on said dump. The following report was received from Committee regarding S.P.C.A. and read: "~e following being appointed as a committee to confer with a committee from the S.P.C.A. begs to report as follows: (2) The County b® charged at the rate of fifty cents per day for all dogs, licenSed or unlicensed, taken to the shelter by the game wardens for a period not exceeding five days. (3) The County be charged for all dogs, licensed or unlicensed, at the rate of fifty cents per day that are confined muder Court Order and not ex- ceeding ten days. The County be charged for only u~icensed dogs from other sources and designated as strays at the rate of fifty cents per day not exceeding five days. (5) That repeater dogs which are recognized (within six months) shall not be recharged to the Couuty. (6) That an adopter be required to show purchase of dog tag prior to the release of any animal for adoption. This shall apply to only-County residents. (7) That the SPCA contact the Veterinarians Association with regards to uniform charges for innoculation shots. (8) That this County has no perrogative in extending the age of female dogs from 4 months to 6 months in order to permit spaying before pur- chasin~ a dog tag. (9)That study continue with respect to the destruction of injure~ or diseased animal's by the wardens. We respectfully recommend that items (2) (3) (4) (5) and (6) be adopted and incorporated in an agreement with the SPCA with respect to remmuneration to that Association for the care and confinement of County dogs. It is further recommended that this policy be effective as of July l, 1957." on motion of Mr. Gar~'ett, seconded by Mr. Harris and unanimouslyca?ried, the ~oregoing report ~'was accepted. ~ '- The committee appointed at the July, 1956, meeting of this Board to study a retirement system for County employees reported that a meeting had been held with Mr. Charles H. Smith of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System and recommended that the Board authorize an actuarial study with regard to instituting a retirement system for County employees~ the cost of which would be approximately On motion of ~. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, report of the committee was accepted, rules with re to second re~dings suspended, and the following resolution unahimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $200.00 be and is hereby appropriated to cover the cost of an actuarial study with regard to instituting a retirement system for County em- ployees. Communication was received from Mr. W. S. Cook, Sheriff, advising that he had appointed Mr. Daniel Albert as Jailor to fill the Fancancy created by the death of Mr. P. ~. Elliott, at a salary of $215.00 which was Mr. Albert's salary as night jailor. Fu~her,'ha had appointment Mr. C. R. Marshall, senior Deputy Sheriff, as Asst. Jailor at a salary of $250,00 per month, a reduction of $73.33 since Mr. ~arshall desired to be relieved of his present duties because of certain physical limitations. The Sheriff also advised that he had appointed Mr. Malcolm W, Sandridge~.Jr. to replace Mr. ~arshall at a salary of $250.00 per month, the usual starting salary for deputies, and requested ratification and subse quent recommendation to the Compensation Board of the above appointments. ~r. Thraves stated that the Sheriff's Committee had recommended a capable man who could have filled both positions o~ day and night Jailor and that he could not go along with the Sheriff's recommendation. Mr. Harris stated that he felt the Sheriff's Committee should have been consulted in this instance and further that he felt the Sheriff' Committee should be dissolved if it were not to be consulted. After considerable discussion regarding this matter, it was ordered that it be determined for what purpose the Sheriff,s Committee was formed, and on motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Garnett, and carried by a vote of ~aye~ on the part of all members present with the exception of Mr. Thraves, the recommendation of the Sheriff was accepted and the following resolution adop~ed~ j ~. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following appointments of Mr. W. S. Cook, Sheriff, be and are hereby approved and that the State Compensation Board be requested to participate in its proportionate share of the salaries of said appointees: (2) Nr, C. R. ~arshall r~p!acing Mr. Daniel O. Albert as Asst. Jailor at a salary of $250.00 per month. (3) Mr. Malco.tm W. Sandridge, Jr., replacing Ur. C. R. ~arsha!l as Deputy Sheriff at a salary of $250.00 per month. On motion of Nrc Garnett, seconded by Mr. Thraves, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $74,267.48 be and is hereby appropriated to cover operating ex- penses of the schools for the month of August, 1957. Resolution with regard to assessment of property of public utilities was received from York County and on motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Nr. Sutherland, was ordered filed. On motion of ~r. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the follow,lng resolution bnanimously adopted, the County Executive advising that the over-expenditures were iidi~idual items within funds for which the total appropriations were not over-expended; BE IT RE~OLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following over expended accounts for the year &nding June 30, 1957, be and the same are hereby approved: OVE~ EXPENDED ACCOUNTS AT June 30, 1957 1Aa: Nisc. Service: 399 - Misc. 699A - Renovation of ~Attic & T. J. Office lB: County Exec~ive's Office: 102 - Comp. of County Executive lC: Dept. of Finance: 102 .- COmp~ of Director 206 - Dues & Subscriptions 215 - Repairs & Naint. ef Equipment 220 - Traveling Expenses 399 - Nisc. 1E: Board of Equalization: 109 - Comp. of Assessors & Clerk 215 - Nai~t. ef Eqmipment 220 - Traveling Expenses 319 - Stationery, Printed Forms, Etc. 1F: Tax ~ap: 319- Stationery, Printed Forms, Etc. 4: Recording of Documents: 215 - Repairs & Naint. of Equipment 218 - Tel., Tel., & Postage 319 - Stationery, Printed Forms, Etc. SA: Circuit Court: 218 - Tel., Tel, & Postage 403 - Office Fur~nit~re 5 . Trial Justice Court: 212 - 21 'Equipment 50: Comm. Atty's Office: 102 - Comp. Atty. 220 - Travelimg 6A: Policing & !o~v~stigstinE: 102 - Comp, of Sherif~ 106 Comp. of Deputies 215 ~ Repairs & ~aint. of Equipment 220 - Traveling 319- Stationery, Forms, Etc. 400.8 - Auto Naint. Car #8 $ 12.33 __!32,,00 $ 535.00 37.00 432.10 9.12 .4!.00 659.20 $ 19o00 13.73 $ 51.57 $ 12.60 $ 299°92 $ 230.02 I, 021.92 38.54 27.61 137.14 164. 1, 04!, 52 5,510.15 53.90 356.84 2.44.37 26.74 304.92 1, 535.20 (2) Mr, C. R. Marshall rsplacing Mr. Daniel 0. Albert as Asst. Jailor at a salary of $250.00 per month. (3) Mr. Malco~lm W. Sandridge, Jr.., replacing ~r. C. R. Marshall as Deputy Sheriff at a salary of $250.00 per month. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seConded by Mr. Thraves, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $74,267.48 be and is hereby appropriated to cover operating ex- penses of the schools for the month of August, 1957. Resolution with regard to assessment of property of public utilities was received from York County and on motion of Er. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, was ordered filed. On motion ofMr. Sutherland, seconded by Er. Thraves, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the following resolution~nanimous!y adopted, the County Executive advising that the over-expenditures were ~di~idua! items within funds for which the total appropriations were not over-expended; BE IT ~OL¥~ by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virg~nia~.~ ~9~.9~ing over expended accounts for the year &nding June 30., 306 - Cleaning Materials & Supplies ~05 - Furmiture & Fixtures 8B: Public Welfare - Administration: 218 - Tel., Tel., & Postage 319~ ~ationery, Printed Forms, Etc. 8F: Other Welfare Ax'd-. 399 - Misc. (V. P. A..Recoveries) 8D: Luncy CommissionS: 124- Comp. of Members 9: Public Health: 11!.1 - Dentists - ~hite 'Il: Adv. Agric. & H. E.: 118 - Home DemonstratOrs 215 - Repairs & Maint..of Equipment 13: Elect&ems: 200 - Advertising 14: Naint. of Bldgs. & Grnds: 19 - Capitol Outlay 403 - Furniture & Fixtures 17: Administra$ion: 109 - Comp. Secretaries & Clerks 206 -.Dues & Smbscriptopns 218 - Postage, Tel., & Tel. 319 - Office Supplies 17.1 - InstrUction: 133.12- Head Teachers Etem. ~nite Sema!e 133.14' Head Teachers Elem. Negro ~emale 13~.52 - Teachers Sec. White Female 134.75 - Sub. Teachers E!em. 135.1 - Supervisors White Male 17.3 - Other InstrUctional Costs: 305 - Gen. Supplies, Naps, Globes, Charts 17.5 -OTher Agencies-Transportation of Pupils: 218 ~ Postage, Tel., & Tel. 312 -Gasoline, Grease &-Oil 400 - Replacement of Buses $ 2.96 40.~ $ 21.05 32.56 $ 493.61 $ .16 $ 6.48 $ 945.50 $ 648.39 35.00 70.99 33.03 $3,882.11 461.06 6,904.95 586..50 2-299.96 $__728.87 $ 3.73 2, ~27.11 42.96 53.61 883.94 24.15 493.61 7.10 6.48 787.!! 14,134.58 728.87 13,940.54 (2) Mr, C. R. Marshall r~p!acing Mr. Daniel O. Albert as Asst. Jailor at a salary of $250.00 per month. (3) Mr. Malco~ W. Sandridge, Jr.., replacing ~ ~r. C. R. Marshall as Deputy Sheriff at a salary of $250.00 per month. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Thraves, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the following resolution ~manimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Co~mty, Virginia, that ~74,267.48 be and is hereby appropriated to cover operating ex- penses of the schools for the month of August, 1957. Resolution with regard to assessment of property of public utilities was received from York County and on motion of Mr. Garnett~ seconded by ~r. Sutherland, was ordered filed. On motion of ~. Suther!and~ seconded by Er. Thraves, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the following resolution bnanimously adopted, the County Executive advising that the over-expenditures were i~di~idual items within f~uds for which the total appropriations were not 17.5! -OTher A~xitiary Agencies: ~!0 - Cafeterias $ 327 - TeXtbooks Purchased For Resale -~~. 17.6' Operation of School P~n~: 207 - Light and Power $ 1,~7.98 218- Tel., Tel., & Postage ~.65 311 ' ~el ~~ 5, 551.63 17.6~ - .Maint. of School Plant: 1~9 ~' Comp. of Maint. ~pl~ees $ 323.68 215.1 - RepaY, Replacement, ~t~e & Equipment 4,~18.~7 3~ - T~es, .~bes, Pts., Naint. T~ck ~ 5,664.~ 17.7- F~ed C~ges: 213 - ~e~s 0emp. 299 - Soci~ Se~ity $ 108.63 I7.8 - gapit~ ~tl~: 400.1 - New School ~ses $ 5,917.62 5.917.62 1~ Meintire ~ Fd: -- ' ' - 4- McInt~e School $ 4~4.31 7 - Scottsville High School 762.79 9 - ~b~le High School ~ - Orozet Sanitary: 1- A~i~stration: 218 - Tel., Tel., & Pesta~ $ ~7.67 $ ~7.67 2 - ~nt. & ~eration: 215.2 - Repa~s & Reptacement~ains ~00.15 - T~ck ~ense $ 532.86 3 - Capital ~tl~- Distri~tien System: ~7 - ~ater Meters & Meter Boxes $ 520.79 ~1 - I~tallations of Well 51 - Central F~e Di~. Fd: 1~ - O~p. of F~emen ~'~ ~gT~ Fd: 2~ - ~int. ~dio ~ent $ 227.~ 319- Stationery, Printed Forms, ~c. · he matter of the proposed Subdivision 0rdLnance was ~gain b~ought before the Board and. on motion of Nr. Garnett, seconded by Nr. Thraves, this matter was carr±ed over until the next regular meeting due to the absence of Mr. ~filliams, Chairman. The County Executive ~6~&mmsndedta $10.00 per month increase for certain clerks in the De- partment of Finance and asked approval of this Board on same. On motion of Nr. Garnett, seconded by E: T~hraves, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following salary increases be approved for clerks in the De- partment of Finance, effective July l, 1957: Roxie C. Hur~ ~ ~t~5.00 per month to $195.00 per month. Doris H. Pace - $185.00 per month to ~195.00 per month, CharlottesPardue - $185.00 per month to ~195o00 per month. Dorothy Sprouse - ~18~.00 per month of ~195.00 per month. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Compensation Board be and is hereby requested to participate in its proportionate share of the above mentioned increases. Claims against the County amounting to $131,061.52 were presented, examined, and allowed~ and certified to the Director of FinanCe for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund $ ~2,620,$I · ~ D o g~g~ ~und 275 · 60 ' ~ Cro~ Fire District Fund ~,~ 0.20 ~"~-~"?-~'~×~o~ Sanitary ~ist~ct Fund~ i~870.43 Joint Health Fund 5,471.39 ~choo~ Construction Bond Fund 8,311,92 Woolen ~ills SanitaryDistrict 3.00 Co.~onwea!th of Va. Current Credit Account &,6~3.t9 Total $131,061.52 On motion, the meeting adjourned until 9:00 A.N., July 23, 1957.