HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-07-23July 23, 1957
The adjourned meeting of July 17, 1957 was held at 9:00 o'clock A.M. on this date with the
following present: Nessrs. Edgar N. Garnett, H.~Ashby Harris, M.'Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves.
Absent: ~essrs. Edward L. Smith and John W. Williams~
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
On motion, duly made and seconded, ~r. Harris was elected Chairman of the meeting.
The County Executive explained the purpose of the meeting, stating that the Board was to
consider the report of a committee appointed at the ~ay 15, 1957 meeting with respect to pblicy fore,ac-
ceptance of subdivision roads in the secondary system for maintenance, such action being brought by
problems confronting the developers of Orchard Ecres Subdivision in financing construction until off-
site improvements had been completed. He advised that the committee had met several times, ahd at, the
last meeting certain recommendations were agreed upon. However, due to the legal uncertainty of a cer-
tain phase only an ora~ report would, be given as follows:
(1) That the 75% completion~clause be liberalized to 50% completing on both sides
of the street for the area planned for immediate development.
That the road be completed to State specifications within one year with the
posting of satisfactory bond to ass~e such completion.
~3) After completion of the road for its then presently planned length and subwe-
quent acceptance for maintenance, the developer contribute $500.00 per mile
per year until all roads in that subdivision are competed and suE~fiCient houses
on same to warrant acceptance.
(4) That the present.policy be amended to set up procedure whereby a street or 'a
series of streets in a subdivision could be recommended for acceptance as a
part of the secondary system prior to com~!etion of the development~, provided
street improvements are brought up to full policy standards, including hard
surface ~
The Commonwealth's Attorney advised that item #3 above mentioned co,id not be pazsed on by
this Board since it would be encroaching upon policy established by the State.
An opportunity was given to the owners of Orchard Acres subdivision to speak on the matter.
After due discussion and on motion by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Nr. Garnett, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the County Executive be authorized to advise the Federal Housing
Administration that this Board will recommend for acceptance into the Secondary
SyStem roads in Orchard Acres Subdivision from Jarman's Gap Road, north along
Orchard Drive and along Peachtree Drive to the western end of Block C, Section l,
a distance of approximately 1~200 feet, when such roads are constructed to proper
On motion, the meeting adjourned.