HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-08-24SPECIALAu~st 2~, 1957 P~suant to the following waiver, members of the Board of Co~uty Supervisors of Albemarle Cowry, Vir~nia, met in special session on this date in the Cowry Office Building, Charlottesville, Vir~nia, at lO:O0 A.M. with the following preset: Messrso Edgar N. ~rnett, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, ~. Y. Sutherland, ~., and Robert Thraves. Absent: ~r. Jo~ W. ~!!iams. We, the ~_dersigned~ members of the Board of Cowry Supervisors of Albemarle Cowry, Virginia, hereby waive notice a~ special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at lO:O0 A.No on the t~enty-fo~th day of Au~st, 1957, in the Cowry Office Building, Charlottes~lle, Virginia~ for '~e pu~ose of considering the bid received on dump No. 2 located on Route 682, and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the t~ing of such action at said meeting upon the matter herein~ above mentioned as may be lawf~, incident and neceaaa~ thereto. //. ~ ~gar N. Garne~ Edward L. Smith Robert Thraves Officers present: Co~uty Exec~ive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The County Executive ad~sed t~t at the last regular meeting of the Board, a co~ittee con- sisting of ~r. Smith, Nr. Sutherland, Er. Thraves, the Co~onwealth~s Attorney and the Cowry Executive, were appointed with authority to act, concerning the bid of Nahanes Bros. which was received concerning preparation of the d~p site located on Route 682 and maintenance of the first sanitary fill area. He stated that the co~_ittee met and was in ~animous a~eement that the bid be accepted with respect to preparation and road construction b~ that items 6 and 7 relative tomaintenance be accepted as to the ~it price quoted byt restricted to e~ire as of J~y l, 1958. The Board was advised t~t the co~ittee action in this respect was due to the fact that since the maintenance contract on D~p #1 would expire on J~y l, 1958, it was thou~t best that all subse~ent contracts in this respect be made to expire at the same time in order that fut~e contracts co~d be let on an annual basis. He stated that the co~ittee's action in this matter was based on the ~ig~es f~nished them ~?nich was to the e~ect that ~2,975.35'was the bid price for d~p pre,ration. However, in a reche~ of the fig~e, it was fo~d t~t a $1,000.0~ error had been made and that the bid for preparation shoed have been ~3,975.35, and in view of this fact, it was thought that the matter shoed be brou~t back to the Board for action. After due discussion, and on motion by ~r. Harris, seconded ~Nr. Sutherland, the following resol~ion was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes - Messrs. ~ith, Garnett, Harris, Sutherlan~ and Thraves. Nays - None. ~ IT RESOLVED ~ the Board of Co~mty Supervisors of Albemarle Cowry, Virginia, that amended contract of Mahanes Bros. in the s~ of $3,975.35 for pre- paration of the d~p site with the mit price on items 6 and 7 at ~ and respectively, to expire as of J~y l, 1958, be accepted a~ that the Co~uty E×ecutive be authorized to execute contract for the same~ the amended contract to read. as follows: adopted: SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTING AND OPIATING DISPOSAL AREA NO. 2. The following work to-be performed and materials to be used in constructing and operating Co~-uty Dump No. 2, located on State Route 682, approximately three miles south of Route 250 at ~ech~s River: Price ~o_a. Items ~uantities Unit Per Unit Dollars-Cents 1 Clearing 5.5 Acre ~125.00 ~ ~87.50 (a) Sra. to Sra. Grading Sra. 0/35 to 7/50 20' wide 7/50 to 10/50 around circle 16' wide i00 715 lin.ft, feet ~40.00 286.00 100 300 lin.ft, feet 40.00 120.00 From Sra. 4/50 across fill areas 6, 5 & 4 with circle 12' wide t00 660 lin.ft, feet AO.00 26A.00 4 (a) Crusher Run Stone - Stabi!~zation 3" on 2a and 2b 170 tons 2" on 2C 75 tons 15" C. E. Pipe 120 feet 2.65 2.65 3.00 198.75 360.00 (a) (b) Excavation - Regular excavation roads Borrow excavation roads 285 Cu. Yds. Cu.¥ds. .30 ~30 85.80 29.40 (c) Rego. lar excavation fiei~ No. 1 A978 Cu.¥ds. .3O 1,493,40 $3,975.35 *6 Placing, spreading and com- pacting in 3' depth layers of all garbage delivered adjacent to and on the active Field Area 7111 Excavation from Field Area ~nd Compacting in l' layers on Active Field including filling at ends and extra l' on top thick sq~yds. .4O ~030 Cu. Yds. .30 *Items 6 and 7 on preparation of dump site to remain at the unit price as shown per contract on this portion to expire as of July l~ 1958. On motion by Nr. Suther!and, seconded by Nr. Harris, the following resolution was unanimously BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Cou~ty~ Virginia, that $~,000.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated to cover cost of items i through 5, inclusive, of the above~ and that rules ~be suspended as to the second reading. On motion~ the meeting adjourned. Vice-Chairman