HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-02-19 A regular meeting of the Board of County SUPervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 19th day of February, 1958.
Present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, and
Robert Th~aves.
Absent: Mr. M. Y. Sutherland, Jr.
Officers present: COunty Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. M. M. Pence.
Minutes of the meetings of January 15, 1958 and February 14, 1958 were read and approved°
Mr. Joe Stevens appeared with regard to Route 679 by the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company
He stated that it was his uuderstanding that there was to be a fill in the road just below the Pulp and
Paper Company and also that work needed to be done on the bridge. Mr. Runkle, Resident Highway Engineer~
advised that regular maintenance on this road would be taken care of but that the original estimate of
$14,000.00 for proposed work was cut by this Board to $3,000.00 and that all had been done that could
be done with the funds allotted.
Mr. Guy Via, Mr. Cecil Maupin and Mr. George Huff appeared with r~Eard to bridge on Route 601
at Moormau's River near the entrance to the 4-H Club Camp. Thay stated that the loadlimit on this
bridge, and all bridges in their area, prohibited them from getting sufficient loads of fertilizer etci
without breaking the law. Mr. Runkle advised that he was cognizant of the problem at hand and that
the same situation existed throughout the county but that no~immediate relief was in sight. He further
stated that the Highway Department is putting emphasis on the construction of bridges in an effort to
overcome this problem.
Communications~were received from the Department of Highways advising that in accordance with
resolutions of this Board under date of January 15, 1958, the following additions and abandonments had
been approved, effective January 28, 1958:
(1) Hessian Hills Subdivision - Guilford Lane - From Woodstock Drive to Route 830,
Length 0.09 mile.
(2) Hessian Hills Subdivision - Woodstock Drive - From Route 830 to Guilford Lan~,
Length 0.20 mile.
(3) Holly Field Subdivision m Galloway Drive - From end of Route 1408 to Route l&07,
Length 0.09 mile.
(4) Holly Field Subdivision - Holly Road - Beginning at Galloway Drive and extending
377' in a northwest direction to a dead end, Length 0.07 mile.
(5) Route 679 - From 0.03 mile south of intersection of Route 738 to 0.08 mile
south of intersection of Route 738, Length 0.05 mile.
(1) From 0.03 mile south intersect-~on Route 738 to 0.08 mile south Route 738,
Length 0.05 mile.
Mr. Pence advised that he had noted from the newspaper that Mr. William R. Hill was sponsoring
a bill that would allow cities to obtain state maintenance for streets in annexed areas if the streets
have less than a 30-foot right of way and 20 feet of paving. He further stated that he had advised our
legislators that he felt this Board would be opposed to s~ch a bill if funds for such maintenance are to
be taken from any of the counties' secondary or primary road funds, and requested to be notified of the
date of public hearing on this bill.
Requests for inclusion in the Secondary System were received on the following roads:
(1) Road running from the property of C. W. Phillips to the property of W. F. Collier
and leading ~rom Route 20, a distance of .6 mile.
(2) Road leading from Route 20 by the property of Miss Nary Norford and extending to
the property of Mr. John Powell, a distance of approximately i mile.
(3) Raymond Road - street turning to left off of Ridge Street.
(4) Old Stage Coach Road in Samuel Miller District.
On motion, made by Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr, Smith, and unanimously carried, it was ordered
VieWers for 1958 to view these and all other roads on which petitions have been received during the
year, any three of whom may service:
() Mr. Guy Via.
) Mr. Jack Page.
(3) ~r. William McClung.
(5) Mr. Campbell Holt.
~Ir. Bernard Chamberlain, Attorney, appeared and requested that this Board place a nominal
assessment and tax on the Albemarle County SPCA. He stated that he had been referred to the Board of
Supervisors by the Board of Assessors. The Commonwealth's Attorney advised Mr. Chamberlain that this
Board has no authority to make such assessment as requested and further that the Board of Assessors
must place an assessment on the property based on its fair ~rke~ value.
Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Department of
Finance for the month of January, 1955, of which one-half is to be borne by the State.. On motion, duly
made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified and approved.
Mr. M. Mo Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Off it.8
for the month of January, 1958, of which two-thirds are to be borne by the State. On motionS duly made
and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Mr. ~. M. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expense~ of the Office of Common-
wealth's Attorney for the month of January, 1958, of which ~ne-half is to be borne by the State. On
motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the Maintenance of Jail for the month of January, 1958, was
submitted along with Summary Statement of Prisoner Days. On motion, duly made and seconded, this
Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of January, 1955, were presented in
accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1,707,20 was received and approve
for payment on motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, and unanimously carried.
Communication was received from Mrs. Virginia S. Marke, Superintendent of Public Welfare,
in which she stated that Mrs. Aggie Shifflett who receives Old Ege Assistance, had requested ~ermission
to sell her real estate to settle the funeral bill of her husband in the amount of $200.00 and that if
the property should bring more than this amount, that she be allowed to set aside $200.00 for her own
funeral expenses, any excess to revert to the County. On motion of ~r. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith,
it was ordered that Mrs. Shifflett be granted her request, subject to approval of the Welfare Board.
Mr. William Brown, member of the Library Board from Albemarle County, appeared and presented
the following Resolution cf the Library Board under date of February 10, 1958:
"It was moved and duly seconded that the Chairman appoint a committee to study the
Constitution of the Library Board, the sources of its fund, and the preparation of
its budgets and to confer with representatives of the three appropriating bodies
and the State Library Board."
!~e following extract from minutes of the City Council meeting of February 17, 195~, were also
"Mr. William Brown from the Charlottesville-Albemarle Library Board addressed the
Cotmcil and stated that a committee had been appointed from the Library Board to
study the Constitution of the Library Board, the sources of its funds, and the pre~
paration of its budgets and to confer with representatives of the three appropriating
bodies and the State Library Board. Mr. Brown requested that a committee from the
Council be appointed to work with this committee. The Mayor stated that he felt
the best way to resolve this matter was to hold a joint meeting between the governing
bodies of Albemarle County, Fluvanna Coumty and the City of Charlottesville, and the
Library Board.
On motion by Mr. Scribner, seconded by Mr. Coleman, it was unanimously RESOLVED
that such a meeting be held, and suggested that the date of March lC, ~955, at ~:00
P.M. in the Council Chamber at City Hall be set as the time and place for this meeting.
The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of this resolution to each of the governing
bodies and the Chairman of the Library Board, and in the event the aforementioned date
is not satisfactory, to arrange another date,"
After considerable discussion of this matter, motion was offered by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr.
Report of the County Executive for the month of January, 1958~ was received, approved and
ordered filed. Nr. Pence advised that the revenue from County licenses on slot machines had decreased
considerably during the current 'year. After disuussion of this matter, the Sheriff was requested to
check on machines in the County to see if county licenses had been obtained.
An~Ordinance amending and reenacting the Code of the City of Charlottesville of 1945 by the
addition thereto of a new chapter numbered 35 and entitled '!Regulations Caverning the Subdivision of La~
Within the Corporate Limits and $ithin Three Niles of the City of Charlottesville" aud reO!~cing Sectio~
i through 6, inclusive of the Subdivision Regulations which are a par of Chapter 33, Code of the City
of Charlottesville of 19~5, entitled "Zoning", was received from the City Co~ocil with the request that
this Board consider its adoption for Albemarle County as soon as possible.. Said ordinance was adopted
by the ~i%~.Council of the City of Charlottesville on January 21, 1958. The Chairman referred this
ordinance to a committee consisting of Nr. Edward L. Smith and ~. Edgar N~ Garnett, which committee
was appointed some time ago to study the County's proposed Sanitation Ordin~uce, for study with the
in accordance with Section 15-7~8 of the Code of Va
Planning Commission and was requested to make recommendation on sam~. ~he Com~onwe$1th's Attorney
advised that action should be taken on this matter prior to M~rch 7, 1958, since the law provided a
period of only forty-five days in which the County could amend this Ordinance. On motion of Mr.
Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the City Council of the City of Charlottesville be and is hereby
advised that Ordinance adopted by the Council on January 21, 1958, entitled
Board of County Supervisors, and
BE IT FURTHER RF~$OLVED that the City Council be and is hereby notified
that action will be taken on said Ordinance by this Board prior to ~arch 7, 1958.
Communication was received from Commonwealth Utilities, inc. enclosing copy of Certificates
of Convenience and Necessity from the State Corporation Commission authorizing said Corporation to
furnish sewerage and water services in the Berkeley Subdivision and vicinity.
Plans and profiles were received on the following subdivisions as approved by the City and
County Planning Commissions, mnd on motio~ as d~signated below were approved by this Board and the
Chairman wnd Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of the Board:
(1) Woolen Nills Subdivision - motion byNr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith.
(2) Section 4, Greenbrier Subdivision - motion by Nr. Thraves, seconded by Nr.~arris.
(3) Section l, Glenorchy Subdivision - motion by Nr. Smith, seconded by Nr. Garnetto
(4) Section 2, Glenorchy Subdivision - motion by ~r. Garnett, seconded by Nro Thraves.
On motion of Nr. Thraves, seconded by ~. Harris~ rules with regard to second readings were
suspended, and the following resolution unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia~ t~t $74,267~48 be and is hereby appropriated for operating e×penses of
the School Board for th~ mont~ of Narch, 1958.
The County Executive advised that Among~the~securities which the State-Planters Bank of
Commerce and Trusts holds to secure the County's accounts with the National Bank and Trust Company are
$200,000 U. S. Treasury 2~% Bonds due 3-15~58/56, and further that the Goverr~ent had offered to exchang,
these bonds for others. He also stated that due to income tax collections during the next several
mOnths, it would be necessary to increase the securities pledged. On motion, made by ~r. Smith, seconde~
by Mr. Garnett, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEHEAS, the National Bank and Trust Company of Charlottesville, Depository,
has requested the substitution of certain securities held by the State-Planters Bank
of Commerce and Trusts, Escrow Agent, in accordance with Escrow Agreement by and be-
tween th~ National Bank and Trust Company, the-State-Planters Bank af Commerce and
~¥usts, M. ~o Pence, Director of Finance of Albemarle County, and the Board of Super-
visors of Albemarle County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE~ by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that the National Bank and Trust Company be and is hereby
authorized to pledge the following securities:
$200,000 U. S. Treasury 2~% Bonds due 9-15-59/56,
SePal Nos. 60480 and 60~81 @ $100,000 each
with 3-15-1958 and s.c.a.
AND upon the pledge and delivery of the foregoing, the State-Planters Bank of
Commerce and Trusts is authorized to release the following:
$2Q0,000 U. S. Treasury 2½% Bonds due 3-15-58/56 -
Serial No~ !8007H and 18008J @ $!00,000 each.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha the National Bank and Trust Company be
and is hereby authorized to pledge the following additional securities:
$200,000 U. S. Treasury 3-3/4% ~e~ifi~ates of Indebtedness
due 12-1-1958 - Serial No.s 11955 and 11956 @
$100,000 each with 6-1-1958 and s.c.a.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to
the National Bank and Trust Company and to the State-Planters Ba~ of Commerce
and Trusts.
The County Executive advised that it was also necessary to increase securities held in escrow
by the Peoples National Bank to cover increased deposits in the Citizens Bank and Trust Company. On
motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
~HEREAS, the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Depository, has offered
certain securities to be held as collateral by the Peoples National Bank, Escrow
Agent, to secure increased deposits i~ the Citiz~s Bank and Trust Company, in
accordance with Escrow Agreement by and between the Citizens B~nk and Trust Com-
pany, the Peoples National Bank, M. N. Pence,~ Director of Finance of Albemarle
Couuty, and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County.
NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Citizens Bank and Trust Company be and is
hereby authorized to pledge the following securities:
$100,000 U. S. Treasury 2½% Bonds due 6-15-67/62
Aha, that these securities be held in accordance with terms of the above mmntioned
Escrow Agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this Resolution be forwarded to
the Citizens Bank and Trust Company and the Peoples National Bank.
Communication was also received from the Peoples National Bank requesting substitutions in cer-
tain securities. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Nr. Garnett, the following resolution was unanimous.
WHEREAS, the Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, Depository, has
requested substitutions in certain securities held as collateral by the Treasurer
of Virginia, Escrow Agent, in accordance with Escrow Agreement by and between the
Peoples National Bank, the Treasurer of Virginia~ M. M. Pence, Director of Finance
of Albemarle County, and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that t'he Peoples National Bank be and is hereby autho-
rized to pledge .the following:
$60,000 Charlottesville, Virginia 2.40% due 10-1-73
$60,000 Charlottesville, Virginia 2.40% due 10-1-74
$60,000 Charlottesville, Virginia 2o40% due 10-1-75
$60,000 Charlottesville, Virginia 2.40% due]~lO-1-76
$60,000 Charlottesville, Virginia 2.40% due 10-1-77
AND, upon the p~edge and delivery of the foregoing, the Treasurer of Virginia is
hereby authorized to release the following securities:
$300,000 Uo S. Treasury 2½% Bonds due ll-15-61
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the
Peoples National Ba~ and to the Treasurer of Virginia.
Communication was received from the State Compensation Board approving salary adjustments for
two clerks in the Department of Finance as requSsted by this Board.
The Board's attention was called to the fact that check in the amount of $50°00 made payable to
Lelia Bourne for Widow's Pension had been returned since the payee was deceased~ On motion of Nr. Smith,
seconded by Nr. Garnett, it was ordered that this check be ~ancelled.
Comm~uuication was received from the Crozet PTA favoring equalization of teachers~ salaries in
the County of Albemarle and the City of Charlottesville. On motion of Mr~ Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harri
it was ordered that this communication be acknowledged and filed.
The County Executive presented agreement with regard to the spring on the District Home property
and advised that said a~m~ ~ ~ .... *~
resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle,
Virginia, that the County of Albemarle, Virginia, along with the Co~uties of
Alleghany, Augusta, Bath and Rockbridge, and the City of Charlottesville, Vir-
ginia, enter into aK agreement dated the 2?th day of January, 1958, with the
City of Wa~mesboro, Virginia, in regard to the spring on the District Home prop-
erty, on the terms and condisions as set forth in the said agreement; and further,
that the Chairman is hereby authorized to enter into the said agreement for the
County of Albemarle, Virginia~ and to sign and execute the said agreement on
behalf of the County of Albemarle, Virginia.
Report on audit of the accounts of the Albemarle County Court for the fiscal year ended June
30, 1957, was received from the Auditor of Public Account~ and was ordered filed.
Mr. M. M. Pence requested that the Board appropriate funds for the proposed new administration
building at the Joint Airport out of the current budget in order that the amount estimated as necessary
could be encumbered. On motion of Nr. Harris, seconded by~Ar. Thraves, r~les with regard to second
readings were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: _
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that 937,500°00 be and is hereby appropriated for the construction of
an administration building at the Joint Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport, said
appropriation being conditioned on the fact that the total cost not exceed
~150,000.00 and that C.A.A. participate in one-half of the cost, the remaining
~one-hatf to be borne equallyby the City and County.
The matter of appointment of an Equalization Board was discussed briefly and it was the ex-
pressed feeling of several members of the Board that it might be wise to appoint p~rsons other than thos~
presently serving on the Board of Assessors. The Chairman asked that the Board give thought to this
matter before the March meeting at which time an Equalization Board would be appointed.
Nro Bill Waddell, President of the Isaac Walton League, appeared and requested a donation from
the Board of Supervisors for the purchase of bird feed because of the hm~vy snows in recent days.
The Commonwealth's Attorney advised that this Board has no authority for such an appropriation.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. R. F. Howard for one small lamb claimed
to have been killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, this claim was denied
due to the fact that the carcass was not viewed by the Game Warden.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mrs. Anne P. Morris for two turkeys and three
hens killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett, Mrs. Norris was ~lowed 95.00
for each of the turkeys and $1.25 for each of the hens.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. A. ~. Wrightson for two ewes and one
lamb killed by dogs. On motionof Mr. ~ris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, Mr. Wrightson was allowed $20.00
for each of the ewes and $?.50 for the lamb.
Request was received from Mr. Robert Crile for a refund on a portion of 1957 personal property
tax. Mr. Crile stated in his letter that he was arbitrarily assessed by the Department of Finance on
$900.00 valuation on turkeys based on his previous year~ return, whereas he owned no turkeys on January
l, 1957. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, Mr. Crile~s request was denied based on the
fact that Mr. Crile had filed claim against the Dog Tax Fund which revealed that he owned six month
old turkeys on January 7, 1957o
Request was received from Louisa H. Baker for refund of 97.11, the 1957 tax on automobile
which was sold to Ernest Bruce during 1956 and which was assessed in error to Mrs. Baker and to Mrl
Bruce. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Nr. Smith, it was ordered that Mrs. Bakey be refunded this
1957 personal property tax of 97.11.
Claims against the Co,~nty amounting to $153,701.12 were presented, examined, and allowed, and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment and c~harged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health
Central Fire District Fund
Woolen Mills Sanitary District Fmud
Comm. of Va. Current Credit Acct.
$ 40,205,49
Total $~ 53,701.12
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
Narch lC, 1958
Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the County OffiseUBl~g, ~har_ottesvmlle,
Virginia, at ~:30 P.M. with the following present: Messrs. Jo~W. V~illiams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby
Harris, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr., and Robert Thraves. Absent: Mr. Edward L. Smith.
We~ the undersigned~ members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, hereby waive notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held
at 1:30 P.M. on the tenth day of March, 1958, in the County Office Building, Char-
lottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of considering an Ordinance Amending and Re~
enacting Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land Within the Corporate Limits
and Within Three Niles of the City of Charlottesville, and we do hereby consent to
the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meet~
lng upon the matter hereinahove mentioned as may be lawful, incident and necessary
thereto. ~
~ H. Ash~is ~
Ed-~rd L. Smith
N~ ~ Suther!and, Jr~ 7 ~ ~
Officers present: Commonwealth s Attorney and County Executive.
Communication from the City of Charlottesville, enclosing an Ordinance Amending and Reenacting
Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land Within the Corporate Limits a~di~Within Three Niles of the
City of ~harlottesv~l~e, was presented Report from special committee of the Board appointed in this
instance was received, and after consideration and study, certain recommendations were made. On motion,
duly made and seconded, it was unanimously~ESOLVED that said regulations be approved with the following
Page 6, Subsection (d) be amended to read as follows:
A~_3_te perculation tests prior to preliminary approval~be reuio~d in case of
unusual soil condition or other physical factor which may impair the health and
safety of the neighborhood. Upon recommendation of the City or County Health Of-
fleer, the City and Coumty Planning Commissions may increase the lot area require-