HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-03-10NSPECIALPage 8, Section B, Sub~ection (1) be amended to read as follows:
The right-of-way of all streets shall be graded to their full width with side slopes
and fills outside the right~ofmway. Surfacing consisting of crushed stone or gravel
shall be installed to a width of tw~nt~ (20) feet and to a depth of six (6) i~.~ches
after compaction, su_~b'ect to__approval of theState Highway De~artment~ Curh, gutters,
and sidewalks are not required.
Page 8, Section B, ~ub~e~on (2) be amended to read as follows:
All necessary drainage facilities including ~mderground pipe, inlets, catch basins
or open ditches to provide for the adequate disposal of surface water and to ~intain
any natural drainage course shall be installed in conformance with standards and
subject to the approval of the State Highway Department. This Ordinance shall not
a_~X to subdivisions heretofor~ __ ~iy~n ~relimin~__~_a_~~ Planning Co~mission.
AND BE IT Fb~THERRESOLYED that a copy of, the foregoing be transmitted to the City
Council for its consideration.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
~ar~ 10, 1958
P~su~t to the follo~ng waiver~ members of the Board of Comuty Supervisors of Albemarle
Comaty, Virginia~ met ~ special session on this date in the City Hall, jointly' with the City Co~cil,
with t~ following members present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. ~rnett, H. Ashy Harris~
~. Y. Sutherland~ Jr., and Robert T'_~aves. Absent: Mr. Edward L. Smith.
We~ the ~dersi~ed, members of the Board of Co~ty Supervisors of Albe~.~rle Comuty,
Virginia, hereby wive notice and special service thereof, of a meetin$ to be held on
the afternoon of the tenth day of M~ch, 1958, in the City Hall, Cha~ottesville~ ~r-
~inia, for the purpose of considering matters pertaining to the Joint C~rlottesville-
Albemarle~Airport and t~ the Charlottesville-Albemarle Library, and we do hereby con-
~ent to the transaction of any ahd all bus.ess and the t~ing of such action at said
meeting upon the matters hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident and necessary
thereto. ~~
Robert ~raves
Officers p~sent: Co~ty Exec~ive ~d Co~onwealth's Attorney.
~e Airport Co~ission reviewed ~th the City Co~cil and the Board of Co~uty Supervisors,
asse~led in joint session, the bids receded on March 7, 1958, for ~provements to the Charlottesville~
Albemarle Joint Airport consisting of additional taxiways, enlarged apron, lighti~etco, and presented
the bid of Midway Electric Compaw, Charlottesville, Virginia, electrical contractors, in the ~o~t of
~6~85~.33 and the bid of Moore Bros.,~Verona, Virginia, ~ading and paving contractors, in the ~o~t
~95,195.10, as the low~st and best bids received, and thereupon recommended that such bids be approved
and that contracts be awarded to those fir~ on the basis of such bids, s~ject to Civil Aeronautics Ad~
ministration approval.
After g f~! discussion of the report, upon motion offS. Harris, seconded by ~r. Thraves, it
was ~animously RESOLVED that such bids be and they are hereby approved as the lowest h~d best bids re~
Albemarle the contracts contemplated by such bids subject (a) to the approval of bids and contracts by
the Civil Aeronautics Administration and (b) the agreement by the Civil Aeronautics Administration to
increase its present tentative allotment so that it will pay one-half, of the total cost of said im~
provements, including engineering services.
And IT WAS FURTF3~ RESOLI~D, rules with regard to second reading being suspended, that
$5,000.00, or as much thereof as necessary, be and is hereby appropriated to supplement the funds
already appropriated for this work.
The governing bodies were f~urther advised that interim appropriations would be necessary
during the progress of the work on the proposed project, such appropriations being necessary to complete
payments to all contractors prior to receipt of payments from the Civil Aeronautics'Administration.
The governing bodies were further advised that such interim appropriations would be repaid the respectiv~
participating members upon completion of audit and final ~ayment from the Civil Aeronaitics Administrati,
The two governing bodies them_ proceded to meet with a representative of Fluvanna County and th
Library Board on matters pertaining to the operation of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Library. Con-
siderable discussion was given to several phases of the library o~eration. It appeared that the cr~ux
of the discussion centered about the use of State-Federal Library Aid for regional library purposes.
Numerous representatives present were given an opportmaity to speak. After a full discussion, it ap~
peared to be the sense of the governing bodies.that this matter was a Library Board problem and as such~
wa~ referred back to that Board for disposition.
Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned. ~