HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-03-19Albemarle the contracts contemplated by such bids subject (a) to the approval of bids and contracts by the Civil Aeronautics Administration and (b) the agreement by the Civil Aeronautics Administration to increase its present tentative allotment so that it will pay one-half, or the total cost of said im~ provements, including engineering services. And IT WAS FURTHEP~ RESOLVED, rules with regard to second reading being suspended, that $5~000.00, or as much thereof as necessary, be and is hereby appropriated to supplement the funds already appropriated for' this wo~. The governing bodies were further advised that interim appropriations would be necessary during the progress of the work on the proposed project~ such appropriations being necessary to complete pa~ents to all contractors prior to.receipt of payments from the Civil Aeronautics Administration. The governing bodies were further advised that such interim appropriations would be repaid the respectiw participating members upon completion of audit and final ~ayment from the Civil Aeronaitics Administrati~ The two governing bodies then proceded to meet with a representative of Fluvanna County and th Library Board on matters pertaining to the operation of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Library. Con- siderable discussion was given to several phases of the library o~eration~ It appeared that the crux of the discussion centered about the use of State-Federal Library Aid for regional library purposes. N~erous representatives present were given an opportunity to speak. After a f~l discussion~ it ap~ peared to be the sense of the governing bodies.that this matter was a Library Board problem and as such, wa~ referred back to that Board for disposition. Upon motion~~ the meeting adjourned. A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 19th day of ~arch, 1958. Present: Messrso John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr., and Robert Thraveso Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting openedwith the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. M. M~ Pence. Minutes of the meetings of February 19, 1958 and March lO, 195~, were read and approved. Nro Bill Mayo appeared regarding the dangerous intersection of Route 29 North with Hydraulic Road. Mr. Walton, Asst. Supto of Schools, advised the Board that approximately fifty school buses pass this intersection and a'~representative of the Sperry Piedmont Corporation also expressed concern regard- in~ the heavy traffic at the intersection in question during opening and closing business hours of the plant. Mr. H. Wo Runkle, Resident Highway Engineer, advised that a study of this intersection was made last year, and that at the request of the local Highway office, another study is now being mads. Mr. Bernard Chamberlain, Attorney, appeared in behalf of Col. Wallace~s peti2ion requesting the acceptance of the old Staunton~Rivanna ~krnpike into the Secondary System. He stated that Col. Wallace was willing to contribute some ftmds to have this road pu% in condition by the High~ay Departmen Mr. Chamberlain was advised that this road was turned down by viewers due to the lack of funds end also, that the Highway Department could not use private funds in a case of this sort° Mr. Creas~i/appeared regarding road leading from ~l-bemarle to the Fluvanna County line. He was advised that this Board had previously agreed to accept this road into the Secondary System when Fluvauna County's portion was accepted. The following Viewers~ report was presented, and upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mro Garnett, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting of February 19, 195~, to view the following described section of road and make re~ port to yonr body, hereby wish to advise that on Earth 6, 1955~ we did view the following section of road and make report on samef Section of old Staunton-Rivanna Turnpike leading ~est from Route 691. (Approx..2 mi~.) We do not feel that there is s~ficient definite public service to justify this section becoming a State road. Therefore, we do not recommend to your Board the placing of this proposed road in the State Secondary System of Albemarle County. (Signed) Steven O. McCauley Guy A. Via J. F. Page The following Viewers' report was presented, and upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Garnett, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting of February 19, 1958, to view the following described section of road and make re- port to your body, hereby wish to advise that on March 6, 1955, we did view the following section of road and make report on same: Raymond Road, last road turning to the left from Ridge Street. (Approx. 3 blocks) We realize there is a need for a State road in this instance. However, due to the fact that there are not s~mfficient funds available to the County to cover the cost of this proposed addition during the coming year, we ca~uot recommend its acceptance into the Stat~ Secondary System of Albemarle County at this time. (Signed) Steven O. McCauley Guy A, Via J. ~. Page The following Viewers' report was presented, and upon motion, made by Mt.Harris and seconded by Mr. Garnett, was accepted in accordance with Section.2039 of the Virginia Code: We, the ~mudersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting of February 19, 1958, to view the following described section of road and make re- port tn yonr body, hereby wish to advise that on March 6, 1958, we did view the following section of road and make report on same: Beginning at end of State maintenance on Route 621 and ending at residence of Mr. W. F. Collier. (Approx..6 mile) We believe that the grading and drainage of this section would cost more %ha~ %he total amount the county has available for all road additions during %he coming year. ~herefore, we cannot recommend that this section of road be place~ in the State Secondary System of Albemarle County at this time. (Signed) Steven O. McCau!ey Guy A. Via J. F. Page ~_e following Viewers~ report was presented, and upon motion, made by Mro Harris and seconded by Nr. Garnett, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: We~ the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its r.e~aiar meeting of FeBruary 19, 1955, to view the following described section of road and make re- port to your body, hereby wish to advise that on Earch 6~ 1958, we did view the following section of road and make report on same: Begimuing at Route 20 at ~iss Nary Norford's entrance and ending at the gate of John Powell. (Approx. 1. mile) Due to some question regarding the right of way in this instance and also due to the fact that the cost involved would exceed the total amount the county has available for all road additions during the coming year, we camuot recommend that this section of road be placed in the State Secondary System of Albemarle County at this time. (Signed) otev~n O. McCauley Guy A. Via J. F. Page The following Viewers~ report was presented, and upon motion, made by ~r. Harris and seconded by Mr. Garnett, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting of February 19, 1958, to view the following described section of road and make re- port to your body, hereby wish to advise that on Narch 6, 1958, we did view the following section of road and make report on same: Beginning at railroad track at distillery near North Garden and ending at the entrance of Grant Baker. (Approx..4 mile) We do not feel that there is sufazc_ent-~' ~ definite p~olic service to justify this section becoming a State Road. Therefore, we do not recommend to your Board the placing of this proposed road in the 8tare Secondary System of Albemarle County. ~ Sm gned) Steven O. ~c~auley Guy A. Via J. F. Page The following Viewers~ report was presented, and upon motion, made by Nr~ Harris and seconded by Nr. Garnett, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: ~e, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting of February 19, 1958, to view the following described section of road and mhke re~ port to your body, hereby wish to advise that on ~ar~n 6, 1968, we did view the following section of road and make report on same: Eo~d~k~oMn~&s~G6!d~.Mine Road leading off to right .8 mile south of intersection of Route 800 and Route 602. (Approx..25 mile) We realize there is a need fcra State road in this instance. However, due to the fact that there are not su-~ficient funds available to the County to cover the cost of this proposed addition during the coming year, we-cannot recommend its accept~uce into the State Secondary System of Albemarle County at this time~ (Signed) Steven O. KcCauley Guy A. Via Jo F. Page The following Viewers~ report was presented, and upon motion~ made by Nr. Harris and seconded by Nr. Garnett, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: We the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting of FebrUary 19, 1958, to view the following desCribed section of road and make re- port to your body, hereby wish to advise that on Narch 6, 1958, we did. view the following section of road and make report on same: 01d Beagle Gap Road leading from Route 691. ~Approx..5 mile~) ~ We feel that there is a definite public need for a State maintained road in this instance. However, due to the fact that there are not sufficient funds available to the County to cover the cost of this proposed addition during the ~ming year, we cannot recommend its acceptance into the State Secondary System of Albemarle County at this time. (Signed) Steven O.. ~cCauley Guy A. Via J. F. Page The following Viewers' report was presented, and upon motion, made by ~,~r. Harris and seconded by ~gro Garnett, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the zrgznma Code: We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting of February 19, 1958, to view the following described section of road and make re- port to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on Narch 6, 1958, we did view~%he following section of road and make report on same: Route 715 about 2 miles from Route 6 and .8 mile from Route 723. (Length .7 mile.) We fee]. that there is a definite public need for a State maint&ined road in this instance. Also, there is no question regarding right of way along this requested addition. Therefore, we recommend to your Board the placing of this petitioned for road into the Sta~ Highway System of Albemarle County° (Signed) Steven O~ NcCauley Guy A. Via J. F. Page in connection with the foregoing report, the following resolution was 'onanimous!y adopted on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Ur. Garnett: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby recommended to take into the Secondary System that section of Route 715 about 2 miles from Route 6 and .8 mile from Route 723, a distance of .7 mile. BE IT FURTP~R RESOLVED that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby guaranteed a 50 foot unobstructed right of way along this requested addition. Nr. Byron Cain appeared regarding the School Capital Outlay Fund levy. He stated that the felt the levy should be dropped and that bonds be flo~ted to cover the cost of future school construct~oi After some discussion, Mr. Cain was advised that the public hearing on the proposed budget and levies would be held on April 29th. Pursuant to Sections 15-282(2) and 15~300 of the Code of Virginia, the County Executive pre- sented to the Board the proposed budget for the year 1958'59. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by ~r. Thraves, the ~elfare Budget as amended~ which has received approval of the Welfare Board and which has been incorporated in the proposed county budget, was approved. On motion of Mr~ Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith, it was ordered that a synopsis of the proposed 1958-59 budget be advertised in the Daily ~rogress in accordance with law and April 29, 1958, at lO:O0 A.~. in the County Office Building was set as the time and place for the public hearing on same. Mr. N. N. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of February, 1958, of which one-half is to be borne-by the State. On motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and a~proved. Mr. M. N. Pence~ Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of February, 1958, of which two-thirds is to'be bo~ne by the State. On motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Nr. ~. N. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Office of Con~on- weamth s Attorney for the month of February, 1958, of which one-half is to be borne by the State. On motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the Naintenance of Jail for the month of February, 1958~ was submitted along with Saummary Statement of Prisoner Days. On motion, duly made and seconded, th~se Statements were examined, verified and approved. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of February, 1958, were presented in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia~ Claim of the University of vikginia Hospital in the amount of $2,676.$0, of which one-half is reimbursable by the State, was received and approved for payment on motion of Nr. Garnett, seconded by Nr. Smith. Report of the County Executive for the month of February, 1958, was received, approved and ordered filed. On motion of Hr. ~hraves, seconded by Nr. Garnett, rules with r&gard to second readings were suspended, and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Cotu~ty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Mr~ Pence advised the[Board that Mr. Ray Hash, trading as University Music Company, had pur- chased a county license on cigarett vending machine located at ~aupin's Gulf SerVice, Crozet. He furthe: stated that Mr. James D. Maupin had also purchased a cowry license in this instance ~hd that Er. Hash had requested a refund of his payment. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, it was ordered that the County license of $5.00 be refunded to Mr. Hash as requested. Notice was received from the Railway Express Agency advising that it was petitioning for the closing df its station at Cobham and that public hearing would be held before the State Corporation Commission on this request in Richmond on March 27, 1958. Mr. T~hraves advised that he would investigate this m~$ter before the public hearing. Report on inspection of the County Jail was received from the Division of Corrections of the Department of Welfare and Institutions and was ordered filed. Report was received from the Division of ~arkets of the Department of Agriculture and Immigra-i! tion on the test of weighSng and measuring devices recently completed in Albemarle County and was ordere, filed. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Harriet B. Smith for fifteen hens and one bantom rooster killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Ers. Smith was al- lowed ~1.75 for each of the hens and ~0.50 for the bantam rooster. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Dr. Alfred F. De~iiia for two ewes killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Er. Harris, Dr. DeMilia was allowed ~22.50 for each of these ewes. Claim against the Dog T~x Fund was received from R. L. Heath, Jr. for one ewe killed by dogs. On motion of Er. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett, ~r. Heath was allowSd ~20o00 for this ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Byron Bo Cain for one young calf killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. ~raves, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Cain was allowed ~25.00 for this calf. C~aim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nfs. So T. ~'~ite for fourteen hens and one bantam killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harris~ seconded by Mr. Thraves, ~rs. Venire was allowed ~1.75 for each of these hens and $0.50 for the bantam. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nfs. Floyd Crable for one goat killed by dogs On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Garne.tt, ~rs. Crable was allowed $3o00 for this goat. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mrs. John Tornatore for one goat killed by On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Er. Garnett, Mrs. To~natore was allowed ~3.00 for this dogs. goat~ by dogs, this ~ ca~ ~ Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mt. Pleasant Farm for one young calf killed On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves, Mto Pleasant Farm was aliowed $25.00 for Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from ~ro Larned D. Randolph for seven ewes and three lambs killed by dogs~ On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, Mr. Randolph was allowed ~22.50 for each of these ewes and ~ ~ V~o~ for each of the lambs. ~e following resolution was offered by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Nr. Harris, and unani- mously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, does hereby express its grief at the passing of Lewis Bi Johuwon on the ninth day of March, 1958, who so ably served as Deputy Sheriff of Albemarle County for a number of years, and whose life and work were distinguished by his kindness, his sincerity, and his consideration with all whom he came in contact, and whose passing will be a great loss to the County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sincere and deep sympathy of each member of-this Board be conveyed to Nfs. Johnson for the ~oss she has sustained, and that L -8 ~r. Wi!liam~ advised that since the amount for the Library in the proposed budget for the fiscal year 1955-59 was tentative due to the fact that the budget for that 'body has not been received~ he felt that this Board should study the library request w_tn the City Council at such time as it is received by the no goverDing bodies. On motion of ~r. Harris, seconded by ~r. Suther!and, it was unanimously carried that Mr. Williams' suggestion in this instance be f611owed. ~ne Assessment Policy fort958 was discussed and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Sutherland, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following be the policy for the assessment of ia×able property for the year 1958: 1. Public Service Corporations - State Corporation Commission Assessments. 2. Machinery and Tools used in a man~£acturin~ or mining business - 25% of fair market value computed in the same manner as that on farm machinery & tools. 3. ~angible Personal Proe_~ - including automobiles and household and kitchen furniture except for farm machinery and tools amd livestock: (a) Automobiles - Average Loan Value (75% of fair market value) as shown by NADA Guide. (b) Household items as set forth in Section 58-829 (9)(lO)(ll)(12) - 25% of fair market value. (c) All other t~h!e personal property - 75% of fair market value. 4. Merchants Capita_ . _ _-- t - No assessment. 5. Farm Machiner~and Tools and Livestock: (a) Farm .machinery and tools - 25% of fair market value to be cmmputed on cost les~ depreciation; depreciation not to exceed 60% of cosz which will mean assessment values as follows: (1) New - 25% of cost. (2) One year old - 22.5% of cost;- (3) _~'o years old - 20% of cost. (4) Three years old - 17.5% of cost. (5) Four years old - 15% of cost. (6) Five years old - 12.5% of cost. (7) Six years and older - machinery still maintained and in usable con~ition-10% of di (b) Livestock - 25% of fair market value. (c) Chickens and turkeys - 25% of fair market value. BE IT FUR_~E~ RESOLVED that farm machinery, farm tools, farm livestock and household items as set forth in Section 58-829 (9)(lO)(ll)(12) be c~assified separately from other tangible personal property, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Commonwealth's Attorney to lay a separate levy on each category of personal property also be followed. Oh motio~.&f,:~r~hSmi$~;,'_~ecmnded:.ib~ ~r.~.~t~8~ia~, the Board:-~adjourned for a short executive session for the consideration of personnel matters. Claims against the County amounting to $190.665.23 were presented, examined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for ~ayment and chaMged against the following funds: General Fun~ School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet E~u~ District Fund JointHealth Fund Special School Capital Outlay Fund Woolen Mills Sanitary District. Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account Total 39,612.63 108,56&.75 1~2~/..71 5,172.30- 3.00 ~.I$6.06 ~t90,665.23 On Notion, the meeting adjourned.