HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-03SPECIAL ~ I~
April! 3, 958
Pursuant to the following waiver, m~mbers~ of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, met inspecial joint session with the Charlottesville City Council, City Hall, Char-
lottesville, Virginia, on this date at 11:00 A.N. with-the following present: Nessrs. John W. Williams
EdEa= N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith and N. Y. Sutherland, Jr~ Absent: Mr. Robert
~¥e, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, hereby waive notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held
at~!!:O0 A.N. on the third day of April, 1958, in. the City Haii~ Charlottesville,
Virginia, for the purpose of considering matters jointly with the City Council per-
raining to the Joint Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport~ and we do hereby consent to
the transaction of any and all bhsiness and the taking of such action at said meet-
lng upon the matter hereinabove mentioned ~s may be lawful, incident and necewsary
thereto. ~..
^ H. Ashby Harr~' ;~j
-Edward L. Smith
M. Y.~utherland,'Jr. ~ ~
Officers present: County Executive.
~EREAS, the County Executive presented to the Board a Grant Agreement as prepared by Mr.
Joseph W. Mort, Jr., District Airport Engineer, Civil Aeronautics Administration, relating to the
Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport, designated as Project No. 9-44-016-0502, which has been executed by
the Regional Administrator, Civil Aeronautics Administration, and its Contents were explained and fully
d~scussed by the Board;
On motion by Nr. Sutheriand, seconded by Nr. Garnett, it was unanimously RESOLVED:
(1) That the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ takingJoint action
with the City Council of Charlottesville, Virginia, shall enter into a Grant Agreement for the purpose
of obtaining Federal Aid in improving the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport and that such agreement shat
be set forth hereinbelow:
(2) That the Chairman 'is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Grant Agreement on
behalf of the Board of County Supervisors in septuplet and the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized
and directed to affix and attest the official Seal of the County of Albemarle.
(3) That the Grant Agreement referred to herinabove shall be as follows:
(Grant Agreement Attached
To following Page.)
Part I - Offer
Date of Offer MAI~ 3 1 1958
Project No.
(herein referred to as the "Sponsor")
FROM: The United States of America (acting through the Administrator of
Civil Aeroniutics, herein referred to as the "Administrator")
"Airport"), together with plans and specifications for such project, which
project Application, as approved by the Administrator, is hereby incorporated
herein and made a part hereof; ~nd
WHEREAS, the Administrator has approved a project for development of ~the
Airport (herein called the "Project") consisting of the following described
airport development: .
ali as more particularly described in the property map and plans and specifi-
cations incorporated in the said Project Application;
NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to and for the purposes of carrying out the provi-
sions of the Federal Airport Act (60 Stat. i?O; Pub. Law ~7, ~gth Congress),
and in consideration of (a) the Sponsor's adoption and ratification of the
representations and assurances contained in said Project Application, and
its acceptance of this Offer, as hereinafter provided, and (b) the benefits
to.accrue to the United States and the public from the accomplishment of the
Project and the operation and maintenance of the Airport, as herein provided,
16--~957-2 Form
struction contract involving excavating, pa~ing, etc. to Moore's Bros. Co., Inc. in accordance with its
bid, and the lighting contract to ~idway Electric Company in accordance with its bid. Upon ~otion by Nrc Sutherland, seconded by Hr~ Garnett, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Chairman be ~ud he hereby is authorized and directed to e~ecute on behalf
of the County the letters making such awards to ~oore's Bros. Co., Inc. a~d ~idwa~ Electric Co~pany so
that such contracts can be forned.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
AGREES to pay, as the United States'
1. The maximum obligation ef the United States payable under this Offer
The Sponsor shall
(a) begin accomplishment of the Project within a reasonable time
after-acceptance of this Offer, and
carry out and complete the Project in accordance with the terms
of this Offer, and the Federal ~irport Act and the Regulations
promulgated thereunder by the .Administrator in effect on the
date of this Offer, which Act and Regulations are incorporated
herein and made a part hereof, and
(~) carry out and complete the Project in accordance with the plans
and specifications and property map incorporated herein as they
may be revised or modified with the approval of the Administra-
tor or his duly authorized representatives.
S. The Sponsor shall operate and maintain the Airport as provided in~
the Project ~Application incorporated herein.
5. Any misrepresentation or omission of a material fact by the Sponsor
concerning the Project or the Sponsor's authority or ability to carry
out the obligations assumed by the Sponsor in accepting this Offer
shall terminatethe obligation of the United States, and it is understood
and agreed by the Sponsor in accepting this Offer that if a material
fact has been misrepresented or omitted by the Sponsor, the Adminis-
trator on behalf of the United States may recover all grant payments
6. The Administrator reserves the right to amend or withdraw this Offer
at any time prior to its acceptance by the Sponsor.
This Offer shall expire and the Un&ted States shall not be obligated
to pay any of the allowable costs of the Project unless this Offer
has been accepted by the Sponsor within 60 days from the above date
of Offer or such longer time as may be prescribed by the Administrator
in writing.
16--54957-2 For~l ACA-1632
at the
structi ~_.-- rosCOe., Inco in accordance with its
bid, an~lighting contract to Midway Electric Company in accordance with its bid.
Upon motion by ~r. Sutherland, seconded by ~!r~ Garnett, it was tmanimously
RESOLVED that the Chairman be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf
of the County the letters making such awards to Moore's Bros. Co., Inc. and Midway Electric Company so
that such contracts can be forned.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
struction contract involving excavating, pa~ing, etc.~to Moore's Bros. Co., Inc. in accordance with its
bid, and the lighting contract to ~idway Electric Company in accordance with its bid.
Upon motion by ~r. Sutherland, seconded by Nr~ Garne~t, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Chairman be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf
of the County the letters making such awards to Noore's Bros. Co., Inc. aad Midway Electric Company so
that such contracts can be forned.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
~ done
he con-
Struction contract involving excavating, pay. lng, etc...o , oore ~_ -. -. -., ....... With its
bid, and the lighting contract to ~Jiidway Electric Company in accordance with its bid.
Upon motion by ~J~ro 8utherland, seconded by ~,~r. Garnett, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Chairman be s_ud he hereby is authorized and directed to e×ecute on behalf
of the County the letters making such awards to Noore's Bros. Co., Inc. and ~idwa~ Electric Company so
that such contracts can be forned.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
s%ruetion co=trac~ ±=vo~,vi=g exeava%in¢, pa~±ng~ etc., to Moore's Bros. Co., Inc. ~ accordance ~$~h its
bid, a=d the [±¢h%±ng contrac~ ~o M±dway Electric Compa=y in. accordance w±%h [~s bid.
Upo= motio= by Mr. Su~he~[Ea~d, seconded ~T ~,r,. Garne~%, i~ ~as uua~a~ous[y
RESOLVED %hat ~he Chairman 'be and he hereby is authorized and directed %o exeeu%e on beha[f
of the County the letters making such awards to Moore's Bros, Co., inc. and Midway Electric Company so
that such contracts can be forned.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
............................... ' ~.~,~A.~TM EN'T' '.~F
CIVIL AgF¢ONAUT!¢S AD,',4i';~I;S'~..I~ATION ..........
~$:. _ (h.eroin ~ailad th6 "Sponsor")
T,~o....C_~.'~ .~~;~,an~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, ' ' '": .... '
for a
g. ant, of. I, e(lerat ;:u.nc~s .rm't~suagl. to ~hd 'F~deral :Aii;bbr[ :AeUana' the .R~gul~tioh'~ .i~:~ded tl:ie'~Y~undOi5
for. t:hc..purpose... . .. ..'oD aiding'. ,,. i'n
. .~[~t[~[[lI~l~[e .. Abram's: ebro:ch, ,,tq~,-,z +hr, "~xi,.,,,.~,{.'] ~,,e~,,~.,1 ~- l,,t"'uq..'3~ ~o. ~o"t~
~ong,?t~da ' 78u27
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~ is proposed lhag the pr6jeb~ consisg of ~e foll0wh,grdescx/be~ an'poy'~: devdODment:
'" ......... ' ' ' '..'.~:.:..... .i
~ -. , ., .'..1 ................. ~ .. . =_ ..:- ........... . ..... .:.' ....
. "' :! i ..~ .... ~ '--I
~' , ....... ,.,q ,,~ . 5 ' · :..,' ............ ' , · ' ' . " ~' :~' ' "'r": · '~ ,~ ~ ; ......
bm, tmack as a d~Jos~or.v'~f m~blic funds.'..Thd Sponsol' horeby desi.gnatds_~l~e~' 0/i..~1~.._...
The County Executive presented the contractual documents for the additional work to be done
at the Charlottesville-Albemarle Joint Airport and explained that it would be proper to award the con-
struction contract involving excavating, pa~ing, etc. to Noore's Bros. Co., Inc. in accordance with its
bid, and the lighting contract to Midway Electric Company in accordance with its bid.
Upon motion by ~[r. Sutherland, seconded by ~r. Garne~t, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Chairman be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf
of the County the letters making such awards to Noore's Bros. Co., Inc. a~d ~idway Electric Company so
that such contracts can be forned.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
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~5' r~: ........... : ............................ ~.n~g..~g~..."-C.~m~ ~.._~~ - } ........................... ~ ..........
op~usor, ,; ~. ,':',' -- ,- T- ~-~ 4, ~ ~v,,~a~,~ ~ ,,~-~ti~n dated J.~. ~ t95~ . :._:: .'
· in 'paragraphs ]7 a, az,a o o!: x'ar~ _~ u~ ,n,; ,.~: _~.)-,~, ,.,~,,,~, .................... - ........
for Projec~ No. ~)d~,O~'}l. .... _ and 'Lbo ,..~<,n.~oxm~- ,.-, ,'s A~surances coufiained in Par~ Iii of said Pro~ect
Application, which are made a part hereof as though q~e stone .were expressly set for~i¥ herein, except
as .rdlo.x ~,. ''
. ................................ ~ ~:~l~m;.' - · ............................................... ' ..... '.-.' ...........................
~th~aj!?it ~'~n~r~on~-~.:er~-~-~ap~r~ve~t cb~q&h~i~istrator and an offer of Federal aid
for such ap?ored projec~ ~s accepted by ghe Sponsor, ig is understood and agreed tha~ all ~o~
*~e~ ~ ~ ;.,c~tdcd'fi{ sscE'~r~'):~c'~'-w'.[il be accomplished in accordance with thq.&c~.and fl't9 ~cgulation~, the p~
'~ ~1-~ ~' 7~' ;r~ ' '~ -C .... 't,;,~k d~,,,q;,-iSm,,nt a; ',mOrowd bv thc Admin;s+r'at0r a:,~d t-5_e 'Gra'n~ Ag2Jeement x,;.'i~h
re~:pe~t'i:~ thc ?rn~ect~' ' ~ ~ ~..~.,~. ~ .,~;,~. ,... . .:
iN ..........~., ,_,"~'~,~:,,~' Wm,:]t.}~OF, ihb Sponsor has ~used this Proj~cg ApDl{c~i. ion' to be duly ex~u~ed' in
name, this__- _ 't~ · . day of_ 1~ , 19 ~
?~ae~e~r-ac-t~ c ~f~.
Co., Inc. and ~idway Electric Compa:'..