HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-02SPECIALOn motion, the meeting adjourned. June 2, 1958 Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special joint session with the Charlottesville City Council, City Hall, Char- lottesville, Virginia, on this date at 3:00 P.M. with the following present: Messrs. John ~. Williams, EdgarN. Garnett, Edward L. Smith and Robert Thraves. Absent: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris and M. Y, Sutherland, Jr. We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby waive notice and Special service thereof, of a m6eting to be held at 3:00 P.M. on the second day of June, 1958, in the City Hall, Charlottesville, Vire ginia, for the purpose of considering matters pertaining to the Interstate Highway System, s~d later in the County Office Building for the purpose of considering matters pertaining to retirement, proposed Recordation Tax Ordinance and the existing Parking Ordinance, and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident, and necessary thereto. L. Smith Robert T~raves Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Mr. Gilbert Campbell, Chairman of the Highway Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the meeting and gave the background concerning the Route 250 Interstate Highway. He advised tha~ a comparative study had been made with Route 60 and that such study revealed Route.250 to be the proper location for this portion of the Interstate System. Howe~er, other interest had appeared and another study was now under way to route the Interstate System by~ and Roanoke. Mr. Campbell pre- sented a resolution which had been adopted by the Highway Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and re- quested that the two governing bodies give approval to same. After discussion, and upon motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Highways, the Federal Bureau of Public Roads and United States Department of Defense, after years of planning and study, have selected the locations of interstate and defense highways in Virginia; and WHEREAS, the U. So Highway 250 has been selected as the proper location of the East-¥~est Interstate Highway from Richmond to intersect with U. S. Highway ll, another interstate highway, in the vicinity of Staunton, an~ WHEREAS, competent consulting engineers have concurred in the decision that U. S. 250 is the logical location for such ~interstate highway, and ~HEREAS, a portion of the U. S. 250 .routehhas already been given high priority, but construction thereof has been postponed, pending the completion of a study of still another route which would require approximately 5& extra miles of construction and will cost many millions of extra dollars, and WHEREAS, the study made by Wilb~ Smith and Associates as to the feasibility of selecting Route 60 over Route 250 included the Dynchburg area in eval~mting and making their decision in favor of Rt. 250~ it is not now proper to include a consideration of the Roanoke area in the c~rrent study since the area has already been evaluated in determining the location of Interstate Route ll, which will serve that area when completed, and ~qEEEAS, the procedure of re-opening and re-studying the approved highway plan recommended by unbiased technicians establishes a dangerous precedent which might conceivably result in a loss of public confidence in this highway program and the methods used to promote it, might interfere materially withthe deVelopment and progress of the Interstate Road system on a national basis, and would undoubtedly in- vite similar action from pressure groups in all the other states and jeopardize the entire Interstate System and the objectives for which it was created; and ~HEREAS, it is believed that the construction of an adequate East-West Interstate Defense Highwaz, in accordance with the recommendations of consulting engineers p~evio~uslymade should be begun as promptly as possible, and WHEREAS, the considered opinion and decision of the three determining bodies has been reached after a thorough and exhaustive study of the question, without thought of local interest and political favor, which is as it should be. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottes- ville, Virginia, and Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, in a joint meeting this 2nd day of June, 195~, that the ~irginiaDepartment of Highways, the Federal Bureau of Public Roads and United States Department of Defense be and they are hereby commended for their selection of U. S. 250 as the most practical, eco- nomical and logical location for the East-West Interstate Highway throd-gh Virginia, and that they are hereby requested and urged to proceed with all possible haste with the construction of the East-West Interstate Highway along the route of U. S. 250 as previously recommended; it being the belief of these bodies that the 250 route affords the most economical, practical and useful location for this inter- state highway. City Coun~l'~also adopted a similar resolution. On motion, duly made and seconded, the Board convened to the Board Room in the County Office 'Building to consider other matters. Considerable discussion was given to the matter of retirement for County employees. After thorough consideration by those present, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, and uuanimously carried on first reading to be acted on finally at the June 18, 195g, meeting: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that Albemarle County, Virginia, a p&litical sub- division, created by Chapter 100, Acts of Virginia, 1900, acting be and through the Board of Supervisors, does hereby elect to have such of the employees and of- ficers of the County, who 'are regularly employed full time on a salary basis, and whose tenure is not restricted as to temporary, or provisional appointment, to be- come eligible, effective as of July l, 1958, to participate in the Virginia Supple- mental Retirement System, under the conditions set forth in Titl~ 51, Chapter ~.2, Section 51-1111.9 through Section 51-111.67, Code of Virginia~ as such code has been or may be amended from time to time and said County agrees to pay its cost for par- ticipation of its employees for all services for Albemarle County prior to July l, 1958 for which credit is authorized and established on Forms required by the Re- tirement Board and for membership service in the System after such date and also to deduct from said employees' wages and pay over in the manner prescribed, the respective amounts required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, John N. Nilliams,-Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Albemarle County, and June T. Moon, Clerk, are hereby authorized and directed, in the~na~e of said County, to execute any required contract in order that employees of Albemarle County may become entitled to benefits provided under the Virginia Supplemental Retirement Act. In execution of any contract which may be required, the seal of said Albemarle Couuty shall be affixed and attested by th~ Clerk and said officers of Albemarle County are herehy authorized and directed to do any other thing, or things, incident and necessary in the lawful conclusion of this matter and in confor~ity with law. The Treasurer of Albemarle County be and is hereby authorized and directed to pay from time to time such sums as are due to be paid under said contract by Albemarle County ~and its employees. \ The Commonwealth's Attorney presented a copy of proposed Recordation Tax Ordinance. After considerable discussion of this matter, on motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Smith, and unanimously carried, the Clerk was directed' to advertise the Board's intent to propose for passage said Recordation Tax Ordinance at the regular Juue lg, 1958, meeting. The existing Parking Ordinance was discussed an& the County Executive was requested to obtain certain information with regard to the processing of parking tickets to be presented at the regular June meeting. On Motion, the meeting adjourned.