HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-18 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 18th day of J~e, 1955. Present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive mnd Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. N. M. Pence. Minutes of the meetings of Nay 21, 1958 and June 2, 1958, were read and approved. Mr. Armonde Paxson, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the Bar Association and requested that thel Board consider central air conditioning for the County Office Building and the Court House and if not praCtical, certainly to air condition the Clerk's Offices, the Board Room and the Department of Finance in the County Office Building and the Sheriff's Office and the County Court in the Court House. The County Executive advised that a survey was under way of the wiring in the buildings due to the inadequa, of the wiring for the present connections. After considerable discussion, it was ordered that the surve be completed and further study of cost be made before acting on this matter and it was also ordered that Mr. Paxson be so advised. Mr. M. W. Norford, Clerk ef the County Court, appeared before the Board with respect to the enforcement of traffic tickets issued by police on the grau~ds at the University. He explained that onl approximately one-half of the fines assessed by the issuance of tickets was being paid. ~r. Norford stated that considerable work was involved in the follow-up of unpaid tickets and that due to volume of the office work and the lack of personnel~, an additional worker would be necessary. He stated that in his opinion, the ordinance should be enforced to the fullest or repealed from the books. Considerable discussion was given the matter by the Board and it was determined that ~r. Williams contact Dean E.F.D. Eunk of the University to discuss the enforcement of traffic regulations on the University grounds and to report back at the next m~eting. Mr. H. W. Runk~, Resident Engineer, advised that Lester Drive in the Arlington Heights SUb- Division was still incomplete and tharefore, had not received approval for acceptance into the Secondary System. Mr. Thraves advised that he and Mr. Runkle had investigated Route '777 near the Orange County line on which request for inclusion into the Secondary System was received. He reported that ~here are only two homes ih Albemarle County serv&d by this Road and recommended that the request be denied. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Garnett, and unanimously carried, the foregoing request w~s denie( on the basis of the report, and it was ordered that the petitioners be so advised. Comm~_~nication was received from Dr. Alfred F. DeMilia requesting hard surfacing of Route 667. Dr. DeMilia advised in his letter that numerous petitions had been submitted in the past regarding this road and that if some assurance of an early remedy was not forthcoming, he would be for~ed to leave his community without medical service. Mr. Ruhk~e, Highway Engineer, advised that there were no funds avail- able at this time, nor in the coming year, for ~he road~in ~uestion and it was ordered that'Dr. Demilia b~ advised of this fact. The retirement resolution presented at the meeting of June 2, 1958, was again presented for second reading. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, this resolution was unanimously ap- proved. At lO:O0 A.M. the Chairman called for consideration of the proposed Recordation Tax Ordinance in accordance with notice published in the Daily Progress of the Board's intent to pass same. The ordi- nance as proposed was read and on motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, was adopted by the following recorded vote: Nays - None. Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris,.Smith, Sutherland and Thhaves. (Over) AN ORDINANCE I~?OSING A RECORDATION TAX AS AUTHORIZED BY 1958 ACTS OF THE GENER~.~_A~S~LY~ CMAPTER 590 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following Ordinance ~be passed and Ordained: THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBENARLE COUNTY, doth impose a county recordation tax in an amount equal to one-third of the amount of the State recordation tax collectable for the State on the first recordation of each taxable instrument; provided, no tax shall be imposed under this ordinance upon Shy instrument in which the State recordation tax is fifty cents specifically; and provided further, that where a deed or other instrument conveys, covers or relates to property located'partly in Albemarle County and partly in another county or city, or in other counties or cities, the tax imposed under the authority of this ordinance shall be computed only'with respect to the property located in Albemarle County. ~he Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County collecting the tax imposed under this ordinance shall pay the same in to the Director of Finance of Albemarle County. The effective date of this ordinance shall be the first moment of July 1, 1958. On motion of ~r. TSutherland, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the Clerk was directed to publish the foregoing Ordinance in accordance with law and upon publication, to furnish a certified copy of same to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Nr. C. N. Garnett, Sr., along with ~r. Smart of the Soil Conservation Service~ appeared before the Board with respect to application for the establishment of a Soil Conservation District and the pro- posed construction of dams to be constructed on Beaver Creek and Buck Mountain Creek. Nr. Garnett and Mr. Smart requested that the Board participate as a co-sponsor in the application for the establishment of these water sheds, advising that no financial obligation would be encumbered upon the county. After due discussion and on motion by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Nr. Harris, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Board Of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, act as a cogsponsor in this project and the Chairman was aUthorized to sign application on behalf of the Board for this project. The County Executive advised that he had just received the'revised SUbdivis~bn Ordinance from the City. He stated that the two revisions requested by the County relating to perculation tests and the use of galvanized pipe had been incorporated in the revised ordinance. After due ~onsideration, it was moved by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Garnett, that the Clerk be ordered to give proper publica- tion of the intent for the adoption of this Ordinance and that Wednesday, Ju~y 16, 1958, at lO:00 A.M. be set as the time for the public hearing on the same. which The Sanitation Ordinance/was discussed at the last regular meeting was ~gain presented for consideration. The Board was advised that a meeting had been held between Nr. Garmett and Nr. Smith for the Board of Supervisors with members of the Joint Health Department and a member of the Planning Com- mission. They advised that certain minor revisions had been made in the Ordinance as originally sub- mitted. Communication was presented from the Planning Commission urging the adoption of the Sanitation Ordinance as amended. It was the sense of the meeting that this matter be carried over to the next regu- lar meeting in order to permit the Commonwealth's Attorney to give study to the same. The Director of Finance submitted statements of expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office and the office of Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of~May, 1958. On motion, made by Mr. ~arnett, seconded by ~r. Smith, these reports were examined, verified and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with Summary Statement of Prisoner Days. On motion byMr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Garnett, these state- ments were examined~ verified and approved. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of May, 1958, were presented in ace cordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia. Report of the County Executive for the month of May, 1958, was presented, approved, and ordered filed. The Count~iExecutive advised that Mr. Cattin's term as member of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Library Board expired as of June 30 and it would be necessary to appoint a successor. Nr. Williams ad- vised that he had contacted Mrs. Amos Sweet of Bellair with regard to serving as a member of the Library Board. He stated that he thought she possessed the qualifications and would prove to be a valuable adjunct bo thatbody. It was moved by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, that Mrs. Amos Sweet be .appointed as a member of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Library Board 2o:fill~:~he~.du~xpire~ter~ °fNr~gCatli ~hich~e$~S~Ju~e 30, 1960. The Board was advised that bids for the alterations and additions to the Scottsville School had~ ~been received by the School Board on Thursday, June 12, and that the bid of Rittenhouse Brothers, Scotts- ville, Virginia, in the sum of $233,950.00 had been determined to be the best bid submitted. The County EXecutive advised that $10,000.00 had been appropriated for necessary expenses involved in this project and requested that the sum of $240,000.00 additional be appropriated. On motion by Mr. Harris, seconded 'by Mr. ThraEes, rules regarding second reading being suspended, it was RESOLVED that $240,000.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby a~propriated £h~ alterations and additions to the Scottsville School. Notice was received from the Railway Express Agency of hearing before the State Corporation Com~ mission on July 3, 1958, regarding its application to discontinue its ~gency at Red Hill. Mr. Sutherland reRorted that as far as he had been able to ascertain, there was no objection to the closing of 'this agency. On motion by Mr. Garnett, seconded by Nr. Sutherland, this notice was ordered received and file~ On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by ~r. Thraves, rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $367,293.00 be and is hereby appropriated for operating expenses of the School Board for the month of July, 1958. The County Executive requested am appropriation to cover the purchase of a new bookeeping machi: said purchase having been approved previously by this Board and the Compensation Board. On motion, made by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, rules with regard to second readings were suspended, and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of CoUnty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $5,950.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated to cover the cost of machines in the Departmeht of Finance. Communication was received from the National Bank and Trust Company requesting certain changes in escrow due to the fact that certain notes held as security wou~d become due September 15, 1959. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris~ the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the National Bank and Trust Company of Charlottesville, Depository, has requested the s~stitution of certain securities held by the State-Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts, Escrow Agent, in accordance with Escrow Agreement by and be- tween the National Bank and Trust Company, the State-Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts, M. N. Pence, Director of Finance of Albemarle County, and the Board of Super- visors oF Albemarle County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that the National Bank and Trust Company be and is hereby authorized to pledge the following securities: $500,000 U. S. Treasury 3% due February 15, 1964 AND, upon the pledge and delivery of the foregoing, the State-Planters Bank af Commerce and Trusts is hereby authorized to release the following: $501,000 U. S. Treasury2~% due September 15, 1959-56. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the National Bank ~ud Trust Company and to the State-Planters bank of Comn~erce and Trusts. Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, presented to the Board the Annual Appropriation Ordi- nance for the year 1958-59. On motion, made by Nr..Thraves, seconded by Nr. Harris, rules with regard to. second readings were suspended and the Appropriation Ordinance as follows was adopted by the follow- ing recorded vote: Ayes ~ Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Smith, Sutherland and Thhaves. Noes-None. ANNUAL APPROPRIATi0NORDINAk~EOF THE C0UNTYCF ALBE~fARLE, VIRGINIA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30~ 1959 _ AN ORDI.NANCE MAKING APPROPRIATION OF SUMS OF MONEY FOR ALL NECESSARY EXPENDITUR~ OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, 1959~ TO PRESCRIBE THE PROVISES, TERMS~ CONDtT~ONS~ AND PROVISIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE ITEMS. OF APPROPRIATION AND THEIR PAYMENT~ AND TO REPEAL ALL ORDINANCES WHOLLY IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL ORDINANCES INOONSISTENT WiTH THIS ORDINANCE TO THE EXTENT OF SUCH INCONSISTENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ~)ARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE C0UNTY0F ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA: SECTION I THAT THE FOLLOWING SUMS OF MONEY BE AND THE SAME HEREBY ARE APPROPRIATED FOR THE~PMRPOSES HEREIN SPECIFIED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE ~0~ 1959~ PARAGRAPH ONE FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF COUNTY ADUINISTRATION THE SUM OF ELEVEN THOUSAND SlX HUNDREDAN~ SIX DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($11,606,00) IS'APPROP-- RIATE~ FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO BE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWSt BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY EXECUTIVE PLANNING COMMISSION PARAGRAPH TWO $ 7,510.00 3,246.00 850.00 FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF ASSESSUENT OF TAXABLE PROPERTY THE SUM OF NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY--FIVE DOLLARS AND NO CENTS iS APPROPRIATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO BE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWSt 1. E~UALIZATIONBOARD $ 6,730.00 2. PREPARATION OF TAx MaPS 2,725.00 PARAGRAPH THREE FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF COLLECTION AND DISBURSEUENT OF TAXES AND OTHER RECEIPTS THE SUM OF FIFTY--NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE ~OLLARS AND NO CENTS ($~9~5.00) 15 APPROPRIATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO SE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWS: 1.. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 2. COLLCTION OF DELINQUENT LAND TAXES 500.00 PARAGRAPH ~OUR FoR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF RECORDING OF D0CU~ENTS THE SUM OF TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINTY--SEVEN DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($25,29?.00) ~s APPROPRIATED FROM THEGENERAL FUND TO BE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWS= 1. 0FFiCEOr THE 00UNTY CLERK AND THE 0LERK $25,297.00 (CONT I HUED) -i- The County Executive reported that he is ~till in the process of obtaining prices with regard to the Crozet Water Committee~ recommendation ~ith respect to the 6" water main on Tabor Street in Crozet. Mr. Thraves, reporting for the committee on the preservation of old Clerk's records, stated that Mr. Maupin expects to contact the library in Richmond regarding this matter and that complete re- port will be made by his committee at the next regular'meeting. Claim against the Dog Tax Ftmd was received from Mr. Jack Page for One ewe killed by dogs. On motion of ~. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Page was allowed $15.00 for this ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. H. H, Pace for five hens killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Pace Was allowed $1.00 for each of these hens. .~ Mr.. Mo N. Pence, Director of Finance, presented to the Board the Annual Appropriation Ordi- nance for the 7ear 1958-59. On motion, made by Nro ~'aves, seconded by 1~'. Harris, ~ules with regard to second readings were suspended and the Appropriation Ordinance as follows was adopted by the follow- lilng recorded vote: Ayes ~ Messrso Williams, Garnett, Harris, Smith, Suthertand and Thhaves. Noes-None. PARAGRRPH FIVE FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF ADMINISTRATION ~ dUSTICE-THE SUM OF ELEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($11,375.00) .IS APPROPRIATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO BE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWS: 1. CIRCUIT COURT $ 4,355.00 2. TRIAL dUSTICE COURT 490.00 3. COMMONWEALTHIG ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 6,530.00 PARAGRAPH SIX FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF CRIME PREVENTION & DETECTION THE SUM OF SlXT¥-~SIX THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($66,175.00) IS APPROPRIATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO BE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWS: 1. POLICING AND INVESTIGATION $53,/.~0.00 2. CONFINEMENT AND CARE OF PRISONERS 12,695. O0 PARAGRAPH SEVEN FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF FIRE PREVENTION & EXTi~TION THE SUM OF TEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTYSEVEN-- ]DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($10,857.00) IS APPROPRIATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND TOBE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWSt 1. APPROP. TO CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND $ 4,472.00 2. APPROP. TO CROZET FIRE DISTRICT FUND 1,200.00 3. APPROP. TO SOOTTSVILLE FIRE. COMPANY 1,200.00 4. OTHER FIRE PREVENTION AOTIVITIBS PARAGRAPH EIGHT FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF PUBLIC ~ELFARE THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED NINTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY--FOUR :DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($219,764.00) IS APPROPRIATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO BE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWEr 1. Ai3MINiSTRATION $37,194.00 2. PUBLiS ASSISTANCE-FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL 161,470.00 3. INSTITUTIONAL CARE 20,500.00 4- OTHER WELFARE AID 100.00 5. LUNACY COMMISSION 500.00 PARAGRAPH NINE FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF PUBLIC HEALTH THE SUMOF TWENTY- THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO CENTS ($2~,~00.00) tS APPROPRIATED FROM THE ND TO BE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWSt 1. ~OiNT HEALTH DEPARTMENT $23,400.00 2. OTHER PUSLIO HEALTH ACTIVITIES 3,400.00 PARAGRAPH TEN FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF ADVANCEMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND HCME ECON0iVIICS THE SUM OF THIRTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FORTY--ONE DOLLARS AND NO CENTS (~13~1.00) is APPROPRIATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND. PARAGRAPH ELEVEN FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF ELECTIONS THE SUM OF FOUR FIVE HUNDRED NINTY DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($4,590.00) tS APPROPRIATED THE GENERAL FUND. (CONT 1 NUNS) -2. The County Executive reported that he is ~till in the process of obtaining prices with regard to the Crozet Water Committee~§ recommendation with respDct to the 6" water main on Tabor Street in Crozet. Mr. Thraves, reporting for the committee on the preservation of old Clerk's records, stated that Er. Maupin expects to contact the library in Richmond regarding this matter and that complete re- port will be made by his committee at the next regularmeeting. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Jack Page for One ewe killed by dogs. On motion of ~tr. Sutherland, seconded by,Ir. Harris, Mr. Page was allowed $15.00 for this ewe. Claim against the Dog Ta×Fund was received from Mr. H. H, Pace for five hens killed by dogs. On motion of Hr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Pace was allowed $1.00 for each of these hens.. Mr. M. N. Pence, Director of Finance, presented to the Board the Annual Appropriation Ordi- nance for the year 1958-59. On motion, made by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the Appropriation Ordinance as follows was adopted by the follow- ing recorded vote: Ayes ~ Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Smith~ Sutherland and Th~ves. Noes-None. PARAGRAPH TWELVE FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROU~DS THE~SUM OF ELEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($11,570.00) is APPROPRIATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND. PARAGRAPH THIRTEEN FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS THE SUM OF EIGHTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE DOLLARS AND NO CENTS($15~485'00) IS APPROPRIATED FROM 'THE GENERAL FUND TO BE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWS: 1. CONTRIBUTION TO CHARLOTTESvILLE-ALBEMARLE L~BRARY $12~?00.00 2-. CIVILIAN DEFENSE 200,00 3. SOCIAL SECURITY TAX 4~000.00 ~e OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 1~585.00 PARAGRAPH FOURTEEN FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES oF'PUBLIC SERVICE OPERATION THE SUM OF ELEVEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED ~OLLAR$ AND NO CENTS ($11~900,00) is APPROPRIATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND. SUMMARY TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1959 TO BE PROVIDED FOR AS FOLLOWSl REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES REVENUE FROM THE COMMONWEALTH, NONREVENUE RECEIPTS TOTAL GENERAL FUND RESOURCES AVAILABLE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1959 $500.580.00 $ 182,130.00 307,200.00 11.250. O0 $ 500~580.00 SECTION II THAT THE FOLLOWING SUMS OF MONEY BE AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY APPROPRIATED FOR PURPOSES SPECIFIED HEREIN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1959: PARAGRAPH ONE FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK AND FOWLS THE SUM OF TEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($10~300o00) is APPRO- PRIATED FROM THE DOG TAX FUND. SUMMARY TOTAL DOG TAX FUND APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1959 To BE PROVIDED FOR AS FOLLOWS~ ANTICIPATED BALANCE AT JULY 1~ 1958 SALE OF DO~ TAGS (NET) RECEIPTS FROM INNOCULATION TOTAL DOG TAX FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, 1959 (OONTINUED) -3- $ -0- 1 O, 000. 00 300.00 10,300.00 The County Executive reported that he is ~till in the process of obtaining prices.with regard to the Crozet Water Committee~ recommendation ~ith respDct to the 6" water main on Tabor Street in Crozet. Mr. Thraves, reporting for the committee on the preservation of old Clerk's records, stated that Mr. Maupin expects to contact the library in Richmond regarding this matter and that complete re- port will be made by his committee at the next regular'meeting. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Jack Page for One ewe killed by dogs. On motion of Mro Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Hr. Page was allowed $15.00 for this ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. H. H, Pace for five hens killed by dogs. On motion of Hr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Pace was allowed $1.00 for each of these he~s. Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, presented to the Board the Annual Appropriation Ordi- nance for the year 1958-59. On motion, made by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Nr. Harris, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the Appropriation Ordinance as follows was adopted by the follow- lng recorded vote: Ayes ~ Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Smith, Sutherland and Thhaves. Noes-None. SECTIO~ II! THAT THE FOLLOWING SUMS OF MONEY BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY APPROPRIATED FOR PURPOSES SPE01FIED HEREIN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30~ 1959t PARAGRAPH ONE FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF THE CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT THE SUM OF THIRTY THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($30~600~00) IS APPROPRIATED FROM THE CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUND TO BE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWS~ 1. ADMINISTRATION $ 950.00 2. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION 10,345.00 3. CAPITAL OUTLAY, DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 5~075.00 4- DEBT SERVICE 14,230.00 SUMMARY TOTAL CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, 1959 TO BE PROVIDED FOR AS FOLLOWS: ANTICIPATED BALANCE AT dULY 1~ 1958 REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30~ 1959 $30,600.00 $ $3o, 6oo. co SECTION iV THAT THE FOLLOWING SUMS OF MONEY BE AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY APPROPRIATED FOR THE PURPOSES SPECIFIED HEREIN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, 1959: PARAGRAPH ONE SUM ( IS HI FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE FUNCTION OF THE CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT THE EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($8~O~2.00) APPROPRIATED FROM THE 0ENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND. SUMMARY TOTAL CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, 1959: $ 8,972.00 TO BE PROVIDED FOR AS FOLLOWS: ANTICIPATED BALANCE AT dULY 1~ 1958 APPROPRI AT ION FROM GENERAL FUND TAX LEVY OUTSIDE UsE OF FIRE TRUCK TOTAL CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT RESOURCES AVAILABLE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, 1959 $ -0- 1,200.00 4, 500. O0 _ 3.27_2. 00 8,972; co (CONTI.UED) -4- The County Executive reported that he is ~till in the process of obtaining prices .with regard to the Crozet Water Committee~§ recommendation with respDct to the 6" water main on Tabor Street in Crozet. Mr. Thraves, reporting for the committee on the preservation of old Clerk's records, stated that Mr. Maupin expects to contact the library in Richmond regarding this matter and that complete ~e- port will be made by his com~ittee at the next regular-meeting. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Jack Page for One ewe killed by dogs. On motion of Mro Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Page was allowed $15.00 for this ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. H. H. Pace for five hens killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Pace was allowed $1.00 for each of these hens. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was r~ceived from Dr. E. D. Davis for two ewes killed by dogs. Mr.. M, M. Pence, Director of Finance, presented to the Board the Annual Appropriation Ordi- nance for the year 1958-59. On motion, made by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the Appropriation Ordinance as follows was adopted by the follow- ing recorded vote: Ayes ~ Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Smith, Sutherland and Thhaves. Noes-None. SECTION V THAT THE FOLLOWING SUMS OF MONEY BE AN]:) THE SAME ARE HEREBY APPROPRIATED FOR JOINT HEALTH DEPARTUENT PURPOSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, 1959: PARAGRAPH ONE FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE JOINT HEALTH DEPAR~JENT THE SUM OF SEVENTY- ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TWO DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($71,502o00) is HEREBY APPRO- PRIATED FROM THE d01NT HEALTH DEPARTIVtENT FUND. .SUMUARY TOTAL dOINT HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30~ 1959 To BE PROVIDED FOR AS FOLLOWS: ANTICIPATED BALANCE AT dULY 1, 1958 REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES: UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE CiTY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE IVNA REVENUE FROM THE COMMONWEALTH TOTAL dOINT HEALTH DEPARTUENT RESOURCES 2,000°00 23,39/+°20 19,428.80 2,079.00 24,6 0.00 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, 1959 $71,502.00 SECTION Vl THAT THE FOLLOWING SUMS OF MONEY BE AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY APPROPRIATED FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES HEREIN SPECIFIED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, t959: PARAGRAPH ONE FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTE~ THE SUM OF ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY--THREE DOLLARS AN]:) NO 0ENTS ($1,228,873.00) is APPROPRIATED. ' PARAGRAPH TwO FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY OF THE COUNTY S(~H00L SYSTE~ THE SUM OF EIGHTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($18,200.00) is APPROPRIATED FROM THE SOHOOL FUND TO BE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWS= 1. EQUIPMENT FOR BUILDINGS $ 8~500.00 2. NEW SCHOOL BUSES 8,700.00 3. IMPROVEMENT TO SITES 1,000.00 PARAGRAPH THREE FOR THE PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON AND RETIREMENT OF DEBT OF THE COUNTY SCHOOL FOR THE SUM OF SIXTY--SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NO CENTS 500.00) IS APPROPRIATED FROM THE SCHOOL FUND TO BE APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWS= (CO.TINUED) The County Executive reported that he is ~till in the process of obtaining prices with regard to the Crozet Hater Committee~§ recommendation with respDct to the 6" water main on Tabor Street in Crozet. Mr. Thraves, reporting for the committee on the preservation of old Clerk's records, stated that Mr. Maupin expects to contact the library in Richmond regarding this matter and that complete re- port will be made by his committee at the next regular'meeting. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Jack Page for One ewe killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Page was allowed $15.O0 for this ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. H. H, Pace for five hens killed by dogs. On motion~of Mr. Harris, seconded by Nr. Sutherland, Mr. Pace was allowed $1o00 for each of these hens. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was r~ceived from Dr. E. D. Davis for two ewes killed by dogs. . Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, presented to the Board the Annual Appropriation 0rdi- nance for the year 1958-59. On motion, made by Hr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the Appropriation Ordinance as follows was adopted by the follow- lng recorded vote: Ayes ~ Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Smith, Sutherland and Thhaves. Noes-None. 1. LITERARY FUND LOANS 2. iNTEREST ON LITERARY FUND LOANS 3. BONDS Z~ INTEREST ON BONDS 25,000.00 12,000.00 25,000.00 4,500.00 SUMUARY TOTAL SCHOOL FUND APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, 1959 $1,31..3,573. OO SECTION VII THAT THE FOLLOWING SUMS OF MONEY BE AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY APPROPRIATED FOR THE PURPOSES SPECIFIED HEREIN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30~ 1959: PARAGRAPH ONE FOR THE FUNCTION OF SPECIAL SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY THE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($112~000.00) is HEREBY APPROPRIATED FROM THE SPECIAL SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND, SUMUARY TOTAL SPECIAL SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISOAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, 1959 $, . .12,ooo.o0 TO BE PROVIDED FOR AS FOLLOWS: ANTICIPATED BALANCE AT dULY 1, 1958 REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES REVENUE FROM_THE COMMONWEALTH REVENUE FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NONREVENUE APPROPRIATION FROM GENERAL FUND TOTAL SPECIAL SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND RESOURCES FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, 1959 _Om 112~O00. OO -0- $ 112,000.00 SECTION Vlll THAT THE FOLLOWING SUMS OF MONEY BE AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY APPROPRIATED FOR THE PURPOSES SPECIFIED HEREIN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30~ 1959: PARAGRAPH ONE FOR THE FUNC~TION OF THE MCINTIRE TRUST FUND THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY--FIVE DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($2~775.00) IS HEREBY APPROPRIATED FROM THE MCINTIRE TRUST FUND. SUMMARY TOTAL MCINTIRE TRUST FUND APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30, 1959 To BE PROVIDED FOR AS FOLLOWS: ANTICIPATED BALANCE AT dULY 1, 1958 $ -O-- (CONTINUED) -6- The County Executive reported that he is ~till in the process of obtaining prices with regard to the Crozet Tater Committee~§ recommendation with respect to the 6" water main on Tabor Street in Crozet. Mr. Thraves, reporting for the committee on the preservation of old Clerk's records, stated that Mr. Maupin expects to contact the library in Richmond regarding this matter and that complete re- port will be made by his committee at the next regularmeeting. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Jack Page for One ewe killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Hr. Page was allowed $15.00 for this ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. H. H, Pace for five hens killed by dogs. On motion'of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Pace was allowed $1.00 for each of these hens. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was r~ceived from Dr. E. D. Davis for two ewes killed by dogs. Mr. M. N. Pence, Director of Finance, presented to the Board the Annual Appropriation Ordi- nance for the year 1958-59. On motion, made by Mr..Thraves, seconded by Nr. Harris, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the Appropriation Ordinance as follows was adopted by the follow- Lug recorded vote: Ayes ~ Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Smith, Sutherland and Thhaves. Noes-None. REVENUE FROM INVESTMENTS: NATIONAL BANK & TRUST Co. -CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK -- CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. LITERARY FUND OF VIRGINIA TOTAL Mc/NTIRE TRUST FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISOAL YEAR ENDING dUNE 30~ 1959 1,2OO. 00 1,200.00 37%OO ~ _ 2,~75.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS MENTIONED IN SEOTIONS ~ THROUGH V|ll IN THIS ORDINANOE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1959: RECAPITULATION: SECTION I $ 500,580.00 SECTION I! 10,300.00 SECTION ill 30,600.00 SECTION iV 8,972.00 SECTION V 71,502.00 SECTION Vt 1,313,573.00 SE~TiON VII 112,000.00 SECTION VIii _2,775.00 GRAND TOTAL $2.050~302.00 SECT I ON IX ALL OF THE MONIES APPROPRIATED AS SHOWN BY THE CONTAINED ITEMS IN SEOTIONS I THROUGH VIii ARE APPROPRIATED UPON THE PROVISOS, TERMS, OONDITtONS AND PRE-- VISIONS HEREIN BEFORE SET 'FORTH IN CONNECTION WITH SAID ITEMS AND THOSE SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION. PARAGRAPH ONE SUBdEGT TO THE QUALIFICATION IN THIS ORDINANCE CONTAINED, ALL APPROPRIATIONS MADE OUT OF THE GENERAL FUN]:), THE DOG TAX FUND, THE CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUND, THE CENTRAL FJRE DISTRICT FUND~ THE dOINT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FUND~ THE SCHOOL FUND, THE SPECIAL ScHOoL CAPITAL OuTLAy FUND~ AND THE MOINTIRE TRusT FUND ARE DECLARED TO BE MAXIUM~ CONdITIoNAL'AND PROPORTIONATE APPROPRiAT!ONS~'.THE PURPOSE BEING TO MAKE THE APPROPRIATIONS PAYABLE IN FULL IN THE AMOUNT NAMED HEREIN I'F NECESSARY AND THEN ONLY IN THE EVENT THE AGGREGATE REVENUES OOLLECTED AND AVAILABLE DURING THE FISCAL YEAR FOR' WHICH THE APPROPRIATIONS ARE MADE ARE SUF- FICIENT TO PAY ALL THE APPROPRIATIONS IN FULL. OTHERWISE, THE SAID APPROPRIATIONS SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE PAYABLE IN SUCH PROPORTIONS AS THE TOTAL SUM OF ALL REALIZED REVENUE OF THE GENERAL FUND~ THE DOG TAX FUND, THE CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUND, THE CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND, THE JOINT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FUND~ THE SCHOOL FUND~ THE. SPECIAL SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND~ THE MCINTIRE TRUST FUND IS TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF REVENUE ESTIMATED TO BE AVAILABLE .IN THE SAID FISCAL YEAR BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, THE SCHOOL BOARD, AND THE BOARD OF PUBLIC ~ELFARE~ PARAGRAPH T~O ALL REVENUE RECEIVED BY ANYiAGENCY UNDER THE OONTROL OF THE BOARD OF SUPER~ VISORS OR BY THE SCHOOL BOARD OR:BY THE E~)ARD OF PUBLiO ~ELF'ARE NOT INCLUDED IN (CONTINUED) -?- The CouutyExecutive reported that he is ~til! in the process of obtaining prices with regard to the Crozet Water Committee~§ recommendation ~ith respDct to the 6" water main on Tabor Street in Crozet. Mr. Thraves, reporting for the committee on the-preservation of old Clerk's records, stated that Mr. Maupin expects to contact the library in Richmond regarding this matter and that complete re- port will be made by his committee at the next regular'meeting. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Jack Page for One ewe killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Page was allowed $15.00 for this ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. H. H~ Pace for five hens killed by dogs. on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Pace was allowed $1.00 for each of these hens. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was rSceived from Dr. E. D. Davis for two ewes killed by dogs. M~. M. N. Pence, Director of Finance, presented to the Board the Annual Appropriation Ordi- nance for the year 1958-59. On motion, made by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Nr. Harris, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the Appropriation Ordinance as follows was adopted by the follow- ing recorded vote: Ayes ~ Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Smith, Sutherland and Thhaves. Noes-None. ~IT$ ESTIMATE OF REVENUE FOR THE FINANCING OF THE FUND BUDGET AS SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MAY NOT BE EXPENDED BY THE SAID AGENCY UNDER THE CONTROL OF rHE~K)ARD OF SUPERVISORS OR BY THE SCHOOL BOARD OR BY THE BOARD OF"PUBLIC WEL- fARE WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE BOAFLT) OF SUPERVISORS BEING FIRST OBTAINED. NOR MAY ANY OF THESE AGENCIES OR BOARDS MAKE EXPENDITURES WHICH WILL EXOEED A SPEw CIFIC ITEM OF AN APPROPRIATION OR MAKE TRANSFERS BETWEEN SPECIFIC ITEMS OF AP- PROPRIATION WITHOUT THECONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BEING.FiRST OBTAINED. PARAGRAPH THREE ALL BALANCES OF APPROPRIATIONS PAYABLE OUT OF THE GENERAL FUND oF THE COUNTY FREASURY AT THE CLOSE OF_ BUSINESS ON THE THIRTIETH (30TH) DAY OF dUNE~ EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR~ AS HEREBY DECLARED TO SE LAPSED INTO THE COUNTY TREASURY AND SHALL BE USED FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE APPROPRIATIONS WHICH MAY BE MA~E IN THE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR THE NEXT FISCAL.YEAR~ BEGINNING dULY HOWEVER~ NOTHING IN THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO BE APPLICABLE TO THE SOHOOL FUND (OR ANY OTHER ESPECIALLY RESTRICTED FUND). PARAGRAPH FOUR NO OBLIGATIONS FOR GOODSj MATERIALS, SUPPLIES~ EQUIPMENT OR OONTRAOTURAL ~ERVlOES FOR ANY PURPOSE MAY BE INCURRED BY ANY DEPARTMENT, BUREAUj AGENOY CAR INDIVIDUAL UNDER THE ~IREOT OONTROL OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXOEPT BY REQUI- SITION TO THE DIRECTOR OF FINANOE; PROVIDED~ HO~EVERj NO REQUISITION FOR OON- TRACTURAL SERVICES -- SUOH AS SOMMUNIOATIONS, TRAVEL~ FREIGHT~ EXPRESS -- AND MEMBERSHIP FEES AND SUBSORIPTIONS SHALL BE REQUIRED; AND PROV:IDED FURTHER THAT NO REQUISITION FOR CONTRAOTURAL SERVIGES INVOLVI~G THE ISSUANCE OF A CONTRACT ON A OOMPETITIVE BID BASES SHALL BE REQUIRED~ BUT SUOH CONTRACT SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE HEAD OF. THE CONTRACTING DEPARTMENT~ BUREAU~ AGENOY OR INDIVIDUAL AND THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE~ WHO SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURING SUCH COMPETITIVE BIDS )N THE BASIS OF SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED BY THE CONTRACTING DEPARTMENT, BUREAU~ !AGENCY OR INDIVIDUAL. ~N THE EVENT OF THE FAILURE FOR ANY REASON OF APPROVAL HEREIN REQUIRED FOR ~UOH OONTRAOTS~ SAID 0ONTRACTS SHALL BE AWARBED THROUGH APPROPRIATE AOTION OF THEBOARD OF SUPERVISORS. ANY OBLIGATIONS INCURRED OONTRARY TO THESE REQUIREMENTS SHALL /dOT BE 0ON-- S.IDERED OBLIGATIONS OF THE COUNTY AND THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE SHALL NOT ISSUE ~NY WARRANTS IN PAYMENT - FOR SUOH OBLIGAT.ION$. PARAGRAPH F I VE NOTHING IN THIS SECTION SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS AUTHORIZING ANY REI~JCTION TO BE MA~E IN THE AMOUNTS APPROPRIATED IN THIS ORDINANOE FOR THE PAYMENT OF INTEREST OR PRINOIPAL ON INDEBTE]3NESS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ (22-12~,, CODE OF VA.) PARAGRAPH S I X ALLOWANOES'OUT OF ANY OF THE APPROPRIATIONS MADE IN THIS ORDINANOE BY ANY 3R ALL OOUNTY DEPARTMENTSt BUREAUSj OR AGENCIES UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE BOARD 3F SUPERVISORS TO ANY OF THEIR OFFIOERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR EXPENSES ON ACCOUNT OF THE USE BY · SUCH OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THEIR PERSONAL AUTOMOBILES IN THE DISCHARGE OF THEIR OFFICIAL DUTIES SHALL NOT EXCEED SEVEN GENTS (~) A MILE OF ACTUAL TRAVEL. (CONTINUED) The CouutyExecutive reported that he is Atill in the process of obtaining prices with regard to the Crozet Nater Committee~ recommendation with respDct to the 6" water main on Tabor Street in Crozet. Nr. Thraves, reporting for the committee on the preservation of old Clerk's records, stated that ~r. Naupin expects to contact the library in Richmond regarding this matter and that complete re- port will be made by his committee at the next regular'meeting. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. Jack Page for One ewe killed by dogs. On motion of Nr. Sutherland, seconded by Nr. Harris, Nr. Page was allowed $15.00 for this ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. H. H,' Pace for five hens killed by dogs. On motion of Nr. Harris, seconded by Nr. Sutherland, Nr. Pace was allowed $1.00 for each of these hens. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was r~ceived from Dr. E. D. Davis for two ewes killed by dogs.. Mr. M. M. Pence, Director of Finance, presented to the Board the Annual Appropriation Ordi- nance for the year 1958-59. On motion, made by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the Appropriation Ordinance as follows was adopted by the follow- Lug recorded vote: Ayes ~ Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Smith, Sutherland and Thhaves. Noes-None. PARAGRAPH SEVEN ALL TRAVEL EXPENSE AOCOUNT$ SHALL BE SUBMITTED ON FORMS AND ACCORDING TO REGULATIONS PRESCRIBED OR APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE, EACH ACCOUNT SHALL SHOW THE DA~TES EXPENSES WERE INCURRED OR PAID~ POINTS BETWEEN WHICH TRA-- VELED,~ NUMBER, OF MILES TRAVELED~ METHOD OF TRAVEL~ WHETHER BY RAILROAD~ STEAM-- SHIP ~ BUS OR FOR-H i RE/PR 1VATEL Y-OWNED/OR COUNTY-OWNED AUTOMOB I LE ~ ~ PULLMAN FARE '(TO BE SHOWN SEPARATELY FROM REGULAR FARE)~ HOTEL EXPENSEs MEALS~ AND INSIDENTAL EXPENSES SUCH AS TELEGRAMS~ TELEPHONE OALLS~ ETC~, MUST BE SPE01FIED IN EACH INSTANOEj AND A CONCISE STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE OF OR REASON FOR SUOH TRAVEL EXPENSES. THE DIRECTOR OF FINANOE IS SPECtFi0ALLY DIREOTED TO WITHHOLD THE ;:'~ ANOE OF WARRANT-CHEOKS IN PAYMENT OF EXPENSE AOOOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR ~ILUMP SUM · ~ AOCOUNTS. PARAGRAPH E I GHT THE OOMPENSATION OF EACH EMPLOYEE WHO ENTERS THE SERVICE OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE DURING THE PERIOD WHICH'BEGINS dULY 1~ 1958 AND ENDS dUNE 30~ 1959~ SHALL BE FIXED FOR THE SAID FISOAL YEAR AT SUCH RATE AS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE IN WRITING AND AS APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS~ AND NO INCREASE SHALL BE MADE IN TH/ COMPENSATION OF ANY EMPLOYEE OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE DURING THE SAID FIS0AL YEAR EXOEPT WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BEING FIRST OBTAINED$ PROVIDED~ HOWEVER¢ THAT THIS RESTRICTION SHALL NOT APPLY TO OFFICERS OR EMPLOYEES OF THE SCHOOL BOARD AND THE BOARD OF PUBLIC ~ELFARE. ~HERE ANY EMPLOYEE IS APPOINTED OR EMPLOYED TO FILL .t VACANCY IN A POSITION THE COUNTV EXEGUTIVE MAY FlX THE SALARY OF SUCH EMPLOYEE WHO ENTERS THE SERVICE OF ANY AGENGY (UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS) OR IS PROMOTED TO SUCH POSITION DURING THE PERIOD WHICH BEGINS dULY 1, 1958 AND ENDS dUNE 30~ 1959~ AT A LOWER RATE OR AMOUNT THAN WAS APPROVED FOR THE POSITION AT THE TIME IT BECAME VACANT, ET !$ PROVIDED~ HOWEVER~ THAT SUCH EMPLOYMENT SHALL "BE SUSgECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, PARAGRAPH NINE NOTHING HEREIN 0ONTAINEDa HOWEVER~ SHALL SE OONSTRUED TO VEST WiTH THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE THE EMPLOYMENT OR PROMOTION OF PERSONNEL FOR THE SCHOOL ~OARD OR THE BOARD OF PUBLIC ~ELFARE. PARAGRAPH TEN THE FUND BUDGETS IN SECTIONS I THROUGH VIII ARE HEREBY ADOPTED AND MADE THE OrFIOtAL BUDGET DOOUMENT OF THE 0OUNTY OF ALBEMARLE BUT IT IS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED THAT THE RESTRICTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS APPROPRIATED ~HALL APPLY ONLY TO THE LUMP SUM AMOUNTS FOR THE RESPECTIVE ITEMS,OF APPROPRIATION~ WHIOH HAVE BEEN INOLUDED IN THIS ORDINANOE. PARAGRAPH ELF VEN ALL ORDINANOES AND PARTS OF ORDINANOES INOONSISTENT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANOE BE AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY REPEALED. THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE ON dULY FIRST NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-EIGHT The County Executive reported that he is ~till in the process of obtaining prices with regard to the Crozet Water Committee~§ recommendation with respect to the 6" water main on Tabor Street in Crozet. Mr. Thraves, reporting for the committee on the preservation of ol8 Clerk's records, stated that Mr. Maupin expects to contact the library in Richmond regarding this matter and that complete re- port will be made by his committee at the next regular~meeting. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Jack Page for One ewe killed by dogs. On motion of Nrc Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Page was allowed $15.O0 for this ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. H. H, Pace for five hens killed by dogso On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Nr. Sutherland, Mr. Pace Was allowed Claim against the Do~ Tax Fund was received from Mr. A. D. Fox for fourteen hens killed by dogs. On motion of ~. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Fox was allowed $1.00 for each of these hens. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the Board adjourned into executive session to discuss the purchase of property. Claims against the County amounting to $164,033.31 were presented, examined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Fund Woolen Nills Sanitary District Fund McIntire Trust Fund Central Fire District Fund Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit ACcoUnt Commonwealth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Account Total $ 37~673,59 105,774~80 29O.6O 382,37 5,397~37 3,00 ~375.~00 3,330,56 10,742~57 ~63~A~ $164,033.31 On motion, ~the meeting adjourned.