HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-01-21 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Cpunty, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 21st day of January, 1959. Present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, IH. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. M. M. Pence~ On motioh of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, the following were re-elected for the year 1959: Mr. Jo~m W. Williams, Chairman; Mr. Edward L. Smith, Vice-Chairman; and Mrs. June T. Moon, Clerk. ~ Minutes of the meetings of December 17, and December 18, 1958, were read and approved. Mr.~ Garnett reported that he and Mr. Sutherland, acting as a committee to screen applicants for the position of County Agent, had selected Mr. Lewis Smith, who appeared and was intzoduced to the Board. Mr. Charles Mort appeared with several other citizens and requested hard top on one and one- half mile of Route 676known as Tilman Road. Mr. Runkle, Resident Highway Engineer, advised that said road had a high traffic cou~t and would certainly be given consideration in the preparation of his next budget. Communications were received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising that the follow. ing additions to the Secondary System had been approved by that department: Westview Terrace Subdivision - Ridge Street - SOD Charlottesville to 0.12 mile south of SCL Charlottesville. Beltair Subdivision - Orchard Road - Beginning at a point on Route 809, 0.48 mile south of Route 815 thence southwest 0.38 mile to a dead end. Rutled~e Subdivision - Brandywine Drive - From intersection Route 1401 (ESsex Road) in an easterly direction for 0~25 mile to intersection with Yorktown Drive. Yorktown Drive - From Brand~vvine Drive in a southerly direction for 0.06 mile to intersection with Greenbrier Drive. ..... ~ ......... ~-~~ Greenbrier Drive From Yorktown Drive in a southerly dirncticn for '"'~.,~ nile to intersection with T~rleton Drive. Tarleton Drive - From Greenbrier Drive in an easterly direction for 0.62 mile to intersection with Greenbrier Drive. Greenbrier Drive - From Tarleton Drive in an easterly direction for 0.07 mile to intersection with Route 631. Orchard Acres Subdivision - ~rchard Drive - From Route 691 to 0.19 mile north of Route 691. Peach Tree Drive - From Orchard Drive to 0.08 mile norht of Orchard.Drive. ~lbemarle Homes S~ivision - Holmes Avenue - Beginning at NCL Charlottesville and running northeast 0.10 mile. Mr. Edward Scott, Attorney, appeared on behal~ of Mr. E. L. Knight requesting the vacating of certain streets adjoining property of Albemarle Homes Sub~mv~mon. After considerable consideration of this request, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr..Harris, and unanimously adopted and the Clerk was authorized to execute the same on behalf of this Board: ~HEREAS, it is the desire of Albemarle Homes, Incorporated, to vacate a street known as Smith Street as shown on plat of Albemarle Homes Subdivision Area II made by C. H. Shapleigh~L, C.E., dated J~e, 1955, and of record in the Clerk's Office of the Corporation Court of the City of Charlottesville,' Virginia, in D. B. 185, p. 154, said street lying wholly within the County of Albemarle; and WHEREAS, it is also the desire of Albemarle Homes, Incorporated, to vacate that portion of "proposed" Glendale Road which lies wholly within the County of Albe- marle and is shown on the aforesaid plat as intersecting said Smith Street at its ~orth- eastern terminus, a small portion of said Gl'endale Road lying within said County as shown on said plat and being also shown on a plat of adjoining property of Albemarle Homes Subdivision of record in the said Clerk's Office in D. B. ~85, p. 153; and WHEREAS, Albemarle Homes, Incorporated and Haywood Nelms, Jr., are now the owners of all the properties abutting on said Smith Street, az hereinabove described, and Albemarle Homes, incorporated, is the ov~er of all the properties abutting on that portion of "proposed" Glendale Road hereinabove described; and WHEREAS, the said streets to be vacated have never been opened and the vacation of said streets, or portions thereof, will net abridge or destroy any rights or privileges of any other property owners within the boo~ds of the area of land shown on said plats. NOW, THEREFORE, withe the approval of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, as evidenced by the Secretary of said Board uniting herein, and in pursuance of Section 15-766.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, Albemarle Homes, Incorporated, does hereby vacate and close Smith Street as shown on plat made by C. Ho Shapleigh~C.E., of record in said Corporation Court Clerk's Office in the City of Charlottesville, Va., in D.B. 185, p. 154, and does further vacate and close that portion of "proposed" Glendale Road as shown on said plat which lies wholly within the County of Albemarle, a small portion of said ~proposed" Glendale Road which lies within the said County of Albemarle as shov~ on said ~lat being also shown on plat of adjoining property of record in the said Clerk s Office in D. B. 185, p. 153. June T. Moon, Secretary of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, unites herein to evidence the approval of vacation of said streets by the said Board of County Supervisors by appropriate resolution adopted at a regular meeting duly held in the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, on January 21, 1959, and the sai~ Haywood Ne~ms, Jr., unites herein to evidence his consent and approval of the vacation of said Smith Street. IN TESTIMONY NHEREOF, Albemarle Homes, Incorporated, has caused this instrument to be signed by William H. Knight, its President and Agent hereunto duly authorized, and its seal to be hereto affixed and attested by E. L. Knight, its Secretary, and the said June T. Moon, Secretary aforesaid and the said Haywood Nelms, Jr., have affixed their signatures and seals. Dr. S. O. Ruday appeared and requested street light~, in The Meqdows Subdivision to be located at the corner of North Berkshire Road and Cedar Hill Road. Dr. Ruday stated that he had contacted Mr. Lionel Key of the Virginia Electric and Power Company who advised that the annual cost of such light would be in the sum of $18.00, and further that he would pay said amount to the county annually in ad- vance. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the County Executive was authorized to request this light to be installed by the Virginia Electric and Power Company. Petition was received requesting inclusion in the Secondary System of a section of St. George Avenue which lies in the County. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS THAT SECTION OF St. George AvenUe from the Corporate Limits of the City of Charlottesville to its intersection with Coleman Street has been com- pleted in accordance with standards and specifications of the Virginia Department of Highways. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to accept said section of St. George Avenue into the Secondary System of Highways. BE. IT FURTHE~ RESOL~q~D that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby guaranteed a 50 foot unobstructed right of way along this requested addition, the same having been dedicated along with drainage easement and re- corded in Deed Book 314, page ~13 in the office of~ the Clerk of the Circuit Court. ReqUests were received for inclusion into the Secondary System of~ road beginning on Route 715 to the property of Ho H. Tapscott and road beginning at Jarman Gap Road to C. & O. Railway. on motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that these requests be referred to Viewers. Mr. Estes appeared and requested ha~ top on Route 663. Mr. Runkle advised that this matter would be taken under advisement when his next budget is prepared. Plat was received on Lot F belonging to Littleton Gentry and located on Fifth Street' N.E. in Albemarle County,' as approved by the County and City Planning Commissions. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Nro Smith, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Cl~rk were authorized to execute same on behalf of this Board. ,Mr. Bernard Chamberlain appeared on b~half of the Historical S~ciety, ~ro E. H. Copenhaver on behal2 o£ the Bar'Association, and Mr. McConnochie on behalf~of the Civic League, regarding the lighting in the Court House. They advocated li~htin~ fixtures Communication was received from Mr. Oo R. Rsndolph requesting approval by the Board of Super- visors for the sewer and water installations of Section 2 of Berkeley Community. His letter further stated that the same had been given approval by the City Engineering Department~ the State Department of Health and by the State ~ater Con~rot Board. On motion of ~rl Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Garnett, and unanimously carried, this Board's approval was given as requested. Communication was received from Mr. C. G. Allen requesting approval of the Board of Super- visors for the operation of the water ~ystem in Glenaire Subdivision, the same having been approved by the State Health Department. On recommendation of the County Executive~ motion was made by ~r. Smith, seconded by ~r. Harris, approving operation of water system in the Glenaire Subdivi~iono The Director of Finance submitted Statements of Expenses for the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of December, 195~. On motion of ~r. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, these Statements were examined, verified and approved Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail for the month of December 1958, was submitted along 'with Summary Statement of Prisoner Days. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconde by Mr. Harris, these Statements were examined, verified and approved. Reports of the Department of Public Nelfare for the month of December, 195~, were presented in accordance with Sections 6~-67.1 and 6~-67.2 of the Code of Virginia. Report of the County Executive for the month of December, 1958, was presented and approved, and on motion, duly made and seconded, was ordered filed. Communication was r~ceived from the Crozet Fi~e Company requesting the installation of ad- ditional street lights in Crozet to be located at the West end of Nayland Drive and on St. George Road near the home of Col. H. Bo Goodloe, and agreeing to assume responsibility for payment of $18.00 per annum per light in advance. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith, the County ExecUtive was authorized to request the Virginia Electric and Power Company to install these lights at the requested locations. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, rules with regard to second re.~dings were suspended, and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $9%,627.%0 be and the same is hereby appropriated for operating expenses of the School Board for the month of February, 1959. Communication was received from the Peoples National Ba~ advising that the Code of Virginia had been amended to allow blanket authorization for depositories to substitute securities meeting cer- tain requirements and requesting a resolution by this Board authorizing the same. On motion of ~Ir. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the following resolution was ~nanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Citi~zens~ Bank and Trust Company, Charlottesville, Virginia, has been duly designated and approved as a depository for money received from the Director of Fin&ncc of the County of Albemarle and ~has p~edg~d and deposited with Peoples National Bank for the protection of money so deposited with it certain securities as required by law; and '~EqEBEAS, pursuant to Section 58-9~ of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, all such securities have been approved by the Board of Co~uty Supervisors of Albemarle Co-auty, Virginia, Which approval, may, in the Board's discretion, be by gener~ai authorization to the depository to make certain substitutions from tLme to time~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said depository be, and it hereby is, autho2ized to substitute from time to time, (1) for any securities on deposit, securities that are obliga- tions., of or .guaranteed by the United States, or (2) for securities on deposit~ that are obligations of or g~aranteed by the State of Virginia or Virginia counties, cities, towns, districts, or other public bodies, securities that are either obli- gations of or guaranteed by the United States or obligations of or guaranteed by the State of Virginia or Virginia counties, cities, towns, districts, or other public bodies, provided that each security substituted shall comply with the re- quirements of Section 2-297 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, and at the time of sub- stitution, shall be of 'market value at least equal to the market value of the security for which substituted$ and RESOLVED FURTHER, that Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, Vir- ginig, be, and it hereby is, authorized to permit substitutions from time to time in accordance with the foregoing. Statement of Clerk's Fees for the year 195~ were received and ordered fLSed. The County Executive advised that the last' General Assembly amended the law regardi~ slot machine licenses and that the county's ordinance would have to be amended to conform with State law. On motion of Nrc Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney were directed to draw up and amended ordinance in this instance to comply with State law. On motion of Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the Clerk was directed to advertise in the Daily Progress the Board's intent to amend it's Sl~t Ifachine Ordinance and setting lO:00 A.~J. as the time for Public Hearing on ~ame at the next regular meeiing. The County Executive called the Board's attention to the large number of trailer camps and parks in the County and an ordinance applying to same was discussed at quite some length. After con- siderable discussion, motion was offered by 'Mr. Harris, seconded by Hr. Sutherland, directing that a co-~nt of such parks be made by the personal property assessors and deputy sheriffs and directing the County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney to work with the Joint Health Department and the County Planning Commission in preparing an Ordin~uce rela~ing to trailers. The Co~_uty Executive advised that he had been approached by the S.P.C.A. regarding the operati~ of its poUnd and that said organization desired a committee from this Board to work with a committee of the S.P.C.A. in this matter. ~Theu0h&~nman appointed the following to serve from this Board: Mr. Eobert Thraves, Chairman, -~r. ,M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. and 'Mr. H. Ashby Harris. Claim against the Dog ~ax Fund was received from ,Mr. Julian Cat:er:on for one ewe killed by dogs. On motion of ..~r. Harris, seconded by ,Mr. Garnett, ,Mr. Catterton was allowed $25.00 for this ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Hr. T. B. Bleecker for two ewes and one lamb killed by dogs. On motion of Hr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Hr. Bleecker was allowed $20.00 fo~ each of these ewes and $10.00 for the lamb. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from 'Mary Carter for one goose killed by dogs. On motion of ~. Harris, seconded by ,Mr. Thraves, 'Mrs. Carter was a'llowed $2.00 for this goose. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from ,Mr. J. T. Layman for eleven chickens killed by dogs. On motion of ,Mr. Sutherland, seconded by ,Mr. Harris, Mr. Layman was allowed $1.00 for ezch of thes~ chickens. The Game ~arden called the Board's attention to the fact that a dog belonging to a Hr. Howe was believed to have killed a calf belonging to Hr. R. H. Middle:on. On motioncof ~r. Harris, seconded by Hr. Sutherlan~, the Game Warden was instructed to write ,Mr. Howe requesting that he keep his dog con- fined or be personally responsible for any further damage. CLAIMS AGAINST THE COUNTY AMOUNTING TO $277,031.20 WERE PRESENTED, EXAMINED AND ALLOWED, AND CERTIFIED TOLTHE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE FOR PAYMENT AND CHARGED AGAINST THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: GENERAL FUND SCHOOL FUND DOG TAX FUND CROZET FIRE DISTRICT FUN]3 CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUN]3 ,JOINT HEALTH FUND CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND WOOLEN ~ILLS SANITARY DISTRICT FUND $ 42,610.O7 154,622.97 751.10 117.85 1,008.84 5,920.35 3.66 3.00 ON MOTION, THE MEETING ADUOURNED. SPECIAL SCHOOL PROdEOT FUND, SCOTTS¥1LLE S0,16,273.35 ", CHARL. ELEM. Sc. 7,998.63 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CURRENT CREDIT A0¢.47,721.38 TOTAL $277,031.20 CHAIRMAN