HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-04-15Officers present: Co~mty Executive Others present: Messrs. Johnson and Gibson of Johnson, Craven and Gibson. The County Executive advised the Board that final plans and specifications had been received by the Airport Co~mittee for the constr~ctidn of an Administration Building and the CAA weather station at the airport. He reminded the Board that the County's estimated s~re of $37,500. had been approoriated in 1958 to cover the County's portion of the then anticipated tdtal project cost of $150,000. However, due to the stringent mechanical and electrical engineeri~ specifications of the CAA for the weather station, the minim~nn estimates for the project appeared to approximate $200,000. thereby, increasing the Gounty's share from $37,500. to approximately $50,000. He f~ther advised that the final date for filing of the application with CAA was Friday, April lO, 1959, and in view of the present $~7,500. limit he was ~willing to complete the application form for a greater amour without advice of the Board. Considerable discuSsion was given to the above and.~ motion by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, it was ~animously resolved that the Cowry Executive proceed with the project with the assurance that consideration of an additional appropriation would be given a2 the April 15, 1959 meeting of the Board. The Cowry Executive presented a communication ~der date, April l, 1959 from Mr. He~y B. Goodloe, Attorney, relating to delinquent real estate taxes for the years 1956, 1957, 1958, total~g, $11.3g on property which had been conveyed to the Crozet Comm,~ity Center but which deed had never been recorded. It appeared that imasmuchas the Crozet Co~ity Center was a civic organization ~der the 0rovision of the code, the same should not be assessed for taxes. A motion by Mr. Sutherland, seconded ~y Mr. Harris, the Department of Finance was authorized to ex6nerate taxes fer the years 1956, 1957, 1958, and other charges accruing thereto. On m°ti°n' the meeting adjgurned' ~~/ ~~ /// Chairman A reg~ila~ meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held ~t the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of April, 1959. Present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, Ho Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith~ M. Y. ~utherland, Jr., and Robert Thraves. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer. Minutes of the meeting of March 18~ 1959 were read and approved. Mr. T. J. Hensl~y, President of the Cismont P.T.A. Association along with a group of interested itizens from the Cismont area appeared before the Board regards the construction of a new school at Cismont. Those speaking in behalf of the Cismont PoT.A. proposal for a new school were: Mr. James S. Twohey, Mr. Harry Brown, Mr. William Stevens, Mr. James Carswell, Mr. William Reynolds, Mr. Edward Van Laer, and Mr. Tevis Michieo After considerable discussion, the following resolution offered by Mr. Thraves an8 duly seconded was ~animously adopted: WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is very cognizant of conditions existing at Cismont Elementary School. THEREFORE, BE iT RESOEVED, that the school board be requested to give further consideration to the proposed The County Executive presented the tentative interstate and primary allocations for 1959-~60 received from the Department of Highways and advised of the public hearing toYbe held in Richmond, Virginia on Friday, ~y 22, 1959. This memorandum was ordered~ received, and ~iled. Also presented were certain acknowledgements of receipt of the resolution adopted at the last Iregular meeting relative to the cut in secondary road allocations for the year 1959-'60. A matter with respect to the construction of a new bridge across the Ja~es River from Buckingham County to Scottsville, Virginia, was presented and discussed. After due consideration and on motion by Mr. Harris, seconded by tr. Thraves, it was unanimously resolved that this county support any move for a new bridge and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the State Highway Commissioner, the Resident Engineer of the Culpeper and Lynchburg Districts, and Mr. Wallace Carper NcLean, member of the Highway Commission, stressing the importance of a new bridge across the James River at Scottsville, Virginia and requesting that such a project be placed high on the agenda of the Highway Commission at such time as funds will permit the undertaking ~f this improvement. ApPlication for the acceptance of a certain section of Azalea Drive in A~alea Gardens Subdivision ~as presented. Mr. H. W. Runkle, Resident Engineer, advised that the section of Azalea Drive under consideration had been constructed to comply with State specifications. The County Executive advised that sufficient homes had been constructed on each side of this portion of Azalea Drive to conform to regulations relating to recommendation for the acceptance of two streets into the secondary system for maintenance. After discussion Of this application, the following resolution offered by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland was unanimously adopted; WHEREAS, the following section of road in Azalea Gardens SubdiviSion, Charlottesville, Virginia, ha$i~ been completed in accordance with standards and specifications of the Virginia Department of Highways. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to accept into the ~econdary~ystem of Highways, the following: Azalea Drive from the present city limits in a southerly direction to Garden Drive, a distance of approximately one-tenth mile~. BE IT FURT~H~ RESOLVED, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby guaranteed a fifty foot unobstructed right-of-way along this requested addition ~Zhe same havin been ~de ' ' ~ ~ g dzcated along wzth drainage easement and recorded in deed book 170~ page 218, in the office of the IClerk of the Circuit Court. The Commonwealth's Attorney reported on the matter referred to him at the last regular meeting concerning the abondonment of a section of old road on 631 at Rio, Virginia,~near the Episcopal Chapel. He advised, that since the change in this road was made prior to 1932, the p~itioners would have to submit a request to the Board of Supervisors in accordance with section 33-76.1~-.20 Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended. The County Executive was requested to advise a Nr. Narsh c~the proper procedure in this instance. ANr. Frazier along with his attorney, ~r. Walker Williams, appeared before the Board and advised of a breakdown zn ne ot~a ~o ~ ' ~ ' g ' t' ns between he an~ others with a ~r. Phillips concerning the aecessary right-of-way for the extension of secondary Route #621. After considerable discussion, ~r. Frazier was advised that the Board could not participate in the acquiring of any right-of-way necessary for the construction of a secondary road ~nd that any such action must be pursued by him and others with the property owner involved. A motion by Nr. Garnets, seconded by Nr. Harris, the Chairman was authorized to sign plat of Block A of Oak Hill Subdivision as prepared by John W. NcNair, Jr., and owned by Nr. Harry H. Michael subject to certain changes being made in said plat as required by the City~of Charlottesville Planning Commission and the affixing of proper signatures of said Planning Commission and the County Planning Commission to the plat. A motion by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the Chairman was authorized to sign plat showing a division of portions of lots 406 and 407, Locust Grove Extension Subdivision as prepared by Nilliam S. Roudabush, Jr., and associates~ ~aid plat bearing th~~ signature of the County and City Planning Commission. A motion by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, the Chairman was authorized to sign plat showing the division of lot 15, block L, section 5, Rutledge Subdivision as~prepared by ~illiam S. Roudabush, Jr., and associates and owned by Dro Harry Austin~ ~he same bearit~g approval of both the County and City Planning Commission. On motion by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the Chairman was ~thorized to sign plat showing a redivision of lots lO1 through 109 of Locust Grove Extension as prepared by william S. Roudabush, Jr., and associates~ ~he same having been approved by the County~nd City Planning Commission. A motion byMr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the Chairman was authorized to sign plat showing survey and division of property bearing the Horace Solomon Estate, la~ated on Route 743. As prepared by William S. Roudabush, Jr., Surveyor, and signed by-Tillie S, Lawrence, interested party for the estate and contingent upon revision of plat as required by the City Planning Commission to show a full fifty-foot right-of-way for State Route 743. Contingency further applying to signatures of the City Planning Commission signifys acceptance of the plat. The forgoing beariDg full approval of the County Planning Commission. A motion by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves, statements of expenses for the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of M~rch, 1959, as submitted by the Director of Finance were approved. Statements of expense relative to the maintenance of the County Jail for the month of March, 1959 was submitted along with summary statement of prisoner Days. A motion by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, these statemer~s were examined, verified, and approved. Reports of the Department of Public ~elfare for the month of March, 1959were presented and approved in accordance with sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia. The County Executive presented a request along with a plat of the Virginia Electric and Power Company for a right-of-way necessary for the extension of electric service along State Route #682. On motion by Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "Be it resolved, that the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County be and they are hereby authorized to execute a certain agreement of easement to bear date as of April 15, 1959, conveying to the Virginia Electric and Power Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Virginia, a right of way across the property of the County of Albemarle, as shown by plat b'earing No. CH727~7, exhibited to the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, same to be signed by the Chairman on behalf of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County and attested and seal affixed by the Clerk." The County Executive presented the need for a water cooler to be located on the basement floor of the County Office Building. On motion duly made and seconded, the request was approved pending submission at the ~_~ regular meeting of the approximate cost for the installation. A copy of a letter under date, Mar~h .31, 1959 to Mr. George T. Omohundro, Jr., Scottsville, Virginia, from the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, Richmond, Virginia was presented. The communication related to Mr.' Omohundro~s application for an agency to sell hunting and fishing licenses in place of ~r. W. P. Beale, who has given up the agency. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland that the County Executive be instructed to write the Department Of Game and Inland Fisheries withdrawing objections offered in a resolution several years ago to the appointment of an agency to sell hunting and fishi~g licenses at Scottsville, Virginia. Communication from the Department of Agriculture and. Immigration Division of Markets reporting on the test of weighing and measuring devices~in Albemarle County was presented and ordered filed. A motion by Mr. Sutherland~ seconded by Mr. Garnett, for rules ~ith regard to second reading be suspended. The following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia that $94,627,~.40, be and the same is hereby appropriated for operating expenses for the School Board for the month of May, 1959. A matter with respect to a supplemental appropriation of $12,500.00 for the construction of an Administration Building at the airport which was presented at the special meeting of April 8, 1959, was again presented. A motion by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris for rules with ~gard to second reamln~ being suspended, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE iT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $12,500.00 b~ and the same is hereby appropriated to augment the s~ of ~37,500.00 previously appropriated as the Comnty's one-fourth share Of construction of an Administration Building and weather station at the airport. Contingent upon the Oity of Charlottesville, Virginia and the CAA appropriate the proportionate amounts. The County Executive advised of receipt of notices from Piedmont Airlines of their application before the CAB, requesting a curtailment for plane service between Charlottesville and Nash~gton, D. C. A number of phases relating to the airport and plane service were discussed. After considerable discussion and on motion by Nr. Thraves, seconded by Nr. Harris, the following re~olution (re-routing or changing of the Piedmont schedule was ~nanimously adopted: ~/(which will in any way curtain the BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of~O~nty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that this b~y recor~ its disapproval to any anticipat&d'cur~?~mcnt-~s~service to and from the Charlottesville~ M~~m joint airport by Piedmont Airlines, BE IT FUR~ER RESOLVED, that the disapproval of this Board in this instance be commuhicated to the City of Charlottesville, Virginia the Joint Airport Commission~ and the Chamber of Commerce airport committee with a request that all interested bodies cooperate to the fullest i~vigorous opposition to Piedmont Airlines proposal;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Executive be and he is hereby instructed to lend every assistance to all interested parties in opposing Piedmont Airlines proposal. The County Executive advised that the Committee, composed of Mr. H. Ashby Harris and Nr. Fletcher Simms, Real Estate Assessor, hac ~the offer of Mr. R. B. Godwin to purchase a tract of lana in the Scottsville Magesterial District consisting of 3184 acres designs~d on the County Tax Map as 112.2 for the s~ of $65.00. The Board was advised by the Committee that the offer was thought to be a fair offer and recommended its acceptance. A motion by Mr. Harris~ seconded~Nr. Sutherland, it was unanimously resolved that the offer of Nr. Godwin of $65.00 for the above-described tract be accepted and that the Commonwealth's Attorney be instructed to prepare a deed conveyi~g t~ Mr. Edgar Garnett, Chairman of the Committee, regards construction of a dam on Beaver Creek reported that options to purchase had been obtained on all land with the exception of three tracts. lHe stated that in addition to options, consent to make study and survey had been given by all proper owners voluntarily or right exercised~ through legal channels. ~r. Garnett stated that work had prot Itc the point where it was necessary for the Board to determine the exact location of the dam. it was reported that the dam could be located somewhat to the west, thereby, retaining State Route 680 on its present location. This would necessitate the construction of a bridge b~the'State~Highway Department at an e~timated cost of $10,000. However, the dam could be ~onstructed more ~to the east and for an additional estimated ex~ense for $5,000, could be constructed to carry the road across the top of the dam. It was said that in the event of this l~tter option, the State would bear the cost of surface treating the road. After due discussion, it was the sense of the meeting that the dam should be constructed so as the road could be constructed across the top of the project. Claim against the Bog Fund fro~ ~r. ~. C. Daughtrey, for two-hens killed by dogs was received. A motion duly made and seconded, .Mr. Daughtrey was allowed a ~1~50 for each h~n, totaling, Claim against the Dog.Fund from Mrs. W. Ho NoCue for nine hens W~s received. On motion, Nrs~ NcCue was allowed ~1.75 for ~ach hen, totaling Claim against the Dog Fund from Thomas Snead for ~four mixed breed hens and two New Hampshire Reds was received~ On motion, Mrs. Snea8 was allowed $100 each for the four ~ixed breed an~ $1o25 each for the two New Hampshi~e Reds,. totaling -ClaimS-agaia~t--the:CountY-amo~U%ing to $518,375.30 were presented~ examined and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for pa~anent and charged against the following funds: 1959. General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet S~nitary District Fund Joint Health Department Fund Woolen Mills Sanitary District McIntire Trust Fund Central Fire ~istrict Fund Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account Commonwealth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Account Special School Pro~ect Funds: Scottsville School Charlottesville Elementary School NcIntire Elementary School Esmont Negro Elementary School $ 37,046~88 105,183o99 1~252~59 t29~08 566~4t 6,2~7o29 6.00 391~63 17.20 3~9~?.~6 1,306~29 15,124.58 19,233.00 1,687.50 $518 ~ 375 · 30 On motion, duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned until 10:00 A.M. on' April 22~ ~ · Chairman. April 22, 1959 An adjourned meeting of April 15, 1959, was held on this date at !0:00 A~M. in the County Office Building with the following members present: Messrs. John W. Williams Edgar N. Garnett, H~ Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland, Jro and Robert Tnraves. Absent: None~ Several members of the School Board were also present. Copies of the proposed 1959=60 Budget were distributed to those present, and in accordance mith notice published in the Daily Progress, the Chairman asked if anyone from the public would like to ~sk any questions regarding same~ No one from the public spoke with regard to the budget. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Nr~ Sutherland, and unanimously carried~ it was ordered gh~Taction on the budget be postponed until the next regmlar meeting of this Board~ On motion, the meeting adjourned~ Chairman