HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-05-20A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on. the.2Oth day of May, 1959.
Present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. ~Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L, Smith, M. Y~
Sutherland, Jr., and Robert Thraves..
AbseDt: Nene.~
Officers present: County EEecutive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the-Lord's Prayer led by Mr. M. M~ Pence.
Minutes of the meetings~ef April 4, 1959,~Apri!~ 15, 1959, and April 22, 1959,.were.read and
Communication wqs received from the Department of Highways advisLug that as requested by reso-
!ution of this Board under date of April 15, 1959, Azalea Drive, from. the Charlettesville~¢ity Limits
in a southerly direction for 0.10 mile .ho ~dead end, was accepted into the Secondary System, effective
April 27, 1959.
Communications with regard to bridge over James River at Scottsville were received fromMr. S. D.
May, State Highway Commissioner, Mr. C. W. Kestner, District Engineer, and the Board of SuperVisors of
Buckingham County, and on motion, were ordered filed.
A representative of the ~ight of Way Department ef the C~Ipe~per District apDeared and presented
to the Board plans with regard to that portion of Federal Aid Project on Route 708 located at Red Hill
near Route 29, south.
Cosmunication was received from Dr..Sterling R. Decker requesting inclusiom in the Secondary
System of certain streets in Berkeley Subdivision. Mr. H. W. Runkle, resident engineer~ advised that
these streets had been inspected by his department and were four~to comply with~ altstandardsand speci-
fications of the Highway Departme~t. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mrl Garnett, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
Whereas, the following sections of-rea~s in Berke!eyCommunity, Charlottes-
ville, Virginia, have been completed in accordance with standards and specifications
of the Virginia Department el Highways,
"~ NOW, THEREFORE, B~ IT RESOLVED by'the. Beard of CountySupervisors of Albemarle
C~unty, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be ~nd is hereby requested
to accept into the Secendary Sys~emof Highways, said sections of roads as fo!lows:
Dominion Drive .from Station 0~00 at it intersection with
U.S. Route 29 through its intersection with Commonwealth
Drive te:22~10.02, its second intersection with Cemmon-
wealth Drive.
2. Commenwea!th Drive from Station 10.~O0.5,-an intersectie~
with Dominion Drive t°~ Station 21~90, its second inter-
section with Dominion Drive.
T~e combimed length of these tw° sections is 3400.45 feet or
0.645' miles.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tha~' the Virginia Department of Highways be and is
hereby guarantee~.a fifty-foot Unobstructed right-of, way along this requested addition,
the same haVing been 'dedicated along with drainage easement and recorded i~Deed Book
33?, pages 336-337, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
A Mr. Sherman requested through..:iMr. Edgar N. Garnett that a section of Route 756 of .3 mile
be abandoned, the entire length of which lies within~r. Sherman's property~ On motion of Mr. Garnett,
seconded by Mr. Sutherland, it was ordered that notice regarding this proposed abandonment be publishe~
in the Daily Progress, posted at the Court House and posted also on the por%iomc.of road to be abandoned.
Plat was received on the redivision of lots 15 and 15 on Belleview Avenue belonging to Myles and
Russell Thurston, and on motion, duly made and seconded, the chairman and clerk were authorized to sign
same on b~half of this Board, the same having been approved by both the City and County Planning Com-
missions~ .~
Plat was received on Section One of Key West Subdivision and on motiom of Mr. Thraves, seconded
by Mr. Harris, the chairman and clerk were authorized to sign same on bhalf of this Board subject to
the same being signed by the City Planning Commission.
Plat Was received on section of Commonwealth Courts Subdivision and on motion of Mr. Thra~es,
Plat was. received on Section One :of~SytVani~ Hills Subdivision, the same having been approved
by bothe the City and County Planning Commissions. On 'motion, duly made and seconded, ~the chairman and
clerk ~ere authorized to sign this plat on behalf of the Board.
Plat was received en 3.5 acre tract of land on Route 250 betJnging to Jo D. Danielson divided
into lots A, B. and C which had been approved by the Connty and City Planning CommiSsi0ns,band'~'~o~ mot±on
of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Sutherland', was aPprOved and the chairman and clerk were authorized to
sign same on behalf of this Board.
Plat was received on division of .47 acre tract of land off Route '781 belonging to AlOmza Bell
which had been approved by both the County and City Planning Commissions but which had not been signed
by the City. On motion of Mr, Smith, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the chairman and ~ierk were aUthorized to
sign this ~lat subject te signature bythe City Planning Commission.
Mr. Dallas Wilfon~, District Forester, appeared and presented summary report of work done by his
depar~ent in Albemarle County during the past year.
On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr, Thraves, Statement of Expenses for the Department
of Finance~ the Sheriff,s Office, and the Office of the~C0mmonwealth's Attorney for the month of April,
1959, as submitted by~ the Director of FinanCe~ were approved~
Statement o~ Expensew incUrred in the maintenanc® of the County Jail was-~submi~ted along with
SummaryStatement.of'Prisoner Days. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, Seconded by Mr.. HarriS, these statement
were examined, verified and approved..~
Report on inspection of the County Jail was received from-the Department of ~elfare and InS~itu-
~ M
tions and ~en m~tion'of r~ Su~herland, seconded by Mr. Harris, was ordered filed.
..Reports of the Department of Public Welfa~re for the month Of April, 1959, ~were presented and
approved in accordance with sections 63-67.1 and 63~67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in- the amount of $629.00, of wh/ch eno-half is re-
imbursable by the ~State~, was' presented .and on~ mo%ion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. 3utherland, was ap-
proved for payment. ·
Report of the County Executive for the month of April, 1959, wa~ presented, approved amd ordered
On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris.,' rules w~th regard to second reading were
suspended, and the following resolution:unanimOuslY~ adopted: '
BE ~.IT~.~RESOLVED.~by the Board Of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $94,627.40, be and the same is hereby appropriated .for operating
expenses for the School Board for 'the month of June, 1959.
The County Executive reported that he had obtained a price of $280,00 for the installation of a
~ter cooler on the first fleer of the County Office Building, On me, ion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr.
Garnett, the Co,.muty Executive was authorized to proceed with this installation and the following resolu-
tion was unanimously adopted, rules ~with regard to second reading being suspended:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $280.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated from General Fu~d
Surplus to be used for the installation of a water c~ler on the first floor of
the County Office Building.
The County Executive advised that the terms of Mr. William Bro~ on the Library Board and Mr.
Wiley Beal on the 7~etfare Board would expire on JUne 30, 1959. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr.
Suther!and, Mr. Brown and Mr. Beal were each re-appointed for a term of three years.
In accordance with the Airport Comm~em D~d~m~nce, Airport' Commission budget for the year 1959-
1960 was presented in the total amount of $1,200.00. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Garnett,
this budget was approved.
I ~ Mr. Robert Thraves suggested that a committee be appointed to study the operation and expenses~: ~
lthe airport. After considerable discussion, the County Executive was requested to obtain copies of the
~atest audit of the accounts of Holla~v ~.+~- v.~
Notice was received from the U~.S.~, Department of Agric~utture of'renewal of'lease.through June 30,
1960, for offices in the Co-~nty Office Building rented to the Soil~ ConservatiOn Service and on motion of
Mr. Sutherland, seconded by .Mr. Harris, was approved.~
Mr. Williams suggested that the carnival ordinance be~ changed by.increasing the ~rates in order
to discourage carnivals from showing ia Albemarle County.. He Suggested that the rate be increased from
$350.00 per day to $500.00 to parallel the City~'s ordinance or even to $650.00 per day. After considera!
discussion of this matter it was order6d that notice of intent to amend the present ordinance to increase
the rates for carnivals to $500.00 per day, ~be published-in t~.e Daily Progress in-a~Lcordance With law,
and setting the time and date for. public hearing at 10:00 AiM. om June 17, 1959.
Communication was received from the League ef Virginia Counties advising of public hearing by
Virginia Advisory Legislative Council on consolidation of lo-cal gavermments a~d zoning and ~plamning laws
to be held in. Richmond on May ~29, 1959.
Communication was, r~ceived from the Virginia~ Civil War Commission requesting that a committee
by appointed from Albemarle County to help in forming plans for the Centennial. The chairman requested
that i~dividual Board members, submi,t names of persons suitable for this. committee~
Report en audit~ of the Clerk's Office fer the ~calendar year 19~8 wan received from' the Audi%or
of Public Accounts and on motion, was ordered filed. ~
Mr. Thraves advised that his attention had been called to the fact that additional clerical ~help
was needed ia the Clerk's Office. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr.~ Harris, the County Executiw
was requested to investigate this need.
The County Executive advised that bids on the Airport, Terminal Building would be received at the
City Hall at 11:00 A.M. on Junel8, 1959,
M. M~ Pence reported that with regard to land for Dump No. 4, deeds had been signed and the
County was now in a ~position to pay for additional right-of~-way. He advised that' this right-of-way was
to be purchased from Clarence T. Coles and wife at a~cost of $400~00. Onmo~ti°n ~of Mr. Harris, seconded
hy Mr. Sutherland, rules with regard to second rea~ing ~were suspended and the following resolution was
unanimously adopted: ~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Co,muty,
Virginia, that $~Q,OO be and the same is hereby appropriated for the purchase
of additional~ right-of-way to Dump No. 4.
On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the County Executive was authoriZed to obtain
survey prices on Dump Nol 4 and to accept the Best offer and proceed with advertising ~er bids on work
on this dump.
Mr. Edward D. Daughtrey appeared with regard' to report of the. Crozet Water Committee which was
ordered spread as follows:
"The Crozet Water Committee~ respectfully submit~ the following:
Request from Clover Realty Company for water service to Laurel Hills Development. We
approve this connection subject to regulations stipulated by the Board of Supervisors.
A copy of a proposition from Mr. O. R. Randolph to Mr. Maupin Pence relating to certain
engmne~r~ng services for' the Crozet Water System. This Committee wishes to be recorded
as opposing such a survey az we feel it will do little or no good in our situation.
Mr. Gillum and Mr. Daughtrey met with Mr. Garland Sydnor on Friday, May 15, 1959 amd
went over the situation as to supplementary water sources. Mr. Sydnor related his
experiences in numbers of systems where the only source of water is wells. He stated~
that his company had been -very successful in operating systems of a like size in the
last four years.
As a supplementary supply and as a Help in low pressure areas, Mr. Sydnor supports a
system of wells in the system, (not in the area adjacent to the filtration plant.)
These w~lls to be located on existing mains and where suitable electricity is available.
It is understood that these w~lls must have a lot area of 100 x !OO feet, and may be
separately chlorinated if necessary.
The Committee approves this plan with the idea that one well be drilled at the earliest
possible moment.
We offer for consideration and planning:
The construction of a lake ~ab6v e th~ present lake ~to impound approximately
ten million gallons. This to be as an auxiliary supply to supplement the
present lake and raw water suppl~.
The construction of an eight inch main from the fresh water basin to Knob!ochs
corner,. This to provide an additonal water line and to act as a standpipe to
regulatethe flow of water to 'customers.
yoUrs respectfully,
A. J. Apperson
D. W. Sandridge
Edward D. Da~gh~rey"
On motion of Mr. Garhett, seconded by Mr. Harris, recommendation with regard to the ~rilling of
a well at the earliest possible date was approved and execution of contract in the best interest of the
Crozet Sanitary District was author2zed.
On motion ef Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, the Crozet water Committee was authorize~ to
issue permit for water ser~i~e to Laurel Hills DeveloPmen%'previded the 'developer installs the mains amd
fire hydrants ~nd pays ~ef-district rates, provided further that sUch water can be provided under
general law.
On motion of Mr. G~rnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, the Crozet Water Committee was authorized to
to negotiate for option, om property for the installation of the well ahbve m~ntioned.
The following reports Were received and on motion of Mr, Thraves, seconded by Mr. Sutherland,
approved and ordered spread in the minutes:
~Your committee, composed or'Mr. Harris, Mr. Sutherland and Robert Thraves, apPointed
to make a study and report en proposed plans for the care and disposal of stray dogs
in Albemarle County, reports as follows:
Pursuant tea reguest made and a subsequent plan~filed by the SPCA with the Board of
Supervisors, a hearing was held by your committee at which time the officials of the
SPCA appeared in person and by their attorney, together with other prominent citizams
of the county.
After a lengthy hearing and disuussion of all phases of the proposed plan, such as
construction of additiomal shelter, enlarged persomuel, additional transportation
facilities an~ maintenance, totaling an estimated cost to the County of some $6,000
per annum, your committee decided that in view of our present revenue available for
this service, this plan was not feasible.
H. Ashby Harris
M. Y. Su~hertamd
Robert Thraves"
"Your committee at present is making a further study of a proposed plan for the care
and disposition of "stray dogs".
This plan contemplates classifying "stray dogs". For instance: "lost dogs",
tagged dogs", "'hunting dogs", "pet dogs", "vicious dogs", "predatory dogs", "diseased
dogs'", "crippled dogs."
This plan, supervised by a sensible dog fancier, would be a great factor in preventing
~he desctruction ef our game, sheep, tUrkeys, chickens and ~pigs, and save She tax-
payers many thousands dollars a year.
In addition,1 it would be the means of returning many a fine dog to his grateful owner.
This plan, with only a small capital outlay, has the possibility of-being self-
Your committee Will report in detail on this plan.at your ne~t meeting,
(sign )
H. Ashby Harris
M. Y. Suthe~l~d
Robert Th~aves"
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from David L. Ludwig for thirteen chickens killed by
dogs. mot o of Garnett seconde by'Mr. Suth rland, David was a total of for these
chic~ms, this being one-half of market price, due to the fact Shat dog belonging to hisfather was in-
velvet, along with another dog, in the killings.
~lC!a~ against'the Dog Tax Fund was received fxom Odie Johmson' for three hens killed by dogs. On
moti~ofMr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Johnson was allo~ed $1.O0 for each of'these hens.
~i~ L C~im against the Dog Ta~ Fund was received from Mrs. Maude Eubankfor two doe rabbits and one
buck ~abbit 'killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr, HarriS, Mrs. Eubank Was allowed
$1.00 for each of these rabbits.
Claim again~the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Anderson Wood for two sheep killed by dogs.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. J. A. Hall for three lambs killed by dogs.
On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Hall was allowed $15.00~ for each of these
Claim against ~he Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Glen Starge!l for one bull calf killed by
On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Suther!and, Mr. Stargell was allowed $40.00 for this
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Percy Kirby for five hens killed by dogs.
On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett, Mr.~ Kirby was allowed $1.00 ~r each of~ these hens.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Julian Catterton .for eno lamb killed by
On motion of Mr,. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris.., Mr. Catterton wms~l~w,e~$15.00 for this
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Guy Via for one lamb killed by dogs. On
motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Thraves, Mr. Via waz allowed $10.00 for this lamb.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Dr. E. D. Davis for one lamb killed by dogs.
On motion of Mr.. Garn~tt, seconded by Mr..~hraves, ~r. Davis was allowed $10.00 for this lamb.
The following resolution was received from the School Board:
"In compliance with Section 22-150.~ of the Code of Virginia the School Board
of Albemarle County hereby submits an estimate, in the alternative, of the amount of
local funds needed for educational p~uposes in Albemarle County fo~the school year
6000 pupils at $134.41 each for a total of $806,460.00."
On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Thraves, it was ordered that a synopsis Of the budget
be re,published and lO:O0 A.M. on June 17, 1959, was set as the time and place for hearing on same.
Mr. W. B. Speck appeared before the Board~regarding a report of the Urban County Committee of
the League of Virginia Counties in which report was recommended the appoimtment of an assistant in the
office of the League to represent and assist urban counties With their problems. It was. s~ed that
Albemarle County's share of the proposed cost of an assistant would be 3.51% or $5~6.00. On motion of
Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the recommendation of the Committee regarding this matter was
Claims against the County amounting to $564,156.53 were presented, examined and allowed, and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Fund
McIntire Trust Fund
Woolen Mills Sanitary District
Dog Tax Fund
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit
Special School Capital Outlay Fund:
Scottsville School
Charlottesville Elem. School
West Side Elem. S&nool
McIntire School
$ 44,777.22
On motion, duly made and ~seconded, the meeting was adjourned.