HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-06-17PEOP~ES NATIONAL BA~K~ ~: - Re~_lar Account 8-17-55 1045 Jesse Wo Dillon, Tr. of Va. Gene~aliEUnd?~ $ 2.00 11-16- 55 1541 Els ie Johnson J~HeAl~.~d 3.50 11-16-55 1580 N.B. Jones General Fund 7.50 3 2-.~ - m ~o 2547 A.J. Apperson General Fund ~ $18.00 CITIZE~S~~: - Board of Public Welfare 4-1-57 2174 John H. Smith Welfare Cancellation $14.00 The matter of care of county dogs was again considered and proposal was received from Mr. C. R. Marshall for the keep of county dogs at a rate of $75.00 per month, contract to be for at least three years. Revised proposal was also received from the SPCA stipulating an increase of 25~ per day for the keep of county dogs. The matter was discussed at length and the chairman instructed the Dog Committee to give further study to the matter and ~ke report at the next regular meeting. The Chairman advised that he had been approached by the City Manager regarding a replica of the Liberty Bell which was presented to the City by the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation. He stated that it was the City's feeling that this bell should be placed on a base in front of the Court House and that the City would bear one-half the cost of this project. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded byNr. Harris, it was ordered that the County enter into this project with the City. In accordance with Section 58-476.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended by the 1958 General~ Assembly, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Suther!~nd, and unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board o£ County Supervisors of Albemarle County, VirgLnia, that the Director of Finance be and he is hereby authorized to make application to the State Tax Commissioner for refund of bank state capital stock tax az provided by Sec- tion 58-476.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended. On motion, the meeting adjourned. ~J A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors ~of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of Said County on the 17th day of June, 1959. Present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Absent: None. Officers present: COunty Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nrc EdWard L. Smith. Minutes of the meetings of Nay ll, May 20, June 2'and June 4, 1959, were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, action taken on June 4, 1959, with regard to placing a replica of the Liberty Bel! on the Court House lawn was rescinded due to the fact that Mr4 James E. Bow~n advised the Board that said bell did not seem suitable.. The County Executive advised that he had received a request for the inclusion in the Secon- dary Highway System of Claudius Crozet Park Road. Mr. H. W. Runkle, resident engineer, advised that since this subdivision was subdivided prior to 1947, Viewers would not be necessary. However, he stated that the road needs finer s~fact so that~it can be machined. Mr. Runkle adVised that he would talk with Mr. Daughtrey prior to the Board's recommendation in thi~ regard. At the request of the Virginia Department of Highways, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Suther~and, seconded by M~. Harris, and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, a section of 'road in the secondary system on Routes 706, 707, and 708 located south of Red Hill, Albemarle County, Virginia, have been altered and a new road, which serves the same citizens as the old road, has been con- structed in lieu thereof and approved by the State Highway Com~mission by letter dated June 10, 1959, to the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, and WHEREAS, Section 33-76.12 of the Code of Virginia provides for the abandonment of such alteration of the secondary road system, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of.Supervisors of Albemarle County that said old road be and the same is hereby vacated and abandoned as follows: That sectio~<mof old Route ?08 beginning at O.10 mile west of the inter- section of Route 7!~ and ending at 0.16 mile west of Route 717, a distance of 0.07 mile along the old road Sec. 1); that section of old Route 708 beginning at 2.77 mile west of Route 717 and ending at 2.88 mile west of Route 717, a distance of 0.11 mile along the old road (Sec. 2); that section of old Route 708 beginning at 2.88 mile west of Route 717 and ending at 3.00 mile west of Route 717, a distanc~ of 0.12 mile ~ong the old road (Sec. 3). Also Route 707 from Route 708 to Route 706, a distance of 0.10 mile (Sec. 4). Also that section of old Route 706 begin- ning at Route 708 and ending at 0.14 mile north of Route 708, atdistance of 0.14 mile along the old road (Sec. 5~. by. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,/the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County that the Stats Highway Department be and it is hereby requested to concur in adding to the Albemarle County secondary system of roads the following sections: That section of Route 709 beginning at 0.10 mile west of the in~erEection of Route 717 and ending at 0.16 mile west of 717, a distance of 0.06 mile (Sec. 6.~; that section of ROute 708 beginning at 2.77 mile west of Route 717 and ending at 2.88 mile west of Route 717, a distance of O.11 mile Sec. 7); that section of Route 708 beginning at 2.88 mile west of Route 717 and ending at 3.00 mile west of Route 717, a distance of 0.12 mile (Sec. 8). Also that section of Route 706 from Route 708 to 0.07 mile north of Route 908, a distance of 0.07 mile (Sec. lC). Thh above is in accordance with the drawing dated 2-24-59 of changes in Secondary System due to relocation and construction of Route 708, Project 0708-002~ 019, handed this Board, as of this date; by N. ~. Rur~le, Resident Engineer, of the Virginia Department of Highways and the Clerk of the Circuit coUrt of Albemarle County is hereby requested to record a copy of this resolution and the drawing hereinabove referred to. At the request of the Virginia Department of Highways, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith, and unanimously carried: WHEREAS, a section of road in the secondary system on Route 604, located north of Earlysville, Albemarle CoUnty, Virginia, has been altered and a new road, which serves the same citizens as the ~old road, ham been constructed in liew there- of and approved by the State Highway Commission byletter dated June 10, 1959, to the Board Of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, and WITEREAS, Section 33-76.12 of the Code of Virginia provides for the aban- donment of such alteration of the secondary road system, NOW, TH~0RE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County that said old road be and the same is hereby vacated and abandoned as follows: That section of old Route 60~ ~eginning at 1.67 mile north of the inter- section of Route 664 and ending at 1.75 mile north of the intersection of Route 664, a distance of 0.09 mile along the old road (Sec. i & 2); that section of old Route 60~ beginning at 1.91 mile north of the intersection of Route 664 and ending at 1o99 mile north of the intersection of Route 664, a distance of 0.08 mile along the old road (Sec. 3); that sectionof old Route 604 beginning at 2.1~ mile-north of the intersection of Route 66~ and ending at 2.2& mile north of the intersection of Route 664, a distance of 0.07 mile along the old roa~ (Sec. 4); that section of old Route 604, beginning at 2°30 mile north of the intersection of Route 664 and ending at 2.45 mile north of the intersection of Route 66&, a distance of 0.16 mile along the old road (Sec. 5); and that section of old Route 604 beginning at 2.50 mile north of the intersection of Route 66~ and ending at the Greene County line, a distance of 0.03 mile along the olf road (Sec. 6). AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of County ~upervisors of Albemarle County that the State Highway Department be and it is hereby requested to concur in adding ~b~the Albemarle-County secondary system of roads the following sections: That section of Route 604 beginning at 1.67 mile north of the intersection of Route 664 and ending at 1.75 mile north of the intersection of Route 66~, a dis- t.ance of 0108 Jile Sect. 7); that section of Route 604 beginn~ug at 1.91 mile north of the intersection of Route 664 and ending at 1.99 mile north of the intersection of Route. 66~, a distance of 0.08 mile (Sect. 8); that section of Route 60g begin- ning at 2.17 mile north of the intersection of Route 66~ and ending at 2.22 mile north of the intersection of Route 664, a distance of 0.07 mile (Sect.9); that sec- tion o£ Route 60g beginning at 2~30 mile north of the intersection of Route 66~ and ending at 2.~5 mile north of the intersection of Route 66~, a distance of 0.15 mile (Sect. 10); and that section of Route 60~ beginni~g at 2.60 mile north o£ the intersection of Route 664 and ending at the Greene County Line, a distance of 0~0~ mile (Sect. ll)o The above is in accordance with the drawing dated 2-26-59 of changes in Secondary System due to r~location and construction of Route 60g, Pro~ects 060~-002~018-022, handed this Board, as of this date, by H. W. Runkle, Resident Engineer, of the . ~rg~nia Department of Highways, and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County is requested to record a copy of this resolution and the drawing herein above referred to. Communications were received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising that the following roads had been accepted into the Secondary System of Albemarle County: Commonwealth Drive - Beginning at the southern intersection of Dominion Drive and. in a northerly direction for 0.23 mile to northern intersection with Dominion Drive. Length - 0.23 mile. Dominion Drive - Beginning at the intersection of Route 29 and in a norSherly direction for 0.42 mile to intersection with Commonwealth Drive. Length 0.42 mile. 3° Appletree Road - From Route 29 to Route 782. Length - 0.17 mile. Communications were received from the Virginia Department of Highways enclOSing fi~a~~ alloca- tions of primary construction funds an5. Secondary road allocations for the year 1959-60. On advice from the Resident Engineer, motion was offered by Mr. Sutherl. and, seconded by ~. Harris, and unanimously carried, to release bond in the amount of $13,900.00 which was posted for ~m- pletion of road in Orchard Acres Subdivision, Crozet, Va. At the request of Nr. Haynes L. Settle, developer of Northerly Subdivision, the following re~olution was offered by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr° Smith, and unanimously carried: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that if and when the following streets in Northerly Subdivision have been brought up to standards of the Virginia Department of Highways and b~ve received approval of the Resident Highway Engineer, said streets will be recom- mended for acceptance into the State Secondary Road System: Eedar Hill Road from its intersection with Hydraulic Road to its intersection with rear lot line of The Meadows Subdivision. (2) Swanson Drive from its intersection with Hydraulic Road to cul- de-sac dead end. (3) Shelby Drive from its intersection with Swanson Drive to cul~ de-sac dead end. Mr. Floyd Johnson appeared on behalf of the Historical Society and asked permission for the Society to hang copies of the Declaration of independence and the Monroe Doctrine along with the portrai· now hanging in the Court Room. Mr. Johnson advised that these documents would be on parchment paper and framed in suitable frames at no cost to the County. On motion of Mr. Sm~h~land, seconded by Mr. Harris and unanimously carried, the request of the Historical Society was granted, Plat was received from O. R. Randolph on th~ redivision of lots A and B in ~he University signatures on behalf of the City had not been affixed. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Garnett, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same subject to signatures by the City Planning Commission. Plat was received from Aubrey Huffman on the redivision of lots belonging to Mr. Ro Turner and Mr. K. Mahone on Keith Valley Road to straighten property lines, said plat having been approved by both the County and City Planning Commissions. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Harris, this pl~t was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same subject to signatures by the City Plan- ning Commission. Plat was received from Aubrey Huffman on the redivision of land'to straighten the property lin? of Mr. Robert Burton on old BarrackE ROad in the vicimity of Albemarle High School, said plat having been approVed by both the County and City Planning Commissions. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Garnett, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to Eign same subject to signatures by the City Planning Commission. The County Executive submitted the proposed 195~-60 Budget and gave summary of same, stating the total of each fund. The Chairman then called for any questions or discussion by members of the pub- lic present. There was no discussion by the public. Fo~owing the public hearing on the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July l, 1959 the estimates were ordered received and a synopsis spread in the minutes of this meeting for informative purposes: REVENUE ESTImaTES GENERAL FL~ND: Total Revenue other than from Current Levy .. ~ ............ $ 444,925.00 Amount to be raised by Current Levy ................ 253,860.00 Total Revenue Required $ 698 785'.00 DOG TAX FUh~: Sale of Dog Tags (Gross) ....................... $ Receipts from i-nocu~ation ...................... Total Dog Tax Fund .......................... $ 10,000.00 10,975.00 _., ...o,.o: ~:=. -, "~ :'. ::'',3~'~".; Amount to be paid by other agencies .................. . ~ .54 958.3:0 Total Joint Health Delmrtment Fund .................. $ 81,622.00 QROZET_SANITAEY DIS_ T~.IOT FUND: Amount to be raised by Current Levy ................. $ 12,000.00 Revenue from other sources ..................... 22,100.00 Total Crozet Sanitary District Fund ................. $ 34,100.00 CENI~AL FI_ ~ $ DISTRICT FU~fD: Amount to be raised by Current Levy ................. $ 4,500.00 Transfer from General Fund ...................... 1,200.00 Outside Use of Fire Truck ...................... 3,230.00 To%al Central Fire District Fund ................... $ 8,930.00 FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ........................ $1,439,733.00 MCINTI?E TRUST FU~: Interest $ Total McIntire Trust Fund .................... $ 2,775.00 2,775.O0 TOTAL REVENUE ESTINATES - ALL PL~POSES ................ $2,276,920.00 PROPOSED EXP~fDITURES GENEBALFUND: Board of County Supervisors ..................... $ Miscellaneous Services ........................ County Executive's Office ............ ~ ......... Department of Finance ........................ Collection of Delinquent Land Taxes ................. Board of Equalization .................... ~ · · · Tax Map .............................. County Planning Commission ...................... Recording of Documents ...................... , · Circuit Court ............................ County Court ..... ~ A t r eY't'o'n-- ................... Office of Commonwealth' .................. Policing and Investigating ...................... Confinement and Care of Prisoners .................. Fire Prevention and Extinction .................... 6,960.00 34,315.00 3,440.00 69,930.00 500.O0 6,600.00 2,725.00 350.00 25~215.00 4,455.OO 49O1OO 7,135.00 56,920.00 13,395.00 ll~OlO.O0 13.700.00 Operation of Dump No. 2 ....................... $ Total Public Welfare ............... , ......... Public Health. ........................... Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics ............ Elections ~ Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds ................. 7,700.00 253,350.00 30,500.00 13,275.00 4,690100 13,270.00 County Buildings ........................... ~18 860~00 Total General Fund .......................... $ 698,785°00 DOG TAXFUND: Protection of Livestock and Fowls .................. $ Rabies Clinics ............................ Total Dog Tax Fund ....................... , · · $ 10,675.00 300.00 10,975.00 JOINT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FUND: Personal Services ......................... $ 67,750.00 Contractural Services ........................ 9,850.00 Materials and Supplies ........................ 3,781o00 C ~oital Outlay 241. O0 Total Joint Health Department Fund ................. -. $ 81,622,00 CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUND: Administration .........................._. $ Maintenance and OPeration ...................... Capital Outlay ........................... Debt Service ............................ Total Crozet Sanitary District Fund ................. $ 650.O0 I0,895.00 3,557.50 18,997.50 34,100.00 CENTRAL F1REDiSTRICT FUND: Personal Services ..... .................. OperatiOn' MaintenanCe and ...................... Repayment of Temporary Loan ..................... Total Central Fire District Fund ................... $ 7,505.00 925.O0 500.00 8,930.00 FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ...................... $1,439,733.00 Total McIntire Trust Fund ...................... $ 2,775.00 2,775.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURE ESTI~ATES - ALL PURPOSES .............. $2,276,920°00 On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, and unanimously carried by recorded vote, the Board proceeded to lay the County levy for the year 1959 for General County Purposes of Three Dollars and Eighty Cents ($3°80) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of property and ordered the Director of Finance of the County of ~lbemarle assess and collect on all taxable real estate and all taxable tangible personal property~ including machinery and tools not assessed as real estate, used Or employed in a manu- facturing business, not taxahle by the State on Capital including farm machinery, farm tools, and farm livestock, and further including household items as set forth in Section 58-829 (9)(10~(ll)(12), having been made separate classifications of property from other tangible personal property; and including Pub- lic Service Corporation property (except the rolling stock of railroads), based upon the assessment fixe~ by the State Corporation Commission and certified by it to the Board 'of County Supervisors both as to location and valuation. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Suther!and, IT WAS FURTHER ORDERED that such taxes, when and if appropriated by the Board of Supervisors of this County, shall be used to defray the County charges and expenses and all necessary charges incident to or arising from the execution of the lawfu~ authority of the Board of Supervisors of this County° BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that for Crozet Sanitary District purposes (applying only to the Crozet Sanitary District) an additional One Dollar ($1.00) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property, and BE IT FURTHER 0RDE~ED that for the Central Fire District (applying only to the Central Fire District) an additional Five Cents ($0'.05) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. Upon motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by ~r. Suther~and, it was ~animously~ESOLVED that the Director of Finance be directed to credit the Crozet S~nitaryDistrict F~d and the Central Fire Distric~ Fund with their rezpective original gross levies as shown by the assessment books of the Office of the Director of Finance as tax revenues become available and was further directed to charge all delinquencies to the General Fund. Upon motion by Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mro Harris, %~.was unanimously RESOLVED that the Director'of Finance again make a separate classification of farm machinery, farm tools, farm livestock and household items as set forth in Section 58-829 (9)(lO)(ll)(12).from other tangible personal property and does hereby lay a serarate levy of Three Dollars and Ei~.ty Cents ($3.80) per One Hundred Dollars in assessed valuation on these classifications of property. The following notice published in the Daily Progress on Nay 29, 1959 and June 5, 1959, was read by the Clerk: "Notice is hereby given that at the June meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, to be held in the County Office Building on June 17, 1959, .at lO:O0 A.M., it is intended to amend and re-enact an Ordinance Imposing County License Taxes on Carnivals." in accordance with the foregoing notice, the Chairman allotted time for the public to be heard in this regard. There being no discussion, motion was offered by Mr. G~rnett, seconded by ~. Smith, that the following Ordinance be adopted and published in the Daily Progress in accordance with law, said motion being carried by the following recorded vote: Ayes ~ Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Sutherlan~ Smith and Thraves. Naye~ ' None, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED APRIL 20, 1949, IMPOSING COUNTY LICENSE TAXES ON CARNIVALS AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR EXHIBITING, ETC., V~THOUT SUCH LICENSE: BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, this 17th day of June, 1959, as follows: That an'Ordinance adopted April 20, 1949, imposing County license taxes on carnivals, and prescribing penalties for exhibiting, etc. without such license, be amended and reenacted as follows; On every Carnival, within the boundaries of the County of Albemarle Virginia, there shall be a license tax of $500.O0'per day. For the purpose of this Ordinance, a Carnival shall be such as is defined in Chapter 48 Of the Acts of Assembly of Virginia 1936, Section 58-283 ~ief the 1950 Code of Virginia.. Provided, however, that no license shall be issued until application~therefor has been on file with the Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, at least one week, Every person, firm, company or corporation who or which exhibits or gives in the County of Albemarle a performance or exhibition of any Carnival, as defined as aforesaid, without the license required, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five ....... ~:~ j~h~nd~e~.~lars ($500.00) for .each offense. The authorities of this County shall not allow any such Carnival to open until the license required is exhibited to them. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Statements of Expenses forthe Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office and the office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of Nay, 1959, were examined, verified and approved. State~nent of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with Summary Statement of Prisoner Days. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, these statement were examined, verified and approved. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of May, 1959, were presented and ap- proved in accordance with sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia. Report of the County Executive for the month of Nay, 1959, was presented, approved and ordered filed. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the month of July, 1959: lA Board of County Supervisors .................. $ 1AA Miscellaneous Services ................... lB County Executive's Office ................... lC Department of'Finance ..... 69O, O0 5,032.33 250.00 7~, 945. O0 1.82.5O IF Tax Map_ __. _ ......................... $ 1G County Planning Commission ........ ........... 4 Recording of Documents ..................... 5A 0ircuit Court .......................... 5B County Court._ 5C Commonwealth AttorneY,s Office ................. 6A PSlicing and Investigating ................... $C Confihement and Care of Prisoners ................ 7 Fire Prevention and Extinction ................. 7B Operation of County Dump~l ................... 7C Operation of County Dump #2 ................... 8B Public Welfare - Administration ................. 8C Public Welfare - Public Assistance ............... 8E Public Welfare - Institutional Care ............... 8D Public Welfare - Lunacy Commissions ............... 9 PUblic Health ......................... 11 Advancement - Agriculture and Home Economics .......... 13 Elections ..................... ' B Hdin s 14 Maintenance of .............. 12 Dog Tax Fund ....................... 21 Joint Health D~partment ~d .................. 17 Educational Purposes ...................... 17.9 Debt Service .......................... TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS for the month of July, 1959 187.50 6O.OO 2,131.66 350.00 40.00 591.66 3,910.00 1~I00.00 649.00 135.00 635.00 3,239.66 15,400.00 2,000.00 200.00 2,000.0D 1,051.67 1,600.00 1,305.00 795°OO 13,628.69 100,518,00 65,625400 ........ $231,552.67 The County Executive reported that in accordance with instruction from this Board, he con- tacted Mrs. Eva W. Maupin, Clerk, with regard to clerical assistance in her office. He advised that Mrs. Maupin felt that funds in the budget were sufficient for the extra help needed at this time. How? ever, she anticipated employing an additional person later. Communication was received from the Auditor of Public Accounts advising that the bond of the Directo~ of Finance was deficient of the minimum amount required by Section 15-304 of the Code of Virginia by $47,124.39. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Nr. Garnett, the Director of Finance was authorized to increase said bond to cover this deficiency. The' matter of an appropriation of $85,000.00' for certain alterations and additions to the County Office Building and Court House was brought before the Board for second reading. Mr. Thraves stated that he felt the bid on this project was extremely high and raised the question if people in air conditioning business were given an opportunity to bid. Mr. Thraves was assured that everyone had been given an opportunity to bid in this instanCe, on m°tion, duly made and seconded, $85,000.00 was appropriated for alterations and additions to the County Office Building and Court House, said motion carrying b~ recorded unanimous vote. Mr. Thraves, Chairman of the Dog Committee, reported that his committee was awaiting reports on dog ~helter minimum requirements, after receipt of which his committee would meet and report to this Board at a later date~ The following persons were appointed to serve on the Civil War Centennial Committee: Mrs. Fontaine Watson, Mr. T. R. Wyant, Mr. Wiley Bea!, Mr. Cary Weissiger, Jr., Col. H. B. Goodloe, Mr. Edward Boykin and Mr. Pierson Scott. The Chairman advised that he had received comm,muic~tion from Mr. William SteVens submitting his resignation as a me~ber of the Planning Commission. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett, Mr. Stevens' resignation was accepted with regret. Mr. Williamsrrecommended Mr. Arnold Smith to replace Mr. Stevens on the Planning Commission. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Smith was appointed to serve the unexpired term of Mr. Stevens. The County Executive advised that his office had been approached by the Joint Health Departmen regarding July 4th holiday which falls on Saturday this year. He stated that the Health Department had been advised that the State was observing the 3rd of July. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Harris, it was ordered that County offices observe the same holiday as the State in this instance. The Commonwealth's Attorney advised that in purchasing land for the proposed dump in the Scottsville District, this Board must adopt a resolution authorizing the County Executive to sign acceptance of the deed on behalf of the County. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the following resolution was unanimously Adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, ance of deed to property conveyed to the County of Albemarle by C~arence T. Coles /195o and wife in accordance with Section 15-709ol of the Code of Virginia. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Leon Dure for three ewes killed by dogs. On motion of Mro Harris, seconded by Nr. Sutherland, Nr, Dure was allowed $14.00 for each of these ewes. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was receiVed from Nfs. Nary Burnett for ~wo ducks killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Nrs; Burnett was allowed $~o00 for each of these ducks. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. I. S. Fox for one heifer claimed to have been killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by'Mr. Thraves, this claim was denied on the ba~ of insufficient evidence. Claim against the Dog Tax Fuud was received from Dr. E. D. Davis for one lamb killed by dogs. On motion of ~r. Sutherland, seconded by Nr. Harris, Dr. Davis was allowed $10.00 for this lamb. Claims again~ the Dog Tax Fund were received from Mr. Guy Via for nine lambs killed by dogs. On motion of Nr. Sutherland, seconded by Nr. Harris, Mr. Via was allowed a total ~f $175.00 for these lambs. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. George Caul for two lambs killed by dogs. On motion of Nr. Garnett, seconded by Mro Harris, Mro Caul was allowed $20.00 for each of these lambs. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. W. H. Birckhead for one lamb killed by dogs. On motion of Nr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Nr. Birckhead was allowed $14.00 for this Miller 8f the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries appeared and briefly discussed with the Board the matter of care of stray dogs by various counties. Communication was received from Nr. Joel N. Cochran requesting inclusion into the Secondary System of Peachtree Drive in Orchard Acres Subdivision from Lot six through Lot twelve. Nr. H. W. Runkle, Resident Highway Engineer, advised that this street had been completed in accord~uce with speci- fications of his department. On motion of Mr.. Garnett, seconded by Nr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHE~EAS~'.the. follo~ing sectionr~of~roadilin. Or6hard Acres Subdivision, Crozet, Virginia, has been completed.in accordance with standards and s~ecifica~ tions of the Virginia Department of Highways, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL~VED by the Board of Cotmty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways Peach Tree ~rive in Orchard Acres Subdivision from the end of present State maintenance to its intersection with York Road, a distance of approximately 665 feet. BE IT FURTH~ER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby guaranteed a 50 foot unobstructed right of way along this requested addition, the same having heen dedicated along with drainage easement and re- corded in Deed Book 3~2, page 146 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Claims against the County amounting to $325,902.99 were pre~ented, examined and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for pa~ent and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Fund Special School Project Funds: Scottsville School Charlottesville Elementary S~noOl Nest Side School McIntire Trust Fund Central Fire District Fund Woolen Nills Sanitary District $ 67,863.61 139,336.70' 486.60' 904.28- 6,231.16. 33,813.36' 30~718.20 22,331 · 70 815.54~ 3, ~7~. 73~ 3.00 Commonwealth of Virginia: Current Credit Account Dog Tax Credit Account On motion, the meeting adjourned. Total $ 19,760.96 63,15 Chairman June 22, 1959 Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the City Hall, Charlottesville, Virginia, joint- lywith the City Council, at 4:00. P.M. with the following members present: Messrso John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, He Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith and Robert Thraves. Absent: Mr. M. Ye Sutherland,Jr. Ne, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, do hereby waive notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at 4:00 P.No on the twenty-second day~of June, 1959, at the City Hall, Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of receiving report from the Airport Commission relative to bids for the construction of a new terminal building at the airport, and we do hereby consent to any and all business and the taking of such action~at said meeting upon the matter hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident and necessary thereto. ~ ~/~ ~__~/ . /~ /~ John W. NilLiams // Edg~r N.'Garnett -. ' Edward ~herlan~, J~ Robert Thraves Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The Airport Commission presented a tabulation of all bids which were received on June 18, 1959 for the construction of a new terminal building and stated that in their opinion the bid of H. H. Sedwic~ Construction Company was the lowest and best bid received and recommended that this bid be accepted, and that alternates #6, 7, 12~ 15, 17, 18 & 20 be accepted. The commission stated that the building was essential in order to take care of the present and future traffic needs at the Airport and that it should be constructed now, provided, of course, that FAA will provide its share of the f~uds. On motion by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, the following resohtion was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Mr. Harris, ~r. Garnett, ~r. Thraves, ~r.~Williams and ~r. Smith. Noes: None. (Absent: Mr.. Sutherland); BE IT RF~OLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the bid of H. B. Sedwick Construction Company, dated June 18, 1959, for the construction of a terminal building at the Charlottesville-Albmazle Joint Ai~ort~ in the amount of $248,925.00 bas bid, less Alternates #6, 7~ 12, 15, 17, 18 & 20, amounting to Approximately $31,000.00, be and the same is hereby accepted subject to approval by the Federal Aviation Agency, and subject further to the Federal