HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-07-15 A regular meeting of the Board of Comuty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of July, 1959,
Present: Messrs~ Edgar No Garnett, H, Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, N, Y. Sutherland, Jr,,
and Robert Thraves,
Absent: Mr, John W. Williams.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth~ s Attorney,
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr, N. M, Pence,
~inutes of the meetings of June 17~, June 22 and July 7, 1959~ were read and approved,
Mr. W, R, Duke appeared and thanked the Board for the consideration shown the Parole Board
during the time they were tenants in the 'County OffiCe Building,
Mr, Frazier appeared and requested inclusion in the Secondary System of extension of Route
62i, He stated that ~r, Phillips has consented to the right of way which has been in question for some
time, Due to the fact that the Board was coF~itted regarding this road by acceptance of Road VieWer;s
report, ~r. Frazier was advised that this road would be recommended for acceptance after it is complete,
to standards of the State Highway Department.
William Cabell appeared an5. presented petition requesting acceptance into the Secondary Sys-
tern of Raymond Road off Ridge Street. Nr, H. W, Runkle~ Resident Engineer, called the Board's attentio~
to the fact that Viewers~ report of some time back recommended acceptance of this road when poles and
fences have been moved from the right of way and sufficient width graded, Mr. Cabell stated t?~t work
would be started on moving the poles and fences as soon as possible so that said road could be p~ad~dm~:i~
line for acceptance when f~mads are available.
Mrs, David Cook appeared on behalf of the Boxwood Garden Club and requested permission to
proceed with plans on project of that Club to beautify and make more safe the entra~e to Meadowbrook
Road from the Route 250 By~Pass~ Mr. Runkle advised Mrs. Cook that such p~ans would have to go before
the Highway Landscape Engineer and suggested that she write said department regarding this matter,
Mr. Runkle advised that request had been received for the abandonment of a certain section of
Route 703 and advised that said section had been replaced with a road which served the same citizens,
On motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution w~s unanimously adopted:
W~IEREAS, a section Of road in the secondary system on Route 703, located
in the Scotts.ville District, Albemarle County, Virginia, has been altered and a
new road, which serves the same citizens as the old road, has been constructed in
lieu thereof and approved by the State Highway Commission, and
WHEREAS, Section ~3-76.12 of the Code of Virginia provides for the
abandonment of such alteration of the secondary road system~
NOW, Th~EREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
County thgt said old road be and the same is hereby vacated and abandoned as
Route 70~ from Route 729 to Route 53, a distance of .1 mile,
The above is in accordance with drawing of changes in Secondary System
due to relocation and construction of Route 70~, by .H.W. Rnnkle, Resident Engineer
of the Virginia Department of Highways, and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Albemarle County is hereby requested to record a copy of this resolution and the
drawing hereinabove referred to.
Mr, Runkle advised also that request had been received for the abandonment of that section of
Route 709 from Route 708 to dead end, a distance of ,3 mile. On motion, duly made and seconded, it was
ordered that notice regarding this proposed abandonment be published i~ the Daily Progress and posted
on the portion of road to be abandoned, advising of public hearing on this matter,
Request was received fro~. Nr~ Hunter E. Fenwick regarding the desirability of building a
bridge over Hog Creek and over Green Creek and of improving Route 602 between these bridges. Mr, Rur~kl
advised that funds had been allocated in, the current budget for the construction of these bridge~ but
funds were not available at this time for improvement to the road~ ~r. Runkle stated that it would be
well for this Board to adopt a resolution urging~that this project be started. On motion of ~Ir, Harris
seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the following resolution was ~animously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Su~visors of Albemarle County~
Virginia~ that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to
begin construction of new bridges a~ross Hog Creek and Green Creek on Route 602
as soon as possible, and to improve the road between ~hese bridges when funds
are available.
Nr. H. W. Runkle~ Resident Engineer~ presented the tentative budget of the Secondary System
for the fiscal year beginning July l, 19.59 and ending June 30, 1959. After consideration, and oh motion
of Nr. Garnett, seconded by ~¢r. Sutherland, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Couuty Supervisors of Albemarle Co~mty,
Virginia~ that the tentative Secondary System allocation~ for the fiscal year he
gir~uLug July l, 1959 and ending J~e 30~ 1960,as presented by Nr. H. W. Rttukle~
Resident Highway Engineer, be and. the same is hereby approved as follows:
Ordinary' Maintenance %%299 ~ 516 O0
Naintenance Replacement s ........... 60,739.00
Construct ion ................. 17,600 ~ O0
Allotted to Numbered Projects .......
I ' $398,955.00
Federal Aid ............ ~ ....
Grand Total
Communication was received from Nr. Haywood Nelms, Jr. requesting inclusion into the Second. aw
System of certain portions of streets in Noodhayven Subdivision. Mr. H. Wo Runkle, Resident Highway
Engineer, advised that said streets have been completed in accordance with specifications of this de~
On motion of Nr. Harris, seconded by }~r. Sutherland, the following resolution wa~ unanimously
VHER~S, the following section~ of street in Wood~ayven Subdivision~
Albemarle County, Virginia, has~ been completed in accordszace with standards and
specifications of the Virginia Department of Highways~
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be mad is
hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways~ Holmes Avenue
in Woodhayven Subdivision from its intersection with Smith Street to back end of
Lot l, Block C, a distance of approximately 815 feet.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Uirginia Department of HighwaYs be m~d
is hereby guaranteed a 50 foot unobstructed right of way along this requested
addition, the same having 'been dedicated along with drainage easement and re~
corded in Deed Book 33~ page 210 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit
In accordance with notice published in the Daily Progress as required by Section 33~7~,8 of
the Virginia Code, public hearing was held at lO:O0 A.N. on intent to abandon that section of State
Secondary Route 756 beginning .5 mile northwest of intersection with Route 8!0 at Nt. Fair and continu-
ing sXong its entire length of .3 mile in a westerly direction to 'its ~ead end. A Nr. Naupin and a
Frazier appeared in opposition to the proposed abandor~ent, stating that this road was their only access
to property owned by them as well as two other residents in the area. Due to the fact that this road is
being used~ the Board took no action with regard to abandoning seine and Nr. Sheridan~ whc was also prese~
at the meeting~ was ~o advised.
Communications were received from the Department of Highways advising of the following ad-
ditions and abandoD~ents approved by that department in ~ccordance with requests received from this
Addition_ . s:
Peach Tree Drive from present end of Route 1207 to dead end (York Drive~, length
0.10 mile.
Sections 7, 8~ 9~ 10~ and 1! of new location of Route 60~ between Route 81~ and
the Greene County Line, Project 060A-002~018-022~ length 0.~2 mile.
Section 6 of new location Et. 708 between St. 39~15 and Stao ~2/50, length 0.06 mile.
Section 8 c~new location Rt~ 708 between Sta. I$5~70 & Sta~ 192~00, length 0.12 mile.
Section l0 of new location, connection from Rt. 706 to Rt~ 708~ length 0~07 mile~
Abandonment s:
Sections l, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of old location of Route 60~ between Route 817 and the
Greene County Line, Project 060~-002~018-022, length 0.~3 mile.
Section I of old location Rt. 708 between Sra. 39~!5 and Sta~ ~2~50~ length 0~07 mi.
Section 2 of 01d location Rt. 708 between Sta. 180~00 &Sta. 18~70~ length 0.11 mi.
Section 3 of old location Rt. 708 between Sra. 185~70 & Sta~ 19~00, length 0o12 mi.
Section 4, Route 707 from Route 708 to Route 706, length O~10 mil~.
Section 5, Rt. 706 from Route 707 to Rt. 708, length 0.14 mile.
Request was received from Claudius Crozet Park Community Center for inclusion in the Secondzry
System of road into Claudius Crozet Park~ ~r. R~kle advised that said road had been completed in ac~
cordance with standards of the Highway Department and drainage easements had been obtained although they
had not been recorded in the Clerk's Office. On motion of Nfo Garnett~ seconded by Nr. Harris~ the
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
~HEREAS~ the following section of road in Crozet, Virginia, Albemarle
County~ has been completed in accordance with standards and specifications of
the Virginia Department of Highways~
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL~ED by the Board of Comuty Supervisors of
Albemarle Co~mty~ Virginia~ that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is
hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways, Route 1204 from
the intersection of Routes 1204 and 1205 to Claudius Crozet Park, a distance of
~ mile~
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Hig~ays be and
is hereby guaranteed a $0 foot unobztructed right of way ~ong this requested
addition, the ss~me having been dedicated and recorded in Deed Book 275~ page
310 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
BE IT FURT~LER RESOLVED that the foregoing rebommendation is subject to
~eceipt and attachment hereto of drainage easements.
Plat was received from 0~ R~ Randolph of redivision of Lot 4~ Block 5~ adding TraCt ~ to Lot
2 in Berkley Subdivision as approved by the County and City Planning Commissions~ On motion of
Garnett~ seconded by Nr~ Harris~ the said plat was approved and the chairman and clerk were authorized
to sig~ same on behalf of this ~oard°
Plat of W~ S° Roudabush was received on the redivision of lots 2 and 3 of the Horace Solomon
Estate on Hydra~2ic Road, as approved by the County and City Planning Commissions~ On motion of
Thraves ~ seconded by Nr. Harris~ said plat was approved and the chairman and clerk were authorized to
sign same on behalf of this Board°~
Plat of ~ S~ Roudabush wa~ received on the redivision of lots in Oak Hill Subdivision belong~
lng to T~ Lo Clements and Ro N. Chisholm~ as approved by the County and City Planning Commissions~ On
motion of Nr~ Thraves~ seconded by ~r. Garnett~ said plat was approved and the chairman and clerk were
authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board~
On motion of ~r. Sutherland~ seconded by Nr~ Thraves, Statements of Expenses of the Department
of Fi~nce~ the Sheriff's Office and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of Jun%
1959, were e×~mined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with
S~z~mary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of June, 1959~ On motion of ~r~ Thraves, seconded by
~'~r. Sutherland~ these statements were examined~ verified and approved.
Report on inspection of the County Jail was received from the Department of Welfare and Insti~
tutions and was ordered fi~ed.
approved in accordance with sections 63~67.1 and 63.67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
ClaLm of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $666.00, of which one-half is
reimbursable by the State, was received, and on motion of ~. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Thraves, was ap-
proved for payment.
Budget of the Department of Public Welfare for the fiscal year 1959-60 as approved by the
Department of Welfare and Institution$, was received. It was noted that the request as submitted was
cuty by $16,170.00 be that department.
Report of the Comuty Executive for the month of June, 1959, was presented, approved~ and
ordered filed.
On motion of Mr. Sutherland~ seconded by~r. Thraves, rules with regard to second reading
were suspended and the following resolution ~uanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVEDL~oy the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle CoUnty, Virginia,
that the following appropriations be and the same hereby are made for the month of
August, 1959, from tk~ funds and for the fUnctions or purposes indicated:
For the operation of general county agencies and services,
to be transferred to the C~neral Operating Fund a~nd
expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors,
as follows~
lA Board of County Supervisors
1AA Miscellaneous Services
lB County Executive's Office
lC Department of Finmuce
1E Board of Equalization
!F Tax ~ap
1G County Planning Commission
Recording of Documents
5A Circuit Court
5B County Court
5C Commonwealth's Attorney's Office
Policing and investigation
6C Confinement and Care of Prisoners
7 Fire Prevention and Extinction
7B Operation of Co~uuty DUmp No. 1
7C Operation of County Dump No. 2
8B Public Welfare - Administration
8C Public Welfare - Public Assistance
Public Welfare - Institutional Care
8D Public Welfare - Lunacy Commissions
9 Public Health
ll Advancement - Agriculture & Home Economics
14 Maintenance - Buildings and Grounds
12 Dog Tax Fund
21 Joint Health Department Fund
17 Educational Purposes
$ 54o.oo
120. DO
6O 6.66
86,200. O0
On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by~[ro Harris, rules with regard to second readings were
suspended and the following resolution unmnimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the following over-expended accounts for the year ending J~uue 30,
1959, be and the same are hereby approved:
General ~und
lA Board of County Supervisors
1AA ~iscellaneous Services
lB County Executive's Office
lC Department of Finance
1E Board of Equalization
4 Recording of Documents
5A Circuit Court
5B County Court
5C Commonwealth's Attorney's Office
6A Policing & Investigating
6C Confinement and Care of Prisoners
7B Operation of Dump No. 1
7C Operation of Dump No. 2
7D Operation of D~mp Nco 3
7E Operation of Dump Nco 4
8B I~blic Welfare - Administration
8C Public Welfare - P~olic Assistance
8D Public Welfare - Lunacy Commissions
Public Welfare - Institutional Care
8F Public Welfare - 0theD ~elfare Aid
13 Elections
14 Ma~ten~nce~ Buildings and Grounds
Total Gen. Fd.
$ 493.OO
2 ~
! ,042.81
$ 52,535°56
17 School Board, Administration
17.1 instruction
17.2 Evening, Part-Time~ etc.
17.3 Other Instructional Costs
17.5 Transportation of Pupils
17.~l Other Auxiliary Agencies
17.6 Operation of School Plant
17.61 Maintenance of School Plant
17.7 Fixed Charges
17.8 Capital Outlay
$ 1,594.78
__. 1,178.58
Total School Fd. $ 50,632.96
McIntire Trust Fund
18 Total Ncintire Trust Fund
$ 215.71
S~ia! School Construction Fund
Scottsville School $23~,371.3!
Char!ot%esville Elementary School 146,570.99
West Side Elementary School 39,176.70
NcIntire School 4,963.75
Esmont Negro School 395~00
Total Spec. Sch. Const.~-~',~77.75
Joint Health F~.
Joint Health Department ~ Total
$ 3,827.70
Cr___ozet San. Dis t. ?d.
41.1 Administration $ 86.25
41.2 Maintenance and Operation 297.~0
Total Crozet San. Dist. $ 383.65
Central Fire Di~t.
41 Total Central FireDistrict Fund
$ 488.88
D o_~Tax Fund
12 To~l Dog Tax Fund
$ 256.99
The Connty Executive requested the re-appropriation of certain appropriations made during the
fistful year ended June 30, 1959, and not expended° On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded hy Mr. Garnett¢
~ules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted:
BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of Co~uty Supervisors of Albemarle. County~
Virginia, that the followin~ funds be re-appropriated since they were not expended
a~ter being appropriated during the past fiscal year:
District Home .............. $ ~0,000.00
Airport ........... i ...... 55,000.00
County Office Building Renovations ....
$oecial School~Constro F~.
Scottsvitle High School .......... $ 10,458.39
Charlottesville Elementary School ..... 317,150.00
West Side Elementary School ........ 16~806.00
NcIntire Elementary School ........ 175,000.00
Esmont Elementary School .......... 395.00
Communication was received from Mr. T. J. Henley regarding Cismont School and action thereon
was deferred until the Chairman returns from vacation.
Check of World Book Company, No. 569, dated May 20, 1959, and in the amount of $292.37, was
returned~ said check being duplicate payment of invoice' approved by the School Board. On motion of
~rnett, secOnded by Nr. Harris, it was ordered that this check be caucelled~
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. I. S~ Fox for one calf killed by dogs.
On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris~ ~r. Fox ~ms allowed ~O,00 for this calf.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Lewis Gentry for Swo ewes killed by dogs.
On motion of ~ir~ Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mro Gentry was allowed $25.O0 for each of these ewes
Mr. Thraves suggested that this Board make a study of the fe~sibi!ity of bomb sh~!ter. Consider.
able discussion was given this matter.
Claims against the County amounting to $182,338.85 were presented, examined and allowed, and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment and char~ed against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Fund
Textbook Fund
Woolen Mills Sanitary District Fund
Special School Project Funds:
Scottsville High School
Charlottesville Elementary School
McIntire Elementary School
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account
$ 40,457~.22
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
August 5, 1959
Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in Council Chamber, City Hall, Charlottesville,
Virginia, at 10:00 A.M. with the following members present:
Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherl~nd, Jr. and Robert Thraves.
Council of the City of Charlottesville was also present:
Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnet~
Absent: Mr. H. Ashby Harris. The City
We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, do hereby waive notice and special service thereof, of ameeting te be held
at 10:00 A.M. on the fifth day of August, 1959, at the City Hall, Charlottesville,
Virginia, for the purpose of considering Grant Agreement from Federal Aviation
Agency for the construction of a terminal building at the airport, and we do hereby
~onsent to any and all business and the taking of such action at aaid meeting upon
the matter hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident and necessary thereto.
Robert Thraves
The County Executive was also present.
The County Executive presented letter under date of Au~=ust 4, 1959, from the Federal Aviation
Agency, signed Ralph W. Schrieber, District Airport Engineer, with reference to the participation of
that agency in the cost of the proposed construction of a terminal building at the Airport. The letter
advised that although the Federal Aviation Agency recognized that a part of the increased cost in
the proposed building 'was attributable to an increase in the requirements of that agency, that due to
the availabilty of funds and changes in the law, that agency would be unable to commit itself for more
than $11,000.00 additional funds above the original tentative allocation of $75,000.00, total~ing