HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-08-26SPECIAL AUguat 26, 1959
Purs~u~nt to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the County Office Building, Charlottesville,
Virginia, at 7:30 P.Mo with the follewing~p?esent~:~ Mes?rs. John W. ~illiams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby~
~Harris, and M. Y. Sutherta~d, Jr. Absent: Messrs. Edward L. Smith and Robert Thr~ aves. ~
WE, the Undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, do hereby waive notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be
held at 7:30 P.Mo on the twenty-sixth day of August, 1959, in the County Office
Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of discussing matters pertain-
ing to the Crozet Sanitary District, and we do hereby consent to any and all business
and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinabove mentioned
as may be lawful, incident and necessary thereto.
N. Garnet~
L. Smith
?~Mj ~.' Sutherland, Jr. ~/
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
Members of Crozet Water Committee present: Messrs. Daughtrey, Apperson, Tomlin and Sandridge
and Mr. Blair Funkhouser.
Mr. Daughtrey addressed the Board and stated that before getting to matters relating to the
distribution system at Crozet, he would like to present an unofficial recommendation of the Water
Committee that Mr. Blair Funkhouser be made a member of that Committee. He advised that Mr. Funkhouser
was engineer at Morton's and that his knowledge of engineering would make him a valuable adjunct. The
chairman polled the Water Committee and it was their unanimous recommendation that Mr. Funkhouser be
made a member of that Committee. On motion by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the-Board
unanimously ratified the recommendation of the Water Committee that Mr. Funkhouser be made a member of
that body.
Mr. Daughtrey then advised the Board of certain difficulties encountered by the Committee in
furnishing water to a number of consumers in the Sanitary District. He stated that due to the growth
of the area And the large number of consumers, the single six inch line designed to transport the water
from the clear water basin ~ its ultimate point of usage simply was not large enough for the demands
upon that single line. On questioning, the County Executive stated that he had a~vised the Board
~-number of times in the past that in~his~opinion the~iggest bottleneck in the-distribution system was
the single six inch line serving the community. Mr. Daughtrey stated that due to the above fallacy in
constructi~n~ a number of consumers were unable to get water. He stated that a study had been made in
order to alleviate the condition and he referred to certain recommendations made by thA~ Committee to
the Board of Supervisors in the early spring. He stated that the recommendations consisted of three
main items 1?as follows:
(1) A parallel eight inch line from the clear water basin to Knobloch's corner.
(2) A supplemental supply in the form of a well to be located in the village propers?
(3) The construction of a dam to the west of the reservoir to contain an additional estimated
ten million gallons of water.
The Board was apprized of the fact that it had previously ratified the recommendation of the
stating that the Water Committee had negotiated with $%;dnor Pump%and Well Company,~Richmond, Virginia,
for the dril!in.~ of 'the well and that.~ the rig-had arrived at the job site that morning. He asked that
the Board give consideration to items No. 1 and 3 above mentioned. The matter of financing of~:~the pro-
jects was discussed. The ~Qunty Executive resented a financia
Water 'Rents
Total Receipts
Recelved Budget
1958-1959 1959-1960
$22,775.08 $22,000, O0
452°00 100.OO
$36,847.97 $34,I00. OO
Expended Budget
1958-1959 1959-1960
~intenance and Operation
Capital Outlay
Debt Charges
Total E~penditures
EXcess Receipts over Expen..
$ 414.37 $ 650.00
9,180.27 10,895.00
741.42 3,557,50
_.14,230.~0~ 18,997.50
$24,566.06 $34,~00.00
$12,281.91 $ -0-
$ 500~00
$30,197. 50
$ 6,802,50
Cash Balance-- June 30, 1959
Estimated Cash Surplus - Per Above
Est..i~.tedOostPronosed Pro~ects
Drilling (Estimated 500')
Testing (48 hours)
Miscellaneous - grouting, etc~
Electrical ~Vork
Pump House
Installation to connect with main
Mete~ (4")
Remove Drillings
(Have not allowed for any valves,
booster pump or disinfecting.)
$ 3,750~OO
200. O0
3OO. 00
check valves, etc.,
Pronosed Nain:
5,000~ '-5,500~ 8" pipe
2 8" valves ~
Connection to C.~, Basin
Valve Boxes @
TOTAL mE~timated Cost Proposed Projects
$1'7,500.O0 - $22,500~O0
He advised that the revised estimated column for the year 1959-1960 was purely an estimate as was the
cost of the proposed projects and that these items were subject to variation. After considerable dis-
cussion it appeared to be the sense of the Water Committee that in addition to the well presently under
way, it is imperative that work begin immediately on an eight inch parallel line to bring the w~ter fro~
the clear water basin. They stated that they were of the opinion that this project should be let for
bid and that engineering data relating to plans and specifieR.ions should be obtained On motion by
Mr. Sutherland, seconded by,tr. Garnett, it was unauimouslyRESOLVED that the water Committee proceed
with the employment of an engineer to assemble data regards plans and specifications relating to the
water line in order that bids may be obtained at the earliest possible date and that they proceed
immediately with the purchase of pipe necessary to connect the clear water basin with the six inch line
at Knohloch's corner.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the-Board of County Supervisor~ of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of September, 1959.
Present: Nessrs. John W. Williams, Edgar No Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, Edward
Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lordts Prayer led by Nr. M. N. Pence.
Ninutes of the meetings of August 19 and August 26, 1959, were read and approved~
Nr. Landon Birckhead and Dr. W. Ho Paine appeared and requested a~ceptance of road in Carrs-
brook Subdivision~beginning at Route 29, North, and extending in an easterly direction for 2,130 feet.
They stated that this road had been paved to State specifications. However, it was brought out in dis-
cussion ~hich followed that said road would have to be referred to viewers due to the fact that the lots
in said subdivision were more than three acres and did not come under the subdivision regulations~
Birckhead and Dr. Paine offered to pay for the expense of viewers so that the road might be accepted
prior to winter rather than wait until regular viewers are appointed in the spring~ After discussing
this matter with the Commonwealth's Attorney, motion wzs offered by Mro Harris, seconded by Nr~ Suther~
land, and unanimously carried, ordering that the foregoing request be referred to Viewers at their reguL
spring meeting due to established policy.
Request was received from Shadwell Estates, Inc. for acceptance into the Secondary System of
road in Shadwell Estates extending from U.S. 250 to Shannon Drive, a distance of approximately 700 feet.
Er. H~ Wo Runkle, Resident Engineer, advised that drainage pipe along this requested addition does not
comply with State specifications. Therefore, action on this request was deferred.
Petition was received requesting shaping, grading and ~urfacing of Route 719 between Alberene
Road and Esmont Road, a distance of approximately 2-~ mile. The'County ExecutiVe advised that the
landowners were willing to participate one-half in the cost of this improvement, however, in discussing
the matter with the Stmte Highway Department, he had been advised that even with participation~ the
State did not have funds to do this improvement. Nr~ Pence stated that he had advised the attorneys of
~..~he applicants in this regard~ He was instructed to also advise the applicants of the matter.
Communication was received from the State Department of Highway~ advising that as requested by
this Board, approVal~had been given to the abandonment of Route 709 fromRoute 708, South to dead end,
a~distance of 0.30 mile.
On motion of Nfl SutherlaDd, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously
adopted :
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia~ that if and when the following roads in Berkeley Subdivision have been
completed in accordance with State specifications, th~ same will be recommended
for acceptance into the Secondary System:
(1) Providence Road from Station 1~30.19 at its intersection with
Commonwealth Drive to Station 6~65~00 at its intersection with
Williamsburg Road, a distance of .12 mile.
(2) Commonwealth Drive from Station 0~0 new (21~90.43 old~ at its
intersection with Providence Road to Station 10~20 at its inter-