HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-09-16On motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman ? A regular meeting of theBoard of County Supervisors of Albemarle~County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of September, 1959. Present: Nessrs. John W. Williams, Edgar No Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, N~ Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nr. No N. Pence. Ninutes of the meetings of August 19 and August 26, 1959, were read and approved. Nr. Landon Birckhead and Dro W~ Ho Paine appeared and requested a~ceptance of road ~ Carrs- brook Subdivision~beginning at Route 29, North, and extending in an easterly direction for 2,130 feet. They stated that this road had been paved to State speci~ications~ However, it was brought out in dis- cussion ~hich follow~ that said road would have to be referred to viewers due to the fact t~hat the lots in said subdivision were more than three acres and did not come under the 'subdivision regulations. Nr. Birckhead and Dro Paine offered to pay for the expense of viewers so that the road might be accepted prior to winter rather than wait until regular viewer~ are appointed ~ the sprLugo After discussing this matter with the Commonwealth's Attorney, motion w~s offer~ed by ~r. Harris, seconded by Nr. Suther~ land, and unanimously carried, ordering that the foregoing request be referred to Viewers at their reguL spring meeting due to established pOlicy. Request was received from Shadwell Estates, Inc. for acceptance into the Secondary System of road in Shadwell Estates extending from U.S. 250 to Shannon Drive, a distance of approximately 700 feet. Nr. H. W. Runkle, Resident Engineer, advised that drainage pipe along this requested addition does not comply with State specifications. Therefore~ action on this request was deferred~ Petition was received requesting shaping, grading and surfacing of Route 719 between Alberene Road and Esmont Road, a distance of approximately 2-~ mile. The County Executive advised that the landov~ers were willing to participate one-half in the cost of this improvement, however, in discussing the matter with the State Highway Department, he had been advised that even with participation~ the ~St~te did not have ~nds to do this improvement. Nr~ Pence stated that he had advised the attorneys of ~he applicants in this regard° He was instructed to also advise the applicants of the matter. Communication was received from the State Department of Highways advising that as requested by this Board, approVal~had been given to the abandonment of Route 909 from Route 705~ South to dead end~ a~distance of 0.30 mile. On motion of Nri SutherlaDd, seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : BE IT RESOLVED by the .Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that if and when the following roads in Berkeley Subdivision have been completed in accordance with State specifications, the same will be recommended for acceptance into the Secondary System: (1) Providence Road from Station 1~30.19 at its intersection with Commonwealth Drive to Station 6~65.00 at its intersection with WilliamSburg Road, a distance of ~12 mile. (2) Commonwealth Drive from Station O~0 new (21~90.43 old~ at its intersection with Providence Road to Station 10~20 at its inter- The following plats prepared by Mr. Bill Roudabush, which had been approved by the Cou~uty and City Planning Commissions, were presented and on motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by~. Smith, were approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of the Board~ ~l? Redivision of lot~ in Szmmno~ourt facing on Piedmont Avenue~ (2) Redivision of lot belonging to L~i~nn Gentry facing on ~th St., S~W. (3) Re~ivision of lot belonging to Fritz W~ Linde on Hydraulic Road~ The following plat prepared by Mr. T. W. Saunders, which had been approved by the County and City Planning Commissions~ was presented and on motion of Mr. Smith~ seconded by Mr. Harris, was ~pprove and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of the Board: (1) Redivision of land belonging to W~D. Willis and located near Albemarle High School. Mr. H. W. Runkle, Resident Engineer, advised that funds are now available for improvement to Route 715 on_which viewers had recommended and this Board had approved previously. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett~ Mr. Runkle was ~nstruct~d to proceed with obtaining rights of way in order that this work might be done. M~So T. B. Bleecker, representing the S.P.C.A., appeared and discussed at length with the Board the terms as set forth in the proposed contract for the confinement and care 'of dogs by the S.P.C.~. The committee recom~ended a rate of $0.65 per day for the keep~of dogs. Mrs. Bleecker stated that an amount of $0.75 was desired by the S.P.C.A. although that organization would consider $0.70 per day. Disoussion was also given to the other terms and conditions of the proposed contract. After consideration, motion was made by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Suiherland, and unanimously carried, approving the con~ tract as drawn at a rate of $0.65 pe~ day for a six month trial period, with instruction to the S.P.C.A. that names and addresses of persons leaving dogs at the S.P.~.A. and of persons adopting such dogs be furnished to the Board of Supervisors each month. Mrs. Bleecker agreed to the terms and rate as set forth a~ud the Chairman was authorized to sign said contra~t on behalf of the Board, copy of which to be placed on file. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the County Executive was requested to con- tact Mr. Webb Midyette of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, in an effort to obtain two or three game wardens to assist the local wardems prior tobanting season in a drive to check all dogs in the County for licenses. On motion of Mr. Garne~t~ seconded by Mr. Harris~ Statement os Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of August, 1959, were examined, verified and approved~ Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with Summary Statement of Prisoner Says for the month of August, 1959. On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Garnett, these Statements were examined~ verified and approved. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of August, 1959, were presented and approved in accordance with sections 63~67~I and 63-67.2 ofmthe Code of Virginia. Claim of the Jail Physician in the amo,mut of $6.00 for the month of August, 1959, was presente and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland~ was approved for payment° Claim of the university of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1,023.00, of which one-~alf is reimb~ursable by the State, was received and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland~ was approved for payment. Agreement with the University of Virginia Hospital for the care of indigent patients from Albemarle County at the current rate of $18.50 was presented. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded hy Mr. Smith~ this contract was approved and the Chairman was authorized to execute same on behalf of the Board. Report of the County Executive 'for the month of August, 1959, was presented, approved sund ordered filed. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, rules with regard to second, readings were BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following appropriations be and the same are hereby made for the month of October, 1959, from the funds and for the functions or purposes indicated: GENERAL REVENUE FUND For the operation of general county agencies and Eervices, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and exp~nded'only on order of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: lA Board of County Supervisors 1AA Miscellaneous Services lB County Executive's Office lC Department of Finance 1D Collection of Delinquent Land Taxes 1F Tax Map !G County Planning Commission 4 Recording of Docmments 5A Circuit Court 5B County Court Commonwealthts Attorney's Office 6A Policing and Investigating 6C Confinement and Care of Prisoners 7 Fire Prevention and Extinction 7B Operation of County Dump No. 1 7C Operation of County Dump No. 2 7D Operation of County Dump No. 3 TE Operation of County Dump No. 4 7F Operation of County Dump No. 5 8D Public Welfare - Lunacy Commission 9 Public Health ll Advancement ~ Agriculture and Home Economics 13 Elections 14 Maintenance of Buildin~and Grounds 15 General Stores Total Appropriations to Gen.Oper.Fd. $ ~370.00 51.00 245,00 4,450.00 335.00 1,435.00 25.00 20,00 591.66 4,440e00 775.00 13OEO0 140 160.00 ~Ot 2,500.00 ~O~ 100.00 2,250.00 1~05!.67 50~00 855.00 ~2~,824.33 For the operation of the Department of Welfare~ to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board $21~881.66 For the operation of Public Schools, to be trans- ferred to the School Fund and expended only on order of theSchool Board, as follows: 17 Administration $ 17~1 Instruction 17.2 Evening Part-time, etc. 17.3 Other Instructional Costs 17~4 Co~0rdinate Activities 17~5 Auxiliary Agencies~Transportation of pupils 17~51 Other Auxilia?yAgencies 17~6 Operation of School Plant 17.61 MaintenanceoSf School Plani 17.7 Fixed Charges 17.10 Operation-Jackson P. Burley High SchoOl Suh-total 17.8 Capital Outlay 17.9 Debt Service 1,620.00 84,600.00 750.00 3,700.00 550.00 8,850.00. 700.00 6,400~00 100.00 4~000.00 $111~270.00 500.00 ~0- Total for operating Public Schools 111,770.00 For scholarships in aid of education, to be transferred to the Scholarship Fund, and expended on order of the School Board For the operation of the Joint Health Department, to be transferred to the Joint Health Department Fund and expended only on order of the Joint Health Board _6 .~18.22 Total Approp. from General Revenue Fund $ 163,194o21 DOG TAX FUND: For the protection of livestock and fo~l and other operations of the Dog Tax Fund, to be e×pended only on order to the Board of Supervisors $ 42O.00 CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND: For the operation of the Central Fire District, to be expended only on order o£ the Board of $upervisors CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT For ~he operation of the Crozet sanitary District, to be expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors $_.__~z18 825:00 Grand Total of All Appropriatioms from All Funds $ 182,439.21 At the request of the Co~Unty Executive, rules with regard to second r~ding were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted on motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following special appropriations be and are hereby made: From General Fund: Board of Equalization 220 Tax ~p 319 Dump No. 4 19 Buildings and Grounds.405 $200.00 100.00 2,506°00 100.00 From Crozet San. Dist. Fund: Well No. 3 t0,000.O0 8" Main 8,.000.00 The County Executive advised that the term of Mr. E. H. Bain on the Airport Commission exD pired on August 30, 1959. The Chairman stated that he had been advised that Mr. Ba~n was eligible for reappointment and that the City Council would l~,e to re-appoint Mr. Bain, subject to approval by this Board. On motion of Mr. HarriS$ seconded by Mr. smirch, Mr. E. H~ Bain was re-appointed to the Airport Co~mission for ~ term of three years. The County Executive advised that he had been approached by the Chamber of Commerce regarding an appropriatio~n of $35~00 &oward the employment of attorneys with regard to Route 64 Interstate Hi.ghwa~. After some discussion of this matter, motion was offered by Mr. Thraves to appropriate the $350°00 as requested. This motion received no second. Claim against the Dog Tax F~nd was received from Mr. Anderson Wood for one lmmb killed by dog~ On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett, Mr. Wood was allowed $20~00 for this lamb. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr, R. To Davis for three 'ewes and one buck killed by dogs.~ On motion of Mr, Suthertand, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Davis was allowed $14.00 for each of the~e ewes and $10oGO for the buck. Claims against the County amounting to $288,686.05 were presented, examined, and allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for paMnent and charged against the following funds: General F~nd School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Dept. F~ud Woolen Mills Sanitary District Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit. Account Special SchoO~ Capital Out~yFund: Scottsville High School.'Spe¢ial Pro,'oct Charlottesville Elementary School Special Project McIntire Elementary School Special Project Total. $ 74,401.52 122,060.24 ,428..8.5 21.37 991.53 6,299.33 3.00 7,295.18 1,160.45 44,362.27 $288,686.05 On motions the meeting adjourned. Chairman