HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-10-14SPECIAL October 14, 1959 Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albema.~le County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the Cotmty Office Building, Ohar!ott~esville, Virginia, at 11:00 A.M. with the following present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, Ho Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr., and Robert Thraves. Absent: None. We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, do hereby waive notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at 11:00 A.M. on the fourteenth day of October, 1959, in the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of considering matters pertaining to schools, and we do hereby consent to any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident and necessary thereto. · Smith ~rt Thraves Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Also, Mr. Paul H. Ca!e, Supt. of Schools. The following resolution was received from the School Board and certified to be exact copy of resolution adopted by that body on October 8, 1959: ' ~ "BE IT RESOLVED: That the Albemarle County School Board-hereby requests the Board of County Supervisors to approve a formal application for a Literary Fund.loan LA the amount~of $?~0,000.00 for the construction of. the following buildings, a seVen room school in the Ivy-Mechums' River area, a seven room school in the Esm.ont area, a nine room school to repl.ace the Cismont and OVerton schools, and the addition of eight r~ems at Albemarle Hmgh School. The Chairman and the Clerk of the Albemarle County School Board are hereby authorized t~ sign the necessary State forms." ~ The County Executive advised that he and Mr. Cale had gone over the matter and recommended an ammortization program of twenty years, providing for principal retirement of $35,000.00 per year. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, rules .with regard t'o second, readings were suspended and the following resolutions unanimously adopted by recorded vote: (1) WHEREAS, the School Board for the County of Albemarle, Virginia, on the 14th day of October, 1959, presented to this Board, an application addressed to the State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose ef borrowing from the Literary Fund $100,000.00 for the new school building (or for adding to or improving the present school building) at near Charlottesville, Virginia, to be paid in 20 annual installments, and the interest 'thereon at three per cent paid annually, provided there are sufficient funds in the Literary Fund at the time the money is called for by the School Board. If, in the discretion of the State Board of Education, it appears advisable te provide money for this loan through assignment to the Virginia Retirement System, the rate of interest on this loan will not be less than two nor more than four per cent per annum. RESOLVED, That the Application of the County School Board to the State Board of Education of Virginia for a loan of $100,000.00 from the Literary F~md is hereby approved, and authority is hereby granted the said County School Board to .28 (2) The Board of Supervisors for said County will-each year during the life of this loan, at the time they fix the regular levies, fix a rate of levy for schools or make a cash appropriation sufficient for operation expenses and to pay this loan in annual installments and the interest thereem, as required by law regu- lating loans from the Literary Fund. WHEREAS, The School Board for the County of Albemarle, Virginia, on the 14th day of October, 1959, presented to this Board, an application addressed to the Stat~ Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of borrowing from the Literary ~W~nd $185,000.00 for the new school building (or for adding to or improv- ing the present school building) at Esmont, Virginia, te ,be paid in 20 annual in- stallments, and the interest theron at'three per cent paid annually, provided there are sufficient funds im the Literary Fund at the time the money is called for by the School Board. If, in the discretion of the state Board of Education, it appears advisable to provide money, for this lo'an through assignment to the Virginia Retirement System, the rate of interest on this 'lean will be not less than two nor more than four per cent ~per annu~., RESOLVED.: That the application of the County School Board to the State Board of Education of Virginia for a loan of $185,000.00 from the Literary Fund is hereby approved, and authority is hereby granted the said County School Board to borrow the said amount for the .p~ose set out in said. application. The Board. of Supervisors for. said County wiI1 each year during the life of this loan at the time they fix the regular levies, fix a rate of levy for schools or make .a cash appropriation sufficient' for-operation expenses and to pay this loan in annual installments and 'the interest thereon, as required by* law regulating loans from the Literary Fund. WHEREAS, The School Board for~ the County of Albemarle, Virginia, on the 14th day' of October, 1959, present'ed to this Board, an application addressed to' the State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of borrowing from the Literary Fund $215,000.00 for the new school building (or for adding to or improving the present school building) at' near Shadwell, Virginia, to be~ paid in 20 a~ual stallments, and the interest thereon at 3' per cent paid annuaIIy, provided there are sufficient funds i~ the' Literary Fund at the time the money 'is called for hy th'e~School Boa~d. -If, in the discretion of the State Board of Education, it appears advisable to provide money for this loan through assignment to the Virginia Retirement System, the rate of interest on this loa~ ~wilI be not less-than two nor more than fou~ .per een~ per annum. RESOLVED, That the application of the County School Board to the State Board of Education of Virginia for a loan of $215,000.00 from the Literary Fund is hereby approved, and authority~ is hereby granted the said County School Board to borrow the said amount fo.~. the purpose set out in Said application. The Board of Supervisors for said County will each year during the life of this loan, at the time they fix the regular levies, fix a rate of levy for schools or make a cash appropriation sufficient for operation expenses and to pay this loan in annual installments and the interest thereon, as required by law .regulating loans from the Literary Fund. WHEREAS, The School Board for the County of Albemarle, Virginia, on the 14th day of October, 1959,' presented to'this Board, an application addressed~ to the State Board of'E~ucation of. Virginia for ~,~e' purpose of borrowing from the Literary Fund $200,000.00 for the new school building (or for adding to or improving the present school building) at Ivy-Mechums River, Virginia, to be paid in 20 annul installments, and the interest thereon at 3 per cent paid annually', provided there are sufficient funds in the Literary Fund at the time the money is called for by the School Board. If, in th~ discretion of the State Board of Education, it appears advisable to provide money for this 'loan ~hrough assignment to the Virginia Retirement System, the rate of interest on thins loan will be not less than ~two nor more than four per cent per annum. RESOLVED, That th® aPPlication of the County ~chool Board to 'the S~ate Boar~ of Education of Virginia for a loan of $200,000.00 from the Literary Fund is hereby approved, and authority is hereby granted the said County School Board to borrow the said amount for the purpose set out in said application. The Board of Supervisors for said County will each year d~ring the life 'of this loan, at the time they fix the regUlar levies, fix a.-rate of levy f~r schools er make a cash appropriation sufficient for operation expenses and to pay this loan in annual installments and the interest thereon, as 'required by law regulating loans from the Literary Fu~d. The following resolution was received from the School Board and certified to be exact copy of resolution adopted by that body on October 8, 1959: "BE IT RESOLVED: That the Albemarle County School Board does hereby request the BOard of County Supervisors to appropriate $20,000.00 out of unexpended school fund surplus for the purchase of additional equipment to be used in improving the in- struction ia the fields of science., mathematics, and modern foreig~ language in the high schools; with the understanding that one-half of all such funds spent will be reimbursed from RichmondL under the National Defense Education Act." On motion of Mr. Thraves seconded by Mr. Sutherland, rules with regard to seconds~ were suspende, and the following resolution unanimously adopted.' BE IT RESOLVED hy the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that~ _$20,000.00 be and is hereby appropriated from unexpended School Fund Surplus to be used for the purchase of equipment to be used in instructio~ in the fields of science, mathematics, and modern foreign language in the high schools. 0n motion~ the meeting adjour~xed.  / Chairm~n /