HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-10-23SPECIALOctober 23, 1959
P~suant to ~e follo~ng waiver, members of the Board of Co~ty Supervisors of Albemarle
Count, Vir~nia, met in special session on this date ~ the Cowry O~ice Building, Charlottes~lle,
V~g~ia at l:00 P~N~ with ~e following ~esent~ Nessrso Jo~ W~ ~lli~s, Edgar N. ~rnett~ H~ Ashby
~rris~ Edward L. Smith and No Y.'S~he~d~ Jr~ Absent~ ~ Robert Thrav~s~
~ the ~dersi~ed~ members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Co~,
Virginia, do hereby waive notice ~d special set,ce thereof, of a meeting to be
held at l:00 PoN~ on the twent~third day of October, 1959, in the Co~uty Office
Build,g, C~rlotte~lle, Vir~nia, for t~ p~pose of considering ~oposed sites
for the ~est E~ School, and we do hereby consent to any ~d all business and t~
t~ing of such action at sai~ meeting upon the matter hereinabove mentioned a~ may
be lawful, ~c~ent a~ necessary thereto~
Edward Lo Smith
y. Sutherlan~r-~'---
Robert Thraves
Officers present: Cowry Executive &nd Co~onweal~'s Atto~ey. Also present were the Superin
tendent a~ Asst. Superintendent of Schools and members of the S~ool Board.
Mr. ~er ~lliams appeared and discussed with the Board the possibl~ia~ab~ity of la~
adjace~ to the present Ter~v School for the site of the propos~ ~st E~ School. Mr. O. R. Randolph
also a~eared and discussed ~th the Boa~s the ~neral feat~es of the property. After considerable
discussion by both Boa~s present, the two ~oups decided to ~ew t~ aSove mentioned pr~e~y.
On motion, the meeting ~djourned.