HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-01-01 January I, 1960 The Board met in special session on this date for the purpose of organization. There were present the following: Messrs. John W. Williams~ Edgar N. Garnett, ~. Y. Suther- land, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Absent: Nessrs. H. Ashby Harris and George Palmer. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The follow~g certificate of Nfs. Eva W. Maupin, Clerk of the Circuit Court, showing that all members had been qualified according to law was presented: VIRGINIA: IN T~J~ CL~K'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COL~RT OF ALBEMARLE COb~TY~ DECEMBER 22nd~ 1959o E. N. GAP~NETT H. ASHBY HARRIS GEORGE C. EALMER, II Mo Y. ~UTKERLAND, JR. ROBERT ~2~VES JOHN W. WILLIM~S E. N. GARNETT, H. AShbY HARRIS, GEORGE C. PAL~ER, II, M. Y. SUTHE~LAND, JR., ROBERT THRAVES, AND JOHN W. WILLIAI~IS, who were on the 3rd day of November, 1959, duly elected members of the Board of Co~mty Supervisors of the Co~mty of Albemarle, Virginia, from the White Hall, Scottsville, Ivy, Samuel ~iller, Rivanna and CharlottesVille Magisterial Districts respectively, for a term of office of four year's commencing on the first day of January, 1960, on this the 22nd day of December~ 1959, appeared in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle, and with the American Motorists Ins~mrance Company of Illinois, their surety, entered into and acknowledged bonds in the penalty of On~ Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, e~ch, conditioned and payable according to law, the said surety acting by Cammanu C. Dtflce, its therem~to duly authorized agent and attorney in fact, who executed said bonds on behalf of said corporation by signing thereto it corporate name and affixing thereto, its corporate seal and who duly acknowledged the same. And thereupon the said E. N. GARNETT, H~ AShY HARRIS~ GEORGE C. PALMER, II, ~. Y. SUTHERLAND, JR. ~ ROBERT THRAVE~' and JOHN W. WILLIA~S took and subscribed the oath of office prescribed by law as members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, (Signed) Eva W. Maupin, Clerk Mr. Rob~rt:':Th=a~esJ~L:.:. nominated Mr. John W. Williams, Chairman~ Mr. N~ Y; Sutherland, Jr., Vice-Chairman; and ~rs. June T. Moon, Clerk, said nominations being seconded by .~ir. Edgar N. Garnett. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Garnett, nominations for these offices were closed. On motion of ~,~r. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, and ~manimously carried, .~lr. N~ N~ Pence was appointed County Executive and Director of Finance. On recommendation o£ the Comuty Executive, the following Department Heads and Assistant~ were appointed on motion of tv~r. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Sutherland~ and unanimously carried: Mrs. Virginia S. Marks~ Superintendent of Public Welfare. Dr. S. D. Sturkie, Joint Health Director. Er. Lewis Bo Smith~ County Agent. ~,~r. ~V. O. Holland, Assistant County Agent. Mr. James Butler~ Negro County Agent. ~.iss Caroline Alsop, Home Demonstration Agent. Mrs. JSan Wilson, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by l~lr. Tb~raves, it was ordered that the present employee in the Department of Finance be continued. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, it was ordered that the present employee in the Department of Public Welfare be continued. Letter was received from Er. George Co Palmer in which ~fr. Palmer reco~Jaended the appointment of Er. Harry Lyle Garth to represent the Ivy District on the School Board to replace Mr. H. V. Herold~ whose resignation was accepted at the December meeting. On motion of members of this Board, all other members on the School Board were reappointed as follows: Charlottesville District - Mr. W. Wright Harrison~ Rivanna District - ~r. E. J. Oglesby; Samuel ~.~iller District - ~!rs. Anna Yancey~ Scotts- ville District - Mr. Forrest Paulett; and ~ite Hall District - Mr. J. T. Henley. ,il . ~ Mr. Hugh F. Simms~ Jr.. was appointed to On motion of Mr Sutheriand, seconded by hr. Garnet%, perform the duties of a Comuty Surveyor, Appointment of.an Equalization Board for the year 1960 was-carried over unti~ the regula~ January meeting. On motion of Nr~ Sutherland~ seconded by Nr. Garnett, the third Wednesday in each~month at 9:00 A.M. was set as the regular meeting date and hour of the Board of uperv~sors.~l The Chairman appointed the following standing co~mittees: (.~ind, icates chairman) Crozet Water Problems Garnett* Palmer Pence D. Smith Ai_r~ort Committee Thraves* Palmer SPCA Thraves* Palmer Sanitation Ordinance Palmer* Sturkie Pence L__~g.islat iv~e Suther!and* Williams Pence Finance Williams Harris Sutherland Harris* Sutherland Thraves Bui~din~ and Grounds Sutherland* Garnet~ Thraves Water Shed Garnett* Sutherland Thraves Preservation or.Records Harris* Sutherland Land Use Committee Palmer* Thraves G~rnett Parkin~ions (Univ_ .. ..) Thraves* Palmer Pence Thraves* Sutherland Harris I~u~a~ce Palmer* Garnett Pence Trailer Ordinance Sutherland~ Thraves Garnett Sheriff Harris* Thraves Public Utilities Sutheriand* Harris Pence On motion of Nr. Suther!an~, seconded by Nr. Garnett, and unanimously carried, Nr. Hugh F~ Simms, Jr. was named Assistant to the County Executive~ and Nr. Robert C. Sours was named Assistan~ Director of Finance in Charge of assessments and collections in the Department of Finance. On motion~ the meeting adjo~urned.