HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-03-16The regular ~arch 16, 1960, meeting was adjourned until ~arch 19, 1960, due to the fact that
a quorum was not present on account of snow.
Williams and Nr. Thraves were the on%y members
/ , Chairman
~ /
An~-a~j~rned~meeting of the Narch 16, 1960, meeting was held at the Office Building of said
County on the 19th day of Narch, 1960.
Present: }~mssrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, Ho Ashby Harris~ George C. Palmer~ II,
~. Y. Sutherland] Jr. and Robert Thraves.
Absent: None ~
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney~
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nr. ~. N. Pence~
~li~utes of the meetings of February 17, February 23 and February 29, 1960, were read and ap
Comm~uication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising that consideratio~
would be given to this Board's request for allocation of primary funds for the improvement of Route 53
across ~onticel~o Nountain at the next meeting of the Highway Commission.
Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising that the follow~
lng addition to the Secondary System. wam approved effective February 24, 1960~
Begi~ming at a point on Route 715, 0.80 mi. north of Route 723, thence in a south-
eastern direction to dead end. Length - 0.70 mile.
Plat was received as prepared by Nr~ WilliamsS. Roudabush on additions and revisions of Blocks
E, F/ and G, Northfields Subdivision, which had been approved by the City and County Planning Commission~
On motion of Nr. Thraves, seconded by Nr. Palmer, this plat w~s approved and the Chairman and Clerk were
authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board.
Plat Was received as prepared by Nr. William S. Roudabua~h on the redivision of lots I and 2,
Bloak l~ Section 3, of the Neadows Subdivisibn, which had been approved by the City and County Planning
Commissions. On motion of Nr. Sutherland, seconded by ~ro Thraves, this plat was approved and the
Chairman mud Clerk were authorized to sign same on.behalf of this Board.
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance~ the Sheriff's Office, and. the Office of
the Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of February~ 1960, were presented, and on motion of Nr. Garnet~
seconded by Nr. Palmer, were examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the Co~3nty Jail was submitted along with
Summary statement of Prisoner Days for the month of February, 1960. On motion of Nr. Sutherland~
seconded by Nr. Garnett~ these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of February, 1960~ were presented
in accordance with Sections 63~67~1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia, and on motion of ~r. Sutherland,
seconded by Nr. Thraves~ were approved.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1,720.50, of which one-half is
reimbursable hy the State, was presented and on motion of Nr. Harris~ seconded by Nr. Sutherland, was
approved for pa~ent.
Report of the County Executive for the month of February, 1960, was presented, and on motion of
Er. Palmer~ seconded by Nr. Garnett, was approved for payment.
On motion of ~ro Harris~ seconded by- Nr. Sutherland, rules with regard to second reading were
suspended, and the following resolution unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ that the
following appropriations be and the same hereby are made for the month of April,
!960 from the ihauds and for the functions or purposes indicated: