HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-05-18 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 18th day of May, 1960.
Present: Messrs. John W. Williams~ Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, George C. Palmer, II,
Mo Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
~he meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. M. M~. Pence.
Reading of the minutes of the meeting of April 20, 1960, were deferred until the next regular
Mr. Legh Walker and Mr. K. M. Dunning appeared with regard to improvements to a 2½mile sectiol
of Route 708 in which the citizens had agreed to participate. Mr. M. M. Pence advised that'he had talke~
with the Highway Commission with regard to this matter hnd had been to~d ttmt that office was seeking
funds to set aside a special fund for improvement of roads where the citizens were willing to participat~
in the cost. He f~rther stated that he would follow up on this matter when in Richmond next week. Mr.
Pence was also requested to write a letter to the Highway Commission with copies to the interested
Mr. C. G. Allen appeared and requested acceptance into the Secondary System that section of
road in G~enaire Subdivision which had been completed in accordance with Subdivision Standards and on
which more than fifty per cent of construction had been completed. Mr. H. W. Runkle, Resident Highway
Engineer, advised that since completion of this road some additional work was necessary to bring the
shoulders of same up to standard. After discussion, this request was deferred until the regular June
Mr. Percy Abell, along with a number of other residents, appeared and requested black top on
Route 608 from Mechums River to ~ite Hall and a section of road from Mt. Plain Church to Route 240~ a~
total ~istance of approximately 2½ miles. Mr. Ab~tl was advised by the Resident Highway Engineer that
1.8 mile of this road had been placed in his tentative budget for the year beginning July lo
Curtis Moron appeared regarding acceptance into the Secondary System of Raymond Road off Ridge
Street, a distance of 600 to 800 feet serving thirteen families. Mr. Moton was advised that a certified
st~vey of right of way.was necessary before this street could be accepted into the Secondary System,
the same having been approved by Viewers some time ago subject to poles being moved off the right of way
and the establishment of unobstructed right of way.
Mr. T. R.. Moore appeared regarding acceptance into the Secondary System of road through his
property located on Pantopso After discussion of Mr. Moore's situation, he was advised that this Board
would recommend the acceptance of said road into the Secondary System upon completion of same in accor-
dance with State specifications.
Tentative Primary Allocations for the year 1960-61 were received from the Department of High-
ways and ordered filed.
The following Viewers' report was presented~ and upon motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr.
Palmer~ was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting of
February 17,'1960, to view the following described section of road and make report
to your body, hereby wish to advise that on March 22, 1960, we did view the follow-
ing section of road and make report on same:
Beginning on East Market Street and extending in a northerly direction for .05 mileo
This street is known as Steep Hill Street and upon inspection, only one house and one
trailer could be located on the same. Due to the steepness of the grade and the fact
that a bridge must be constructed across a stream, it is recommended that the same
not be accepted into the State System of Secondary Roads.
(Signed) Guy A. Via
J. F. Page
Steven McCauley
John B. Rogan
The following Viewers' report was presented, and upon motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr.
Palmer, was mccepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigned, b6ing Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
of February 17, 1960, to view the following described section of road and make re-
port to your body, hereby wish to advise that on March 22, 1960, we did view the
following section of road and make report on same:
Beginning at Route 712 and running in an easterly direction 720 ft~ to dead ende
Your Board of Viewers is unable to make recommendation for the inclusion of the
subject road into the Secondary System. Although three homes would be served by
this project, it is not felt that the same canbe classified as being of public
service. Therefore, we recommend rejection Of this request.
(Signed) Guy A. Via
J. F. Page
Steven McCauley
'John B. Rogan
The following Viewers' report was presented, and upon motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr.
Palmer, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
of February 17, 1960, to view the following described section of road and make re~
port to your body, hereby wish to advise that oh March 22, 1960, we did view the
following section of road and make report on same:
Beginning at the mail box of J. H~ Crist on Route 602 and ending on property of
G. A. Giannini and J. Ha Crist, a distance of approximately .~ mile.
Due to the ~ost involved and also to the fact that we are unable to classify this
section of road as being of public service, we cannot recommend that the same be
placed in the State Secondary System at this time.
Guy A. Via
J. F. Page
Steven Mcg. auley
John B. Rogan
The following Viewers~ report was presented, and upon motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr.
Palmer, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the ~udersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
of February 17, 1960, to view the following described section of road and make re~
port to your body, hereby wish to advise that on March 22, 1960, we did view the
following section of road and make report on same:
Beginning at Jarman Gap Road, Crozet, Virginia, and extending in a northwesterly
direction for approximately 1/2 mile.
UPon viewing this project it was determined that a considerable number of people
wotuld be served by the p~opos~d road, and therefore, should be classified as being
of public service. Your Board of Viewers was informed by Mr. R. Go Williams that
the people would help in the WOrk necewsarY to have this section of road placed in
the Secondary System. We, therefore, recommend that with aid forthcoming from the
residents of the area, this section of road be accepted into the State Secondary
System of reads~
($ gned
Guy A. Via
J. Fo PaSe
Steven McCauley
John B. Rogan
In connection with .the foregoing, the following resolution was also unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby recommended to
take into the Secondary~System that section of Jarman Gap Road~ Crozet, Virginia, ex-
tending in a northwesterly direction for approximately 1/2 mile~
BE IT FURTHE~ RESOLVED that the State Department of Highws~ys be and is
hereby guaranteed a ~O foot unobstructed right of way along this requested addition.
The following Viewers~ rePort was presented, and upon motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded byMr~
Palmer, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We~ the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by yo~ Board at its regular meeting
of February 17, 1960, to-view the following described section of road and make re-
port to yo~ body, hereby wish to advise that on March 22, 1960, we did view the
following section of road and make report on same:
Begi~uing at Route 732 and~extending in'an easterly direction for approximately o6
mile, ending at the properties of NeWton and Samuel Brackett.
Due to the length and the amount of money involved and'also to the fact that we
cannot classify such road as being' of general public service, we, therefore,
recommend that this section of road not be placed in the State Secondary System
at this tLmeo
(Signe )
Guy A. Via
J. F. Page
Steven McCauley
John B. Rogan
The following Viewers~ report was presented, and upon motion of Nrc Thraves, seconded by Mro
Palmer, was accepted in accordance with SeCtion 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigmed, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its re~alar meeting of
Feb~aary 17, 1960, to view the following described section of road and make report
to your body, hereby wish to advise that on March 22, 1960, we did view the following
section of road and make report on same:
Beginning at Route 712 and extending in a northerly direction to the property of
Charlie Burton, a distance of approximately 1/5 mile.
This request was given considerable study and after consideration it was determined
that the people who would be served by this project be approached with r~spect to an
entrance off of Route 7!1 instead of Route 712o By giving an approach from Route
711, more peop~ewould be served and less expense wo~ld be involved due to the fact
that a bridge would not be required across a creek. We, therefore, recommend that
the Board of SuperviSOrs negotiate with the land owners in this area with regard to
entrance off of Route 711 as suggested. It is, therefore, recommended that upon
negotiations, this matter be referred back to the Board of Viewers and until that
time we c~nnot recommend acceptance of said road with entrance off Of Route 712.
Guy A. Via
J. F. Page
Steven McCauley
John B. Rogan
The following Viewers' report was presented, and upon motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr.
Palmer, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board atli~s regmlar meeting of
February 17, 1960, to view the following described section of road and make report
to your body, hereby wish to advise that on March 22, 1960, we did view the following
section of road and make report on same:
Beginning at Route 691, Sarman Gap Road, and running in a southerly direction approxi~
mately .2 mi,lc,
A number of homes were found to be located along this section of road and due to the
~ature of the road, it would appear as the same should be classified as a sWodivision.
~herefore, it is recommended that should the residents of this area construct the road
to State specifications for the acceptance of subdivision roads into the Secondary
System, that the same be accepted. However, until such project is completed in accor-
dance with the above, we cannot recommend acceptance into the Secondary System at
this time.
Guy A. Via
J. F. Page
Steven McCauley
John B. Rogan
The following Viewers' report was presented, and upon motion of Er. Thraves, seconded by Er.
Palmer, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
~e, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting of
February 17, 1960, to view the following described section of road and make report
to your body, hereby wish to advise that on March 22j~1960, we did view the following
section of road and make report on same:
Beginning at Jarman Gap Road and running in a southerly direction for a distance of
1/2 mile.
A number of homes were found to be located along this section of road and due to the
nature of the road, it would appear as the same should be classified as a subdivision.
~herefore, it is recommended that should the residents of this area construct the road
to State specifications for the acceptance of subdivision roads into the Secondary
System, that the same be accepted. However, until such project is completed in accor-
dance with the above, we cannot recommend acceptance into the Secondary System at
this time.
Guy A. Via
J. F. Page
Steven McCauley
John B. Rogan
The following Viewers~ report was presented, and upon motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr.
Palmer, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
of February 17, 1960, to view the following described section of road and make
report to your body, hereby wish to advise that on March 22, 1960, we did view
the following section of road and make report on same:
B~ginning on Old Ivy Road and running in a northerly direction .6 mile to Belfie!d
School property.
Upon inspection it was found that this road could be brought to State standards
with very little tr&uble. If the interested parties will grant sufficient right-
of-way and dedicate the same for public use, s~ud grade and ~rain full 'Width to
Highway specifications, we then recommend that the same be accepted into the
State System of Secondary Roads.
(Signed) Guy Ac Via
J. F~ Page
Steven McCauley
John B. Rogan
The following Viewers' report was presented, and upon motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr.
Palmer, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its reg~lar meeting
of February 17, 1960, to view the following described section of road and make
report to your body, hereby wish to advise that on March 22, 1960, we did view
the following section of road and make report on same:
Beginning at Route 29 and running in an easterly direction for approximately
2,130 feet.
This road is located in the Carrsbrook Subdivision and has been constructed to
subdivision specifications, including rightmof-way, drainage, etc., and to stan-
dards of the State Highway Department for subdivision streets. We, therefore,
recommend the acceptance of same into the State System of Secondary Roads.
(Signed) Guy A. Via
J. F. Page
St~ven McCauley
Joku B. Rogan
In conuection with 'the foregoing, the following resolution was also unanimously adopted:
BE iT RESOLVED hy the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
Virginia, that the State Department of HighwaYs be and is hereby recommended to
take into the Secondary System road beginning at Route 29, north, and running in
an easterly direction for approximately 2,130 feet in Carrsbrook Subdivision.
BE IT FURTH~ RESOLVED that the State Department of Highways be and is
hereby Euarant?d a 50 foot unobstructed right of way along ~his requested addition~ the same
having Been de~catec and retorted zn DoB~ 3~8, pgo 2~3~ in the office of the Clerk of the Ciruit Court.
The following Viewers' report was presented, and upon motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr.
Palmer, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
of February 17, 1960, to view the following described section of road and make
report to your body, hereby wish to advise that. on March 22, 1960, we did view
the following section of road and make report on same:
Beginnmng at East ~arket Street and extendmng along the southern side of the C&O
railway tracks for a distance of approximately 1/4 mile,
A considerable number of families were found to live along this section of road.
This section of road has been maintained in a good condition by the users and~can
be classified as definitely being of p~olic service. Se, therefore, recommend
acceptance of this section of road into'.the State Secondary System.
(§igned) Guy Ac Via
J. F. Page
Steven McC.auley
John B. Rogan
In commection with the foregoing, the following resolution was also tLuanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby recommended to
take into the Secondary System road beginning at East Market Street and extending
along the southern side of the C&$ Railway tracks for a distance of approximately
1/4 mile.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Department of Highways be and is
hereby guaranteed a ~O foot unobstructed right of way along this requested addition.
Plat was received on revision of Longview Subdivision located in Locust Grove area as prepared
by William So Roudabush, Jro On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded~ by Mr. Sutherland, this plat was ap-
proved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board,'s~i~"action being
subject to approval by the City and County Platting Commissions.
Pla~ was received redivision of lot in Woodbrook Subdivision as prepared by Milliams S. RoUda-
bush, Jr. and approved by the City and County Planning Commissions. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded
by Mr. Sutherland, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on
Mr. Harris called the Board's attention tothe fact that Mr. William Brown, who is one of the
County's representatives on the Library Board., is moving fbom the Scottsville area and since a branch of
the Library is located in Scottsville, he felt that one member of said Board should be from the Scotts-
ville District. The County Executive was requested to contac~ Mr. Brown regarding this matter.
Communication was received from Mr. John B. Rogan of the Ivy Construction Corporation regardin2
planning for the future water needs of the County which he felt was of great interest and concern to m~u~
of the county citizens. This matter was given considerable consideration, with discussion being given
to several aspects of the matter. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Hsmris, the County Executiw
was instructed to proceed with survey on the Beaver Creek Watershed Project.
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office,/the Office of the
Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of A~ril, 1960, were presented, and on motion of Mr.~ Sutherland,
~econded by Mr. Harris, were examined, verified and approved.
Statements of Expenses i~c~r~ed in the maintenance~of the County Jail was submitted along with
Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of April, 1960~ On motion of Mr. Palm&r, seconded by
Mr. Garnett~ these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Reports of ~he Department of Public Welfare for the month of April, 1960, were presented in
accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia, and on motion of Mr. Palmer,
seconded by Mr~ Thraves, were accepted and ordered filed.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $~99~50, of which one-half is
reimbursable by the State, was presented and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett, was ap-
proved for payment.
Re~ort of the County Executive for the month of April, 1960, was presented and on motion,
made by Mr. Garnett mnd seconded by Mr. Sutherland, was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, rules with regard to second reading were
suspended, and the following resolution ~uanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~
that the following appropriations be and the same hereby are made for the month of
June, 1960, from the funds and for the functions or p~rposes indicated:
For the operation of General County Agencies and serviees,
to be transferred to the General Operating F~d and ex-
pended only on order of the Board of Supervisors, as follows:
lA Board of County Supervisors
iAA $iscellaneous Services
lB County Executive's Office
lC Department of Finance
1D Collection of Delinquent Land Taxes
1E Board of Equalization
1F Tax Map
1G County Planning Commission
Recording of Documents
5A Circuit Court
5B County Court
5C Commonwealth Attorney's Office
6A Policing and Investigation
6C Confinement and. Care of Prisoners
7 Fire Prevention and Extinction
7B Operation of County Du~.~p No. 1
7C Operation of County Dump No. 2
ll Advancement - A~riculture & Home Economics
14 Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds
Total Appropriations to General Operating Fund
$ 455.00
50. O0
For the Operation of the Department of Welfare, to be
transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and
expended by the Welfare Board
For the operation of Public Schools, to be transferred
to the School Fund and expended only on order of the
School Board as follows:
1'7_ ~;
Evening, Part-Time, Etc.
Other Instructional Costs
Co~Ordinate Activities
$ 525.00
Operation of School Plant
~aintenance of School Plant
Fixed Charges
Operating Costs - Jackson P. Burley High School
Capital Outlay
Debt Service
Total for Operating Public Schools
For cho~arshmps in aid of education, to be transferred
to the Scholarship Fund, and expended on order of the
School Board
For the operation of the Joint Health Department, to be
transferred to the Joint Health Department Fund and
expended only on order of the Joint Health Boar~
Total Appropriations from General Revenue Fur~
For the p~otection o~ Lives%ock and owD..~an~-~the~
operations of the Dog Tax Fund, ~o be expended only
on order of the Board of Supervisors
For the opera,ion of the Central Fire District, to be
expended only on order of thj Board of Supervisors
For the operation of the Cr&zet Sanitary District, to
be expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors
$ 8,050.00
75 o O0
$ 6,563.96
$ '270.00
$ 265.00
In accordance with the Airport Commission Ordinance, Airport CommissiOn budget for the year
1960-61 was presented in the total amount of $1,200.00o On motion of Nrc Harris, seconded by Mr.
Sutherland, this budget was approved subject to revision at a later ~date due to construction of the new
terminal building~
The County Executive advised that the Crozet ~ater Problems Committee had met and that he was
preparing ordinance to be presented for consideration of the Board at the June meeting.
The Board's attention was called to'the fact that the last session of the General Assembly
amended the Code of Virginia permitting local governing bodies to impose a tax on the probate of wills
in an amount eq~l to one-third of the State tax on such ~robate of ~llls. The County Executive 'advised
that should this B~d desire to adopt such an ordinance, noticeof intent should be published setting
public hearing on same at the June meeting~ After considerable discussion of this matter, the same was
referred to the Finance Committee for study and report.
The assessment of property belonging to Bruce Penn by the Counties of Albemarle and Fluvanna
was again discussed and the Board was advised that the Fluvanna Board of Supersisors had taken no action
with regard to this matter even though letter went forth from the Director of Finance on November ~,
1959~ Mr. Pence was directed to write Mr. George Smith with regard to this matter.
Report of the SoP.C~A. wzs p~esented for the month of March. Considerable discussion was
given to the excessive amount of the bill and on motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Sutherland~ it
was ordered that the matter be given study by the committees of the Board of Supervisors and the City
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Virginia E. Kl~pp for one ewe lamb killed by
dogs. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mrs. Elumpp was allowed $12.50 for this lamb.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. J. T. Henley, Jr. for two three-year old
lambs, one eight year old ewe and one lamb killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harris~ seconded by Mr.
Palmer, Mr. Henley was allowed $~0.O0/for the young ewes, $12.00 for the old ewe an~ $17.00 for the lamb
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. B, F. D. R~u~k for one lamb killed by dogs
On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Nr. Thraves, Mr. Ruuk was allow~d $7~50 for this lamb.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. G. E~ Haney for sevsn one-month old
· lambs~ on ~even~week old land and one goat killed by dogs. 0n~motion of Er. Harris~ seconded by Er.
Thraves, Mr. HaneYwas allowed $10.00 for the seven lambs, $15.00 for the one lamb and $1~25 for the gos
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Guy Via for a number of ewes and lambs
killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, this claim was approved as follows:
One buck lamb = three months old -70 lbs.
One ewe lamb'- 2½ months old - 60 lbs.
Two ewe lambs - two months old - 40 lbs.
One ewe lamb -f6u~ months old - 85 lbs.
Three lambs - six weeks old
One lamb - eight weeks old
One buck lamb - five months old - 95 lbs.
Mr. Hugh F, ~imms~ Jr. reported on the lack of cooperation of county residents in obtaining
building permits and recommended that the ordinance be changed to increase the fine for not obtaining such
permits. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Palmer, this matter was referred to the Legislative
'*~',',~- End ~e C,~m~onwea].th''s Attorney for stu6y and recommendation at '~he J.~ne meeti~.,
CO~I ..........
..,,~,~~ . . . . . · .... '' · .... ~72.-.:,'. :,.',.., .%.~..?,f '.. .' : '- .... -~' ~.. ' .' :~
On morion of M~. Palmeg~ seconded by M~. Ga~netR, ~es wiRh ~ega~d
to second reading were suspended and the following resolution uuanimously
~dopt ed:
BE IT BESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Couuty,
irgin~,~ that the following special appropriations be and the same are hereby
lA BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 100 Compensation of Members
200 Advertising
213 Insurance Premiums
218 Telephone~ Telegraph and Postage
220 Traveling Expenses
$ 2,050°00
199~! Tax Refunds
219.1 Chamber of Commerce
102 Compensation
319 Stationery
';."~l'?":z"~J,.'' c.' Director
Book Binding
Dues andSubscriptions
Repairs & Maintenance of Equip.
Office Furniture
Office Equipment
109 Compensation of Assessors & Clerks
206 Dues and Subscriptions
220 Traveling Expenses
405 Office Equipment
1F TAXi. P:
~9 Stationery and Printed Forms
399 Mis cellaneous
Compensation of Clerk
Ins. Prem. - Surety Bond
Repairs & Maintenm~nce of Equip.
Telephone~ Telegraph & Postage
Excess Feed Pd. to State Treas.
Stationery & Printed ~orms
5A CiRCUiT COURT: 121 J'az'o~'s and Witnesses
122 Jury Commission
405 Office Equipmmnt
I02 Com. pensation ~1~
102 Compensation of Sheriff 60.00
106 Compensation-of Deputies 2,720.00
199 Arrest Warrants 15.OO
212 Ins. Prem. ~ Surety Bonds ll3.00
319 Stationery & Printed Forms !O0.00
400 Automobile Purchase 574.00
400.6 Auto Maintenance m Dar 6 500.00
400.8 Auto Maintenance - Car 8 500.00
408.9 Auto Maintenance ~ Car 9 500.00
~O0.10 Auto Maintenance ~ ~ar l0 500.00
~00.14 Auto Maintenance - Car 14 500.00
499 Police Equipment ____~O.O0
102 Compensation of Jailor 60.00
106 Compensation of Cook 60~O0
109 Compensation of Asst. Jailor 60.00
lC';-', ;',~:.'...;.o *" ,., .... .: .'.,.
116 Compensation of Cheif Warden
109 Compensation of Caretaker
298 Social Security
109 Compensation of Caretaker
298 Social Security
206 Dues and Subscriptions
208 Telephone, Telegraph & Postage
399 Miscellaneous
Textbooks for Indigenis
Regular Foster Care
299.1 Refund of Primary Fees
319 Stationery, Printed Forms, etc.
119 Comp. of Janitor & Helpers
405 Equipment
601 Renovation, Co. Bldg.& Ct. House
_ lO8.Oq
7oq. oq
45O. OO
$ 150.00
6,632. O0
9 .oo
Dog Pound
Record Books and Tags
Rabies Clinic Supplies
Maintenance of Bldgs. & Grounds 200_~00
Maintenance of Equipment
Telephone~ Telegraph & Pstg~
Compensation of Asst. Supv.
Repairs & Replacement - Mains
150.00 200.00
1~ 450
Recording Fees 16.O0
Eater Mains~ Valves & Connections ~
Claims against the County amom~ting to $6~0,593.88 were presented, examined, and allowed and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds:
General Revenue
Department of Education
Dog Tax
Crozet Fire District
Crozet Sanitary District
Joint Health Department
McIntire Trust
WoOlen Mills Sanitary District
Central Fire District
Co~ of Va. CLu~rent Credit Account
Special School Capital Outlay:
Scottsville High School Project
Charlottesville Elem. School Project
~est Side Elem~ School Project
McIntire Elem. School Project
Esmont Elem. School Project
Shadwell Elem. School Project
Albemarle High School Project
$ 58~360.62
862 .O5
1,539, !0
On motion, the meeting Was adjourned until I0:00 A.M. on May~25, 1960.