HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-09-09SPECIALSeptember 9, 1960
Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
county, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the CoUnty Office Building, Charldttesville,
Virginia, at 7:30 P.M. with th~ following present: Messrso John W. Williams, H. Ashby Harris, Edgar No
Garnett, George C. Palmer, II, Mo Y. gutherland, Jro and Robert Thraves. Absent: None.
We, the ~unde~signed, members of the~Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, do hereby waive notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be
held at 7:30 P.M. on the ninth day of September, 1960, in the County Office Build-
ing, Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of considering the following:
(1) Beaver Creek Dam Pro~ect.
(2) Contract with Dept. of Agric. re: Dairy Inspection.
(3) Bangs Control.
(4) Sheriff's Office.
And, we do hereby consent to any and all business and the taking of such action at
said meeting upon the matters hereinabove mentioned assay be lawful, incident and
-'~ ~/-- Ed~r N. Garnett ~
George C. Pa~lmer, II
Robert Thraves
The County Executive presented resolution adopted by the $oint Health Board, dated August 29,
1960, as follows:
"Be it hereby resolved that it be recommended by the Joint Board of Health to the
City Council of Charlottesville and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle that the
Director of the Joint Health Department be authorized to sign the proposed agree-
ment between the State Commissioner of Health, the Commissioner of Agrictt~ture, and
the Director of the 'Joint Health Department, assigning responsibility for regulation
of milk producers to the State Department of Agriculture and pasteurizinEplants and
processing plants for ice creas and frozen dairy products to the Joint Health Depart-
ment provided that the agreement may be terminated at the end of thirty days from
the date of notification to the other parties to the agreement by anyone of the
three parties."
After due discussion, it was moved by Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, and unanimously
adopted that the local Health Director be authorized to execute the agreement as recommended by the
Joint Health Board.
A matter with respect to an increase in the personnel of the Sheriff's Office was presented.
It was explained that due to the volume of civil papers flowing into the Sheriff's Office that such
office was being considerably handicapped in the patrolling of certain areas of the County. Also, tha~
such volume of work coming from this source was presenting a problem to the Sheriff's Office and certai
personnel was being required to work considerably overtime. After discussion, it was moved by Mr.
Garnett,.seconded hyMr. Sutherland, that the matter of additional personnel be referred to the
Sheriff's Committee with authority to act.
A group of citizens representing the Albemarle County Livestock Committee, appeared before
the Board with Mr. Eewis Smith, Co~ntyAgent, with respect to organizing a program for the inoculation
of cattle throughout the County against bang's disease. Mr. Joe Stevens, spokesman for the group,
explained that it.was highly desirable to employ a person in order to schedule the inoculation of the
various herds in the County. Considerable discussion was given this matter and it was the sense of the
Board that the Chairman appoint a committee to study the matter and report at the next re~olar meeting
of the Board. The Chairman appointed Mr. Sutherland, Nr. Garnett and Mr. Palmer as members of the
The matter with respect to the Beaver Creek Dam. Project was again presented. Nr. Jones, Mr.
Smart and others of the Soil Conservation Service were present as well as several members of the Jeffer~
son Soil Conservation Dist~icto Mr. 0. R. Randolph, Engineer, explained to the Board that the survey
made by him had been based on stakes plaeed on the project site by the Soil Conservation Service and
that it had been his understanding that such stakes represented ~the high water marking. However, it
had been called to his attention that the stakes represented the top of the dam and not the high water
marks. Therefore~ the amount of land necessary for the projec~ could be considerabl~ reduced. Mr.
Randolph stated that it was estimated that a resurvey of the area should be made and it was estimated
that $1500.00 would be necessary. After discussion with all parties participating, and on motion of ~ro
Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the following resolution was uuanimously adopted:
BE iT RESOLVED by the Board oF County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, ~h rules as to seconding reading being suspended, that $1500o00 be and
She same is hereby appropriated for additional engineering study of the Beaver Creek
Dam Project, and
BE IT FDRTHE~ RESOLVED that this' study be carried to completion as soon
as possible.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.