HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-12-27A matter with respect to the collectio~ Of traffic fines was presented. Several members of
th~ Board advised that with the appgintment of a special person for~the purpose of assisting the County
Court in the collection of traffic fines, such appointment was conditioned upon the review.of the of-
lice in six months. Since the period of six months has now expired, it was felt that a review of the
office should be undertaken. A motion by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by.Mr. Palmer, that the Co-~uty
Executive furnish figures,.at the next regular meeting concerning the collection of traffic fines in
order that the Board may .review the work of this office was unanimously adopted.
On motion, the meeting adjourned until 12:00 Noon on December 275, 1960.
An adjo~trned meeting of the December 21, 1960, meeting of the Board of County Supervisors
was held at 12:00 Noon on the 27th day of December, 1960, at the Office Building, Albemarle County.
Present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, M. Y. Sutherlamd, Jr.
and Robert Thraves.
Absent: Mr. George Palmer.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The Chairman stated that this was the hour setfor receiving of bids on the construction of
a Water Supply Lake in the Crozet Sanitary District. After asking if all bids had been t'~rned in, the
County Executive proceeded to open same and announced bids as follows:
Name of Bidde~
Faulconer Construction Company
A. B. Torrance Company
Albert Mahanes Company
Earhart Construction Company
Moore, Kelly & Reddish
Tota!.~Base Bid Rock Excavation Completion Time
$ 7,196.00 $ 5.00 45 days
14,700.00 3.00 120 days
8,300.00 2.50 45 days
14,750.00 2.50 90 days
8,870.00 10.00 90 days
The County Executive recommended acceptance of the lowest bid submitted by the Faulconer
Construction Company. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded byMr. Harris, and unanimously carried, con-
tract for the construction of a~Water Supply Lake at Crozet was awarded, the Faulconer Construction
Company on the basis of the above listed bid.
On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, rules with regard to second reading were
suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $8,000.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated for the construc-
tion of Water Supply Lake at Crozet.
As requested in Audit Report, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Thraves, seconded
by Mr. Garnett, and unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the following checks be cancelled, the respective banks so
notified, and the amounts be returned to fund sttrplus as indicated.
(See listing on next page)
Peoples National Bank
Citizens Bank& Trust Co.
Citizens Bank& Trust Ce.
Citizens Bank& Trust Co.
Citizens Bank & Trust Co.
Citizens Bank& Trust Co.
Citizens Bank & Trust Co.
Citizens Bank & Trust Co.
Citizens Bank & Trust Co.
Citizens Bank& Trust Co.
Citizens Bank& Trust Co.
Date C_heck No.
7-17-57 6001
2-1-58 5515
12-4-57 736
'12-5-57 74O
12-5-57 743
~'1-6-58 783
3-19-58 873
4~24-58 9~
5-2~-58 967
5-5-58 973
5-7-58 983
Richmond Stat. Co.
Marinda Callaway
Bernard chamberlain
Vivienne P. Clapp
Maggie T. Gray
Stuart Johnson
Mathew Carey
Doris E. Shifftett
Maxine Clayton
James L. Woodson
Herman F.W. Loose
Return to
Fund S~urolus Amount
General Rev. Fd. $ 3.56
General Rev. Fd. 19.50
General Rev. Fd. 2.00
General Rev. Fd. 1.O0
General Rev. Fd. 1.65
General Rev. Fd. 0.58
General Rev~ Fd. 0.51
General Rev. Fd. 16.00
General Rev. Fd. 0.78
General Rev. Fd. 2.16
Gene~AiRe~. Fd. 1.50
Mr. E. C. Wingfield, Attorney, appeared and presented petitions on behalf of a number of
County residents protesting the increase of dog license fees and requesting repeal of that section of
the County's ordinance in this respect. Mr. Wingfieldstated that the petitioners he represented wished
to be hear~ in t~his regard. After a lengthy discussion of this matter in which Mr. Nin~field was ad-
vised that the increase in Dog Tags was necessary to cover increase in livestock and fowl claims against
the Dog Tax Fund, it was ordered that this matter be placed on the regular January meeting docket Lu
order that these petitioners might be heard.
Mr. William Aaron appeared and requested official abandonment of road known am old Keswick
Road which has not been used for a number of years and which has been replaced by Route 250, East. Afte~
discussion of this matter, the following resolution was offered by Nr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr, Harris
and unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, in former years Albemarle County, through its Board of Super-
visors, maintained a roadway in Albemarle County, Virginia, from the Rivanna River
to the top of Pantops Mountain known as "old KeswickRoad", and
~HEHEAS,'there is no record~ot the County of Albemarle having acquired
Title to the ~hnd ~ver which said roadway'ran, and
~ER~EAS, it was the intent of the Board of Supervisors to abandon said
roadway more th~Ln twenty years ago, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors now desires to officially abandon said
NOW, THEB~ORE, BE IT RESOLVF~ that the~Beard of Supervisors of Albemarle
County hereby abandons said roadway and in particular that roadway shown on Plat of
Simms, dated August, 1938, and recorded i~the Clerk's Office of the Oounty Court
of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed Book 240, page 524.
The land acquisition committee for the .Beaver Creek Project, eomprise~ of Messrs. Ashby Adams,
Harry Clark, Edward Daughtrey, William Smith and LeghWal~er, met with the Board of Supervisors with
respect to the pursuit and plans regarding the purchase ~of land for said project. The Board advised the
foregoing committee that a committee had been appointed from its ranks to work with interested parties
in the pursuit of the Beaver Creek Dam Project. Mr. O. R. Randolph, Engineer, appeared before the
meeting and explained matters relating to the survey of the property needed. A considerable amount of
discussion was given the matter and the Commonwealth's Attorney recommended that Mr. Barry Marshall,
Attorney, be employed to handle the legal phase concerning the pUrchase of property. On motion by Mr.
Thraves, seconded byMr. Sutherland, the Commonwealth's Attorney was instructed to advise ~r. Marshall
of his appointment in this instance. After due deliberation of all phases of the project, it was the
sense of the Board that the two committees, that is the land acquisition committee and the committee
negotiations, and upon completion of the purchase of the property, report back to the Board.
Claims against the Co~mty amounting to $391,059..41 were presented, exanLined, and allowed and
certified to ~he Directerof Finance for~payment and charged against~%he following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District FUnd
Joint Health Department 'Fund
Woolen Wills Sanitary.District
Central Fire DistriCtFund
Commonwealth of Virginia:
Current Credit Account
Dog Tax Credit Account
Special School Capital Outlay Projects:
West Side Elementary School
Esmont Elementary School
Shadwell Elementary School
Albemarle High School
Meriwether Lewis Elementary School
Greenwood Elementary School
Red Hill Elementary~School
Crozet Elementary School
Stony Point E~mentary SchOOl
Broadus Wood .Elementary School
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
$ 57,785.93
63O .47
10; 771.29
.... 1,290.00
WHEREAS, it appears that annexation of certain portions of Albemarle
County will be affected in the reasonably near future and V~!E~EAS such annexation
will materially affect the tax structure of the said County by reducing the
revenue by approximately twenty percent or more than one quarter of a million
dollars per year and ~VHE~EAS, it will be almost impossible to make much reduction
in the services now offered the people of the s~id County, it will be necessary
to either increase the tax structure tremendously, which is not a~ all desirable
or to make every attempt to bring the proper and desirable small industries into
the County, in order to fill the financial gap cansed by annexation in order that
we may continue the. services that we are now rendering, $o continue to make the
Albemarle County School System one of the best in the Commonwealth and to not
put an undue burden of taxation~on the residents of Albemarle County.
THEREFORE, IT IS RECOmmENDED that a strong industrial commission be
appointed of not more than seven outstanding citizens of the said County~and not
more than two members of the Board of Supervisors: IT IS FURTHER RECO~ENDED
that this commission be given a budget necessary to operate on and that this
budget be included in the 1961-62 budget of the County of Albemarle. The amount
of the budget to be determined by the Board at ~he ann~ual budget preparation.