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396, A~regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the !$th.day of January, 1961. Present: Nessrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby~Harris, George C. Palmer, II, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Absent: None. Officers present~ CountyExecutive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nr. N. N. Pence. Nr. Thraves stated he felt the chairmanship Of the Board should be rotated in accordance with policy adopted several years ago, and accordingly nominated Mr. Sutherland as Chairman and ~r. Garnett as Vice-Chairman. Nr. Sutherland stated that he appreciated the nomination but did not have sufficient time to devote to the duties required of the Chairman. Nr. Sutherland nominated Nr. Williams and at the request of Nr. Harris, withdrew the nomination. Mr. Harris nominated ~r. Williams as Chairman, Mr. Suthe land as VicemChairman and Mr~ Noon as Clerk, which nominations were seconded by Mr. Garnett. This motio received the vote of aye by all members except Nr. Thraves who voted "no". After the election, Mr. Thraves gave~ further discussion as to his views ~Why~ the Chairmanship should be changed. Nr. Norman Gillum presented a petition signed by a number' of businesses and citizens in the Crozet area protesting the propose~new road from Route 2&0 east of~Crozet to Route 2~0 west of Crozet and suggesting certain alternatives to relieve the traffic hazards in said area~ Nr. Williams a~vised Nr. Gillum that this petition would be turned over to the committee appointed to s~udy this matter. appointed the following committee: Edga~ Garnett, H. ~. Runkle, Pat Jannsen, Jas. E. Blakey, and Norman Nr. H. W. Runkle, Resident Highway Engineer, stated that the Board should be giving thought to a Federal-Aid Project to be scheduled and suggested the bridge and approaches over ~echums River at Whippowill Hollow, Route 61&. On motion of ~. Garnett, seconded by Nr. Palmer, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED hythe Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to place on its Federal-Aid Project Schedule the construction of a new bridge over ~echums River at Whippoorwill Hollow and approaches to same, a total distance of approximately 1o6 miles, the same being on Route 61~. Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising that in accor- dance with resolution of this Board of September 21, 1960, the following roads had been discontinued as a part of the Secondary System: (~) 01d location of Route 90~, Project 070$-O02-101,B1, Sections I and 2, from Int. Route 20 North 0.13 mile toRoute 917; thence, West O.lO mile to new location of Route 708 - Length 0.23 mile. (2) Old location of Route 719, Project~OT08-O02-101,B1,~ Section ~, from Int. of Route 708North to Int. of Route 20 - length 0.05 mile. Plat was received on right-of-way to proPosed State Police barracks on Route 2~0 as prepared by Nr. Amos ~. Sweet. On motion of Nr. Palmer, seconded by Nr. Harris, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same, subject to approval of the City Planning Commission. Plat was received on 'redivision of Lots I and 5, Block 2, Section A of Carrsbrook Subdivision as prepared by ~r. William S. Roudabush and approved by the City and County Planning Commission. On motion of Nr. Thraves, seconded by Nr. Palmer, this plat was approved and the Chairman an~ Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf~of the Board. The County Executive advised that the plat should bear the notation that the road involved is not dedicated to public use. Pla~'~ was received on division of the Huntley Hall property located on ~tribling Avenue and owned by ~. Narion Wise Richardson, as prepared by Mr.' William S. Roudabush and approved by the City and County Planning Commission. On motion of ~ro Garnett, seconded by Nr. Thrave~ this plat was ap- proved and the Chairmand and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of the Board. Plat wa~ received on division of lot into two parcels~ said lot being located on Rio Road and owned by Downing Cox, Jr., as prepared by Mr. William S, Roudabush and approved by the 0ity and County ~illiams ~illum. Plat was received on pages 1, 2 and 3, Section One of EdnamForest Subdivision, as prepared by Mr. Amos Sweet and approved by the City and County Planning Commissions. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Garnett, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of the Board. The County Executive advised that the plats shottld bear the notation that the roads involved are not dedicated to public use. Plai~.Lwas received on dedication of right-of-way of 25 feet along land on Route 651 belonging to H,~ter and Susie Brown as prepared by Mr. 0. R. Randolph and approved by the City and County Planning Commissions. On motion of ~. Palmer, seConded by Er. Garnett, thus Blat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of the Board. Nr. E. C. Win~field, Attorney, appeared and advised that.those petitioners whom he represented with regard to oEoosition to increase in dog licenses, would neb appear at this time due to the fact that the license:fees had been set for the current year, but would appear later in the year. Mr. Guy Via appeared and commended the Board for adopting the ordinance increasing the license fees. Mr. Schroder appeared and advised that he felt it unfair to impose a license fee of $5.00 on female dogs too old to rep=oduce. The Commonwealth's Attorney advised Er. Schroder that if he would present a certificate from the veterinarian, an ~nsexed tax could be issued in such cases. At l~O0 A.M. the Chairman called for public hearing on proposed amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance in accordance with the following notice which was published in the Daily Progress on December 29, 1960 and January 5, 1961: "Notice is hereby given that at a regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, to be held on January 15, 1961, it~is intended to amend the County's Subdivision Ordinance, and public hearing on same has been set for lO:O0 A.M. on said date. By Order of the Board of County SupervisorE." The CoUnty Executive read the changes as proposed and advised that the same had been recommended by the County Planning Commission. Mr. Nilliam A. Perkins, Jr. was the only person from the public to be heard. After discussion the following amendments were approved by the following recorded vote and it wa~ ordered that due publication be given to said amendments, motion being made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Garnett: Ayes - Eessrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Palmer, Sutherland and Thraves. Noes - None.: Present Ordinance A. Subdivision. The division of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, plots, sites, three (3) acres 'Or less' in area~ or other division of land for the p~pose, whether immediate or future, of sale and of building development. Division of land for agricultural punpos~s not inVOlving the establishment of a new street or access easement shallbe exempt from these regulations. A~Hd.ed Ordinance A. Subdivision. The division of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, plots, sites or other division of'land for the purpose, whether immediate or future of sale and of building development. Division:of land into lots of 3 acres or more not involving the establishment of a new street or access easement shall be exempt from these regulations. Present Ordinance All lots ~shall have adequate access to an approved street and shall contain a satisfaotory building site. Amended Ordinanqe (a) All lots shall abut or have direct and adequate access to either (~) ap- proved major, minor or residential streets as hereinabove defined meeting the minimum requirements therefor as herein set forth or (ii) roads or streets con- stituting a part of the Virginia State Primary ro Secondary Road Systems. (b) All lots shall contain a s~tisfactory building site. Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office and the Office of the Commonwealth ~ Attorney for the month of December, 1960, were presented, and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Er. Garnett, were examined, verified and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with Summary Statement of Prisoner days for the month of December, 1960, On motion of. Mr. Garnett, seconded ,/ 3'98 Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of December, 1960, were presented in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia Report of the County Executive for the month of December, 1960, was presented and on motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded byNr. Palmer, was approved and ordered filed. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Palmer, rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Couuty, Virginia, that the following appropriations be and the same hereby~re made for the month of February, 1961, from the Funds and for the functions or purposes indicated: GENERAL REVENUE FUND: For the operation of General County Agencies, and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: lA 1AA lB lC 1D 1E IF 1G 4 5A 5B 50 6C 7 7B 7C 8D ~9 ll 13 14 15 Board of County Supervisors Miscellaneous Services County Executive's Office Department of Finance Collection of Delinquent Land Taxes Board of Equalization Tax Nap C~nty Planning Commission Recording of Documents Circuit Court County Court Commonwealth Attorney's Office Policing and Investigation Confinement and Care of Prisoners Fire Prevention and Extinction Operation of County Dump No. 1 Operation of County Dump No. 2 Operation of County Dump No. 3 Operation of County Dump No. 4 Operation of County Dump No. 5 Public Welfare - Lunacy Commission Public Health Advancement - Agriculture and Home Economics Elections Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds General S~res $ 455.00 2,229.86 300.00 5,250.00 8O0.00 225.00 --0-- 1,656.66 25.OO 616.66 5,895.00 940.OO 79; O0 1,140.00 140.00 --0-- 140.00 -8-- --O-- f~2,500;00 1,110.00 --0-- 1,100.00 Total Appropriations to Gen. Oper. Fd. $J24,582.18 For the operation of the Department of Welfare, to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board $ 20,201.66 For the operation of Public SchOols, to be transferred to the School Fund and expended only on order of the School Board, as follows: 17 Administration 17.1 Instruction 17.2 Evening, Part-Time, Etc. 17.3 Other Instructional Costs 17.4 Co-Ordinate Activities 17.5 Auxiliary Agenciem - Transportation of Pupils 17.51 Other Auxiliary Agencies 17.6 Operation of School Plant 17.61 Maintenance of School Plant 17.~ Fixed Charges 17,10 Operating Costs - Jackson P. Burley High School 17.8 C~pital Outlay 17.9 Debt Service 2,086.49 96,379.22 3,320.00 3,200.00 300.00 9,000.00 --0- 6,300.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 17,000.00 --0-- Total for Operating Public Schools $140,585.91 For Scholarships in aid of education, to be transferred to the Scholarship Fund, and expended on order of the School Board. For the operation of the Joint Health Department, to be transferred to the Joint Health Department Fund and expended only on order of the Joint Health Board Total ~ppropriations from General Revenue Fund ~ 7.343.3~ $192,712,91 DOG TAX FUND: For the protection of Livestock and Fowl and other operations of the Dog Tax Fund, to be expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND: For the operation of the Central Fire District, to be ~xpended only on order of the Board of Supervisors CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUND: For the OPera%ion Of the Crozet SanitarY District, to be expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors Grand Total of Ail Appropriations from Ail Funds $ 935.00 $193,6~7.91 An offer of $250.00 wzs received from Nr. James Crawford for land belonging to the county, said land being formerly in the name.of Sarah Burgess, located in the Scottsville District, containing 11.75 acres and identified on the Land Nap as Section 128, parcel 60. On motion of Nr. Palmer, seconded by Nr. Palmer, Mr. Harris was requested to view this tract of land with ~r. Simms, and to report their reco~endation on this offer at the next regular meeting of the Board. The County Executive asked that the matter of collection of parking flues be carriedover t~ the February meeting. Notices were received from the Railway Express Agency of intent to discontinue +~he express agenc at How~rdsville and Warren,¥irginia, and giving further notice that public hearing on same would be held in Richmond at 10:CO A.M. on February 8, 1961. The County Executive was directed to contact the interested parties to determine if they wished to be heard at this public meeting. Report of the S.P.C.A. for the month of November, 1960, was received and ordered filed. The matter of Day Light Saving Time was discussed due to the fact that it had been announced that the City of Richmond will go under this time during the summer months and also due to.the fact that this is also under consideration by the City of Charlottesville. It was called to the Board's attention that the County cannot legally Adopt Day-Light Saving Time due to i~s population count. It was the expressed feeling of the Board that Albemarle County would wait to see what the rest of the State does in this regard. Communication was received from the City Planning Co~mission approving this Board's action of th last meeting to rename Buckingham Road (East and Nest) to Buckingham Circle. The County Executive was requested to advise the post office, the utility companies and the residents of this change. Communication was received from the State Compensation Board setting forth salaries of Deputy Sheriffs as approved by the Compensation Board. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that this Board does hereby conc~ in changes in salary of Albemarle County Deputy Sheriffs as approved by the State Compensation Board at its meet- ing of January lC, 1961~ and set forth in letter of the Compensation Board, dated January 13, 1961, and presented at this meeting. BE IT FURTHE~ RESOLVED that copy of this resolution be forwarded to the State Compensation Board. The County Executive advised that he had been in receipt of a clipping from the Daily Progress giving notice of auction sale conducted by Mr. T. N. ~hitten. He stated that this is the second such clipping his office has received, both having been sent anonomously. The Chairman suggested that this Board, acting as a committee of the whole, contact the Virginis Commission for the Blind in an effort to have such Commission release certain land owned by it and located on Route 29, South, for public sale. He stated that this land has been owned by the Commission for a number of years and apparant~no plans have ever been made for its use. The County Executive wa: directed to arrange a meeting of this Board with the Commission, motion being made by Nr. Sutherland and seconded by Mr. Thraves. Mr~ Williams stated that as permitted by law, he would like to suggest a five-member V~elfare Board rather than a three-member Board. He recommended the continuation of the two present members of the Board, a member from this Board, and a member from the Samuel ~iller and White Hall Districts, the two districts having the largest Welfare rolls. On motion of ~. Palmer, seconded by ~r. Thraves, it .............. ~ .... ~ ~ ~,,+~~ ~ Mr. Garnett from Mr. F~ed Grinstead Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received/for fifteen hens killed by dogs. O~ motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Nr. Thraves, Mro Grinstead Was allowed $1.25 for each'of these hens. ' Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. G. H. Nichols for five ewes'killed by dogs. On motion of Er. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Nichols was allowed $20.0© for each Of these ewes, Claim against the Dog ~Tax Fund was received from Mr. Charles~Evans for 'one ewe killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Evans was allowed $10.00 for'%his ewe. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. G. W; Garland for two turkey hens killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Er. Garland was allowed $6.50 for each of these turkeys. Mr. Palmer s~ed that he felt a committee should be appointed to look into the recordation of deeds. He suggested the purchase of a photostatic machine in this regard. The Co-~nty Executive advised. that the County had offered to purchase such a machine some tLme ago but that it was not desired at that time. On motion Of Mr. Palmer, the Chairman appointed a'Committee to work on this matt~, said committee consisting of N. M. Pence, Downing L. Smith, Eva W. Maupin, George P~.m~er, Chairman and Edgar Garnett. ~Mr. Balmer reported that the committee on hospitalization of the aged had met but~that additiona facts and figures were being assembled and that a more detailed report would be given after the committe~ nex~meeting. The CoUnty 'Executive advised that the land acquisition committee for theBe~ver Creek Project had held several meetings. He stated that it was the Committee's recommendation that a fifteen foot strip from the pool be marked off and the lines straightened, Mr. Harry Clark, chair~n of the committe~ advised that his committee wished to assure property owners that fencing would be furnished when~r~quest~ On motion of Mr. P~lmer, seconded by Mr. Suther!and, and Unanimously adopted, the foregoing recommenda- tions were approved. Statement was received f~om the attorneys employed in the armexation proceedings in the amoUnt Of $20,791.62. On motion of Mr. Satherland, seconded by 2r. Garnett, and unanimously adopted, rules with regard, to second reading were suspenSed and said bill was approved for payment~ Claims against the CoUnty amounting to $360,579.27 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director .of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School FUnd Dog Tax FUnd Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District F~nd JointHealth Department Fund Central Fire District Fund Textbook Fund Woolen Mills Sanitary District Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Special School Capital Outlay'Pro~ects: ~est Side Elementary School Esmont Elementary School Shadwell Elementary School Albemarle High School Meriwether.Lewis Elementary School Greenwood Elementary School On motion, the meeting adjourned. $ 65,557.63 185,424.40 433'55 -139.21 84 7,261.00 ~8.08 33~,74 3.00 58,998.58 2,~23.49 2,052.17 19,7~8.87 ! 5,523 · 50 186.12 Total $36'0,579.27 ? / Chairman