HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04-19 A regular meeting of the Board of Couuty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Buildingof said County on the 19th day of April, 1961. Present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, George C. Palmer, ti, N. Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Absent: None. Officers present: County E×ecutive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting openedwith the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. M. N. Pence. Minutes of the meetin~ of March 15, 1961 and April lC, 1961 were read and approved. Dr. Ed Pullen appeared on behalf of citizens in Nontview Subdivision advising that said resi- dents were making plans to have roads in said subdivision brought up to State standards. However, before investing a considerable amount of capital, they wished assurance from this Board that when these roads have been brought up to State standards, the Board of Supervisors will recemmen~ their acceptance into the secondary system of highways. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Montv~e'~ .' Virginia, that if and when ~oads in ~ Subdivision, Albemarle County, have been completed to meet standards and specifications of the Virginia Department of Highways, the same will be recommended by this Board for acceptance into the Seconday S~stem of Highways. Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising of public hearings on tentative primary allocations beginning at 9:00 A.M. on May 2~, 1961. The following resolution was received from the Albemarle County Planning Commission along with communications from Nr. O. R. Randolph regarding the matter: "BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Committee of the Albemarle County Planning Com- mission hereby urges the Board of County Supervisors to study the feasibility of requiring performance bonds on the! part of developers to insure that the roads which are to be part of their developments are in conformance with the standards of the State Highway Department, with a View to protecting the future owners of lots and preventing difficulties resulting from possible sub-standard work." After discussion of this matter, motion was offered by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, and unani- mously carried, referring the matter back to the Planning Commission for further study and recommended ordinance. Mr. Jack Hemmings, Attorney, appeared and requested approval of alteration and vacation of certain street in Rutledge Subdivision to conform with plat of Section 7 of said subdivision. After consideration of this matter, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Garnett, and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Bellemoore Realty Corporation subdivided certain real estate designated as Section VI of Rutledge Subdivision in Albemarle County, Virginia, and recorded a plat thereof in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albe- marle County, Virginia, in Deed Book 335, page 102; and ~EREAS, said plat of Section VI of Rutledge Subdivision shows by dotted lines the extension of Yorktown Drive in a southerly direction beyond its intersection with Greenbrier Drive; and WHEREAS, Beilemoore Realty Corporation has subdivided other lands ad- joining said Section VI of Rutledge Subdivision as shown by a plat dated June, 1960, and designated Section VII of Ru~ledge, which has been approved by the planning co~mnissions of the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle as required bylaw; and WHEREAS, the abutting owners of said extension of Yorktown Drive and the subdivision of said Section VI and Vii of Rutledge Subdivision desire to alter said street and vacate a portion thereof as shown on s~id plat of Section VIi of Rutledge Subdivision pursuant to Section 15-766.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, and it is the desire of this Board of County'Supervisors of Albemarle County to~approve said alteration and vacation; ~OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County does hereby approve the alteration and vacation of said street so that the same now conforms to the plat of Section VII of Rutledge Subdivision as shown by plat of A. R. Sweet and Associates dated June, 1960, and as further shown on the detailed plat of the altered and vacated area on another plat of A. R. Sweet and Associates dated August 18, 1960, and designated "Special Plat Section Seve~ Plat was received on redivision of a section of Northfield subdivision, transferring a tra~t of land on Rio Road to the Baptist Church, as prepared by ~ Aubray Huffman, and aoproved by the County and City Planning Commissions. On motion of ~r. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authoriZed to sign same on behalf of this Board, subject to prior sig- natures by the City Planning Commission; Plat was received on portions of Block C and Block A of. Flordon Subdivision, as prepared by ~r. Aubrey Huffman, and approved by the County and City Planning Commissions. On motion of Mr.- Garnett, . seconded by Mr. Suth~rland, this plat was approved .... and the Chairman· . .~ and Clerk. ...... were authQrized~ to sign same on behalf of this Board, subject to prior signatures by the Oity Plan~ing Commission. The following plats, as prepared by ~.r. ~i!liam S. Roudabush and approved by the County and City Planning Commissions, were received and on motion of Mr. Suthertand, seconded by ~r. Thru. vas, were- approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to Sign same on behalf o~ this Board: (1) Addition to Section 1 - Lot 14, Block E - Key West Subdivision. (2) Revision of Lots A-E - Lehigh Subdivision. ~ ~ ~ Plat was received on revision of Section one, Barterbrook Subdivision, as preapred by ~r. ~Amos R. S~eet and approved by the County and City Planning Commission~. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr~. Thraves, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. Representatives of the University of Virginia Hospital appeared and discussed at length the matter of the. hospitalization of indigents under the S.L.H. Program. After consideration of the mat!er as presented, motion was offered by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves, that the County of Albemarle participate in reserve funds up to $10,000.00 on certified cases. and 15-300 Pursuant to Sections 15-282(2)/of the Code of Virginia, proposed budget for the year 1961-62 was presented to the Board. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, it was ordered that a synopsis of the proposed 1961-62 budget be advertised in the Daily Progress in accordance with law and May 2%, 1961, at 2:00 P.~. in the County Office Building was set as the time and place for the public hearing on same. The matter of Daylight Saving Time as adopted in surrounding localities was again brought be~ fore the Board. After some discussion, the followLug resolution was offered by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Palmen, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Palmer Suther!and and. Thraves. Nayes- Nome.: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle COunty, Virginia, that this Board 'does hereby recommend all county employees, including schools, to set clocks up one hour effective midnight, April 30, 1961, the cut-off time to be decided at a later date; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, at the request of businesses and citizens in the County, this Board does hereby recommend that County citizens adopt the same policy. The following recommendations under date Of April 17, 1~61, were received from the Crozet Water Committee: "l. That a mail box be placed at the Filter Plant and a permanent address be es- tablished for the system. That badly needed tools and supplies for the repair and maintenance of the water system be purchased. That necessary items be determined by the County Executive from lists furnished by the superintendent and his assistant. That Mr. Below be instructed to raise all Valves and valve~boxes in the system to pavement level to make location of cut-off valves eaSier and faster of majar break in lines. That steps sho?old be taken as soon as possible to riprap the new dam an~ that steps be taken to seed and mulch the same and spillway as soon as riprapping is completed. It is the feeling of this committee ~that the project be let to bid. 'Several local people have expressed desire to do the job. Ne are attach? lng list of these people. 5. That the proposed' water main from Tab6r street, south on '810 to the property of Mrs. C. Mi Luman be completed as soon as possible. We understand that the Board has .passed on this project." On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Harris the foregoing report was adopted,~ rules with regard to second reading were suspended, and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $1,800.00 be and thesame is hereby appropriatedfor ri~rapping the new dam at Crozet and for seeding and mulching the dam and spillway. Mr. John Jackson of the Division of Forsstry appeared regarding incindiary fires which ha~e been starte~ in a section of Albemarle County in recent years. Mr. Jackson stated that the Forest Ser- vice is making e~ry. effort to curb these fires and requested, this Board to pay a reward, along .with a reward offered by the Virginia Division of Forestry, for evidence leading to the arrest and conviction of person or persons who maliciously set fire to any woodlands, grass, or other inflammable substance spreading fire to woodlands. He stated that the reward would be in the amountof $500.00, divided equally between the two bodies. After discussion of this matter, and on motion of Mr.~Palmer, seconded b~Nr. Harris, approval was given to the request as outlined above. StatementS of Expenses of the Department of. Finance, the Sheriff's Office and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of March, 1961~.were presented, and on motion of Mr~ Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, were examined, verified and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with Summary of Prisoner days. On motion of Mri Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, these Statements were examined, verified and approved. Claim of the Jail Physician in the amount of $27.00 was presented for the month of March and on motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, was approved for payment. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of March, 1961, were presented in accordance with Section 63-67.1 and 63w67.2 of the Code of Virginia.. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $658.50 was presented, one-half of which is reimbursable by the State, and on motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Garnett, was approve( for payment. Report of the County Executive for the month of March, 1961, was presented, and on motion, was approved and ordered filed. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following appropriations be and the same hereby are made for the month of May and June, 1961, from the funds and for the'functions or purposes mndzcated. GENERAL REVENUE FI~D: For the operation of General County agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and ex- pended only on order of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: lA Board of County Supervisors 1AA Miscellaneous Services lB County Executive's Office lC Department of Finance 1D Collection of Delinquent Land Taxes 1E Board of Equalization 1F Tax Map 1G County Planning Commission 4 Recording of Documents 5A Circuit Court 5B County Court 5C Commonwealth Attorney's Office 6A Policing an~ Investigating 6C Confinement and Care of Prisoners 7 Fire Prevention and Extinction 7B Operation of County Dump No. 1 7C Operation of County Dump No. 2 Operation of County Dump No. 4 9 Public H~alth it Advancement - Agriculture and Home Economics 13 Elections 14 Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds $ 910.00 9,004.72 675.OO 2,291.64 5OO.OO 3,045.00 475.00 175.00 9,893.40 175.00 150.00 1,233.40 1,710. O0 3,245.00 1,055.00 1,433.00 4,380.00 5,980.00 5,050.00 2,340.00 525.00 .oo Fer~thebPerati0n ofthe~Departm~nt of Welfare, to be transferred to the Virgini~ PUblic Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board ~ For the operationof PublicSchoolS, tO be transferred to the School Fund'and expended only on order of the School Board, as follows: 17 Administration 17~l Instruction 17.2 Evening, Part-Time, Etc, 17;3 Other Instructional Costs 17.4 Co-Ordinate-ACtivities -~ 17~5 A~Xiliary Agencies'- Transportation of Pupils 17;6 Operation-'0f School Plant 17.61Maintenance of School'Plant Total for Operating Public Schools FOr the operatibn Of' theJoint ltealth~Department, to be transferred to the JOint Health Department Fund and expended only on Order of the Joint Health Board Total appropriations from General Revenue Fund $ 60,656.06 3; 902; 75 202; 071 3)!00;00 ? ,200; O0 ~ 78i;00 21 ;tO0; O0 8;600;00 1,400.00 $248,155.02 $ 7,344.04 $372,026.28 DOG TAX FUND: For the protection of livestock and fowl and other operations of the Dog Tax Fund,~ to be expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors CENIRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND: For the operation of the Central Fire DiStriCt, to be expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUND: For the operation of the CroZet Sanitary District to be expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors Grand Total of All Appropriations from all Funds $ i,?~8.00 $ 4,035.00 $381,084.28 Duplicate payment .of bill approved by Joint HaAt~h Dept. Duplicate payment of tuition grant approved by School Bd. Pupil no longer attending B~lfield SchOol. Pupil moved to City of Charlottesville. Mr. Harris reported that he and Mr. Simms had viewed~ the tract of land on which the County re- ceived offer from James Crawfor~, advising that they felt the offer to be a fair one for the property in question. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the following resolution was unanimously were ordered cancelled for the reasons noted: Ok,No- ~ 9-19-60 /,273 3-15-61 6t82 3-15-61 6189 3-15-61 6232 Reason for Cancellation ..... W. B. Saunders D. D. Macgregor, Jr. Tyler W. Spafford Marlin B. Ewing The County Executive called the Board's attention to the fact that some expenditures were being incurred in connection with the industrial Commission and that no funds had been appropriated in the current fiscal budget. It was directed that request be made at the end of the year for an appro- priation to cover the amount e×~ended. The County Executive also called the Board's attention to the fact that an additional $1000.00! should be appropriated to pay bills in hand in connection with construction of the terminal building at the Airport, such amount to be repai~ the Co~mty when reimbursement funds are received from the Federal Government. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Garnett, rules with regard to second heading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $1,000.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated to the Airport Commission, such amount to be reimbursed the County from Federal funds. The Board's attention was called to the fact that Mrs. ViEtoria Mays should be placed on the County's confederate widow's pension rolls. On motion by,ir. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, it was ordered that ~s. Nays be placed on this list and that check go forward for the current year. Report was received on test of weighing and measuring devices in the county from the Depart- ment of Agriculture and Immigration and was ordered filed. The following checks were presented and on motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded byMr~ Harris, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board .o£ OountySupervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the offer of James Crawford 8fz$250.00 for ~.75 acres idendified as section 128, parcel 60 on the County Tax Nap, formerly in the name of Sara Burgess, and now believed to contain between six and seven acres, be and the same is hereby accepted, subject to approval of the Court. An offer of $120.00 was received from Mr. L. C. Hughson for 6.3 ~ac~es located in the'ScottE- ville District and identified on the County Tax Map as Section 121, parcel 40. Mr. Harris reported thai he and Nr. Simms had also viewed this tract of land and recommended that the offer Ge rejected due to the fact that they felt the land to be worth more than the offer of $].20.00. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. ThraEes, this offer was rejected. Report of the S.P.C.A. was received for the month of February, 1961. Nr. palmer reported thai the S.P.C.A. will now tatoo all dogs which go back out from the shelter and that none will be let out to Welfare families. Also, the S.P.C.A. will put to sleep all killers and non-desirables. On motion of ~. Palmer, seconded by Nr. Harris, r~!es with regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $9,800.00 be and the same is hereby appropriaied to cover cost of alteration in the attic of the County Office Building to house offices of the League of Virginia Counties. Report on audit of the Albemarle County Court for the fiscal year ended JUne 30~1960, was re- ceived f~em the Auditor of Public Accoonts and was ordered filed. Mr. PaLmer reported that he had discussed with Nfs. Eva ~. Maupin, Clerk of the Cigcuit Court, the matter of purchasing flat fi!e~ and had been advised by Mrs. ~f~upin that she wished to defer action on the matter until more space is obtained for her office. Communications were received from U. S. Senators and Congressm~n~acknowledging resolution from this Board in opposition to Federal Aid to education. Co~unication was received from the School Board requesting this Board to approve mileage re- imbursement for vocational, administrative and supervisory personnel at the rate set by the Commonwealth of Virginia for similar mileage. On motion of ~r. Sutherland, seconded by ~r. Palmer, it was ordered that the rate of 7~ per ~ile be approved for these positions. The Chairman stated that he felt an annual meeting of Boards of County Supervisors from all surrounding counties wo~ld be beneficial in that problems facing the various areas could be discussed. This suggestion met with the approval-of the Board. Claim against the Do~ Tax Fund was received from Er. D. J. Jones for two sheep killed by dogs. On motion of ~Ir. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves. Mr. Jones was allowed $10.00 for each of these sheep. Claim against the Dog Tax F~ud was received from Mr.' J. T. Via for six lambs killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Garnett, Er. Via was allowed $5.00 for each of these lambs. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. J. T. Henley, Jr. for one lamb anal two ewes killed hy dogs. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, Mr. Henley was allowed $10.00 for the lamb and $15.00 for each of the ewes, Claim against the DoS Tax Fund was received from~r. R. J. Barnett for one cow killed by d0gs. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, Mr, Barnett was allowed $130.00 for this cow. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. Odie .Johnson for one hen killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Nr. Garnett, Nr. Jo_hnson was allowed $1.00 for this hen. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. James B. Nurray for three lambs, one ewe and one buck killed by dogs on various dates. On motion of ~r. Sutherland, secoh~ed by Nr. Garnett, Mr. Nurray was allowed $10.00 for one lamb whereas the other claims were denied due to the fact that Mr.- Nurray:s own dog was in on the damage. The following report was received from the Buildings and Grounds Committee: "Your ~ndersign~d committee has 'for some time been concerned with the condition Of certain trees on the grounds around the Court House and the County Office Building. A recent est~te~has been obtained from the VanYahres Tree Service r~gardS Certain work to be~.~doheton suCh'trees. Attached' herewith you will find recommendations of the'Van Yahres Tree'SerVice as to the work ~hat-is necessary. It'is to be noted that all work as' Set forth in the recommendations will amount to a total cost not to exceed $8~5.00. It is the recommendation 'of your committee that this work go forward as soon az possible and that Van Yahres Tree Service be notified of the acceptance of their proposal." (Signed) ~. Y. Sutherland, Jr., Chairman Edgar'N. Garne%t E. M. Pence. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Garnett, and unanimously carried, the foregoing report was accepted. The County~xecutive advised that he wished the members of the Board to set a convenient date for an inspectionof the new administration building at the Joint Airport with the City Council. A£ter discussion of this matter, Friday, Nay 5, 1961, was set as the date for this meeting with the hour to be set at a later date. The matter of a proposed new building to house the Joint Health Department was given some dis- cussion and on motion of Mr. Palmer, duly seconded, was referred to the Finance Committee for further study. The County Executive called the Board's attention to the fact that the Compensation Board did not approve the Board's contract with Dr. Pollard, Jail Physician, at the rates of $7.00 for the first patient treated on a visit with $3.00 for each additional patient treated. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: NHEREAS, after numerous efforts by the County of Albemarle to obtain the ser-~lces of a regular Jail Physician, contract was finally entered into with Dr. William B. Pollard at the rate of $9.00 for the first patient treated on a visit and $3.00 for each additional prisoner treated on such visit; and NHE~S, the State Compensation Board refused to approve such contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that the State Compensation Board be and is hereby requested to participate in the County's contract with Dr. Pollard to the e~tent of $5.00 for the first patient treated on a visit and $2.00 for each additional prisoner treated on such visit. The County Executive advised the Board of possible future problems regards roads arising from subdivisions without the three air mile radius ot the City, which subdivisions were going on record without any provisions for the construction and future mainta~anne of roads. He also advised that no consideration was being given as to the possible future installation of Utilities. The County EXecutive stated that under present subdivision regulations there was no control over the roads in,subdivisions relating to grade, drainage, maintenance, etc. He stated that in his opinion, the Bo~d shouldttake action to assure the purchasers of lots in such subdivisions certain protection regards roads. He recommended that the Board refer this matter to the Planning Commission for the formulation of an ordi- nance governing subdivisions in all sections of the county. After considerable discussion, it was duly moved and seconded, and unanimously resolved that the matter regards the formttlation of au ordinance for subdivision control throughout the county be re- ferred to the Planning Commission for study and the formulation of. an ordinance, it was further resolve~ that notice as requ~red by Statute be published signifying the intent of the Board to amend the sub- division ordinance as hereinbefore set forth and that Wednesday, Nay l?, 1961, at lO:O0 A.M. in the Boar~ Room be set as the place and the time for public hearing on such ordinance. Claims against the CoUnty amoUnting to $928,511.07 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of FiB~nce for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Joint Health Department Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Central Fire District Fund Dog Tax Fund Woolen Mills Sanitary District~,Fund M¢Intire Trust Fund Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit AcCount Special School Capital Outlay Projects: West Side Elementary Esmont Elementary Shadwell Elementary Albemarle High Meriwether Lewis Elementary Greenwood Elementary i~ Red Hill Elementary Crozet Elementary Stony Point Elementary Broadus Wood Elementary $ 51,574.77 146,152 · 86 7,675.39 1!0.06 10,300.16 8'37 7O6.72 3.00 2,542.91 693,710.91 32.68 51.32 69.24 3,035.04 600. O0 941.04 859.5O 6,241.05 2,690.05 1.206.00 Total $ 928,511.07 On motion, the meeting adjourned. / / Chairman //