HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-24SPECIALStony Point Elementary Broadus Wood Elementary On motion, the meeting adjourned. $ 8,640.42 18,089.84 Total $720 ;767.90 May 24, 1961 Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date in the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, at 2:00 P.M. with the following present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, Gezrge C. PA~mer II, and Robsrt Thraves. Absent: Mr. M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. Also present, M. M. Pence, County Executive and Downing L. Smith, Commonwealth's Attorney. We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, do hereby waive notice and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at 2:00 P.M. on the twenty-fourth day of May, 1961, at the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, for the purpose of consid~ringthe proposed 1961-62 Budget, and we do hereby consent to any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matter hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident and necessary thereto. ~ /~/ dgar . :arnetjt ~ Georg~ C. Palm~,~II Robert Thraves P~suant to notice published in the Daily Progress in accordance with law, the Chairman dis- trihuted copies of the proposed 1961-62 Budget to those present and asked if anyone from the public would like to ask any questions regarding same. The County Executive summarized said budget estimates. No one from the public spoke regarding the budget. Following public hearing on the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1961, the estimates were ordered received and a synopsis spread in the minutes of this meeting for informative purposes. (Spread on next page.) REVENUE ESTIMATES GENERAL REVENUE F~IND: AmoUnt to be raised by Current Levy ..................... $ I87,000.00 Total Revenue other an rom Current e ; .................... ,900.00 Total Revenue Required $ 700,9'00'. O0 DOG TAX FU~D: Sale of Dog Tags (Gross) .............................. $ 14,000.00 Receipts from Inoculation 800 00 Total Dog Tax Fund $ 14,800. O0 JOINT HEALTH DEPARTM~'T~FUND: Transfer from General Fund $ 33 390 O0 Other Agencies .................................. 60,580.00 Total Joint Health DePartment Fund $ 93 970.'00 Amount to be raised by Current Levy ......................... $ 14,000.00 Revenue from other sources ............................. 24,100.00 Total Crozet Sanitary District Fund ......................... $ 38,1'00.OO CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND: Amount to be raised by CUrrent Levy ......................... $ Transfer from General FUnd .... . ........................ Outside Use of Fire Truck .............................. Total Central Fire District Fund .......................... $ 7,000.00 1,200.00 5,700.00 13,900;00 FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES: $1,855,371 O0 ~.UPIL SCHOLARSHIP ,FUND: .............................. $ 125,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE ESTIMATES ALL PURPOSES $2,8421. O4i.OO ~pROPOSED EXPtNDITURE. S GENERAL FUND: Board of County SuperVisors ............................. $ Miscellaneous Services. .............................. County Executive's Office .............................. Department of Finance ................................ Collection of Delinquent Land Taxes ......................... Board of Equalization ............................... . Tax Map . . : 'commis o'--'s'i'n ............................. . County Plannmng.,. ........................... Industrial Advancement and DevelOpment ....................... Recording of Documents ............................... Circuit Court ..................................... County Court..___. ............................... Commonwealth Attorney's Office ............................ Policing and Investigating... .......................... Confinement and Care of PrisOners .......................... Fire Prevention and Extinction ........................... Gperation - Dump No. 1 ............................... Operation - Dump No, 2 ............................... Operation - Dump No. 4 ............................... Public Welfare ................................ PNblic Health .................................... Advancement Agriculture and Home Economics · Elections ............................ ;f'B&{din s' d'Grounds Maintenance ........................ Total General Fund 10,665. O0 53,400.00 3,775.00 71,470.00 500.00 9,700.00 3,025.00 450.00 ~,000.00 28,595.OO 5,825.00 1,115.00 7,435.00 68,980. O0 15,215.00 13,570. O0 13,815.00 5,315.00 4,315.00 3D4,840. O0 37,600.00 13,800.00 4,765.00 17,730.00 ................................. $ 700,900.00 BOG TAX FUND: Protection of Livestock and Fowl ........................... $ Rabies Clinics ................................... Total Dog Tax Fund ................................. 14,400.00 4OO.OO 14,800.00 Per::onal $ 78,895 O0 . ,~J.,,. V..C~.~ Contractural Services ........... . ................... 10,694.00 Materials and Supplies ............................... 3,751.00 Capital Outlay ................................... 630.00 Total Joint Health Department Fund ........... .............. $ 93,970.00 CROZET SANITARY DIS_TRICT FUND: Administration .................................. $ ~p;ration - Maintenance and .............................. Capital Outlay ................................... Debt Services .................................... Total Crozet Sanitary District Fund ......................... $ 1,200.O0 12,855.00 5,687.50 18,357.50 38,100.00 DENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUNk: Personal Services ............................ $ 8,340.00 Op;r~t~o~ ' ' 5,060 O0 Maintenance and ............................. Repayment of Temporary Loan ................................. _ 500,00 Total Central Fire District Fund ' $ 13,900 O0 FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES: .............................. $1,855,371.00 PUPIL TUITION GRANTS: ................................ $ 125,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES - ALE~ PURPOSES ..................... $'~ 2,~84~,041o00 On motion of Mr. ~mer, seconded by Mr. Harris, and unanimously carried by recorded vote, the Board proceeded to lay the County levy for the year 1961 for General County Purposes of Three Dollars and Eighty Cents ($3.'80) on every ~ne Hundred Dollars worth of property and ordered ~the Direc- tor of Finance of the County of Albemarle assess and collect on~all taxable real estate and all taxable tangible personal property, including machinery and tools not assessed as real estate, used or employed in a manufacturing business, not taxable by the State on Capital including farm machinery, farm tools, and farm livewtock, and further including household items as set forth in Section 58-829 (9)(!0)(11)(127 having been made separate classifications of property from other tangible personal property; and in- eluding Public Service Corporation property (except the rolling stock o£ railroads~, based upon the assessment fixed by the State Corporation Commission and certified by it to .the Board of County Super- visors both as to location and valuation. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, IT WAS FURTHER ORDERED that such taxes, when and if appropriated by the Board of Supervisors of this County, shall be used to defray the County charges and expense~ and all necessary charges incident to or arising from the execution of the lawful authority of the Board of Supervisors of this County. BE IT FURTHER ~RB~ED that for the Crozet Sanitary District purposes (applying only to the Crozet Sanitary District~ an additional One Dollar ~$1.00~ on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property, and BE IT FURTHER ORD~ED that for the Central Fire District (applyin~ only to the Central Fire District) an additional Five Cents ($0.05) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. Upon motion by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Director of Finance be directed to credit the Crozet Sanitary District Fund and the Central Fire Dis- trict Fund with their respective original gross levies as shown by the assessment books of the Office of the Director of Finance as tax revenues become available and was further ~irected to charge all delinquencies to the General Fund. Upon motion by Mro Harris, seconded by M~. Palmer, it ~as unanimously RESOLVED that the Director of Finance ~gain make a separate classification of farm machinery, farm tools, farm livestock and household items as set forth in Section 58-829 (9)(10)(1t)(12~ from other t~ngible personal property and does hereby lay a separate levy of Three Dollars ~nd Eighty Cent~ ($3.80~ per One Hundred D~llars in assessed valuation on these classifications of property. On motion, the meeting a~djourned.