HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-21 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 21st day of June, 1961. Present: Messrs. John W. WilIiams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, George C. Palmer, II, M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. ~Ae meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. M. M. Pence. Minutes of the meetings of May 17, 1961, May 24, 1961, and~ June 7, 1961, were read and ap- proved. A delegation appeared with regard to obtaining right-of-way along Route 742 from Route 20 by Reynovia Lake requesting that stakes be set up designating such right-of-way in an effort to obtain the two rights-of-way which had not been obtained in order that work could be begun on this road. Mr. H. W. Runkle, Resident Engineer, advised that his department would attend to this matter by the end of the week. Mr. Harley Easter appeared and requested the inclusion into the Secondary System of certain streets in Glenarchy Subdivision. Mr. H. W. Runkle advised that said streetS had been completed in ac- cordance with standards and specifications of the Department of Highways. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Garnett, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: ~ WHER~S, the following sections of streets in Glenarchy Subdivision, ,% Albemarle County, Virginia, have been completed in accordance with standards and specifications of the Virginia Department of Highways, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia', that the Virginiar Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways, the following sections of streets in Glenarchy Subdivision: (1) Glenarchy Drive beginning at Route 250 East and extending in a~northerly direction for approximately 1,103 feet. (2) East Haven Court beginning at its intersection with Glenarchy Drive and extending in an easterly direction for approximately 741 feet. (3) Viewmont Court Beginning at its intersection ~with Glenarchy Drive and extending in an easterly direction for approximately 650 feet. BE IT FURTHER ~RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby guaranteed a fifty foot unobstructed right-of-way along this requested addition, the same hav~g~been dedicated along with drainage easements and recorded in Deed Book 341, pages 231-232 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Mr. Joel Cochran appeared and advised that it had become necessary for the local Rescue Squad to purchase three resuscitators and requested that Albemarle County purchase one of these resuscitators. After discussion, and on motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Palmer, rules with regard to second readings were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $290.00 be and-the same is hereby appropriated for the purchase of a resuscitator for the Albemarle Rescue Squad. Mr. F. L. Harris appeared and requested the inclusion in the Secondary System of a continuatior. of Shadwell Road in the Shadwell Estates and Milton Heights Subdivisions. Mr. H. W. Runkle advised that the requested section had been completed in accordance with standards and specifications of the Depart- ment of Highways. There was some question as to whether or not fifty percent of construction had been completed. After discussion, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the following section of Shadwell Road in the Shadwell Estates and Milton Heights Subdivisions has been completed in accordance with standards and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that. subject to approval of the ExeCutive Committee of the Albemarle County Planning Commission, the Virginia Department of Highways Be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways an exten- sion of Shadwell Road for a distance of approximately 1,350 feet from the end of present State maintenance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby guaranteed a fifty foot right-of-way along this requested addition, the same having Been dedicated, along with drainage easements and recorded in Deed Book 339, page 458(c) in th~ Office of the Clerk of the' Circuit Court. Mr. Palmer advised that he had received a Communication requesting certain changes in Route 676 and as a result of such request, he and Mr. H. W. Runkle, Resident Engineer, had viewed the same and recommended that no change be made. At the request of the Department of Highways, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves, and unanimously adopted: WHF~EAS, it has come to the attention of this Board that the last 1.2 miles of Route 774 are not occupied by dwellings and no longer serve the general publ i c, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways Be and is hereby requested to discontinue maintenance of this section of Route 774. Mr. H. W. Runkle, Resident Engineer, presented tentative Secondary System Budget for the year ending June 30, 1962. On motion by Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the t~ntative Secondary System Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, as presented by Mr. H. W. Runkle, Resident Highway Engineer, be and the same is hereby approved as follows: Ordinary Maintenance ............... $300,000.00 Maintenance Replacements ............. 82,650.00 Incidental Construction .............. . 70,385.00 Project Construction ............... 106,692.00 Sub-Total $559,727.00 Federal Aid ................... 120,668.00 Total $680,395.00 Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways enclosing final allocations of primary construction funds for the year 1961-62. Communication was received from the League of Virginia Counties enclosing resolution adopted by the Henry County Board of Supervisors concerning the use of convict labor on Virginia highwa.y~ for con- sideration by this Board. After considerable discussion of this matter, the same was tabled for the present time on motion of Mr. Suther!and, seconded by Mr. Harris. Mr. William Moore ap.oeared with regard to the entrance to Bellair Subdivision. He stated that it had been suggested that one of the roads into Bellair be used as an entrance and the other for an exit. However, he further advised that one of these roads was a State road whereas the other was stillo would owned by the Bellair Homeowners Association. He stated that the Association/deed said road over to the~ State for a proper entrance. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Harris, that after an agreement was reached by the AssoCiation and the Virginia Department of Highways, and subject to final plat, this Board would recommend inclusion into the Secondary System of the latter mentioned road · At lO:O0 A.M. the Chairman called for Public Hearing in accordance with the following notice "Notice is hereby given that at a regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarls County, Virginia, to be held on June 21, 1961, it is intended to amend and reenact the County's Subdivision Ordinance, and public hearing on same'has been set for lO:O0 A.M. on said date. By Order of the Board of County Supervisors." as recommended by the Albemarle County Planning Co The County Executive read to those present the proposed amended ordmnance/in its entirety. Considerable discussion ensued during which numerous questions were raised by those present including Dr. William Stephenson, Dr. Charles Hurt, Mr. Walter Fowler, Mr. William Brown, Mr. Walter Cushman, Mr. A1 Dwyer, M~. ~sorge Gilmer and Mr. Aubrey Huffman. After public hearing, and on motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Harris, this ordinance was adopted as follows by the following recorded vote: Ayes -.Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Palmer, Sutherland and Thraves. Nays-None. Also on motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, it was ordered that said ordinance be published in accordance with law and that copies be forwarded to the City of Charlottesville, the Town of Scottsville, the office-of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and to the Real Estate Office. AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING SUBDIVISION OF LAND wITHIN ALBEMARE~ COUNTY. VIRGI~_~I~ ~DOPTED MAY 18, 1949. AMENDED AND REENACTED JULY 16, 1958. AMENDED AND REENACTED JANUARY 18, 1961. AMENDED AND REENACTED MAY 17, 1961. AMENDED AND REENACTED JUNE 21, 1951. (This date) SECTION 1, DEFINITIONS A. Subdivision. ~ (1) F~or~ope~tylyin~ in Albem~rl~n~ty; but within 3 miles of the Corporate Limits of ~f ~harlottesville: The division of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, plots, sites or other division of land forthe purpose, whether ~mmediate or future of sale and o£ building development. Division of land into lots of 3 acres or more not involving the establishment of a new street or access easement shall be exempt from these regulations. (2) ~Fo~r~p~o~rtY!~ing in ~lbemarle Coun~y;_bu~t 3 miles or more from the Corporate Limi_~ts of the City of C~ar~ottesvi!l~: The devision of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, plots, sites or other division of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future of sale and of building development. Division of land into lots of 3 acres or more not involving the establishment of a new street or access easement or the division of land for agricultural purposes only, shall be exampt from these regulations. B. L~ot. A parcel of land occupied or intended for occupancy and having its principal frontage upon an officially approved street or place. property. Street. A public or private thoroughfare which affords principal means of access to abutting D. Major Street. A street shown on the Charlottesville Major Street Plan. E. All_~. A thoroughfare which affords only secondary means of access to abutting property. Servic~ Drive. A public thoroughfare generally paralleling and contiguous to a Major Street H. Plat. A map or drawing upon which the plan of a subdivision is presented for approval and, in final form, for recording. SECTION 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. It shall be unlawful for any owner or proprietor of any tract of land l~cated within the Corporate Limits of the City of Charlottesville or within the County of Albemarle to make subdivision thereof as hereinabove defined, without making a plat, securing approval thereof as herein provided and recording same in the proper office of the Clerk of the Court wherein deeds are recorded, as provided in these regulations and the Virginia Land Subdivision Law. B. Before preparing a preliminary plan, a subdivider should confer with the City Engineer or the staff of the City P~anning Commission or if outside the city limits he is advised to confer in the same manner with the staff of the Albemarle County Planning Commission relative to the regulations contained in this ordinance and the content of the comprehensive city plan. C. Whenever regulations contained in this ordinance are different from regulations contained in other ordinances, the most restrictive regulations shall prevail. SECTION 3. STANDARDS OF DESIGN A. S~reet Alignment. or ~ (1) Provision shall be made, wherever possible, for the continuation of principal existing G. E~sement. A grant by the property owner of the use of land for a specific purpose. designed primarily to promote safety by providing free access to adjoining property and limited access to the Major Street. (2) Residential streets shall be designed to discourage through traffic, but off-set or streets Shall be avoided. (3) The angle of intersection between streets shall be as close to a right angle as possible (%) Streets of less than full right-of-way shall not be permitted. However, where half streets exist on adjbining~ property, the remaining right-of-way requirement shall be platted. (5) Wherever a subdivision adjoins a Major Street, the Planning Commis sion may require that access to private property be provided from service drives. Plan. B. Street and Alle W~. (1) The ~widths for Major Streets shall conform to the widths designated on the Major Stree~ not less than fifty (50) feet. elusive of the turn around. (2) The widths for minor or residential streets shall be not less than fifty (50) feet. (3) Cul-de-sacs or dead-end streets shall provide a terminal turn-around having a radius of Cul-de-sacs should not exceed seven hundred (700) feet in length ex- (4) Streets that terminate temporarily, and thereby take on the character of a dead -end street, hhall be provided with a temporary terminal turn-around having a radius of not less than fifty (50) feet. (5) Alleys not less than twenty (20) feet in width shall be provided in the rear of all commercial and industrial districts unless other provisions are made for 'parking and service. Alleys shall not be permitted in residential districts. No dead,end alleys shall be permitted. (6) Reserve strips restricting access to streets or alleys will not be permitted. C. Street Grade. Maximum street grades permitted shall be l0 per cent, however, grades in excess of 8 per cent should be avoided. D. Easements of not less than ~ix (6) feet in width shall be provided on each side'of ali rear lot lines and along side lot lines where necessary for utility installation and maintenance. Easements of greater width may be required for drainage purposes, or for the location of main utility lines. E. Blocks. (1) No residential bloCk shall be longer than fifteen hundred (1500) feet, (2) The greater dimensions of blocks adjoining a Major Street, ~hall, wherever possible, be parallel to such Major Street. (1) (a~ All lots shall abut er have direct and adequate access to either (i) approved major, minor or residential streets as hereinabove defined meeting the minimum requirements therefor as herein set forth, or (ii) roads or streets constituting a part of the Virginia State Primary or Secondary Road System. (b) All lots shall contain a satisfactory building site. (2~ Side lines of lots shall be perpendicular to straight street lines and radial to curved street lines unless a variation to this regulation will provide a.better street or lot layout. (3) Double frontage or reverse frontage lots, should be avoided except where essential to provide separation of residential development from major thoroughfares or to overcome disadvantages of topography. (4) Residential lots shall provide a minimum lot area not less than the reqUiremen~ of zoning regulations applying to the area being subdivided. (5~ The minimum lot area shall conform to the following requirements: (a) Residential lots served by sanitary sewers and public water supply shall provide a minimum width of sixty-five (65) feet measured at the building line except that co~ner lots shall pro- vide a width of not less than seventy-five (76) feet. Residential lots shall provide a minimum depth of one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet. (b~~ Residential lots served by either sznitary sewers or public water supp~y,~but not both, shall provide a minimum width of eighty (80) feet and a minimum area of twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) feet. (c) Residential lots'not served by a public.sanitary sewerage system and a public water supply, shall provide a minimum width' of one hundred (lO0) feet and a minimum area of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet. (d) The case of unusual soil condition or other physical factor which may impair the health and safety of the neighborhood, upon recommendation of the City o~ County Health Officer, the City Planning Commission may increase the lot area requirements specified under 5(b~ and 5(c~. (e) Unless a sanitary sewerage system is available which has been approved by the Joint Health Department, the subdivider shall present to the County Planning Commission satisfactory proof that such percolation tests as are required by the Joint Health Department .have been made in accordance with the standard procedure recommended by the Virginia State Health Department, and that the minimum number of square feet of area which shall be required for absorption of effluent from the septic tank ~ystem for each individual lot shall be based either on the results of a percolation test or inspection of the soil condition by a sanitarian of the Joint Health Department. ~. B.uitd'..mng.Lines. BUT IN NO CASE SHALL THE FRONT BU;[LDING LINE BE LESS THAN THIRTY (30) FEET FROM THE RIGHT-OF--WAY OF THE STREET OR THOROUGHFARE UPON WHICH THE LOT FRONTS. RESTRICTIONS REQUIRING BUILDINGS TO BE SET BACK OF SUCH BUILDING LINES SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PLAT. H. PARKS,,,,SCHOOL~ AND PUBLIC LAND. ~N SUBDIVIDING PROPERTY~ CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO SUITABLE SITES FOR PARKS, SCHOOLS AND OTHER AREAS FOR PUBLIC USE AS CONTAINED IN THE'COMPREHENSIVE CITY PLAN. SUCH PLANNED LOCATION FOR PARKS, SCHOOLS OR OTHER PUBLIC LAND SHOULD BE INDICATED ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAT IN ORDER THAT IT MAY BE DETERMINED IF, WHEN AND IN WHAT MANNER SUOH AREAS WILL BE DEDICATED TO, RESERVED FOR OR ACQUIRED BY THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNING BODY FOR THAT USE. THIS REGULATION SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO PRECLUDE THE DEDICATION OF PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC USE NOT INCLUDED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE CITY PLAN PROVIDED SUCH PROPERTY IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY OR COUNTY FOR DEDICATION AND MAINTENANCE. I. E~S[UENTS ALONG STREAMS. WHENEVER ANY STREAM OR IMPORTANT SURFACE DRAINAGE COURSE IS LOCATED IN THE AREA BEING SUB- DIVI~ED, SUBDIVIDED, PROVISION SHALL BE MADE FOR AN ADEQUATE EASEMENT ALONG EACH SIDE*OF THE STREAM OR DRAINAGE COURSE'FOR THE PURPOSE' OF WIDENING, DEEPENING, RELOCATING~ IMPROViNG~ OR PROTECTING THE STREAM FOR DRAINAGE PURPOSES. SUCH EASEMENTS SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED PART OF A REQUIRED STREET WIDTH. LAND INADE@UAT~LY DRAINED OR SUBdECT TO FLOODIng. THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO DISAPPROVE ANY SUBDIVISION WHICH IS SUBdECT TO PERIODIC FLOODING, OR WHICH IS INADEQUATELY DRAINED. SECTION 4. MINIMUM IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED A. FOR PROPERTY LYING WlTHINTHE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF...CHAR. LOTTESVlLL[, (1) ALL STREETS SHALL BE GRADED TO THEIR FULL WIDTH WITH SIDE SLOPES AND FILLS OUTSIDE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. (2) ALL STREETS SHALL BE SURFACED TO A ~IDTH OF NOT LESS THAN FORTY (~0) FEET~ MEASURED FROM THE FACE OF THE CURB LINE AND SUCH SUREACING SHALL CONSIST OF CRUSHED STONE AND $CREENING$~HAVlNG A THICKNESS OF SIX (~) INCHES AFTER COMPACTION. CONCRETE SIDEWALK WITH CURB HAVING A MINIMUM ~IDTH OF FIVE (~) FEET SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG ALL STREETS. MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE ABOVE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY. (~) ALL NECESSARY DRAINAGE FACILITIES INCLUDING UNDERGROUND PIPE, INLETS, CATCH BASINS OR OPEN ~ITCHES TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADEQUATE DISPOSAL OF SURFACE WATER AND TO MAINTAIN ANY NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSE SHALL BE INSTALLED~ SUSdEOT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. ALL PIPE INSTALLE~::TIN CON~ NEOTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREETS AND SIDEWALKS SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE AND SHALL MEET STATE HIGHWAY STANDARDS. (~) ALL THE FOREGOING IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE MADE AT THE EXPENSE OF THE SUBDIVIDER. UPON THE EXEOUTION OF A SATISFACTORY CONTRACT THAT S~CH IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE MADE~ AND UPON THE PAYMENT BY THE SUBDIVIDER OF ONE-HALF OF THE ESTIMATED COST OF GAS, WATER AND SEWER MAINS AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER- ING DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY, GAS~ WATER AND SEWER MAINS WILL BE INSTALLED BY THE CITY IN SUCH SUBDIVISION, OR THE PORTION THEREOF, IN WHICH THE ABOVE IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. THE CITY MANAGER MAY REQUIRE IN ANY SUCH CONTRACT, SUCH GUARANTEES BY WAY OF DEPOSIT OR BOND AS MAY BE PROPER TO SECURE THE PERFORMANCE THEREOF. (~) THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT APPLY TO SUBDIVISIONS HERETOFORE APPROVED BY THE PLANNI.NG COMMISSION. Bo FOR PROPERTY LYING IN ALBEMARLE COUNTy~ BUT ~ITHIN THREE (3) MILES OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY. OF CHARLOTTESVILLE. (1) THE RIGHT-OF--WAY OF ALL STREETS SHALL BE GRADED TO THEIR FULL ~IDTH WITH SIDE SLOPES AND FILLS OUTSIDE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. SURFACING CONSISTING OF CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL SHALL BE INSTALLED TO A W~DTH OF THIRTY (30) FEET AND TO A DEPTH OF SIX (~) INCHES AFTER COMPACTION. PAVED DITCHES SHALL BE PROVIDED ON ALL GRADES OF FIVE (~) PER CENT OR OVER; HOWEVER, CURBS~ GUTTERS, AND SIDEWALKS ARE NOT REQUIRED.. (~) ALL NECESSARY DRAINAGE FACILITIES INCLUDING UNDERGROUND PIPE~ INLETS, CATCH BASINS OR OPE1 DITCHES TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADEQUATE DISPOSAL OF SURFACE WATER AND TO MAINTAIN ANY NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH STANDARDS AND SUBdECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE STATE HIGHWAY ~EPART-' MENT. ALL PIPE INSTALLED IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREETS SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE, EXCEPT IN SUCH CASES WHERE SPECIAL CONDITIONS EXlST~ PERMISSION MAY BE GRANTED BY THE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE USE OF OTHER MATERIALS. Co FOR PROPERTY LY, ING IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, BUT THREE (3) ~ILES OR MORE FROM THE CORPORATE LIMI~ ....... 0F...THE CITY OF' ~HARLOTTESVlLLEo (1) THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF ALL STREETS SHALL BE GRADED TO A MINIMUM WIDTH OF T~ENTY--EIGHT (2~) FEET EXCLUSIVE OF DITCHES. SURFACING CONSISTING OF CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL SHALL BE INSTALLED TO A WIDTH OF TWENTY (20) FEET AND TO A DEPTH OF SIZ (~) INCHES AFTER COMPACTION, SURFACING SHALL BE OF BITUMINOUS · IL OR ITS EQUIVALENT. PAVED 'OiTCHES SHALL BE PROVIDED ON ALL GRADES OF FIVE PER CENT (~%) OR OVER; HOW- EVER, CURBS,GUTTERS AND SIDEWALKS ARE NOT REQUIRED. (2) ALL NECESSARY DRAINAGE FACILITIES INCLUDING UNDERGROUND PIPE, INLETS, CATCH-BASINS OR OPE~ DITCHES TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADEQUATE DISPOSAL OF SURFACE WATER AND TO MAINTAIN ANY NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH STANDARDS AND SUBdECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE STATE HIGHWAY ~EPART- MENT. ALL PIPE INSTALLED IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREETS SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE EXCEPT IN SUCH CASES WHERE SPECIAL CONDITIONS EXIST, PERMISSION MAY BE GRANTED BY THE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE USE OF OTHER MATERIALS. FOR ALL SUBDIVISIONS. PERMANENT MONUMENTS OF STONE OR CONCRETE SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL BLOCK CORNERS OR AT THE TANGEN'. POINTS OF CURVES CONNECTING INTERSECTING STREET LINES; AT THE POINTS OF CURVATURE AND TANGENCY; AT ALL CORNERS IN THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARY OF THE SUBDIVISION~ EXCEPT AT SUCH CORNERS THAT ARE INACCESSIBLE ~UE TO ~OPOGR ..... ' APHY= AN~ AT SUCH ~TH~R P~I~T~ A~ ~aAv ~ ~e~*Tm~ ~ ~u~ D ..... ~ ~ .................. ~HARLOTTESVlLLE OR THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR SUBDIVISIONS LYING IN THE AREAS OF RES- PECTIVE UURISDICTION. THE LOCATION AND CHARACTER OF ALL SUCH MONUMENTS SHALL BE CLEARLY DESIGNATED ON ITHE FINAL PLAT. SUCH MONUMENTS SHALL BE SET FLUSH WITH THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND OR FINISHED GRADE. MONUMENTS SHALL BE OF PRE-CASE CONCRETE TWO (2) FEET IN LENGTH AND FOUR (~) INCHES SQUARE OR EIGHT (8) INCHES IN DIAMETER, HAVING A METAL PIN IMBEDDED THEREIN~ OR THE MONUMENT MAY BE A STEEL OR IRON PIN FIVE-- EIGHTS (5/8) INCH BY THIRTY (30) INCHES, OR LARGER, SET IN A BLOCK OF CONCRETE EIGHTEEN (18) INCHES DEEP AND TEN (10) INCHES SQUARE AT TOP AND BOTTOM, MARKING THE POINT REPRESENTED ON THE FINAL PLAT. SECTION 5., PRELIMINARY PLAT A SUBDIVIDER SHALL FILE FOUR (~) PRINTS OF A PRELIMINARY PEAT PREPARED BY A SURVEYOR- OR CIVIL ENGINEER ~ICENSED BY THE STATE~ WITH THE OFFICE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OR COMMISSIONS HAVING dURIS-- DICTION AT LEAST FIVE (5) DAYS PRIOR TO THE MEET. lNG AT WHICH THE PLAT IS TO BE CONSIDEREd. THE PLAT SHALL BE DRAWN ON A SINGLE SHEET AT A SCALE.OF ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET TO THE INCH. Ac F~RELIMINARY PLAT.SHALL. SHQWo (1) THE TITLE UNDER WHICH THE SUBDIVISION IS TO BE RECORDED, AND 'THE NAME AND ADDRESSES OF THE RECORDED OWNER AND SUBDIVIDER, AND HOLDERS OF ANY ENCUMBRANCES OR EASEMENTS AGAINST-THE PROPERTY. (2) A VICINITY SKETCH SHOWING ~THE RELATION OF THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION TO ADdOINI.NG PROPERTY AND THE CITY. (3) A FIELD TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WITH A CONTOUR INTERVAL. OF FIVE (5) FEET REFERRED TO CITY DATUM FOR LAND WITHIN THREE (3) MILES OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE OR TO COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY DATUM FOR OTHER LANDS LYING WITHIN .THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE SHOWING THE BOUNDARY LINES OF THE TRACT TO BE SUBDIVIDED. (~) THE LOCATION, WIDTH AND NAMES OF ALL EXISTING OR PLATTED STREETS OR OTHER PUBLIC WAYS WITHIN OR ADdACENT TO THE SUBDIVISION, EASEMENTS, RAILROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND LAND LOT LINES. (5) (6) LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF PROPOSED STREETS~ ALLEYS) LOTS, BUILDING LINES AND EASEMENTS. GRADES OF ALL PROPOSED STREETS. (?) ALL PARCELS OF LAND INTENDED TO BE DEDICATED OR RESERVED FOR PUBLIC USE OR TO BE RESERVED IN THE DEED FOR THE COMMON USE OF PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE SUBDIVISION. (8) AREAS SHOWN IN THE COMPREHENSIVE CITY PLAN AS PROPOSED SITES FOR SCHOOLS, PARKS OR OTHER PUBLIC USES WHICH ARE LOOA~E~ IN WHOLE OR 1N PART WITHIN THE LAND BEING-SUBDIVIDED° (9) PRELIMINARY SKETCH PLANS INDICATING THE- PROPOSED METHOD OF ACCOMPLISHING DRAINAGE, WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL. APPROVAL OF SUCH PRELIMINARY PLANS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL OF FINAL UTILITY PLANS REQUIRED AS PART OF THE FINAL PLAT. SUBDIVIDED. (10) PRELIMINARY CROSS SECTIONS~ PROFILES AND ROAD .GRADESo (11) THE LOCATION OF EXISTI. NG ZONING DISTRICT LINES AND- THE PROPOSED USE OF THE PROPERTY BEING (12) DATE, NORTH POINT AND SCALE. SECTION 6. FINAL PLATS. A SUBDIVIDER SHALL FILE THE ORIGINAL LINEN TRACING AND FOUR (~),PRINTS THEREOF OF THE FINAL PLAT PREPARED BY~A SURVEYOR OR CIVIL ENGINEER LICENSED BY THE STATE AND SUPPORTING DATE LISTED HEREIN,. WITH THE OFFICE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSIONZ~OR.COMMISStONS HAVING dURISDICTION AT LEAST SEVEN (?) DAYS PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT WHICH THE PLAT l-S TO BE CONSIDERED. THE PLAT SHALL BE DRAWN AT A SCALE OF TWO HUNDRED (200) FEET TO THE INCH UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMlSSlON..THE MAXIMUM SHEET SHALL BE SEVEN AND THREE qUARTERS (?--~/~) BY SEVENTEEN (17) INCHES. A. EIN~L PEAT SHALL SHOW. (1) THE TITLE UNDER WHICH THE SUBDIVISION IS TO BE RECORDED AND THE NAME OR NUMBER OF THE SECTION IF A PART OF A LARGER TRACT. (2) A STATEMENT THAT THE SUBDIVISION OF THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN tS 'WITH THE FREE CONSENT .OF THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS, PROPRIETORS AND TRUSTEES. (3) THE BOUNDARY LINES OF THE AREA BEING SUBDIVIDED WITH ACCURATE DISTANCES AND BEARINGS. TH1 BOUNDARIES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY AN ACCURATE FIELD SURVEY.. (~) THE EXACT LAYOUT IN GENERAL CONFORMITY WITH THE PRELIMINARY PLAT INCLUDING~ (A) STREET NAMES. (NAMES OF NEW STREETS SHALL NOT DUPLICATE EXISTING OR PLATTED STREET NAMES UNLESS THE NEW STREET I.S A CONTINUATION OF EXISTING OR PLATTED STREETS). ALL DIMENSIONS, BOTH LINEAR AN~ ANGULAR, FOR LOCATING LOTS~ STREETS~ ALLEYS, PUBLIC EASEMENTS AND PR,~VATE EASEMENTS~ THE LINEAl DIMENSION SHALL BE EXPRESSED IN FEET AND HUNDRETHS OF A FOOT, AND ALL ANGULAR MEASUREMENTS SHALL BE EXPRESSED BY BEARINGS OR ANGLES. ALL CUR~ES SHALL BE'DEFINED BY THEIR RADIUS, CENTRAL ANGLE, TANGENT, DISTANCES~ TANGENT BEARING AND ARC LENGTHS. SUCH CURVE DATE SHALL BE EXPRESSED BY A CURVE TABLE LETTERED ON THE FACE OF THE PLAT, EACH CURVE BEING TABULATED AND NUMBERED TO CORRESPOND WITH THE RESPECTIVE NUMBER- ED CURVES SHOWN THROUGHOUT THE PLAT. ~ (5) LOTS NUMBERED IN NUMERICAL ORDER, AND BLOCK IDENTIFICATION. (~) LOCATION OF ALL MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK LINES. (?) THE LOCATION AND MATERIAL OF ALL PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENTS. (~) ALL PARCELS OF LAND INTENDED TO BE DEDICATED OR RESERVED FOR PUBLIC USE, OR FOR THE COMMO USE OF PROPERTY OWNERS RITHIN THE SUBDIVISION. (~) A DEFINITE BEARING AND DISTANCE TIE SHALL BE SHOWN BETWEEN NOT LESS THAN TWO PERMANENT MONUMENTS ON THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARY OF THE SUBDIVISION, AND TO EXIST.lNG STREET INTERSECTIONS WHERE POSSIBLE AND REASONABLY CONVENIENT. (10) DATE AND NORTH POINT.~ (11) PRIVATE RESTRICTIONS AND THEIR PERIOD OF EXISTENCE. SHOULD THESE REST.RICTIONS BE OF SUCH SIGNATURE PANELS SHALL BE PROVIDED AS FOLLOWS= IA) FOR 'LAND LYING WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS oF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE FOR THE CHA~IRMAN AND SECRETARY OF THE CITY PLANNING 'CoMMISSIONo' (BI FOR LAND LYING IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY BUTH WITHIN THREE (3) MI;LES OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, FOR THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION, AND THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. '(0) FOR LAND LYING IN ALBEMARLE COUNTYBUT MORE THAN THREE (3) MILES FROM 'THE CORPORATE LIMITS OFLTHE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, FOR THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. (13) TEMPORARY TURN-AROUNDS WHERE NEEDED° WHEN ONE OR MORE TEMPORARY TURN-AROUND$ ARE SHOWN, THEFOLLOWING NOTE SHALL BE INCLOSED ON THE PLAT. THE AREA ON THIS PEAT DESIGNATED AS ."TEMPORARY TURN-AROUND" WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AND USED AS OTHER STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION UNTIL ( ~ ) IS/ARE EXTENDED TO (.~?) AT WHICH TIME THE LAND IN THE TEMPORARY TURN--AROUND AREA WILL BE ABANDONED FOR STREET PURPOSES AND WILL REVERT TO ADUOINING LOT OWNERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFIC PROVISIONS IN THEIR RESPECTIVE DEEDS. ~ INSERT STREET NAME. ~ ~NSERT STREET NAME IF POSSIBLE~ OTHERWISE 'INSERT THE FOLLOWING NOTE: A CON- NECTING STREET OR TO ANOTHER TURN-AROUND W~"rCH IS APPROVED BY PLAT BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. B. SUPPORTING DATA SHALL INCLUDE= (1) PLANS FOR DRAINAGE, STREETS~ INCLUDING CROSS SECTIONS AND PROFILES, WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL, INCLUDING DRAINAGE COURSES, EXISTING SEWERS, WATER MAINS~ CULVERTS AND OTHER UNDER- GROUND STRUCTURES WITHIN THE TRACT SHOWING PIPE SIZES, INVERT ELEVATIONS AND GRADES. SECTION,?. APPROVAL AND REOORDATION OF PLATS A o PRELI M I NARY. PLAT THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION SHALL INDICATE APPROVAL_OR DISAPPROVAL OF ALL SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN THEIR UURISDICTION, RECEIVED FOR CONSIDERATION WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST MEETING FOLLOWING THE FILING OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT. AP- PROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT 90ES NOT CONSTITUTE A FINAL APPROVAL OF THE ~PLAT AND SHALL BE VALID FOR A PERIOD OF ONE Y_.Y_E.~., BUT MAY BE EXTENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION .HAVING UURISDICTiONo B. FINAL PLAT. THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE CITY ENGINEER, THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN ADDITION, SHALL INDICATE APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF ALL SUBDIVISIONS RECEIVED FOR CONSIDERATION WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST MEETING FOLLOWING THE FILIN( OF THE FINAL PLAT. APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT SHALL BE VOID UNLESS THE APPROVED PLAT IS RECORDED WITHIN A PERIOD OF SIX (6) MONTHS. A SUBDIVIDER MAY SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL FOR LAND LYING IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY BUT THREE (3) MILES OR MORE FROM THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE IN LIEU OF A PLAT, AN INSTRUMENT TO BE SUBMITTED FOR RECOR~ATION~ AND IF IN THE OPINION OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COM- MISSION AND ~OARD'OF SUPERVISORS THEI DESCRIPTION CONTAINED* IN :SUCH INSTRUMENT IS ADEQUATE, APPROVAL OF SUCH SUBDIVISIONMAY BE GRANTED. APPROVED FINAL PLATS FOR LAND LYING WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF CHARLOTTESVILLE SHALL BE FILED IN THE OFFICE OF TH/ CLERK OF THE CORPORATION COURT. FOR LAND LYING IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY~ THE AP- PROVED FINAL PLAT OR INSTRUMENT CONTAINING DESCRIPTION OF SUBDIVISION SHALL BE FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT.. NO SUCH PLAT OR INSTRUMENT OF SUBDIVISION SHALL BE RECORDE~ BY THE CLERK OF THE COURT HAVING dURISDtCTION UNLESS AND UNTIL IT SHALL HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY'THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE FOR PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ~CHARLOTTESVILLE OR BY THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE CHARLOTTESV'~LE PLANNI'NG COMMISSION FOR PROPERTY WITHOUT SAID CORPORATE BOUNDARIES AND IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY AND LYING 'WITH. IN THREE'-(3)' MILES OF:THE:CORPORATE LIMITS OF SAID CiTY OR BY THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING'COMMISSION FOR PROPERTY 3 MIRES OR MORE FROM THE'CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CHAREOTTESV[LLE~ ALL AS REQUIRED BY THE "VIRGINIA LAND SUBDIVISION LAW". C. IMPROVEMENTS ,TO BE INSTALLED BEFOR,~ APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT, PRIOR TO FILING FOR APPROVAL WITH THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION THE FINAL PLAT OF A SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY~ ALL ~tMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED UNDER THESE REGULATIONS SHALL BE IN- STALLED AND COMPLETE~'..BY AND AT THE COST OF THE SUBDIVIDER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE OR PROVISIONS MADE THEREFOR BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: (1) THE FURNISHING BY THE SUBDIVIDER TO THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTED AGENT OF A CERTIFIED CHECK OR SURETY BOND APPROVED BY THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COUNTY SUFFICIENT TO COVER THE COST OF ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED BY THE SUBDIVIDER AS ESTIMATED BY THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTED AGENT TO GUARANTEE THE INSTALLATION AN9 COMPLETION OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS; OR, (2) THE FURNISHING BY THE SUBDIVIDER TO THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTED AGENT OF EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE OF AGREEMENT OR AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE SUBDIVIDER AND A qUALIFIED CONTRACTOR OR CONTRACTORS FOR THE INSTALLATION AND COMPLETION OF THE SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND THE CONTRACTOR OR CONTRACTOR: PERFORMANCE BOND SATISFACTORY TO THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COUNTY IN AN AMOUNT TO COVER THE COST OF ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED BY THE SUBDIVIDER AS ESTIMATED BY THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTED AGENT. ~N THE EVENT THAT THE SUBDIVIDER ELECTS TO PROCEED BY METHODS I OR 2 AS OUTLINE9 ABOVE~ THE SUBDIVIDER SHALL SET A TIME~ SUBdECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE COUNTY'EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTED AGENT~ BY WHICH IT IS ESTIMATED THE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND COMPLETED. UNLESS AN EXTENSION OF THAT TIME IS APPROVED BY THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTED AGENT AND A NEW ESTIMATED DATE OF COMPLETION ESTAB- LISHED= THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTED AGENT SHALL TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS TO PROCEED WITH THE ACCOMPLISHMENT AND COMPLETION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS~ MAKING USE OF THE CERTIFIED CHECK OR CALLING ON THE SURETY OF THE~{BOND. · Do CERTIFICATIONS UPON COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS. UPON THE COMPLETION OF THE INSTALLATION OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN A SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN ~LBEMARLE COUNTY, THE'SUBDIVIDER SHALL FURNISH A STATEMENT'BY'A CERTIFIED SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER~ TO THE EFFECT THAT ALL CONSTRUCTION IS IN SUBSTANTIAL coNFoRMITY, TO THE. REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE W;ITHI~ ORDINANCE, AND THE PLANS AS APPROVED BY THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION. IN THE EVENT THE SUB- DIVIDER HAS, IN THE OPINION OF SAID PLANNING COMMISSION~ dUST CAUSE FOR NOT COMPLETING THE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE ENTI'RE SUBDIVISION WHERE EITHER A CERTIFIED CHECK OR SURETY BOND OR PERFORMANCE BOND HAS BEEN POSTED~ SAID PLANNING COMMISSION MAY RELEASE THE SUBDIVIDER FROM HIS OBLIGATION TO COMPLETE ALL OF THE IMPROVEMENT~ IN THE SAID SUBDIVISION PROVIDED THE SUBDIVIDER FURNISHES A STATEMENT BY A CERTIFIED SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER TO THE EFFECT THAT ALL CONSTRUCT.ION WHICH HAS BEEN COMPLETED CONFORMS TO THE REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND THE PLANS AS APPROVED BY SAID PLANNING COMMISSION AND PROVIDED FURTHER THAT THE SUB- DIVIDER HAS FURNISHED SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT THE UNDEVELOPED PORTION OF THE SAID SUBDIVISION HAS BEEN VACATED BY PROPER AUTHORITY. ~SECTI,0N 8. APPEAL IN THE EVENT A SUBDIVISION PLAT IS DISAPPROYED~ A SUBDIVIDER MAY APPEAL SUCH DECISION TO THE COURT HAVING dURISDICTION AS PROVIDED BY THE STATE STATUTES. SECTION 9o VARIATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS A. ANY OWNER OR PROPRIETOR OF AN~ LAND WHO SUBDIVIDES A TRACT OF LAND 3 MILES OR MORE FROM THE OORPORATE LIMI.TS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND WHO DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS ORDINANCE AS TO STREET WIDTHS, GRADES~ DRAINAGE, GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND SUCH OTHER REQUISITES OF THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION AS TO qUALIFY SUCH STREETS FOR ACCEPTANCE INTO THE STATE ROAD SYSTEM FOR MAIN- TENANCE SHALL BE GRANTED AN EXCEPTION; PROVlDED~ HOWEVER, (1) THAT THE PLAT OF SUCH SUBDIVISION SHALL SHOW A FIFTY-FIVE (~) FOOT BUILDING SET-BACK LINE FROM THE CENTER LINE OF THE STREETS; (2) THAT THE PLAT OF SUCH SUBDIVISION AND DEEDS TO LOTS ~HEREIN SHALL RECITE= t~THE STREETS IN THIS SUBDIVISION ARE SUB-STANSAR! TO THE SUBDIVISION REqUIREMENTS~ AND THEREFORE ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR STATE HIGH~AY MAINTENANCE) AND WILL HAVE TO BE MAINTAINED PRIVATELY~. B. WHENEVER~ BECAUSE OF UNUSUAL SIZE, TOPOGRAPHY OR SHAPE OF THE PROPERTY~ OR OTHER UNUSUAL CON~ DITIONS, THE. STRICT APPLICATION OF THESE REGULATIONS ~OULD RESULT IN PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES, THE REqUIRE- MENTS MAY BE VARIED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION HAVING dURISDICTION TO PERMIT SUBDIVlSION~ YET PROTECT THE ~UBLIC WELFARE. ;ECT 1 ON 10, ENFORCEtvtENT A. ANY OWNER OR PROPRIETOR OF ANY TRACT OF'LAND ~HO' SUBDIVIDES THAT TRACT OF LAND AND WHO VIOLATE~ ANY OF THE-PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE GUIL'TY OF A MISDEMEANOR, PUNISHABLE BY A FINE OF N~ LESS' THAN TEN (10) DOLLARS AND NOT MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (250);DOLLARS~ AND EACH DAY DURING ~HIOH vlOLATI0 SHALL CONTINUE~ SHALL CONSTITUTE A SEPARATE V'IOLATION, B. THE CITY COUNCIL OR COUNTY BOAR9 OF SUPERVISORS IN ADDITION TO OTHER REMEDIES~ MAY INSTITUTE AF APPROPRIATE ACTION OR_PROCEEDINGS TO PREVENT VIOLATION OR ATTEMPTED VlOLATION~ TO RESTRAI'N~ CORRECT OR ABATE SUCH VIOLATION OR ATTEMPTED VlOLATION~ OR TO PREVENT ANY ACT WHICH WOULD CONSTITUTE SUCH A VIOLATION, SECTION 11. CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS ANY REGULATION OR PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE MAY BE CHANGED OR AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME AS ~PECIFIED IN THE VIRGINIA LAND SUBDIVISION ACT. ;ECT ION 12. VALID I TY IF ANY SECTION~ SUBSECTION~ CLAUSE OR PHRASE OF THIS ORDINANCE IS FOR ANY REASON HEL~ TO BE JNCONSTITUTIONAL OR ~OID~ SUCH ~EClSION SHALL NOT EFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF THIS 3RDINANCE. ]ECTI"ON 13. WHEN EFFECTIVE THE FOREGOING REGULATIONS SHALL BE EFFECTIVE FOR LAND LYING IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY BUT WITHIN 3 BILES OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE UPON PASSAGE BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF rHE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE AND THE CiTY COUNCIL OF SAID ClTY~ OR IN THE ABSENCE OF SUCH ADOPTION BY SAID CITY ~OUNCIL~ AS PROVIDED IN THE VIRGINIA LAND SUBDIVISION ACT AND AFTER DUE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF PASSAGE AS PROVIDED IN T~E STATUTES OF VIRGINIA; FURTHER SAID REGULATIONS SHALL BE EFFECTIVE FOR LAND LYING IN ~LBEMARLE COUNTY BUT WITHIN ~ MILES OF THE TOWN OF SCOTTSVlLLE UPON PASSAGE BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 3F THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE AN~ THE TO~N COUNCIL OF SAID TOWN, OR IN THE ABSENCE OF SUCH ADOPTION BY SAID tOWN COUNTIL~ AS PROVIDED BY THE VIRGINIA LAND SUBDIVISION ACT AND AFTER DUE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF 3ASSAGE AS PROVIDED IN THE STATUTES OF VIRGINIA; ANDLFURTHER~ SAID REGULATIONS SHALL BE EFFECTIVE FOR 'ALL }THER LAND LYING IN THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE'UPON PASSAGE BY THE'BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AS PROVIDED BY THE /iRGINIA LAND SUBDIVISION ACT AND AFTER DUE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF PASSAGE AS PROVlDE~ BY THE STATUTES }F VIRGINIA. As a result of the public hearing, in which the Planning Commission was questioned to some ex- tent in connection with subdivision approval, the County Executive was directed to write each individual .member of the Albemarle County Planning Commission commending him or her for services rendered. Plat wzs received on redivision of lot ~ located on Rio Road and belonging to Dr. Charles Hurt as prepared by Mr. Aubrey Huffman and approved by the County and City Planning Commissions. On motiono: Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Palmer, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. Plat was received on Section 4, Northfields Subdivision, setting forth road change, as pre- pared by Mr. Audrey Huffman and approved by the County and City Planning Commissions. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Palmer, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Cler~ were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. The Chairman advised that Mr. Wright Harrision had submitted his resignation as a member of the NS representation on said Board should be rotated. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Thraves, Mr. Harrison's resignation was accepted with regret and it was ordered that letter go forward to Mr. Harriso~ thanking him fo~ his services. Mr. Williams nominated Mr. Walter Sally to represent the Charlottesville District on the School Board to replace Mr. Harrison. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, and unanimously carrie~ Mr. Walter Salley was appointed to the School Board. The County Executive again presented Sanitation Ordinance which was proposed some time ago. After some discussion, this matter was carried over. Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of May, 1961, were presented, and on motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. ~nraves, these Statements were examined, verified and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with Summary Statement of PrisOner days for the month of May, 1961. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, these Statements were examine~, verified and approved. Claim of the Jail Physician in the amount of $7.00 was presented for the month of May, 1961, and on motion of Mr. HArris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, was approved for payment. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of May, 1961, were presented in accordance with Section 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $702.00 was presented, one-half of which is reimbursable by the State, and on motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, was appro~e~ for payment. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following appropriations be and the same~hereby are made for the month of July, 1961, from the funds and for the ~ctions or purposew indicated: GENERAL REVENUE FUND For the operation of general county agencies and service~, to be transferred to the General Opera- ting Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: lA Board of County Supervisors 1AA Miscellaneous Services lB County Executive's Office lC Department of Finance ID Collection of Delinquent Land Taxes 1E Board of Equalization 1F Tax Map 1G County Planning Commission 1H Industrial Advancement and Development 4 Recording of Documents 5A Circuit Court 5B County Cburt ~C Commonwealth's Attorney's Office 6A Policing and Investigating 6C Confinement and Care of Prisoners 7 Prevention and Extinction of Fires ?B Operation of County Dump No. E 7C Operation of County Dump No. 2 7E Operation of County Dump No. 4 8D Public Welfare - Lunacy Commission 9 Public Health ll Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 13 Elections 14 Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 15 General S~res TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO GENERAL OPERATING FUND 390.00 11,368.33 ~0~ 915.00 262 ..5O 100.00 35O.OO 2,031.66 675.oo 100, 00 651.66 lZ 5.oo 2,025.00 1,079.00 1,155.00 1,155.00 655.0o 50o.oo 8,050.00 1,125.00 2,150.00 1,900.00 $ 71,894.50 For the operation of the DeDartment of Welfare, to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assis- tance Fund and Expen~ed only by the Welfare Board $ 27,678.00 For the operation of Public Schools, to be trans- ferred to the School Fund and expended only on order of the School Board, as follows: 17.1 17.2 Administration Instruction Evening, Part-Time, etc. $ 4,400.84 19,000. O0 2,000. O0 17.4 Co-Ordinate Activities 17.5 Auxiliary Agencies - Transportation of Pupils 17.51 Other Auxiliary Agencies 17.6 Operation of School Plant 17.61 Maintenance Of ~chool Plant 1~.7 Fixed Charges 17.10 Operating Costs - Jackson P. Burley High School Sub-Total 17.8 Capital Outlay 17.9 Debt Service Total for Operating PUblic Schools For Scholarships in aid of education, to be trans- ferred to the Scholarship Fund, and expended only on order of the 'School Board For the operation of the Joint Health Department, to be transferred to the Joint Health Department Fund and expended only on order of the Joint Health Board Total Appropriations from General Revenue Fund --O-- 19,960.00 4,000.00 6,850.00 6,500 · O0 150 · O0 6,oo0.~ $ 71,360.84 6,000.00 121,485.00 $198,845.84 --0-- $ 15,661.66 $314,0 80. O0 DOG TAX FUND: For the Protection of Livestock and Fowl and other operation of the Dog Tax Fund, to be ex- pended only On order of the Board of Supervisors CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND: For the operation of the ~entral Fire District, to be expended Only on order of the Board of Supervisors $ 1,635.00 $ 100.00 CR~ZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUND: For the operation of the Crozet Sanitary District, to be expen~ed only on order of the Board of Supervisors $ 2~,352.50 GRA~ TOTAL OF ALL APPROPRIATIONS FROM ALL FUNDS $~,167.50 On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded hy Mr. Garnett, Mr. H. Ashby Harris, Mr. comer Smith, and Mr. Ronald Lucas were reappointed to the Board of Public Welfare for a term of three years. Report of the County Executive for the month of May, 1961, was presented, approved, and ordered filed. The following resolution of the Treasury Board of the State of Virginia, as adopted by that Board on May 19, 1961, was received: "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TREASURY BOAED OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA: 1, P~rsuant to Chapter 19.2 of Title 15 of the Code of Virginia and the resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System heretofore a~opted on the fifth day of May, 1960, confirmed and ratified on November 14, 1960 and December 12, 1960, pursuant to the provisions of Section 51-111.24(b) of the Code of Virginia of 1950, the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System s~all purchase ThreeI Hundred Thousand ($300,000) School Bonds of Albemarle County, Virginia, at par and accrued interest. 2. Said bonds shall be in coupon form without provision for registration. 3. The principal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable at the State- Plant&rs Bank of Commerce Trusts, Richmohd, Virginia, or, at the option of the holder thereof, at the National Bank and Trust Company, Charlottesville, Virginia. 4. Said bonds shall be dated June 1, 1961, shall be in the denomination of $1,000 each; shall be numbered from i to 300, inclusive; shall bear interest at the rate of 3.25% per annum, payable semi-annually December I and June l, and shall mature in numerical order $20,000 bonds on June i and in each of the years~1962 to 1976, inclusive. 5. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately." The following resolution of the School Board, as adopted by that Board on June 8, 1961, was also received: "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUN~ SCHOOL BOARD OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The resolution of the Treasury Board of the State of Virginia, adopted on the l~th day. of May, 1961, certified copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit A, is hereby agreed to in all respects and the $300,000.00 School Bonds of Albemarle County referred to in said resolution shall be issued in conformity 2. A certified copy of the resolution, having a certified-copy of said resolution of the Treasury Board of the State of Virginia attached, shall be presented to the Board of Superviwors of Albemarle County for its approval. 3. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately." After receiving the foregoing resolutions from the Treasury Board and the School Board, the following resolution was offered-by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Palmer, Sutherland and Thraves. Nays: None. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia: (1) The resolution of the County School Board of Albemarle County, Virginia, adopted on the 8th d~y of June, 1961, certi-fied copy of which is attached hereto, and the resolution of the Treasury Board of the State of Virginia, adopted on the 19th day of May, 1961, certified copy of which resolution of said Treasury Board is attached to the certified ~opy of said resolution of the County School Board, are hereby approved in all respects, and the issuance of the $300,000.00 School Bonds of Albemarle County, Virginia, in accordance with the terms of such resolution, is hereby approved. (2) All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. (3) This resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Garnett, and unanimously carried by recorded vote, the the form and tenor of the bond and coupon in connection with/above and presented by the School Board, was approved. The County Executive advised that he had received additional proposals for seeding and mulching of the Crozet Water Supply Dam Site since the original opening of bids. It was the expressed feeling of the Board that since these bids were not received at the advertised time, they could not be accepted. The County Executive also advised that the Crozet Water Committee had considered this matter and recom- mended that this project be deferred until fall. After discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, and unanimously carried, rejecting all bids received and directing that bids be obtained for opening at the regula~ August Board Meeting in order that this project may be undertaken during the month of September. Communication was received from Mr. Orbin Carter, Attorney, submitting bid in the amount of $~.00 for Sot 20, Albemarle Lake, on behalf of a client. After discussion, the County Executive was directed to advise Mr. Carter that the Board could not consider an offer without knowing the name of the party making same. Communication was received from Mrs. Jean E. Wilson, submitting her resignation as Assistant Home Demonstration Agent effective July 31, 1961. Communication was. also received from Mary Hille McCoy, District Agent, recommending the employment of Mrs. Patricia Wood and also recommending that the County's appropriation of $1,800.00 remain for this position. On motion of Mr, Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, the resignation of Mrs. Wilson Was accepted and the action of the Extension Service ratified with the County's appropriation remaining the same. Report of the S.P.C.A. for the month of April, 1961, was received and ordered filed. Mr. Thraves read to the Board communication from Mr. John Clark of near Proffit regarding the assessment of a trailer which Mr. Clark claimed to have on a permanent foundation which woulE qualify the same for assessment as real estate. After discussion of this matter, the same was referred to Mr. Hugh F. Simms for investigation and report back a~ the next regular meeting. Communication was received from the James River Basin Assoc. enclosing copy of resolution adopte by that Association concerning the Gathright Dam project and requesting this Board to adopt a similar resolution. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Thraves, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS. the orooose~ G~tb~ ~ ~ .... ~u~ ~ ............ WHEREAS, this project, by the last calculation, does not meet the require- ment of economic justification, and WHEREAS, it is believed that a restudy of this project, crediting all the values that now accrue, will brine it back into the area of economic justification, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of CoUnty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, does hereby petition the United States Army Engineers to make ,a restudy of the Gathright Dam ProjeCt, to determine its economic ~status under the conditions existing at this time, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be sent to The.,jamesRiver~ On recommendation of the County Executive and motion by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Thraves, and unanimously carried, the regular meeting date of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County was changed from the third Wednesday at 9:00 A,M. to the third Thursday at 9:00 A.M. effective July, 1961, and the Clerk was directed to post notice of such change at the Court House and to publish notice in the Daily Progress. The County Executive recommended a meeting of this Board's committee regarding Beaver Creek with the Beaver Creek Land Acquisition Committee. This meeting was set for Ju~ 29, 1961. A petition, signed by numerous attorneys, was presented by Mr. Jack Kegley, Attorney, as follows: "Whereas, the undersigned consider it inequitable tothe'public that t~l~phone companies en- joying a monopoly can exempt themselves from responsibility for their own negligence, we do respectfully urge our representatives in our local and state governments to endeavor to prohibit telephone companies from so exempting themselves from their negligence. We do not desire that such action or possible legislation be made retroactive." Mr. George Gilmer, Attorney, also appeared in support to this petitio Mr. Garnett, of the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company, and Mr. William Perkins, attorney for the Telephone Company, appeared in said company's behalf. After considerable discussion, the matter was referred to~ the Board's Legislative Committee on motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded b~Mr. Harris. Claims against the County amounting to $311,582.86 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment an6 charged against the following funds: General Revenue Fund .Department of Education Joint Health Department Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Dog Tax Fund McIntire Trust Fund Central Fire District Ft_~ud Woolen~Mills Sanitary District Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Special School Projects: West Side Elem. School Esmont Elem. School Shadwell Elem. School Albemarle High School Greenwood Elemo School Crozet Elem. School Stony Point Elem. School Broadus Wood Elem. School On motion, the meeting adjourned. Total $ 55,382.22 160,549.58 7,576.84 2,001.75 691.91 487.50 4%57.79 3.00 13,753.39 6,252.38 7,035.81 3,125.21 31.68 2,366.68 23,149.45 ~9,561,42 $311,582.86