HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-08-31 An adjourned meeting of the regular August 17, 1961, meeting o'£~the!Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the office building of said County on the 31st day of August, 1961. Present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, George C. Palmer, II, M. Y. Suther!and, Jr. and Robert Thraves. Absent: None. Officers present: Couuty Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. M. M. Pence. Minutes of the meetings of July 20, 1961 and August 7, 1961, were read and approved. Communications were received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising of the acceptant into the Secondary System of the following roads: (1) Extension of Route 709 (Shadwell Road), from end of present maintenance, southwest to cul-de-sac, a distance of 0.26 mile. (2~ (Esmont School) Beginnin~ at a point on Route 627 to 0.30 mile s~uth of Route 6, a distance of 0.08 mile. (3~~vy School) Beginning at a point on Route 738 to 0.35 mile east of Int. Route 676, thence south to end, a distance of O.11 mile. (~)(Shadwell School~ Beginning at a point on Route 729 to 0.20 mile south of Route 250, thence west 0.07 mile to end, a distanceof 0~07 mile. (5) ~lbEMarle High School) Beginning at the end of present state maintenance, thence around school to connect again with state maintenance, a distance of 0.21 mile. (6) (A__b~ndon~en~? E~ahce ~O~!~t~School, distance of O.05 mile. Woodhayven Subdivision, Agnese Street from end of present state maintenance on Agnese Street to intersection of Route 631 (Rio Road) a distance of 0.11 mile. (8~S~ii~Clair~A~e~-from north corporate limits of Charlottesville to the intersection of Route 822, a distance of 0.087 mile. The Board was advised that Holly Road and Lester Drive in Sylvania Hills Subdivision still did not meet State specifications and this request was again tabled. The Chairman again called attention to Wsrren Lane which was not taken into the Secondary Sys- tem when other roads in Meadowbrook Heights were accepted, apparantly through oversight, although the same was hard surfaced some years back. After discussion of this matter, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, and unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways Warren Lane located in Meadowbrook Heights Subdivision, beginning at Meadowbrook Road and continuing for approxi- mately ~90 feet to dead end. BE IT FURTHE~ RESOLVED ~hat the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby guaranteed a 30-foot unobstructed right of way along this requested ad- dition, the same having been dedicated along with drainage easements and recorded in Deed Book 2Z~L, page 563, Deed Book 282, page 32~ and Deed Book 298, page 169 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Plat was received on revision of Section l, Glenorchy Subdivision, as prepared by Mr. Amos Sweet and approved by the City and County Planning Commissions. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Palmer, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. Plat was received on division of Ndgh Strickler property, Jarmans Gap Road in Crozet, as prepar~ by Mr. William S. Roudabush and approved by the County Planning Commission. On motion of Mr. Garne~t, seconded by Mr. Palmer, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. Plat was received on revision of Lot l~, Block E. Key West Sub~iv~s~o~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ seconded by Mr. Garnett, this plat was zpproved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. Plat was received on division of George Ferguson tract on Stony Point Road as prepared by Mr, William S. Roudabush and approved by the City and County Planning Commissions. On motion of Ur. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Harris, this plat was approved and the~ Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. Plat was received on Section &, Sunnyfields Subdivision, as p=epared by Mr. William S. Rouda- bush and approved by the City and County Planning Commissions. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded ~by ~r. Sutherland, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board~ Plat was received on Foxbrook Subdivision as prepared by Mr. O. R. Randolph, and?approved by the City and County Blanning Commissions. On motion of ~ro Palmer, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board, sub- ject to signatures by the City Planning Commission. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. J. S. Morris advising that the Highway Department will day light the curve on Route 676 if property owner~ are willing to donate land and move fences back. The matter of the proposal to withhold 8tare income tax was brought before the Board and was ~iven considerable discussion. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Harris, the Following resolutio~ wa~ unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that this Board agrees in principal with the idea of withholding State income tax as outlined by Judge C. H. Morrissett, State Tax Commissioner, at the 1961 L.G.O.C. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board is also of the opinion that a system sho'ald be worked out to simplify the filing of State and Federal income taxes; that is, the adoption of a system of withholding and filing State income tax on a basis similar to that used by the Federal Government. Communication was received from the Town Council of Scottsville enclosing resolution of that body advising that the Town of Scottsville did not feel that at this time it could approve the Subdivisio Ordinance. After considerable ~iscussion it was decided that this Board hold a joint meeting with the Town Council to further discuss this ordinance and the time was set for 8:00 P.~. on September 14, 1961. Resolution was received from the City of Charlottesville approving annexation negotiation agree ment. 'The Commonwealth's Attorney recommended that this Board adopt a similar resolution. After some discussion of the matter, the folloWing resolution was offered by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Palmer, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes - Nessrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Palme~ and §uther- land. Nays - Mr. Thraves. WHEREAS, the Coune~ of the City o£ Charlottesville and the Board of Super- visors of Albemarle County have, as previously stated to the public, agreed to com- promise the annexation suit presently pending in the Courts of this State, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of agreement that the compromise as agreed to is for th~ best interest of all parties concerned, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Board endorse the compromise reached between this Board and the Council of the City of Charlottesville on July 27, 1961, which compromise in essence amends the December 1, 1960 Order of Annexation as follows: t. Sperry Rand Corporation and United States Instrument Corporatio! will re- main County property. Knollwood, Hessian Hills Subdivision and Albemarle Veterinary Htspital on Hydraulic Road, and the land generally lying between said hospi~l and Hessian Hills Subdivision will remain County property, that the boundary line for the annexation area and to the Northeast will be the Western side of the Southern Rail- road right of way so as to leave that portion of the railroad in the County, that the boundary line will be moved to the North side of the road running from Park Street Extended to Carterton. All other annexation lines will remain as fixed by the Order of Annexation dated December l, 1960. 2. The City will receive a credit of $~6,576 from the County to be ap- plied against the Co~uty's debt assumed by the City. 3. That the City will not be required to pay $15,600 for the sanitary sewers in the Woolen Nills Sanitary District as previously ordered on December l, 1960. ~. That with the consent of the City School Board students in the annexed area may be assigned by the County School Board to attend City schools commending September, 1962, at the expense of the County of Albemarle until January l, 1963. 5. That the City commence the construction of the Greenbrier Elementary School immediately after the Annexation Order is entered so that it will be ready for occupancy by~eptember, 1962. 6. That the City will continue to extend utilities in the proposed annexed area on the same basis as has been followed for the past six months. 7. That annexation will become effective midnight December 31, 1962. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board directs Archibald Robertson and the Commonwealth's Attorney to seek an amended Order of Annexation along the lines hereinm above set forth from the Supreme Court of Appeals at its September term in Staunton. Communication was received from. Mr. W. E. Mundy, Jr. disagreeing 'with the Board's action as Outlined ih the above resolution. Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of July, 1961, were presented, and on motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, these Statements were examined, verified and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of July, 1961. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, these Statements were examined, verified and approved. Claim of the Jail Physician in the amount of $7.00 was presented for the month of July, 1961, and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, was approved for payment. C ' ~ Report on inspection of the County Jail was received from the Division of orrectmons~ Depart- ment of Welfare and Institutions, and was ordered Filed. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the ~onih~:Q£~ J~Bly, 1961, were presented in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia. Claim was received from the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $887.40 for the hospitalization of indigent patients, one-half of which is reimbursable by the State. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves~ this claim was approved for payment. Report of the County Executive for the month of July, 1961, was presented, approved, and ordered filed. On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Harris, rules with regard to second reading were suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following appropriations be and the same hereby are made for the month of September, 1961, from the funds and for the functions or purposes indicated: GENERAL REVENUE FUND: For the operation of general county agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order o£ the Board of lA 1AA lB lC 1D 1E IF 1G IH 5A 5B 5C 6A 6C 7 7B 7C 8D 9 ll 13 14 Board of County Supervisors Miscellaneous Services County ExecutivE's Office Department of Finance Collection of Delinquent Land Taxes Board of Equalization Tax Map Co~mty Planning Commission Industrial Advemcement & Development Recording of Documents Circuit Court County Court Commonwealth,s Attorney's Office Policing and Investigating Confinement and Care of Prisoners Fire Prevention and Extinction Operation of County Dump No. 1 Operation of County Dump No. 2 Operation of County Dump No. 4 Public Welfare - Lunacy Commission Public Health Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics Elections Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 15 General S~es TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO GENL~AL OPERATING FUND For the operation of the Department of Welfare, to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assis- tance Fund and expended only by the Welfare Board For rthe operation of Public Schools, to be trans- ferred to the School Eund and expended only on order of the School Board, as follows: Administration 17.1 Instruction 17.2 Evening, Part-Time, Etc. 17.3 Other Instructional Costs 17.4 Co-Ordinate Activities 17.5 Auxiliary Agencies - Transportation of Pupils 17.51 Other Auxiliary Agencies 17.6 Operation of School Plant 17.61 Maintenance of School Plant 17.7 Fixed Charges 17.10 Operatin~Costs - Jackson P. Burley High School 17.8 Capital ~utlay 17.9 Debt Service Total for Operating Public Schools For scholarships in aid of education, to be transferred to the Scholarship Fund, and ex- pended only on order of the School Board For the operation of the Joint Health Department, to be transferred to the Joint Health Department Fund andeex~ended only on order of the Joint Health Board TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ~OM GENERAL REVENUE FUND DOG TAX FUND: For the protection of livestock and fowl and other operations of the Dog Tax Fund, to be expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND: For the operation of the Central Fire District, to be expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT FUND: Fpr the operation of the Crozet Sanitary District, to be expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors 200 .DO -SA 675.OO 19.00 -SA 2,716.35 365.00 5,118.33 700. O0 212,50 5O .'00 1,656.66 3,040.00__,~. 25.00 616.66 6,000.00 1,000.O0 79.OO 1,140.00 - 140.00 1AO.O0 --0 3,000.00 1,140.OO -O~- 810.00 -SA ~'67 5. O0 29,~ $;.24,293.00 $ 750.00 ,SA 2,355.84 96,200.00 4,000.00 5,300.00 375.0O 20,070.00 2,520.00 11,250.00 8,050.00 4,500.00 12,OO0.OO 10,341.80 -SA 2,000°00 $179,712.64 $ -O- $ 7,837.50 $ 872.5O $ 985.0O .:.-.-3 i 5-. if GRAND TOTAL OF ALL APPROPRIATIONS FROM ALL FUNDS $243 ,~2-1~ Mr. Palmer reported ~for the Zoning Committee. He advised that vacations had delayed this matter, however his committee would meet with the planning commission prior to the September meeting of this Board and have report ready at that time. He did recommend that the citizens advisory committee in this regard not be appointed until after an ordinance is drafted. Rep ort was received from the DiviSion of Forestry for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961, and was read and ordered filed. Esport on audit of accounts of the Clerk's Office for the calendar year 1960 was received from the Auditor of Public Accounts and was ordered filed. The County Executive presented tabulation of bids on seeding and mulching of the Crozet Water Summply Dzm Site which were received on August 17, 1961, as follows: Name of Bidde_Er Paul W. Phillips Walter F. Bishop Paul J. Miller Elliott's Nursery Amount of Bid ~Date Co_~letion Date $! ,586.00 15 days 30 days 987.00 15 " 10 " 747.50 30 " 60 " 1,349.50 5 " 10 " There was question raised regarding time element involved in the low bid. Mr. Thraves advised that he had discussed this matter with Mr. Miller who advised that this job could be begun immediately. On motion of Mr. Thraves~ seconded by Mr. Palmer, the bid for this job was awarded Paul J. Miller provided the same can be begun within l0 days and completed within l0 days~hereafter, weather permitting. Mr. John G. Yancey appeared and expressed opposition to the Board's a~vertising for bids within such a short time after the original request for bids. The Commonwealth's Attorney advised that he felt the Board had proceeded in a legal manner in thisbe'regard. S.L.H. Contract for the year July l, 1961 to September DO, 1962, was receiVed from the University of Virginia Hospital setting for the rate of $24.65 per patient day. On motion of Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, this contract was approved and the Chairman w~s authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board. The Board's attention was called to the fact that Mr. Goode Love's term on the Airport Commis- sion had expired and further, that a committee consisting of Mr. Lee and Mr. Haggerty had been appointed from the City County to meet with a committee from this Board to recommend a successor to Mr..Love on said Commission. The Chairman appointed Mr. Thraves and Mr. Palmer to serve on this Committee. The matter of extra game wardens during deer hunting season was discussed. Mr. Harris advised that Fluvanna County was interested in obtaining the services of Mr. Chester Baker who worked for Albe- marle County last year and further, that they were willing to participate in one-half of his salary if Mr. Baker could work in both counties. He also stated that if this arrangement could be worked out, a salary of $350.00 should be paid ~n allow $100.00 for travel since Mr. Baker would be required to use hi carina great deal more than if working in Albemarle County alone. After discussion and on motion of Harris, seconded by Mr. Thraves, it was ordered that Mr. Baker be employed on a 50-50 basis with Fluvann~ County from November 20 , 1961 to January ~' 1962, that an extra game warden for Albemarle County be employed, that the Dog War~en be deputized for game work and that the services of the Sheriff's Office also be requested during this period. It was further ordered that George Smith and Fred Lockwood of Fluvanna County be notified of the Board's action. The County Executive advised that a general reassessment in Albemarle County was due in 1963 with such reassessment becoming effective 1964, and that if it was the desire of this Board to obtain aid from~the State, such aid should be requested as soon as possible in order that good men could be ob- tained for this work. After considerable dis6ussion of the matter, a committee consisting of Mr. Palmer and Mr. Harris was appointed to contact the Equalization Board, the Real Estate Office and the County Executive to discuss the matter and report back to this Board. The matter of Civil Defense was discussed at length. The Chairmmn advised that the Federal government would participate in the salary and expenses of a Civil Defense Coordinator. On motion of Palmer, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, the following Emergency Operational Plan was unanimously adopted: ALBEMARLE COUNTY EMERGENCY 'OPERATIONAL PLAN I. MISSION The mission of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, through itz Director and Coordinator of Civil Defense, is to organize, direct, and support emergency operations of government, local or State, which are necessary for survival in the event of man-made or natural disaster. II. RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES A. Board of Supervisors It is the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County to elect a Director of Civil Defense. Upon election, the Director of Civil Defense shall automatically become a member of local government of Albemarle County. The Board shall also be responsible for the establishment .of a plan which will become .operational upon the declaration of an emergency. B~ Director of Divil Defens~ ~ It shall be the responsibility of the Director of Civil Defense for Albemarle County to en~age in such activities and perform such functions and duties as will further the defense of the County and the State in either natural emergencies or emergencies created by hostile acts of foreign governments. The Director will carry out the policies of the Board of Supervisors which are, or will hereafter be, adopted by the Board. Nhen a local emergency does arise, it shall be the duty of the Director in collaboration with the Board of Supervisors, to declare a state of emergency does exist. This fact must be communicated without delay, to the State Control Center at Richmond, Virginia, if the regional office is not activated. During periods Of declared emergency, Nation~, State or local, the Director of Civil Defense for Albemarle County is the Executive Head of government with exclusiveoperational control until such time as the emergency shall cease. As such, his channel of communication is direct with the Deputy Coordinator for the State at the Regional Level. The Director may delegate coordination of activities to a Coordinator of Civil Defense, but such delegation will not relieve the Director of the responsibili of his office. The Director will submit to the Board of Supervisors an annual budget which will cover all necessary requirements and assistance needed of this governing body to prepare and implement this plan. C~ Coor~dinator of Civil Defense The Coordinator of Civil Defense for Albemarle County will coordinate all cotmty agencies and other agencies rendering support to this government and will ca~y out policies enumerated in the Emergency Operational Plan under the Direction of the Director of Civil Defense. III. ~EGAL AUTHORITY FOR EMERGENCY PLANE Civil Defense is a responsibility of government on all levels; National, State, and Local. A. NATIONAL EMERGENCY PLAN Public Law #920, 1950, and Public Law #875, 1958, state that responsibility for nonmilitary operations in time of emergency is a joint responsibility~ the Executive Office of the President of the United States, the several States, and their political subdivisions. To supplement these laws, a National Emergency Plan has been drawn up under the order of the President of the United Stat~s. The President has appointed a Director of Eivil and Defense Mobilizatio who exerciees delegated authority for and on behalf of the President in matters within the scope Civil Defense Mobilization. B. STATE F~ERGENCY PLAN House Bill #&19, 1952, and its amendments, designates the Governor of Virginia as Director of Civil Defense for the Commonwealth and authorizes him to appoint a Coordinator to represent him in carrying out the provisions of this law. Under this authority a Coordinator for Civil Defense has been appointed. The Office of Civil Defense, as an integral part of the Governor's Office, is located in Richmond. Under the direction of the State Coordinator, a State Emergency Plan has been drawn up, which sets forth in detail, the role of the State in emergency~ituations. This Plan was made law by Executive Order of the ~overnor on August 30, 1959, and gives him authority to put the Plan into opera~ tion when, in his judgement, he shall ~eem it necessary. C. ALBEMARLE COUNTY EMERGENCY PLAN The Board of Supervisors, in keeping with its responsibilities to the people of Albemarle County in providing for a state of readiness to cope with emergency disasters of any scope or magnitude, has caused this Emergency Plan to be drawn up and by official action, has adopted it as the law govern- ing emergency situations. IV. BASIC CONCEPTS The County of Albemarle recognizes its responsibility in time of emergency and herewith establishes certain basic ideas which are common to all elements of government in preparing plans for action in time of emergency. These concepts are: 1. The essence of Civil Defense is survival in emergency. $ 2. Protection and nonmilitary defense of Albemarle County is an integral function of the governmen~ of Albemarle County. The Civil Defense organizational function is to coordinate in an emergency, and ~ planning for an emergency, the work of existing departments and agencies of the County, augmented by ~ workers from industry, business, professional fields, and volunteer agenciem who are selected by trainin~ and experience in the particular skills which are vital to survival. 3. An emergency in this plan may result from actions or conditions defined as follows: NationaI- Enemy attach with .biological, chemical, or thermo-nuclear weapons. ,y 4o An Emergency Operational Plan for survival is designed to do these things: (a~ Save the greatest number of lives. (b) Reorient and rehabilitate people (c) Restore production of economic goods and services. (d) Provide for continuity of government. 5. Civil Defense is nonmilitary defense. 6. The prime objective of the Emergency Operational Plan for Albemarle County shall be to develop within this government and its jurisdictions a competency which will assure swift and effective action during a natural or man-made disaster. ORGANIZATION A. Decisions in Su~t of an Emere_g~y~a~_ization 1. The integral function of the government of Albemarle County in times of an emergency is to provide for protection and defense in this~urisdiction. The Divil Defense Director will coordinate the planning for emergency and the training for emergency work in the existing department of this government and agencies of State Government; augmented by workers from industry, business, professional fields, and volunteer agencies, who are selected by training and experience in particular skills which are vital to survival. 2. The development, supervision, and direction of these activities must be a continuing pro- cess. Pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Civil Defense Act, A%bemarle County has named a Director of Civil Defense, who has appointed a Coordinator to assist him in organizing, administering and directing the Civil Defense Operation in this jurisdiction. 3. A line of succession will be established in this organization by the Coordinator and by eacl of the Chiefs of Service. At least two additional persons will be appointed to act in his behalf in the event emergencies arise in Albemarle County while the incumbent is absent from the jurisdiction or other. wise prevented from acting. The normal and emergency lines of succession for the governing body of Albemarle County is found in Appendix __ of this plan. ~. The Chief of each Civil Defense service will be appointed to conform as closely as possible with the presently elected and appointed authorities of Albemarle County. In the State Plan there are designated 16 Civil Defense Services. The responsibility for fulfilling certain functions such as police, fire, etc., resides with the same officer or agency as d%~ing normal times. ~he services of State Agencies in the Albemarle County jurisdiction will provide local counter parts such as Health, Welfare, Manpower, etc. In instances where there are no State or Local counterparts for Service Chiefs, the appointment of the best qualified person to serve as Chief of Services will be made by the local 8ivil Defense Director, with approval of the Board of Supervisors. The establishment of a full staff of Emergency Service Chiefs will assure better coordination with the Regional and State Civil Defense Organizations in times of emergency. ORGANIZATION CHART FOR ~ME~GENCY OPERATIONS - ALBE~IAELE.~ COUNTY: CD Service Civil Defense Director / Civil Defense Coordinator Title in Normal Operations Location in Normal Operations Control Center Location Communications Engineering Fire Service Health, Medical, and Special Weapons Industries and Installations Intelligence Manpower Police Public Information Rsdiological Religious Affairs ~escue Transportation Warden Warning Welfare Women's Activities Note: The above Services for emergency are listed alphabetically and not necessarily in the order of importance or succession. VI. GENERAL PLAN A. To make the best use of existing manpower, facilities, and resources under emergency conditions. B. Emergency conditions under which Albemarle County will operate: 1. Man-made disasters - Enemy attack with thermonuclear devices, biological warfare, and chemical warfare (piosonous gases). Nat~al disasters - Caused by hurricane, flood, tornado, earthquake, fire, explosion, wrecks involving rail, highway, water and air traffic, or other acts of God. C. Recognized actions of government, industry, and people to be taken under emergency conditions as listed above. D. The County of Albemarle delegates to the appointed and elected officials of this county as recognized in the Emergency Organizational Chart shown in Part V of this plas, the responsibility of pre- paring annexes and appendices to the plan. Their responsibility will further include the duty of main- taining these plans in an up,to-date form to meet any cha~ b~n~b~ ~ ~ .... ~+~ ..... / BASIC POLICY SECTION which follows: VII. BASIC POLIC__Y A. The Albemarle County gover~t agencies are directed to utilize to the maximum extent all personnel, resources, and facilities in time of an emergenCy. Proper and efficient use shall be on the basis of thm~ planning and shall further determine surplus and deficits. Bo Each annex to this plan shall spell out a complete course of action to enable each county agency to carry out its assigned mission during periods of operational emergencies, which would include all phases of natural or man-made disasters. C. In time of emergency, the Director of Civil Defense of Albemarle County will be responsible for the implementation of this plan and its annexes. ATTACHMENT "A" National and State Assumptions and Planning Guide Lines. 1. Albemarle County iS!~immediately~adjacent to (target or critical target areas)and can expect to receive ~ ~ O ~ _~ evacuees at the time of a man-made disaster. 2. Plans should be made to receive, lodge, and care for evacuees arriving in Albemarle County within the planned capabilities of the local jurisdictions. 3. Emergency provisions should be planned for the care of the sick or wounded of the citizens of Albe- marle County, as well as for any expected evacuees. 4. Evacuees entering Albemarle County from other political jurisdictions in Virginia come under the jurisdiction of the Director of Civil DefenSe of Albemarle County. 5. A local warning system should be planned. 6. The possibility and probability of radioactive fallout should be considered as a serious threat to citizens and resources of the county, as well as to evacuees arriving in the county, following a thermo- nuclear attack. 7. P~ovisions should be made for early ~etection, evaluation of and protection from radiological, bacteriological, and chemical effects in Albemarle County. 8. Plans should be made to determine the e~tent of damage, if an~, to the locality following an attack, ~nd take all necessary measures to meet the situation and provide for restoration of normal a~tivities within the area. 9. Establish appropriate communications with industrial groups for participation in the civil defense program. 10. Organized civil defense units from an evacuated area come under the control of the Regional Coordinator of the State having control over the city o~ county into which they evacuate. Such units will be made available to political subdivisions where their services are needed upon request by local jurisdictions to the Regional Coordinator. 11. Plans should be'made to render support and assistance to other cities and counties as requested by the appropriate authority. 12. Keep higher civil defense echelons aware of the local situation. On recommendation of the County Executive, the salary of Mrs. Hilda M. Morris in the Department of Finance was increased from $200.00 to $215.00 per month effective September l, 1961. Notice was received from the State Corporation Commission of public hearing on petition of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company for authority to discontinue the handling of less-than-carload freight and to retire station building facility at its non-agency station known as Hatton. Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Dr. H. C. Chase for one ewe claimed to have been killed by dogs. The Dog Warden advised that this ewe had been burried when he investigated and although he was shown the carcass, he was unable to definitely establish the fact that the damage was caused by dogs. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded byMr. Harris, this claim was denied in the basis of information furnished by the Dog Warden. Claims against the County amounting to $213,650.47~were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Operating Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Department Fund Virginia Public Assistance Fund Woolen Mills Sanitary District Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account Textbook Fund Special School Capit~l Outlay Fund: West Side Elem. School Esmont Elem. School Shadwe!l Elem. School $ 47,034.68 50,110.48 472.93- 193.97 981.37 7,243,40 19,195.16 J.oo 10,320.69 60.20 97 · 12 98.59 96.84 Albemarle High School Red Hill Elem. School Crozet Elem. School Stony Point Elem. School Broadus Wood Elem. School On motion, the meeting adjourned until Total 8:00 Po~,~September 14, $ 3,531.26 2,644.97_ 41,294.04 18,235.13 t2~036.64 $213,650.47 1961.