HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-09-14 An adjourned meeting of the August 31, 1961, meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle Co~uty, was held at g:OO P.M. on September l&, 1961, in the Board Room of said Couuty, with the following members present: ~essrs. Willia~s~ Garnett, Harris, Palmer and Sutherland~ Absent: Mr. Robert Thrives. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Atto~neyo Also present: Nembers of Council of Town of gcottsvilleo The Chairman explained to the Council members of Scottsville that the meeting was called with respect to an ordinance entitled ~Ordinance Governing Subdivision of Land Within Albemarle County, Virginia"~ He stated that the Board of County Supervisors had adopted said ordinance and had given notice to the Town Council of Scottsville of such adoption, said notice being in accordance with the Virginia Land Subdivison Act. He further stated that in action of said Town Council at its meeting held on ~ugust'~~ g, 196~, it had adopted a resolution noting the disapproval of that body of the applicability of such ordinance within the corporate limits of said Town and within a distance of twe miles from the corporate limits. It was pointed out that it was the sense of the Board of Supervisors that a joint meeting sholdld be held between the two governing bodies in order to clarify any points existing in the ordinance and to e×plain the reasons for the adoption of the ordinance by the Board of Supervisors. Nr. Nilliam H. Brown, Attorney, Scottsville, Virginia, presented that body's point of view with respect to said ordinance. Considerable discussion was presented on both sides and a number of question were asked. It appeared that the members of t~e Town Council of Scottsville had not been given sufficie tim in which to fully digest the ordinance. A~so, it was explained that four new members had just take~ office on said Council. After further discussion, it was suggested that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the Nayor of Scottsville each appoint three members from their respective bodies to confer in the matter and report back to their respective bodiss. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors appointed Nro Palmer, Chairman, Nr. Downing L. Smith and the Co~yE×ecutive as a committee in this instance. ~r. Floyd Johnson, Chairman of the Planning Gommission, was appointed ex-officio member of such committee. The Mayor of the Town of Scottsville stated that the appointment of his committee would be forthcoming. On motion, the meeting adjourned.