HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-02-15 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, ¥irginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the l~th day of February, 1962.
Present: Messrs. John W. Williams, Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, George C. Palmer, II,
M. Y. Sutherland~ Jr. and Robert Thraves.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive, Asst. County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Pence.
Ninutes of the meeting of January 15, 1952, were read and approved.
Several citizens appeared and requested inclusion into the Secondary System of an extension
of Route 6~1 for approximately one mile to connect with Route 777° Those presented were requested to
file regular application on this request so that the matter might be referred to Road Viewers..
Request was received for inclusion into the Secondary System of road~ off of Route 685 near
Ke~wick, a private road serving five families and being .3 mile in length, it was ordered that this
request also be referred to Road Viewers.
Request was received for inclusion into the S
Secondary ystem of road off Route 795 near
Scott~ville, a private road being 150 yards in length. It was ordered that this request be referred to
Road Viewers.
Request was received for improvement to approximately l½ mile of Route 640. The Chairman ad-
vised the petition to come back to the regular March meeting regarding this request.
The matter of setting the annual highway meeting for March was discussed, however, no action
was taken on the matter.
Mr. Thomas Michie, appearing on behalf of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, requested an appro-
priation of funds to match funds donated by Civi~ Clubs, not exceeding $2,000.00, for the planting of
trees along that section of the Route 250 By-Pass in Albemarle County. After careful consideration of
this request, motion was offered by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Harris and unanimously adopted, approv-
ing the idea as submitted By Mr. Michie but denying the request due to the fact that the County is now
committed to a number of capital outlay projects an8 also due to the fact that it was the feeling of the
Board that such an appropriation could establish a precedent whereby other civic clubs would feel en-
titled to appropriations for similar projects.
Communication was received from Mr. Walker C. Williams, Attorney, requesting the abandonment
of a certain section of o~ ~oute 20, which section of road was no longer used. On motion of ~r. Harris
seconded by Nr. Sutherland, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
W~TE~EA8, some years ago, Route 20, South, was altered and some sections
were relocated; and
~HE~EAS, such relocation resulted in the alteration of a portion of old
Route 20 in front of property conveyed to David M. Taylor and Helen H. Taylor by
Nilliam A. Revis and wife by deed dated December 29, 1961, and a new road which
serves the same citizens as the old road was constructed; and
~EREAd, Section 33-76.12 of the Code of Virginia provides for the
abandonment of such alteration of the Secondary Road System;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that said old road be and the same is hereby vacated
and abandoned as follows:
That section of old Route. ~0, South, shown within boundary of
tract ef land conveyed to David ~. Taylor and Helen H. Taylor
by ~illiam A. R~vis and wife by deed dated December 29, 196~, and being
shown on plat recorded in the Albemarle County Clerk's Office
on January2, 1962, Deed Book 375, page 49.
BE IT FUR~HE~R~8OLVED that the Clerk of the Circuit Court is hereby
Communication was received from the Virginia Department of Highways advising that in accor-
dance with resolution of this Board of October 19, 1961, changes in the Primary and Secondary Systems
made necessary b~relocation and construction of Route 20 were confirmed by that department on
January 12, 1962, as shown on sketch received and ordered ~iled, and described as follows:
Section i - Old location of Route 20 north of the new location, from inter-
section of Route 250 easterly O.773 miles to the new location
at Station 39~00~
Section 2 - Old location of Route 20 north of the new location, from
Station 63~00 easterly 0.42& mile to the new loc~tion at
Station 83~00.
These two sections being transferred to the Secondary System as provided
under Section 33-27 of the 1950 Code of Virginia.
Mr. Robert Thraves, chairman of the hunting committee, gave report regarding his committee's
study rmlating to control of rabies among fomes in the County. He stated that his committee wanted to
do whatever conditions warrant. However, he wished to meet with farmers and hunters to discuss this
matter further and advised that he would call such a meeting in the near future and also request Mr.
Swink of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to attend the meeting. Mr. Thraves stated that
his committee would make further report at the March Board meeting.
The following persons were appointed to serve on the 1962 Board of Viewers:
Mr. Jack Page
Mr. Steve McCauley
Mr. Campbell Holt
Mr. John B~ Hogan
Mr. John W. Clayton
Plat was received on redivision of land owned by Nr. Leroy Snow, located on Old Lynchburg
Road, as prepared by Mr. T. N. Saunders, and approved by the County Plan~ing Commission. On motion of
Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were
authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board .
Plat was received on subdivision of lots 8 and ll owned by Leroy Snow and locatAd 8 miles
south east on Route 620, as prepared by Mr. T. W. Saunders and aDproved by the County Planning Commis-
sion. On motion of Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Harris, t~is plat was approved and the Chairman and
Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board.
PTat was received on revision of lots A and B to lots 71 and 72, Block l, ~onte~Vista Sub-
division, as Prepared by Nr. Willia~S. Roudabush and approved by the County and City Planning Commis-
sions. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, this plat was approved and the Chairman and
Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board.
Plat w~s r~ceived on division of Lot 2, property owned by Robert E. Bargamin and located on
Route 685 and Old Main Street, Crozet, Virginia, as prepared by Mr. William S. Roudabush and approved
by the County Planning Commission. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. P~mer, this plat was
approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized' to sign same on behalf of this Board.
Plat was received on land divided from larger tract owned by C. E. Herndon and located on
Route 631 (Rio Roa~) as prepared by Mr. William S. Roudabush and approved by the County and City Plan-
ning Commissions. On motion of Mr. Palmer, Seconded by Mr. Garnett, this plat was approved and the
Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board.
On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett, plat on Section 3, Block J, Woodbrook Sub-
division was rejected until specifications are met.
Plat was received on division of tract owned by Leroy Snow and located at the intersection
of Route 640 and Route 20, as prepared by Mr. ~illiam S. Roudabush and approved by the Co~uuty Planning
Commission. On motion of ~r. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, this plat was approved and the
Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board.
Plat was rSceived on division of land owned by N. E. Morris and located between Old Houte 20
~orth and new Route 20, North, as prepared by Mr. B. Aubrey Huffman and approved by the County and Cit
Planning Commissions. On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Nr. Palmer, this plat was approved and
Plat was received on revisions of page 1, section 3, Hessian Hills Subdivision, as prepared
by Mr. Amos R. Sweet and approved by the County and City Planning Commissions. On motion of Mr. Palmer
seconded by Mr. Garneit, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign
same on behalf of this Board.
Plat was received on Section t, Johnson Village, as prepared by Mr. Amos Sweet and approved
by the County and City Planning Commissions. On motion of Mr.. Sutherl~nd, seconded by Mr. Harris, this
plat was approved, and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign same, subject to signatures by
the City Plar~uing 'Commissioh.
Plat was received on division of land owned by Marg~ret E. Moon and located on Route 20,
South, as prepared by Mr. 0.~ R. Randolph and approved by the County Planning Commission. On motion of
Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized
to sign same on behalf of this Board.
P%at was received on subdivision of land on Route ?LO near Cismont owned by Alex Chapman and
Harry Dickerson, as prepared by Mr. O. R. Randolph and, approved by the County Planning Commission.
On motion of Mr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, this plat was approved and the Chairman and Clerk
were authorized to sign same on behalf of this Board, subject to signatures of the Planning Commission.
The Chairman called for public hearing as per the following notice which was published in
the daily Progress on January 27 and February 3, 1962:
"Notice is hereby given that at a regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, to be held on February 15, 1962, it is intended to
adopt ~ SANITATION 0RDIN~NCE, and public hearing on same has been set for 10~'00 A.M.
on said date..
By Order of the Board of County Supervisors."
After discussion by the Board, ~here being no one from-the public to be heard with regard to
this matter, said Ordinance was adopted as follows and was ordered published in synopsis form in the
Daily Progress in accordance with law, with the full text bei~g~gfiled .with the Clerk of the Circuit
Court, by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Garnett, Harris, Palmer, Sutherland,
and Thraves. Nays - None,
(Ordinance follows on page ~96)
~E IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors ,of Albemarle C~u~ty, Virginia,
that the following ordinance be enacted by the said Board, to-wit:
~ECTION I. It shall be unlawful for the, owner of any house used as a
human habitation, or other place where h~m~n beings congregate or are employed
in the County of Albemarle to use or occupy; or to rent or lease the same for
the us~ or 'occupancy by any person, firm or corporation :,~!ess and until the
said house or building shall have been supplied or equipped with an approve~
method of disposal of 'human excrement of such conStruction as will comply with
the requirements hereinafter designated.
SECTION II. That for the purpose of this ordinance "an approved method
of disposal of human excrement" shall be d.eemed tO be either. (a) A properly
installed flush toilet connected to a public or approved private sewer; (b) A
flush toilet connected to an approved properlY in~talle~ ~eptic tank system;
(c) A flush toilet connected to an approved sewage disposal plant, publicly or
privately owned; (d) An-approve~ pit privy.
The terms "install", "approved", and. "standa~rd", as used in this ordinance,
shall be construed to mean "in accordance with the specifications and standards
established within this ordinance." The term "Health Department" shall mean the
Albemarle County Health Director or his duly authorized representative, the
SanitatiOn Officer.
SECTION III. Before construction is begun on any sewage diaposal system
net specifically covered By this. ordinance, plan shall be presented to the
State Health DePartment for approval and for submission to~ the State Water Con-
trol Board, if that agency's approval is required.
SECTION IV. Procedure for the installation of a septic tank sy~m:
The Permit .to I~tall Septic Tank Systems:
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to install, have
installed, allow to be installed, or contract to install, a septic tank
system for another person, firm or corporation without first making aPPlica-
tion to the Health Director of the County for a septic ta~ permit em appli-
cation forms furnishe~ by the said Health Director. The application fern
shall contain clearly a description, location and dimensions of the land or
lot on which the septic tank, distribution box and sewer piping are t~ be
installed, the dimensions of the purification field, the type of land
(such .as loam,~ sandy loam, clay, gravel, etc.), the direction in which the
land drains in relation to reservoirs, springs and wells, and be accom-
panied by a plot of the land, when reqUired, showing the location of dwelling
house and all other buildings, and the plans and specifications of the whole
septic tank system intended to be installed; and upon approval of such
application, the Health Director shall issue a permit to the applicant fo~
the install, ation of such. septic tank system in accordance, with the plans and
s?ecificatmons ~fur~ished~ and if the said plans are not approved, b~ut the
size and location of the lot and type of Soil are suitable for a septic tank
system,, properly planned, the Health Director s~ ~early ou+~line the
proper plans for same and grant the permit only ~rding to the Plans sO
outlined by him~
On motion of ~r. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, public heaving on proposed amended Sub-
division Ordinance was carried over to the regular ~arch 15, 1962, Board Neeting.
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, the Office of the
Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of January, 1965, were presented, and on motion of Mr. Thraves,
seconded by Mr. Sutherland, these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurzed in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with
St~mmary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of January, 1962. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded
by Mr. Garnett, these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Claim of the Jail Physician for the month of January, 1962, in the amount of $14.00 was
presented, and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by ~r. Garnett, was approved for payment.
Reports of th~ Department of Public Welfare for the month of January, 1962, were presented
in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
~laim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $862.75 for hospitalization of
indigent patients was received and on motion of ~r. Sutherland, seconded by~r. Thraves, was approved
for payment.
Claim of the County Executive for the month of January, 1962, was presented, approved, and
SECTION V. Detail~ of SPeCifications for septic tank ~ystems.
A. All septic tank systems i~stall~d in ~mis county shall consist of sewer line
from buiI~g t° tank, SeP~i~' rink, distribution box, and draim tile purifi-
cation field.. The sewe~ l~e shall be of vitrified clay pipe,- cas~ iron
soil pipe, transite pipe, or"bitnminized pipe. The entire system shall be
Built [u accordance with ~;e plans and specifications shown on the permit,
A representative of th~ Co,~nty Health Department shall inspect septic tamk
construction after comple2ion and before any part of the system shall be
covered. Septic tank systems 'shall be BaCk-filled immediately, after inspec-
tion and apProved, ~nd care shall be taken net to disturb the pipe, grades,
Joints or alignment by the backfilling, or otherwise.
B. Ail house sewer pipes shall be laid complete with all jointing~.~te~i:~al~.~.,
Ail house sewe~ cast L~on pipe shalI be jointed with lead and ~ o~ simila~
Jointing material. Clean ~uta s~all be installed~vhe~e turns ~f'45 degrees
or greater are necessary a~d .where straight r~n~;i~e lin excess of 95 fee%.
Ail right bends in the ~ouse shall be made wi2ht~ng sweep soil pipe ells.
C. Location, Design, Liquid capaci~2 and ~teriA1 required in Septic Tank
-Disposal Systems:
1. Location and installatio~of :.the sewage disposal system and each part
thereof .sh. all be such 't~, ~i.~th reasonable maintenance, .it will function
in a sanitary manner.and. ~1 not create a nuisance nor endanger the
safety of any domeSt.xc wat~ ~Supply. In determining a suitable location
for the system, considerati5n shall be given to the Size and shape of
the lot, slope of natUral and finished grade, depth of ground water
table, proximity to existing or future water supplies, and possible
expansion of the systems
a. No part of the ~system shall be located so that it i~ nearer to any
water supply thah 50 feet, er so that surface drainage from its
l~cation may reach any domestic water sUpply.
The lot size shall be ~ufficient te permit proper lo~ation,
installation and ~P~ration.
e. Installation in lo~ s~ampy areas or areas with high water table
and/or ~hich may be subject' to flooding are prohibited.
Type of system~ shall be determined on a ~asis of location, permeability
and ground water level'
The system shall be designed to receive all sanitary sewage from
the dwel_~ug~
BaSement floor, footing, or roof drainage shall not enter any pax~
of the septic tank system.
Design of the septic tank shall be rectangular in shape and the length
shs. ll not be less than twice nor more than three times the width. The
liquid depth shall be not less than four feet ~_nd. the freeboard or air-
space shall not be less than one foot.
On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, public hearing on proposed amended Sub-
division Ordinance was carried over to the regular March 15, 1962,-Board Meeting.
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, the Office of the
Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of JanUary, 196~, were presented, and on motion of Mr. Thraves,
seconded by Mr. Suthertand, ~Bese Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintAnance of the County Jail was submitted along with
Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month o£ January, 1962. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded
by Mr. Garnett, these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Claim of the Jail Physician for the month o£ January, 1962, in the amount o£ $14.00 was
presented, and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett, was approved for payment.
Reports o£ the Department of Public Welfare for the month o£ January, 1962, were presented
in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
~laim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $862.75 for hospitalization of
indigent patients was received and on motion of ~r. Sutherland, seconded by~r. Thraves, was approved
for payment4
Claim of the County Executive for the month of January, 1962, was presented, approved, and
4. Liquid capacity ef all septic tanks shall be based upon the number of
bedrooms contemplated in the building served and shall conform 'to Table
I, herein shoVmo
Potential Capa-
city Of Home --
Ng~ of ._Bedroom_s
3 or less
Capacity of
Septic Tank
...... Gallons-
Dimensions of Sop.ti, c Tank
Wid~th ~!r~ __ Snace L. i,~uid Deoth
720 .7'0" 3'6" 1'0" 4'0"
1000 8'0" 4'0" 1;0" A'O"
1250 9'0" 4'6" t'~" · ' '~
14 o A,6,,
1720 4'8"
Construe~ie~ df the ~ shall be such as to assure its being water-
tight ~ prevent the entrance of rain water or surface drainage.
Th~ tank shall be constructed of sound and durable material not
subject to excessive corrosion or decay.
bo Adequate access to each compartment of the tank, for inspection and
sludge removal, shall be provided by a manhole or removable cover.
Where the top of the tank .is located more than 24 inches below
~he surface of the ground, manholes shall be built up to
~ithin 12 to 18 inches of the surface.
c. Inlet an~ outlet connections shall be submerged or baffled to
assure the leas~ possible disturbance in the tank~
The inlet pipe o~ baffle shall extend approximately 6 inches
above the water surface, and the outlet ~hall extend approxi-
mately 2 ft. below and 6 inches above the water surface.
Satisfactory venting of the tank shall be provided through the
inlet and main building stack. The outlet shall be similarly
vented to provide proper ventilation of the disposal field or
seepage pits back into the septic tank and thence through the
main building stack.
d: Septic tanks shall be of poured-in-place concrete, or precast con-
crete, or brick wall, or cinder block wall, or properly coated metal.
Concrete septic tanks, poured in place, shall be poured with a
standard concrete mixture of 1-2-3 or 1-2-4 mix. Where the
excavation is subject to caving, or where the rater table is
objectionably high, outside forms and pumping ~ill be required
in order to assure a watertight tank. The walls, top and
bottom of. the tank are to be not less than 4" thick, as sho~n
on plans; top and manhole cover to be reinforced with reinforc-
ing Ste~, as shovm on plans.
On motion of ~r. G~rnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, public hearing on proposed amended Sub-
division Ordinance was carried over to the regular ~{arch 15, 1962, Board Neeting.
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, the Office of the
Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of January, 1965, were prese.nted, and on motion of ~r. ~raves,
seconded by ~r. Sutherland, these Statements were examined, verifi~ and approved.
Statement of Expenses inc~ed in the maint~ance of the Co~ty Ja~ was submitted along with
S~ary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of January, 1962. On motion of ~r. Harris, seconded
by Mr. Garnett, these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Claim of the Jail Physici~ for the month of Jan~ry, 1962, in the amo~t of $14.OO was
present~, and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by ~r. Garnett, was approved for pa~ent.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of January, 1962, were presented
in acco~ance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
~aim of the University of Virginia Hospit~ in the ~o~t of $8~.75 for hospitalization of
indigent patients was received and on motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves, was approved
for pa~ent,
Claim of the Cowry Executive for the month of January, 1962, was presented, approved, and
Precast concrete tanks shall be efa design as shown on plan.,
and size as stated on permit,' and-made with a standard 1~2-3
mixture, The wa~ls shall mot be l~ss than 2~,, in thickness,
reinforced .with NO. 9 steel placed as shown on plan.
1. Loeatio~ of the purification field should be in an unobstructed and
shaded area, and the distance given shall be the minimum which the
disposal field can be located from the following:
(a) Any ~ater supply (exeept as noted below) .... . . 50 feet
(b) Streams . . . ..~ . . . . . .... . . . . o . . . ,. 25 feet
(o) Dwellings . . .~.. ....... . . . . . . . . . . 10 feet
(d) Large Trees . ~ . . . ................. t0 feet
(e) Property lines ,....... · . · . . · . · . . . - 10 feet
Distribution Box of sufficient size to accomedate the necessary field
lateral lines shall be constructed at the head of each purification
a. Each field lateral line shall be connected separately to the
distribution bo~ and shall not be subdivided.
b. The invert of all autlets shall be level and the inlet invert shall
be at least 1 inch above the outlets.
3. Minimum Seepage Area (total flat bottom of trenches) of the purification
field shall be determined by one of the following methods:
Recommendation based upon experience data, in which case require~
merits shall be stated on a basis of square feet of absorptive area
per bedroom rather than lineal feet of tile.
Results of actual percolation tests conducted on the site o~' proposed
purification field. Such tests shall be made by the owner under, the
direct aupervision of the Health Department and in accordance with
a standard procedure as recommended by the Virginia State Health
c. Determination of Absorptive Area from Results of Percolation Tests
Shall be in Accordance with the Following Table:
Average Time in Hinutes
Fo~ Water Level to'
Lower _One Inch
10 minutes or less
21-30 minutes
31-40 minutes
51-60 minutes
Over 60minutes
Effective Absorption Area (Area in
bottom:ofdisposal, trench)'inSquare
Feet ~r Bedroomor per 100 gal, per-:
da~.of~..esttmated.water use ......
Unsuitable for subsurface drainage
On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, public hearing on proposed amended Sub-
division Ordinance was carried over to the regular March 15, 1962, Board Meeting.
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, the Office of the
Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of January, 196~, were presented, and onmotion of Mr. Thraves,
seconded by Mr. Sutherland, these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurzed in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with
S~nm~ary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of January, 1962. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded
by Mr. Garnett, these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Claim of the Jail Physician for the month of January, 1962, in the amount of $14.OO was
presented, and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett, was approved for payment.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of January, 1962, were presented
in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
~laim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $862.75 for hospitalization of
indigent patients was received and on motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves, was approved
for payment,
Claim of the County Executive for the month of January, 1962, was presented, approved, and
Hinimum installation shall be for a two-bedroom horse.
Construction shall be in accordance with the following specifications:
(a) Ail trenches in a purification field shall be the same width and
length, and the foilowing st~n~ dards shall be required:
(1) Minimum n~mber of lines per field, 2.
(2) ~ximum length of individual lines, 100 feet.
(3) Minimum bottom width of trench, 18 inches.
(4) Naximum depth of cover of tile lines, 24 inches.
(5) Preferred depth of cover of tile lines, 16 inches.
(6) Grade of tile lines . . . 2" to 4" per 100 feet.
(?) Spacing of trenches . . . at least 6. feet apart.
(8) Ninimum filter material under tile, 6 inches.
(9) Minimum filter material over tile, 2 inches.
Pipe used for the lines between the septic tank and distribution
box, on all lines within 10 feet of dwelling, under paved areas
and on all ma~n laterals~ from distribution box in fields constructe~
on sloping ground, shall be bell and spigot type of vitrified olay
or concrete wi?h watertight joints or fiber pipes, Pipe used under
driveWays or other areas subject to heavy loads shall b® bell and
spigot cast iron with leaded joints. Such Sections laid in the
purification field shall not be considered in determining the
effective absorption area.
Field tile used in the purification field shall be not less than 4
inches in diameter and shall be laid with $ inch open Joints.
(1) Ail open joints shall be protected, on top,..by strips of
asphalt-treated building paper at least 10 inches long and
3 ~ 6 inches wide.
(2) Ail bends used in the purification field shall have a water-
tight joint at each end of the. bend.
Filter material shall be hard and durable, Of crushed stone,
gravel, slag, or similar material.
(1) Such material may vary from --~ to 3 inches in size.
Grade boards, securely staked in the bottom of the trench, or
other means approved by the Joint Health Department, shall be
provided to ~ure that the pipes shall be laid with a grade
of 2 inches to 4 inches per hundred feet.
On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, public hearing on proposed amended Sub-
division Ordinance was carried over to the regular March 15, 1962, Board Neeting.
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, the Of'fice of the
Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of January, 1965, were presented, and on motion of ~r. Thraves,
seconded by ~r. Suther!and, these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along with
Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of January, 1962. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded
by Mr. Garnett, these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Claim of the Jail Physician for the month of January, 1962, in the amo~t of $14.00 was
presented, and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Garnett, was approved for payment.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of January, 1962, were presented
in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
~laim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $862.75 for hospitalization of
indigent patients was received and on motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by~r. Thraves, was approved
for payment,
Claim of the County Executive for the month of January, 1962, was presented, approved, and
SOTION~V', If, upon any inspection the Health Director er his authorize~
agent shall find any1 violations, of this ordinance and/or the previsions of the
permit~ issued under it, he shall direct the person, firm or corporation to whom
the permit was issued by v~itten notice to make the necessary corrections with-
in such reasonable time as shall be specified ~therein.
SECTION VI. It shall beunla~ul for any owner or any tenant or lessee
of any premises properly supplied v~th a sanitary privy er flush toilet or
other approved device for the disposal off,human excrement to misuse er neglect
the same, so as to allow it or cause it to cease to be sanitary.
SECTION VII, It shall be unlawful for any person, firm-or corporation to
start any new subdivision or housing or housing development or dwelling before
furnishing plans and specifications of the sewer sys.tem o~r sewage disposal
system to be used, together with plans 'for the anticipated water System to be
used fm the proposed structure or structures. These plans an~ specifications
must be approved by the County Health ~Department before the issuance efa
building permit°.
~ECTION VIII. No persons, firm or corporation shall engage in the
business of cleaning septic tanks without an annual permit which shall be
issued by the Joint Health Department and shall be renewable on December 31,
of each year. The issuance 1of such ~ permit · Shall~be~ contingent upon (1) the
approval by t. he Health Department of the e~uipment,, (2) satisfactory compliance
with regulations as listed below, (3)'the payment-Sf 'a fee annually of $$.00
A. The tank into which the septic tank
and carrie~, shall be fully enclosed
~ed Or delivered
All inlets and outlets to such ~tank Shall be fully enclosed and
provided with watertight valves.
Suction and disch~rge~hose shall be watertight and provision shall
be made for carrying such hose in a manner that will prevent any
leakage therefrom.
D. All exposed surfaces shall be painted and maintained in a sanitary
condition-by £zequent waShings,
E. The name and ad'ess ~of the person, firm or corporation owning or
operating such equipment shall be painted thereon in letters at
least 4 inches high.
It shall be unlawful to dispose of the sludge and other material
removed from septic tanks except by depositing it under the sur-
face 'of the ground or in such other manner as may be approved by
the Health Department~
SECTION IX. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to
install a pit p~ivy in Albemarle C
ounty except in accordance with plans and
specifications which shall' be furnished on request.
SECTION X. Any person, firm or corporation wh~ shall neglect, fail or
refuse to comply with the pr~visions of this ordinance; the permit ~ u~der
it as provided in Section IV, or the written notice within the time specified
On motion of Nr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Palmer, public hearing on proposed amended Sub-
division Ordinance was carried over to the regular March 15, 1962,-Board Nesting.
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, the Office of the
Co~onwealth's Attorney for the month of JanUary, 1965, were presented, and on motion of Mr. Thraves,
seconded by Nr. Sutherland, ~hese Statements were exemined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along With
Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of January, 1962. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded
by Mr. Garnett, these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Claim of the Jail Physician for the month of January, 1962, in the amount of $14.O0 was
presented, and on motion of Nr. Harris, seconded by Nr. Garnett, was approved for payment.
Reports of the Department of Public Nelfare for the month of January, 1962, were presented
in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
~laim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $862.75 for hospitalization of
indigent patients was received and on motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by~r. Thraves, was approved
for payment,
Claim of the County Executive for the month of January, 1962, was presented, approved, and
in ~uch notice, as provide~ in Section V, shall be guilty of a misdemean~er~
shall be fined not less than $10~00 nor more than $25.00; and each day's
centinuance to so viOlate this ordinance, or any of its provisions, shall
constitute a separate offen~eo
SECTION XI. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with. the
provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION XII. Should any Section, paragraph,.~ sentence, clause or phrase
of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the
remainder of said ordinance shall not be affected thereby.
RE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance be, ~and is~hereby, made
effective on an after the 'J~'~ ~ day of . ~Y~g~ ~, 19~i.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that' the county COurt of this Ceunty be furr~shed~
with a certified copy of this ordinance, and that complaints for the offenses
hereinabove set forth be prosecuted under the terms of this ordinance, and
that~ all fines imposed under this ordinance shall be collected and paid te
the credit of the Gen~al RevenueI ~d of this County.
On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mro Palmer, public hearing on proposed amended Sub-
division Ordinance was carried over to the regular March 15, 1962, Board Neeting.
Statements of Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, the Office of the
Co~monwea!th's Attorney for the month of January, 196~, were presented, and on motion of ~r. Thraves,
seconded by Mr. Suther!and, these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was submitted along With
Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of January, 1962. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded
by Mr. Garnett, these Statements were examined, verified and approved.
Claim of the Jail Physician for the month of January, 1962, in the amount of $14.00 was
presented, and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by~r. Garnett, was approved for payment.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of January, 1962, were presented
in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
~laim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $862.75 for hospitalization of
indigent patients was received and on motion of ~r. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Thraves, was approved
for payment,
Claim of the County Executive for the month of January, 1962, was presented, approved, and
On motion of Mr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Harris, rules with regard to second reading were
suspended and the following resolution unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
that the following appropriations be and the same hereby are made for the month of
March, 1962, from the funds and for the functions or purposes indicated;
For the operation of general county agencies and
services, to be transferred to the General Operating
Fund and expended only on order of the Board of
Supervisors, as follows:
lA Board of County Supervisors
1AA Miscellaneous Services
lB County Executive's Office
lC Department of Finance
1D Collection of Delinquent Land Taxes
1E Board of Equalization
1F Tax Map
1G County Planning Commission
1H Industrial Advancement and Development
4 Recording of Documents
5A Circuit Court
5B County Court
5C Commonwealth Attorney's Office
6A Policing and Investigating
6C Confinement and Care of Prisoners
7 Fire Prevention and Extinction
Operation of County Dump No. 1
7C Operation of County Dump No. 2
7E Operation of County Dump No. 4
8D Public Welfare - Lunacy Commission
9 Public Health
ll Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics
13 Elections
14 Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds
15 General Stores
Total Appropriations to General Operating Fund
For the operation of the Department of Welfare, to
be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance
Fund and expended only on order of the Welfare Board
4, 8gl. 66
$ 26,271.99
$ 24,401.00
For the operation of Public Schools, to be trans-
ferred to the School Fund and expended only on order
of the School Board, as follows:
Evening, Part-Time, etc.
Other Instructional Costs
Co-Ordinate Activities
Auxiliary Agencies - Transportation of Pupils
17.51 Other Auxiliary Agencies
17.6 Operation of School Plant
17.61 Maintenance of School Plant
17.7 Fixed Charges
17.10 Operating Costs - Jackson P. Burley High School
17.8 Capital Outlay
Total ~or Operating ~ublic Schools
For Scholarships in aid of education, to be trans-
ferred to the Scholarship Fund, and expended only
on order of the. School Board
$ 2,610.83
16,300 · O0
~,~__ . ~ -0-_~' "."~
$ 60,000.00
For the operation of the Joint Health Department,
to be transferred to the Joint Health Department
Fund and expended only on order of the Joint
Health Board.
For the protection of livestock and fowl and other
operations of the Dog Tax Fund, to be expended
only on order of the Board of Supervisors
$ 450~007
For the operation Of the Central Fire District,
to be expended only on order of the Board of
For the operation of the Crozet Sanitary
District, to be expended only on order of
the Board of Supervisors
$ 5OO.OO
For construction on special school projects,
_to be transferred to the Special School Capital
Outlay Fmud, and expended only on order of the
School Board.
19.1 Scottsville High School
19.3 West Side Elementary School
19.5 Esmont Elementary School
19.6 Shadwell Elementary School
19.7 Albemarle High School
19.8 Meriwether Lewis Elementary School
19.9 Greenwood Elementary School
19.lO Re~ Hill Elementary School
19.11 Crozet Elementary School
19.12 Stony Point Elementary School
19.13 Broadus Wood Elementary School
Total Special School Capital Outlay Fund
$ 90,000.00
Communication was received from the City Co~cil enclosing resolution with regard to the
Blue Ridge Sanatorium and was ordered filed.
Communications were received from Senator E. O. McCue, Jr. and Delegate Richard H. ~iddleton
acknowledging receipt of resolutions from this Board adored at the last regular meeting.
Report was received from the Insurance Committee recommending that the County continue its
present contract with Travelers Insurance Company for-group insurance of its employees and recommendin
further that such insurance program be reviewed annually. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by~r.
Harris, this report was accepted, and ordered filed.
Communication was received from Hugh F. Simms, Jr.., Real Estate Assessor, advising that his
office had erroneously assessed house belonging to John N. Crafaik located at 2806 Northfields Road,
and investigatibn proved that said hause was only ~0% complete as of January 1, 1961. The letter
stated further that ~ax~on the full assessment amounted to $142.84 whereas the tax on the basis of 40%
would have been $56.98, entitling Mr. Crafaik to a refund of $85~86. On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded
hyMr. Palmer, It was ordered that Mr. Crafaik be refunded $85186 on the basis of Mr. Simms' report.
The County Executive advised that photostatic copy of letter from State-Planters under date
of August 4, 1961, had been received from the National Bank with regard to substitution of securities
under escrow. He further advised that the County's copy of this communication had apparently gone
astray. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Harris, the following resolution was unanimously
adopted, ratifying the above mentioned change in escrow:
WHEREAS, the National Bank and Trust Company, Charlottesville, Virginia,
Depository, has requested the substitution of certain securities held by the State
Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts, Richmond, Virginia, Escrow Agent, in accor-
dance with Escrow Agreement by and between the National Bank and Trust Company,
the State Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts, M. N. Pence, Director of Finance of
the County of Albemarle, and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County-.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the National Bank be and is hereby authorized to
pledge the following:
$26,000.00 U.S. Treasury 3-3/4% Notes due 8/15/64.
#28230 (1M) 13852 (5M) 43224/25 (2 x iOM) with
2/15/62 and s.c.a.
AND, upon the pledge and delivery of the foregoing, the State Planters Bank of
commerce and Trusts is-hereby authorized to release the following:
$26,000.00 U.S. Treasury 2-3/4% Bonds due 9/15/61.
The following resolution was received from the Albemarle County Planning Commission:
That the Albemarle County Planning Commission, with the concurrence of the
County Board of Suoervisors, urge the General Assembly of Virginia to
consider carefully the implications of House Bill Number 10, which has many
objectionable features, among which are:
ArC,clue t _ para~l -~,
which gives planning commissions powers beyond those which are
solely advisory.
Article 2 Par_a~ ~hs ~r962 t~962_~.,
which confers powers on INTERSTATE regional planning commissions to
the derogation of the pow~rs of local elected officials.
~ Article ~Par~h~5~-~6~,
which limits the use of privately owned property after is has
.... ~_ been recorded on "an official mapt', obviously a violation of
private property rights, as eminent domain is not involved.
which permits concurrent jurisdiction over county areas by several
municipalities with possible overlapping jurisdictions.
On motion of ~r. Palmer, seconded by Nr. Thraves, the foreoing resolution was approved and it was
ordered that copies be mailed to Senator E. O. ~cCue, Jr., Delegate Richard H. Niddleton, and the
Committee on Towns, Cities and Counties.
Nr. Thraves stated that he wished~is objection recorded to the amount of license tax being
charged under the present Ordinance for female dog tags. ~r. Thraves was advised that this ordinance
could not be amended at this time due to the fact that 1962 dog tags EaR been on sale since November l,
1961, and the majority of 1962 tags had been sold.
Co~aunication was received from Dr. Alfred F. De, ilia regard this Board's denial of his
Dog Tax Claim dated November 23, 1961. Dr. DeNilia stated that the Deg Narden recommended that this
claim be paid. However, upon examination of the claim, it was found that the Dog Warden noted on same
"Claim in doubt". It was ordered that Dr. De~ilia be advised of this fact.
Claims against the Dog Tax Fund were received from Nr. Robert F. Howard for three ewes killed
by dogs. On motion of Nr. ~hraves, seconded by Nr. Harris, ~r. Howard was allowed ~18.OO for each of
these ewes.
Claims against the Dog Tax Fund were received from Nr;~T. A. Goodall for five ewes killed by
dogs. On motion of ~r. Thraves, .seconded by Nr. Harris, ~r. Goodall was allowed $15.00 for each of
these ewes.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Nr. William Thompkins for two pigs killed by
dogs. On motion of Nr. %braves, seconded by Mr. Harris, Nr. Thompkins was allowed $12.00 for each of
these pigs.
Nelfare Budget for the year ending June 30, 1963, was received and on motion of Nr. Sutherland
seconded by ~r. Palmer, the same :was approved in the following amounts:
Federal .......... $166,~00.00
State ........... !66,885.00
Local ............ 66,777.00
On. motion of Nr. Thraves, seconded by Mr. Palmer, the following resolution was unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County~
Virginia, that representatives in the Leg.islature be and they are hereby re-
quested to seek permissive legislation which would allow Albemarle County to
pay Welfare clients by voucher rather than by cash.
On motion of Nr. Harris, seconded by Nr. Thraves, Nr. R. C. Sours, Assistant Director of
Finance, was also named Director of Taxation, and the County Executive and Asst. County Executive were
directed to ~ provide~ the Finance Committee with an outline of duties of the Director of Taxatio~
said outline to be approved by the Committee and presented to this Board at the next regular meeting
for approval.
Claims against the County amounting to $253,253.23 were presented, examined and allowed and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment, and charged against the following funds:
General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Fund
Virginia Public Assistance Fund
Scholarship Fund
Central Fire District Fund
Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
$ 27,966.60