HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-21A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office BuildLug of said County on the 21~t day of March, 1951. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McOue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams, and W. W. Wood. Absent: Noneo Officers present: County .~:ecutive and Commonwealth'~ Atto:m~ey. Minutes of the meetings of February 21, March 8, and March 13, 1951, were read sad approved. ~. Clyde Ellington of the State Highway Department appeared regarding the Board's resolution adopted at the regular February meeting concerning work on Route 20 for which there is a current $139,000.00 allocation and advised that if this work is not done before June 30, 1951, the allocation will be carried over. ~r. Ellington also advised that the plans for the Crozet sidewalk were being revised and as soon as. they are complete, ~. Ross of the Highway Department would meet with Mr. Chiles and Mr. Sam Clark who have been working on this project. ~he following Viewers' Reports were presented and upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by~m. Nilli~ms, were accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: (1) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on Janusmy 17, 1951 to view the following described section of road and make report to yourBoard, hereby wish to advise you that on February 15, 1951, we viewed this section of road and make the following report~ Beginning at the &nd of state maintenance on Route 805 a~ Covesville and continuing in a westerly direction for one mile, we find that there are two homes at the ex- treme end of proposed addition and two near beginning of section but we ~o not be- lieve that there is sufficient public service to be rendered to justify making this a public road, therefore, we recommend that this petitioned-for section not be added to the State Highway S~bondary System. (Signed) H.N. Clark C. C. Made J. G. White (2) We~ the undersigned, be~/ngViewers appointedbyyourBoard at its regular meeting on January 17, 1951 to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise you that on February 15~ 1951 we viewed this section of road and ms~e the following report- Beginning at State Route 630 and being the old C.C.C. road, for a distance of ap- proximately 0.4 of a mile, thence in a northerly direction through woodland for 1.1 miles to the Philip Jones' residence. . Although this road shows very much traffic at this time, it is our opmnion that there is not sufficient public service to be rendered over same to justify placing it in the State Secondary System. (Signed) H. N. Clark C. C. Wade J. G. ~hite (3) We, the Undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 17, 1951 to view the following described section of road and make report to your'Board, hereby wish to advise you that on February 15, 1951, we viewed this section of road and make the following report. Beginning at the end of State maintenance on792 at Alberene and continuing for ap- proximately 0.3 of a mile to two company houses on hill. Ne find that traffic over this section of road would be practically entirely private. We do not see that there is sufficient public service to justify placing same in the State Secondary System. (Sig~ed) H.N. Clark C. C. Wade J. G.V~nite (4) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 17, 1951, to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise you that on February 15, 1951 we viewed this section of road and make the following report: Beg~ing at Route 631 at entrance to the Horseshoe Community and continuing in a westerly direction for ~ miles, we find that this section of road does not provide sufficient genuine public service to warrant its being placed in the State Secondary Road System. (Signed) H. N. Clark C. C. Wade J. G. White (5) We, the undersigned, b~g Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 17, 1951, to view the following described section of road and make report to Beginning at Route 20 approximately two miles north of charlottesville and extending in a northwesterly direction for 0.8 of a mile. We find that although this road serves some five families as an outlet, it is not so located that it~ would develop into a public Service road; therefore, we recommend to your Board the rejection of this section of road as being added to the-State Secon- dary System. (Signed) H.N. Clark C. C. Wade J. G. White (6) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed byyourBoard at its regular meeting on January 17, 1951 to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise you that on February 15, 1951 we viewed this sec- tion of road and make the following report: Beginning at the end of State maintenance on Route 639 south from Lindsay and contin- uing in a soUthern direction to the Barr's on Nrs. Arbogast's place, a distance of 0.3 of a mile. We walked over this property with Mrs. Arbogast and we feel that as a private read it is needed but we cannot see any public service to be Eotten from same; therefore, we recommend to your Board that this reGuest be denied. (Signe~) H. N. Clark C. C. Wade' ~. G. White (7) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by yot~ Board at its regular meeting on January 17, 1951 to view the following described section of road and make report'~to you~ Board, hereby wish to advise you that on February 15, 1951 we viewed this sec- tion of road and make the following report: That section of old Route 22 leaving present Route 22 just east of the Zion Hill Baptist Church near Cismont, Virginia and continuing for abour 400 or 500 yards. We find that the properties of the petitioners are located so close to the macadam road and have a short distance of unimproved road to get to same. We believe that they should, without too great an expense to themselves personally, be able to main- tain this old right of way for their private Use. Therefore, not seeing any value to the public, we recommend to your Board that this section of road not be placed in the State Secondary System. (Signed) H. N. Clark C. C. Wade J. G. White (8) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at-its regular meeting on January 17, 1951, to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on February 16, 19~l we viewed ~is section of road and make the following report: Beginnin~ at the end of State maintenance on Route 806 and extending in a northerly direction, ending at the Greene Coomty line at Mr. Hudsons'. We find that this section of road serves two homes, approximately 0.5 of a mile from its beginning, but we do not believe that. this should be developed into a through road for connecting traffic from this section of Albemarle County to present secondary road in Greene County as the e~pense would be too great to justify opening same. We recommend that this petition be denied and no addition made to the Secondary High- way System at this location. (Signed) H. N. Clark C. C. Wade J. G. White (9) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 17, 1951, to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise ti~at on February 16, 1951, we viewed this section of road and make the following report: From E.O.L. of Charlottesville approximately 50 ft. each of Ridge Street extending in a southeasterly direction for approximately 0.3 of a mile to dead end. We found that the right of way on the west side of this section was not clear and that both telephone emd power poles would interfere with development. We cannot recommend any action on this section until right of way is guaranteed on both sides of proposed section. We recommend that this petition be denied and no addit~oh made to secondary highw2y system at this location. (Signed) H. N. Clark C. C. Wade J. G. m~te (10) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 17, 1951, to view the following described section of road and me&e report to your Board, hereby wish tb advise that on February l6, 1951, we viewed this section of road and make the following report~ Beginning at the corner of Greene Street and Palatine Avenue near the southeast corporate limits of Charlottesville down Palatine Avenue to the intersection of old We find that this section of road serves .a subdivision as defined by th~ Virginia Department of HighwaYs and cannot be considered .until requirements for ~ Subdivi- sion road are met; ~i.+e.., graded, drained~ stabilmzed to a depth of six ~nches with a 20 ft. surface tr~a~ed surface. ~ ~ We recommend that this petition be denied and no addition made to seuon~ary Highway System at this location. (Signed) H.N. clark C. C. Wade' J. G. Rite (ll) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed byyour Board at it~ regular meeting- on January 17, 1951, to view the following described section of road and ms-ke-~epbrt~ to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on February 16, 1951 we viewed this section of road and make the following report: Begirn~ing at the NCL of Charlottesville on Locust Avenue continuing along Locust Avenue extending to End Street for a distance of 1300 ft. then east on End Street for a distance of 400 ft. to St. ClainAvenue then south on'St. Clair Avenue 400ft. to River Road and end. We find that this section of road serves a subdivision as defined by the Virginia De- partment of Highways and cannot be considered until requirements for a subdivision road are met; i.e., graded, drained, stabilized to a depth of six inches with a 20 ft. surface treated surface. We recommend that this petition be denied and no addition made to secondary Highway System at this location. (SiEcor.ed) H. N. Clark C. C. Nade J. G. White Reports were also received from the Viewers on an extension of Route 745, a relocation of a portion of Route 765, and a relocation of a road through the property of Richard G. Durrette to the property of James Rogers near Barboursville, each of the foregoing reports included conditions for ac- ceptance. ~ir. Robinson advised that Mr. Shields had suggested that all petitioners on these roads be summonsed to appear befor the Board at its next regular meeting to Ehow why the reports of the .Viewers sh~ld not be accepted. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Chiles, it was ordered that all petitioners on the foregoing named roads be summonsed to appear before the Board at its April 18, 1951, meeting in accordnace with Nr. Shield's suggestion. Communications were received from the State Highway Department regarding Secondary Road Al- locations for 1951-52 and tentative Primary Construction Allocations for 1951-52 s.nd were deferred u~util Mr. Shields can meet with the Board regarding these matters. Communication was received from the State Department of Highways stating its intent to convey a piece of property on Route 250 and was referred to Mr. D. B. Marshall, Cormnonwealth's Attorney. Nr. D. A. Robinson advised the Board that Nr. George Omohruudro had contacted him regarding a promise of last year's vimwers to view this year that part 'of a road which was not taken into the Secon- dary System last year. ~ir. Dorrier ad~lsed that Mr. OmohUndro had not contacted him ragarding this matter. No action was taken on this matter. ~Sr. Chiles reported to the Board that the outlet from the property of Nartha Gillock which thi~ Board recommended to be taken in to the Secondary System in 1948 had not been improved. ~r. Ellington advised that there was nothing in the EighwayDepartment files on this road and that he would investi- gate this matter further. Claim of Donald F. Gledhill for two lambs killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by ~. Wood and seconded by~. Ballard, ~{~. Gledhill was allowed $10.00 each for these lambs. Claim of J. T. Via for one ewe killed by dogs wa~ presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard!~ anA seconded by Nr. ~ood, it was ordered that Mr. Via be paid $30.00 for this ewe. Claim of Miss ~argaret D. 5andolph for one lamb was presented. Upon motion, made by ~. Wood and seconde~ by ~m. Ballard, ~Iiss Randolph was allowed $10.00 for this lamb. Claim of J. N. Templeton for seven hens killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and secondec by ~Lr. Ballard, Mr. Templeton was allowed $1~25 each for these hens. Claim of Iram A. Mullman for one calf was presented. Upon motion, made by Nr. ~ood s~ud seconded by ~%%r. Ballard, this claim was defiled due to the fact that the claimant uout~ not furnish suf- Claim of J. W. Johns for ~vo sheep, one registered, was presented. Upon motion, made by ~oOd and seconded by ~r. ~illiams, ~r. Johns was allowed $30.00 each for these sheep. Claim of Byron B. Cain for one cal~ killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Nr. ~ood and seconded by ~lr. Willies, Mr. Cain was allowed $75.00 for this calf. Claim of E. T. Covington for one calf killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by ~r. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that ~lr. Covington be paid $120.00 for this calf. Report of the County Executive for the month of February, 1951,was presented and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses, of the Department of Finance for the month of February, 1951. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Nr. D. A. Robinsoh, Director of Fins~uce, submitted a Statemeht of Expenses of the Sheriff's office for the month of February, 1951, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, du~ made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Common- wealth's Attorney's Office for the month of February, 1951, one-half of v~hich to be borne by ~he State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was e~mined verified and approved. Statement of Expenses o f expenses incurred in the maintenance of the Jail for the month of January as corrected to show the charges made by the City of Charlottesville for keep of County prisoner in the City Jail and for the month of February, 1951, and a statement showing the summary of prisoner~ days was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, these statements were examined, verified and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amo~t of $10.00 was presented and approved for payment. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $363.16, of which one-half is Eo be paid by the County, was presented an~ approved for payment,. Nr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, presented reports of the Welfare Department for the month of February, 1951, in accordance with Chapter 371 of the Acts of the Assembly of 1950. Report of the District Home Board for the months of January and February, 1951, was presented and approved. Report of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library for the month of February, 1951, was presented an~ approved. A~ In connection with the appointment of an Assistant to the County Executive, r. D. B. Narshall Commonwealth's Attorney~ presented anoopinion of the Attorney C~neral, Mr. J. LLuds~y Almond, Jr., which Mr. Almond approved such an appointment. Upon motio~, made by ~ir. Nilliams and seconded b~y Nr. Ballard, ~. Samuel S. Clark was appointed as Assistant to the County Executive. An offer of $190.00 was received from Kate and ~artie Dillard for a tract of land taken over by the County in a tax sale ~uaranteeing the County $15.00 per month until the pure,base price of $190.00 is paid. Upon motion, made by ~. Williams and seconded by ~r. Ballard, this ~ffer was accepted ~nbSect to the approval of the Circuit Court. The following extract f~om minutes was received from the City Council regarding the water sup- pl~ for the proposed Central High School: The City ~.&~uager Presented a communication from the County Bo~d of Super- viser~ of Albemarle County accepting the City's terms under which water would be supplied to serve the High School proposed to be erected on the Nine Nile Circle, and also e~ressing the thanks of t~hat bo~y for the Council's favorable action on their request in the matter. The communication requested that the City consider furnishing water from the corporate limits instead of from the present termination of the water main on Route #29, North, near its intersection with Barracks Road. The City Nanager advised that in accordanc~ with a report of the Pitometer C?$pany the City did not propose to construct this main along Route #29, North, to the Corporate Limits, but to extend the s~me along Barracks Road to Rugby Road. On motion the City ~anager was r0quosted to acknowledge receipt of the ~bove-mentioned communication .and to advise the County Board of Supervisors that the City does not at this time have any plans for the extension of the water main along Route #29 to Mr. H. A. Haden, member of the City Council, met with the Board regardi~ furnisl~ings for the local office of Justice Lamuel F. Smith. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by ~r~ ~illiams, Er. NcCue was requested- to appoint a committee to work with ~ similar' committee from the City in making s~table or appropriate furnishings for the Justice's Office. Nr~. ~cCue appointed Mr. Dorrier and Mr. ~illiamm to serve on this committee. Comm~_uication was received from ~r. J. Ho Bradford, Director of the Budget of the Commonwealth of Virginia, adv,_sing that the probable per capita distribution of ABC profits to the localities as estimated by Mr. S. C. Day, Jr., Assistant Comptroller, would be $~.00 to $3.05 and the estimates of ~.~. Day on ~ine Tax would be SG.l& to $0.15. Mr. Robinson advised that the County's share on this estimated basis would be $8~,960.00. Communication was r~ceived from ~. J. ~. ~illiams, County Director of Civilian Defense, Mr. James E. Bowen, City Coordinator of Civilian Defense, and Mr. ~illiam B. Tre-~lllian, Chapter Chair- man of the Local Red Cross, regarding Civilian Defense in our locality. Mr. ~itliams called the Board's attention to the fact that the $250.00 appropriation for Civilian Defense was practically expended and requested that the Board make an additi~onal appropriation for this purpose. Upon motion, made by Mr. ~illiams and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, the following reso~ lution-was unanimously adopted~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, ~hat $250.00, or as much thereof as necessary, be and is hereby appro- priated from the Unappropriated Reserve of~the General Fun~ to be used for expen- ditures in connection with Civilian Defense. Communication was received fr. om the League of Nomen Voters recommending that the County main- tain the rate of $~.50 for at least one more year and suggesting that any surplus that might accrue this one year be applied to the Special School Capital Outlay Commumication was received from the State Chamber of Commerce and ordered filed, ~. Williams called the Board's attention to the large ~mou~b of trash being dumped along the highway~ in the County and expressed the opinion that the Board should try to do something to correct this situation. In answer to a question raised by ~. Williams, ~. Marshall advised that he would have to investigate the law to see if the County has the authority to pass an ordinance with respect to dump- lng trash along the highways. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconde~ by 5~. Wood, Mr. D. A. Robinson, Oounty Executive, was requested to write a letter to the Sheriff requesting that his offic~ do everything in its power to enforce the existing State Laws in regard to this matter. The matter of offering a reward was discussed and it was ordered that a reward up t~o $50.00-be offered to ~auy person, with the exception of Law Enforcement Officers, leading to the conviction of persons dumpi, ng trash along the State rights of way, subject to approval by the Commonwealth's Attorney. Annual reports ~r~ received from the Co%u~ty Agent and Home Demonstration Agent and ordered filed. A communication pre~-iously received from George Stacy, student of the University, which had been previously referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney for advice, was discussed and upon recommendation of the Commonwealth's Attorney Mr. Robinson was instructed to advise ~Ar. Stacy that it was 'his duty to er~%rce the collection of taxes assessed against him the same as any other taxpayer. Communication was read from Robert Hummer, Copeley Hill student, regarding his pa~ due taxes. Mr. Robinson stated that ~¢~. Hummer had previously expressed his financial embarassment in not being able to ~ayc~hes&ita~s~ oMr';LRe~inson was requested not £o force collection of these taxes. Claims against the County amoumting to $111,923.0! were presented, examined, and. allowed, and certified to the Director of Finance for payment s. nd cb~rged against the following ~f~uds: General Fund $ 18,310.44 School Fund 69,157.62 Dog Tax Fund 572.50 Crozet Fire District Fund 44.17 Joint Health Fund NcIntire Trust Fund Special School Capital Outlay Fund School Construction Bond Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Due from S. ~. Cedar Rust Fun~d Due from W. H. Cedar Rust Fund Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. $ 3,163.A5 201.00 17,173.91 1,757.84 386.50 559.80 $111,923.01 Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 18th day of April, 1951. Present: Messrs. ¢. Purcell McCue, E. J. Bal!aw~, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dottier, J. W. Williams and W. W. Weed. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive amd Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the' Meeting of March 21, 1951, were read and approved. The matter of the County offering a $50.00 reward to persons leading to the conviction of anyone guilty of dumping trash along the highways~ in the County was again discussed. Mr. D. B. Marshal] Commonwealth's Attorney, advised the Board that the statute permitted Boards of Supervisors to offer rewards in felong cases only'. The Board instructed Mr. Marshall to obtain an opinion of the Attorney General on this matter. Nr. W. W. Shields, Resident~ Highway Engineer, appeared and discussed with the Board the High- way Department's proposed Budget for the year 1951-52 and advised that the proposed expenditures are $38,000.00 in excess of the estimated allocations and that he would contact each Supervisor individuall~ to determine where the excess amoo~t ~u~ be red, ced. The outlet from the property of Miss Nartha Gilleck was discussed and ~r. J. W. Williams ad- vised that he would write to Dr. Anderson who owns the prop~rty over which said outlet runs, regarding the right of way and Mr. Shields also advised that ~e would investigate this matter further. It was the expressed feeling of the Board that if this road had not been taken into the Secondary Sys~ in 1948 as this Board had recom~aended, it should be' done this year. Mr. Phil Jones appeared and requested the Board to recommend the State Highway Department to macadamize Route 630 from Scottsville leading to North Garden and on to the Nelson County Line, a dis- tance of approximately six miles. Mr. Jones advised that he had been assured by a member of the Nelson County Board of Supervisors that if the Albemarle section of Route 630 was macadamized, that portion of the road in Nelson County would also be improved. Nr. Chiles advised Mr. Jones that he felt this road should be s.~adied along with all other requests for road improvements. Mr. Jones also expressed his dissatisfaction with ~e report of the Viewers on a road described as begin~zhug at Route 630 and continuing for a distance of approximately 0.4 of a mile, thence in a northerly direction tkrough woodland for 1.1 miles to Philip. Jones' residence. Mr. Jones advised that there were eight families living along one mile of this road, that it is used for a school bus route and a mail route, and requested that the Board go over the Viewers' Report and to compare its merit along with the road at Barboursville leading through the property of Richard Durrette to the property of James Rogers. Mr. McCue advised Mr. Jones that this matter would be taken under consideration. Upon motion, made by Mm. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Williams, Nr. McCue was-requested to appoint a committee to work With Mm. Shields in investigating ~r. Jones' claim. of the merit of each road rather than the recommendations of viewers appointed by the Board. This matter was discussed but no action was taken. Mr. Eo H. Bain asked Ur. Shields the status of the Crozet Sidewalk. Mr. Shields advised that th~s matter was still being discussed in Richmond and as seen as the question of the allocation for same is settled, he would advise Mr. Bain accordingly. Admiral Wright appeared and requested the Board te recommend thmt the Highway Department main- taim Route 682 leadi~ from Nechums River and known as the Broad Ax Road so that it eau be ordinarily usable. Nr. Shields advised Admiral Wright that the Highway Department has current plans for draining this road and also for putting gravel on it. Mr. J. B. Kegley appeared and advised the Board that the petitioners for an extension of Route 745 would accept the condition set forth in the Viewers Report but did not feel that it was a fair ~ondition and would rather the Board did not accept it. The Viewers' Report on this Read read as follows: W~e,tthe undersigned, being viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on Jannary 17, 1951, to view the following described section of road and m~Jce report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on February 15, 1951, we viewed this section of road and make the following report: Beginning at the end of State maintenance on Route 745 and continuing to the West for a distance of 0.6 mile to branch at forks of read. We find that this section of road is so located that it cannot be developed as a ~eugh road for serving the public traveling from one section of county to another section, but we believe that there is sufficient local travel to justify some con- sideration. We recommend that that section of the petitioned-for read beginning at the end of present State road No. 745, ~d following c&uter line of existing road, using 15 feet on each side of said center line for 0.3 mile, be placed in the Sec6ndary road system with the understanding that the petitioners improve the remaining part of petitioned- for section ~and not return to your Board for further addition. (Sig~ed) H. N. Clark C. C. Wade J. G. ~ite Upon motion,, made by Mr. Ch~iles and seconded by Mr. Wood, the foregoing Viewers.-' report was a~ cepte~ in accordance with Section 203~ of the virginia Code witd~ the exception ~f that part of the repoz~ reading "with the understanding that ~he petitiener~ improve the remaining part of petitioned-for sectie~ and not return to your Board for further additioh." Ur. Stuart Head, Attorney, appeared along with interested parties regarding ~he petition for a road thr~ough the property of Richard Durrette at Barboursville to the property of James W. Rogers. Head requested that the Beard not accept the Viewers' Report on this read in view of the expense involved to Mr. Rogers. Mr. Lockhart and Mr. Durrette advised that they had ~o objection to the road going ~hrou~ their property as proposed in the View. ers' Report.~ Upon motion, made by ~. Williams and seconded by Wood, it was ordered that the Board view this road witch I~. Shields en April 30th at 2:00 P.M., which motion was amended to include the viewiug of Route 630 on the morming of the same day. All members were request~ to meet Lu Mr. Robinson's office at 9:00 'A.M. on the 30th and Ur. Robinson was instructed te write Mr. Phil Jones of this action. Upon motion, made by ~. Chiles and seconded by ~r. Willisms, the following Viewers' Report was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code with the understanding that the corn- ditiens therein be met before June 30~ 195~ We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 17, 1951, to view the following described section of read and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise you that on February 16, 1951, we viewed this sec- tion of road and make the following report: In regard to the petition of Charles L. Bumstead, V. M. Coleman~ and J. Cassino dated September 9, 1950, we studied their request and believe that this change cation of road in order to get same away from the e~ emely close proximity to the buildLugs of Mr. Bumstead, is ~ matter for the petitioners along with all parties that the present Route 765 serves, to w6rk out and we ft~ther believe that all costs of relocating, grading and stabilizing of the new road Up to the sta~udar~ of the present Route 765, s~ould be borne by the petitioners requesting the relocation. The length of relocation not to exceed One mile. At the completion of the-above work by the petitioners satisfactory to the State Highway Engineer, we would recommend to your Board the closing of Route 765'from its intersection with Route 668 to the end at gate of Mint Spring Orchard property,. and the addimg of the 1.O mile of relocated and' im_uroved road. (Signed) H. N. Clark C. C. Wade J. G. White Mr. Walter .Young appeared regarding the water draining down on Summer Rest at Greenwood was advised that this was a matter to be taken up directly with the Highway Department. Mr. Shields appeare~ and advised that the SoUthern Railway is planning to build a new bridge over the read leading from Charlottesville at Rio at-a cost of $18, O00.00 of which $8,000.00 will have to be supplemented by the alloca~tion of highway funds to Albemarle County. Mr. Shields advised that thi would be necessary due to the fact that the Railroad Company was considering t~e fact ef increased traf- DESCR!~ fice on this read and was makLug provisions, for a double lane' bridge. Following a public hearing on the proposed budget for the year begin~ July 1, 1951, a~ ending June 30, 1952, at which time resolutions were received and opinions expressed endorsing .the pro- posed $3.50 tax rate, the budget was adopted as follOWs by the following recorded vote: Ayes: C. Pur- cell ~cCue, E. J. BaJ~lard, Hem~y Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams and W. W. Wood. Noes: No~e~ ION: Fumd, .S~ce and Item ~'.T~uI~' AT~D SURPLL~ / / Curren~ ('.51) $10,%0-0. @.45 (El.0.11) DelinqUent. LAND PJ~ EMPTt0NS FEES: ¢lerk Sherif: Commonw~ alth' s Attorney Transfe: BD. EISONERS - OTHER LOCALITIES of Finance Expenses Atty. 's Expenses $ Office Expenses Taxes of Jail, Care of Prisoners A.B.C. P~ofits Distribution Stock Tax Public iiAssistance Grs~ts REFUND ~N V.P.A. CHECKS RECO'~t~.~S V.P.A. ~ffND MILEAGE IIREFUND * DPW AUTC~0BILES GASOL!N~ TAX REFUNDS INT mS PRIMARYI FEES Pd3NTAI~F COUN~ PROPERTY LIC NSvF~~ DOG TAX iFUND TRANSFER SALE OF PROPEREY TOT Fm D Sale el Dog Tags (Gross) VIRG_~i. E~LIC ~o~T~C~ Ef~D: Transfer from General Fund ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JE~E 30, 1952 YEAR ENDING ~:JUNE 30, ~195~ Year Ended Year Ended Increase Over Dec, ease Under Fi Ju~e 30, 1950 June 30, 1951 Tentative Year Ending Year Ending Es [~ctual) ... (Estimated) Estimate June 30,. 1951 June~ 30, 1951~__~ 218,218.76 150,000.00 250,000.00 100,000.00 ~'-O- 25 SCHOOL COD~TY TAXES: Ourren' D~lin~ CASH APl STATE ~ General Super~ Vocati~ Specia~ superi! Transpt Princii 94,421.58 40, 824. 00 16,'560.00 -0- 24, 264.00 9,598.70 8,380,00 19,000.00 10,620.OO -0- 5,267.31 5,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 -0- 799.08 700.00 800.00 100.00 -O- 2,395-94 2,500.00 2,000.00 -0- 500.00 1 17,626.~3t 14,000.00 18,000.00 4,000.00 -0- 853.92 800.00 1,000.00 200.00 -0- 77.95 100.00 ~.00 -O- 50.00 701.10 600.00 700.00 100.00 -0- 1,968.55 2,000.00 2,000.00 '-0- -0- !,606.20 2, 500.00 3,000.00 500.00 -0- 9,ZJ~3.83 LI, 500.00 12,000.00 500.00 -0- 2,188.29 2,760,00 2,3i0.00 -0- 450.00 13,472.72 14,000.00 16,000.00 .2, O00.00 -0- 3,104.50 2,500.00 3,300.00 800.00 -0- 2, 591. 50 1, 800.00 3,000.00 1, 200.00 -0- 103,953.40 90,000.00 85,000.00 -0- 5,000.00 829.57 800.00 800.00 -O- -0- 89,054.51 125,565.50 137,466.00 11,900.50 -0- 1, 348.88 1, 000.00 1, 376.86 376.86 -O- 802.f~D --0- -0-., -0- -0- 72.95 -0- -0- -O- -0- 1, 358.64 500.~0 800.00 3 00. O0 -O- 445.60 30-O0 400.00 370.00 -O- 1,000.00 -0- 5,000.00 5,000.00 -0- 2.88 -0- -0- -O- ~O- 7,677.50 9,060.00 8',600.00 -0- 460.00 400.00 500.00 400.00 -0- 100.O0 3,83 5.47 ~858.00 -0- ~ -0- 858.00 -? -o.- -c- 600,960.39 488,277.50 595~.562.8~ 138,967.36 31,682~ . . ~__0~. 59! 9,977.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 -0- -O- 2 ~1' bimate Boa~ rd ~, 000. O0 4409.00 ~, 580.00 ~, 000.00 8OO.OO ~, 000.00 ~117,800.00 152,000.00 !57'600.00 5, 600.00 -O- 15 ('51) $18,400. @ 2.27(Ef.2.522)364,918.42 ~ut Taxes -0- 18,000.00.' ~ ,GO0.00 50.00 700.00 ~,000.00 1 ~,000.00 ~.,310.00 1 ~,000.00 1,300.00 1,000.00 4000.00 800.00 13 ~,466.00 ~,376.86 -0- 800.0O · 400.00 5.000.00 -0- ;, 600.00 400.00 -O- ~,982.86 'ROREIATION ~DS: · Appropriation .sion .naI Education · Education ;tendent' s Salary ~rtation , ~ls Salaries 386, Z~O.00 417,680.00 31,280-O0 -0- -0~ -0- -O- -0- -O~ -0- -0- -0- -0- 185,614'50 196,282.00 202,078100 5,796-00 -0- 6,999.99 7,000.00 7,000.00 -0- -~0- 17,808 ~893' 16, 200.00 20,400.00 4, 200.00 -0- 18.1_3 -0- -O- -0- -0- 2,119.O0 1,956.00 !,950.00 -O- ~.O~ 67, 245.91 ~5,~000.00 55,000. O0 -O- -0- 1,333.32 1,325.OO 1, 665. O0 340.OO ), 000.00 4680.00' -0- -O- 20 ~,078.00 7,000.00 ,400.00 ,000.00 ,66~.00 · OZA. O0 DESCRIPTION: Fund~,_ Sour~ce and Item SCHOOL FUND - Continued: Farm Nacb_in~ cry and Repair REVENUE ESTIMATES - CONTI~IED~ Year Ended June 30, 1950 Cannery Cafeteria Sick Leave for Teachers Adequate ~ alary Dawson Fu~ Tuition- ~ther Divisions Tuition- Private Sources Sale of S~ pplies Sale of Re~l Estate and Other Property Rents, Re~ates and Miscellaneous Gasoline Tax Refund Sale of TE rtbooks Donations Libraries Transfer rom Joint Negro High School ANTICIPAT~ SURPLUS TOTAL SCH0~ 5 FUND ~CH00L CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND: ~ent (1951) ). @ .78 (Effective .87) TAXES: $18,400,~ MCINTIRE T~ ~ST FUND: National Bai~ and Trust Company Peoples Nat~ona! Bank Literary FuSed of Virginia TOTAL NCINT~ TRUST FU~ 2t~00.1 S~ate 21-800.2 U 21-900.1 C 21-900~2 ~ 21-1000 21'1100 Z TOTAL JOI~f · iversity of Virginia ~unty of Albemarle ~ty of Charlottesville ~NA HEALTH FUND OROZET SANI_j Anticipated Z~I- !0 Wat~ 41-20 Wat~ 41~30 Fire 41-4o sa~e 41-50 Cut 41-90 N0C TOTAL CROZE 1ABD. OFC Year Ended June 30,. 1951 (Estimated)~ Tentative Estimate YEAR ENDING J~%~E 30, 1952 Increase Over Dearease Under Year Ending Year Ending Ju~.e 30, 1951~ June~O. 19~l Final Estimate By Bo~r~ ~ 36.00 400.00 400.00 447.03 600.00 600.00 -0- -0, 1,200.00 2,000.00 800,00 2,982.45 1,200. O0 1, 800.00 600.00 -O- - O- 3,200.00 3,200.00 956.26 '/975.90 2,203.25 500.00 873.8O 8OO. 00 -0- 100.00 725.00 2, 500.00 2,487.93 2,000.00 2,704.87 2,000.00 14.,500.36 12,000.00 522.77 -0- 955.92 -O- -O- 130,_553.70 694, 557.75 841,331.70 -0- 2, 00t ). 00 -0- 1,8~ ~.00 -O- 3,20~ 1.00 975.OO -0- -0- 1,500. O0 1,000.00 -O- 8OO.OO -0- -0- 100.00 -0- -0- 2, 500.00 -0- -0-- 2,811.50 811.50 -O- 3,000.00 1, O00.00 -0.- 12,000.00 -0- -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- _ -~__ ..... ~ 130~ 553.70 759,803.50 50,127.50 t3i, 655.70 97~ 1,5~ 80~ 2, 50~ 2,811 3,00~ 12,00t .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ~ARY DiST$1CT FD~D: Surplus Beginning of Yes~ - t · Ren ~ Comuections Hydrant Rentals of Materials )fl Charge SAN. DISTRICT FUND ~ ESTimATES - ALL FUNDS 93,838.63 100,800.00 115,920.00 15,120.00 1, 001.20 1, 075,00 1,075. O0 1, 036.46 t, 000.00 1, 000.00 375.00 .... 375.00 ~ .~_7_5~._~00. 2,412.66 2,450.00 2,~50.00 14,999.90 14,917.00 15,380.OO 1,800.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 10,742.30 12,371.86 13,709.86 8,921.46 10,879.14 11,385.99 119.60 -o- -o- 335.30 ~ 435.00. ....... 1,116.~5 36,918.56 40,603.00 43,592,60 143, 5~ .00 1,07! :~ 1,0~ 659.93 1, 500.00 -o- 7,954.38 9,000.00 10,500.00 200.00 250.00 250. O0 700.00 900.00 900.00 40.81 100.00 100.00 -0- 10.00 10.00 -0-..__ ,~ -0- -0-- 9,535.12 11,760.00 11,760.00 463.00 ~O- -0- -0- 1,338.00 -0- 506.85 -0- 681.7. 5 ~ . . -0- 2,989.60 -0- 15,38~ .00 2,00( ~00 !3,70~ 86 I!,38~. ~99 -0- 1,11 .75 43,59 .60 1, 566,000.1i -0- 1,500.00 1, 500.00 -O- -0~ -0- -0~ -0- -0- -0- -O- -~ -o~ 1, 500.00 1, 500.00 1, 647,222.20 ~ 696,688.96 Year Ending June 30, 1951 L~opriat~i?_n Expe.nditure~. Appropriation ): ). SUP. 213,464.46 163,997.70 1,725,70~ .96- ENDZT m E, STIMATm YEAR E~DI~G ~J3NE 30, 1952 P~oposed '" Increase Over Decrease Under Near Ending Year Ending By ~.E~penditure~ Ju~9 30, 1951 J~_une 30. 100 O~mp. o~ Me~m~ers 2,000.00 2,000.00 212 Ins. Pr~m.-Sur.Bonds -0- 15.00. ~0 Trave~4g Expenses 400.00 201.65~ ........... , 7.1~ 319 Station~ry, Prtd.Frms. -O- TOTAi BD. Ot~ SUPERVISORS 2,400~.00 2,223.78 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0- -0- 2,~ -0- 90.00~ ~.~90.00 -0- 40o.oo 4o0.00 -o- -o- z 2,400.00 2, 515.00 llS;O0 -0-- 2, ~ ~ISC. s: 105 Recor~i 199 Road Vi 199A Tax Re. 200 Adverti 201 Auditin 206 ~ues Le. 213 Wkmn. C~ 214 Rent Sa 214 Rent Re. 219 Contrib Ch. of Corem City~ Librar. 399 Miscetl~ 999 Unapprol TOTAL ~ISC. ~ViCES: · g Fees 20.00 10.00 ~wers 50.00 26. O0 : .kinds 300.00 299.43 ~ing ~,100.00 5,105.57~ ~ 1,250.00 1,253.00 ~gue Va.Counties $00'00 296,52 ap.-Burg. Ins. 125.00 198.50 ~e Deposit Box 25.00 25.00 zt Room 180.00 180.00 ~tions: ~rce,Local 200.00 State 75.00 Les 4184.204025.00 4,025.00 uaeous -0- 300,00 ~riated Reserve ~5,O42.05 -O- SERVICES 86,417.05 11,719.O2 lB CO. EXECI~IVE'S OFFICE 102 Comp, C,~. Executive 2,400.00 206 ~es & ~ubscriptions 20,00 212 ins.-S~etyBond 25.00 215 Rep.~n.-Equipment 30.00 218Te!.& T~I., Postage 100.00 220 Tray. F~penses 200.00 10.00 10.00 -O- ---0-- 50.00 50.00 -O- -0- 300.00 300.00 -0- -O- 100.00 100.00~ -0- -0- 1,250.00 1,250.00 -0- -0- 250.00 300.00 50.00 -0- 125.00 125.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 180.00 180.00 -0- -O- 4,459.20 4,459.20 -0- 150,000.00 25Q,OQO.O0 _ !00,000.00 156,724.20 256,774.20 100,050.00 2,400.00 10.00 25.00 -O- 132.14 116.38 2,400.00 2,400.00 -O- 20.00 20.00 -0- 25.00 25.00 -0- 30.OO 30.00 -O- 125.00 150.00 25.00 200.OO 200.00 -0- 30.00 )O.OO 30.00 kS.00 ~0.00 ~.00 3oo.oo X).O0 1,~ 50.00 ~0.00 ~5.00 ~0.00 4,4 ~.20 25~,0 )0. OOg~ 256,7 ~4.20 2,4 )0.00 ~0.00 ~.5.00 $0.00 oo O-OO .00 DESCRIPTION: ~EXPENDiTUP~ ESTIMATES - CONTINUED ~ ~DED amE 30~ Year Ending Proposed June 30, 1951 Y~AR ENDING J~dA~ 30, 19--52 Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ending Allowed Fund-~ction-Item ~ ~' Ft~,_~ Continuod: .,Apprepria, tien Expenditure Anoropriation Exoenditure 102 Con~,~. of Dir,,~.ctor 5,600.00 5,600.00 6,100.~0 6,100.00 105 Re~ ording of Delinquents 200.~O 143.90 ~ 200.OO 200..00 109 C~ ~. of Assistants: 3660.00 27OO.OO 2O40.00 1920.00 1920.00 1620.00 1560100 3000.00 !560,0q k Binding s-Subscriptions m.-S~rety Bonds .-4~aim., Equipment .& Tel., Postage 18,060.OO 17,OOl. 58 ~18,780.OO 19,360.00 175.00 125.00 175.00 175,00 15. CO 24.00 24.00 30. O0 50.oo 29.oo 5o.oo 5o.o~ 985.58 1,4~9.67 .... -O- · ~ 500.00 .... 300.00 265.70 300. QO 400. o0 1,000.00 1,116.52 -1,o00.CO 1,400,00 1,200.00 840.37 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,700.00 1,358.80 1,700.00 2,000.00 lO.00 33.6o 10.o0 10.o0 ~_ 425.oo ~76.78 ~.. _42~..~ - ,. 150.0~ 29,720.58 28,364.92 29,964.00 31,575.00 R.C. Sdurs June T~ Via Va. Da~e Hicks Marjor: e Johnson Caroli~ s Wood Betty ~lstead Vacant Assess~ ~s Extra ~ P ~e lp 200 Ad~'ertising 204 Be~ 206 Du~ 212 Pr~ 214 Re] 218 Te~ 220 Tr~eling Expenses 319 St~t. ,Prtd.Forms 399 MiSCellaneous ,405 Of~ce Equipment TOTAL ~EPT' OF FINANCE June 30. 1951 J~e. 30. 195,1 . By Board_~ .~ -4)- -O- 6,600.~ -0- -O- 200.00 ID COL~. OF DEL. LAND. TAXES 102 Co~p. of Atty. 1E BDJ!!~F EQUALIZATIQN 100 C~p. of Members 109 Co~p. of Assess.,O!erk 200 Ad~r tising . Tel.&Tel., Postage 218 220 Tr ~. Expenses 319 S~ b.,Printed Forms TOT~ ~ ~a~o OF ~Q,UAn. 102 Ccm ,. off Engineers 109 ¢o~ ,. of Assistants 220 Tr~ 'elin~ ~penses 319 0£~ [ce Supplies 405 0f~ ice Equipment TOTAL ~ ~ MAP YG 00. PLANNING 00~iSSION 102 Compi o£ En§ineer 20O 2O6 218 Tel & Postage 220 Expenses 319 ,Printed Forms TOTAL C0~,~ISSION 101 ComO. o£ Cler_k 105 Voting List 109 of Assistants: 288O o Helen 2100. Nancy 1860~ 201 2O4 212 215 218 250 Binding Bond Prem. .-Main., ;Equipment .-Tel., Postage Fees Pd. State 317 Books 317A R~Index Books 319 0f~ce Supplies 399 MiSi~ellaneous 405 ~ff~ce Equipment TOTAL ~O. OF DOCUmeNTS 2,000.00 1,610.38 COURT 102 of Ju~e 103 ~. of Relief Atty. 109 ~. of Stenographer 121 and Witnesses 122 Commission 215 .~ain.,Equipment 218 , Postage 314Lilma~ies 319 Ofl ice Supplies 405 0fi[ce Equipment TOTAL ERCUIT COURT -2,0o0.oo 1,,,00,0.0o.,. 580. O0 -0- -0- -0- 6.CO -O- -0- -O- 5OO.OO -0- 100.00 -0- 400.00 -0- 300.00 -0- - -O- 275.00 l, 886. O0 275. O0 2,000.00 90.00 -O- 1,920.00 25.00 10.80 7~.00 65.50 150.00 -0- 25,00 ~ -o- 2,275.00 2,086.30 500,00 ~.3~.00 -0- 200.00 2,080.00 2,190.00 110.00 -0- 25.00 25.00 -0- -O- ll0.~O !25.0~ 15.00 -0- 15o.~o zoo. oo -o- 50.00 25.0_ 0 .... 2~ ~0 ~ -o- -o- 2,890.00 2,765.00 125.00 250.00 2,000.00 1,920.00 2,000.~ 2,190.00 190.00 -0- 1,000.00 1,116.74 -O- -O- -0- -0- 200.00 -0~ 200.O0 100.00 -0- i00.00 500.00 470.02 100.00 100.O~ -0- -0- .2~,ooo,oo ~ ~ · ·. 1~5o....oo .. 15o.oo . -o.- 5,700.00 3,973.70 2,450,~ 2, 540.O0' 190.00 100.00 300.00 -0- ~ 300~00 ... 300,00 -0- -0- 250.00 -0- 250'00 150.00 -0- 100.00 -0- -0- ' -0- .... 32.-00 32.00 -O- -O- -O- ~5.00 75.00 -0- -0- -0- -o- .0~ 50.00~ 50.0o -0- .... 300.00 2.?6 75.0o · 75~.'00 ...... -0- -0- 850.00 2.76 700.00 682.00 82.00 100.00 5,000.00 4,999.92 5,000.00 5,500.00 500.00 -0- 200.00 198.50 200.00 200.00 -0- -0- 6,480.00 6,480.00 6,600.0~ 6,720,00' 120100 -0- ~5o.oo 146.o2 15o.o0 ~5o.oo .o- -o- 800,00 83.0 5- SO0.O0 -0- -0- SO0.O0 35.00 35.00 ..... 3'5.00 '".' ' 45.00" ' !0.00 -0- 37 ~ 50 -0- 50..00 32..50' ~ 12.50 200.00 230.99 ' 250.00 ..... 275.00 25.00 -0- 350.00 1,020.33 1,000.00 1, 500.00 500.00 -O- 1, 000. O0 876.47- 1, 000. O0 I, 000.00' ~-0- -0- --0- -0- 100.00 100.00' '0- -0- 400. O0 271.68 300. O0 300. O0 '0- -0- --0- -0- ~ -0- -0- ~ -0- -o- -~ ..... 15o.oo ,~, ~oq. oo ,,~ ~5o.oo __ .-o.-... 14,652.50 14,341.96 15,635.00 16,027.50' 1,205~00 812.50 1,601.05 1,494.45 1,601.05 1,663.45 62.40 -0- 100. O0 95. O0 100.00 100.00 -0- -0- 720.00 73 5. O0 720. O0 720. O0 -O- -O- 1,000. O0 968.30 !,000.00 1,000. O0 -O- -O- 50.00 45.00 5o~00 75.00 25.00 -0- .O- 7.50 -0- -O- -0- -0- 60.00 59.54 75.00 75. O0 -0- -0- 25.00 -O- 25. O0 -0- ~,0- 25. O0 -0- 13.23 -O- -O- -0- -0- 19,980,00 175.00 30.00 50.00 500.00 4OO.00 !,400.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 10.00~ 32,695.00 1,000.00 300.O0 2,190.00 25.00 /25.00 10o.oo ~ 25100 2,190.00 -0- t00.00 i00.00 !~o.0o 2, ~40.00 300.00 150,00 32. O0 75.00 ' 50.00 I 75.0O 682.00 5,500.00 200.00 6,840.00 150.00 -0- 45.00 37.50 275.O0 1~ 500-00 1, 000. O0 100.00: 3OO.OO -0- · 16,147.~.0 -0- 13.40 3,556.05 3,431.42 3,571.05 3,633.45~ 87.40 1,663,45 100.00 720.OO 1,000.00 75.00 -0- 75.00 -O- DESCRIPTION: Fnnd-Funct, ion-ltem.~ A.ppropria?ion GENEB~, .L FUND ~- Cqntinued: 5B TRIAL JU~TICE COURT 215 Rep.-Ma~., EqUip. 15.00 218 Tel.-To1., Postage 75.00 317 Record Books 25.00 319 Office l~pplies 125.O0 399 Misce!l~eous -0- 405 Office Equipment -O- r. J. COU T Z O.O0 102 Comp. el 109 Comp. o! 218 Postage 299 Misc. C~ 319 Office TOTAL CONN. Comm. Atty. Stenographer tractural Serv. upp!ies ATTY. OFFICE 6A .POL CZNG a NVEST GAT WG 102 comp. 's e ff ' .' 106 Comp. o4 Assis~ts. W.A. ~ 2520. W.S. Ce~ 2520. T.~. Ne~e 2520. EXP~DiTURE ESTIMATES- CONTINUED ] YEAR ENDED ~ 30,_ !9~5P~. YEAR ENDING JUNE_ 0~ Year Ending Proposed Increase Over Decrease Under June 30, 1951 Year Ending Year Ending Allowed · Expendi__~t~ure ADDrooriatio__n~ 'Expenditure__ June 30_ 1951 J ~uDe~. 3_0. 1951 By.. Board 4, 200.00 580.00 20.00 -0- 4,800.00 C.R. Marsha~ Fulton Thomas Radio Dispatchers lll Coroner~ Fees 199 Arrest .~arrants 212 Prem.-S~ety Bonds 218 Tel.-Te~., Postage 220 Mileage~ 220A T~.av~l'~ng Expenses 224 Maiuten~n~ ce Radio F~t~ 319 Office ~ applies 325 Uniform~ 399 ~scells 400 Automob~ 400.7 Auto 400.8 Auto ~00.9 ~uto 4OO.10 &~to 405 Office ~-~.9 Police TOTAL POLIC~ ~Aeous le Pnr chase ~intenance ~intenance zintenance ~ainter~mce tuipment ~uipment ~G & INVEST. 102 Comp. ef 106 Comp. o£ lll Doctors 215~ainten.R 218 Tel. & T 301 Bedding 306 Cleaning 310 Food Sup 311 Fuel 316 Medical 319 Office S 399 Niscell~ TOTAL CARE C 10.95 80.61 94-33 -0- ~5.00 15.00 -0- ~0- 15,00 100.00 100.00 -0- -0- 100.00 25.00 25.00 --0- -O- 25.00 125,00 125.00 - -O- ~0- 125.00 -0- -O- -O- -O- ~-O- -0- -O- -O- -o- 185.89 265.00 265.00 4,200.00 579.96 20.00 83.43 13.23 4,896.62 4, 400.00 4, O00.00 600.00 6O0.0O 20.00 20.00 -0- -0- 5,020.00 4,620.O0 3,636.00 3,636.00 3,636.O0 3,636.00 .2520. 1980. 3222~516,74D.00 700.O0 -0- 55.00 125.00 50.00 50.00 800.OG 25.00 4oo.oo 15.00 ~0~ 5OO.OO 500.O0 500, O0 5OO.O0 15.oo 25.OO 2~,636.0o 16,680.00 15,180. O0 690.00 1,000.00 11.00 10.00 85.00 55.00 179.67 150.00 -0- 50.O0 33.78 50.CO 588.00 528.OO 78.31 50.00 332.40 200.00 53.20 15.00 455.58 6O0.OO 536.55 600.00 462.67 600.00 654.99 600.00 -0- 15.00 -o- 2 .oo 24,457.15 23,364.00 15,282.85 1,200.00 . 10.00 55.oo 175.00 5O.OO 50.00 515.00 400.00 15.00 600.OO 6OO.OO 600.00 6OO.OO 15.O0 25,00 -o- 4oo.oo 4,90o.oo -O- -0- ~. 0.00 -0- -o- ~ ~o.oo -0- -0- ,. -0- -0- 102.85 200.00 -0- -0- 25.00 -0- -O- -G- -0- 200.00 -O- -0- -0- -0- -0- -O- -O- 23,878.85 527.85 ~0~ -0- ~0~ 13.00 Jailor 1,860.00 1,860.00 1,860.O0 1,980.00 Oook 480,00 480.00 480.00 540.00 75.00 52.00 100.00 250.00 [dg.& Equip. 1, 500,00 125.00 1, 500.00 250.00 el, Postage 75.00 88.90 90.00 90.00 200.00 1.25 200.00 200. OO Mat. & Sup. -0- 90.89 -0- 250.00 :lies 2,000.00 2,151.70 2,000.00 2,200.00 500.00 2~8.41 500.00 700.00 ~upplies 50.00 45.74 50.00 50. O0 applies tO. O0 -0- 10. O0 10.00 neous 50.CO 12.8$ 50.00 50.00 F PRISONERS 6,800.00 5,146.73 6,840.00 6.570.00 7 FI?. P~V..m~iTiOil & E~iNCT!ON 109 Ladio Dis oatc! .... ~ l/? -0- 116 Comp. o~ Chief Warden 1,020.OO 208 For.Fir~ Ext.Serv. State 800.00 215 ~ainten~nce Radio Equip. -O- 3,6~6. O0 299 Approp. Crozet & Scc TOTAL FIRE P to_Oh'ville., tts.ville Fire Dept. -C- &EXT. 1,820.00 300.OO 3,300.OO 8B PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 100 COmp. o~ Board Members 102 Comp. o~ Supt. 109 Comp. o~ Assts: Alice Graef 2160. Catherime F~ ~er 2100. Nartha Hall 2100. Vacant , 24001 Vacant 2700. Martha ~Bail~ 1800. Alice Steel~ 1620. Extra Help ~ 720.~ 206 Dues an~ Subscriptions 212 Prom., S~_urety Bond 215 Repairs ~& Main. Equip. 218 Tel. & ~el., Postage 220 Mileage iof Bd. Members lO0.O0 22OA ' TravelOg Expenses 250.00 319 OffiCe ~u~plies , 450.00 320 Textboo~ for Indigents 1,050.00 399 Niscell~eous -0- 15,2~2.85 I, 2~0.00 !O.O0 1~5.00 ~0.00 ~.oo 5~5ooo [5.00 ~)0.00 6~)0.00 6~ ~O.OO ~5.00 , ~.00 23,8 ~8.85 13,200.00 -O- S.00 45.00 4500001 120.00 -0- 60.O0 -O- 150.00 -0- -0- 1,250.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 250. O0 -0- 200.O0 -0- 200. O0 -0- 980.00 1,250.00 1,9~ 2: 2: 2i 2'. 2,2( 7( 6,5 -0- 900.00 810. O0 -0- 1,020.00 1,020.00 1,020.00 -0- 1,645.94 650 .O0 742.00 92. O0 -O- 132.00 130.00 -O- -.-P,,-, 3,60q.~oo - _ 6oq. o0 - _ ~ _-0- 2,665.94 6,302.00 6.302.00 92,00 90.00 8 -0- 1,0 -0- 7 2.00 1 -0- ~ 92.00 6,3' 300.00 300.00 300.00 -O- 2,758.75 4,000.00 3,600.00 -0- -0- 3 400J~O0 3,6 10.O0 iO.O0 .00 .00 ~O.OO !0.00 ~).00 ~,00 )0.00 ;0.O0 :.0. O0 ~.00 !0.00 0.00 'D.00 ~.00 ~0.00 )0. OO ~2.00 D.O0 )0.00 9,928.70 14,160.00 15,540.00 1,380.00 -0- -O- 25.00 15.00 -0- tO. 00 10.00 5. OO 5. O0 -0- -0- 188.73 75.00 200.00 125.00 -0- 38~.26 550.00 450-00 ~-0~ 100-,00 57.85 100.00 100.00 -0- -0- 83.17 200.g0 200. O0 -O- -0- 299.82 4¢0 · O0 450.00 -0- -0- 930.53 400.00 500.00 i00.00 -O- -0- 50.00 50.O0 -O- -0- 15,61 '0.00 .~ooo ;.00 2, 10.00 4~0.0o -. i~0. O0 2 o.0o 0.00 )ESCRIPTION: ~md-Function-ltem $00-1 Auto Maintenance $00-2 AUto Maintenance ~+05 Office Equipment 799 Trans.to VPA Fund ~0TAL PUBLIC ASSISTANCE EXPEND!TUREEST!NATES - CONTINUED Y2AR ENDED JUNE 0~ Appropriation Expenditure 1,000.00 314.64 1,000.00 235.00 Z%5.00 330.00 1!?=- 80 ~~87,0 ~ 139,365'00 126,908.50 YEAR ENDINGJUNE 30~ _1952 Year Ending Increase Over Decrease Under June 30]~ 1951 Proposed Year Ending Year Ending Allowed Appropriation Expenditure June 0~51 June 30,..!951 .By Bqard . 400.00 400.00 -O- -0- 400.00 400.00 400.00 -0- -0- 400.00 150.00 160.00 - 10.00 ~-O- 160.00 152,000.00 lg7,600..00~ _ 5,600...~. -0- 1~7,.~.09.0~ 173,265.00 179..370. 00 _ __v715,0o -o- ls ,03o.oo ~C COUNTY ASSISTANCE ~99 Mis~.VPA ReeDy.Remit. 50.00 701 Univ. of Va. Hospital 12,500.00 70lA San. Care TB Patients 2,000.00 702 Alb~ Community Fund 1,200.00 704 Dis'~rict Home 5,000.00 705 CO~ ~ed.Widows Pensions 5~0.00 ff0TAL C~ ~UNTY ASSISTANCE ~D LUNA~ f24 eom: ~ P~UBLI~ Lll-! D~ L!l-2 D~ L38 Rog App ~OTAL L1 1 AGRi 109 Comi ~. O. S, ~. E. ~acant ]. G. 118 H~ ~rs. Ru~ Eiise V~ 210 ~15 Rep~ 2i8 Tel. 655.44 ~ -0- 7,500.00 12,500,00 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,400. O0 2,000.00 1,200.00 1~200.00 1,200.00 5,372.95 (Included in V.P.A. Fund)~ _500.00' 550.00 ... 400.00 21,300.O0 17,228.39 16,650.~ ~ 13,60.0.00 . -0' 2,500.00 10,000.00 -o- 4o0.00 ¢,ooo.oo _o_ _o_ -o- 15o.oo 4oo. -0- .3,050.00 ~,600.00 -0- 150.00 ~' 500_.~ ~Y COMMISSION ~mbers 65o.oo ..... 65o.:oo ~00.O0 HEALTH .ntists,White 1,600.00 1,938.18 1,600.0~ .ntists,Ne~ro 400.00 -0- 400.CO Vital Statistics 160.00 121.00 150.00 'op.to Health Dept. 11 050.~ I1.7~ 22.-:-.:~ 1_ !2_2~3_71.86 NACY COMMISSION 13,210.00 !3;78i.52 14,521.86 1,600.00 -O- 5OO.OO 100.00 125.00 -0- 13,709.86 _____~.00 15,934.86 1,438.00 25.00 -0- 25.OO . &_H0~_ ~ EC.- .. of Stenographer 1,500.00 i, 500.00 . Demonstrators: ott 2220. nderson 1860. 1500. ~er 1020. 4,980.00 4,980.00 Demonstrators: h B. Huff 1620. . Noel ~ 2,820.00 2,820.00 Prom., Fire -0- 77.82 -~in,, Equip. -0- 11.00 -Tel. and Postage !50.00 155.41 I, 560.0~ t,680.00 120.00 4,980.00 6,600.00 1,620.00 2,820.00 2,940.00 120.00 -0- -0- -0- -O- -0- -0~ 15.00 15.00 -0- 200.00 200.00 -0- -0- !,66o.oo I 125.00 1~,934.86 ,,600.00 ,94o.00 15.00 200.00 ~99 Cal~ 0ontest Prizes 250.00 125.O0 ~!9 S~. & Printed Forms -0- 15.12 $05 0ff~ce Equipment lO0.O0 _ ~ iOTAL A*IC. & HOME EC 9,800,__ _.00 9,764,10 ~1~ Ele( 214 Renl 222 VotJ ~19 St~t ~99 Mis( ~0TAL E~ .10NS tion Officials ng Lists Costs . & Printed Forms ~llaneous ECTIONS 3,000.00 2,917.47 125,00 171.00 30.00 10.87 LSO. O0 337.18 1 .0o 3,320.00 3,449-90 175.00 150.00 -0- 25,00 -0- 25.00 25.00 -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- -0- 9,835.00 11,710.00 1,950.00 19 Ca~i'tal ¢ui;].?.~.~ 150.00 -O- l:'.~ ....... - ..... .,c.., .... o'.? a ar;. ~.-...o..,.'~.u".." 2,640.00 2,640.00 207 Eled~ric Current 1,200.00 1,289.42 210 Ins~prem. -Fire 500.00 211.80 215 Rep~irs 800.~0 615.06 215A Ee~s to County Jail -0- 614.10 223 WatS~ Service 400.00 218.51 ~06 Cles ning Mat. & Sup. 600.00 684.28 ~11 Fuel 750.00 680.70 ~99 Mis( ~llaneous 26.95 -0- $03 Fur~ ~ture & Figures 250.00 -0- 25.00 3,000.00 3,250.00 !25.00 200.00 30.00 30.00 150.00 200.00 5.oo ._ 1 oo 3,320.00 3,695.00 250.00 -0- 75.00 -0- -0= -0- 50.00 -0- -0- _ _ -_q- .... 375.00 -0- ~ 150.00 2OO.OO 5O.OO -0- 2,760.06 3,180.00 420.00 -o- !,200.00 1,200.00 -02 -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- -0- 2,500~00 !,000.00 -0- 1,500.00 -O~ -0- -0- -0- 300.00 250.00 -0- 50.00 600.00 800.00 200.00 -0- 750.00 750.00 -O- -0- 50.39 50.00 -O, .39 250.08 200.00 -O- 50.00 150,00 25.0~ lO0.O0 11.,830.00 ,25O.00 200.00 3O.OO 200.00 ~15.00 ,675.oo 200.00 ,i80.00 ,200.00 500.00 ,oo go ~50.00 800.OO 750.00 50.00 200.00 S01 Renc POTALBI ~ation of Cou~t House 1097.69 !~097.6_~ )CS. & 8ROUNDS 8,414.64 8,051.56 ~L STORES -0- 9,060.39 8,130.00 670.00 1,600.39 384776.82_287_,891,69_. 488,27.7,50 595,562.86 116,963.25 ;,130.00 9,677.89.. ~59!,982.86 DOG TAX_ 12 PROTH 109 3 Rs 116 Com~ 218 Tel. 220 Tra~ 224 Mai~ 299 Dog 317 Rec¢ 319 Sta~ 501 Fowl 502 Li~e 5O3 R~b~ 5O4 15 ~ 505 Traz r OTAL D£ ]TiON 0F LIVESTOCK & FOWLS iio Dispatchers - 2/7 -0- -0- 900.00 of Game Wardens 1,200.00 1,200.O0 1,200.00 ~el. and Postage -0- 1.45 -0- ~1 -.~ 1,200.00 1,197195 1,200.00 g.-P~dio eEquip. 75.00 102.00 132.00 Potmd -0- 270.50 27 5. O0 od Books and Tags 225.00 243.00 300.00 · & Printed Forms lO.O0 22.20 /lO.O0 C!aims 600.00 181.22 600.00 ~tock Claims 3,000.00 2,069.77 3,000.00 3,250.00 250.00 ~s Treatment 25.00 15.45 25.00 25.00 -O- ~r Cent Due State 1,350.00 1,496.~7 1,500.00 1,500.00 -O- ~er to Gen. Fd. ~00_____3_~5./~7__ 858.00 -0- -O- T~uX FUND 9,000.00 10,635.58 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,058.00 !,~20jO0.>-] 820.O0 2,040.00 840.00 -0- -0- -O- -0- -O- -0- 1,200. O0 255.O0 123.00 300.00 25.00 -0- 300.00 -O- -0- 10.00 -0- -0- .,720.00 !,O40.00 -0- -O- 255.00 300.00 3OO.OO 10.OD 600.00 -0- -0- -0- -O- -O- 858.00 2,058.00 600.00 ~,250.00 25.00 t, 500.00 -0- 1~,000.00 DESCRIPTION: Fund-Fnnction-Ttem _.Aooroori~ation VIRGINIA PD-BLIC ASSISTANCE FUND 8G POOR RELIEF 703 General Relief 703A GenJle!f.-Dist.Home ~O~ Old Age Assistance 705 Aid to the Blind 706 Aid to Oep. Children Aid to Perm.&Tot.Disabled 707 Regular Foster Care 703.2~ Med. ,Burl. ,Trams. 703-3 Emergency TOTAL PL~. ASST. FUND SCHOOL FUND: !TA AD~INISTRATI0_.. _ _ N 100 Comp. 101 Comp. 102 Comp. 102a Comp. 135 Secy. & 206 Dues 209 Express, 215 Eepairs 218 Postage, 220a Trav.-S 220b Trav.-S 22Oc Tray. 399 Other F~ 319 Office S 326 Census,S 405 Office E TOTAL ADMINI EXPENDITURE ESTIS~ATES - 00NT.IND~BD_ 30, Year EndiD~ J~me 30, 1951 Expenditure ADprq .Rria.tion INSTRUCT 17bl RE~.DAT 133-Ia Head- 133-Ib Head !33-1C Head l~-Id Head 15,000.00 13,570.55 29,000.00 (Previously carried in Gen. Fund) 48,000.00 4, 800.00 37,000.00 13,O00.00 ~0~ Proposed Expenditure YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. !952 Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ending June ~ 1951 15,000.00 3,000.00 51,000.00 56,000.00 5,600.00 5,Z~O.O0 50,000.00 53,000.00 -O- 10,200.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 600.00 -0- 800.00 -0- 46,844. 50 - 4, 214.00 34, 292.50 12,165.50 ~ -0- -0- -O- 14,000.00 3,000.00 -0- 5,000.O0 -0- -0- 200.00 3,000.00 -0- 10,200. O0 -0- -0- 600. O0 -0- 800. O0 117,800.00 111,087.O5 152,000.00 157,600.O0 21,200.00 15,600.00 Nembers 1,440.00 Clerk -0- ' ~pt. 6,000.00 ~f Asst. Supt. 5,000.00 Other Employ. 3,780.00 · Subscriptions .24.00 Freight,Drayage -O- to Equipment 50.00 Tel. & Tel. 500.00 chool Bd.Members 200.00 npt. 400.00 sst. Supt. 400.00 penses 300.00 upp!ies 1,175.00 urveys,Reports 1,000.00 quipment 200.00 BTB~TION 20,469.00 ION: SCH00L-C0~. ~each.E1.W-M. ~each.E1.W-F. ~each.E1.N-N. ~each.E1.N-F. 133-3a Prin.El.& Sec.W-M. t33-3b Prin.~l.&Sec. W.F. 133-3c Prin.El.& Sec.N-M. 133-3d Prin. 134-Ia Teach 134-Ib Teach 134-1c Teach 134-Id Teach 134-2a Teach 13A-2b Teach 134-2c Teach 134-2d Teach 134-3a Teach 134-3b Teach 134-3m Teach ~l.& Sec.N-F. .Elem.-W-N. ~Elem.-W-F. .Elem.-N.-N. F~lem.-N-F. ~Seo.-W.M. Sec.-W.F. SeC.~. Sec.~.~.F. Voc.-~.~. Voo.-W.F. Voc.-N .M. 134-3d Teach~ Voc.-N._. ~ors-W.F. ~ors-N.F. [OOL iNST2UCT.455,692.00 135b Supervi~. 135m Supervi: 135d Supervi: TOTAL DAY SC~ 17B2 INSTRUG 134e Special 134f SUbstit~ 305 Other E~] TOTAL EVEN., ] 1,150.00 -0- 6,000.00 4,999.92 3,927.50 28.40 115.19 542.43 156.20 392.44 407.85 273.76 8 5.83 228.25 19,027.77 Allowed 109 Comp. CI. 220a T~av,-V 220b Trav.-V 220c Trav.-H. 6,050.00 5,219.30 16,350.OO 15,701.80 -O- -0- t0,500.O0 9,376.87 26,250.00 26,200.00 2,775.00 2,736.25 3,300.00 2,920.00 189,750.00 183.914.79 2,400.00 2,685.69 59,150.00 57,806.05 19,900.00 20,284.37 44,100.00 38,980.82 7,300.00 5,534-33 12,050. O0 1i,340 · 50 13,120.00 12,394- 84 24,637.00 23,232.38 2,760.00 2, 559196 -0- ~O- 6,400.00 3,000.00 6,000100 9,158.00 ___~2 .900.~ .O0 ~ ~,158.00 436,203.95 !.EVEN. ,PT~TIME,etc. & Adult ~te Teachers ~. of Instruct. T-TIiTE ~ ETC. COSTS: ,rk to Prin. ,c.Teach,-W. ,c.Teach.-N. me Ec. Teach. .pervisors-W. 4, 500.00 5,618.00 4, 500.00 5,690.50 15, 0~)0.00 3,~)0.00 56,0!)0.00 5,4~)0.00 53,O~)0.00 10, 21)0.00 !5,~)0.00 1,440.00 1,440.O0 -0- -0- -0- -0- 6,500. O0 7,000.00 500.00 5, 00CIO0 5,000. OO -0- 4,140.00 4,200.00 60.00 24.00 36.00 12.00 -0- 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 -0- 500.00 600.00 100.00 225.00 225.00 -0- 400.OO 400.00 -o- 400.00 400.00 -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- 900.00 900.00 -0- 1,000i00 -0- -0- 1~000.O0 200.00 -0- 22,079.00 20,976.00 697.00 10,020.00 8,265.00 13,115.00 15,620.00 -0- -0- 10,200.00 16,360.00 26,900.00 27,030.00 2,900.00 -O- 3,400. O0 -0- -0- 2,200.00 195,400.00 201,750.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 64, 550.00 55,800.00 25,700.00 21,100.00 36,800.00 40,300.00 5,100.00 -0- 12,650.00 13,320.00 14,020.00 24,460.00 27,795.00 2,960.00 -0- 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 9,300.00 ~,700.00 -0- -0- 200.00 · __3 00.00 465,775.00 449,040.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,000.00 1, 800.00 1,4~. 0.00 ~20d Trav.-S~ 220e Trav.-Si,pervisors-N. 221 Tuition ~.d. other Div. 305 General ~upplies 313 Lab. Supplies 3i4 Library ~upplies 315 320 Textbo°kS furn. free 322 Voc. Tra',~ng Supp. 399 Other Instruct. C~sts TOTAL OTHER ~INSTR. COSTS %7C C0-0RDI~TE ACTIVITIES: Cmpuls. ' ttend.- 199 Other C~Ord. Act. 220 Trav.-At~$end. Officer 1,200.00 1 900.00 300.00 6O0.00 1,200.00 1 300. O0 5, 000. O0 3 2,150. O0 1 750.00 1,70o.00 1 -0- !, 200.00 1 1~,600.O0 1 (See Code 1~134-91) 5,000.00 5, 500.00 -0- 2, 505~.00 -O- 6,t60.00 130.00 -0- -~- -0- 2,200.00 6,350.00 -O- -0- 3,500.00 -0- -0- 700.00 3,335.00 -O- -0- --0-- 4oo.oo 100.00 1,755.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,900.00 3,400~0 -0- -0- 8,750.00 4, 600. O0 ~0-- 5,100. O0 12, 650.00 --0-- -0- 2,960.00 -0- --0~ -O- -0- 25,380.00 42,115.OO 500.00' -0- 5,000.00 5,500.00 ,170.00 1,320.00 1,440.O0 '63 5.75 900.00 900.00 174.3 5 300. O0 -O- 171.05 600.00 600.00 .112.84 1,200.00 1,200.00 367.65 300.00 300.00 ~076.80 3,500.00 2,000.00 ~845.18 2,150.0~0 2,100.00 373.55 750.00 700.00 955.18 1,700.00 1,650.-00 022.24 1, 500. O0 1, 500. O0 -o- 2 ..ob 300.00 1,904.59 14, 520,00 12,690.00 !, 445.00 1, 530 .oQ 1, 620. oo 1,800. oo -0- -o- -0- -o- 600.00 6______6~50 600. O0 600.00 120.00 -0-' ~0,..~ -0- -0~' -0- -0-; 120.00 3OO.OO --0~ --0~ 1, 500.00 5O. OO 50.00 -0- -0- 1, 950.00 180.00 -O- -0- 8,2~ 5.00 15,6:D.O0 -0- 16,3~I~ .00 27,0~ ~.00 -0- !-0- 2,2~.00 201,7~.00 2,8(:~0.00 55,sqp.oo 21, lOb.oo 4o,3~.00 t-0- 14,0~. 27,7¢ -0-. 3,00 ~.00 9,70 ~.00 449,0 .00 5, 5¢ ~OO 5,5C ).00 1,4~ ).00 9C ).00 -0- 6O ).00 1,20 ).00 3C ),00 2,00 ).00 2, l0 ).00 7O ).00 !,6~).00 1,5 ).00 ._3~i).00_. 12, 69 ),00 1,8(: ).00 -0- ).oo_ oEscPJ3~!Q!~: EXPF~DIT.URE ESTINATES - CONTI ~ _ YEAR ~ENDE~!~JUNE. 30, .19~ Year Ending J-~e 30, 1951 ~ud. Functien-Item A ~ ro riation .E~. Den~diture Ao~rooriation ~CH00L FU~D - COi~!NUED %~1%~S~O~ATI0~ ~0~ ~ 123 C~p.-Mech.~lprs. 6,780.00 [36 Comp.~ck Drivers 23,310.~ 210 F~e Ins. (B~es) -~ 211 ~ab. Ins. (B~es) 1,475.00 218 Tel. Sedco 95.00 112.11 R19 T~. by Con~act 1,~.00 ~0.00 ~ Repairs,Tires,tubes etclS,~0.O0 12,412.85 ~12 Gas~Oil,Grease ~ 11,~0.~ 13,109,52 ~ ~ of TECk ~- . -~ ~OT~ ~SPORTATION~ 61,~.~ 59, ~5.43 6,214~.35 25,292.00 1,484.59 Proposed Exoenditure YEAR END~. JUNE 30, 19~2 Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Tear Ending Allowed June 0~51 J~ 30., 1QS! ..~By Board 8,040.00 9,-000.00 28.440.00 34,965.00 -O- -0- 1, 500.00 1,700.00 95.00 !120.00 1,000.O0 500.00 17,000.00 18,000.00 12,000.00 1~, 000.00 ~ !,54_!.47 ~ .- -0- 69,616.47 78,285.00 960.® -0- 9,000.00 6, 525. OO -0- 34, 965.00 -G- -O- --g- 200. O0 -0- 1, 700.00 25.00 -0- 120.00 --0. 500.00 500.00 1,O00.00 -0- !8,000.00 2, 000.00 -0- i4, 000. O0 -o- __Ltl 5~1_~. z~7 .... 10,710.00 2,041.~7 78,285.00 ~7D2 A~ ~+00 R~p: ~7D30T] 298 Co~ 299 299b 0t~ ~10 Caf~ ~27 Te~ :zLz~ AQ~c~ acement of Buses L~,.000,OO 1,1,438.39 -0- 8,058.53 .6,400'o0 E~..$UX. AGENCIES ~.Act.& Commenc.Csts. 150.00 ~ibution-Textbooks 100.00 er Aux. Agencies -Os terias hooks purchased for resale 92.50 77.01 -0- 150.O0 150,00 1OO.00 100.O0 -0- -O- (See Oode !7g-310) (Se~e Co~e 17E-327) -0- -O~ 150.00 -0- -0- !00.00 -0- -0- -0- 1TEl 0P 105 R~c 119 Corn 123 Corn 207 Lig 218 Tel 223 Wat. 300 Tit AUX. AGENCES 250.00 169.5! ~AT%~N OF SCHOOL PLANT ~rding of Documents ). of Janitors ). of Other Employ. ~t and Power Service ~r Service ~s,TnBes, Parts 35.00 10,365.00 6,680.00 1, 800. O0 3OO.O0 600.00 150.00 306 Jan~]tors' Supplies 311Fue~ _ 3!2Gas~ 0il, Grease 323 Wells 399 Other Exp.Oper.Pl~t. 20TA~0~ER.ii SCHOOL PLANT 4,000.00 8,500.00 300.00 250.00 300.00 33,280.00 2~0.00 250.00 8.50 -0- -0- 10,354.99 11,785.00 12,100.00 7,058.00 7,100.90 7,100.00 2,579.05 2,500,00 2,$O0.00 382.99 350.00 400.00 438.25 500.00 500.00 174.21 150.00 150.00 3,497.18 4,000.00 4,500.00 7,241.65 8,500.00 8,500.00 312.53 300.00 325.00 -o- 45o.00 450.00 -0- -0~__ . -0- 35,635.00 36,525.00 -OL 315.o0 -0- 50.00 -0- -0- 500.00 -0~ 25.00 -0- -O- 32,047.35 ¥~.; 90.00 250.00 -0- L2,100.00 7,100.00 2, 500.00 400.00 500.00 150.00 4, 500.00 8,500.00 ~ 325.00 6 450.00 i,525.00 1TE2 MAIN~TENANCE SCHOOL PLANT: 215a uR;! 215b Re~ 215d 399 0th~ 20TAL Mt ,air Bldgs.- :eep of Grounds ~.Furn. & Equip. ntenance of Floors r Exp.-Main. Floors 9,000.00 2,~00.00 100.00 -0- 5,974.96 8,500.00 8,500.00 -0- 1,291.21 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0- -0- -O- -~- -O- -o-- -~ _ -o- -0- 7,266. I7 10,500.00 10, 500~ O0 -0- INTENANCE OF FL00RSll, 100.O0 -0- 17F ~ CHAHGES 210 Fir~-InsUrance . 2,700.00 211 Lia~iiity Insurance -O- 213 Nor~ens' Comp. Ins. 800.00 214 Ren' 120.O0 299 0t~hi r Fixed Eharges -O- TOTAE K~ED CHARGES 17G SPE (State 13%-91 134-92 ~34-~3 134-94~ 135-92 220-92 31o Caf 3,620.00 ~SERV~S~PERVtSED FOR STATE eimbursementinFull) each.- San. & Hosp. 8,740.00 et.Tr.in Agric.~Sal.9,000.O0 m~m. Mach'.R~p.-Sal. 300.00 ~annery-Salaries 900.00 ~t.~r.in Agric-Clerk. 900.00 ~et.Tr.in Agric-Trav. 1200.0~ ~teria 1,200.00 2,326.68 2,500. O0 2,500.00 -O-~ -0- -0- -O- -0- 973.58 850.00 1, 000. O0 150.00 183.oo 175. oo 175.00 -O- -0- -Oa -O- -0- 3,483.26 3,525.00 3,675.00 150.00 8,562.65 9,140.00 8,044.00 -O- 9,199.92 9,600.00 10,~00.00 600.00 36.00 300.00 300.00 -O- 670.55 900.00 900.00 -0- 790.00 900,00 900.00 - 0- 1,259.50 1,200.00 1,200.00 -0- 1,562.50 1,200.O0 2,000.00 800.00 1,207.31 1,500.00 1,500.00 -O- 322-~2 Vet.Tr.in Agric-Supp.!, 500. O0 322-93 ~arm Mach.Rep.-Supp. 100.00 -0- I00.00 100.00 -0- 327 Te~books Pur.-Reaale 1~,000'oO___~.6 12,0OO.00 - 1~20_~00.00 ~ ... -0~ TOTAL E~-TRA SERV. FOR STATE35, S&O.00 37,788.7¥--- ---3'6,8~~~,1Z~.00 1,400.00 8,500.00 2,000.00 ~0~ --0~ 19 CAPI'. 205 300 ¥oc~ 400a Ne~ 403 Eq~ 600a P= 60Ob Im 60la Ne~ 60lb Al' 699 Oth~ 200 TOTAL C~ 'AL OUTLAY ~tect' s Fees 26,000.00 18,039.80 ;tional Equipment 2,000,00 2,045.46 ~ School Buses 7,000.00 8,735.81 .p.fOr Btdgs. 2,000.00 2,313.09 'chase of Land 842.50 801.47 .rovement to Sites 500.00 455.36 'Buildings -0- -O- .er. to 01d B~dgs. 67~000.00 -O- r Capital Outlays -O- -O- rtising ~ 66.21 PITAL OUTLAY 105,342, 50 32,457.20 10,960.20 2,500.00 6,000.00 11,000.00 --0~ 1,000;00 "0- 55,000.00 -O, 86, .460, 20 4,500.00 9,600.00 2,000.00 -0- 1,000.O0 -0- -0- 17,.100.00 2,0Q0~00 3,6~0.00 --0-- --0-- -O- 5,600.00 2, 500.00 -0- 1,000.00 175.00 3,675.00 1,096.00 8,044.00 _n~_ LO,200.O0 -0- 3OO.OO -0- 900.00 -0- 9OO.OO -0- I !~200. O0 -0- 2,000.00 -0- 1, 500.00 -0- 100.00 -~_, L2,0,00.0,0, 1,096.00 ~7,144.00 9,~00.00 -0- -0- 55,000.00 -0- -0- 74,960.20 -0- 4,500.00 9,600.00 2,000.00 -0- 1,000.00 -0- ~-0- -0- -0- [7,100.00 DESCRiPTIONL Fund-Function-Item SCH00~FUND -CONTINUED 2~EBT S~t~VICE 80Oa Payment of Bonds -0- 800b P~yment to Si~Fund 801 Payment to L~%.Fd. Loans 2,325.00 803 Interest on Bonds -O- 804 Int. on Lit. Fd. Loans ~ 874.~O TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 3,199.00 EXPENDITURE ESTI~JATES - CGNTTNUED EAR E~DED JUNE 0~~ Year Ending. June 30, 1951 ~oposed A.p~ ~Qn~lati on _ E_xDe nditur e AD ~orooriation Expenditure Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ending Ellowed Jun~e~~~ue ~30, 1951 By Board___ -0- 25,000.00 25,000.00 -0- -0- 25,000.00 -o~ -o- -o- -o- -o- -0- 2,325.00 41,375.00 -O- -~O- 4i.375.00 -0- -0- 7,250.00 6,937.50 -O- 312.50 e_~Z4.~ oP: ~_~_.. 8. ~. 50 _ ~ -o, -o- 827.5~o .i_~ 3, !99.00 74,452.50 31.937.50 -0- 42,515.00 31,9 7. TOTALS 766,597.50 662,079.41 841,331.70 712,422.50 45,627~ OO 174,536.20 712 J,.~KS~¢~ P. BL~P'Y HIGH SCHOOL ~ T~A~ - SCHOOL ~7~,597.50 · -0- ~-0- 47,381.00 47,381.00 662,O79.41 841,331.70 759,803.50 93,008~00 1~,536.20 759 61 SPEC. SC~00L CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND 60ia New Bu%ldings 87,600.00 100,800.00 115,920.O0 15,120.00 -0- 18 MCiNTIRE Broadus ~o~ Crozet High Greenwood H~ McIntire Hi Neriwether Red Hill Hi Scotts~ille Albemarle ~ TOTAD MCINT~ TRUST FUND ~ High School 314.28 455.41 School 314.28 288.98 ~ghSchool 314.28 291.09 ~ School 375.00 500,45 ~wis H. School 314.29 291.50 ~hSchool 314.29 350.98 High School 314.29 288.47 .aining Schoo1___~~18.04 P~TR~T F~D 2,575.00 2,984.92 300.00 ~ 300.00 3OO.OO 350.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 ~oQ.oo 2,450.00 ;00.O0 300.00 300.00 350.00 ~00.O0 ~00.00 300.00 2,450.00 .o- -o- ~30o.oo -o- -0- .oo -0- =0- 2 21JOINT ~TH FUND ~-~ C~mp. o~Director 102.1Med.A~st.-~t.Time 102.2 Comp.~P.H.Nurse Sup. 109 Cempl Assistants: Eugenia Secy, 1870. PhylLis Gri~singer 1800. Extra Help 172 Comp. B Hope Winifred Winifred Eiiz. Thief: Nellie Jack~ 146 Comp.-S~ Homer Che~v~ Martin Davi: James Hall 202 Auditor 206 Dues & 214 Rent 215 Repairs 218 ~el. & ~ 220.02 Trav~ 220.03 Tray, 220.1 Tray. 220.6 Tray. 220.8 Trans. 316 Nedical 319 S*~t.,2 327 Bio!ogi 399 Conting, 405 Equipme: 7,500.00 7,500.00 520.00 495.00 -0- __~,486.00 Nurses: 2820. 2820. 2700. 2650. ' 0 ~on ~ 11,324.4 mitarians: ~cci 2760. 2480. ~ 7,260.00 180.00 abscriptions -0- 600.00 679.00 ~el, Postage 42.0.00 ~1 of Director 500.00 -P.H.Nurse Sup. -O- P.H. Nurses 2,450.00 of Sanitarians 1,650.00 of Patients -O- Supplies 250.00 ~d. Forms, etc. 545.00 ~!s 370.00 ,nt & Misc. 850.00 ~t ~, 430.60 015.00 )erts TOTAL JT. HEALTH DEPT. FD. 39, CROZET SANITARY DISTRICT. FUND ~1.1 ADMINi~TRATION 319 Office ~upplies 405 Office TOTAL ADMI~ 102 Comp. o: 123 Laborer 125 Meter R 207 Electri 214 Renal 215 Rep.& R 215.2 Rep.& 215.3 Rep.& 299 Outside 304 Chemica 323 Nateria TOTAL MAINT :quipment :STRATiON 150.00 30.00 200.00 lANCE AND OPERATION 3,383.99 9,537.72 7, 500.00 8,000.00 520.00 520.00 -0- !, 668.00 3,767.00 3,982.00 50o.00 -o- -o- 1,668.O0 -0- 215.00 -o- 8, ~0.00 ~0.00 !,6~8.00 3, c~ g2.O0 12,850.00 13,430.00 7~103.81 7,670.00 7.870.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 2.00 -0- 25.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 603.60 -0- -0- 465.29 495.00 495.00 477.78 500.00 500.00 -0- -0- 150.00 25095.51 2,750.00 2, 500.00 2,209.35 2,040.00 2,040.00 -0- 2!6.00 216.00 147.90 120.00 120.00 726.89 460.00 720.00 52.90 85.00 50.00 883.92 365.00 345.00 580.00 -0- 45 190 48J.00 181.60 36,918.56 40,603.00 43,592.60 2O0.OO -O- -O- 25.00 -0~ 15O.O0 -0- ~0- 250200 -O- 26O.OO -0- -~ 35.~ 13,4 ~0.00 7,8 0.00 ~0.00 ~5.00 6 ~0.00 4~5.oo 5~ 0.00 1 .oo 2,5~0. O0 2,O40.00 ~6.O0 ~0.00 7~o.oo 50.00 3 ~5.00 95.88 150.00 150.00 -0- _ 2_~ 60.00 95.88 175.00 210.00 ~ _ 303.40 3,598.00 608.40 730.00 73O.OO 600.00 800.00 150.O0 150. O0 30.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 i00.00 150.00 550.00 100.00 100.OO 50.00 50.00 100. OO 100.00 2,120.00 2,740. O0 ~ -0- 3 5.00 -0- Supt. 800.00 730.00 600.00 903.12 adings 200.00 150.00 Current 30.00 19.08 ~f Pipe Line -0- 10.00 ~p~.-~eters 50.00 337.16 Repl.-~ains 150.00 319.58 Repl.-Plant,Pump 250.00 26.59 Con~racts I00. O0 -O- ls -Chlorene 50.00 20.50 ~s loo. 0~ 8~!2L____ 3NANCE & OPF_.R. 2,330.00 2,524.22 -O- 200.O0 -0- 20.00 -O- 4o0~,oo 620.00 ~ ~1.60 43, 5 )2.60 1 50.00 ~.OO_ 2 40.00 -0- ? ~0.00 -0- 8 )0.00 -0- 50.00 -0- t0.00 -0- )0.00 -0= )0.00 -0- 50.00 -0~ 30.00 -0- 50.00 -Or _ . )0.00 -0- 2,~ ~D.00 Fund-Fu~ct. io~-Ite_ Year Ending Increase Over Decrease Under June 30, 195i Proposed Year Ending Year Ending Allowed Appropriation Expenditure. ~ation Expenditure June 30-_ 151 _June 0_ 195~1 By Board SAN. DIST. c0m . ckP.OUT S D STR. SYSTEM 105 Recording Fees -0- 123 ~bor 2 2~.~ 226 Sp~c. ~g. S~ce~ 100.00 299 ~tside Con~aCts 350.00 ~4 F~e Hy~ ~ - 100,00 407 Water Me,rs-Boxes - O- ~ Wa~ter M~,Val~s,Co~.~ 5~.00 TOTAL EAPIT~ 0~YS 1,250.~ Z%.$ DEBT SERVICE 800 Re.~emption of Bonds 803 I~. on Bonds )EBT SERVICE FOR CONTINGENCIES TOTAL RESERV -0' lO.CO ~ lO~:O0 -O- 200.00 200.00 -O- 100.00 100.O0 1,193.63 350.00 200.00 -o- .... 2oo.0o 150.0o 113.40 400.00 400.00 321.70 -600.00 - ~00o00 1,628.73 1, 860.00 1,360.00 TOTAL 1,666.67 1,666.68 5,000.00 5,000.00 ' , 50.00, -O- -O- 10.O0 -0- -0- 200.00 ~0- ~O- lOO.O0 -0- 150.00 2O0.00 ~0- 50.00 150.00 ,O- -0- 400.00 0~00 _/ _300.00 5~O.00 1,360.00 -0- 5,000.00 2,45Q~00. -0- 87.5o 7,450.00 4,291767 4,291.68 7,537.50 7,450.00 -0- 87.50 1,103.33 -O- 67.50 -0- -O- 67.50 6 9,175.00 8,540.51 1t, 76~,00 - 1t, 760.00 655.00 655.00 11,760.00 ~R~.SAN.DIST. FU~D ~ ,72~ 708.96 TOTAL !EXPR. - ALL F~DS 1,416,539.32 1,120,!37.72 1~%~222.20 1,696,688.96 252,602.25 203,13 5.%9 Following the adoption of the Budget, the B~ard proceeded to lay the County Levies for the year 1951 and ordered that the Director of Finance of~the County of Albemarle assess and collect on all taxable real estate and all taxable tangible personal iproperty, including machinez7~ and tools not ass~ss~ as real estate at the general re~ssessment of lands i~ 1948, used or ~mployed in a manufacturing or mining business taxable by the State on Capitalp including public service corporation property (except the rolling stock of railroads operated by steam),, bas. ed upon the assessment fixed by the State Corpora- tion Commission and certified by it to the Board of County Supervisors bo~b as' to location and valuation. For General County P~rposes, Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of ss~d property. For Operation of' School Purposes, Two Dollars and Twenty-Seven Cemts ($2.27) on every On~ Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For Special School Capital Outlay Fund, Sev~nty-Eight Cents ($0.78) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. The Director of Finauce is hereby directed ~o credit the School Operating Fund and the School Capital Outlay Fund with-their respective original gross levies as shOWn by the assessment, books of the office of the Director ef Finance as the tax revenues become available and is directed to charge all de- linquent taxes to the Genaral Fund. Mr. E. H. Bain, Chairman of the Crozet Wate~ Committee, appeared and preEented the following report of the Water Committee~ "At a meeting, of the Crozet Water Committee ~held at the reservoir the afternoon of March 28, 1951, and which was attended by Messrs. Owen, Apperson, Robinsqn, and Clark and myself, the following recommendations were reached and are submitted for your consideration. Since it appears that the Acme Visible Records, Inc.,' is using ~O,O00 gallons per day, ~ch volume being more than was anticipated, we believe there is need for a survey to determine the water needed to be impounded to supply the town ever a dry period. The committee located a site in the orchard above the present dam, through which a bold stream flows at present, and which we believe would fill a large reservoir. Therefore, if you agree, we suggest that Messrs. Wiley and Wilson be requested to make a survey, locate the new dam site, estimzte the cost of the dam, and estimate the cost of an eight-inch main from the supply tank to the west end of St. George Avenue. It is quite possible the survey may find an entirely different picture and recommend some different p,~an. However, steps should be taken promptly to avoid difficulties due to a short water supply. It was further agreed to recommend increasing this Committee to include a represen- tative of the Acme Visable Records, Inc. We feel this will be beneficial for several reasons, and suggest the name of Mr. T. O. Per,ns, if you accept this recommendation. ~. Perkins lives within the boundaries of the Sanitary District and is Chief Engineer for Acme." (Signed) E.H. Bain, Chairm~n. Upon motion, ma~e by ~&r. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Batlard, it was ordered that the above re- port be accepted and enacted. Mr~--.Ju~n:-'~Thomas appeared on behalf of She Ruritan Club and presented a map ~of ~the County on which he had located areas in the County as suggested locations for ~rash dumps. After ~ dizcussion of this matter, motion ~as made by ~. Williams and seconded by Mr. Chiles, ordering that the matter be turned over to the Planning Commission for completion. Claim of J. T. Via for four lambs killed by dogs, which lambs were in the custody of Mr. D. H. Collier, was presented. After a discussion of this matter, action was deferred due to the lack of evi- dence that the four lambs were killed by dogs, and Nrc Robinson was requested to ask that ~Ir. Collier ap- pemr before the Board at its next regular meeting regarding this claim. Claim of W. F. Via for three ewes an~ seven lambs was presented. Upon motion, made by ~r. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, this claim was rejected due to the lack of evidence that the sheep were killed by dogs and Mr. Robinson was instructed to advise ~t~. Via accordingly. Claim of J. T. Via for four lambs killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by ~r. Williams and seconded hy Mr. Dorrier, Mr. Via was allowed $10.00 each for the two youngest lambs and $15.00 each for the two older lambs. Claim of Mr. M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. for five ewes killed by dogs was presented. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that Mr. Sutherland had stated that he would rather the Board ~ot allow his claim if meant that the owners of the dogs, who were his neighbors, would be called upon by the Bounty to reim- '.~!~se the Dog Fund for the damages. Since the Board had no etcher alternative other than resorting to this procedure, this claim was withdrawn on the basis of ~. Su~herland's wishes. Claim of Alex Simpson for one turkey valued at $$.00 was presented. Upon motion, made by Wood and seconded by ~r. Ni~_liams, Mr. Simpson was allowed $8°00 for this turkey. The payment of claims against the Dog Tax Fund where the Game ~arden does not-actually view ~the carcass fo the damaged livestock or fowl was discussed and upon motion, made by ~. Ballard and seconded by Mr, Williams, the following resolution was a~opted by the following recorded vote: Ayes:- ~essrs. Ballard, Chiles, Williams and Wood. Noes:-Mr. Dorrier. BE IT P~SOLVED that it is the responsibility of the owners of livestock and poultry destroyed by dogs to preserve all possible evidence to substantiate claims made to this Board and be it further resolved that no claS~ shall be here- after paid by. this Board unless the owner of the livestock or poultry alleged to have been killed by dogs shall preserve and show to the Game Warden the carcass of the killed animal or fowl or some remains thereof as tangible evidence in sup- port of his claim. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1~025.%8, of which $515.2% is payable by the County, was presented and approved for payment. Mr. Gerald Kirby appeared Gn behalf of the Isaac Walton League and .-advised the Board that the League had been informed that the sheriff had instructed his deputies not to police Albemarle Lake. ~. Kirby advised the Board that the League did not wish a full-time patrol of this area but would like to ~feel that this area would expect the same law ~nforcement and patrol as other sections. Sheriff J. Mason Smith was called before the Board regarding this matter and Sheriff Smith advised that he had not issued instructions to his deputies not to patrol Albemarle Lake. He stated that it ~euld not be possibl for his office to ~urnish full-time patrol but ~t~hat this area could expect to be patrolled the same as other sections. Mr. D. A. Robinson advised the Board that the County had expended approximately $7,000.00 on Ceds~ Rust Warrants and that he would recommend that a levy be made this year to begin reimbursing the Co~$y Funds for this expenditure. The Board instructed ~,~. Robinson to proceed with determining the orchard acreage involved and ~. D. B. ~arshall advised that he would prepare the necessary resolution regarding this matter. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department oF Finance for the month of March. t951. one-th_ltd of which to b~ boru¢. By TJ~. M~t~.. ~ m.~+.~. ~. D. k. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of E~enses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of March, 1951, two-thirds 'of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was e~amined, verified and approve~d. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement ef Expenses of the Comm6n- wealth's Attorney's Office for the month of March, 1951, one-half of ~hich to be borne by the State. UpOn motion~ duly made and seconded, this Statement was ex~nined, verified, and ~apDroved. Statement of Expenses in~rred in the ~maintenance of the Jail for the month of Narch along with a Summary Statement of Prisoners Days was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $13,00 was presented and approved for ~ayment. Report of the County Executive for the month of ~arch, 1951, was ~resent~ed and .approved 'and ordered filed. Report for the month of December, 1950, was received from~ the Department of ~elfare and In- stitutions on Oemmitments to County and City Jails and was ordered filed. Report on the audit of accounts for the County Clerk and Clerk of the C~rcuit Cou~t for the calendar year 1950 was received from the Auditor of ~Public Accounts and o~dered filed. Mr. D.~ A. Robinson, County E ~xecu~mve, called the Board's attention to the fact that ~. Fulton Thomas, Deputy Sheriff and Assistant Jailor was not paid for eighteen days during the month of ~rch, ~during which time Nri Thomas was sick and could not work. ~ir. Robinson advised 'that Mr..Thomas was paid for t~he full month of February plus overtime for time worked at the City Jail although he did not work the fUll mont$. The Sheriff appeared regarding this matter and advised that he did not feel that he should certify his payroll for two men for the s~me job which was the case ih l~r. Thomas' absence. Williams stated that he did not feel that Mr. Thomas should be docked if other County employees were not. The Sheriff stated that if the Board apprqved of p~yi ~ ~r. Thomas for the-time he was off, he did not feel ~tr. Thomas should be paid for over-time for the extra da~vs worked at the City Jail. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by ~r. Dorrier, it waz ordered that Mr. Fulton Thomas be paid for the eighteen days in March for which he had been docked on account of sickness and the Chairman was requested to appoint a committee to work with ~r. Robinson in establishing a policy for sick leave for County employees with the exception of school teachers. ~r. McCue appointed the following committee to work on this matter: Mrs. ~illiams, ~r. Dorrier, and Mr. Robinson. The matter of the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Hugh Henderson, Assistant County Agent,. was discussed and ~m. Robinson advised that Mr.. Clark, Supervising County Agent, had met with hie regarding this matter and had promised tq get in touch with .him aga~n but to date he had not hear any- thing further from him. No action was taken on this matter. The Building Permit Ord~uance was discussed. ~nd it wa~s. th~e~ressed feeling of the Board that this Ordinance should be publicized and enforced, ~r. Marshall advised the Board that he had not had au opportunity to complete his work on all of the County's ordinances on the books and ~. McOue requ~ted that ~. Marshall and Mr. Robinson work together on this matter in going over the ordinances to see which ones were still ~eeded by ~he CQunty and which ones needed rewriting. ~r. D. A. ~obinson, County Executive, c~lled the Board's attention to the fact that ~. W. R. Napier had reported the same mileage to the Game Commission ~ud to t~he Forestry Service and asked the Board .if they felt this matter should be ts~en up ~ith Nr. Quinn of the Commission of Game and. Inland ~Fisheries. ~r. Robinson was authorized to discuss this matter with Mr. Quinn to determine if the Game Commission was accepting the mileage reported as the actual mileaEe traveled on official buainessi Reports of the Welfare Department for the month of March, 19~l, were presented to the Board in accordance with Section 371 of the Acts of the Assembly of 1951. Communication was received from the Compensation .Board advising that the salary of the Common- wealth's Attorney had been approved in the amount of $~%O0.00 for the calendar year 1951. Mr. Robinso~ $4,000.00 for the salary of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the fiscal year beginning July I, 195i and ending Ju~e 30, 1952, The Budget for the Charlottesville-Albemarle Library for the fiscal y~ar ending June 30, 1952, including $3,843.59 from County Funds was presented aud approved~.and---the amount of $340.61 which is the' remount of excess over $3,843.59 appropriated in the County's Budget for this p~rpose was ordered tr~us- ferred to the Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund. Communication was received from Mr. C. H. Morrissett, State Tax Conmn~ssioner, advising the Board that he felt it wiser for the County to continue to prepare its tax books on personal p~oper~t-y and real estate by districts and color and quoted laws in regard to same, although he had pre~ous~y advised otherwise. Communication was received from the League of Virginia Counties requesting a meeting of the Metropolitan Committee to formulate more definite policies for Civilian Defense work of the Counties of Virginia in Richmond on April 29, 1951. Communication wa.s received from the League oft Virginia Counties advising that ~. Do A. Robin- son had been appointed to the Magazine Committee of the League and l~. Robinson was authorized~ to' serve on th~ committee. Communication was received from the Virginia Advisory Legislative Council advising that the Committee studying the matter of whether or not counties should be permitted to withdraw from the secon- dary system of highways would hold a public hearing on April 23, 1951. Communication was received from the Washington County Development Association ~dvising that th~ Virginia Section of International City Nanager's Association ~ould be held in Abington, May ll-12, 1951. An offer of $75.00 was received from George Coles for ten acres of land in the Soottsville District, formerly owned by Spotswood London, and now owned by the~ County. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that this property was taken over by the County at a cost of $55.~00 and recommended that it be sol~ for $100.00. Upon motion, made by ~. Dottier and seconded by Nr. Wood, it was ordered that this tract of land be offered to Mr. Coles for $100.00. Communication was received from Niley and Wilson advising that ~r. ~cNutt,' Jr'. had Ris~us~ed~u~ with Mr. A~ H.' Bell, Location and design Engineer for the Virginia Department of ~H~Ehways, plans for the proposed impmovements of U. S. Highway 29 north of Charlottesville in connection with plans~ for the wate~ supPly line to-the Central High School, and Mr. Bell had advised that there~ is~a survey under way at present to determine the extend of improvement of this road. Upon the recommendation of~ i~. Robinson, motion was made by- Mr. Chiles and seconded by ~. Do~ier, ordering that the State Highway Department be requested to complete the survey on Route 29, North, at the earliest possible date in order that the County may have the benefit of the survey before locating its proposed water line along RoUte 29 from the City limits to Route 743. Communication was received from th~ State Chamber of Commer~e regarding its annual meeting in Roanoke and was ordered filed, A bulletin was received from the Local Chamber of Commerce showing the officers and~ directors of the CHamber for the year 1950-51. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that the annual meeting of the Muni~ipa! Fi~nce Officers' Association would be held in Dallas, Texas, April 23-26, 1951. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded ~ by Mr. Dottier, ~. Robinson waz authorized to attend this convention on County time and~to h~ve the use of the County car. Claims against the County amounting to $150,565.~.1 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following 'funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Orozet Fire District Fund Croz~t Sanitary District Fund $18,808.08 64, 722.98 581.25 8.01 187.50 22 Joint Health Fund Special School Capital ~atlay Fund School Construction Bond Fund ~McIntire Trust Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Comm. of Va. Dog Tax Credit Account Due from S.N. Dist. Cedar Rust ~Wmud Due from W.H. Dist. Cedar Rust Fund Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. $ 3,251.80 37~238.39 18, 512.90 225.96 4,208.23 1,330.76 518.65 970.9.0 $150, 565.41 Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on ~he 16th day of May, 19~51. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams and W. W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of April 18, 1951, were read and approved. Mr. Guy Via appeared regarding the Board's action on sheep c!~s where the carcass is not viewed by the Game Warden. ~r. Via expressed the opinion that denying such claims places a hardship on the sheep owners because of the fact that in some cases it is impossible to find the carcass of a killed sheep. Mr. J. T. Via and ~¥. D. H. Collier appeared regarding a claim for four lambs which was tabbed at the last meeting of the Board. These lambs were owned by Nr. Via and being grazed by ~. Collier. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Chiles, it was ordered that ~. Via be paid $15.00 each for these lambs, one-half of the assessed value of his sh~eep. Mr. W. F. Via appaared regarding a claim for seven lambs and three ewes which was tabled at the last meeting of the Board. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Chiles,~ Mr. Via was allowed $15.00 each for the lambs and $10.00 each for the ewes. Claim of Mr. F. K. Pollard for six hens was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Pollard was allowed the assessed value of $2.00 each for these hens. Glaim of Jacintha S.. Paschal for one ewe was presented. Upon motion, made by ~. Willi~Jas and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mrs. Paschal was allowed the assessed value of $30.~00 for this ewe. Claim of James Kelly for one buck, one doe and seven small rabbits was presented. Upon motion made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, Mr. Kelly was allowed ~$3.O0 each for the buck and doe and $1.O0 each for the amall rabbits. Claim of J. W. Johns for one l~mb was presented. Upon motion, made by ~r. Dorrier a~d secon- ded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Johns was allowed the a~sessed value of $16.00 for this lamb. Claim of Mrs. Ellen V. Michael for two lambs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by ~r. Ballard, Mrs. Michael was allowed $15.00 each for the lambs. Claim of ~Sam Byer~s for t~hirteen hens and two g~me roosters was presented. U~0n motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded ky ~. Wood, Mr. Byers was allowed $1.25 each for the hens and $4.00 each for the roosters. Claim of l~rs. Braum for one lamb was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. ~illiams, Mrs. Bra~m was allowed the assessed value of $301.,00 for this lamb. Cla~ of J. Nelson Brown for one ewe was ~r esented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Brown was allowed the assessed value of $40.00 for this ewe. Claim of J. T. Via for one m,e was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Via was allowed the assessed value of $30.00 for this ewe.