HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-16Joint Health Fund SpeCial School Capital ~tl~y Fund School Construction Bond Fund NcIntire Trust Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Comm. of Va. Dog Tax Credit Account Due from S.N. Dist. Cedar Rust Fund Due from W.H. Dist. Cedar Rust Fund' Upon motion, the meetinE adjourned. 3,251.80 3~38.39 18, 512.90 225.96 4,208.23 1,330.76 518.65 $1~0,565.41 Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of May, l~51. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams and W. W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth' s Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of April 18, 1951, were read and approved. Mr. G~y Via appeared regardio~ the Board's action on sheep c! ~aims where the c~rcass is not viewed by the Game Warden. Mr. Via expressed the opinion that dentin§ such claims places a hardship on the sheep owners because of the fact that in some cases it is impossible to find the carcass of a killed sheep. Mr. J. T. Via and ~r. D. H. Collier appeared regarding a claim for four lambs which was tabled at the last meeting of the Board. These lambs were owned by Nr. Via and being grazed by Mr. Collier. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Chiles, it was ordered that I~. Via be paid $15.00 each for these lambs, one-h~lf of the assessed value of his sheep. Mr. W. F. Via appeared regarding a claim for seven lambs and three ewes which was tabled at the last meeting of the Board. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Chiles, Mr. Via was allowed $15.00 each for the l~ubs and $10.00 each for the ewes. Claim of Mr. F. K. Pollard for six hens was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Pollard was allowed the assessed value of $2.00 each for these hens. ~ ~ · . Glaim of Jacintha S.~ Paschal for one ewe was presented. Upon motion, made by ~. ~Jillmams and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mrs. Paschal was allowed the assessed value of $30.~00 for this ewe. Claim of J~mes Kelly for one buck, one doe and seven small rabbits wa~ presented. Upon motion made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, Mr. Kelly was allowed ~3.00 each for the buck and doe and $1.00 each for the small rabbits. ClaLm of J. W. Johns for one lamb was presented~ Upon motion, made by ~1r. Dorrier ~nd secon- ded by Mr. Williams, ~. Johns was allowed the assessed value of $1~.00 for this lamb. Claim of Mrs. Ellen V. ~chael for two lambs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Ballard, ~rs. Michael was allowed $15.00 each for the lambs. Claim of ~Sam Byer~ for thirteen hens and two g~me roosters was presented. Upon motion, made ~l 2~ by Mr. W~li~ms and seconded by ~. Wood, Mr. Byers was allowed ~ . ~ each for the hens and $4.00 each for the roosters. Claim of Mrs. Bra~m for one lamb was presented. Upon motion, made by ~ir. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mrs. Bra~m was allowed the assessed value of $30.00 for this lamb. Claim of J. Nelson Brown for one ewe was ~r esented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and s~conded by ~. Williams, Mr. Brown was allowed the assessed value of $40.00 for this ewe. ClaLm of J. T. Via for one ~e was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Via was allowed the assessed value of $30.00 for this ewe. Mr. Sidney Watson, Trial Justice, appeared before the Board and urged that provisions be made soon as possible for trash dumping areas in the County.. Er. E. O. McCue, Jr. appeared and re,nested the Board to recommend to the Highway Department to take into the Secondary System 2.02 miles, a continuation of the road already taken into the System in the Bellaire Subdivision. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Williams, the follow- resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Vir- ginia, that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby recomnended to take in- to the Secondary System 2.02 miles of Road in Bellair Estates, a continuation of the one-.half mile of road previously taken into the Secondary System. This road does not comply with the present regulations governing roadS in subdivisions but at the time the road was built, there were no specifications which were not met. BE IT ~JRTHER RESOL~FED that a copy of th&s Resolution be sent to the ~tate Highway Commission. Ers. Bruce appeared and advised the Board that since making a request for improvements to the Broad Ax Road at the last meeting of the Board, the Highway Depaz~ment had done some work on this road but had not gone all the way. Mr. Shields advised that the Highway Department had plans for the remain- ~r of the road and would continue as soon as pipe was available for this work. Mr. E. H. Copenhaver, Attorney, appeared regarding the outlet from the Gillock property. Mr. Williams advised that he had contacted Dr. Anderson over whose property this outlet runs and had been advised by Dr. Anderson that he would give any right of way necessary on the west side of the outlet so long as the fences are replaced. Mr. Copenhaver stated that he felt the Highway Department should bear ~he ex~nses of moving the fences. 1~. Shieldsstated that this was not an obligation of the Highway De- partment mud Mr. Cope~haver advised the Board that he would discuss this matter with ~-M. Sh2elds later. Communication wa~ received from the State Department of Highways enclosing final allocations of primary construction funds as approved by the Highway Commission at their regular meeting on April ll l~l. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by i~r. Wood, the following Viewers' Report was ~ccepted in accordance E[th Section 20~9 of the Virginia Code and t~M. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, was requested to advise Mr. Rogers that as soon as he and the other property owners begin work on clear- i~' the right of way, the State will begin its share of the work: We, the undersigned, being viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on ~anuary 17, 19~l to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise you that on February l~, 19~l we viewed this section of road and again on February 28 and make the following report: Due to the fac$~:that the petitioners have, for years, been using a right of way through the Lula Y. Durrette Estate farm, passing between the residence and the barn and winding through~he south end of the farm to the J~mes W. Rogers line, and upon first examination~ feeling that this right of way should be used as far as the location of same would make it practical for State road we have felt it was practical to begin a new location from this right of way some 200 yards south of the Durrette residence and cutting through Durrette' s field to the Rogers l~ue; however, upon further inves- tiSation the matter of presant right of way being very indefinite we again went on the ground with Mr. Rogers and N~. Durrette and decided upon the following location for prbposed addition provided the conditions required are met by the petitioners: Beginning in the curve to right on Secondary Route 6~1 some 200 ft. south of the~ branch at ~ir. A. R. Lockhart's place and bearing east to the property line of Mr. Lock- hart and Mr. I~rrette' s for a distance of ~0 ft. to a point in said line l~?~ feet east of the center line and end of maintenance of Stsh e Route 6~1, thence bearing to the east ~So through Durrette's land and ??~ ft. crossing creek at point 2~ ft. sou.~h of pine tree, thence h2o to the south for ~lO ft. to gate entrance of old archard on east, thence following the old roadbed to a point ~0 ft. southeast of old road ~iCh crosses the creek to the Durrette's barn. From this point, ~hich is one-half mile for the be- ginning, this right of way follows the present old road alone edge of woods to the Rogers ~oper~y line, a distance of approximately 1~60 ft. Entering the Rogers pro- perty at existing draw-bars and continuin~ through same for a distmuce of ~00 ft. following the old roadbed, c~.ossing the creek at location of old bridge, to the pre- sent road nesr barn and residence of Jsmes W. Rogers. Feeling that this proposed location is the proper one to serve the Rogers families, also Mr. Robert Watson, and J. Nelson Brown and Ward Dulaney, southeast of the Rogers. property~ and knowir~ that the right of way must be cleared through all property to a point where it intersects the present ro6d, we recommend to your Board the addition to the State system beginning at the present road in the Lockhart property and continuing as described above~ to a point ~0 ft. southeast of old' road to Durrette barn, a dis- tance of approximately 1/2 mile. orovided the right of way is ~iven the county, through 2¥ serves the Robert Watsons and J. Nelson Brown and Ward Dulaney properties and that this section of new road be put in travelable condition by the petitioners within a limit of six months after the new addition is taken into the system. ~ estimate the damag~ for land taken and to the residue of the tract on the Lock- hart property to be the cost of fencing that is required by the change. We estimate the damage to the DUrrette property for land taken to be offset ~y all parties using the present road through the Durrette f&rm to the Rogers land, releasing all exist- ing right to travel by the ~rrette residence and through their farm to the 'Rogers property, The fencing on each side of the new right of way through the Durrette property to~-~.be divided as follows: The Lula Y Durrette Estate to furnish and deliver posts and the petitioners to fur- nish four-strand barb wire and build said fence. It is understood that the Highway Department will not proceed with the constrUction of the proposed one half-mile addition until there is evidence from the .petitioners that they are going to carry out the above mentioned requirements. (Signed) ~. N. C/ark C. Wade J. G. White After viewing Route 630 in person, the Board reax"firmed its acceptance of th~ Viewers 'Report on this road at the March meeting. Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Engineer of the Department of Highways, appeared and presented to the Board the Secondary Budget for the year ending June 30, 1952 in the ~mount of $382,663.00. Upon motion, made by ~r. Williams and seconded by Mr. Chiles, the following resolution was unanimously adopte~ BE IT RESOLEED ~y the Board of County Supervisors cf Albemarle County, Virginia, that. the Secondary Budget for the year ending June 30, 1952, as pre- sented by Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident E~ineer, be~ and is hereby approved in the following amounts Ordinary ~aintenan~e M~intenance Replacements Construction Sub-Total Federal Aid Matched Total $165,244;00 51,020.00 92,555.00 $308,819.00~ ~73,844:0q $382,663.00 Mr. M. Y. Sutherland, Jr. appeared and discussed with the Board the matter of the Board's re- sortiD~ to dog owners for reimbursement for sheep claims allowed. P~. Sutherland expressed the opinion that many sheep owners would not like for the County to go to their neighbors in these cases. Mr. Sutherland wA~ advised that the law left the Board with no other alternative. A delegation from Crozet appeared and requested that the Board adopt a resolution requesting that the A.B.C. Board not issm~e any permits for the sale of beer or wine in the community of Crozet. After a discussion of this matter, Mr. Chiles expressed the feeling that he felt it would be only fair to have a public hearing on this matter so that both sides m~ght express their opinions. Upon motion, made by ~r. Bal!ard and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that a special meeting of the Board be held on May 25th at 8:00 P.M. in the Court Room at Which time both sides interested in this matter could be heard, and Mr. Robinson was directed to request representatives of the A.B.C. Board, ~. W. S. Cook, and ~r. Thomas Wolfe to be present at this meeting. The Board received and accepted with reEret the resignation of ~. Julian Thomas As Chief Forest Warden effective June l, 1951, motion being made by Mr. Williams and sebonded by }~. Dorrier. Mr. Leslie H. Walton, Assistant Superintendent, appeared and ~iscussed with the Board the School Board's application for State School Construction Funds. Mr. Walton advised the Board that in order to obtain this Fund, fire insurance would have to be carried on the central high school throughout its construction. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that funds for the financing of the central school project would have to be set up and was directed by the Boar~ to set up the accounts for this project an~ bring the matter back to the Board for its approval. Upon motion, made by ~. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Chiles, the fol!o~.~o~ resolution was un~uimously adopted: WHEREAS, the School Board for the County of .~lbemarle on the 16t~ day of May, 1951, presented~o this Board 8n application addressed to the StaSe Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of securing State School Construction~ Funds in the amount of $325,419.71 for the new school building at Charlottesville, Vir- ginia, on Hydraulic Road, RESOLVED, that the application of the County School Board to the State Board of Education for $325,419.71 from the School Construction Fund is hereby approved. The Board of Supervisor~ for said County has, or will provide sufficient funds through cash ~ppropriations and/or levy, to complete this project. If the School Board has sufficient funds on hand to complete this project, permission is hereby granted for the use of said funds, for the purpose designated in the ~ppli- cation. Report of the County Executive for the month of April, 1951, was presented, approved, and ordered filed. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Fin~ce, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of ~pril, 1951, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. ~_. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of April, 1951, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. UpOn motion, duly made and second~d, this Statement was ex,mined, verified and approved. Mr. D. A~ Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Common- wealth's Attorney's Office for the month of April, 1951, one,half of which to be borne by th~ State~ Upon motion, duly made aud seconded, this Stmtement was examined, verified and approved. Statement of expehses incurred in the maintenance of the Jail for the month of April along ~ th a Summsr~ Statement of Prisoner Days was submitted. Upo$ motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, presented an analysis of operating costs of City and County Jails in the State for the years 1948, 1949, and 1950 as received from the Department of ~elfare and Institutions. Reports were received from the Department of Public Welfare for the month of April, 1951, in accordance with Section 371 of the Acts of the Assembly of 1950. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $968.84, of which one~Hal£ is ~ be borne by the County, was presented and approved for payment. ~. Robinson ~alled the Board' s at- tention to the fact that the appropriation for this purpose has been expended and was instructed by the Board to request that ~rs. Marks only certify future cases but not to authorize any. Report of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library for the month of April, 1951, was pre- sensed and ordered filed. The following agreement between Mrs. Lula Jones and the County of Albemarle was approved upon motion of Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood: This AG~ made this 16~$h d~ of May, 1951, by and between Mrs. Lula Jones, Party of the First Part, and the Cou$~y of Albemarle, Virginia, Party o~f the Second Part: ~I TNE S S E TH : That for and in consideration of the sum of Forty-Eight Dollars ($48.00) to be paid at the expiration date of the Agreement, the Party of the First Part hereby agrees to lease to the Party of the Second Part all that certain p~rcel of land now being used by the Party of the Second Part, for a period of twelve months, for the purpose of turni~ automotive equipment Eo facilitate the entrance to or exit from the County of Albemarle's Repair Shop. The Party of the Second Part agrees to ~llow no parking of County o~med equipment on said parcel.~ The Party of the Second Part agrees further to install a heating system in the Shop to ~timinate so far as possible smoke nuisance to the Party of the First Part. Either Party here$o may terminate this Agreement at the end of the said twelve month term by giving the other written.notice thirty (30) d~ys prior to the expiration date. Witness the following sign~ture~ and seals. (Signed) Mrs. Lula Jones (Sigsed) County of Albemarle By Samuel S. Clark Asst. to County Executive Upon motion, made by Mr~ Williams and seconded by Mr. Chiles, Mr. Robinson was directed to discuss with Mr. Walton the desire of this Board to see the School Board give thoughts to plans for the Repair Shop at the Central High School before the school building. A proposal was received from T. Coleman Andrews and Compan~ to audit the accounts and records of the County of Albemarle for the fiscal yesr ending June 30~ 19~l, for the sum of $1,~00.-00 and upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Williams was accepted. Communication was received from the Division of Planning and Economic Development advising that a short course for Plauning and Zoning Officials and Technicians would be conducted at ~th~ Natural Bridge Hotel, Naturs1 Bridge, Virginia, May 22nd and 23rd, and would be preceded by the annual meeting of the Virginia Citizens Planning Association. on May 21st and 22nd. Upon motion, made by t¥~r. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, ~. Samuel Clark was authorized to attend this meeting and Mr. Robinson was slso authorized to request two members of the Plar~uing Commission to attend at the expense of the County. Communication was received from the Leagur of $irginia Counties advising that the hearing on the application of the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company for increased rates which was schedule d for Ms~ 21st before the State Corporation Commission has been postponed until October l~th. Co~nunication was received from the League of Virginia Counties advising that the annusl meeting of the National Association of County Officials would be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, beginning July ~th and conti~ ug through July ?th. Communication was received from the Department of Agriculture requesting the Board to continue its lease for the rental of space in the County Office Building occupied by the Soil Conservation Service for ~the year beginning July l, 19~l and ending June 30, 19~2, at the present rental rate of $20.00 per mo~th~ which request was granted upon motioncof ~. Williams and seconde~ by Mr. Ballard. A report was received from the Albemarle Tuberculosis Association on County funds which the Association had ~i~sbursed for the payment of sanitoria care of indigent County patients for the period July l, 19~0 to M~ 7, l~l. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that the Association had requested that they be relieved of the administration program and had suggested bhat this be turned over to the Health De- partment. Mr. Robinson expressed the opinion that he would like to see the Association continue this set vice, but that if they were unable to do so he would rather the matter be ttu~ned over to the Welfare Department rather than the Health Department. 1~. Robinson was directed to request the Association to ~ontinue this service. Application was received from Mro E. J. Meeteer and Mr. Marvin Bates for the position of Assis- tsnt County Agent. Co~uunication was received from Mr. G. H. Clark, District Agent, recommending Mr.' B~tes for the position. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Ballard, ~. Bates employ- ment was approved, effective June l, l~l, with a salary from local funds of $1,~O0.00 per annum. Communication was received from the State Chamber of Commerce advising that a conference would be held in Richmond, Virginia, at the Jefferson Hotel on M~y 23rd relating to the Controlled Materials ~lan. Communication was received from the State Compensation Board advising the Compensation Board concurred in the recommendation of this Board in fixing the salary of the Commonwealth's Attorney, ef- fective July l, 19~l, at the rate of $~,000.00 per annum. Mr. D. A. Robinson~ County~Exec~ti~e, advised the Board that he had received a request from the Fire Chief at Crozet ~or a permit for a fireworks display at the annual meeting of the Crozet Volun- teer Fire Company on July ~th. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. Robinson was authorized to issue The offer of Mr. C. T. O'Neil of $85.00 for fifty-two acres of land in the Scottsville Dis- trict was again brought to the attention of the Board. Mr. Dorrier advised that this land was not ac- cessable by road. Upon the recommendation of ~J~. Robinson, it was ordered that this land be offered · o Mr. ONeil for $125.O0. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, recommended that the County replace ~ll of its mechani- cal office equipment over ten years old in view of the national emergency. Upon motion, ma~e by £~r. Williams and seconded by ~. Wood, Mx. Robinson was authorized to replace all equipment over ten years old. The matter of drainage from the County Jsil was again discussed. Mr. Robinson suggested that P~. Wirtz be advised that this matter cannot be corrected at a reasonable price but if he is willing to have something done which will be satisfactory to him, the County would bear one-half of the expanse. Mr. Robinson was instructed to advise Mr. Maupin that this matter h~ been referred to the Commonwealth Attorney. ~. Robinson advised the Board that Mrs. Betty H~lstead had resigned as Clerk in the Depart- ment of Finance and he had employed NLrs. Dorryce Clontz at a salary of $130.00 per month~effective June l, 1951. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that he had met with Mr. McNutt of Wiley m~d Wilson at Crozet and had go~e over with him the matter of the Cro~et Water Supply. i*~. Robinson advised that Wiley and Wilson was still awaiting a report from the State Depart- m~t of Highways on its plans for improvements to Route 29 before pursuimg further the matter of the water supply line to the central high school. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that there had been a stoppage in the sewers in the Woolen Mills Sanitary District. It was the feeling of the Board that no tapping on water or sewerage lines should be allowed ~,ithout permits in the Woolen ~ills Sanitary District or in the Crozet Sanit~ Dis- ~et. In view of the paint condition of the County Office Buildingo P~. Robinson, County Executiv% ~commended that the interior and exterior be painted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. Robin- son was authorized to secure bids for interior and exterior painting of the County Office Building~ ~ Claims against the County amounting to $63,970.51 were presented, examined, and allowed mud certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General~,Fund SchOol Fund Dog Tax'Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Fund McIntire Trust Fund Joint Negro High School Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Due from S.N. Dist. Cedar Rust Fund Due from W.H. Dist. Cedar Rust ~W~ud $23,005./.2 15,782.34 290.30 8.17 153.23 ~,26~.16 285.6/+ 16,609.31 2,788.94 989.8O 793 20. 63,970.51 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned until .~y 25, 1951~ at 8:00 P.M. Chai~mau