HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-20 A ~egular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Bui!~ing of said County on the 20th day of June, 1951.
and ~. W. Wood.
Absent: None.
Officers oresent: County Executive and CommBnwealth's Attorney.
Minutes of the meetings of Nay 16, 1951~ and. ~J~ay 25, 1951, were read and approved.
Upon motion, made by bM. Chiles and seconded by hmo Williams, the following resolution was un-
aminously adooted:
~EREAS, during the last month on two occasions groups of citizens
from. Crozet, Virginia, have appeared before this Board and have expressed the
option that the police protection for that community is inadequate and that
iff a beer license wer~ issued in that community cond.itions would be come in-
tolorable, and
V~ERF~, in the wisdon of the A.B.C. Board a beer license has been
issued by said Board,
N~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that if the Sheriff feels that he is limited in
his ability to give the community proper police protection B~ an insufficiency
of funds ~and if he sho~&d make application to this Board for additional funds
for this purpose, the Board of Supervisors will give sympathetic consideration
to the request.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be submitted to
J. Mason Smith, Sheriff.
~fm. Williams reported that he had discussed this matter with the Sheriff and the Sheriff had
advised that if more adequate police protection is to be given in Crozet, he wo~d have to employ an
additional deputy.
At the request of Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Engineer, the following resolution was unani-
mously adopted upon motion of Er. Wil~sms~ seconded by Mr. Ba!lard:
BE IT RES-OLVED by the Board of County Supervisor~ of Albemarle Cozuuty,
Virginia, that a thirty-foot right of way be and is hereby gtu~ranteed the State
Highway Department in connection with the request of this Board of April 18, 1951,
to take into the State Secondary System a .3 mil~ addition to Route 745.
.~t the request of ~Mo ~. W. Bhields, Resident Engineer, the following resolution was unani-
mously adopted upon motion of Nro Wood~ seconded by Mr. Williams:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that a thirty-foot right of way be and is hereby guaranteed the State
Highway Department in co~ection with the request of this Board of ~ay 26, !951,
to take into the State Second ~.mry System a road beginning at curve on right of
Route 6~1 approz~hmately 200 ft. south of branch at Ao R. Lockhart's property and
besming east through the property of the Lula Y. Durrette Estate to the property
of James W. Rogers s~nd others at Barboursville, Virginia, this g~rantee being
given subject to the -obtaining by the county ~r~itten consent of Lula Yo I~zrrette
heirs to give said 30 fro right of way through the Durrette property.
~t the request~:~f I~r. W. W. Shields, the following resolution was unanimously adopted upon
motion of ~. Williams, seconded hy I~. Wood:
BE iT RF~SOLVED by the BOard of County Supervisors of Albemarle Co~mty~
Virginias that the Department of Highways be and is hereby recommended to tsf~e
Messrs. O. Purcell ~cCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. l~illiams,ii
for the outlet from the property of Miss Martha Gl!lock.
Communication was received from the State Department of Highways ac~owledging receipt of this
Board's request for an addition of 2.02 miles of' road in Bellair Estates and advising that prompt and
appropriate consideration wo~d be given this request,
Dr. Robert L. King of Scottsville appeared and requested that the. Board appropriate to the
Scottsville Fire Company and to the Crozet Fire Comps~uy $600.00 each, this amouut being the sum provided
in the current budget for the Charlottesville Fire Company which was not expended. Upon motion, made by
~M. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Cotuuty Suoervisors of Albemarle Co~3nty,
Virginia, that the $1200.00 appropriation in the current budget for the Charlottes-
ville Fire Company be and t2~e same is hereby appropriated ~n and divi~ed ~qua?~ be-
tween the Scottsville and Crozet Fire Companies.
~,~. Chiles advised that the new location of the post elf ice in Crozet has cre~ted a traffic
problem. After a discussion of this matter, the following resolution was unanimously 'adopted upon motio~
of ~. Chiles, seconded by Mr. Wood:
BE IT RESOL~ED by the Board of Comuty Supervisors of Albemarle Count~,
Virgil_ia, that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to
locate no parking signs on the south side of Route 687 at Crozet, Virginia, to
ms~ke safer ingress and egress of traffic at .its ra~ersect-on with Rc~te 240.
Claim of ~Ms. Lydia Moore for three chickens was presented. Upon motion, made by ~. Williams
and seconded by ~-r. Ballard, this claim was denied due to the fact that the Game Warden only viewed the
carcass of one chicken and this chicken only had the skin broken and was eaten by the owner.
ClaL~. of B. K. Pttrvis for one !tomb was presented. This claim was referred back to the Game
Warden to determine if ~. P~r~ls had a~%y sheep assessable as of January 1.~
Claim of Nfs. A. E. Bra~mu for one sheep and fifteen lambs was presented. This claim was table~
awaiting advise of Mr. M. G. Elliott, Game Warden.
Request was received from ~. J. T. Via for the difference between $10.00 and $15.00 for two
lambs. Nro Via had been allov~ed $15o00 each for all other lambs killed by dogs and felt that he should
also be allowed $15.00 each for the two which the Board had approved for $10.00 each° Upon motion,
made by ~r. Chiles and seconded by ~f~. Ballard, it was ordered t~hat ~M. Via be paid 95.00 additional for
each of these two lambs.
Report of the County Executive for the month of ~ay, 1951, was presented, approved and ordered
~r. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of ~enses of the Department
of Finance for the month of 5~y, 1951, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly
made and seconded, this Statement was exmmined, verified, and approved.
t~M. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expmnses of the Sheriff's
Office for the month of ~.4ay, 1951, tWo-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made
and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Mr. D. Ao Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Con~monwealth
Attorney's Office for the month of ~y, 1951, one-half of whic$ to be borne by the State. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Statement of expenses incurred ~_u the maintenance of prisoners confined in the county jail
during the mont$ of 55~y, 1951~ along with a Summsa~y Statement Of Prisoner Days was submitted. Upon moti,
duly made and second, ed, these statements were examined, verified, sad approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $9.~0 was presented,
and upon motion made by ~r. Dottier and seconded by Mr. Wood, was approved for p~ay~jent.
Report wa~ received from the Department of ~Welfare and Institutions on commitments to county
and city jails for the month of ~.~arch, 1951.
Report was received from the Auditor of Public Accounts on the audit of the accounts and
records of Stu.~t F. Head, Trial Justice, for the period November 5, 1950 through Narch 13, 1951o
~. Chiles raised the question if there was any action the Board could take to obtain infor-
mation for the Sheriff's office on paroled prisoners. After a discussion of this matter, Mr. Do B.
Narshall, C~onwealth~s Attorney, was instructed to investigate this matter in an effort to determine
if the Sheriff could be advised when prisoners are paroled.
Dr_. George Spicer was acknowledged as a guest at the Board meeting and invited to return when-
ever possible.
E~ progress report was received from the Planning Conmission reco~ending to the Board the
followin sites for trash dumps in the County:
(1) A site easily accessible to U.S. Route 250 and which woo~d serve the Browns-
ville, Crozet, and Nechums River area.
(2) A site adjoining Route 639 and which would serve the Batesville~ Niller
'School s~ud Greanwood Area.
(3) A site located~.'.~off of, but accessible to U.S. Route 6 in the Esmont neighbor~
hool and which would serve this community as well as the Town of Scottsville.
Upon motion, made by Nr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Williams, th~ Planning Commission' s report was ac-
cepted with thanks, and ~¥~ E. H. Bain, Ghai_Fman, was requested to advise the Planning Commission that
the Board wished it to continue with its work on this project and .%~. D~ B. ~arshall s~ud ~o Sam Clark
were instructed to obtain deeds or leases for the sites above.
Sr. Leslie H. W. alton~ Asst. Supt. of Schools, Mr. J. T. He~ey, Chairman of the School Board~
and Er. E. J. OglesbY, Nember of the School Board, appeared and discussed with the Board the matter of
constructing a new repair shop at the central high ~hoo! site. ~, Walton presented a drawing from th~
State Department of Education for a repair shop along with a drawing of a proposed addition to the shop
prepared by local architects.- Mr. Walton advised that the total estimate for the shop and the fence
around the parking lot was ~35,000.00. It was the School Board's feeling that the general stores
be maintained at' the present warehouse mud only a small inventory carried at the new shop. ~. Robin-
son expressed the opinion that for the most efficient and economical operation of stores only one store
should be maintained for general and shop supplies and in his opinion this ~tore should be located ad-
jacent to the shop wherever located. No action was taken on this matter.
In line with the Board's request of a previous meeting, ~M. Robinson presented the following
budget for the new Albemarle central high school and requested a resolution authorizing the necessary
transfer and corrections in accounts in order to out into effect the following construction fund with
its appropriations and estimates of revenue:
Estimated Revenue:
State Grants
State Literary Fund
Transfers from Special Capital Outlay Fund
Transfers from Schoo~ Operating Fund
Temporary Loans
Architect' s Fees
Water pipe line and facilities
Improvements to sites
$ 325,4t9.79
$ 62,850.00
Upon motion, made by iMr. Williams and seconded by~lr. Wood, the foregoing budget was approved and ~.
Robinson was authorized to make the necessary transfers.
~r. J. T. Henley asked if the Board felt he should resign from the School Board in view of 'I
the fact that he is a candidate for the State Sentteaand the Board advised ~. Henley that his candidac~i
Reports of the Welfare Board for the month of May, 1951, were. presented in accordance with
Section 371 of the Acts of the Assembly of 1950o
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $152o36 of which ~$80e7~ is due
by the County was presented and upon motion of Mr o Dorrier, seconded by Nrc Wood, was approved for pay-
Request was received from the Department of Welfare and Institutions for a stop-payment order
on check no. 35~%6 dated 2/10/%7 made payable to Phil Wood because of the fact that the payee was dead
and the check had been outstanding over two years. Upon motion, made by ~.~. Dorrier and seconded by ~r.
Williams, ~. Robinson was authorized to issue a stop-payment order on this check.
~. Robinson called the Board's attention to the fact t,hat check No~ 122 dated ~rch 21, 1951
in the ~mount of $30.00 made payable to }~ry Jane Wingfield had been lost by the ~ayee. Upon motion,
made by Nr. Williams and seconded by ~. Wood, Mr. Robimson was authorized to issue a stop-payment order
on this check and to issue a duplicate°
Mr. D. Ac Robinson, County Executive, presented the Welfare Budget in the ~mount of $175,600.
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952, which has been approved by the State Department of Welfare.
Upon motion, d~J~y made and seconded, ~Lr. McCue was authorized to execute this budget on behalf of the
Board of Supervisors.
Request was received from the Uniaersity~of Virginia Hospital for a renewal of the State-Local
Hospitalization Contract. Upon motion, made by ~. Williams and seconded by ~&. Wood, Mr. ~¢cCue was
authorized to sign this contract on behalf of the Board of County Supervisors an~ to insert $11.72 as
the daily contract rate with a maximum expenditure ~r t~he year of $7500.00.
~,¢r. D. A. Robinson presented the lease for office~space for the Soil Conservation Service for
the year ending June 30, 195~, and upon motion~ made by r~o Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, was
authorized to execute s~meo
A report on the 1950 census was received show~g the official population of Albemarle County
ii as 26,662 as of April 1, 195~i.
The matter of a telephone for the office of Justice Lemuel F. Smith was discussed and upon
motion, made by ~. Williams and seconded by ~1r. Ballard, it was ordered that ¢ telephone be provided fo",
Justice Smith for local ~alls if the City of Charlottesville will participate in one-half of the ~ost of
Mr. Do A. Robinson advised the Board that Judges Wadde!i and Sadler had contacted him request-
ing that the County furnish them with a three-room suite so that they could employ only o~ secretary.
Mr. Robinson advised that there was no officesspace in the C¢art House a~ailable at the present time and
was instructed to advise ~udges Waddell and Sadler t.hat the matter had been taken under advisement.
CoSmunications were received from the State Chamber of Commerce and ordered filed.
~. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, advised that his office had set out garnishees to
employers of p~rsons in the Co~u~ty who had not paid their 1950 State income tax where the employer of
the taxpayer was known.
Mr. D. A. Robinson advised the Board that he had obtained bids on the painting of the County
Office Buildin¢, interior and exterior, and ~. D. F. ~¢.owbray had submitted the lovaest bid of $4133.00o
Upon motion, made by ~. Henry Chiles and seconded by ~ro W. W. Wood, it was ordered that the contract
for this work be awarded to ~. D. F. Mowbray and. the following resolution was umauimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Co~mty Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $4133.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the unappropriated re-
serve of the General Fund to be used for interior and exterior painting of the
County Off~ce Building.
Mr. Henry Chiles called the Bos~d~s attention to the fact that the Court Room was in need of a
thorough cleaning and ~. Robinson was instructed to employ extra help to see that this was done.
I~o P~obinson advised the Board that Nm. C. T. O'Neil, Jr. had accepted the county's offer to
sell 50 acres of land in the Scottsville District for $125o00 and ~.,~. NcCue was author_zee to sign deed
for Ss~!e.
~. Robinson advised the Board t~t ~r. L. C. Hu~:.f~s term on the ~elfare Board expired this
month. This matter v~s deferred until the next meeting of the Board in order that more thought might b8
given to the matter.
Communication was received from Mr. Ho W. ~alsh, Chairman of the Library Board, advising that
the te~s of office of the two county members on the Library Board have expired. Upon motion, made by
t¢~. ~i!ti~ms and seconded by ~. Dorrier, ~s. Randolph Catiin and ~s. T. E. Bruce were reappointed to
serve on this Board.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, recommended that the salary of Nfs. Page VanBuren,
part-time clerk in the Clerk~'s Office, be increased from $0.95 per hour to $1.00 per hour. Upon motion
made by ~. Dorrier and seconded by ~r. Wood, mNr. Robinson's recommendation was approVedl
Com~uuication was received from the League of Virginia Counties advising that the committee
of the Virginia Advisory Legislative Council studying the question of coverage of local and state em-
ployees and officials by Federal Social Security and for the Virginia retirement system will hold a pub~
lic hearing on June 26th in the Senate Chamber of the Capitol Buildin~ in Richmond. It was ordered tha~
a copy of this Board' s resolution regarding Social Se~rity which wa~ sent to Ghvernor Battle be sub-
mitred to this committee at its hearing and to state that this Board re~firms its previous position.
Communication was received from the County of Nilwaukee regarding the ADmual Convention of th,
National Association of County Officials which will be held in Nilwaukee on July ~,5~6, and ?.
A commuuication was received from the Virginia Advisory Legislative Council amking if the
Board favors changing the date of primary elections for State and County officers and members of congre~
and Mr. Robinson was inst~cted to answer this inquiry in the negative.
A request was received from Alfred '~ashington for use of the Court House on Ju!~v 29th by the
South Unit of Jehovah's Witnesses and upon motion~ made by }~r. Nilliams and seconded by ~ir. Wood, this
request was denied.
Sher._~f J. Nason Smith appeared before the Board concerning the financial menords of his of-
fice 9hereupon the following resolution was adopted:
Upon motion of Nr~~ Henry Chiles, seconded by ~. C. R. Dorrier, I~. D. A.
Robinson, County Executive, was instructed to request that the State Auditor of Pub-
lic Accounts ms/ce an audit of the office of J. ~son Smith, Sherx._f of Albemarle
County, and was instructed to request that the audit be made a promptly as possible.
Claims aEainst the County amounting to $164,012.58 were presented, examined, and allowed and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charred against the following fronds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Orozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Department Fund
Special School Capital Outlay ~and
School Construction Bond Fund
M¢Intire Tr~st Fund
Noolem Mills Sanitary District ~m~d
Oomm~nwealth ef Virginia C~rrent Credit Account
Commemwealth of. Virginia Dog Tax ~redit Account
~pen motion, the meeting adjourned.
3~,67o. 6o~
· 70,06