HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-154O Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of August, 1951. Present: Messrs. E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C, R. Dorrier and W. W. Wo~d. Absent: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue and J. W. Williams. Officers ~present: County ~E~ecutive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes ef the meeting of July 18, 1951, were deferred until the next regular meeting of the Board. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Henry Chiles was appointed ~ ~ Chairman in Mr. McCue's absence. Mr. Hunter Garth, District Supervisor of the Forestry Service, appeared and advised the Board that the State Forester would like to reemploy Mr,. Julian Thomas as Chief Forest Warden. After a dis- cu~sion of this matter, motion was made by Mr. Dorrie~, seconded ~y Mr. Wood, recommending to the Forestx Department the reemployment of Mr. Julian Thomas as Chief Forest Warden and authorizing Mr. McCue to sig~ the following contract: THIS AGREEMENT made this 13th day of ~ugust, 1951, by and between GEORGE W. DEAN, hereinafter called State Forester, party of the first part, and the BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereinaftercalled the Board, party o~ the second part; WHEREAS, the parties hereto have found it mutually cbnvenient to dissolve en agree- ment dated November 20, 1946 concerning forest fire control in Albemarle County, said agreement is hereby, dissolved ami is of no affect, and WHEREAS, it is desirable to b~th parties that Albemarle County enjoy the services of an experienced and competent Chief Forest Warden, IT IS AGREED: 1. That the Board will supplement the salary paid to the Chief Warden by the State Forest Service by paying directly to the Chief Forest ~arden a month~lu sum of forty- nine dollars ($49.00) per month, or a lesser amount if so requested by the State Forester. 2. That the monthly sum paid the Chief Forest Warden under part 1 of this agreement will be considered as a credit to the one cent per forest acre s~mwhich the County of Albemarle is annually required to make available for forest fire control under the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 4, Article 2, section 1~-46 of the Code of Virginia, 3. That the State Forester will organize, equip, conduct and administer within Albe- marle County a standard county forest fire control organization concerning forest fire detect,on, prevention, presuppression, suppresion, law enforcement, reforestation and timber management activities. 4. It is further mutually agreed that this agreement, may be terminated at the end of any June 30 fiscal year by the giving by one party to the other of notice in writing of the d~sire so to do at least sixty days (60) prior to June 30 in any year. Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County By (Si~ned) C, Purcell McCue, Chairma~ Claim of J. W. Johns for three ewes and six lambs killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, .Mr. Johns was allowed a total of $154.00 for these ewes and lambs. Claim of Mrs. Hanna W. Catlin for one calf killed by dogs was presented. Upoh motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, Mrs. Catlin was allowed $75.00 for this calf. Claim of Mrs. A. E. Braun for one sheep and eleven lambs killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Mrs. Braun was allowed a total of $184.50 for the sheep and lambs. Mrs. Virginia S. ~arks, Supt. of Public Welfare, appeared and presented an estimated budget of the Welfare Department for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1953 and 1954 in accordance with instructions from the Department of Welfare and Institutions as required by Chapter 140 of the 1950 Acts of the Genera] Assembly. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by 'Mr. Ballard, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WH~AS, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 140, p. 184 of the Acts of Assembly of 1950,'the Public Welfare Board of this County and the Superintendent of Public Welfare have presented to this Board tentative budgets of their financial requirements for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1953 and June 30, 1954, and WHEREAS, said budgets have been reviewed by this Board, NOW, THEREFORE, ~E IT RESOLVED that this Board should tentatively indicate to the Director of the Department of Welfare and Institutions that the County of Albemarle participate in said budgets to the extent of $45,000.00 in each of the two fiscal years 2 if said sums shall become necessary. Communications were received from the State Department of Highways advising that the following additions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County have been approved by the State Highway Commission: Addition:_ B.o..ard Resolution:_ A~rove. d by State: Beginning at dead end of Rt. 745 and continuing West for 0.30 Mi. to dead ~nd, 4/18/51 7/1/51 Beginning at Rt. 692, 0.30 Mi. W. of Rt. 696 E. of Ba~esville and extending 0.2 Mi. to the S.W. This road was opened by Board of Supervisors in 1929. ~y error it was not placed in the Secondary System. The Board of Supervisors were of the opinion that it was added in 1948 but we or they can find no record of same. It is the only outlet for two families. 3/21/51 & 4/18/51 7/1/51 Beginning at dead ~nd of Route 754 and continuing through the Bellair Estate Subdivision, returning to intersection with Rt. 754 near its intersection with Rt. 250 - length 2.02 miles. 5/16/51 7/1/51 Beginning at cud of State Rt. 641 and continuing in S.E. direction over new location for 0.5 mi. and 50 ft. past entrance to Durrette Heir's barn. 7/18/51 8/1/51 Communication was received from Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, requesting that the County work with Ivy Construction Cor~. in removing the fire plugs and different connections regardim the water main at Crozet in connection with the construction of the sidewalk along Route 240. Mr. Do A. Robinson, County Executive, advised Mr. Shields that he had received-a request for im provements to Route 618 at Woodridge. Mr. Henry Chiles stated that Mr. J. C. Ballard had contaCted him regarding improvements to the Road at Albemarle Lake. Mr. Shields advised that the Highway Department ha~ no plans for that portion of the road which was not in the Secondary System and would not begin work on that portion now in the system..until the fences were moved from the forty foot right of way. Report of the County Executive f~n the Month of July, 1951, was presented, approved, and ordere filed. At the request of Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, motion was made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Ballard, authorizing a temporary loan from the General Fund to.the School O~e~ating:~Fund of such funds as necessary until the current school levy is collected. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance~submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of July, 1951, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly mede Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the.month of July, 1951, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon'motion, duly mad~ and seconded, this Statement was e~mined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted aT Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth Attorney'~ Office for the month of July, 1951, one-half of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the County jail dur-t ing the month of July, 1951, along with a ~mary Statement of Prisoner Days was submitted. Upon motion, duly ~ade and seconded, these Statements were examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $7.00 was presented and approved for payment. Report of the audit of the Sheriff's Office by the Auditor of Public Accounts was received and deferred until the 'next regular meeting of the Board. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1188.40 of which $594.20 is payable by Albemarle County was presented and approved upon motion of Mr. Dorrier, seconded by' Mr. Wood. Reports for the Welfare Department for the month of July were presented in a~cordance with Section 371 of the Acts of the Assembly of 1950. Communication was received from the State Compensation Board advising that this Board's re- quest for an allowance of $1,198.00 to cover cost of additional ~ersonnel employed for care of Albemarle ~risoners at the Charlottesville City Jail during the period the county jail was being renovated had bee~ approved by Said Board. The matter of Waynesboro's participation in the District Home was discussed and ~4r. D. A. Robinson stated that he was of the opinion that something should be done regarding this matter before the next session of the General Assembly. The Board instructed Mr. Robinson to contact the City Council regarding the feeling of the Council in this matter and instructed Mr. Marshall to ~etermine how far Mr. W. 0. Fife and Mr. Lyttelton Waddell went on instituting court proceedings in th~s matter. Communication was received from Wiley and Wilson, Consulting Engineers, advising that Mr. A. H. Bell, Location and Design Engineer of the Department of Highways, had indicated his approval of the pipe line location to the Central High School and had recommended that Wiley and Wilson proceed in accordance with preliminary plans. Mr. D. A. Robinson and Mr. D. B. Marshall were instructed to work with the City on a contract for water for the Central High Schools Report of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951 was presented and ordered filed. A program was received from the Department of Welfare and Institutions and the Bureau of Pub- lic Jklministration of the 1951 Workshop of Public Welfare Administration. A tentative program was received of the Forty-sixth Annual Convention of the League of Virginia Municipalities to be held in Roanoke, September 16-18, 1951. Communications were received from the State Chamber of Commerce and ordered filed. Communication was received from the Minor-Duke Mutual Insurance Agency regardin~ bond of the officials of Albemarle County. No action was taken on this matter. Communication was received from Mrs. Virginia C. Morton, Executive Secretary of the Albemarle £uberculosis Association, enclosing report on the funds disbursed for sanatorium boa=d for indigent County patients for the past fiscal year and also enclosing bill for Miss Virginia Dudley from the Blue Ridge Sanatorium in the amount of $48.75. Upon motion, made by ~r. Wood and seconded by Mr. Ballard, this bill was approved for payment. Communication was received from Mrs. Hannah Catlin accepting the Board's appointment to serve on the Library Board. As provided by law, Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Fizance, submitted the delinquent tax listst DELINQUENT TAX ,LI,STS AT J~I~E 30. 19~_1~ Per Delinquent ..Lists PenaltI Total 1950: CaPitation Taxes 2,220.00 111.00 2,331.00 Income 3,117.50 155.88 3,273.38 Intangibles 20.35 1.02 21.37 Personal Property 8,854.24 442.71 9,296.95) Real Estate 9.6!2 = .~% _480.62 10;093.06) Totals 23,824.53 1,191.23 25,015.76 Books Difference 2,332.58 (1.58) 3,258.52 14.86 21.37 -0- 19:316.09 .... 73.92 24,928.56 87.20 1949: Capitation Taxes PerSonal Property Real Estate Totals 9,172.50 458.63 9,631.13 9,631.13 -0- 7,$10.O3 390.50 8,200.53) 43.87 3.026,83 151.34 3.17.8....17) 11.334.83 ....... 20,009.36 1,000.47 21,009.83 20.965.96 43.87 .~ '.· _ ......... ,- .~. .-. , . ,,. .... ~ ,_ -J- _ 1948: capitation Taxes Personal Property R.E. (Sold ~ Comm. ) Totals. 8,748.O0 437.40 9,185.40 9,185.40 4,586.38 229.32 4,815.70 4,81~.00) _ 882.85 .. 44,21 . 927,06 . . 14,217.23 710.93 14,928.16 14,924.46 -0- 3.70 3.70 Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that no part of this list be published and Mr. Robinson was requested to post this list on the front of the Court House. ~ communication£romAllan C. Perkinson, Director of Division of Aeronautics, Commonwealth of Virginia, under date of July 12, 1951, stating that Piedmont, Aviation, Inc. would be called upon to shot cause why they should continue to be certified to serve this area and the City of Charlottesville, Vir- ginia was presented along with a communication from Piedmont Aviation, Inc. under date of August 7, 1951 stating that they will seek the renewal of said certification a~d would welcome amy possible assistance from this area and the City of Charlottesville in the undertaking. Upon motion, made by Mr, Wood, seconded by Mr. Baltard,' the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that this County should file a~he required time a~ intervening petition in the proceedings before the Civil Aeronautics Board in Washington D. C. urging that Piedmont Aviation, Inc. be granted a renewal of its certificate to serve this area and the City of Char- lottesville as an intermediate point on its airline route. Claims against the County amounting to $131,639.96 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint HealthFund School Construction Bond Fund Albemarle Cen. H.S. Construction Fur~ Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account $ 29,806.92 43,025.46 980.80. 7.85 216.35~ S ,217.46- 23,616.09. S~-,369.30 399.73. $131,639.96 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.