HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-17 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of A~bemarle County, Virginia, was he~ at the Office Building of said County on the 17th day of October, 1951, Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R.~ Dorrier, J. W. William and W. W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the meetings of September 19 and September 27, 1951, were read and approved. Mr. Wright Harrison, President of the ~'ommunity Chest Campaign, appeared and again requested that the Board increase its contribution to the Community Chest this year from $1200.00 to $1500.00. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Chiles, it was ordered that the County contribute $1500.00 to the Community Chest for the year 1951, and the following resolution was unanimously adopted BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County SupervisorE of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $300.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Re- serve of the General Fund to cover the increase pledged by the Board to the Com- munity Chest. Mr. E. Ho Bain, Chairman of the Crozet Water Committee, appeared and presented to the Board the following report of the committee: "Ih ~iew of the reports from the State Health Department and the Joint Health De- partment, it is deemed advisable to give serious consideration to the installation of a filter plant somewhere near the present dam site, and after consultation with Mr. McNutt of Wiley and Wilson, we recommend to the Board of County Supervisors that they proceed with the installation of a 250,000 gallon per day filter plant so constructed that an additional unit of the same size could be added at some future time when the need arises. A roughtes~imate of the cost made by Mr. McNutt was $35,000.00, and when consider- ation is given to the recent recommendation for raisi~ the height of the present dam, the total is in the neighborhood of $50,000.00. It is believed that some permanent form of financing for this should be considered. Since this is not with- in our sphere, we cannot make any definite recommendations along the line of issuing bond~." Mr. R. B. McNutt, Jr., of Wiley and Wilson, discussed this report with the Board and advised that they had recommended a 250,000 gallon per day filter plant on the assumption that the County may not be in a position to finance a larger plant, but that in their opinion, a 500,000 gallon per day plant would better insure Crozet of an adequat~ wa%ter supply to take care of future development. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that the foregoing report be referred back to the Water Committee for further study and that a special meeting be called as soon as the committee has a report to make to the Board. Communication was received from the State Department of Highways advising that as requested by resolution of this Board the following a~ddition to the Secondary System had been approved, effectiveI October ~i~ 1951 - Beginning at end of Route 748 and continuing in a northerly direction over ~oleman ~ Street for O.1 mile. Communication was received from the State Highway Department requesting the Board to approve the discontinuance of five mections of old Route 20 between Charlottesville and 6~.~33 miles southeast. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Chiles, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that this Board does concur in the recommendation of the State Highway Department to discontinue the following sections of old Route ~0 between Char- lottesville and 6.33 miles southeast: From Station 93/40 to Station 98/25. From Station 100/30 to Station From Station 17~lO to Station 190~45. From Station 333~25 to Station 337/40. From Station 339/00 to Station 345/50. Mm. D. Bo Marshall requested that the Board employ legal assistance in connection with his work on the acquisition of land for the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport. Upon motion, made by ~. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Downing Smith was employed to assist Mr. Marshall with this work. Claims e~Lydst~n B. Cady for four ewes and three lambs killed by dogs was presented. Action on these claims was deferred~due to the fact that no assessment has been obtained from ~o Cady on his personal property fo~ ~he year 1951. Claim of Robert Crile for thirty-seven turkeys killed by dogs wes presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Crile was allowed $2.00 each for these turkeys. Claim of Ellen V. Michael for one lamb killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that Mrs. ~chael be allowed $20.00 for this lamb. Claim of Jay Johns for one lamb killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by ~. Wood, Mr. Jo~ms was allowed $22.00 for this lamb. Claim of Comer Smith for one ewe killed by dogs was presented. Up&n motion, made by Mm. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Smith was allowed $20.00 for this ewe. Com~nunication was received from Mr. Paul H. C~ie advising that since the last meeting of this Board it was discovered that if a room is made from the library at McIntire School to provide an ad- ditional classroom, the remaining library room will not meet State Board of Education minimum require- ments for elementary libraries, an~· further advising that this Board's appropriation of $1420.00 will not be used. ~ir. Cale stated that the overcrowded condition had been relieved by moving s~ience equip- ment from the science supply room into the science classroom and by moving 21 seventh grade pupils into this supply room. Report of the County Executive for the month of September, l~S1, was presented, approved and ordered filed. Mr D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department · of Finance for the month of ~eptember, 1951, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff'~ Office for the month of September, 1951, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State° Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Mr. D. A, Robinson, Director of Finance submitted a Statement of Expenses of the COmmonwealth ~ttorney's Office for the ~onth of September, 1951, one-half of which to be borne by the Stste. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners co~ined in the County Jail during the month of September, 1951, along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, these Statements were examined, verified and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Engenbright, Jail Physician, in the ~mount of $11.00 was presented and a~proved for payment. As advertised in the Daily Progress on September 21 and September 2~, 1951, a public hearing was held on an Ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance to prohibit possession, sale, offering for saleS storage, or use of fireworks of any nature whatsoever in the County of Albemarle, Virginia. and pro- vi6ing penalties for violation of said Ordinance, as authorized by Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia of 1950, page 619." Communications were received from Mr. E. L. Grasty and Mr. Virgil S. Tomlin in opposition to the adoption of such an ordinance and Mr. Maupin, Mr. Trainum and M~. ~alter Youn~ appeared before the Board in opposition. Mr. Julian Thomas appeared in favor of the adoption of the ordinance. After a discussion of this matter by the Board, Mrl Henry Chiles advised those present that the Board would not adopt an ordinance b~nning fireworks but would request the press to ~d¥ise the public of the existing ~tate laws and request th~ Sheriff's Office to enforce the existing State laws. Mr. VanGordon, a representative of Building Specialties, inc~, appeared regarding a temporary road to the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport is built. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that permission be and the same hereby is requested of the State Highway Commission to abandon a portion of State Route 7~3 in Albemarle County beginning at the intersection of the said Route with State Route 606 and ~k~ tending northwest from said intersection for a distance of approximately 600 feet, substituting therefor as a temporary detour a stabilized graveled road in a new location approximately 800 feet connecting said Route 7&3 and 606 for the use of the public. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of ~September, 1951, were presented in accordance with Section 371 of the Acts of the Assembly of 1951. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1,127.81 of which one-half is due by the County was presented and appr&ved for payment. Comtract was received from the University of Virginia HoSpital for care of indigent patients under the State-Local Hospital Plan, and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the agreement for care under the State-Local Hospitalization Plan be executed by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, Chairman, on behalf of the Board for the period beginning October l, 1951, and endi~ March 30, 1952 at a rate of $1%.90 per day, the aggregate amount not to exceed $7500.00 for the period beginning July l, 1951 and ending March 30, 1952. ~E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County's Superintendent of Public Welfare be and is hereby appointed as Authorizing Agent. Report~ o~ the Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library for t~he month of September, 1951, was presented and ordered filed. Communications were received from C. Purcell McCue, Jr., Secretary of the Crozet Labor Camp and Mr. Clay M. Peyton regardiog law enforcement by the Sheriff's Office. No. action was taken on these communications. The status of the District Home was agsin discussed and Mr. D1 B. Marshall advised the Board that he and Mr. John Battle, Jr. had not had an opportunity to decide upon the procedure to be followed in filing suit regarding this matter. ~he matter of the tax collection procedures followed ~by the Director of Finance was again discussed. Mr. McCue suggested that a committee be appointed to go over with Mr. Robinson delinqaant tax payers to determine which ones shotuld receive requests for payment according to the time the com- mittee felt the taxpayer was most able to pay his taxes. Mr. Williams advised that the City Council has such a committee. Mr. Chiles and Mr. Williams both expressed the opinion that they were against garnishments. This matter was discussed at length but no action was taken. Communication was received from the DAILY PROGRESS complaining about the access of the press to Board Minutes and information regarding matters in the County which the press felt were of interest to the public. It was the feeling of the Board tha~t the minutes of each meeting are not~ official and should not be printed as such until read and approved at a subsequent meeting. Mr. Marshall stated ths he felt that so long as the Board conducts its meetings openly and notifies the press wherever possible of special meetings, it is certainly complying with the law. However, Mr. Marshall suggested that whe%- ~ press should be excluded and a statement issued ever matters are taken up in executive session, the after the meeting~. Upon motion, made by M~. Dorrier and seconded by Mrl Ballard, it was ordered that Mr. Marshall and Mr. Robinson reply to the letter from the Daily Progress advisi~ that the minutes of a Board meeting are not official until after rea~ at a subsequent meeting and that every effort wil~ h~ msde to notify the press of special meetings. At 2:00 P.M. EST bids were received for the construction of a water pipe line from the end of the present Charlottesville line to the site of the Central High School. The followi~ bids were re- ceived and turned over to the School Board for acceptance or rejection: Name of Bidder ..C..omp~letion Time Amount of Bid So D. Forbes 152 days $41,168.64 W. S. Spratt 150 days 34,417.00 F. L. Sholwalter 120 day~ 21,195. OO M. S. Hudgins 70 days 15,300.00 Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that the School Board rather than the Board of Supervisors handle the matter of the pipe line to the Central High School and authorized Mr. Samuel S. Clark to continue his work on this matter with the School Board. Communication was received from the League of Virginia Counties advising that the annual League Meeting would be held in Williamsburg November 19 through 21,. 1951. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, Mr. Robinson was appointed as the Board'~ representative to vote on matters coming up at the meeting. Communication was received from the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing advising tha' its Annual Conference would be held in Washington, D.C. October 21-25, 1951. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Ballard, Mr. Robinson wnd Mr. Walton were authorized to attend this conference at the expense of the County. Communication was received from the Virgin~ia Citizens Planning Association regarding renewal of membership dues. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Chiles, it was ordered that the membership dues of each Planning Commission member be renewed for the year 1952. Communications were received from Allen and Sullivan and the City Mortgage and Insurance Company regarding the bond of the Director of Finance and were ordered filed. Communications were received from the Stat~_Go~pensation Board approving requests of this Board for increases in salaries of officers and employee's in the Department 8f Finance and the Sheriff' Office, effective July 1, 1951. Communication was received from the Virginia Highway Conference advising the Board of its meeting to be held at V.M.I. October 16-17, 1951. Communication was received from the National Citizens' Committee for United Nations day re- questing that the Board proclaim October 24 as UN Day in Albemarle County. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it was ordered that October 24th be proclaimed UN Day in Albe- marle County. Communication was received from the State Chamber of Commerce regarding the Crusade for Free- dom and was ordered filed. Communication was received from the Independent LandoWners Association and was ordered filed. Mr. D. A. Robinson advised the Board that $8,120.00 had been expended from the General Fund for Cedar Rust and asked the Board if it wished to lay a levy on apple orchardists this year to repay the General Fund. It was the Board's feeling that the assessment should be made as of January 1, 1952 and Mr. Marhsa!l advised that bills on the assessments could be sent out any time after the assessment. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that Check No. 1238 to Piedmont Tractor Company in the amount of $161.58 be cancelled due to the fact that this check included payment for pipe which was never delivered by the company. Mr. Samuel Clark advised the Board that he had again contacted Mr. Marvin E. Weast regarding a lea~e for a public dump on his property in the County and was able to secure such a lease for $!20.00 per annum, and also that he had been able to secure a lease from the Blue Ridge Slate Corp. for propert~ at Esmont for $60.00 per annum. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. McCue was authorized to sign these leases on behs~ of the Board. Mr. Williams requested that the Board appropriate $12.50 for road signs in Meadowbrook Heights. This matter was referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney. Mr. Williams ~ubmitted the resignation of Mrs. Mildred Paine, member of the School Board. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, the resignation of Mrs. Paine was a~ccepted with regret. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Chiles, Mr. Charles K. Woltz was appointed to the School Board to represent the Charlottesville District. Upon motion, made and duly seconded, it was ordered that the Board acknowledge receipt of the audit of the Sheriff's Office and that the Sheriff's Office be offered the assistance of Mr. Robinson and Mr. Marshall in any way possible. A~ a~special meeting of the Board held on September 27, 1951, Mr. W. W. Wood of .this Board stated that it had come to his attention that rumers are being circulated to the effect that he was financially interested in the sale of the Jacob Rice Via tract of land contracted for by the County in connection with the proposed Charlottesville-Albemarle Municipal Airport. Mr. Wood further stated that there was absolutely no foundation for such rumors and requested the Chairman of this Board to appoint a committee from the Board to &nvestigate not only the sale of the property by Mr. Via but also the financial arrangements made by Mr. Via in connection with his purchase of the property and further re- quested that the committee submit their findings to the Board in writing~ whereupon the Chairman ap- pointed Mr. J. W. Williams and Mr. C. R. Dorrier and Mr. D. B. Marshall a committee who today presented the following report: "The undersigned were appointed as a committee by the Chairman of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle 'County, Virginia, to investigate and report to said Board concerning certain rumors alleged to be prevalent to the effect that Mr. W. W. Wood, Supervisor from the Rivanna ~4sgisterial District, was to profit in some manner from the proposed purchase by the County of Albe- marle and the City of Charlottesville of a tract of land owned by Jacob Rice Via. This Committee discovered the following to be the facts concerning Mr. Via's ownership of the land in question: (1) Mr. Via purchased the land at public auction in front of the Court House of this County on October 23, 19&7, at a price of $10,800.00, and the late W. O. Fife, acting as Special Commissioner of the Circuit Court of Albe- marle County conveyed the land to Mr. Via. (2) Mr. Via borrowed the money for a 1/3 down payment from a bank in Arlington, Virginia, his home. (~) A lady in Washington, D. C. made a loan to ~. Via of the balance of purchase price secured by first lien deed of trust. (&) At no time have Mr. Via and Mr. Wood acted together in connection with the pLtrcha~se, ownership or proposed sale of this property. (5) Mr. Via's attorney, Mr. Henry B. Goodloe, has acted as Mr. Vials agent throughout the negotiations with the County and City. Based upon its investigation, this Committee is of the unanimous opinion that Mr. W. W. Wood has absolutely no interest in any property or business dealings of Mr. Via and can in no way gain any benefit, pecuniary or otherwise, from the proposed purchase. This committee is further of the opinion that Mr. Wood has, due to his intimate knowledge of the vicinity_ and the property owners there, rendered a great service to the County and the City in forming plans for the acquistion of the land necessary for the proposed Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport. Given under our hands this 17th day of October, 1951. (Signed) John W. ~illiams, Chairman C. Ro Dorrier D. B. Marshall, Comm. Atty. Mr. Leslie H. Walton and Mr. D. A. Robinson presented to the Board plans for the County Re- pair shop at the Central High School and a general stores building to be attached thereto. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Samuel Clark was directed to complete the plans for the stores building and the School Board wss authorized to secure bids for the shop and general stores building with a request to the bidders to break all ~ids down as to the cost of the repair shop and the cost of the stores building so that the repair shop might be charged to the School Fund and the General Stores to the General Fund. Claims against the County amounting to $168,306.82 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax ~and McIntire Trust Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Fund School Construction Bond Fund Albemarle Central High School Constr. Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Dog Tax Credit Account $ 27,213.85 69,388.73 680.80 17.67 94.54 1,932.61 2,974.47 33,890.37 31,457.10 618.95 $~68,306.83 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. C ha irma n O~tober 19, 1951 Pursuant to the following waiver, the members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date with the following members present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams and W. W. Wood. We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at 2:00 P.M. on the 19th day of October, 1951, in the C'ounty Office Building, Char- lottesville, Virginia for the purpose of discussing improvements to the Crozet Water Supply, and we do hereby consent to the transaction ~of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matter hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident, and necessary thereto. f ~ R. Dorrier - ~: ~.~. Wood- Mr. Henry Chiles reported on the meeting of the Crozet Water Committee which met on October 18, 1951, with Mr. Cecil Haney, operator of the Charlottesville plant, and Mr. Hom~r.:Cheavacci, Sani- tarian of the Joint Health Department, and Dr. S. D. Sturkie, Joint Health Director. Mr. Chiles sta~ed! that the p~s~At~eonsumption of water in Crozet does not exceed 100,O00 gallons in 24 hours and' the committee felt that a 250,000 gallon filter tank would be sufficient. He stated that the committee would like to purchase 344 acres of property in the name of Dora Farish, pull up all orchards, and re- forest the area which he advised would cost $25,000.00. He also advised that it would cost approxi- mately ~15,000.00 to raise the dam ten feet, and adding the $35,000.00 for the filter tank, this wo~ld require approximately a total of $75,000.00 or $4700.00 additional debt service per year. ~ir. Jo W. Williams suggested that the necessary funds be loaned from the General Fund to the Crozet Sanitary District Fund until a bond issue. Mr. D. A. Robinson recommended a ~ond issue of $100,000.00 to pro- vide for needs with a callable provision. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. D. A. Robinson was authorized