HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-19A Communication was received from the Crippled Children's Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, re-
questing a contribution frem the County. Upen motien, duly made amd secomded, Mr. D. A. Robinson- was re-
quested to acknowledge receipt of this cemmunication amd to inquire as te whether or not any children
from Albemarle County have been served by the Hospital.
Cemmunicatiom~wes~received from Mr. Charles K. Woltz expressing his apprecia%ien of his ap-
pointment by the Board to the Scheel Beard.
Comm~icatien from Colgate W. Darden, Jr., addressed to ~Mr. Alex H. Bell, President of the
Treasurers' Association ef Virgimia, regarding the practicability of holding a lecal Gevermment Official'
Cenference at the University of Virginia was received amd read.
CommuAicatieA was received frem the local Chamber ef Commerce advising that the Annual Meeting
would be held at 7:00 P.M. on November 15th.
Cemm~ication was received advising that the National Municipal League would held its annual
conference en Nevember 26, 27, and 28, 1951 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Communications were received from the State Chamber ef Commerce and ordered filed.
Mr. D. A. Robinson presented te the Beard the itinerary of the visit ef Ryukyuan Government
Officials te this Country, a part of the time which was spent iL the City o~ Charlottesville amd County
of Albemarle.
A cepy ef the financial report ef Pulaski County was presented ar~ erdered filed.
At the request oF Mr. 'AD. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, metion, made by ~¥~. Mr. Williams and!
seconded by Mr. Woed, was carried, deferring the land sale from December, 1951 ~ntil April, 1952.
Communicatien was received from the State CempeAsation Board givi~ notice ef the anm~al meet-
ing of the Beard en November 29 and advisi~ that all requests for sqlaries amd expenses of the Depart-
ment of Fimmnce, the Sheriff's Office and the Cemmom~ealth Attorney's Office sheuld be in by that date.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard amd seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that the Salary Committee
be authorized to approve salaries requested by the Department Heads en behalf of the Beard and forward
sepae to the Compensation Beard before the deadline.
Mr. D. A. Robinson called the Beard's attentien te the fact that Deputy Sheriff E. H. Davis
had requested that he be paid mileage for the use ef his personal car. Mr. Robi~en also advised that he
intended to nave the new ear which was erdered for Mr. Davis equipped with a tw~-way radie, Upen metion,
made by Mr. Williams and seconded by ~r. Wood, it was ordered that a sufficient amen_at be appropriated te
cever th~ cost of mileage of E. H. Davis while usimg his personal car and to cever the eest of a twe-way
radio for the car mow en erder for Mr. Davis.
Claims against the County amounting to $376,851.96 were presented, examined, and allowed and
certified te the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the fellewing funds:
Note~ :
General Fund
School fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Orozet Samitary District Fumd
Joint Health Fund
Scheel Construction Bond Fund
Albemarle Central High Schoel Constr. Fu~d
Mcintire Trust F~
Comm. of Virginia Current Credit Account
$ 29,437.55'-
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
At the December 19, 1951, meeting it was ordered that the minutes of the deferrment of the
land sale show the followir~ recorded ~ete in favor of such deferrment - Ayes: Messrs. C. Purcell Mc~ue,
E. J. Ba!lard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams, and W. W. Wood.