HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-01-01 The Board met in special session on this date for the purpose of organ~ization. There were present the following: Mr. Henry Chiles, Mr. H. Ashby Harris, Mr. Edward L. Smith, and Mr. J. W. Williams. Absent: Mr. C. Purcell McCue and Mr. W. W. Wood. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, 'Mr. Henry Chiles was appointed acting Chairman. The following certificate of Mrs. Eva W. Maupin, Clerk of the Circuit Court, showing that all members had been qualiEied according to law was presented: VIRGIN I A: - C. PURCELL MCCUE, HENRY CHILES, W. WARREN WOOD, JOHN W. WILLIAMS, H. ASHBY HARRIS AND EDWARD L. SMITH SUPERVISORS QUALIFIED IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ALBEM~RLE COUNTY, DECEMB~q 31st 1951. C. Purcell McCue, Henry Chiles, W. Warren Wood, John W. Williams, H. Ashby Harris and Edward L. Smith, who were on the 6th day of November, 1951, duly elected as members of the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, from the several magisterial Districts thereof, for the term of office of four years commencing on the first day of January 1952, on this the 31st day of December 1951, appeared in the Clerk's Office of this Court, and with the American Motorists Insurance Company of Illinois their surety, entered into and acknowledged a bond severally in the penalty of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, conditioned and payable according to law, the said surety acting by Cammann C. Duke, its thereunto duly authorized agent and attorney in fact, who executed said bonds on behalf of said corporation by signing thereto its corporate and affixing thereto, its corporate seal and who duly acEnowledged the same. And thereupon the said Supervisors took and subscribed the oath of office prescribed by law as members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia. All supervisors are now duly qualified. Eva W. Maupin, Clerk A COpy Teste: (Signed) Eva W. Maupin, Clerk Mr. J. W. Williams nominated Mr. C. Purcell McCue as Chairman. There being no further nominations, Mr. McCue was unanimously elected. Mr. J. ~. Williams nominated Mrs. June T. Via as Clerk of the Board. There being no further nominations, Mrs. Via was unanimously elected. Mr. J.' W. Williams nominated Mr. D. A. Robinson as County Executive and Director of Finance. There being no further nominations, Mr. Robinson was unanimously elected. The County Executive recommended the appointment of the following Department Heads and Assistants: Mrs. Virginia S. Marks - Superintendent of Public Welfare. Dr. S. D. Sturkie - Health Director. Mr. T. 0. Scott - County Agent. Mr. Marvin Bates - Assistant County Agent. ~. C. G. Greer - Negro Agricultural Agent. Mrs. Ruth Burruss Huff - Home Demonstration Agent. Miss Virginia Roller - Assistant Home Demonstration ~gent. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, the ~bove persons were appointed to the positions indicated. Upoh motion of Mr. Williams, it vas ordered that the. other present County employees be con- tinued. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, Mr. D. A. Robinson was appointed to represent the County on the District Home Board. Upon motion, Mr. Hugh F. Simms was appointed to perform the duties ,of a County surveyor. Appointment of School Trustees was discussed and Mr. Robinson presented a letter of resig- nation from Mr. W. A. Dawson of the Scottsville District, whereupon the Chairmah asked Mr. Harris, Super. visor from the Scottsville District, if he had enyone to recommend to repreSent~Scottsville District in place of Mr. Dawson and Mr. Harris stated that he had not had an opportunity to discuss the matter with Mr. Dawson since his letter of resignation and wished to defer action on the appointment of a member from his district until the ~extmeeting. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, it was ordered that the appointment of all School Trustees be deferred until the regular January meeting Upon motion, ~'made by Mr. Williams, Mr. D. A. Robinson was appointed to represent the County on the Joint Health Beard. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams, Mr. Chiles was appointed Fire Commissioner.~ Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams, Mr. Robinson was instructed to employ personal property assessors for the current year at the rate of $1.10 per hour for regular assessing, $0°40 per hour for putting assessments on record, and $0.05 per mile for mileage. Mrs. Ault again appeared before the Board regarding an advertisement in the February issue of the League of Virginia Counties' Magazine. After a discussion of this matter, motion was made by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Smith, ordering that the County subs-cribe to a one-third page advertisement at the price of ~65.00 and Mr. Robinson was instructed to ~ite the ad. Mr. E. H. Bain, Chairman of the Crozet Water CoNmmittee, appeared and reP~r~ed that he had contacted Mr. Bourne Wayland regarding the p~rchase of his property by the County for the Crozet Sanitar District and felt that Mr. W~yland's price of $10,000.00 waE high. He suggested that the Board appoint appraisers to view this land. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams an~ seconded by Mr. Smith, Mr. Fred Watson 1~ ~ . C . C . Wade were appointed to appraise the above mentioned property. Mr. Robinson requested that the Board adopt a definite personal property assessment policy for the coming year and approve a personal property assessment form. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, action on these matters w~s deferred until such time as a meeting of the full board could be held. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Smith, it was ordered that the Board mee on the first and third ~ednesday at $:30 E.M. beginning February l, 1952, subject to the approval of the Commonwealth' s Attorney~ The salary of the Board of Supervisors was discussed and action on this matter was deferred until the next ~eeting of the Board. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Smith, this meeti~ was continued sub- ject to call by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, Chairman. ·