HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-01-28SPECIALJanuary 28, 1952
Pursuant to the following w~iver, the members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, met in special session on this date at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present:
Messrs. C.~Purcell NcCue, H. A~hby Harris, Edward L. Smith, J; W. Williams and W. W. Wood:
We-, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held
at 7:30 P. M. on the 28th day of January, 1952, in the County Office Building for
the purpose of discussing the Wayland and Farish property for the Crozet 'Water 'Works,
the personal property assessment policy, legislative matters, escrow agreements,
salaries, and right-of-way on Route 649, and we do hereby consent to the trans-
action of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon
the matters hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident, and necessary thereto.
C. Purcell NcCue
H ~A~y Harris
Edward L. Smith
J. W. William~
A letter of resignation, dated January 18, 1952, from Mr. Henry Chiles was read to the Board
in which Mr. Chiles advised that as of the foregoing date he had written Judge Waddell and Mr. NcCue,
resigning as a member of the Board of County Supervisors. Upon motion, made by~r. Williams and
seconded byNr. Harris, Mr. D. A. Robinson and Mr. Downing L. Smith were requested to write a letter to
Mr. Chiles expressing the Board's regret of his resignation.
A number of citizens from the County appeared regarding the personal property assessment
policy adopted by this Board on January 17, 1952 and after a general discussion by the public of this
matter, Mr. Wood, Mr. Harris and Mr. Williams stated that it was%heir understanding that the scale
set up at said meeting was to be used as a yardstick for making assessments of livestock and poultry,
whereas Mr. Smith and. Mr.~McCue stated that it was their impression that the Board had adopted the
values set up in the scale as averages to be used in al! cases. Upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and
seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that the average values set up by this Board on January
1952, on livestock and poultry be used as a yardstick for making assessments and that the assessors
use their own discretion in raising and lowering said values, and ~r. D. A. Robinson was requested to
advise all assessors ef this action.
Mr. Robinson read to the Board the following report of the Crozet Water Committee:
"There was a meeting of the Crozet Water Committee held in Crozet on January 22~ at
8:00 P.M., at which all the members of the Committee were present, also Mr. D. A.
Robinson and Mr. G. B. Wayland.
The matter of acquiring some land from Mr. ~Nayland, that lies in the Crozet water-
shed and land needed by the engineers for the ~rection of a filtration plant, was
discussed at length.
~r. Wayl~ud agreed to sell approximately 55 acres of his land, which adjoins the
land recently acquired from Farish and which would be all of the land he owns that
drains into the lake, with one house on it, for $7,500.00, and to sell approximately
3 acres with a house on it that joins the present Sanitary District property below
the lake, which would be required for the erection of the filtration plant, for
~1,000.00. The total price for the two parcels of land is $8,500.00.
It was agreed between Mr. Wayland and members of the Committee that he would have
the right to~ move the dwelling on the three acres, if he chooses to do so,'by Nay l,
1952~ and to move .the dwelling on the 55 acres at any time prior to ~ay l, 1953, if
he chooses to do so. Mr. Wayland would have the right to move any apple or peach
trees on the 55 acres any time prior to July l, 1954. In the meantime he would have
the right to f~ll use of the trees.
It was agreed that the line of the r~dge dividing the watershed into the lake and
the watershed into Mad Run Creek would be determined by survey, and that the Sani-
tary Distriet would have the right to divert from Nad Run Creek into the lake any
water the engineers deem to be of benefit to the Sanitary District. It was agreed
On motion properly made and seconded, the above recommendations were approved unani-
mously by the Committee. Since the time is fast approaching when Mr. Wayland must
know definitely what to expect from the Committee in order to schedule his orchard
operations and the removal of the houses and trees, it is hoped that you can act on
these recommendations promptly?
Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. l?ood, the recommendations of the Water
Committee as set forth above were accepted and a survey to determine the land necessary in the Wayland
tracts was authorized.
The Commonwealth's Attorney advised that he has examined the ti%lc to the Farish property and
is in a position to close the matter with the exception of a plat which he stetted was very desirable.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Smith, it was ordered that the Farish purchase
be settled when plat is obtained if this can be done within ten days, and if not that the matter be
closed without a plat, but Mr. Smith was authorized to get a plat to this property after the matter is
Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, a temppraty loan not exceeding
$35,000.00 was authorized from the General Fund to the Crozet Sanitary District Fund to cover the p~r-
chase of the Farish and WaYland properties.
Mr. Robinson advised the Board that the Board of Supervisors of Henry Cotmty had requested
this Board to adopt a resolution asking our representatives to support the bill pending regarding the
State's participation in one-half of the cost of the offices of treasurers and ~ommissioners of revenue.
No action was taken on this particular legislative matter but upon mo~ion, made by ~Ir. Williams and
seconded by Mr. Wood, the chairman appointed the following committee to work with ~r. Robinson on
legislative matters of interest to the County: Mr. W. W. Wood, Mr. J. W. Williams, Nr. Edward L. Smith
and Mr. Downing Smith.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, the Board went on record as
favoring the opening of the ~elfare rolls.
In view of the communication previously received by this Board~ from the Attorney General re-
garding the duties of the Board of County Supervisors and the County Finance Board, 5~r. D. A. Robinson,
County Executive, recommended that the Board of County Supervisors select the official depositories of
County moneys and execute escrow s~reements for the Protection of the County's funds on deposit with
those depositories, and that upon the execution of new agreements, the County Finance BOard be requested
to terminate the now existing escrow agreements. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and sec°nded by Nr.
Williams, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVFJ) by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle CoUnty,
Virginia, that the Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, the National Bank
and Trust Company of Charlottesville, and the Citizens Bank and Trust Company of
Charlottesville are hereby selected and designated as the official depositories
for County moneys.
Upon motion, made by Nr. ~ood and seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution ~ras also
unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESO'LVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that th~ Chairman be and is hereby authorized to-execute escrow agree-
ments with the National Bank and Trust Company of Charlottesville, the Peoples
National Bank of Charlottesville, and the Citizens Bank mud Trust Company of
Charlottesville, and upon the execution of new agreements with the feregoing
~ banks, the County Finance Board, be and is hereby requested to terminate the now
existing escrow agreements.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following securities now in escrow to
protect the funds of the County in the respective banks be and they are hereby
2 approved:
(l~ Depository- National Bank and Trust Company of Charlottesville, Vao
Escrow Bank - State Planters Bank and Tr~st Company of Richmond, Va.
$27~,000.00 U. S. Tre~su~-~ Bonds due 9/15/53-51. ~
$150,000.00 U. S. Treasury 2~% Bonds due 12/!~/62-59.TM
$100,000.00 U. S. Treasury 2~% Bonds due 9/15/59-56. ~
$100,000.00 U. S. Treasury 2% Bonds ~ue 6/15/54-52. ~
(2) Depository - Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, Va.
Escrow Bank - First and Merchants National Bank of Richmond, Va.
$400,000.00 U. S. Treasury 2-7~ Bonds due 3/15/60-55. ~
(3) Depository - Citizens Bank and Trust Company of CharlotteEville, Va.
Escrow Bank - Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, Va.
$10,000.00 U. S. Treasury 2% Bonds due 1952-54. ~
$50,000.00 U. S. Treasnry 2½% Bonds due 9/15/72-67. ~
Mr. D. A. Robinson reported to the Board that the ScHOol payroll had been submitted to his
office with an increase of $15.00 monthly for both of the girls in the Superintendent's office and
advised that Mr. Cate had not asked for an appropriation transfer to cover these increases. Mr.
Williams stated that he was of the opinion that the raises approved were for all departments and ~.
Mood stated that that was no~ his understanding of the recommendations made by the salary committee.
Upon motion, made by Mr. ~ood and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Robinson was requested to secure from Mr.
Cale a recalculated payroll on the basis that there is no available money budgeted for increases in
salaries of clerks in the Superintendent's office. Mr. Williams suggested that the Chairman appoint a
committee to discuss this matter with Mr. Ca!e and the Chairman appointed Mr. Wood, Mr. Harris and Mr.
Nilliams to serve on this committee. Mr. Williams stated that his understanding was that the raise ap-
proved was for the increased cost of living and as such would apply to all de~tments. Mr. Robinson
stated that this understanding was that the increases approved for his office were for compensation to
employees for every other S~turday which ~is office was not able to take advantage of.
The matter of guaranteeing a right of way on Route 649, funds for which would be charged
against Secondary Funds allocated to Albemarle County, wam discussed and Mr. Robinson recommended that
the Board establish a policy concerning rights of way. Mr. Sam Clark advised the Board that the cost
of securing rights of way on Route 649 would be approximately $300.00. Upon motion, made by Mr.
~illiams and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the cost of securing rights of way on Route 649 by the State High-
way Department be charged to the Secondary Funds allocated to Albemarle County,
provided tkis cost does not exceed $~00.00.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.