HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-02-27 An adjourned meeting of the Board of County Supervisors was"~hetd in-the ..¢~cumty ~ffi~ce .-Building
en February 2?, 1952, at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Messrs. C. Purcell Mccue, E, H.
Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, J'. W. Williams, and W. W. Wood.
Officers ~present: Oounty Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
Mr. Gene Wood appeared at the request .of the Board regarding an automobile graveyard which he
~has established on his property in the Rio vicinity. Mr. Wood advised that he did not realize he was
violating the law and did not intend to operate an automobile graveyard, ge further advised that he had
moved all the cars from his property which he had had time to do since the Board first contacted him amd
it was his intent to build an eight foot fence around that area of his property containing old cars, to
build sheds over the cars and to remove parts from care for resale, burning the cars as soon as parts
are taken off. ~r. Wood stated that he estimated it would t~ke approximately sixty days to comlSete
this project.
Mr. Downi~ Smith? Commonwealth's Attorney, a~vised that the fact that Mr. Wood had mere than
five cars on his property, not under cover and not in usable condition, constituted an automobile grave-
yard and that for such, in accordance with the County's existing ordinance, a permit from t~he Board
would .have to be secured before a license to operate could be issued. Mr. Wood stated that he was not
making application for such a permit but requesting sixty days in which to clear the cars from the
property and to build the said fence and sheds. Mr. Smith advised that the Board c~uld not grant such
a request due to the fact that the ordinance is being violated but t~bat the Board could take the matter~
under' advisement for. a pe~i~d~::~f sixty day~, instituting action at the end of that time if the matter
has n4t been Corrected.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood,the foregoing ma~ter was taken
under'advisement for si~y days and ~r. Wood was requested to report back to the Board at the regular
April meeting regarding the progress made in clearing his property of the unusable automobiles now
located on it.
~r. Harry Clark appeared regarding the resolution adopted by the Board at its last meeting
requesting a regulation by the Game Commission banning the use of high powered rifles in the Scottsville
District durin~hunting season and requested that this regulation be requested for the entire County.
Mr. Floyd Johnson, Mr. Makielski, Mr. Fitch and n~merous other citizens of the Ceun%y appeared in op-
position to the passage of such a resolution. State Trooper Jones appeared, and stated that his ap-
pearance was as a private citizen, and advised the Board that there was an existing law prohibiting
the sheeting of any gun from the highway or within one hundred feet of the ~ighway and he felt that if
this law could be more strictly enforced, the situation in ~he Scottsville District could be corrected
to a large extent. Upon motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith, it was ordered that the Board re-
consider this matter and hear the public on both sides of the question, this motion being ca~ried by the
following vote:- Ayes - Messrs. E. H. Bain, Edward ~. Smith, and W. W. Wood. Noes - Messrs. H. Ashby
Harris and J. W. Williams.
Mr. Paul H. Cale, Superintendent, appeared at the request of the Board, along with Mr. J. T.
Henley and Mr. Charles Woltz, members of the School Board, regarding certain salaries in the proposed
School Budget for the year beginning ~ly 1, 1952. After a discussion of salaries, ~Mr. Wood, Chairman
of the salary committee, recommended that the recommendations of the Dep~rtment Head be accepted.
Dr. $. D. Sturkie, Joint Health Director, appeared at the request of the Board and ~iscussed
at length the salaries ef the nurses and sanitarians of the Health Department. Mr. Robinson advised
that Mr. Bowen had stated to him that the City Council was willing to include the Health Department in
the 5% increase approved for all City employees, effective February 1, providing this increase was in-
cluded as a part of the increase in the HealthDepartment's proposed budget to begin July 1, 1952. Upo~
motion, made b~ Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that the County go along with the
City in the foregoing matter.
A letter of resignation was received from Mr. Marvin L. Bates, Assistant County Agent, elf et-
salary committee.
Communication wa.s received from Mr. W. S. C~ok requesting that two members of the Board be a~
POinted to represent him at the Board' meetings Since it was not always
requested that Mr. Williams and Mr. Harris be appointed. Upon motion,' made by
Mr. Smith, the Chairman appointed Mr. Williams and Mr. Harris to serve in this Capacity.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Bain, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted
~HEEEAS, it becomes necessary from time to time for Albemarle County to
obtain permits from the Virginia Department of Highways to install, construct, re-
construct, maintain and operate certain public works along, across over and upon
the highway system of Virginia; and
W~ ~ expense, damage or injury may Be sustained by the Commonwealth
of Virginia growing out of the granting to said County by the Virginia Department
of Highways of said permits for the work aforewa'id,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Albemarle County WAll indemnify and
save harmless the COmMOnWeALTH OF VIRGINIA from any expense, damage or injury
which she may sUStain growing out of the granting to said County by the Virginia
Department~-~Of Highways of said permits for such works. Be it further resolved
that if said County shall be required before commencing such work to furnish t°
the Virginia Department of Highways an indemnifying bond with approved ~sure~y in
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by mr. Smith, it was ordered that the meetings of
the Board be opened with Prayer.
Mrl Alan Brans, reporter for the Daily Pro~g~ess, requested permission tO run a story on
School Budget. It was the Board's feeling that the release of the b~ge~ was up to the School Board