HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-03-19A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 19th day of March, 1952. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L.~ Smith, and W. W. Wood. Absent: Mr. J. W. Williams. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the meetings of February20, February 27, and March 11, 1952, were read and ap- proved. The following Viewers' Reports were presented and upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Nr. Harris, were accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: (1) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 16, 1952 to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on February 11, 1952, we did v~ew the follow- ing section of road and make report on same: Beginning at Route 20 approximately 2 miles northeast of Route 250 at Rivanna River Bridge and extending to the west following the present road for a distance of .40 miles to a point where private road enters property to a white cottage on right. In accordancewith application filed with your Board, all landowners adjacent to~ this section of road have ~ given a 30 foot unobstructed right of way free of cost and have agreed to move back their fences or any buildings thereon, therefore, we, finding this section of road serving six families and not going through any yard or garden, believe you would be justified in taking this section into the State Highway System for maintenance, therefore, we recommend the same to you. (Signed) A. G. Fray Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (2) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 16, 1952 to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advi~e that on February ll, 1952, we did view the follow- ing section of road and make report on same: Beginning at the end of State maintenance on Route 639 south of Lindsay and extend- ing to the south to bars ohM rs. Arbogast's place, a distance of .30 of a mile. We find that this proposed road which follows an old road bed would be, in our judg- 2~ent, definitely a private road and we do not believe that you would be Justified in taking same into the State Highway System. We, therefore, recommend to your Board that this section be not taken into the State Secondary Road System. (Signed) A. G. F2ay Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (3) We, the undersigned, being Viewers aPPointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 16, 1952 to view the folloWing described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on February 11, 1952, we did view the follow- ing section of road and make report on same: Beginning at the Orange County line on private road approximately one mile east of Route 777 and extending .25 of a mile to the east. We find this to be an extension of a proposed addition in Orange County which will serve two homes and two other pieces cf property in Albemarle County. The extension is approximately 400 feet from the Orange County line to the entrance to the two homes and we feel, would be justified when and if Orange County places their section of this private road in the State Secondary System of roadS. Due to the conditions at this time, we, therefore, recommend to your Board that the application as filed with your Board for this addition be held until such a time when the Orange County Supervisors take final action on section in their county. ~Si~ned) A. G. Fray Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (4) We, the undersigned, being viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 16, 1952 to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on February 11, 1952, we did view the follow- ing section of road and make report on same: Beginning at the intersection of Route 604, r~nning northwesterly to the property line of Theodore Roach at or near Theodore Roach's house, a distance of .50 of a mile. We find that .40 of a mile of the above petitioned for road serves some 5 families and believe you would be justified in taking into the State Highway System that section of road beginning at intersection of Route 604 and extending to a point where the old road bears to the left down a heavy grade, this distance being .40 of a mile. We do not feel that .50 could be recommended due to the same going intothe front yard of private property. We therefore, recommend to your Board that you place in the State Secondary Read System this .40 of a mile. ~Signed) A. G. Fray Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (5) We,.the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by yourBoard at its regular meeting on January l6, 1952, to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on February ll, 1952, we did view the follow- ing section of road and make report on same: Beginning on Route 743 in Meadowbrook Heights and extending over present crushed stone road in a northeasterly direction and connecting with dead end of Secondary Road 771, with a spur extending to the east to serve some over 5 new homes in sub- division. We find that these proposed roads are in our judgment definitely a part of the sub- division and, therefore, do not recommend that same be placed in State Secondary System until they are developed in accordance with the requirements of the State High- way Department. (Signed) A. ~G. Fray Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (6) We, theundersigned, being viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting en January 16, 1952, to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on February 11, 1952, we did view the follow- ing section of road and make report on same: Beginning at the end of State maintenance on Route 675 at Albemarle Lake and extend- ing for 500yards to the southwest. We find that this extension would serve one home and perhaps picnic parties who Wish to use same; however, we do not believe that there is sufficient public service to be rendered to justify same being placed in the State Highway System. (Signed) A. G. Fray Hugh N, Clark C. C. Wade (7) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 16, 1952, to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to a4vise that on February ll, 1952, we did view the follow- ing section of road and make report on same: Beginning at Route 691 in Crozet at Womens' Club Building and extending to the north for approximately 1000 feet, to Railroad Avenue. We find that this road serving a rather undeveloped section in the Town of Crozet and believe the improvement of said road w~uld be a part of the development of property in this area an~ cannot feel that you would be justified in taking same into the State Highway System. We, therefore, do not recommend that this request be granted. (Signed) A. G. Fray Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (8) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January l6, 1952, to view the following described section of road and m&ke report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that en February ll, 1952, we did view the follow- ing section of road and make report ~n same: Beginning at east end of Avon St., Route 776, and continuing in an easterly direction crossing Noores Creek and connecting with Route 742 east of the entrance to the City Dump, a distance of approximately .50 of a mile. ~i~Ne find that this requested new location would be a much desired development for the improvement of this area; however, there is not sufficient public service to be rendered to Justify the expense. We, therefore, de not recommend to your Board. that this petition be granted. (Signed) A. G. Fray Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (9) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 16, 1952, to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on February 11, 1952, we did view the follow- ing section of road and make report on same: Beginning at end of State maintenance on Route 812 near Hatton and extending for .50 of a mile to the entrance of private home. We find this to be an extension of addition that we have previously recommended. We considered the entire length of this road when we previously recommended the addition of the .40 of a mile and having rendered service to these two families we do not feel that there is public service enough to justify the addition of the .50 of a mile as requested. (Signed) A. ~. Fray Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (10) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 16, 1952, to view the following described section of read and make report te your Board, hereby wish to advise that on Febrnary 11,.1952, we did view the follow- ing section of road and make report on same: Beginning at Route 618 northeast of 705 and extending to the east for approximately one mile to the Fluvanna County line, we fi~ that this road winds around through a .flat weeded section, poorly drained and with almost impassable large mud holes.- We a~so find that although it leads to one home just across the line in Flnvanna County but serves some two homes in Albemarle County, with the greater part of public service required by the residents of Fiuvanna County, we believe that before petition is granted the Board of Supervisors of Fluvanna County should develop road project to serve their people and join in petition for an outlet as requested. We therefore, recommend that this be tabled until further development is made. (Signed) A. G. Fray Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (11) We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 16, 1952, to view the fo!lowing described section of road and make report to your Boar~, hereby wish to adEise that on February 1!, 1952, we did view the follow- ing section of road and make report on same: Beginning at Route 29 1/4mile south of city limits and extending in a northwesterly direction following the main drive through the Buckingham subdivision for a distance of .70 of a mile. We feel that this request, being a subdivision, should be brought up to the standards set by the State Highway Department before we could recommend the same to be placed into the highway system. (Si ned) G. Fray Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (12) We, the undersigned, being V~ewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January l6, 1952, to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to adEise that on February ll, 1952, we did view the follow- ing section of roada~d make report on same: Beginning at Route ~68 opposite Col. Frakes' entrance and extending for .30 of a mile to the north. We find that this section of road is entirely within the land of Mr. R. L. Jackson and serves six cottages that he is renting. We are of the opinion that this is too much a private proposition for same to be considered as a public road; therefore, we recom, mend that this requeEt will not be granted. (Signed) A. G. Fray Hugh N~C!ark C. C. Wade The following report was also presented: We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting en January 16, 1952, to view the following described section of read and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on Na~chi2, 1952 we did view the followi~ section of road and report on same: Beginning at Route 745 one-half mile east of ROute 29 and extending te the east for one-half mile. We find this section of r~ad so located that it wou~d never be developed into a public service read and we are of the opinion that there is not sufficient service rendered new to justify our recommending same be placed in. the State Highway Secondary S~stem. (signed) A. G. Fray Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade Upon motion, made by~. Bain and seconded by Mr. Harris, it was ordered that the Viewers' report on the above road not be accepted and it was further ordered that the State Highway Commission be recommended to take into the Secondary System of Highways 1/4 mile of this request. Petition was received requesting that an asphalt surface be put on Route 620 from where it leaves Route 795 to the F~uvanna County line and on Route 618 from Woodridge to Scottsville. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Shields, Resident Engineer, the following resolution, offered by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Wood, was ,muanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Smp~rvisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby requested to include in the Federal Aid Secondary System Route 620 from where it leaves Route 795 to the Fluvanna County line. Mr. E. O. McCue, Attorney, appeared on behalf of citizens living tm the Willie Smith Sub- division located at the end of Locust Grove and advised the Board that this subdivision was set up before the regulations regarding roads in subdivisions were adopted and stated further that the said residents were willing ~to contribute toward the cost of improving the roads in this subdivision. Mr. W. W. Shields advised Mr. McCue that he would give him an estimate on the cost of grading and stabilizing the roads in this subdivision. Mr. D. A. Robinson advised the Board and Mr. Shields that he had received a complaint from Mr. Esau Rose and Mr. Ray Leake regarding damage to their water system from s~rface water draining from Route ?85. Mr. Shields advised the Board that he had instructed his foreman to open a ditch along Ro~te 785 to correct this situation.. Mrs. Mary B. Kerr appeared before the Board regarding a break-in at her home which she felt had not been handled properly by the Sheriff's Office. Mr. W. S. Cook, Sheriff, appeared regarding thi~ matter and advised that Mr. Wolfe had investigated this break-in at least five time and that he and Mr. ~itten had also made one investig.~tion. No action was taken by the Board on this matter. Mr. Guy Via appeared before the Board and stated that he had been advised by Mr. Detamore th~ he had been refunded $56.00 on an improper chicken assessment and asked the Board if this was correct. Mr. Robinson advised Mr. Via ~Ed!~ the Board that he had gone over this assessment with Mr. Detamore and having determined that~ Mr. Detamore did not own 7,000 chickens on January 1, 1951 and due to the fact that the tax on same had not been paid, said assessment had been exonerated in accordance with the pro- visions of the Code. Mr. M. Y. Sutherland, Mr. Henry Omohundre', Mr. George Harlow, Mr. Eon ~ut!er, Mr. J. R. Wingfield, Jr1 and several other citizens appea~dh before th~ B0sard regarding the resolution adopted by the Board at its meeting on March 11 requesting e Game Co is ion to pass a regulation making it un- lawful to car~y loaded firearms on Albemarle County highways and expressed the opinion that such a regulation world not correct the existing hazard to human life and livestock and also requested the Board to recozsider this matter. Mr. Morris made a motion to reconsider this matter, which motion was seconded by M~ . Smith. This motion failed to carry by the following recorded vote: Ayes - H. Ashby Harris and Ed~ ard L. Smith. Noes - W. W. Wood, E. H. Bain and C. Purcell McOue. Co . Henry B. Goodloe appeared regarding the reduction of the number of" precincts in Albe- marle County. Mrs. William Chamberlain appeared in behalf of the League of Women Voters in favor of H.B. 577 whic~ provided for a general registrar in addition to precinct registrars. Mr. Robinson state~ that from an flministrative standpoint a general registrar without the precinct regiEtrars would be more efficien and economical. After a discussion of this matter, motion was made by Mr. Bain and seconded by M~. Wood, recommending that the Electoral Board consider the matter of reducing the number of precincts n Albemarle County. C1 im of Js~mes Bynum for one hog killed by dogs was preSented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seco~ded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Bynum was allowed $25.00 for this hog. Claim of J. T. Via for one lamb killed~by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded| ~y Mr. Wood, Mr. Via was allowed $10.00 for this lamb. Claim~ of J. R. Wingfield for one ewe killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Bain, Mr. ~ingfield was allowed $30.00 for this ewe. Claim of W. F. Via for two ewes killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by ~r. Smit~ and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Via was allowed $20.00 each for these ewes. Claim of Jerry Brown for one ram killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Smith, Mr. Br~hewas allowed $25.00 for this ram. Claim of E. L. Bradley, Jr. for two ewes killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith, Mr. Bradley was allowed $30.00 each for these ewes. Claim of L. D. B. Cody for two lambs and one ewe killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith, Mr. Cody was allowed $13.00 each for the lambs and $14.00 ~e~?.~the ewe. Claim of William N. Hancke! for one ewe killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Claim of W. F. Collier for one ewe killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Smith, Mr. Collier was allowed $25.00 for this ewe. Claim of Russell Brill for four ringneck pheasants killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Briil was allowed $3.50 for each of these pheasants. Claim of Mr. W. E. Buford for one ewe killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. EUford was allowed $30.00 for the ewe. Claim of E. T. Alexander for one ewe killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Wood, this claim was denied on the basis that insufficient evidence was pre- sented. Claim of J. A. Go6dail for one ram killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Goodall was allowed $60.00 for this ram. Claim of Dr. John Manahan for two yearlings, three lambs three ~onths old, and five lambs from three to ten days old which had been killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Bain, Dr. Manahan was albwed $30.00 each for the yearlings, $20.00 each for the three- month lambs, and $15.00 each for the small lambs. Mr. George Garland appeared before the Board regarding a claim which he presented in October, 1951, for fifteen turkeys which he claimed were killed by dogs and which the Board had allowed only one turkey due to the fact that the Game Warden had viewed only one carcass. After a discussion of this matter Mr. Garland was allowed $1.~0 for each of the fourteen turkeys for which he was not paid on motion of Mr. Bain seconded by Mr. Harris. Report of the County Executive for the month of February, 1952, was presented and approved. Mr. D. A. Rbbinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Dep~rtment of Finance for the month of February, 1952, one-third of which is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of February, 1952, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upoh motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitte~ a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth Attorney's Office for the month of February, 1952, one-half of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was exa__~ned, verified, and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the COunty Jail during the month of February, 1952, along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $12.00 was presented and approved for payment. Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of February, 1952, were presented in accordance with Section 371 of the 1950 Acts 6~ the General Assembly. Claim of the UniverEity of Virginim Hospital in the amount of $1624.10, of which one-half is due by the County, was presented and approved for payment. Communication was received from Wiley and Wilson enclosing drawings of the dam for the Crozet Water Works. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that he would like to have authority to advertise for bids as soon as the specifications were received from Wiley and Wilson in order that bids might be received at the regular April Board meeting. Upon motion, made by ~. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Downing L. Smith, Commonwealth's Attorney, was authorized and instructed to secure help on his Trial Justice cases in order that he may ha. time to complete the Wayland deed for property in the Crozet Sanitary District. Communication was received from Garth and Earhart asking to be given an opportunity to bid on the dam at Crozet. Mr. Robinson 'presented to the Board a new contract for the maintenance of the two-way radios, Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Robinson was authorized to sign this con- tract. Mr. Robinson also requested permission to replace the four original mobile units at a trade-in allowance of 50% of their original values and upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Bain, Mr~ Robinson was authorized to replace theKe~u~its. Communications were received from the State Chamber of Commerce andwere ordered filed. Communications were received from Fred C. Kimbo. Communications were received from the Red Hill High School and the Albemarle Training School teachers expressing ~heir appreciation to the Board for assuming the back paymentK on social security. Mr. Robinson presented to the Board notices of premiums due the Commerce Realty and Insurance' Company on bonds of special police appointed in connection with.the Civilian Defense program and advise~ that The American Motorists Insurance Company would bond these police at $4.00 per thousand dollars whereas the Commerce Realty and Insurance Company's rate was $5.00 per thousand dollars. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Robinsonwas instructed to cancel the present bonds and further action was ~eferred until the next regular meeting of the Board. Mr. Edward L. Smith presented to the Board his resignation from the Planuing Commission and Mr. Robinson called the Board's attention to the fact that several other member's terms on the Commis- sion bad expired. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith, Mr. Floyd Johnson and Mr. E. D. Tayloe were ~eappointed for a four year term terminating December 31, 1955. The following person~ were also recommended to fill the four remaining vacancies on the Commission and Mr. Robinson was in- structed to contact these persons to determine if they would be willirgto serve: Mr. A. Gaines F~ay, Mr. C. Nelson Beck, Mr. Charles Barham, Mr. Cecil Maupin and Mr. E. L. Bradley, Jr. The following report was received from the Shop Committee: "Your committee on Shop and Stores wishes to report the result of the committee meeting held on Friday, March 14th. Mr. Wood, Mr. Harris, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Walton and I went over the Shop and Sto~es plans and concurred in approval of the plans that were presented in the last drawing. This would give a stores of 28' x 90~, which was felt to be a correct size not only for the present but for the future. The committee then went out to the proposed location of the said buildings in order to orient it on the terrain. It was felt that this was the proper general location of said building. (Engineers to make final location after survey.) It was further agreed that Mr. Sam Clark should draw the sketch and specifications for the stores, using similar specifications for the stores as was used for the shop. It was the feeling of the committee that should Mr. Ct~rk have to use any of his own time to make such drawings and specifications, he should be paid for same. It should be~ noted that Mr. Clark's work would save the County between $1500.00 and $1800.00 in Architect's fee. Mr. Walton was instructed to work with Mr. Clark and prepare the drawings and speci- fications as soon as possible in order that bids may be asked forby the School Board. I might add to the committee's report that a motion be passed by the Board of Super- visors and forwarded to the School Board making the action of the Committee official. Respectfully submitted, (signed) J. W. Williams, Chairman, Shop and Stores Committee Mr. Robinson advised the Board that Mr. John Ross had given him an estimate on the General Stores Building of $7500.00. Upon~motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith, the Shop Committee Report was accepted~ Claims against the County amounting to $154,042.37 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Fund McIntire Trust Fund School Construction Bond Fund Alb. Central High School Construction Fund Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account Over and Short Account $ 32,451.48 67,454.72 637.30 63.94 528.01 2,852.06 401.12. 4,980.38 42,534 · 09~ 1,889.27 2¢0.00 ~154.042.35 The matter of meeting with the Miller School'Group was discussed and March 31, 1952 at 7:30 P.M. was set as the tentative date for this meeting if this was agreeable ~ith said group. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of April, 1952. Present: Messrs. C. P~rcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, J. W. Williams and W. W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers Present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Nr. E. H. Bain. Minutes of the meeting Of March 19, 1952, were read and approved. Me. W. W. Shields, Resident HighwayEngineer, appeared before the Board and presented copies of secondary road allocations for the year 1952-53 and~ tentative primary construction allocations for the year 1952-53. Communication was received from the State High~ay Department enclosing sketch showing c~hanges in the Primary System of Albemarle County made necessaryby the relocation and construction of Route 20. Request was received ~Or improvement to Route 708 from Red Hill to Route 20. Mr. J. W. Williams presented to the Board a count of trucks' using this road per day. Mr. Shields advised that thi~ road would involve costly improvements. After a discussion of this matter, the following resolution was unanimously'adopted upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Harris: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway-Commission be and is hereby requested to include in the Federal Aid Secondary SYstem Route 708'fromRed Hill to Route 20. Copy of a communication addressed to the Planning Commission was received regarding the ruling of the State Highway CommisSioh as to the standards for streets in subdivisions before such streets will be accepted into the secondary system. Mr. Rohinson presented to the Board an invoice of the cost of relocating Route 743 and upon his recommendation, this matter was tabled until the survey on this relocation is received. Mr. D. A.' Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of March, 1952, one-third of which to be bor~e by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinsoh, Director of F~ance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff~'S Office for the month of March, 1952, two-thirds of which to be borne by the 'State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of ~.ce, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth Attorney s Office for the month of March, 1~5~, one-half of which to be borne by the Stats. Upon motion duly ma~e and seconded,~this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Statement of Expenses incurzed in the maintenance'of prisoners confined in the County Jail during the month of March, 1952, along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days, was submitted. Upon motion, d~Gy made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Claim of the Jail Physician for the month of March, 1952, in the amount'of $16.00 was ~pre-