HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-04-16 The matter of meeting with the Miller School Group was discussed and March 31, 1952 at 7:30 P.M. was set as the tentative date for this meeting if this was agreeable ~ith said group. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of April, 1952. Present: Messrs. Co Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, J. W. Williams and W. W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers Present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain. Minutes of the meeting Of March 19, 1952, were read and approved. Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, appeared before the Hoard and presented copies of secondary road allocations for the year 1952-53 and~tentative primary construction a!locationsfor the year 1952-53. Communication was received from the State High,~ay Department enclosing sketch showing ~ge's in the Primary System of Albemarle County made necessary~by the relocation and constructionof Route 20. Request was received f~r improvement to Route 708 from Red Hill to Route 20. Mr. J. W. Williams presented to the Board a couut of trucks~using this road per day. Mr. Shields advised that thi~ road would involve costly improvements. After a discussion of this matter, the following resolution was unanimously adopted upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Harris: BE IT RESOLVED by theBoard of Couuty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that~the State Highway'Commission be and is hereby requested to include in the Federal'Aid Secondary System Route 708 from Red Hill to Route 20. Copy of a communication addressed to the Planning Commission was received regarding the ruling of the State Highway Commissioh as to the standards for streets in subdivisions before such Streets will be accepted Luto the secondary system. Mr. Rohinson presented to the Board an invoice of the cost of relocating Route 743 and upon his recommendation, this matter was tabled until the survey on this relocation is received. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of March, 1952, one-third of which to be borne bythe State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinsoh, Director of Finsnce, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff'ts Office for the month of March, 1952, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of ~.ce, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth Attorney's Office for the month of March, 195~ one-half of which to be borne by the Stats. Upon motion duly made and seconded,.this Stat~ent was examined, verified, and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the CoUnty Jail during the month of March, 1952, along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Claim of the Jail Physician for the month of March, 1952, in the amount of $16.O0 was pre- DESCRIPTIONN ~Fund, Source ANTICIPATED TAXES: C~rrent ( ' 51 Delinquent: Report of the Co~unty Executive for the month of March, 1952, was presented, approved, and ordered filed. Upon the recommendation of Mr. D. A. Robinson~~ the following resolution was unanimously adopted on motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood: BE IT~ RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that D. A. Robinson is hereby authorized to transfer the amount on ~e- posit in the saving account in the National Bank and Trust Company and in the Peoples National Bank to the County's regular checkdmg accouut. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $3,978.30 of which $1,989.15 is due by the County for the care of indigent patients was presented and upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wood, was approved for payment. Reports of the Welfare Department for the month of MarCh, 1952, were presented in accOrdance with Section 371 of the 1950 Acts of the General Assembly. The followLug report was received from the Crozet Water Committee: At a meeting of the Crozet Water Committee on April 9~ 1952, a resolution was adopted that we recommend to the Board of Supervisors that they purc~hase for the Crozet Sanitary District, lots from R. A. Gen~y and Annie O. Gentry of approxi- matelyfortyacres for $3,200.00 which will protect the south Side of water shed, also give space for water after raising of dam which is now on-this property. It will also give a site for tank for flushing fi!ter beds. CROZET WATER COmmITTEE (Signed) A. J. ADDerson, .Chairman Upon motion, made by Mr.~ Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith, the fOregoing report was accepte~And the recommendations contained therein. Mr. J. R. Wingfield, Jr.~ appeared regarding, the proposed budget and made the following sug- gestions to the Board with explanations which he felt would be of value to the public in the future: 1. That the county live. within its income.. 2. That the tax rate remain at $3.50 per $t00.00 assessment value and all property be assessed equitably at the same percentage of value as in the past. 3. That surplus sums in the treasury at the end of any fiscal year, over and above that needed for work~mg capital, be immediately applied on the County's obli- gations so as to stop paying interest. 4. That all expenditures anticipated for the coming year be included in the budget or in an appendix so the citizens qf the county can see what is anticipated. 5. That each year enough copies of the budget be printed to provide all interested citizens a copy. 6. That the expenditures now charged to the dog fund for radiodispatchers and re- pair and upkeep of radios be paid by the general fund. 7. That in case of large expenditures,~ e~pecia!ly those of a continuing nature, the citizens of the county be given an opportunity to express their desires either by a referendum or by an invitation to a meeting of the Board of Supervisors that has been well advertised. 8.~ That all meetings o~ the board of supervisors be held with open doors according to section #15 244 of the code. 9. That notice of special meeting of the Board of Supervisors be advertised in The DaityProgress not less than three nor more than seven days before the meeting. 10. That after each annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors the~e be published a statement of receipts and an itemized statement of disbursements as required by section # 15 580 of the code and enough copies to be printed £O furnish all interested citizens copies. Mr. E. I, Baldwin appea~ed ~ requested that he be recorded in the minutes as supporting the rate and budget as advertised. Following the public hearing on the proposed budget for the year beginning July 1, 1952 and ending June 30, 1953, the budget was adopted ~ follows by the following recorded vote: Ayes - Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, F~ward L. Smith, J. W. Williams and W. W. Wood. Noes - None. ALBEMARI~ COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR T. HE YEAR ENDIN. G JUNE 30. 195~ Year Ended ~ne 3Q, 1951 .nd Ite~ . (Actua!)~ SURPLUS 312',097.89 Year Ended June 30, 1952 (Estimated 250,000.00 Tentative 150,000.00~ E~ENDING Increase Over Year Ending June -0- Decrease Under Year Ending 100,000.00 Est: 150 $19,500,000. @.45 (Ef.ll) 96,245.65 1951 15,910.!5 18,400.00 18,580.00 19,500.00~- 12,500.00~ 30,350.00 -0- 6,080.00 19,~ 12 J_02 DESCRIPTION: F. und, Source & Item FEES: TranSfer CommonWealth Attorney Sheriff COUNTY FINES CARE OFl PRISONERS.- OTBER LOCALITIES STATE SUPPLEMENTS. ' 1/3 Department of Finance 1/2 Commonwealth' s AttOrney 2/3 Sheriff's Office Expenses Capi';ation Taxes Main';enance of Jail, Care of Priseners Publ~Lc Assistance Grants A.B.t~., Profits Distribution Roll, Lng Stock Tax :tENTAL )F COUNTY PROPERTY 3ALE OF PROPERTY ~EFUND }N V.P.A. CHECKS DISTRICT IAS TAX i REFUND INTEREST ON BANK DEPOSITS ~ECOVERIES ~EL~B[~E~.~ FOR SCHOOL BOOKS IEI~';~L~SE;~NT FOR HOSPITALIZATION ~OG TAX FUND TRANSFER ~0TAL G ~ FUND )OG TAX FUND: ~ale of Dog Tags (Gross) ~CHOOL 'UND: ]OUNTY 'UNDS ~AXES: ',urrent 1952 ($2.20 rate) ~TATE ~ ~DS: ~eneral Appropriation ~upervi ~ion Yocatio: ~al Education ~pecial Education ~uperin ;endent's Salary ~ranspo: 'tation ?rincip ~ls' Salaries {ospita, & Sanatorium Salaries Yeteran ' Training in Agriculture ?arm Ma hinery Repair ~annery ~afeter ~ick Le~ ~dequat ~ocial , )THEE F )awson i ~uition ~uition ~ale of ~ale of {ents, ~asoti~ )onatio: ~ale of ~OTAL S~ ~PECIAL PAXES ]urrent .a ~ve for Teachers ,Salary (Schedule) ~ecurity ~DS: ~nd - Other Divisions - Private Sources Supplies Real Estate & Other Property :ebates and Miscellaneous ; Tax Refund ~s - Libraries Textbooks HOOL FUND SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND (1952) $0.85 Rate ~CINTIR,E~ TRUST 2WJND: .~ationa~ Bank & Trust Company National ?eop!es li l Bank ~iterar~ Fund of Virginia ~0TAL M, ~.INTIRE TRUST FUND .... TOINT E ~.1-8OO. ~!-800. ~.1-90o. .~1-1000 ~-1-11o0 ~OTAL J · LTH DEPARTMENT State University of Virginia Oo~uty of Albemarle City of Charlottesville Not Otherwise Classified · :mG Year End~ Year E~ . Increase Over Dec~eas~'~'u/n~er J~e 30, 19~ J~e 30, 1952 Tentative Year-EndUE Y~ar End~ E~timate ~Act~l) (Estim~ted~~ Es~ate J~~' J~e~ 30~ 19~2 B~ Boa~ - 651.60 700.O0 700, OO ,~- -0- ~0~ 15,030.35 18,000. OO 17,000.00 ~ -0- 1,000.00 103.88 50. O0 100. O0 ~ 50.00 ~O- 762.95 !,000.00 800.00~ -0- 200.00 1 ~ 500.56 2,000. O0 2,000. O0 ~ -O- -0- 2,551.35 3,000. OO 3,500.00 ~ 500.00 -0- 11,571.88 12,000.00 13,000,00~ 1,000.O0 -0- 2,481.63 2,310.00 2~310.00~ -O- -0- 14,892.22 16,000.00 19,000.00~ 3,000.00 -0- 3,209.00 3,300.00 3,300. O0~ -0- -0- 2,656.03 3,000. O0 3,500. O0~? 500. O0 -0- 116,646,72 137,466.O0 139,962.00~ 2,496.00 -0- 93,037.20 85,000. O0 85,000.00 516.85 800.00 600.00 ~ -0- 200,00 8,842.50 8,600.00 8,500.00 ~ -0- !00.00 :',,1,015. O0 -O- '0' -0~ -0- 1,851.50 1,376.86 1,650,80' 273.94 -0- 586. OO -0- 500 ;00~ 500. O0 -0- 789.80 400 · 00 "400; O0 ~ -O- -0- 929.93 800.00 1,000. O0 * 200. OO -0- 5,000.00 5,000.00 -O- ~'' -O- 5',000.00 750.92 -O- -0- ~ -0- - 0- 2,055.97 -0- -0- * -O- -0- 2.00 -0- -0- ~ -0- -0- 183.54 -0- -0- ~ -0- -0- 2,388.~ -O- -O- ~ -O- -0- 725,394.05 596,982.86 519,972.80 38,869.94 115,880.O0 9,725.00 10,000.00 i0,000. O0 * -O- -0- 402,325.35 417,680.0'O 429,000.00~ 1!~, ~320~;00 -0- 202,078. O0 202,078, O0 215,000.00 * 12 ~922. ~0 -0- 6,999.99 7,000. O0 7,000.00 ~ -0- -0- 18,432.81 20,400. O0 23, ~OO,00~' 31~ 300. O0 -0- -0- -0- 75.00~ ~.~. 75~00 -0- 1,950.00 1,950.O0 1,950.00* ~ - -Or -0- 52,591.56 55,0OO. O0 55,000. OO ~ -0- -0- !,230.74 1,665.00 1~,325~00~.- -O- 340.00 5,014.40 8,044.O0 8,900.00' 856.00 -O- 13,782.05 13,800. OO 13,800. O0 ~ -O- -0- 36.00 400.00 300.00 ~ -0- t00. O0 515.41 600. O0 600~OO* -O- -O- 1,740.69 2,000.00 2,000.00~ -0- -0- 1,413.00 1,80'0.O0 1~800.00' '- -0- -0- 2,400.00 3,200.00 4'8,000.00~ 44,800.00 -0- -0- - O- 8,750.00~ 8,750.00 -0- 976.67 975. O0 975.00~ -0- -0- 3,19~ · 07 1,500. O0 1,500.00'~ -0- - O- 987. -50 800. O0 800. O0 * -0- -0- 72.55 100. OO 100.00* -0- -O- 9,662,50 2,500.00 2,500.O0~~ -0- -O- 366.59 2,811,50 ' 948.15~ -0' 1,863.35 3,804.72 3,000.00 4,000.00~~ 1,000.00 -0- 497.74 500. O0 500. O0~ - 0- -0- 11,33i; 5~ 12.,000.00 · 12,000..00+ __.. -0- .. . -Q- 741,400.89 759,803.50 840,523.15 ~ 83,023.00 2,303.35 104,500.11 957.84 1,075. O0 1,075. O0 -O- -0- 1,041.64 1,O00.00 1,000.00 -0- -0- 37~,00.. ~-_ _37_7~.00 . -0- -O- 2,374.48 2,450200 2,450~00 -0' -O- ' i4,~90.00 15,880.00 19,707.50' 3,827.50 -O- 2,400. CO 2,000.00 2,000.O0 -0- -0- 10,108..32 13,709.86 14,876.30 !,166;44 -O- 8,394.93 11,385.9.9 12,354.70 968.71 -0- 175.5o -o. -o- -o- -o- 44,092.60 50,798, 50 6,705.'90 Instructive Visit. Nuts. Assoc.___~.25 ~INT HEALTH DEPT. FUND 36,040.OO - 700,00 17,000.00 100.00 · 8O0. O0 2~000.00 3,500~ 00 13 ~O00.00 2 ~ 310. O0 19,000.CO 3~300.00 ' 3 500.00 139~962.00 85,000.00 ' 600. co 8,5o0.0o --0-- 1,650,80 500.oo 400.OO t, 0o0.o0 '0-- --0-- -0- --0-- -0.- --0 ' ~490,722.80 I0,000.00 429,000.00 215,O00.00 7,000.00 23,700. O0 75.O0 i,950.00 55,000.00 1,325.OO 8,900.00 13,800. O0 3OO.OO 6O0.00 2,000.00 1,800.00 48,000'. O0 8,750.00' 975.00 1,500~O0 800.00 lOO.Op 2,500.00. 948.15 4,000.00 - 5OO.OO .~12,000 _. O0 840,523.15 5,75o.oo 1,075.00 ~-1,000. O0 375.o0 _ 2,450.00 ~ 19,707.50 ~ 2,000.00 ~ 14,876.30 ~ 12,354.70 ~.1 860.00 *50,798. 50 ~ROZET 1-1o w ~-20 W /.1-30 F -4o s -50 c ~OTAL C POTAL R SANITARY DISTRICT FUND: Lter Rents ~ter Connections .re Hydrant Rentals ~le of Materials ~t O~f Charge ~ZET SANITARY DIST.~ FUND.~. BVENUE ESTIMATES - ALL FUNDS 12,357.11 10,500.OO 12,O00.00 275.00 250.00 250.00 900~00 '900,00 900.00 266.33 lO0.00 lO0.O0 2.00 10.00 !Q~O0 ~ 13,800.44 11,760.00 . 13,260.00 1,633,234.97 1,568,608.96 1,573,504.45 1,500.00 -0- -0- -O- -O- -0- -0- -0- -0- -O- 1,500.00 -0- 130,098.84 125,203;35 ~12,000. OO 250.00 900.OO 1OO. 00 10.~00__ '13,260.00 ,573,504.45 ~mi~T~tE ESTimaTES DESORIP_~ON: YEAR .ENDED 'JUNE 30, ~;5! .. E~, Function & Item Appropriation ExRenditure .. GE..i'~ .~...~j~,, Fu..~u. .1~ BOARD OF. C~""T""F"'Vu-", ~. SUPERViS(R S 100 Comp. o: Members 2,000.00 2,000.0~ 199 Personal 200 Adverti 201 ~uditin 212 Ins.Pre 213 Ins.Pre 220 Travel~ 319 Stationl TOTAL BDL O] 1A~ MISCEL~ 105 Record~ 199 Road Vi. 199.1 Tax R 218 Tel., J' 206 Dues,V 214 Rent, S 214 Rent, R 219.1 Chaml 219.2 Char. 219.3 Monti 219.4 Mille 400.3 Auto 299 Contrac 298 Social 999 Unappro 499 Misceli~ 399.1 Civil 699 Approp. 999 Refund ', T~OTAL MISC. Services -0- -Or ing 100,00 81.5.5 1,250.00 1,250.0.0 ~.Surety Bonds -0- -O- NWk.Comp. ~Burg. !25;00 3.92 Expenses 400,00 432.84 .fy, Forms, Etc. '~ -0- 65.80 CO. SUP. 3,875.00 3,834.11 NEOUS SERVICES ~g Fees 10.00 15.10 ~wers 50.00 54.95 ~funds 300.O0 -O- ~stice Smith -0- -0- ~. Counties 250.00 315.50 · e Deposit Box -0- 25.00 ~st Room ~ 180.00 180.00 ~r of Commerce 275.00 275.00 -Alb~ Library 4,1'84.20 4,050.60 '~ello Guards -0- -O- School -0- -0- ~aintenance -0- -0- ;ual Services -0- -O- ~ecurity ~Tax -0- -0- ~. Reserve 150,000.00 -O- ~eous -0- 572.96 Lan Defense -0- 335.60 -Airport Committee -0- -O- ?rimary Fees & . -O.- SERVICES 155,249.20 Year Ending June 30, 1952. Appropriation 2,0001. O0 tO- 100.00 1,250..00 90.00 12 5. O0 400.00 , .2,5.00_ 3,990.00 Proposed ExDenditure 5,824.11 255,299.20 2, O00. O0 100.00 1,500.00 200.00 500jO0 ~5._00 4,375.00 Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ending June 3O, 1~52 Allowed June 30 ~ 19~2 B~ Board..._. -0- -0- 2,000.00 -0- -0 - -0- -o- -0- / ~ 250.00 -0- 1,500.0C -0~ 90.00 -0- 75.00 -o- 2oo.oo lOO.OO -o- 500.00 475.00 90.00 ~,375.0C I0.00 10.00 -0- -O- 50.CO 50.CO -0- -0- 300.00 3OO.OO -o- -o- -o- 50.bo 50.oo 'O-- 300T. O0 300 .bo --e-- ~0' -0- -0 - -0- -0- 180.00 180.00 -o- -0- 275.00 275.b0 -@- -0- 4 ,t84~. 20 4,600.~00 415.80 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0.- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- !, 500.00 1,500.00 -0- 250,000.00 150,000.00 -0- lO0,000.O0 '-0- -:0- -0- -0- -0- 250.00 250.00 -0- -0 - -0- -0- -0 - -0- -0- -0- 157,515.O0 2,215.80 ~ lO0,000.O0 I iO.OC 50'.0C 300.0C 50.0~ 300.,~)C. i80.0( 275.0{ 4~,600.0C, 12,500. OC ,500. O{ 10~,ll4.0{ t02 Comp. o 2D6 Dues & 212 Ins.Pre 215 Rep.Mai 218 'Tel, ,Te 220 Traveti 319 Station 405 Office TOTAL CO. E ]'02 ComP.- c 105 Record1 109 Comp. R.C.Sours June T. Vis Va.Hicks Cs M.K. Johnso~ m. A. Lynct Vacant Vacant Assessors Extra Help 200 Advert~ 204 Book BJ 206 Dues & 212 Ins.Pr~ 215 Rep.-M~ 218 Teiepho 220 Traveli 319 Station lB COUNTY EXECUT!VE'S OFFICE Co. Exec. ~ubscriptions n-Surety Bonds .tenance-Equip. . & Postage ag Expenses cry, Forms etc. ~quipment ~. DFFICE ~C DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ~ Director 6,100.00 ~ of Delinqt~. 200.00 Assistants: 4,000.00. 3,000.00 ~sidy 2,340.00 2,280.00 1,860.00 2,100.00 -t,800.00 4,000.00 1,800. Q~ 18,780.00 sing 175.o0 ading 24.00 Subscriptions 50.00 m.-Surety Bond -O- intain Equip. 300.00 ne & Postage 1~000.00 ag Expenses 1,200.00 2,400.00 2,400.60 2O.00 13.00 25.00 -0- 30.00 -0- 125.00 181.60 2OO .00 196.33 50.CO -0- -0- -0- 2,850.00 2,790.73 2,4od. oo 20.00 25.00 30.00 150.O0 200.00 50.00 2,875_.00 2,400.i00 20.00 30~00 2OO.OO 20O.OO 50,00 100.00 3,000.00 6,600.00 200.00 -0- -0- ..-0- -0-~. -0- 25.00 -0- -0- 50.00 -0- -0- '0- -0- -0- 100,00 -0- 150.00 25.00 6,100.00 125.30 16,1.44.02 136.90 53.64 36.00 392.31 5;804;55 2,068.15 1A~830.40 29,027;98 cry, Forms etc. 1,700.00 399 Miscellaneous t0.00 425.00 405 Office ~qui~ent TOTAL DEPT~I ~F F~IIANEE 29,964.00 ID COLLECTION OF DELIN. LAND TAXES ,000.00 826,0 102 Comp, ~f Attorney 2 5 tE BO2~RD O~ EQUALIZATION ~00 ~omp. cf Members ~00.00 90.00 109 Comp. f Assessor & Clerk~,080.O0 2,040.90 200 Advertdsing 25.00 -0- -0- 15.00 l~0.00 10.20 150.00 -0- -25,00 -0, 2,890.00 2,155.20 22,080. O0 175.o0 30.00 50.00 5OO.OO 400.00 1,400.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 lO.C0 150.CO 34,795.00 6,600 jO0 -0- -0- -0 - -0- 200. O0 1,100.00 25.OO 20.00 -0- --0- 200.00 ~0- 500.o0 --0- 2,245.00 1,000'O0 23,180.00 200,00 5O.OO se.00 400.00 1,600.oo 1,200. oo 2,500.00 lO.OO 36,34o~oo -o- ~O6 Dues & 218: Teleph¢ 220 Traveling Expenses ~19 Statiozery, Forms TOTAL BD. iF EQUAL. 1F TAX MAP~ 102 Comp. ~f Engineers 109 Comp. ~f Assistants 220 Travel~ng Expenses 319 Stationery, Forms 300.00 2,190.00 2~.oo 1,000~00 -0- 210.00 50.00 125.00 -0- 260.00 300.00 2,490;1 ® 25.00 Subscriptions ne & Postage 125.00 100.00 2~.00 2,765.00 50;00 125.00 lOO~OO , 2~0o 3,025.00 2,000.00 2,040..00 -0- -0- 200.00 -0- 100.00 250.79 2,190.00 100.00 lO0. O0 2,400.00 -0- 100;00 250.00 210.00 --0- 150.CO 5OO.OO -0- 700.00 -0- -0- ,400.( Ii 104 ~SORI~?!,QN: .Fund ~. FZ 1G PLA},~ 102 Comt 200 Adv nctipn &Item ~. Appropriation~ Expenditure lNG COMMISSION . of Engineers 300.00 -O- rtising 250.00 -0- Year F~Ading June 30, 1952 ..Ap~..opriation Proposed E__~pend~tttr~ 300.00 3o0,00 150.00 150,00 Yw~kR ENDING._'~ - 30, 1955 Increase O~er Decrease UndE Year ~Fa~:d~ng Year Ending June ~0, .1~2 - June ~0,. 195~ -O- .-0 -0- -0 Allowed _ BY Board - ~' 300.00 150,00 32.00 150.00 SC.00 206 Due 218 Tet~ 22OTra 3i9Sta TOTAL & SubscriptiOns phone & Postage eling Expenses ionery, Forms ~ANNING COMMISSION 4 RECORDING OF DOCU'~TNTS I0! Comp. of Clerk 105 Cer$if~ing Voting E~st 109 Com~. of Assistants.~ 3 :ooo.oo ~Ieten H~mbert ~ 2 ~280~00 ~ancy B~' Harris 2,1.00,.00 ~O! Auditing 20~ Boo~ Binding 212 Ins~Prem.-Surety Bonds ~15 Rep~-Maintain Equip. ~18 ~el~phone ~& Postage ~50 Excess Fees ~' Rec~ird Books' ~17.1 R~-Index Books ~19 Stat ionery, Forms etc. ~99 Mis~ et!aneOus ~05 Off~ ce Equipment · ~OTAL R! ~0RDING ~OF DOCUMENTS ~ CIRC~ IT COURT ~02 Com~ . of Judge ~03 Com~ ~. of Relief Atty. ~09 Coml . of Stenographer ~2! Jut. rs & Witnesses .22 Ju~. Commission .~15 Rep~ ir, Maintain Equip. .~18 Telephone & Postage ~14 Libraries ~50ff~ce Equilment :OTAL C&CUIT COURT !t5 Re~ ~t8 Tet~ ,17 Rec~ ~19 StaI ~ TAL ~ JUSTICE 00URT ir, Maint&in Equip. phone & Postage rd Books ionery, Forms etc. IAL JUSTICE COURT -0- 32.00 75.00 5.OO '0- 44.90 75.00 700.O0 81.90 5,000,00 4,999.92 200.00 192.40 32,00 32; O0 75.OO 150. O0 50..00 50.00 75.00 . 75.-00 682.00 757.00 5,500.00 5,750.00 200. O0 -0- 6,600.00 6,463.00 150.00 139 c49 800.00 2,420.00 35.00 3 5, O0 50.00 54.11 2 50. O0 262 .~8 1,000.00 1,189.-74 1,'000.00 658.57 lO0.00 -0- 300,00 300.54 -o- -o- -tSO.Og t98.66 15,635.oo 16,931:91 6,840. co 7,380. co 15o.oo 150,oo -o- 3O0.00 ~5. co -o- 37.50 37.50 275.00 ' 300~O0 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,O00.00 1,000;00 I00.00 100. O0 300.00 300.00 -0- "0- 200.00,~ _- 5. O~00 16,147.50 16,867~. 50 1,601.05 1,663.45 1,663'45 1,800,00 100.00 30.00 100.00 100,00 '720.00 668.07 720.00 720'00 1,000.00 924.50 1,000.00 1,200.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 90.00 -0- 3.'50 -0- 13;50 75.00 76.~0 75.00 75.00 - 25.00 -0- -0- -0- .3~57~.05 3,595~9a 3,633.4~ 3,998.50 15.00 13,95 100.00 81.00 25.00 -0- 125.00 76.82 265.00 !7!~7 ,75.OO -0 -0- -0 75?0O - 250.00 -' -0- 200,C 54o.oo -C '0- -C 300.00 ~C -o- 45.o -0- -0 25.00 -0 -0- -0 -O- -0 -0- -O -0- 150~0 1,1TS.00 395,'0 - .~. - ~- 757.00 5,750;00 ~O~: 7,380~00 150.:00 300.00 37.5O 300.00 -~1,500.00 ~.!,000,00 100.00 300.00 ~0.00 136.55 -0 -0- -0 -o- -0 200.00 -0 15,00 -0 13.50 -0 . -.t3- ~65.o5 'o~ 15.00 13.50 -0- 100. O0 150,00 50.00 25.00 25. oo .-O- L~.O0 .... 15o.oo _ 25.00 265~. O0 338.50 75. O0 ~ 16,867~ 50 1,800.'00 100,00 720. O0 1,200.00 90.oo 1.3.50 75.00 '~3,998.50 13.50 25.00 338.50 ;0 COMM, .02 Com~ .09 Comt '.!8 Te!~ !OTAL C( A ~POLI( .02 Comt .06 Comt ;afl H. 'ames '. W. We .R.M~ '. N. W~ 'ulton ewis B. : Dispa~ 1! Core 99 Arr~ .12 Ins :18 .20 .20.1 24 19 ATT~. 'S OFFICE of Comm. Atty. of Stenographer )home & Postage ATTY. 'S OFFICE ING & INVESTIGATING I of Sheriff · 0~Deputies: Davzs 2700.00 Cobbs 2700.00 lfe 2920.00 rShall 2920.00 itten 2700.00 homas 2100.00 Johnson 2200.00 ohers,.(6/9) 2640.00 acrs Fees ~t Warrants Prem. Surety ~Bonds and Postage ; Expenses Radio Equip. Forms etm. 99 .00.5 E~intenance 00.6 A~tomobil? ~aintenance .O0.7~A~omobil~ ~intenance 00.8 A~tomobile Maintenance ;00..~9 A~tomobile Maintenance O0.10.~ 2tomobile Maintenance .O0 Aut~nobile Purchase .05 Off~ .99 Poli 0TAL PC ~e EqUipment 3e Equipment ._____~ ..0_0 5ICING & t5n/ESTIGATING23,364.00 4,400.00 4,317.12 6~0.00 600.00 20.00 -0- 5,020.00 4,917.12 3~63'6.00 3,636,00 15,180.~0 15,990.85 1,000.00 1,100.00 10,00 4;00 55.O0 65.00 150.00 200.61 50.00 t5. o0 50.00 -0- 528.00 519.43 5o.oo -o- 2o0. o0 99; 55 15.oo =o- 600. co 578.17 -o- -o- 600.00 568.14 -o- -o- 600. co 527.44 62;600.00 718.68 -0- -0- 15. O0 '-0- 2!3. 24,236 tO9 4,000.00 4,000.00 600.00 600;00 20.00 , ., 20.00 4,620.00 4,620.00 3,636.00 4,000.00 15,282.85 1 ,'200. OO 10.00 55.00 175. O0 50. O0 50.00 515.00 50.CO 400.O0 15.00' 600. O0 600.co --0-- 600.O0 6OO.OO --0-- 15.00 25.00 23, 7 .85 20,880.00 1,300.00 10.00 -0- 200.00 50.00 50. O0 775.00 100. OO --0-- 15.00 500.0o 500.00 500.00 5OO.OO 5CO. O0 5OO.OO 225.00 25.p0 30,430.00 -0 -0 -O -0- -0 ~64.oo 597,15 100. O0 -0- 25.00 --0-- 260.O0 50.00 -0- -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- --0-- -O- lC. 00 ,406.15 55.0 -0 -0 --0 -0 -0 400.0: -0 100. O~ 100,0~ --0, 100.0~ 100.0' --0 -0 -Or 855.0~ 4,000.00 600. O0 4,620.00 4,000.00 20,880.00 1,300.00 10.00 200.00 50.oo 50.00 775.00 1OO.00 15.OO 500.00 500.00 500.00 500~00 500.00 500.00 25.O0 ~, 25.00 30,430.00 DESCRIPTION: Fun.d_, Fun_cti~n & Item 6C C02~Ii.~L~ENT & C~ OF PRISONERS 102 Comp. of Jailor 106 Comp. of Cook lll Doctors 215 Repair, ~aintain Equip· 218 Telephon, & Postage 301 Bedding 306 Cleaning ~t. k- Supp. 31© Food ~apt)lies 311 Fuel I ' 316 Medical ~upplies 319 Stationery, Forms etc. 399 Miscell~ ~eous TOTAL CARE Oi PRISONERS 7 FIRE PREVEI 2ION & EXTINCTION 109 2 Radio ~Dispatchers 1/9 900.00 116 Comp. o~f~Chi~f Warden 1,020.O0 208 Forest Fmre Extinction Serv. 650.00 224 Mamntainf' t Radio Equip. 1/9 132.00 ENDED ,J,f~, 30, 1951 Year Ending June 30, 1952 Aop~riat ion Exoend__iture .... A.ooropriation Increase Over Proposed Year Ending Expenditure .J~e__~O. 1952 1,860.00 1,860.00 1,980.00 2,400.00 420.00 480.00 480.00 540-00 600.00 60.00 100. O0 277. O0 2 50.00 400.00 15G.O0 1,500. O0 56.46 250. O0 250.00 -O- 90.00 80.95 90.00 7 i00. O0 I0.00 200.00 -0-. 200.00 200.00 -0- -0- 8V. 03 250. O0 2 50. O0 ~0 - 2,000.00 2,161.23 -2,200.00 2,500.00 300~00 500.00 673.56 700.00 800.00 100.00 50.00 6.72 50.00 50.00 -0- lO.OO -o- lO.CO 10.co -o- ...... 50.00 8.67 50._00 50.00 .... --0- 6,840.00 5,691.62 6,570.00 7,610.O0 1,040.00 810.72 810.00 935.00 1,020.00 1,105.11 742.00 129.86 130.00 JUNE 30. 19~ Decrease Under Year Ending Allowed ___June 30,_.19~_,__~B~ Board 440.00 -0- 370.00 588.00 -o- 432~9o 1,542.00 800.00 -o- 130.oo -o- -o- 2,400.0 600.0 40o.o 250.0 100.0 2O0.0 2~0.0 ~,500.0 800.0 50.0 IO.C 50._C ?,610.£ 440.C 588.C ,542.C 130.C 299 Approp.-] 399Mi'scellal TOTADFIRE M 8BPUBEIGADI 100 Comp. of 102 Comp. cfi 109 Comp'. cfi Alice P. Gra MarthaHal! Jacque!ine D Mamie G. Bel Social Worke ~artha BaiZe Mary Lee Gib Part time t~ 206 Dues & S 212 Ins.Prem 215 Re~air, 218 Te~ephsn 220 'Travelin 220.!Nileag 319 ~tatione 399 Miscelia 400.1 Automo 400.2 Automo ~00 Automobi 405 Office E TOTAL~ PUBLIC 80 PUB.ASST. 320 Tgxtbook 703 General l 703.11 Gen. ~ 703.3 Emerge 704 Old Age 705Aid to 706A~d to E 707 Regular 708 Aid to E TOTAL FED~ 8E INSTITUTI 701 Univ. 701.t Hosp. TOTAL tNST!T 8F OTHER WEL 399 Misc.VPA 702 Albemarl 705 Confede~ TOTAL OTHER 8G .LUNACY C( 124 Comp. o~ TOTAL PUBLIC 9 ~BBLIC HF~ 111.1 Dentis 111.2 Dentis 138 Registrs 299 Approp. · TOTAL PTTRT,T( ~ire Depts. leOllS '~EVENTION 3,600..00 3,600.00 3,600.00 ..... r0- , 109.47 .. -0- 6,302.00 6,690.16 6,302.00 ~INISTRATION Bd. Members Supt. Assistants: 2 580. O0 24OO.OO ~rnel! 2280.00 2205.00 B. 288O.0O 2100.O0 ~on 1740.00 ~ist 360~00 ~sc~iptions ~-'Surety Bonds ~intainEquip. ~ & Postage E EXpenses ~ of Bdl Members ~y, Forms ~eo~s ~ileMaint~nance ~ile Maintenance 40 Purchase ~uipment ADMINISTRATION 3~c: 300~00 4,000.00 14,t60.00 25.00 5.CO ~5.oo 550.00 200. O0 100.O0 450.00 5O.OO 4oo.oo 400.oo . l O.OO 20,865.00 2,400.00 -0- -0- . %0- 5,100.00 800.00 300. O0 300. O0 300. O0 3,1 57. O1 3,600.00 ~, 000. O0 -FED., STATE & LOCAL ~-for Indigents 400.00 telief 29,000.00 ~lief, Dist.Home -O- ~cy !,~00.00 ts sistance 51,000. O0 .~e Blind 5,600.00 ~pendent Children 50,000.00 8,912.47 15,300.00 16,545.00 10.00 i~5.00 15.00 5.44 5.00 5.00 27.90 200.00 350.00 370.88 450.00 450,00 95.78 200.00 200.00 58-.~0 100.00 100.00 343.79 450. O0 450. O0 -o- 5o.oo 5o.oo 392.~0 400.00 400.00 272.36 400.00 400.00 -0- -0- -0- 1%48.6~ _, L~60.._OO 5o0.oo, , !5,39)+.68 21,630.00 23,765.00 4oo.oo 245.'00 -O- --0-- 150.CO -0- -0- --O- -0- -0- 340.00 2',135.00 -0- .400.00 -0- 446.52 500.00 500.00 6,870.37 15,000.00 15,000.00 6,279.~9 3,000.00 3,000.00 -0- -0- -O- 46,3.44.75 56,000.00 56,000.00 4,636.50 5,400.00 5,800.00 40~699.00 .53,000.00 53,000.00 !,200.00 2,002.00 -0- ,400. ( -( 5,100.( 300.( /+,000.( ~545. 350.' 450.~ 200.t 100.1 450. 50. 400. 400. 3,765. 500. 5,000. 3,000. ;6,000. 5,800. ~oster Care 15.,000. O0 ~sabled -0- ~TE-LOCAL ASST. 152,400.00 13,659.63 15,000. O0 125,o49.76 !~8~1oo.oo 18,000.00 3,000.00 1!,000.00 800..pO 162,300.00 4,200.00 )NAL CARE Va. Hospital 12,500.00 of TB Patients _ 2.400.00 UTIONAL CARE 1~,900.00 7,412.08 2,400,00 9,812108 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,0QQ.00 _ 2,000,00 12,000.00 !2,000.00 ~ARE AID Recoveries Remitted -O- e Community Fund 1,200.00 ~te Widows P~si_Ons 55.Q...00 , ~ELFARE AID 1,750.00 -0- 1,200.00 ,,, oo.oo 1,700.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 ..~ ~oo.oo_.. , ,35q.o_.o 1,600.00 1,550.00 ~ISSION Members WELFARE , 6 0.o0 306.!0 _ 50.0.00 _ 25o,00 ..... 190,565.00 152,262.62 193,830.00 199,865.00 -0- 6,335.00 -0- -0- -0 - -0- -0- , , 50.00 -o- SO.CO '2~0~.o0 300.00 .8,000. .0,000. 2,000. .2,000. ts, White 1,600.00 ts, ~egro 400.00 rs of V.Statistics 150.00 to Health Dept. 12.371.86 2,123.60 79.00 .1!,864,9% 1A.067.51 1,600.00 500.co 125.00 13,~09.86 15.93&.86 2,000.00 400.OO 500.CO -O- 125.00 -0- !4,876.~0 - !.i66.4~_ 19.501.36 ~.566.ZZ -o- -0- 2,0OO~ 500, 125. 501, log DESCRIPTION: YEARENDED J~ 30. 1951 Year Ending YEAR ENDING JUNE 50, ~95,3 Increase Over Decrease Under _Fired, Function, & .Item A~.orop.r. iation Expenditure il ~D~,~C~,~,.,~. OF AGRICI~T~3~E & ' :":~ -".uu~;u.=~:.guo 109 Comp. of Stenographer 1,560.00 1,560.O0 114 Comp. of Demonstrators: (Farm) T. O. Scott 2~6.00 Marvin Bates 1500. O0 Vacant 1500.00 C. G. Greet tQ20.0,O, ll8 Home Demonstrators: ~uth B. Huff 1620.00 Vi~rgini~ ~ Roller 1200.00 215 Rep~iir, ~intain-Equ~. 218 Tel. ~phone & Postage 299 Cal:' Contest Prizes 319 Sta' ~ionery, Forms etc. 405 Off: ce Equipment ~OTAL ~ .V. AGRIC.-HO~E EC. L3. ELEC~ 'IONS ~12 E!e. ~tion Officers ~14 Ren~ ~22 Pre' aring Voting List ~19 Sta~ ionery, Forms etc. ~99 Mis~ ellaneous ~0TAL E! ~CTIONS June 30., 1952 Anoronriation 1,800.00 4,980.00 4,815.00 6,600.00 2,820.00 2,820.00 2,940;00 -0- 23.90 ~.!5,00 200.00 151. on 200: O0 175.00 12-5. O0 t 50; O0 -O - -O - 2 5 · 00 100.00 142.37 ~00.00 9,835.00 9,637.27 11,830.O0 Proposed Ex~.enditure 1,980. O0 6,240. O0 2,820~00 15;00 ~250,00 150;oo 25.~00 11,530.00 3,000.00 3,213.50 3,250100 125.00 181.00 200;00 30.00 150.00 40.60 200;00 ~..5~90 . ,0- . 15.¢0 3,320.00 3,435.10 3,695.00 L4 MAINTENANCE BLDGS. & GROUNDS L9 Capit Year' Ending Year Ending J~.ne ~30, !,°;52 June 30, .1.952 180.00 -0- ~19 Com! .~07 Ele~ !lO Ins~ ~.!5 Rop~ !23 Wat~ ~06 Mat~ $tl Fuel 199 Mis. ~03 F.ur~ iOl.1 R~ ~OTAL ~ -o- 360.00 -0- 120.00 -0- -O- 5o.oo -o- i_ ~-o-_ ~, 50.0o__ 230.00 530.00 Allowed ,By Board ~'6,~76.00 2,820.00 15.00 :.:350. O0 150.oo 25.00 ,OG TAX 2PROTE( 092R~ 16 Com' 18 Tele 20 Tra~ 24 Mai~ 99 Dog 17 Rec¢ 19 Stei 99 Gam~ O1 Fowl 02 Live O3 Rab~ 04 15% 05 Traz OTAL DC al Outlay of Janitors ~ric Current Prem. -Fire ir, ~,~intain Equip. r Service .~ials & Supplies ~llaneous iture·&_Fixtures novation of Jail INTENENCE 15o.oo -o-. ;oo;oo 2,760.00 2,820.00 3~180;00 1,200.00 1,407.80 1,200;00 500.00 5,00 500;00 2,500.00 1,109.12 1,000,00 300.00 263.07 250,00 600.00 1,129.29 800.00 7~0.00 724.16 750;00 '. 50.39- -o- 5o.oo 250,00 35~.54 200.00 -0- 21,547.12 , . ,. ~ 9,060.39 29,359.10 8,t30.00 3,600;00 350.00. -0- 200;00 -0- -0- 30;00 -o- -0- 200;00 -0- -0- 15.o0 -o- -o- 4.045.00 350.00 -0- 2010,00 -0, 3,48O; 00 300.00 1,500;'00 300.00 - 500,00 -o- 1,000;00 -O- '275,00 25.00 1,000 ~ O0 200.00 900.00 150.00 50. O0 -0- 250.00. 50:O0 9,155.00 AL STORES -0- 1,007.18 '-0- ~-0- ~JND GRAND TOTAL 488,277.50 318,:924.75 598,282.86 519,922.80 .~UND :. ~ION OF LIVESTOCK & FOWLS ~io Dispatchers 2/9 900.00 1,196.43 1,720,00 . of Game Wardens 1,200.00 1,620.00 2,040.00 ohone & Postage -0- 1.75 -0- .~1 1,200. O0 600.00 -O- hain Radio Equip.2/9 132.00 193.71 255,00 Pound - 275.00 404.00 -300,~00 ~d Books & Tags 300.00 -0- 300;00 ionery, Forms etc. 10.00 -0- ~ 10.O0 Warden's Equip. -0- 435.00 -O- Claims 600. O0 174.65 600.00 ~tock ~Claims 3,000.00 2,400.75 3,250,00 ~s Treatment 25.00 -0- · 25,00 )ue -State L, 500.00 1,458.77 1,500.00 ~fer to General 858.00 _~__2,_3_8_~ - -0- } TAX FLTND 10,000.O0 !0,87~3.99 lO,COO. 00 88O; 00 2,040.00 -~0- 260.00 '50O; on 300 ~.001 2.5,00 -6oo.oo 3,870;00 2'5;00 1,500. O0 10,0OO.00 CHOOL ~ E~: 7 - AD~ :NISTRATION 00 Com of Bd. Members 02 Com~ of Supt. 02.I Cc ~. of Asst. Supt. ~3 Att¢ ~neys 09 Com~ . of Secretaries ~6 Dues & Subscriptions 39 Expr .~ss & Freight !2 Ins. ?rem-Surety Bonds 15 Repa Lrs tJ Office Equip. L8 Post ~ge & ~Telephone 20 Tray ~l-Bd. Members 20.1 Tr ~vel-Supt. 20.2 Tr ~vel-Asst. Supt. ~90the .~ Expenses L9 Of fi ~-e Supplies ~6 Cen.~ ~s ,Eurveys ,Reports 35 Offd ~-e Equipment )TAL AD ,~INISTRATION -0- -0- -O- 26,0S8.44 -0- ~1t, 866. O0 3,600.00 -~ 200.00 -~.- 30.00 200. O0 1%oo ~4,045.00 5.00 200.00 -O- 15.00 62.0.00 -0- 840.00 2on.on ,480 ..0 0 ~l,5PO.O0 50o. 00 -~1,000.00 275.00 ~1,000.00 900.00 50.00 250.00 i,440.00 940.00 !,440.00 6,500.00 6,499.92 7,000.00 5,000.00~ 4,999.92 5,000.00 -o- 35o. co - -o- 4,140.00 3,843.35 4,200.00 24.00 41.00 36.00 '-0- 10.99 25.00 -0- -0' -0- 50.00 42.42 50.00 500.oo 489.40 600.00 22 5.o0 134.60 22-5, O0 400. o0 108.63 400. co 400.00 322.75 400. on 500.00 102.79 '500.~ O0 900.OO 629.32 900. O0 i,000.OO 95~9.84 -0- 1___~000. O0 889.87. 200. O0 22,079.O0 20,364.80 20.976. O0 t;Z~O.O0 7,000,00 5,200.00 -~0- 4,680,00 36.oo 25,oo 7'5.00 ' 50;00 7O0,00 225,00 4oo,oo 400'.00 200;00 9O0.00 _ 200. O0 21,531 · O0 -O- 200.on 480.00 --0-- 75.0'0 -0- 100.O0 --0- ~O- --O-- ~0"~ 855.oo r 104,898.50 -0- 9,155,00 ~!9,922.80/ ,'-" '~"'??2 10,020.O0 5,402.48 8,265,O0 13 ,!!5.O0 17,184.95 ~15,620,00 --f~_ --~. 8,785.OO 11,142.50 520.00 --O- 840.00 ¢- 880.00 -O- ~2,Dg0.00 -0- -0- -0 .... 0- -0- ~ 260.00 -0- ~ 500.00 -0- ~. 300.00 -0- ~- 25.00 -0- ~- 600.00 -0- ~'3,870.00 -0- ~- 25.00 -0- ~..1,500.00 840.00 I0,000.00 ~.! IN8 RUCTION ~3..11~ aehers~E~W,M. ~3.12 T achers E W-Fe. ~q~13 Ti mhers-E-N~N_ -0- ~1,440 · O0 -O- ~7,000.00 -O- ~'~5,200. O0 -0 .... 0 - -0- ~4,680.00 -0- ~ 36.00 -0- .- ° 25.00 -o- .,- .75,oo -0- _~ 50.00 -o- .-700.00 -0- -:-'-225.00 -0 ..... 400.00 -0- ]~. 400.00' 300.00 ~ 200.00 -0- t- 2O0.00' 300, O0 d2!, 531.00 -0- "1 8,785.00 "' 4,477- 50 Jl1,142. ~ EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) DESCRIPTION: Fu~:d. F ~ 2 pprop on 1~.~ '-' .... "~'~ .... (Contd ; 133,23 PrO-teC-N-Male -0- 133.24 Pr~-~ec-N-Female -0- 133.31 Prin-~ec~lem,~-~le 26,900.00 133.32 Prin-~ec~em-~-F~male -0- ~ 133.33 Prin-~ec~lem-N-~l~ 2,900.00 ~33.34 ~rin-~e~Elem,N~Female 3,400.00 13~.41 Teach~E!em-W-Nale ~ . -0- 134.42 Teach~Elem-W-Female 195,400.00 134.43 Teach~Elem'N-~le 2,800.O0 YEAR ENDED JIRVE 30. 195!~_ Exnenditure Year Ending Ju~e. 30, 1952' Appropriation t3g~44Teach~Elem~N-Female 134.51 Teach~S~c'W-Male 134.52 Teach~sec-E-Female 134.53 TeachlSec-N-Male 134.54Teach,Sec-N-Female 13~'.61Teach~Voc-W-Male 134.62 Teach~Voc-W-Female 134.63 Teach~VocvN-Nale 134.64 Teach~Voc-NvFemale 64,550.00 25,~700.OO 36,800.00 5,100.O0 12,6~0.00 13,320,00 24,~60.00 2,960.00 --0-- ~roposed~ Exoenditure 134.75 Sub.-~ 134.76 Sub.-~ 135.1 Sup.-~ 135.2 Sup.-l~ 135.3 Sup.-N~ 135.~ Sup.-N~ TOTAL INSTRU( 17.2~N~TRUC~ 109 Vet. Tra~ 134 Vet.Tra~ !36.5~Evng.~ 136.6 Pt-Tim~ 137.7 Pt-Tim~ t36.~ Spec.~ 305 Other Ex TOTAL PART T -O- -0- -0- -0- 27,070.00 27,030.00 -O- -0 - 2,885.50 -0- 3,150.00 -0- 2,100.45 2,200.O0 187,556.64 201,750.00 4,878.00 2,800.00 55,983.44 55,800.00 21,277.11 21,100.00 40,973.27 40,300.00 4,692.21 -0- !4,963.07 -O- 13,319.84 14,020.00 24,942.98 27,795.00 2,559,96 -0- -0- -0- ~each ..-E!em 3 ,.500.00 3,302.20 3,8~0. O0 ~each.-Sec. 1,500.00 1,103.30 1,650.00 ~ite-Male 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 ~ite-Female 9,300.00 9,400.00 9,700.00 ~gro-Nale -0- -0- -9- ;gro-Femate 3,200.00 , 3,200.00 ,,, 3,~00.00 '.T.-DAY SCHOOL 470,775.00 459,031.81 454,540.00 ~.~ E~ING JU~IE 3~0. !953 Increas~ C~ver Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ending JB. ne 3~ 1952 June 30:. 1952 ~iON, *PT.TL~ ETC. ~ing-Clerica! 900.00 ~ing-Salaries 9,600. O0 %c-Farm Machinery 300.00 ,.-Academic-Home Bound -O- ;-Voc-Oannery 900.O0 dult-San.&Hosp. 9,140. OO enses Ln Instr.. -0- !07 ~ ETC. AlloWed By BOard -0- -0- -0- -O- ' =0~ -O- 29,200.00 2,170.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- '"'~0~ -0- 5,600.O0 3~400;00 -0- 228~600.00 28~.850~00 -0- 3,200.00 -400'~00 -0- 58,900.00 3,100.00 -O- 20,400.00 -0~ 700.00 52,200.00 11,900.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- ..-0- -0- -0- 15,280.00 1 ,'260,00 -0- 28,611.00 816.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -O- -0- -0- 3,500~00 -0- 350.00 1,500.00 -0- 150.00 3,000.O0 -0- -0- 10,600.00 .900.00 -0- -O- -0- -0- 00 00 502,674.75 54,958.50 6,823.75 502 870.00 900.00 900.00 -0- -0- 9,799.80 10,200.00 10,800.00 600,00 -0- i0~ 100.50 300. O0 300.O0 -0- -0- 105.00 -0- 250.00 250.00 -0- 743.20 900.00 900.00 -0- -0- 7,878.00 8,044.00 8,90q.00 856.00 -0- 8 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 20,840100 19,496.50 20,344.00 22,050.00 1,706,00 -0- -0- 29,200.00~ --0- 5,6~0.00 ~ 228,6p0.00~ 3,200.00~ 58, o.oo 2o,¢o.o0 - 52,2~0o00~ -- 0- i 3,5 0. i 10 17.3 OTHER I1 109 Comp. Ci, 220 Travel-S~ 220.1 Vet. Tr~ 221 Tuition 1 305 Gen. Sup'. 313 Labrator; 314Libraries 315 Manual T'. '320 Textbook~ 322 Voc. Tra: 322.1 Farm ~ 322.2 Vet. T: 399 Other In~ TOTAL 0T~ 17.4 CO-ORDI1 129 Compulsm 220 Travel-At 316 Medical TOTAL CO-ORD 17.5.TRANSP~ 136 Comp. of 142 Comp. of · 211 Liabi!it2 218 TelePhon~ 219 Transpo~ 299 Other T~ 300 Repairs 312 Gas, Oil~ 400 Replacem~ 400.1 Purcha TOT~ TRANSP~ 17.51 OTF~R 298Commencez 299 Distribu~ 310 Cafeter~ 327 Textbook TOTAL OTHER 17 ~.6' 0PERATI( 119 Co~p. of 207 Light an¢ '218 Telephon~ 223 Water Se~ 306 Janitors 311 Fuel STRUCTIONAL COSTS .rk to Prin. t,320.00 ~.,Voc.Personnel3,300.00 ining Travel d.other Div. .lies '-Supplies etc. ~aining Supplies Furnished Free ning Supplies ~chine~7 Supplies ~ining Supplies ~tructionat Costs NSTR. COSTS k~ ACTIVITIES Attendance ;ten6,0fficer iuDplies iNATE ACTIVITIES .TATION dF PL~ILS 1,260.00 1,440.00 1,560.00 120.00 -0- ! 2,540.06 3,000.00 3,000.00 -0- -0- 3 1,200.O0 1,273.15 1,200.00 1,200.00 -0- -0- 1 3,500.00 4,527.64 2,000.00 3,OO0.00 1,000.00 -O- 3 2,150.00 2,540.47 2,100.00 2,500.00 400.00 -0- 2,f 750.00 577.20 700.00 700.00 -0- -0- 1,700.00 .1,774.92 1,650,00 1.,650.00 ...... O- -0- 1 -O- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -8- -0- 1,500.00 1,325.55 1,500.00 1,500.00 -0- -0- !,~ 100. O0 20.00 100. O0 100. O0 -O- -0- 1,500.O0 895.53 1,500.00 1,000.00 -0- -O- ! 300.00 -0- ~00.00 300.00 -0- . -0- 17,320.00 16,734.52 15,490.00 16,510'.00 1,520.00 500.00$'-]6 ,. ~ 1,620.00 1,620.00 1,800.00 2,025.00 225.00 -0- 600.00 673.55 600.00 600.00 -O- -O- -0- -0- -0- -0- -O- -0- 2,220.00 2,293.55 2,400.00 2,625.00 225.00 -0- Bus Drivers 28,440.00 Garage Employees 8,040.00 Ins., Buses 1,500.00 & Postage 95.00 ~tion by contract 1,O00.O0 ~sport. Costs -O- Tires, Pts. etc.17,000.00 Grease 12,O00.00 nt of Buses 14,458.53 e of Truck 1.541,47 ~RTATION 84,075.00 29,019.75 34,965.00 40,955.00 5,990.00 -0- 7,898.50 9,000.00 11,340.00 2,340.00 -0- 1,429.14 1,700.00 2,000.00 300.00 -O- 126.90 t20.00 '150.OO 30.00 -0- 325.75 500.00 500.00 -0- -0- -O- -0- -0- -O- -0- 18~659.53 18,000. O0 20,000.00 2,000.00 -0- 15,146.44 14,000.00 16,000.00 2,000~0~ -0- 13,906.45 6,400.00 6,400.00 -0- -0- 1,541. 47 -0- -0- -0- -0- 88,053.93 84,685.00 97,345.00 12,660.00 -0- IXILIARY AGENCIES ~ent Costs 150.00 72.50 ;ion of Textbooks 100.00 74.27 ~s 1,200.00 1,724.91 purch.for resa!el2.000~O0 11.331.55 IX. AGENCIES 13,450.00 13,203.23 ~N OF SCHOOL PLANT Janitors 11,785;00 11,761.60 Power 2,500.00 3,016.61 & Postage 350.00 435.04 ~ice 500.00 673.02 Supplies 4,000.00 4,079.74 8,500.00 8,456.65 150. O0 150.00 -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0- 12,000..00 12,000.00 . _ -0- . _ 1~,250.00 14,250.00 -O, 12,100.00 13,770.00 1,670.00 2,500.00 3,000.O0 500.00 400.00 450.OO 50.00 500.00 700.00 200.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 - 0- 8,500.00 8,500.00 -0- 2, 11 2 20 !6,( 6,~ 97,; -0- FO.O0~ )0.00~ 50.00~ )0-0t )0.00 7 o.oo -0- -0- 2;q00.00 -o- 12;dbo.oo -o-14, o.oo t08 EXPE~ITLZRE ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) DESCRIPtiON: ~VEAR ENDED~OlJE~_.30.. 1951_ Fund~ F~uction & Item Appropriation. ........ 7,,.--- ," _ ..~'-- ......... ,..~..'~ OF SCHOOL PLANT 19c; Cor.p. of: ~np.'.,.oy~es 215 U'd, eof, E!dig$ .&Gr6tmds 215.1 Furniture & EqUipl 300 Ti~s ,Tubes ,Parts 312 Gas5 0il, Grease 323 We s .... TOTA~ MAINTENANCE'OF PLANT 7~100~00 8,5OO.OO 2,000.00 1se.e0 300.00 450.00 18,500.00 Year Ending june'30, 1952 E__xpendi~ure Appropri__ati0n 6; 5~3';00 7, I00. O0 5,967.68 8i500.00 2,033.10 2,000.00 72.O4 1'50.00 238.84 325.00 -Z~.13 ~ .450.00 15,268.79 18,525,00 ' -YEAR ENDING 1J~30. 1953 Increase~ Over Decrease Under P~0pbSed Year' Ending Y~arEnding Expenditure June 30, 1952 June 30~ 1952 7i500100 400.00 '" aO~ 7,000100 -0- 1,500.00 2,000,00 -0- -0- ~50.00 -0- -0- 325.00 -0- -0- 4_50~00 .... 0 .... O- 17,425.00 460.00 1,500.00 17.7 FI 210 Fir 213 Wor 214 Ren 299 Sec TOTAL. · D CHARGES Insurance ~en' s Comp. Lal Security ~XED CHARGES Ins. 2,500.00 2,002.83 2,500.00 850.00 708.00 1,000.00 ~175.00 183.00 1'75.00 tO-, ..... '- -o- 3,525.00 2g,893.83 3,675,00 2,500.00 -0- ~0~ 750.00 -@- 250.00 195.00 -0- -0- 9,27~.00. ~75,00 ..-0~ 12,700.00 9,275.00 250.00 17'8 C~ 205 Arc 401.1 403 Eq~ 600.1 600.2 601.1 601.2 999 Sts CAPIT~Jm 17.9 DE 8O0 Pa~ 801 802 Red 803 In± 8O4 In~ 8O5 Iht Tr.t° TOTAL TOTALS JACKSOE 17-999 61 SPFi 60la Ne PITAL OUTLAY aitect' s Fees ~w School Buses ip. for Bldgs. ~rchase of Land nprovement to Sites ~=w Buildings ~terations ,Old Bldgs. he Voc.Equip.Fund _ OUTLAY 960.20 6,000.00 13,500.00 --0-- 1,000.00 55,000.00 76,460.20 824.02 -0- -0- 9,600. O0 14,080.98 6,500.00 -0 - -0 - 912.78 1,000.00 55,088.80 . -0- ...... .250._00 . -0- 71,156.58 17,100. OO SERVICE ~ent of Bonds ~rary FUnd Loans ~mption of Temp.Loans ~rest on Bonds On Literary Loans 25,'000.00 41,375.00 --0-- 7,250.00 827.50 , on Temp. Loans -0- kb .Co .H.S. Constr.F~ ~T SERVICE 74,452.50 -0- - -0- -0- 9,600.00 -0- "~0' 4,500.00 -0- 2,000.00 -0- -0- -0- 1,O00.O0 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -o- -o- 15,100.00 -0- 2,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 41,375. O0 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 7,250.00 6,937.50 6,625.00 525.20 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 25,000.00 -0- -O- 99,150.20 31,937.50 31,625.00 Allowed B~ Board ~ ?i500,00 ~ ?;000.00 ~ 2,000.00 ~ t50.00 x 325.00 4 o.o0 ~17,$25.00 856;'331.70 836,070.40 712,422.50 78g,755.75 72,333.25 P. BURLEY HIGH SCHOOL )perating Costs 47,381.00 55,767.40 2,500.00 750.00 175.00 9.275.00 ~12,700.00 )TALS, SCHOOL FUh~ 856,331.70 836,070.40 759,803.50 840,523.15 [AL SCH00L CAPITAL OUTLAY FU~__~: Buildings 100,800.00 -0- 143,520.00 136,500.00 '8;600. o0 ~ 4,500,00 ~ !,O00.00 -Ou~ 15~100~00 18 MCI~ Broadus Crozet~ GreenwC ~c!nti~ Meriwe~ Red Hi! Scotts~ ~IRE TRUST FU~: i Wood High School {igh School ~d High School High School ~er Lewis High School High School' [lle HSgh School -0- - 0- -~ 25'000,00 -O- -0- -0- -0- -0- I -0- -0- .312,50 i* 6,625.00. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- I -0- -0- 312.50 I* 31,625.00 Albema~ Le Traini~ SchoOl ~00.00 5~3.01 TOT~J5 ~CINTIRE TRUST FUI~ 2,450.00 2,945.65 21 JOIN~HEALTH DEPT. FUh~: 102 Co~p. of Director 7,500.00 7,500.00 102.1 ~d.Asst.-~art Time 520.00 500.00 102.2 ~mp. Nursmng Supervisor -0- -0- 109 Co~. of Office Assts.: Eugeni~ Lewis 2100.00 Phyllis~ Grissinger 1980.00 Extra ~plp 46S.00 3,767.00 3,746,00 127 Co~. Public Health Nurse~: HopeEt~McFarland 3180.00 1 Winif~8~ B. Roberts 3180.00 Winifr~F. Larkum 3120.00 Elizabeth Thiers 2700.00 Nellie 'ackson 2920.00 12,850.00 12,328.66 146 Coz Home~ CI ~IartJm James 202 Aud 206 Du~ 214 Rer~ 215 Rep~ 218TT~ 220.02 22O.03 220.1 220.6 ~., Sanitarians: eavacci 3240.00 Davis 2960.00 all 2800.00 itors s & Subscriptions t airs Aphone'and Postage' Travel~ Director Travel, Pub. Nurse Sup. ravel, Nurses ravel, Sanitarians 8,386~0 -0- 80,719.65 -0- -0- 7,020.00 300.00 290. O0 300.00 3 50. O0 50. O0 -0- 300.00 283.64 300. O0 3 50. O0 50.00 -0- 300.00 409.96 300.00 350 · O0 50. O0 - 0- 350.00 583.34 350.O0 3 50. O0 -O- -0- 300.00 285.64 300. O0 3 50, O0 50. O0 -~- 300.00 220.60 300.00 350.00 50.00 -0- 300. OO 279.46 300.00 350. O0 50. O0 -O- .... 300.00 -O- -O- 3,..0,0.00 2,450. O0 2,450. O0 300.00 300o00 8,~O0.00 9,000.00 520.00 520.00 t,668.00 3,500.00 500.00 -0- -O- -0- 1,832.00 -O- 3,982.00 4,548.00 566.00 -0- 13,430.00 15,100. O0 9,000.00 180.00 70. O0 600.0O 85.85 625.00 54 .oo 300. oo 2,710. oo 2,211. oo 1,670.00 -0- 7,670.00 7,375.53 7,870.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 -0- 6i.25 25.00 600.00 550.00 600.00 -0- 63.45 -0- 495.00 673.04 495.00 500.00 460.61 500.00 -0- -0- 150. O0 2,750.00 2,501.68 2,500.00 2,040.00 1,907.16 2,040.00 1,130.00 -0- -O- -0- · 45.00 -0- -0- -0- 85.85 -0- 130.00 -0- 4 .0o -o- 150..00. -0- 210.00 -O- 171.00 -0- ~55,767.40 840,523.15 165,750.00 35O,00 35O,OO 350.00 35O.O0 350.00 350.00 350.00 2,450.00 9,000.00 '52O.0O 3,500.00 4,548..00 ~15,100.O0 9,000.00 180.o0 70.00 600.00 85.85 ~;2625.00 5,4 .oo 300.00 2;710.00 2,211,00 D~SCRiPTION Ftm_d, Funct JOINT 319 327 BiolO 399 405 Office ~OTAL EXPEhNDIT'~RE ESTIMATES' (coN'TiN~D) ~FUND ~ UO_~I~ ;- ' Forms etc. · YEAR ENDED JUNE ,~0. 1951 Y~ar Ending June -30, 1952 Prop0Sed~ .~n & Item . Appropriation Expenditure ApDroDriation 460;00 41o.38 72o.oo 600'.00 85;00 21;40 50.00 25,00 365;00 288;46 345;00 416;0o 485.00 -610,75 ~!81.60 ..383~15 40,603.00 39,255.43 44,092.60 50,798.50 YEAR ~E~DtNG JU~ '30 increase 0V~r De~r~as~-U~der Year-Ending Ye~r'Ending Allo~ed Expenditure J~ne 30, ~952 June ~0? 1952 By Beard _ -0- 120;00 600.00~ -0~ 25.00 25;00~ 71.oo -0- 6.oo ,2Ol,.55 , _-o- 6,880.90 175.00 50,798,50~ CROZET DISTRICT FIND: 218 Telep~o 319 Station ~05 Office TOTAL ADMIE 41.2 MAINT~ 102 Comp. q~ 123 Laborers s & Postage -0- 12.95 -0- 50~O0 ry, Forms etc. 150.00 17.00 150.00 100.00 quipment 2 5~. 00 21.00 60. O0 60. O0 ~TION 175.00 50.95 210.00 210.00 ~NCE & OPERATION Superintendent 50.00 -0- ~0.00 ~ -0- 50~00 100.00~ ?0- -0- j60.O0 ~ 50.00 50.00 210.00 ~ 73O.OO 600.00 150.00 3O.OO t0.00 100.00 100.00 125 Meter -ge~ading 207 Electr~q Current 214 Rentaldf Pipe Line 215.1 Repai~Reptace Meters 215.2 Repa~Replace ?~ins 215.3 Repa~,Replace Plant 150.'00 400.15 Truq~Expense -0- 299.0utsid,~ontracts 100.00 30~tOhemic$~s, Chlorene 50. O0 323 Materi$~s 100.O0 4o6 Tools / , -O,- TOTAL MAiNTeNANCE & OPERATION 2,120.00 OUTLAYS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ~ ~:~'O 1- F~os !0.00 12 r 200.00 226 Spec. Ezgineering Services 100.00 299 O~tsid$ Contracts 350.00 404 Fire Hy6 407 Meters 410 ~ins TOTAL CAPIT~ 730.00 756.25 137.50 49.64 10.00 44.04 12.00 139.73 ~0~ · 19.42 58,86 ! ,957.44 -0- 39.94 ~ants 200.00 246.86 Meter Boxes 400.00 272.35 ives,Connections .... 600.00 1~129.5~ ; OUTLAYS 1,860..O0 1,688.69 5,000.00 5,000.00 ~2,5~3~. 5© 2,537.50 7,537.50 7,537.50 73 O. 0.0 8O0.00 150.00 50.00 !0.00 100.00 !00.00 550.00 lO0.O0 50.CO lO0.O0 a.4 DEBT $ UCE 800 Redmmp$~ on of Bonds 803 intereM on Bonds TOTAL DEBT ERVICE RESERVE F( TOTAL CRRZI~ T~O~AL EXPEE 2,740.00 10.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 !50.00 400.OO ...... 300.00 1,360.00 5,000.00 2,450.0.0 7,~50.00 ~ONTINGENCIES 67J50 -0- -0- 3,200.00 2,470.00 -~- 200.00 -0- 600.00 -O- -O- 150.00 .100.00 50.00 -0- 10.00 -0- -O- 100.O0 -0- 100.00 -0- -0- 150.00 -0- 400.00 217.50 217.50 -0- 100.00 -0- -0- 50,00 -0- -0- 100.00 -0- -O- 4,327.50 2, ~37.50 !, 150.00 10.00 -0- -0- 200.00 -0- -0- 100.00 -0- -0- 200.00 -0- -0- !50.00 -0- -0- 400.00 -0- -o- 3oo.oo -o- -o- 1,360.00 -0- -0- 3,200. O0 '~ ~00.00~ !oo.oo itlO.O0.- oo.oo . ioo.oo , 50.00* ioo.oo  00. O0 4,~ 27.50~ 10.00 ~ 00.00~ 00.00~ 11,760.00 11,234.58 11,760.00 ITURES-ALL FDS.!,510,222.20 1,219,304.80 !!~570,408.96 SAN.DIST.FL[ND 5,000.00 -O- -0- 2,3,~2.~0 -0- 7,362.50 -0- 87.50 5, !3,260.O0 2,787.50 1,287.50 1~, .8 .. 1,573,504.'45 117,616.~.9 114,521,00 1,573,~0 .96' Following the adoption of the Budget, the Board proceeded to lay the :Co~ty levies for the year 1952 and ordered that the Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle assess and collect on all taxable real estate and all taxable tangible personal property, including machinery and tools not assess. as real estate at the general reassessment of lands in 1948, used or employed Lu a manufacturing or mini business~taxable by the State on Capital; including public service corporation Property (except the rolling stock of railroads operated by steam), based upon the assessment fixed by the State Corporation Commission and certified by it to the Board of County Supervisors both as to location and valuation. For General County Purposes, Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) on eve~y~LOne Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For Operation of School Purposes, Two' Dollars and Twenty Cents ($2.20 on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For Special School Capital Outlay Fund, Eighty-Five Cents ($0.85) on every One Hundred Dollarsi worth of said property. The Director of Finan6e, upon motion of Mr. Wood, seSonded by Mr. Williams, was directed to credit the School Operating Fund and the School Capital Outlay Fund with their respective original gross levies as shown by the assessment books of the office of the Director of Finance as the tax reve- nues become a~vailable and was directed to charge all delinquent taxes to the General Fund. would not assess under $15.00. Mr. Robinson read to Nr. Foster and the Board his second letter of in- structions to the assessors in which he had advised them that the scale set up by the Board was an average to be used as a yardstick in making a~sessments. Nr. Harry Clark, Nr. Richard Pietsch, Nr. J. R. Wingfield,Jr~, Nr. C~y Via and several others mlso appeared regarding the assessment of livestock and farm machinery. Nr.~ NcCue a~vised that this matter would be taken under advisement. Nr. Julian Thomas appeared and advised the Board that the Arnold Company had ceased to use any new parts in maintaining the two-way radios. No action was taken by the Board on this matter. Er. Robinson advised the Board that Nr. Cook had contacted him regarding~ this matter and he had ~ustructed Nr. Cook~ to keep a month's record on the trouble which they~ experienced with the radios and the work done, and then if necessary he would contact the Arnold Company. Mr. Guy Via stated to the Board that he felt all appropriations should be reflected in the County's Budget. ~r. Robinson advised Mr. Via that appropriations which were necessary between the pre- paration of budgets could not possibly be shown in the originally adopted Budget.' Claim of Thomas D. Grinnel for one ewe kil~led by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Grinnel was~ allowed $30.00 for this ewe. Claim of Thomas D. Grinnel for one ewe claimed to have been killed by dogs was presented. Mr. W. R. Napier, Game Warden, advised the Board that he did not feel this ewe died from bites of a dog although it could have been run to death by a dog. Upon motion, made by ~.!r. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, this claim was denied on the basis of insufficient evi6ence. Claim of Edgar N. Garnett for one ewe killed by dogs was presented. Upon motiom~ made by Mr.- Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Garnett was allowed $30.00 for this ewe. Claim of E. T. Alexander for one lamb killed by dogs was' presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Nilliams and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Alexander was allowed $20.00 for this lamb. Claim of E. W. Ramsey for one lamb killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Nr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Ramsey was allowed $22.00 for this lamb. The following resolution was receiVed from the School Board: BE IT RESOLVED that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors be and is hereby requested to transfer $25,000.00-from Unappropriated School Fund Surplus to a special fund for the construction of a school bUs repair shop to be located at the Albemarle High School, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said Board be and is hereby requested to transfer from over collection of current taxes for the year 1951-52, $5,000.00 to the said special fund for t~e constructio~ of said bus repair shop. After discussing this matter with Mr. Cale, upon motion of l~r. Bain, seconded by Mr. Williams the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESODVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Couuty, Virginia, that the School Fund Budget be revised as follows: Estimated Revenue - Increase - From Current Tax Collections - $ 5,000.00 " " " ~nticipated Surplus 25,000. O0- BE IT FURTH~R RESOLVED that anti.appropriation from the School Fund in the amount of $30,000,00 be made as the school's share of the cost of constructing a repair shop at the new central high sghool and that this money be transferred to~ a~ special school repair shop construction fur~. Upon motion, made by M~. Williams and seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Cou4ty, Virginia that $1,156,67 be and is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund to cover the premium on the Bond of the Director of ] Finance. Upon motion, made by ~r. Wood and seconded by Mr. ~illiams, the following resolution was unani, mously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Purchase of Sheriff ' s Automobiles 6a-400 $7,527.74.- Maintenance of Car No. 6 6a-400#6 350.00~ Maintenance of Car No. 8 6a-400#8 350.00~ Purchase of Welfare Automobiles 8b-400 ' ~13.38'~ Renovation of County Jail 14-601.1 4,194.87 Communication was received from Miss Maude E. Wallace, Assistant Director of the Extension Ser~ vice at Blacksburg, Virginia, in answer to the Board's request that Mrs. Ruth Burruss Huff, Home Demon- stration Agent, be given proper recognition for her many years service in the County. Miss' Wallace ex- plained that under the State personnel merit system, Mrs. Huff would be due for a raise as of July l, 1952. Mr. Robinson recommended that the County not appropriate additional funds to increase the salary of Mrs. Huff due to the fact that such amount would be deducted from the share the State pays and recom- mended further that the State be requested to increase Mrs. Huff as of July l, 1952. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Robinson's recommendation was accepted. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that the Plan of Agreement for Social Security had been execute and a copy was on file in his office. ~i Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Charles Barham, Mr. A. Gaines Fray~ Mr. Cecil Maupin and Mr. Nelson Beck were appointed to the County Planning Commission for a term ~xpirint December 31, 1955. An offer of $200.00 was received from Fleming V. Ford for three tracts of land in the Ecotts- ville District of 2 acres, 3 acres and 11.32 acres. Mr. Robinson recommended that this property be sold for not less than $250.00. Upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that a For Sale sign be pla~ed on thi~ property. An offer of $75.00 was received from Mr. Lawrence Wi!Einson for three tracts of land in the Rivanna District of 2.25 acres, i acre, and 1.19 acres. Mr. Robinson recommended that this property be sold for not less than $100.00. Mr. Wood stated that he would check on this property and report back to the Board ~t the next regular meeting. Communications were received from the Sta~e Chamber of Commerce and ordered filed. A copy of a communication addressed to Er. George T. Omohundro from the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries was presented and ordered filed. Co~mmunication was received from Fred C. Kimbo. Mr. Robinson presented to the Board a sample letter prepared by Col. Henry B. Goodloe regard- ing a General Registrar and the reduction of the number of precinct registrars. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Bain, it was suggested that Col. Goodloe proceed with mailing this letter. Mr. Gene Wood appeared before the Board and reported that he will have his fence ~ud shed erected and. the cars cleared from his lot by the end of the month and will so advise the Board by letter Mr. Edward L. Smith suggested that the Sheriff's attention be called to speeding in the County cars. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that the 1952-53 budget be revised to reduce unappropriated reserve by $12,500.00 and to car~y an appropriation of this amount for the Miller School, contingent upon similar action by the City Council. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unani- mously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that an additional $100.00 be and is hereby appropriated from Unappro- priated Reserve of the General Fund to cover the cost of 50.8 acres of land pur- chased from G. Bourne Wayland for the Crozet Sanitary District Water Supply. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $50.00 be and is hereby transferred from Unappropriated Reserve of official mileage of the Sheriff's Office. This matter was referred to the Sheriff's Committee and Mr. Robinson was instructed to work up a form for securing the necessary information from the Sheriff to prepare this report and submit same to the committee, said committee to report back to the Board. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and Eeconded by Mr. Bain, it was ordered that the Sheriff's Office and the Department of Public Welfare be furnished with decals for the cars of the respective departments. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Bain, Mr. S. S. Clark and two members of the County Planning Commission were authorized to attand the Annual Meeting of the Virginia Citizens Planning Association at Natural Bridge on May 12 and 13 at the County's expense. Mr. Robinson was authorized if possible to attend the Meeting of the Virginia Section of Inter national City Managers Association on May 2, 1952 at Natural Bridge. Claims against the County amounting to $213,543.67 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following i~ds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fur~ Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Department Fund School Construction Bond Fund Albemarle Central High School Construction Fund McIntire Trust Fund Over and Short Account Inventories Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account Commonwealth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Account (~'~$~55,t04.70 ~ '76,083.50 659.00 31.26 8,960.03 3,934.58~ 45.15 63,796.88 ~6~8~6 35.63 607.38 213,543.67 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman