HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-05-21 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 21st day of May, 1952.
Present: Messrs. C. Purcell MoOue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, J. W.
Williams and W. W.. Wood.
Absent.' None.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's l~yer led by Mr. E. H. Bain.
Minutes of the meeting of April 16, 1952, were read and approved.
Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, appeared regarding a resolution adopted by this
Board on March 11, 1952, and at Mr. Shield's request, the following resolution, offered by Mr. Williams
and seconded by Mr. Wood, was .unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOL~ by. the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the. ~llowing resolution, adopted March II, 19~2, be and the same
is hereby rescinded:
"BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of 0ounty Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby recommended ~o
take into the Secondary System .4 mile of road in Meadowbrcok Heights, a continu-
ation of approximately 1.2 mile of road previously taken into the Secondary System.
This road does not comply with the present regulations' governin~ roads in subdivi-
sions but at the time the road was built, there were no specifications which were
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Department of Highways be and is
hereby recommended to take into the Secondary System that section of Moadowbrook
Road from end of State ~aintenance (Route 771) to Kenwood Lane, a distance of .10
mile, and Kenwood Lane from Moadowbrook Road in a western directAon to Intersection
with oil surface onXei%h Valley Road, a distance of 0.25 'mile, making an overall
total of 0.35 mile.
Mr. Shields advised the Board that calcium chloride would be used by the Highway Department
only where dust causes damage to homes and business establishments.
Communication was received from the Department of Highways enclosing sketch showing the relo-
~a%ion of two sections of Route 6~l which was recently constructed und~er Federal Aid, and recommending
that the old sections of Route 6~1 be .abandoned and thqt the new sections be added. Upon motion, made
Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to include
in the Secondary System, the following additions on Route
(1) ~395 feet shown as Section 3 on sketch of January 24, 1952.
(2) 600 feet shown as Section 4 on sketch of January 24, 1952.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Highways be and is here-
by requested to abandon the following sections .of Route 641'.
(1) ~10 feet shown as Section 1 on sketch of January 24, 1952.
(2) 610 feet shown as Section 2 on sketch ef January 24', 1952.
0ommunication was received from the State Department of Highways enclosing the final alloca-
tions of construct'ion funds for the fiscal year 1952-53 and was ordered filed.
Mr. Julian Thomas appeared regarding the status of Route V08 which was approved by this Board
on April 16, 1952, for Federal Aid Secondary Funds. Mr. Shields advised Mr. Thomas that the Board's
resolution had been submitted but no wo~d has been received f~om the F~erat Government to date.
A request was received for hard surface on Route 62~ at Hatton. Mr. Shields advised that at
the present time the traffic count on this road does not Justify hard surface.
Mr. Henry Chiles and a delegation from %he Crozet vicinity appeared and requested aid from th,
Board in an appeal to the State Department of Highways to widen two bridges, one at the foot of Oemetar
Hill and one at the foot of the hill at Dr. E. D. Davis' proper~y. Mr. Shields advised the Board that
seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unanimously, adopted~
~EAS, it is the considered opinion of %his Board that there is an im-
mediate necessity for widening or replacing two narrow concrete bridges'on-Route
240 in the vicinity of Crozet, Albemarle County, one Just west of Mechums River,
and one south of Croze% at the foot of Cemetery Hill; and,
~HEREAS, the said two bridges, each being 15 feet 2 inches in width situ-
ated ena curve at the feet of a hill, constitute: a mos~ dangerous traffic hazzard,
which should be corrected before a fatal accident occurs; and,
WHEREAS, the amount of traffic over the said bridges warrants a two way
bridge, and that a traffic count was made under supervis&on of W. W. Shields, 'Resi-
dent $~ato Highway Engineer sh~wing an annual average for a 24 hour period for the
year ending June 30, 1951 of 1159 over the bridge between Crozet and Brownsville and
1176 over the bridge between Crozet and Mechums River; and
WHEREAS, the traffic in the Crozet area is steadily increasing due to %he
residential and industrial growth of this Community and a large amount of heaVy
trucking is required to service the two cold s~orages, orchards and ether induStrial
establishments in this Community; and,
~HEREAS, on May 21, 1952, a group of persons from the Crozet Community re-
presenting the Crozet Lion's Club, Crozet Volunteer Fire Company, Parent Teachers'
Association, Crozet Women's Club, Crozet Baptist Church, Crozet Methodist Church and
other interested citizens appeared, before this Board to express, its deep concern and
anxiety over this dangerous condition and to request assistance and support in urging
the State Highway Department to widen said two bridges.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by %he Board ef County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the State Highway Dep~rtment be and it is hereby requested to
give this matter its most careful consideration, and to p~ovide sufficient funds for~
Widening or replacement of said two bridges during the coming fiscal year.
BE IT FUR~ RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to
General James A. Anderson, State Highway Commissioner.
A petition was received, and a delegation representing the Red Hill School P.T.A. appeared,
requesting hard surface on the read from Route 29 to the Red Hill School. Hr. Shields advised that
this read carries heavy traffic and should be improved as soon as possible although it is net"in %he
Highway Department Budget. He advised further that calcium chloride would be used to con~rol dust on
this road and also, if funds are left over in the budget, surface treatment would be included for this
The following Viewers' Report was presented and upon motion, made by Mr. Harris and seconded
by Mr. Weed, was accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the unde~aign~d, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on
January 16, 1952, to view %he following described section ef road and make report te
your Board, hereby wish to advise that cn March 12, 1952, we did view the following
section of road and report en same.
Beginning at end of State maintens.nce on Route 670 and extending .30 of a mile south-
west to Pine Avenue.
We fiud the above extension of Route 670 to cover .20 of a mile to the point commonly
known as Pine Avenue. We find that 6. S. Mail is traveling this road and delivering
mail at above point. Therefore, we recommend to your Board that, as there is evidence
of rea~ public service, this section of road beginning at the end of State maintenance
on Route 6?0 and extending to the mai~ bo~es at ~op ef h~l, a distance of .20 of a
mile, be placed i~ the Secondary Road System.
Mr. Leon Dure appeared before the Board regarding the assessment of his sheep. He stated
that he felt the sheep owners were being penalized due to the fact that $15.00 is a very high average
value for assessment. He stated further that he ~el% that $?.50 wqs a fair average assessment value.
Several ether citizens also appeared regarding this matter. Upon motion, made by Mr. Smith and
After a full discussion by the B~ard regarding the foregoing matter, the following resolution
was adopted, on motion of Mr. Williams, seconded hy Mr. Bain, by the following recorded vote: Ayes-
Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, and J. W. Williams. Noes - Mr.
W. W. Wood.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that all average grade sheep be assessed at $8.00 and that all average
registered sheep be assessed at $12.00.
BE IT FURTEER RESOEVED that Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, be
and is hereby instructed to review all sheep assessments in order to correct same
in accordance with the foregoing values.
Dr. $. D. Sturkie, Joint Health Director, appeared ~nd discussed with the Board the?)possibilit
of the necessity for an ordinance requiring all dogs to be vaccinated or inoculated against rabies. Mr.
Robinson presented to the Board copies of-such ordinances which had been recently adopted by Greene and
Madison Counties. Dr. Sturkie stated that he felt a permanent policy is wise although no e~ergency
exists in Albemarle County at the present. After a discussion of this matter, Dr, Sturkie was requested
to iuvestigate and study this matter with the game. wardens an~ veterinarians and to report back to the
Board at its nex~ regular meeting.
Claim of Mrs. John M. Maury for one buck killed by dogs was presented, Upon'motion, made by
Mr. Bain and seconded by. Mr. Wood, Mrs. Maury was allowed $30.00 for this buck.
Claim of Mr. W. E. Buford for one buck and three ewes killed By dogs was presented. This
claim was referred Back to the Game War~en to determine.~;if these ewes and the buck were registered.
Claim of Mr. Ernest L. Hicks for one turkey hen was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood
and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Hicks was allowed $6.00 for this turkey.
Claim of Mr. J. G. Payee for two turkeys was presented. Upon motion, ma~e by Mr. Williams and
seconded by Mr. Bain, Mr. Payne was allowed $4.00 each for these turkeys.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department
of Finance for the m~uth .of April, 1952, one-third of which to be borne bythe State. Upon motion, dul~
made and secomded, this Statement was awamined, verified and approved.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of~ the Sheriff's
Office for the month off;April, 1952, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, made
and seconded, this statement was examined, verified and approved.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Fi~ance~ submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Common-
wealth Attorney's Office for the month of April, 1952, one-half of which to be borne by the State.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the County Jail
during the montB of April, 1952, along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days, was submitted. Upon
motion, duly made am~ seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergonbright in the amount of $7.00 for services rendered during
April, 1952, as Jail Physician was presented and approved for payment.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for' the month of April, 1952, were presented in
accordance with Section 371 of the Acts cf ~he General Assembly of 1950.
Request was.received from the University of Virginia Hospital for the renewal of the present
S.L.H. Agreement for the hospitalization of indigen%s at the existing rate of $14.90, dated for the
period April 1, 1952 to September 30, 1952. UPon mo%ion,.made by Mr. Bain and seconded-by Mr. Williamsii
it was ordered that the County enter into an agreement with the University Hospital and the Department
of Welfare 'and Institutions for the hospitalization of indigent patients from Albemarle County at a
$14.~0 per dayrate for the period ending September 30, 1952.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $478.80, of which one-half is
Connnunication was received from Mr. PaUl H, Gale, Superintendent of Schools, advising that
the School Board, on ~ay 8, 1952, decided to employ the principal for the new Albemarle Central High
School as of ~uly 1, 1952, in order that he might do the necessary work for a successful opening of
the school next yaar. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Bain, the decision of the
School Board to employ the Central Nigh School Principal as of July 1, 1952, was approved.
The following resolution, offered by Mr. Wood and xeconded by Mr. Williams, was uuanim~msly
WHEREAS, the School Board for the County of Albemarle on the 21st day of
May, 1952, tresented to this Board an application addressed to the State Board of
Education of Virginia for the purpose of securing State School Construction Funds
in the amount of $20?,388.90 for the new school building (or for adding to or im-
proving the present school building) at Charlottesville, Virginia on Hydraulic Road,
RESOLVED that the application of the County School Board to the ~tate
Board of Education of Virginia for $20?,388.90 from the School Construction Fund is
hereby appreued.
The Board of supervisors for the said County has, or will provide suf~
finient funds through cash appropriations and/ce levy, to complete this project.
If the School Board has sufficient funds on hand to complete the project, permission
is hereby granted for the use of said funds, for the purpose designated in the' appli-
Comzv_~ication was received from Mr. John F. Trimmier, Chief Clerk of the Soil Conservations~
Service, requesting that the Soil Conservation Service be permitted to continue to occupy its present
quarters in the County Office Building at the rate of $20.00 per month. Upon motion, made byMr.
'Williams and seconded by Mr. Bain, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Soil Conservation Service be and is hereby permitted to con,
tinue to occupy its present quarters in the County Office Building (Rooms 112 and
114) at the rate of $20.00 per month for the period July 1, 1952 through June 30,
Resolution was received from the City Council of the City of Charlottesville apprOpriating
to the Miller Manual Labor School $12,500.00 for the fiscal year 1952-53 an~ going on record as favor-
lng a similar appropriation for the fiscal year 1953-54.
Communication was received from the City Council of the City of Charlottesville notifying the
Board of the intent of the City Council td amend and re-enact Section I of the Land Sub-Division Regu-
lations of the City Code, adopted May 16, 19~9. This matter was referred to the Planning Commission for
their recommendation upon motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood.
Report of the District Home Board for the period March-April, 1952, was presented and ordered
Mr. E. J. Oglesby appeared before the Board and discussed the difficulty he was experiencing
with the Federal Government with regard to wage scales in letting the bid for the construction of the
Martha Jefferson Hospital Addition in view of the fact that the County and City will no doubt be con-
fronted with a similar problem in the construction of the Joint Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport. Mr.
Oglesby advised that a hearing on this matter would be held in the Post Office Building on May 27, 1952
at !O:00 A.M. and requested that as many of ~he Board members as possible attend. Mr. Oglesby/assured
that each member Who possibly could, would attend this hearing and upon motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by
Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, Wage Scale Determination made by the Secretary of Labor for work
on additions and alterations to Martha Jefferson Hospital, and on addition to Bar-
rIn~er Win~ o£ the University Hosni%al. dated Anril
WHEREAS, it is to the best in%crest of all ~of the ~itizens of this locality
to maintain stability and peaceful relations between workers and building contractors,
and to assure reasonable construction costs; and
~, the Board of Supervisor~ opposes the establishment of wage rates
in this locality which are not in accord with wage rates actually prevailing in this
locality, and which may be based en wage rates prevailing in other parts of the country~
THEREF~, BE IT RESOEF~D by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the County Executive be and he is hereby directed to appear at
the Wa~e Scale Determination Hearing called by the Secretary of Labor for May 27, 1952,
and present the considered opinion of this Boar~ in accordance with the intent expressed
in this Resolution, and to take such other action as may be appropriate to have a Wage
SCale Determination for this locality establishe~ as fixed by the Secretary of ~abor
en April 28, 1952.
~r. D. A. Robinson again brought before the Bear~ the request of The Crippled Children's
Hospital of Richmond for an appropriation of fun~s. This matter was discussed and tak.. en urger advise-
Mr. ~amuel S. Clark advise~ the Board that the City ef Charlottesville and the University
Virginia ha~ proclaimed Sunday, May 25, 1952, McIntire Day in honer of Pa~l McIntire's Birthday. Upon
motion, ma~e by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Bain, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that Sunday, May ~5, 1952, be and is hereby proclaimed McIntire Day in
Albemarle County.
A proposal ~as received from T. Coleman Andrews and Company to audit the accounts and records
of the County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952 for the sum of $1,500.00. Upon motion, made by
Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Harris, th~s proposal was aeceptedo
Upon motion, made by Mr. Weed and seconded by Mr. Williams, the fo!lowing resolution was unan~
mously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $579.73 be and is hereby appropriated from ~the Unappropriated Re-
serve of the General Fund to supplement this Beard's original appropriation of
February 20, 1952 of $3,000.00, making a total appropriation of $3,579°73, for
the County's share of Social Security Payments from January 1, 1951 through June
30, 1952 and also the the County's assumption of employees' shares from January 1,
1951 through February 29, 1952.
Upon motion, ma~e by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was
imously adopted:
BE IT RE~OLVE~ by the Board of County Snpervisors ef Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the following checks be and are hereby ordered cancelled:
C.~eck No. Date Payee: Amount
34475 1-~50 Ida Xise Breeden $50.00
368~1 1/!7~51 Eillian E. Davis 50.00
36838 1~17~51 Ida Kise Breeden 50.00
35527 6/21/50 rs. A. normally .25
3 5863 8/16~50 Marietta Powers 5.00
2105 1/16/52 C.H. Williams & Company 89.90
2441 3~19/52 Virginia Magazine 65.00
Communication was received from Floyd E. Johnson accepting the Board's reappeintment to the
County Planning Commission.
Communication was received from Mrs. 0. R~ Dorrier expressing his appreciation and than~ ks for
the gold pendant p~resented to him by this Board.
An offer of $150.O0 was received from William H. Chisholm for 6.25 acres of land owned by the
A request was received from T~.;~M~. Whit%on, Deputy Sheriff, for the replacement of a uniform
which had been torn beyond repair by a prisoner in the County Jail. After a discussion of this matter,
and upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Bain, it was ordered that Mr. Whitten be furnished a
new pair trousers and a new shirt, the same style as those previously ordered by the County.
It was the expressed feeling ef the Board that all Deputies should be uniformed the same and
this matter was referred to the Sheriff's Committee, Mr. Williams and Mr. Harris.
The matter ~ instituting new tax suits to clear delinquent real estate taxes was discussed
and upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Harris, it was ordered that Mr. George Gilmer,
Attorney, be employed on the same terms as the original agreement for the institution of new tax suits.
The establishment of a sick leave policy was discussed and this matter was referred to a corn-
mi%tee consisting of Mr. Wood, Mr. Williams and Mr. Harris.
Mr. Robinson advised .the Board that Mr. T. O. Scott, County Agent, had advised him that Mr.
Edward Button would be available June 1, 1952, for the position of Assistant County Agent. Upon motion
made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Bain, the employment of Mr. Edward Button as ~ssistant County
Agent was approved, effective ~une 1, 1952, at the minimum salary requirement.
The matter of an additional Assistant County Agent was discussed and Mr. Bain advised that he
and Mr. T. O. Scott had discussed this matter with Governor Battle, who has to create such a position,
and had been advised by Gev. Battle that a letter requesting the creation of such a position should be
directed to him from Mr. D. A. Robinson, Couuty Executive. Mr. Bain suggested that Mr. Scott be i~-
vited to attend the next regular meeting of the Board to discuss this matter.
Mr. D. A. Robinson requested the Board to gram% him permission to prepare the County*s tax
rolls without regard to Sanitary and Fire Districts. This matter was discussed and upon motion, made
by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, be and is hereby authorized to
prepare the County's tax rolls without regard to Sanitary Districts and Fire Dis-
tricts so long as no special levy is required for same.
The matter of fire protection in the County was discussed and Mr. Robinson advised that he
had been over 2his matter with Mr. James E. Bowen, Ci%y Manager, who had suggested that the County pu~-
chase equipment suitable for county fires and indicated that the City would be willing to cooperate as
far as possible in manning and housing such equipment. No action was taken on this matter.
The following communication was received from Mr. C. H. Morrissett, State Tax Commissioner,
enclosing the following opinion of the Attorney General:
"Mrs. June T. Via, Clerk
Board of County Supervisors
Albemarle County
Charlottesville, Virginia
My dear Mrs. Via:
Your letter of March 14, enclosing a certified copy of a resolution which
was unanimously adopted by the Board of County Supervisor~ at its regular meeting
held on February 20, 1952, was duly received.
This resolution is unprecedented and certainly insofar as it relates to
State tax collections in the County of Albemarle, it is an absolute nullity.
The powers and duties of Boards of Supervisors are prescribed by statute,
an~ it is elementary that Boards of Supervisors are without authority to transcend
the powers so conferred.
~he powers and duties of the Director of Finance of Albemarle County, in
relation to th~ collection of taxes, State and local, are prescribed by statute.
The Director of Finance is bound by the law of the State in the performance of his
duties with respect to the collection of taxes, State and local. It is clear that
any resolution of any Board of Supervisors which is in conflict with the State law
with respect to the powers and duties of a Director of Finance in the collection of
taxes is w~thout validity.
On April 8, 1952, I requested the' Attorney General of Virginia to give me
his opinion of the resolution of February 20, 1952. Enclosed you will find a copy
of the Attorney General's Opinion.
You are respectfully requested to lay this letter before the Board of
County Supervisors at its next meeting.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) C. H. Morrissett
State Tax Commissioner"
"Mr. C. H. Morrissett
State Tax Commissioner
Richmond, Virginia
My dear Mr. Morrissett:
I am in receipt of your l~t%er of April 8, from which I quote as follows:
"The Board of County SuperviSors of Albemarle, at a regular meeting
on February 20, 1952, adopted the following resolution:
WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Board that all.other means of
the collection of delinquent State and local taxes should be used
prior to the use of processes of garnishment of salaries and levy
on bank accounts:
NOlq, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Director of Finance be
and he is hereby directed to furnish to this Board, or a Committee
thereof appointed by the Chairman, a list of delinquent taxpayers
against whom such processes are proposed to be used.
BE IT FURTH~tRESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded
to Mr. C. H. Morrissett, State Tax Commissioner.
A certified copy of this resolution is attached."
The County of Albemarle is operating under the County E~ecutive form of
government. Chapter II of Title 15 of the Code of Virginia is entitled "County
Executive and County~tanager Forms of Government., Section 15-288 relates to the
Department of Finance and sets. out the duties of the Director of Finance. Paragraph
(e) of Section 15~-9288 contains the following pertinent sentence:
~The director of finance shall also exercise all the powers conferred and
perform all the duties imposed by general law upon county .treazurers, and shall
subject to all obligations and penalties imposed by general law.'
County treasurers, as you know, are governed by the statutes of this State.
They are heavily charged with specific duties; among them being the collection of
certain State and local taxes. Below I quote Section 58-965 of the Code of Virginia:
'The Treasurer, after the fifth day of December, shall ea!l upon each per-
son chargeable with taxes and levies who has not paid the sameprior %o that time,
or upon the agent, if any, of such person resident within the county or corpora%ion
for payment thereof; and upon failure or ref~al of such person or agent to pay the
same he shall proceed to collect them by distress or otherwise. Should it come to
the knowledge of the treasurer that any such person or persons owing such taxes or
levies is moving or contemplates moving from the county or corporation prior %o ~he
fifth day of December, he shall have power to collect same by distress or otherwise
at any time after such bills shall have come into his hands.'
Apparently, the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Albemarle is
attempting to require the Director of Finance of the county to furnish to the Board,
or to a committee therof appointed by the chai~ a list of delinquent taxpayers
against whom legal processes are proposed to be used as a means of collecting delin-
quent State and local taxes. It appears that the Board of County Supervisors intends
to say to the Director of Finance in the performance of his state ~uties just how the
Director of Finance is to perform his State duties in the matter of collecting State
I further understand from your letter that you interpreted the resolutions;
of the Board as indicating an intention on its part to instruct the Director of Finance
as to against whom he is to proceed in discharging the mandatory duty imposed upon him
by Section 58-965 of the Code.
You ask for my 'opinion on the validity of the attached resolution, especially
with respect to its reference to the collection of State taxes.
If your interpretation of the resolution is correct, I am of the opinion that
the Board of Supervisors would be exceeding itwpowerbyattemptingto control the
Director of Finance as to what taxpayers he shall and what taxpayers he shall not Pro-
ceed against in the collection of State taxes. The-duties of the Director of Finance
are prescribed by the quoted section and upon the failure or refusal of the taxpayer to
pay h~ State taxes the Director is required to proceed to collect them by distress or
otherwise, imdependent of directions from the Board of Supex~¢isors.
With best wishes, I am,
Very sincerely yours,
(Signed) J. Lindsay Almond, Jr.
Attorney General"
This matter was discussed at length and it was the expressed feeling of Mr. Williams and Mr. Bain that
the resolution referred te in the above letter was not adopted with the intent of hindering tax cotlec-
Mr. Robinson read to the Board the thir~ letter which was sent out regarding the intent to
garnishee last year and was instructed to proceed with the same letter this year. A list of delinquent
State Income taxpayers was submitted to the Board and Mr. Williams and Mr. Bain stated that they would
contact everyone they knew on said list in an effort to collect the unpaid taxes.
Communication was received from Mr. Harry Michael, Attorney for the Rivanna Rifle Club, re-
questing that in the event of any i~urther proposals to the Beard concerning the use ef rifles, er
otherwise affecting hunting, that they be permitted te be present at any public discussion which is
Mr. Robinson presented to each member of the Board a copy of a form letter prePared by Col.
Henry B. Goodlee, Secretary ef the Electoral Beard, regarding a proposed reduction in the number ef
voting precincts in the County.
Communication was received from Mrs. Paul Raulet of the League ef Women Voters explaining
House Bills 577 and 33 regarding central registration.
Communication was received from the League of Virginia Counties enclosing a questionnaire in
two parts; the first part dealing with school bend issues, and the second part with Social Security for
county officials and employees. Mr. Robinson was authorized to complete this questionairre.
Communications were received from the State Chamber of Commerce and ordered filed.
Communications were received fromFred C. Kimbo.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith, the following resolution was unani-
mously adopted.'
BE IT RESOLVED by the Boar~ ef County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
that $36,000.00 be and is hereby appropriated te cover the cost of land purchase for the
Crozet Sanitary District ef the Farrish, WaylarA and Gentry properties.
Upon motion, made by ~r. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $10,000.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated
Reserve of the Gener~lFund te cover the County's sha~e of the cost of the General
Stores building te be constructed adjacent to the Repair Shop at the Central High
The fern which Mr. Robinson prepared for the Sheriff's Office and p~esented to the Sheriff's
Commit%ce was presented and Mr. WillAams, Chairman ef the Cemmit~tee., advised that he had gene over this
form with Sheriff Cook and had been advised by him that this form was acceptable.
~he matter ef bonds of Special Police was again discussed and Mr. Robinson Was instructed te
determine from the American Motorist Insurance Company if the members of the Special Police would have
to come to the Clerk's Office to sign another bond if same is placed with this company.
Communication was received from Mr. Gene Weed in which he advised that he had completed
cutting up all junk en his property and had only four wrecked cars in the open. He also stated that
he had built and painted the fence around his property. The Board took ne further action on this matte
Claims against the County amounting to $236,947.19 were presented, examined, and allowed and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fun~
Crozet Fire District Fund
Joint Health Department Fund
School Construction Bond Fund
Albemarle Central Hi'gh Construction Fund
McIntire ~kmst Fund
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
$ 23,691.49
10. O!
~' 4.601.89