HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-09-26 An adjourned meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at ?:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the Comnty Office 'Building, Charlottesville, Virginia on Septem- ber 26, 1952, with the following members present: Messrs. C. P~rcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby narrisl, Edward L. Smith, J. W. Williams and W. W. Wood. The meeting open~dtwith the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. Eo H. Bain. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith, the minutes of the adjourned meeting of September 17, 195~, were corrected to read as follows: Mr. D. A. Robinson was called upon to explain what appeared to be an un- authorized increase in the salary of Mr. W. S. Werkheiser, a County employee. This matter was investigated and discussed at length by the Board. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Main, the matter was dismissed. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, the meeting adjourned until 7:00 P.M., September 26, 1952. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that there were several problems with which he was faced in making the cedar rust assessment and requested the Board or a committee from the Board to assist him in this matter. Mr. E. H. Bain and Mr. C. Purcell McCue were designated to serve on this committeS. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that Willie Smith, one of the janitors in the County Building, broke his leg while working for the County and recommended that his salary and medical expenses be paid while he was off from work. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Bain, it was ordered that Willie Smith's salary be continued and that medical expenses incurred during his illness be paid by the County.~ As a result of a meeting of this Board with the City Council on Septemb~er 25, 1952, the fo!loW~ ing resolution was unanimously adopted on motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by'Mr. Wood~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Joint Airport Committee be authorized to proceed with the con- struction of the airport and that they instruct the engineers to complete the grading plans and let the same for bids by January 1, 1953, or sooner if possible, provided, however, that the committman%s of Specialties, Inc. with regards te this project has not changed as set forth ia letters dated September 6, 1951 and Septem- ber 13, 1951, and presented at this meeting. Mr. Robinson called the Board's attention to the fact that this Board had net yet reques~ the State Compensation Board to participate in the increases in the Department of Finance, the Sheriff~'s Office and the Clerk's Office which became effective on July 1, 1952. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the following salary adjustments of certain County O~ficers and employees of the Department of Finance have been approved by this Board and incor- porated in the County's 1952-53 budget, effective July 1, 1952, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that the Compensation Board of the State of Virginia be, and is hereby requested to approve these salary increases and to participate in its pro- portionate share of same retroactive to July 1, 1952: Amt. previously apt Name and Position -roved b-~ C_om . Bd, ~ob~rt c. Sours-Asst. to D.F. $3,840.00 Samuel S. Clark - Chief Assessor 4,680.00 June T. Via - Clerk 2,880100 Virginia Hicks Cassidy - Bookkeeper 2,220.00 Marjorie K. Johnson - Clerk 2,100.00 Mary Alice Eynch - Clerk 1,740.00 Ozella Hicks - Clerk (Replacing C.Wood) 2,100.00 Pansy MeClannahan - Cl~rk (" M.Pace) 1,800.00 Amt. approved in A~nual j!952-53 B~d~et _ Increas.2e $4,000.00 $160.00 4,800.00 120.00 3,000.00 120.00 2,340. O0 120.00 2,280. O0 180.00 1,860.00 120.O0 2,100. OO -0- 1,800 o 00 -0- WHEREAS, the following salary adjustments of certain County Officers and employees of the Sheriff ge Office have been approved by this Board and incorporated in the County's 1952-53 budget, effective July 1, 1952, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that the Compensation Board of the State of Virginia, be and is hereby, requested.to approve these salary increases and tooparticipa%e in its pro- portionate share of same retroactive to July 1, 1952: Name and Position James W. Cobbs, Deputy Sheriff Earl H. Davis, Deputy Sheriff T. M. Whitten, Deputy Sheriff (Replacing Ross H. Butler) Lewis B. Johnson, Deputy Sheriff Amt. previously ap- oroved by Comp,. Bd. $2,60o;0o - 2,600.00 Amt. approved in $2,700.00 2,700.00 Annual Increase $1oo.oo 100.00 2,600. O0 2,700. O0 100. O0 2,100.00 2,200. O0 100. O0 WHERFAS, the following salary adjustments of certain County Officers and employees of the Clerk's Office have been approved by this Board and inCorporated in the County's 1952-53 budget, effective July 1, 1952, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marlo County, Virginia, that the Compensation Board of the State of Virginia be, and is hereby, requested to approve these salary~ncreases and to participate in its pro- portionate share of same retroactive to July 1, 1952: Name and Position Eva W. Maupin, Clerk W. L. Maupin, Deputy Clerk Helen Humbert, Deputy Clerk Nancy B. Harris, Typist (Replacing Paige VanBuren) Amt. previously ap- Rroved b.v Como. Bd. $5,500.00 -- 2,880.00 2,100.00 Amt. approved in Annual 1.952.-53 B~dget Increase $ ,7 0.oo 3,000. O0 120.00 2,280.00 180.00 1,860.00 2,t00.00 240.00 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman