HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-10-15 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of October, 1952.
and W. W. Wood.
Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith, J. W. Wi!lia~
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The minutes ef the meetings of September 17, 1952 ~nd September 26, 1952, were read and ap-
The meeting opened with the Lord's prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain.
Claim of Mr. W. E. Buford for one pig killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. J. S. Barney for eleven turkeys killed by
dogs. Upon motion, made By Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Barney was allowed $2.55 for each
of 'these turkeys.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. J. S. Barney for ~wenty turkeys killed by
dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Weed, Mr. Barney was allowed $2.50 for each
of these turkeys.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. J. S. Barney for twenty-three turkey, s
each of these turkeys.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund for one pig killed by dogs was received from Mr. Lewis 0ary.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Cary was allowed $10~00 for this pig.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund for two lambs killed by dogs was received from Mr. H. V. Harold
Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Herold was allowed $25~.00 for one lamb
and the other was disallowed on the basis of insufficient information.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Jack Clark for four ewes killed by dogs.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Clark was allowed $100.00 for these ewes.
Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Engineer, pre~ented the following Viewers' Report, which was ac-
cepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia, on motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wood:
We, the ~ndersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
on September 17, 1952, to view the following described section of road and make
report to your Board hereby wish to advise that on September 24, 1952, we did view
the following section of road and make report on same:
Beginning at the NCL of Charlottesville at its intersection with Locust Avenue,
extending te the north following the present street for .24 of a mile, thence turn
approximately 90° to the eash following the same existing street for .08 of a mile,
thence again turning approximately 90e to the south following existing street for
.08 of a .mile to dead end, making a total of .40 of a mile.
We find this section of road serving some 18 homes and 4 new homes under constr~ction
at this time.
In accordance with the policies of the Virginia Department of Highways covered in the
pamphlet "The Secondary System", on Page 7, this road being a subdivision as per Deed
Book 252, Page 286 (Locust Grove), should be brought us to the standards designated
in the said pamphlet before it could be accepted into the Secondary SyStem, therefore,
we cannot recommend to your Board that this xection of road be added to the State
Highway System.
We wish to call attention of your Board to the fact that a high power line tower is
located on this proposed right of way approximately .10 of a mile from its beginning
at corporate limits and extends 10 feet into same from the west side.
Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. BE~ord was allowed $10.00 for this pig.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund for four ewes killed by dogs was received from Mr. T. L.
AleEander. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Harris. Mr. Alexander was allowed $60.00
for these ewes.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. W. N. Hanckel for three lambs killed by
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Harris, Mr. Hanckel was allowed $67.00 for these
Mr. Shields was asked to investigate the location of the power line tower on this requested
addition and to report back to the Board. After a lengthy discussion of this matter, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Smith:
WHEREAS, the property owners fronting on Locust Avenue Extended duly filed
their petition requesting that .40 mile of road in Albemarle County, Virginia, lying
J~ist north of the corporate limits of Charlottesville, Virginia, be Lncluded in the
State Highway Secondary System; that Viewers were appointed on September 17, 1952 by
this Board to view the said road; that a view was taken on September 24, 1952 and a
report submitted to this Boar~ at its regular meeting on October 15, 1952; that the
Viewers reported that said road was a part of a subdivision and did not meet tho
present standards to be accepted into the State Highway Secondary System and that an
electric transmission line tower extends approximately 10 feet on to the right of way
on the west side at a point .10 mile north of the corporate limits of the City of Char-
lottesville and that the said road is serving 18 homes with 4 new homes under con-
struction; and,
WHEREAS, the land adjoining said road was subdivided in 1941 as shown on a
plat recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County in D. B.
252, p. 286, and the said 50 foot road was dedicated to the public use as shown on at-
tached overlay; and,
WHEREAS, in the case of existing subdivisions developed or partially developed
with occupied residences as of July 1, 1949, the State Highway Commissioner will con-
sider reasonable modifications of present standards for accepting subdivision streets
into the Secondary System, if there are extenuating circumstances or conditions; and,
WHEREAS, this existing subdivision was partially developed with numerous oc-
cupies .residents prior to July 1, 1949 and it is the considered opinion of this Board
that there are extenuating circumstances and conditions which warrant the granting of
reasonable modifications to the present regulations governing acceptance of such streets
into the Secondary System; and,
WHEREAS, an electric transmission line tower of the Virginia Electric and
Power Company extends approximately 10 feet on to the dedicated 50 foot right of
way, nevertheless, there remains 40 feet of unobstructed right of way; and
WHEREAS, the said road does not meet the other present subdivision sub-
division standards, but in order to provide the petitioners with a serviceable road
during the winter months of the year, it is recommended that the said street be road-
machined and approEimately 2 inches of crushed stone added for stabilization, which
will place it in condition to be reasonably maintained; that the said petitioners have
signed an agreement to furnish $400.00 of stone for stabilization, which amount was
estimated by the State Highway Resident Engineer, and this Board guarantees to the
Highway Department the payment and delivery of said s~one; that this Board at its
regular meeting on September 17, 1952 requested the Highway Department to transfer
the necessary-funds in the 1952-53 Albemarle ~econdaz~B~dget~.~o.?cover-~the~.¢osts.:of
~,road-maehi~g.aud~Spreading of stone-for stabilization of this road and it is estimated
by the State Highway Resident Engineer that the cost of this will amount to approximately
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by .the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the State Highway Department be and it is hereby requested to
take into the ~econdary System .40 mile of road above described.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the State
Highway Commission.
Mr. Williams requewted that Mr. Shields advise the 'Planning Commission when the line is estab-
lished on the Charlottesville By-Pass and Mr. Shields stated that he would do so.
A group of citizens appeared and a petition was presented requesting that Route 768 (Pen Park
Road) be hard surfaced for a distance of one-half mile. Mr. Shields advised that this road is in a low
bracket in traffic counts and that until the traffic increases it could not be macadamized. He further
advised that the Highway Department would maintain and stabilize this road.
Communication was received from the State Department of Highways advising that the Sixth Annual
Highway Conference would be held at V.M.I. in Lexington, Virginia, on November 5, 6, and 7, 1952.
Communication was received from the State Highway Department advising that a residency office
was being constructed and that said Department would vacate the offices in the County Office Building
rented from this Board about December 1, 1952.
Request was received from_ improvement to Route 745. Mr. Shields advised tha~ his maintenance
man had been requested to put stone on this road as soon as pos~ib~b~-a~_d that it would be widened next
Report of the County Executive for the month of September, 1952, was presented and approved.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement ef Expenses of the Department
Finance for the month of September, 1952, one-.~daird of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's
Office for the month of September, 1952-, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Office of th~
Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of September, 1952, one-half of which to be borne by the State.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail for the month of Septem-~
bet, a~nE with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and secondedl,
th~s Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $7.00 was presented and
approved for payment.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of September, 1952, were presented
in accordance with Section 3071 of the 1950 Acts of the General Assembly.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1,877.40 for hospitalization of
indigents patients from Albemarle County, one-half of which is due by the County, was presented and ap-
proved for payment.
Mr. Wright Harrison and Mrs. Hench appeared on behalf of the Community Chest and requested tha~
the County appropriate $1500.00, the amount of last year's contribution, to the Chest. This matter was
discussed at length and a motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Smith ,to appropriat~ the requested
$1500.00 carried the following vote: Ayes - E. H. Bain and Edward L. Smith. Noes - W. W. Woo~, J. W.
Williams and H. Ashby Harris. It was the expressed fe~ling of those voting againt this appropriation
tha~ the Board wholeheartedly endorses and will support the Community Ches~ personally; however, as a matte~
cf principle, that tax money should not be used for such since many of the .people/being forced to give
without their knowledge and many of the same people will be solicited again.
Contract was received from the University of Virginia Hospital for care of indigent patients
~tuder the State-Decal Hospitalization Plan, and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr.
Wood, the following resolution was unani_mously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the agreement for care under the State-Local Hospitalization Plan
be executed by Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, on-behalf of the Board for
was received from the Department of Agriculture and Immigration, Division of Markets, and was ordered
filed. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams it was ordered that the contract wit~
the Division of Markets be renewed for the coming year at the rate of $135.00.
Mr. Walter Smith, Attorney, and Mr. Allan Spitzer, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the local
Amvets which have sponsored a County Fair for the last several years and requested that the County licen~
tax on carnivals operating in conjunction with said fair be rebated for the current year and that future
license taxes be waived. This matter was discussed at length~ Upon motion, made by Mr. J. W. Williams
.and seconded by Mr. W. W. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that this Board hereby endorses the idea of a County Agricultural Fair
in general and as a matter of policy is willing to assist in its promotion by pro-
viding prizes for worthwhile agricultural and home economics exhibits in any such
fair as determined by a committee of judges from the county citizenry and officials
and the Chairman &s hereby authorized to name a committee to formulate details for
carrying out this policy.
The Chairman appointed the following to serve on said committee: Mr. E. H. Bain, Mr. H. Ashby
Harris, and Mr. W. W. Wood, with Mr. D. A. Robinson, Mr. T. O. Scott, and Mrs. Ruth Burruss Huff as ex-
officio members.
The following budgets were received and upon motion, of Mr. Bain and seconded byMr. Smith,
were approved:
Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for Prior Years, Budget for Year 1952-53,
and Statement of Total Estimated Revenue and ExpenditUres for the Project.
State-Vocational Capital Outlay Funds
State-Agric. Equipment Funds
Local Revenue-Spec. Capital Outlay Levy
Transfer from School Operating Fund
Temporary Loan from General Fund
Prior 1952-53 Total
Years B~get .....
$276,606.82 $ 256,201.87 $ 532,808.69
35,000.00 35,000.00
3,211.03 3,211.03
345,946.79 165,750.00 511,696.79
66~,868.37 664,868.37
25,000.00 ~ 25,000.00
251.701.05' ......
902,465.69 1,121,820.24 1,772,584.88
Architects Fees
Equipment and Fixtures
Water Pipe Line and Facilities
Improvement to Sites
New Buildings
Clerk of Works
Payment of Temp. Loan To General F~nd
339.25 300.00 639.25
58,155.79 9,652.21 67,808.00
3,211.03 171,788.97 175,000.00
41,818.91 7,681.09 49,500.00
520.00 194,372.35 194,892.35
793,9 54.T1 482,205.17 1,276,159.88
4,466.00 4,119.40 8,585.40
1,121,820.24 1,772,584.88
(One-half Cost of Jackson P. Burley School)
Statement of Revenue and Expenditure~ for Prior Years, Budget for Year 1952-53, and
Statement of Total Estimated Revenue and Expenditures for the Project.
Cash-Brought forward from prior year*
Sale of Bonds
State Funds-For Voc. Equipment
Transfer to School Operating Fund - amt.
of Int. &Prem on Bond Issue
Architects F~es
Legal Services
Furniture and Fixtures
New Buildings
Improvements to Sites
Balance of Cash Carried Forward*
Prior 1952-53
Years B._ud~et Tota= 1
900.41 900.41
238.99 238.99
3,997.47 1,400.00 5,397.47
944.17 944.17
59,717.10 9,000.00 68,717.10
380,050.78 749.99 380,800.77
27.328.79 44.201.~_. 71.530.50
473,177.71 $$,351.70 528,529.41'*
500,900.41 500,900.41
27,629.00 ~
528,529.41 55,3~!. 70* 528,529.41'*
Statemen% of Estimated Revenue and Expenditures for the Fisca~l Year 1952-53.
Cash: Transferred from School Operating Fund
Cash: Transferre~ from General Fund
1952- 55 Bud. get
,~10,000. O0
Architect and Engimeering Fees
Equipment and Fixtures
New Building
$ 75.00
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted the following request for salaries and ex-
penses for the year ending December 31, 1953, to be approved by this Board and forwarded to the State
Compensation Board:
Name Position
D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance
Robert C. Sours, Asst. to Dir. of Finance
Samuel S. Clark, EhiefAssessor
June T. Via, Clerk
Virginia H. Cassidy, Bookkeeper
Marjorie K.-Johnson, Clerk
Mary Alice Lynch, Clerk
M. Ozella Hicks, Clerk
Pansy McClannahan, Clerk
Extra Help
Total Salaries
Allowance Request For Increase
for 1952 195~ ~ (Decrease)
$ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ -0-
4,000.00 4',000.00 -0-
4,800~00 4,800.00 -0-
3,000. O0 3,000. O0 -0-
2,340. O0 2,340 · O0 -0-
2,280. O0 2,280.00 -0-
1,860.00 1,860. O0 -0-
2,100,00 2,100. O0 -0-
1,800.00 1,800.00 -0-
3,600.00 3,600.00 -0-
1.800.00 . 1,800.~0 -0-
J$,580.00 36,580.00 -0-
Other Expenses of Office
D. A. Robinson, Premium on Bond
Blanket Bond on above named emploYees
Burglary, Money & Messenger Robbery Ins,
TelePhone Telegraph and Postage
Stationery, Office Supplies & Printed Forms
Mileage for Director of Finance and Assessors
Service Contracts on Office Equipment
Total Other Expenses
3,993.75 -0- (3,993.75)
800.co -o- (8oo.oo)
180.48 -0- (180.48)
1,500.00 1,800.00 300.00
1,000.00 2,000.00 !,000.00
1,000.00 1,000.00 -0-
,,, 5oo.o o_o -o_=
8,974.23 5,300.00 (3,674.23)
Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unani
mous!y adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle CouSty,
Virginia, .that the above Salary and Expense Request Form for the calendar year 1953,
~s prepared by D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, for the Department of Finance,
be and is hereby approved.
Mr. W. S. Cook, Sheriff, appeared and requested increases for Deputies in his office to be
effective January I, 1953. Upon motion, made byMr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Bain, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the following salary increases for certain County officers and
employees of the Sheriff's Office were requested by Mr. W. S. Cook, Sheriff, to
become effective January t, 1953:
Name and
W. S. Cook, Sheriff
P.-M. Elliott, Deputy Sheriff and Jailor
T.'W. Wolfe, Deputy Sheriff
C~ R. Marshall, Deputy Sheriff
J. W. Cohbs, Deputy Sheriff
T. N."Whitten, Deputy Sheriff
E. H. Davis, Deputy Sheriff
Fulton,Thomas, Depty. Sheriff and Asst. Jailor
Lewis B. Johnson, Deputy Sheriff
Frederick Lee Frazier, Deputy Sheriff
Amt. Approved in Amt~ Requested Increase
~.952-53.Bud~et by Sheriff _ _(Decrease~
$ 4,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 500.00
2,400.00 2,700.00 300.00
2,920.00 -0- (2,920.00)
2,920.00 3,220.00 300100
2,700.00 3~000.00 300.00
2,700,00 3,000.00 300.00
2,700.00 3,~00.00 300.00
2,100.00 2,220.00 120.00
2,200.00 2,500.00 300..00
-0= _. 2820.0._ 0
$24,640.00 826,960.00 $2,320.00
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that the above salary increases for the calendar year 1953
be ~nd are hereby approved.
Communication was received from the League of Virginia Counties advising that the 18th Annual
Communication was received from the State Department of Welfare and Institutions advising that
a District Conference of Local Welfare Board Members would be held October 29, 1952, in the County
Office Building, Charlottesville.
Communication was received from the Local Chamber of Commerce advising that the Thirty-Eighth
Annual Meeting of the Chamber would be held on October 23, 1952 ~t 7:00 P.M. in the Virginia Room o2 ~he
MonticelloHotel and also enclosing ballot containing the names of those nominated for directors by the
nominating committee. Upon motion, made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Wood, M=. Robinson was author-
izod to complete this ballot for the Board.
Communication was received from Mr. W. H. Daughtrey, Associate Director of the V.P.I. EEtensioz
Service, regarding an additional Assistant County Agent for Albemarle County and was ordered filed.
Communication was received from Mr. Colgate W. Darden, Jr., enclosing letter from Mr. Rea G.
Houchens, Chief of Traffic Control Division at the University, requesting that since the City of Charlot-
'tesville assesses a fine of only $1.00 for parking violations, that the University adopt the same course
Action on this matter was deferred awaiting resolution from the Board of Visitors.
Mr. D. A. Robinson advised that in accordance with action of the City Council of September 25,
1952, and action of this Board of September 26, 1952, Mr. Tebell, Chairman of the Joint Airport Committe,
had contacted Specialties, Inc. regarding re-assertion of its intentions relative to plans for use of
facilities at the proposed Joint Airport. He presented a letter from Specialties, Inc., dated October
1952, which gave re-assurance as to its intent to activate its facility near the joint airport site in
Albemarle County as set forth in previous letters addressed to the Council and County Board of Super-
visors. A motion, by Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wo~d, that re-assertion of intentions bySpecialties,
Inc, be accepted and that this Board authorize the Joint Airport Committee to proceed with the Construe-
tion of the airport in accordance with resolution adopted at the meeting of September 2'6, 1952, provided
however, that the City Council concurs in such action, was unanimously adopted. It was ordered also tha
the following letter be spread upon the minutes.
Skunks Misery Road
Syosset, L. I., Nv Y.
6 October 1952
Mr. Gus K. Tebell
Memorial Gymnasium
University Station
Charlottes Ville, Virginia
Dear Mr. Tebell:
This letter is addressed to you as Chairman of the Joint Airport Committee
of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and the City Council of Charlottesville
at the telephone request of John S. Battle, Jr., Counsel for the City of Charlottes-
ville. Two copies are attached for the files of the administrative heads of the two
governing bodies ko which your Committee answers.
Under date of 6 September 1951 I wrote your predecessor, as Chairman of the
Joint Airport Committee, specifically committing Specialties to a construction program,
at the airport site, in event that project moved forward within a reasonable period of
time. This is to advise you that our basic intent has not changed in spite of the
major dislocation of our plans and the very appreciable additional expenses that we
have been occasioned by the long delay in finalizing the initia~ commitment for actual
airport construction.
The Defense Production Authority Construction and Capital Equipment Loan,
arranged under our Certificate of Essentiality, was originally set up to ben,consummated
by 17 April 1952. Since this loan was contingent upon adequate assurance of the plant
being constructed adjacent to an ample airport facility, the delays in your project
forced the extension of this loan authorization expiration date to 17 J,mne 1952, and
finally to 17 August 1952. When this last date passed without any definitive action
towards actual construction of the airport, the DPA authorities failed to extend the
loan authorization further~
This means that our construction at the airport site will be piece-meal in-
stead of done in on full swoop. While this is temporarily disadvantageous from the
standpoint of tax returns to the County of Albemarle, we believe that it is more than
offset by the fact that our build up of personnel will be so much slower that there will
be no possible conflict with your already existing businesses and industries.
Although we are still very much in the initial training phase of our program
at Charlottesville, we already have a payroll of $200,000.00 per year and have moved
into the county and city all of the machinery and equipment requisite to s~pport a
payroll of this magnitude. Ail of these capital assets will be moved to the a~rport
site, and more added, as soon as we complete our initial construction. This will be
We cannot complete plans for our ~wn initial construction at the airport
site until we have some specific advice from your Committee. We would appreciate
your advising us, at the earliest practicable date, on the following points:
a. The finished grades for the airport and the drainage arrangements
therefor as laid out by your engineer and approved by CAA.
Whether your Committee is agreeable to exchanging the two little
triangles of land as proposed in my letter to you of 14 July, 1952.
It appears to us that all parties concerned have everything to win
and nothing to lose by such an exchange, if nothing more is accom-
plished than to take out the extreme irregularities that now exist
in our common boundary line at that point.
Confirmation of the verbal indication that your Committee has no
objection to Specialties removing soil, from the ungraded restricted
area paralleling the runway, if ~ome additional fill proved requisite
for the building project of our property. Specialties would naturally
defray all expenses of moving the material on to its own property and
to be responsible for leaving any area in which it may work in a
reasonably uniformly graded condition. Such grading would enhance
the safety factor for that area of the airport.
We ~ave not had confirmation of our request for permission to have a
small pond overlap the eastern boundary of our property onto your re-
stricted area. The pond is projected for the purpose of drainage con-
trol and would not interfere with any existing, or projected, roads.
Since no structures may be raised in the restricted area, we see no
possible objection to this but we certainly are not going to proceed
on the basis of assumptions however reqsonable they may be.
In event the foregoing does not give your Committee all the information it
desires, in order to make prompt undertaking of actual construction definitive, the
writer will gladly meet with them at any mutually convenient time and place.
I2 all, or any portion, of your Committee feel that a visit to our two
leased facilities would be helpful to their deliberations, we will be glad to arrange
it on receipt of their full names and assurance that they are U. S. citizens. It will
take about one week to get the clearance required by the security regulations governing
our classified work for the Armed Services.
As you know, the long delay in the planning in the initial construction of
this airport has cost us a great deal of money by forcing us to rent, rehabilitate and
equip 16,000 sq. ft., on a temporary basis, for our training program. It is going to
cost us more money to dismantle all of this equipment, remove it to our buildings at
the airport site and re-install it. Every dollar we spend on our temporary quarters
means that much less we have available to spend on our psrmanent facilities at the air-
port site. Your Committee can help us minimize this further ~nproductive expense by
giving us prompt answers to the foregoing questions. Such cooperation will be g~eatly
(Si~ed) Stephan A. McClellan
Communication was received from the Red Hill School P. T. A. expressing appreciation for the
new sign fo~ the school and the paved road to the school.
A request was received from Mr. E. C. Wingfield, Attorney, requesting that he be allowed to
rent the offices being vacated by the Highway Department in the County Office Bldg. in place of the rooms
which he now occupies in the building. It was the expressed feeling of this Board that this arrangement
would be satisfactory.
Communications were received from Fred C. Kimbo.
The offer of M. S. Crawford, previously received by this Board, for 3.25 acres, 2.0 acres,
3.0 acres and 11.75 acres of real estate, all in the vicinity of Alberene, Virginia, of $500.00 was aga
presented to the Board and was accepted. (~ ~r~J~ ~~, ~ ~
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, presented the Public Service Assessments for the year
1952 as prepared by the State Corporation Commission, which assessments were accepted.
Mr. Robinson requested that the Board reimburse the field assessors who attented the annual
meeting of the Commissioners of Revenue in Richmond for their time and expenses. Upon motion, made by
Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that these assessors be reimbursed for their time and
expenseE. It was also the expressed feeling of the Board that all field assessors be requested to meet
with this Board before January 1, 1953.
Claims against the County amounting to $162,520.17 were presented, examined, and allowed, and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Fund
Crozet Fire Fund ~
Crozet Sanitary District Fnnd
Joint Health Fund
Mc~ntire Trust Fund
School Construction Bond Fund
Albemarle Central High 8~ho'ol Construction Fund
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account
$ 23,798.61
986.70 ·
2O .67
Commonwealth of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Account 29.8~_
Total $162,520.17
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
November 3, 1952.
Pursuant to the following waiver, the members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, met in special session on this date at the City Hall with the following members prese~
Mr. J.
Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. H. Bain, H. Ashby Harris, Edward L. Smith and W. W. Wood. Absent:
We, the undersigned, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held
at 1:30 P.M. on the 3rd day of November, 1952, in the City Hall, Charlottesville, Vir-
ginia, for the purpose of discussing the Joint Airport, and we do hereby consent to the
transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon
the matter hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident, and necessary thereto.
~~~urce!l Nc~ Cue
, .
E. H. Bain
W. W. Wood
The matter of grading the Joint M%~n*cipal Airport was presented by the Joint Airpo~ Committee
to the City Council and The County Board of Supervisors jointly assembled and after full discussion, upo
motion byMr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Bain, it was unanimously resolved that the Joint Airport Committee
be authorized to proceed with the grading of the main strip to the required 6400 feet, even if CA~
participates only to the present commitment of ~100 feet, and that the engineer be directed to proceed
accordingly with the necessary pl~ns.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.